Blackmagic ATEM MINI: How to setup and LIVE STREAM in HD

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in this video I've got my hands on the brand-new Blackmagic 8m mini and I'll be showing you what it can do and how you can use it to create professional multicam livestreams in a matter of minutes the 8mm mini is black magics latest offering to their production switcher range and it's really aimed at those looking to get started with multicam productions and live streaming don't be fooled by it the size though this thing might look small but it is packed full of technology so what do you get the a-10 mini has 4 HDMI inputs on the back and these can accept up to 1080p 60 you can also mix and match inputs and they will automatically resync so that means you could plug a games console into HDMI one outputting 1080p 60 and then it's a HDMI to who put a camera that is outputting at 1080p 30 and the Blackmagic a 10-minute would see both just fine you also have two 3.5 millimeter stereo mini jacks for microphone input these can be set to either mic or line input and you have access to black magics Fairlight audio mixer in the am software control to really get the most out of audio when using the ATM inning it's also worth noting that you can use any of the four HDMI inputs to bring in audio to the a-10 mini and I'll show you how to enable that and some more audio settings later on in this video moving along to your outputs now firstly on the back of here you have an HDMI out and I like to see it more of an aux out because it's not just gonna force you to take a program feed out from the HDMI but it's actually a selectable output and I'll show you what controls you have and what things you can select for the HDMI out a little later on in this video secondly and arguably most importantly is the USB C port on the back of the ATM mini Blackmagic have labeled it as a webcam output and that's because when you connect the a-10 mini up to your computer via USB and yes it can be a USB C to USB type a cable just make sure it's USB 3 and not USB 2 you don't have to scramble around for a Thunderbolt 3 cable or anything like that but once you connect everything up not only will you be able to control the ATM Mini 8 via the software but your computer will actually detect it as a webcam input and that means via one cable you can bring in your full 1080p 60 output into your computer for recording streaming or even into applications like Skype or FaceTime so it makes the whole thing truly plug-and-play and I've got to say from all of my testing it just works and then finally to finish off what we have on the back here of the 18-minute you have an Ethernet port if you want to control the 18-minute via the ethernet or hook it up to a network and then of course you have a power input as well kudos to Blackmagic for making sure it's a locking connector so it's not gonna get yanked out when someone eventually does trip over the cable so that's what you get on the back of the 8m mini I will go through the front in just a second but for now let's plug it in jump into the software and I'll show you how to set it up when you first connect up the a 10 minute like I've done here you'll need to download the latest software so heads a black magics website hit support click 8 M live production switches and then download and install the most recent AM switcher update very quick disclaimer here I'm actually using a pre-production model of the Blackmagic a 10-minute with beta software that Blackmagic have very kindly provided me for this video and what that means is by the time that you're watching this right now there would have been many software updates and so some of the settings that you see might be slightly different or in a different location but everything should still make sense first thing you're going to want to do is launch the AM setup application if we go into the About tab first you can set your devices name here and also check what software version the a-10 mini is running in the configure tab there's some key options to setup here too if you want to connect your a 10-minute to a network via ethernet for control you can set up the network details in this top section here then if we move down to the panel settings you can first set your switching mode so if you want to be able to preview the shot before taking it to air you can select preview program or if you like living on the risky side and just want to smash the input buttons for the ATM to cut to that shot as soon as you hit it then cut bus is for you now the picture-in-picture kiya and the chroma keyer settings here are much the same so you can either set them to drop with transition and that means when the picture-in-picture and kia is turned on for one shot and you transition to a different shot it will turn off the picture in picture or the kia when you transition or if you want them to stay on no matter what shot you go to you can select stay with transition once you've made your settings hit save and we can head over to the ATM software control to set up a few more things when you launch the software control you should see a virtual version of your ATM mini any button presses you make on the physical a 10 mini will reflect here in the software version and vice versa if you click the Settings icon in the bottom left on the general tab there's only one option you can change here and that is the video standard you're going to set this to the video resolution and framerate you want your end output to be all of your inputs will then be rescaled to these settings on the audio tab you have the option to split the audio channels into separate mono channels so you can control each inputs left and right channel individually you can also select whether you want the audio follows video feature to be a hard audio cut when you switch the cameras or for there to be a softer fade and finally you can select mic or line level for both the 3.5 millimeter stereo mini-jack inputs on the back the labels tab allows you to rename your inputs and outputs and this will be reflected on the buttons of the am software control panel for this video we don't need to worry about the hyper Dex tab I'll cover that when we talk about advanced setup in a later video and the remote tab there's no options here for when using the ATM mini so we don't have to worry about that either now there is one final setting I want to show you and that is the HDMI output at the top of the ATM software control you'll see a menu option called output and if you click that you'll see you can feed the HDMI output with your cameras 1 2 for the preview for previewing your shot before cutting it to air or the program there is one other option called camera 1 direct this is a direct output from HDMI 1 and it bypasses all of the internal processing that's going on on the a Minnie and so for that reason it makes it perfect for gamers because what you can do is you can plug in your games console into HDMI one select camera one direct as the HDMI output source and then you can plug in your monitor and what it will do is it will give you a low latency feed and so