Blackmagic ATEM Mini PRO | Everything you should know!

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black magic have just had their live production and camera update announcement and boy did they announce some upgrades and some new features and some new hardware as well we're gonna go through it all in this video this update was very much centered towards the Blackmagic 8m mini but also the Blackmagic pocket Cinema cameras both the 4k and the 6k in the stream they actually said that when they released the 8m mini they were surprised at how many people were using Blackmagic pocket Cinema cameras in that workflow with the a10 mini they kind of when they were designing the a10 mini expected it to be more consumer cameras like the Canon handycam sony handycams and things like that and for that reason what they've done is they've unlocked a whole host of new features for if you are using an a-10 mini and Blackmagic pocket Cinema cameras together so the first announcement we had was that the pocket cinema cameras are getting a software update that unlocks a whole host of things for this use case it's similar to like black magic has in there higher grade cameras that have a studio mode studio mode now is coming to the pocket cinema cameras and what does that give you well over the HDMI this is the amazing thing because in those bigger cameras it all has to be done for an SDI return which is separate to the SDI video signal that you give a switcher but in the a 10 minute it's all done through one cable which is of course is your HDMI cable you get tali both preview and program so green and red lights you also get camera control so you get your it's the same CC you that you're used to so you can adjust things like iris ISO and you also get the color grading within that camera control as well so you get a DaVinci color grading system in there as well you can change all the tints Y RGB everything all through that one cable to each camera if I was working with the presenter tally lights incredibly useful so that they know which camera to look into but the key thing for me is like a one-man show is that I can set up from my laptop using those camera control to now color match and grade each shot so you get your camera roll your tally and your color correction because of course you've got your da Vinci primary color corrector for each camera so you can adjust each camera individually and the good thing that they mentioned in the livestream is that unlike the bigger cameras when you make changes using the software it usually locks you out it doesn't so if you still have operators they can make changes physically on the camera and then any changes you make on the software will override that now the second thing that they announced in this new software update for the Blackmagic pocket Cinema cameras was to do with recording and this is exciting to do with another feature which they announced in the ATM mini when you're in Studio mode on the Blackmagic pocket Cinema cameras you can still record Blackmagic Raw 4k so even though you're doing a mix on the 8m Mini at 1080p your recording will still be number one Blackmagic raw so all your color correction that you're doing for your mix for the a 10 minute for your livestream let's say it doesn't matter because then you've got your full Blackmagic RAW files which you can take it to an editor and redo all the color correction so you can have a totally different look to them to the feed that you had going to the ATM mini because it's a raw file you've got all that data there to play with the other thing is of course it's a 4k Blackmagic raw file so even though your mix coming out of the ATM mini is 1080p you've still got those raw 4k files so that you can then like do a post edit which is in 4k so that's really exciting and in a later part I'll talk about the other feature that is tied into this to make recording with multiple cameras really easy now to get all this working you have to update both the software for your original 810 mini and also your pocket cinema cameras whether you've got the 4k or the 6k both of those software upgrades are completely free and they're available now I've done it I've downloaded both they're available on the Blackmagic support website and just go download it will then ask you to update both the 8m mini and the your cameras and then they can talk to each other you've got camera control tali color correction and of course this new studio mode which will allow you to record on the device while your also providing a feed to the ATM mini in black magic raw definitely go and do that if you've got these existing products but that isn't all that was announced in this livestream because they've also got a new hardware version of this I want to introduce a new model of a two mini and it's called a two mini Pro the 8m mini Pro yeah everyone's releasing Pro products right now but to be fair to Blackmagic unlike Apple with things like air pods pros which aren't pro at all this thing really is pro there's so many new features in it that it really feels like they've gone away they've seen how people are using the 8m mini they've listened to the feedback and then they've said we're gonna do everything that's been asked for and still at an incredibly low price point so let me go through with you what's new in the Blackmagic 8m mini pro firstly physically it looks almost identical all the ports on the back exactly the same on the mini Pro the only things that have actually changed and this is an original a 10 min so you can't see it but there's a few more buttons just on the side here and I'll explain what they do as we go through but physically it's the same size just a few more buttons on the front same ports on the back the first thing it has which I am stoked about like this is for me I hate using the word game-changer but I really do feel like this could change the game for a number of people who were looking at the ATM mini as a possibility and Navi Oh 10 mini Pro it's got a built-in