when you're gaming and looking at your monitor you won't get any of that annoying lag that you see with some other capture cards it's a really good great feature that Blackmagic have built into this and that's pretty much all of the basic settings done now as we're in the main console let me explain what you've got here page one is the switch of you it's a virtual representation of your 8m mini switcher you'll notice there are a few more buttons and options on here that aren't on the physical switcher itself and we'll cover what everything does later on in this series then if you move on to page 2 you have media this is where you can save and store all of your still media and graphics the a-10 Mini has one media player and 20 media slots so you can store up to 20 stills in here and then drag the one you need into the media player when you need it and finally the audio page now this is where you have access to all of your audio levels and can select what inputs you want on or off or turn to audio follows video you can also adjust input gain levels and pan for each input as well as a master level control - it's worth mentioning here you also have volume controls for all inputs on the a-10 mini itself and these will increase or decrease the levels by + 3 DB each time you press this page is also where you'll have access to the Fairlight audio mixer but we'll cover that in a later video about advanced setup if we head back to the switch of you let's talk through how to use the 8m mini on the top left you can see your program bar with all of the sources available to you any source you select here will be instantly cut to your live program and you know it's on program because it will be illuminated red with the a 10 minute you have 4 camera feeds black color one color to color bars and media player 1 you have exactly the same layout underneath for your preview and any source you select here will go to your preview and you'll need to press the cut or Auto button to bring it to air depending on whether you set up your a 10 minute earlier to be an either cut boss mode or program preview mode will determine whether when you press a physical source button on the a 10 mini it goes into a previous screen or gets taken straight on air will cover transitions Kia's picture in picture mode later on in this series so make sure you check out the videos for that but for now the only other things you need to know are the fade to black button and the audio controls on the a 10 minute self on the top of the device you have on/off and level controls for each mic input and you have the same for each HDMI inputs audio too you can also set each of these to be audio follows video rather than on meaning that audio from the source will only be enabled when it's cut to air so those are pretty much all the basics that you need to know about how to use the a-10 mini and a brief description about the buttons on the unit itself - I will do a full video with advanced setup and features coming to this channel very soon so watch out for that but I want to finish off showing you how easy it is to livestream with this device so let's go live on YouTube I've attached another camera here so that we can flip between multiple angles and I can show you some of the features of the a-10 mini while we're live on YouTube and I've gotta be logged into my YouTube account so the only other thing that I really need to do is head up here to this button where it says create a video or post I'm gonna click on that and then I'm gonna hit go live now because as we mentioned before the a-10 mini is seen as a webcam input on your computer it means you don't have to worry about any third-party streaming applications like OBS or Wirecast you'd have to worry about any stream keys or URLs with sites like YouTube and Facebook live they will allow you to use a webcam as an input so that's what we do we just hit webcam up here give our broadcaster title so I'm going to put a 2 mm mini test broadcast I'm gonna set it to private so that this one's just for us and then I'm gonna hit the more options button to enable us to choose which webcam I I've got a few plugged in here if I was using I want up here but I want to use the a ten minute for video and then I can choose a microphone as well so if I wanted to use the rode microphone I could but in this case I'm gonna select Blackmagic Design as that is what's the APM you choose it for a name for its audio or at least right now it does for me on this beta version so I'll click both of those there's no Advanced Settings that I really need so I'm gonna click Next and it's going to ask me to set a thumbnail so you have to do it no opposed that was awkward and that is pretty much it that is all we needed to do we just have to hit go live now which I'm going to do it will do its preparation' checks and then tell you it's going live and then once it we are live will get a notification saying you are live and it really couldn't be more simple than that we are right now live on YouTube using the 8m mini and as you can see here if I wanted to we could cut to different camera angles so we've got the angle here using the GoPro of the ATM mini broadcast panel itself we can cut we can mix and fade we can use some of the transitions here and we can even do picture-in-picture so you can see both cameras at the same time so it allows you to create a really powerful broadcast in such a tiny box pipe it all at Full 1080p 60 frames per second or up to that that you can do it at lower resolutions as well if you want and frame rates pipe it all to your computer via one cable and you just saw how easy it was to go live to sites like YouTube and Facebook it really couldn't be simpler so those are the very basics in this video that I've covered the basics of what the ATM mini is how to use it and set it up and then just now how to livestream with it but I'll be doing multiple videos as well across the channel in the next coming weeks with more advanced setups because I really want to push this thing to its absolute limit so again thanks for black magic for sending this to me to test out and create this video more videos to come if you enjoyed this one and you found it useful please do give it a like and also if you know people who are in the world and would find this interesting please do share it with them make sure you subscribe for more and I will be back with another black magic a 10 minute video very soon thanks for watching
Channel: Alex Pettitt
Views: 246,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blackmagic, ATEM, ATEM Mini, Live Streaming, Live Stream, Vision Mixer, Blackmagic ATEM, ATEM Mixer, Production Switcher, capture card, broadcast kit, livestream, live stream gadgets, black magic atem mini, atem mini live, how to set up atem mini, setup atem mini, atem mini setup, atem mini live stream, live stream gaming, atem mini gaming, atem mini production, multicam, multi-cam, how to use atem mini, Hyperdeck, Decklink, URSA, Pocket Cinema Camera 6K, BMPCC6K
Id: RSdbst6S8zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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