live-streaming engine so it's got a hardware encoder so what that means is whereas software encoders they can be dodgey sometimes like i use obs a lot I'm lucky that I have the the new MacBook which is a very high powered machine so I don't tend to drop frames when I'm live-streaming but to livestream you think using a software encoder you've got to have a lot of power you've got to have a machine that's got quite a lot of beef in it and what black magic has done is they've taken that and they've put a hardware encoder inside the a-10 mini Pro and so the only thing that you actually need to do is give this thing Internet via the Ethernet port and then it can live stream from this device and that for me is is huge because it takes the hassle out and the equipment also of needing to livestream you've now got it all in one device you've got your production mixer and live streaming engine all in one device massive on the new a10 mini Pro you can actually connect via the ethernet to your computer and get both control and an internet connection into the ATM mini pro so it isn't just most people now with the ATM mini Pro we're gonna choose to use Ethernet over just the USBC connection and I'll explain why in a second because they've unlocked the USBC to allow you to do other things that might sound a little bit confusing by the way I've explained it in the demonstration it was quite interesting how grant did it he used a Mac that was getting internet signal from Wi-Fi and then used the inbuilt map tools to share that internet signal over the Ethernet so that the ethernet was delivering both the control with the ATM minute with the ATM mini software and an internet connection now they didn't specifically say that but I'm pretty sure the other thing that you could do and the way around this if you don't want to do that sort of janky internet sharing and if you wanted also everything to be hardwired so your your Mac haven't getting or a Mac or PC getting a hardwired internet connection and this getting in hardwired internet connection of course I think what you can do is just have everything through a network switch so you could plug in an Ethernet cable into the ATM mini plug that into a network switch plug your Mac into a network or Mac or PC into a network switch as well as long as that has internet connection so you've got a Rooter connected to the same Internet switch everything is on the same network everything's got an internet connection should all be fine they didn't demo that but I'm 99.9% sure that is how it works I'll reach out to bat black magic just to check though and if if that's not the case you'll know on screen now setting up a live stream with the ATM mini Pro looked remarkably easy and kudos to black magic they said that they wanted to just make it as seamless and easy for the end user as possible and you don't have to worry about software or drop frames or anything like that and certainly in the demo that they did they look to have done that they've created a new output tab you click that it then gives you currently the options to live stream on YouTube twitch or face book you can add additional custom rtmp feeds or settings and I'll talk about that in just a second but you would select the platform that you want and it then gives you an array of basically encoder settings and bitrate settings that you want but they make it in very simple easy language so it's their streaming profile so it's like streaming quality low streaming quality medium stream and Kali let's see hi and you're just going to select the one based on your bandwidth which is what you need to consider because everything else is very much handled by the a-10 mini so if you have great upload speed whack it on streaming higher as a profile and you should be fine and you've you've got a full up to 1080p 60 feed being live stream to those platforms without any drop frames as long as you've got stable enough internet to support that there's some other ones as well which will come on to in terms of these profiles which is hyper deck aluminum or higher as well and they didn't make it clear whether you could use those profiles to actually live stream with but because they're used later on in another feature that they've been released but they are showing up in that menu so it could be that you could use those profiles to stream and again it's taking up it's taking about higher bitrate so you're gonna need more bandwidth but the quality of your stream should look a lot better you then would input your stream key in there which you can get from your service provider so if it's YouTube they provide that stream key so to twitch and Facebook and then you click on air or you press the on air button or live button on the Blackmagic 8m mini and it starts pushing out a stream and it really is that simple for those that are kind of more technically inclined there's an XML file that you can download and edit you can then add custom rtmp endpoints custom bitrate settings you can basically create your own versions of these streaming profiles so you've got six there to choose from already from black magic but let's say you wanted to post or publish a live stream for example to Twitter or Twitter slash periscope that is an inbuilt already into the streaming profiles but you can create one of those and that's fine and you can select the bitrate and even the resolu and frame rates and things like that that you want to publish that livestream app when you hit that button so you can only publish it does look like you can only publish to one platform at once from this device it doesn't have it doesn't seem to have similar casting on multi casting abilities maybe you might be able to write that into the streaming profile I don't know I'm sure we'll find out when these things start shipping that will be a really interesting question to actually put to black magic where if in the streaming profile you could have two URLs and stream keys I don't know the final option that you have on here is the ability to show a status in the bottom of the ATM software control panel because obviously you're not gonna have this output panel open while you're doing a live show you're gonna have things like the transitions palette you're gonna have the media player palette and things like that but you want to keep an eye on your stream health so you can turn on the option to display the status it will put a little status bar on the bottom right hand corner of the ATM software control and just to give you the peace of mind that number one you are still live and then it's also got a caching signifier so what that does is if your internet goes down for a second the ATM mini will cache that video file and when it gets internet connection back up it will then push that cache file out so your viewers although there might be a break in lack of a pause or a freeze in the stream usually what happens is when the internet comes back on they've missed that section but what the black magic ATM mini does is it caches that section and then it will start pushing out the feed from there that's how I read it from what they were saying so you get a caching indicator to say how much of the cache is left so most of the time or hopefully if your stream is good it should just remain on okay and you can change it to a percentage value if you want but you want to see okay on there if you start seeing getting full or the percentage going up that means your internet connection probably isn't fast enough or there's been an issue with it for the stream that you're trying to do now the second huge feature that Blackmagic announced for the 8m mini pro is to do with recording when I record using my 8m mini currently at the moment what I do is I come out of the HDMI output and take that into a 7-inch Blackmagic video assist which has two SD card slots and I just use the SD cards to record a pro res but what Blackmagic have done is they put recording kind of built in to the 8m mini Pro now I say kind of built in because they've repurposed the USB C port on the back of this device so you can still use it as you are if you've got an ATM mini or as we're used to for the ATM mini users connect it up to your computer your computer will still see the a 10 minute as a web input if that's what you want to do but if you're using Ethernet for control that obviously frees up and your live streaming using the internal encoder that kind of frees up the USB C port so Blackmagic have been really clever here and said well how can we utilize that we can use that USB C port for recording so you can plug SSDs into the back of this you could plug mechanical hard drives because they're using h.264 for the recording so they're not heavy data rates so you can use mechanical hard drives you can also use thumb drives if you want you know USB C thumb drives all of those works all of those were demonstrated and what that will do is when you plug it in to the back of the 8 M mini Pro I said you've got a few new buttons we talked about the live one you also have one for recording as well one for stopping the recording and just above that a little status indicator it will be green if it detects a drive that it can use and say it's ready to record when you hit the record button it'll be red and then if it's running out of space it will start blinking red if you're using like our one terabyte SSD or hard drive you're going to be able to fit hours worth of footage onto that drive so those are really good for in those times when you are live-streaming let's say your internet did go down if you're using the record function simultaneous you've got a backup of that livestream you can then upload it to YouTube in terms of the codec that it's using it's h.264 with AAC I believe yet AAC audio codec so the great thing about that is you can literally take the file and put it straight on to YouTube you don't need to do any different Riaan coding or anything like that it's not a large or not gonna be a massive file size versus ProRes it's just gonna be exactly how youtube needs it it'll process nice and quick it'll be up on your YouTube before you know it the other very cool thing that was demoed with this was the ability to use multiple drives so Blackmagic showed a multi dock their Blackmagic multi dock with four SSDs in it and showed that those four SSDs all connected via one USBC cable to the a-10 mini all show up and available to use now you can only use two drives at once but all four we're showing up so what it means is you could record let's say to drive number one and say the second device is drive number two you have the ability to make a switch while you're recording so a great example of where you would use this is let's say you had an editor and something happened in your live stream you've got the recording you could click the switch button and it will switch from drive one to drive two you can then take that disk give it hand it to the editor he can make and do an edit with that and remember if you're using a multi doc you've got well now three but you can have up to four drives in there and in the Blackmagic a temp software control you can then select okay what I was using for recording in slot number one or device number one now use disc number three for that so you can mix and match the disks the other thing to say is you don't have to use a black magic multi doc for this there's other multi Doc's available as long as it all comes in over one USB C connection that's fine so something I'm pretty sure you can do is if you've got like this I can't unplug it but if you've got like a USB hub a USB C hub for example and what I mean by that is this one USB C connections and then it gives you let's say multiple USB a connect and you have them for your MacBook because you have to have them for your MacBook if you've got one of those in theory you could plug that into the back of the a-10 mini pro and then connect three mechanical hard drives three old-school hard drives three SSDs three thumb drives and those should all show up as well so loads of flexibility with recording for this as I say again it's h.264 and AAC for the audio so you're gonna be able to fit loads of footage on even smaller hard drives like 250 gig hard drives now the last thing I wanted to mention to do with live streaming and recording both of these in the software control panel have really nice user interfaces that tell you for the live streaming how long you've been on air that you are still on air etc for the recording it's a nice light graphic of how much memory you've got less left on each device and it shows you which devices are being used so Blackmagic have really thought about that in the software control panel and later on I'll show you where else they've thought about it's it's really clever what they've done now the two final and for me I love these features but two final features to do with recording that I want to talk about are if you also do own Blackmagic pocket Cinema cameras at work and you're gonna use them within that workflow for the new 8m mini pro and the first of that is timecode generator I did a video on my channel I can't believe this a couple of months ago about how to jam timecode into multiple Blackmagic pocket Cinema cameras and that's using like an audio signal to get all of my Blackmagic pocket Cinema cameras in sync on timecode for them to make it easier for me to do a multicam edit later on in DaVinci Resolve if you haven't seen that video I'll put the link in the description and it'll probably be on screen now but to be honest that's kind of redundant now with the Blackmagic 8em mini pro because they've built that feature in so there's now a tab called timecode generator and that will let you set either a time of day timecode and that will pull that from your computer's time of day or a preset time code and then it will push it out over the HDMI to all of the Blackmagic pocket Cinema 4k or 6k cameras that you have plugged into the 8m mini pro when you're doing a live stream and you're recording everything is timecode synced so you get those iso recordings after the the broadcast throw them all into DaVinci Resolve or any editor and you just say sync by timecode to a multicam clip there we go you can then start multicam editing they have made it so easy I will say black magic the only thing the only thing I would have loved you to add here is an EDL so what I mean by that is the ability to do a mix using the a-10 mini and then for the software to control to generate an EDL file so that I could drag all of my ISO recordings or grab all of my ISO recordings in full 4k into DaVinci Resolve but then throw that EDL file in there and all of my cuts and everything I did during the live broadcast are already applied to the footage because then I've got exactly the same thing that I did on the live stream in my editor and I can just then make tweaks rather than having to redo it all look that's a personal wish from me maybe it will come out in the future it's not that hard to do I believe it's not in the ATM any pro but maybe we'll see it in the future the final thing that they've done to make recording all your cameras really easy is they've just added an option that when you hit record on the a-10 mini pros buttons or in the software control it then sends a signal to all of your connected Blackmagic pocket Cinema cameras to also record as well so you don't have to worry about literally hitting record and all the cameras when you hit the record button on the ATM mini everything records your the USBC that you have connected here and up to 4 cameras as well all timecode sync the other thing to say about the timecode which is great is that the timecode doesn't just get sent to the cameras it also saves in any recordings that you're doing here - out of the USB so that same time code that say you're doing time of day will be in the ATM recording and all your cameras as well the only thing that I just want to say to Blackmagic personally that worries me about this new feature way of being able to hit one button and everything being recorded at once that part is great love that part black magic the only thing they showed though is when it does that on the cameras front tally lights all of them go orange and for me an orange light on a tally light could be misconstrued for the red live light and I could just see from watching the stream like to me they're too close in color and I don't want my presenters or even me to get confused actually which one's the stronger red which one should I be looking at I don't know if they can change the color or that color could be selectable on off or even customizable in color but that's my only worry with this feature love the feature just I think the tallies the way the tally works with it needs to maybe change the reason they've done that of course is for people like me one-man band we know just by looking that all of our cameras are recording because we can see that orange light now the other new buttons that you'll find on the 8mm mini Pro are the output of the HDMI output selection buttons so they're in this sort of section here and it allows you to hit the button and that will then change what comes out of the HDMI output on the back before or with the original item you have to do that in the software control panel you have the option of course for all of the cameras so camera 1 2 3 & 4 program and big news the one that everybody has been waiting for the 8 M mini Pro has a multi view and you have a button to select it on the front of the Blackmagic 8mm mini pro as well but as I say that's pretty much the most requested thing of the original 8 M mini give us a multi view give us a way of seeing all of our camera inputs and program preview of course the a 10 min and the ATM mini Pro has program preview it's not just a cut bus and they've given that they've given that to you they've given you a multi view and they've made it in my opinion probably the most powerful multi-view in any Blackmagic switcher so what do you get in there you've got your preview and your program at the top then on the top row you can see all four of your HDMI camera inputs on the bottom far left you've got your media player one before it was really hard to preview that and see that but now you can and then you've got three slots and in there this is what I love this is what I want in the bigger versions as well their likes their status indicators so you've got one for live one for recording and one for audio so the live one will tell you that you're on air and it's so good to have that just in front of you on the multi view so that you can glance up check that you are still alive to the thousands of people watching you it will say that you're on earth will also say that the stream is kind of healthy and and give you that caching figure as well if that's running into any issues and the bitrate it shows you that the megabits per second that it's using to push that stream out so all the information you need for live streaming is in one quadrant or one section of the screen then next to that you've got all the information and even more that you need for recording so you can see which disk is being used the disk space they give you a really nice graphical interface for that on both live streaming and recording you can see how long you've been live streaming and recording for really simple but useful feature many times people will say how long was that and I'm like I've got a scroll back in a file and actually see how long that recording was you can just see it on the screen in front of you and then on the far right hand side you have an audio meters tab which I think super again super simple idea very very very useful in this field you can just add a glance see where your audio is coming from so you can see all cameras one two four plus the two mini Jack inputs and you've got your program output displayed on there as well you can see the audio levels you've also got little icons for riff and EQ is being used or any dynamics like the compression is being used and has been set up in the Fairlight audio mixer that's built in to the am software panel sorry software control so this is why I say like in my opinion one of the most powerful multi views that Blackmagic currently have across all of their lineup because at a glance I can just see everything that I need to know now so those are the new features of the a10 mini pro it is packed with features and I seriously it's like black magic took already a fantastic product that they made with the a-10 mini I've been so happy with mine I use it for well I probably use it more than I do anything else in terms of capture card and creation of content they took a product that was already excellent and I've just made it fantastic and feature-rich so very much looking forward to actually getting hands-on with one the atemi pro they say it is in production now obviously there's a lot going on in the world right now and they made clear like of you know things going on in the in the world right now could slow production a little bit but it's being produced now we'll see how long it takes to actually start shipping and the price will be five hundred and ninety five dollars which again just seems massively reasonable I said the two hundred dollar or two $50 ATM mini when it came out I've no I know capture cards that are more for that and do nowhere near as much as this thing does for five nine five dollars and all the features that I've described in this video that's an incredible price so amazing that they're able to get it that low and we'll just keep an eye on when it does start shipping my personal thoughts on it I said at the beginning of this I think I've always been impressed with what Blackmagic have been able to do with their products but as of late what they are doing for the sort of consumer prosumer market people that want to get into live streaming people that want to get into like just start and learn about vision mixing and things like that what they are doing for that market is nothing short of incredible and these products are powering and are going to power so many more people to create high quality content both for the livestream market but also for the for the edit and pre-recorded market as well so I think the combination of the a-10 mini Pro with the Blackmagic pocket Cinema cameras is going to be an incredibly powerful but also mobile workflow and system and I'm just looking forward to playing with it like there aren't many companies where I get excited when they do an announcement Apple used to be one now I'd barely tuned into them because they're they haven't done anything good for quite a long time black magic is the one where when I see a tweet and they say we've got something to show you you can bet I'm watching thanks for watching this video guys I hope you found it useful if you have any comments or questions about the am update for the a-10 mini or the new a-10 mini pro if you've got any questions about that put them in the comments below if you found this video useful please do click the like button that really helps also if you're not already subscribed please hit the subscribe button and yeah just let me know what you thought of this I think I said before I hate using the word game-changer because I really believe it's overused but I think what black magic are doing is changing the game
Channel: Alex Pettitt
Views: 65,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ATEM MINI PRO, Blackmagic atem mini pro, Blackmagic mini pro, ATEM live stream, atem pro, ATEM Mini Multiviewer, Blackmagic, ATEM, Live Streaming, Live Stream, Vision Mixer, Production Switcher, Live Stream Machine, Capture card, broadcast kit, livestream, black magic, atem mini pro, atem mini pro live, atem mini pro features, atem, recording, live stream gaming, atem mini pro gaming, pocket cinema camera, pocket cinema atem mini pro, atem mini pro camera
Id: WUZrjB9_XE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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