Astarion Voice Actor Neil Newbon Talks About Baldur's Gate 3

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in one of the interviews you said that you would love to play live action version of hysterian oh my God yeah do you have like a story in mind or do you like I don't care I don't play about anything I'll do a cameo in a DMD movie just for the fans I don't give a I'll play him in any way [Music] hey what's up everybody Welcome to Behind The Voice I'm joined by a very awesome guest uh Neil Newman who has played hysterian in Baldur's Gate 3. thank you so much for joining taking the time and it's just such an amazing time right now because Ballers Gate 3 has been going crazy so thank you so much for being here appreciate it no problem thanks for asking me in yeah it's been um it's been a well-win over the last few weeks it's been quite amazing and we we've had so many positive reviews and feedbacks in the community and critics are like uh we had uh if you think PC Gamer just gave us the highest rating 15 years yeah yeah um like 97 which is insane I'm curious as to why what the three percent was about yeah it's not about 97. yeah I'm only I'm joking it's like um it's thrilling and uh I respect a lot of the you know a little bit critics are respected as a gamer and myself and I trust a lot of their opinions as well you know um so to have that from a Powerhouse like PC Gamer is truly quite exceptional and really quite humbling actually I know I spoke to lots of the cast and the crew and we've all been quite Blown Away by the attention and the war and the Beautiful reception from like I said from critics and fans alike it's been quite overwhelming and very touching and very humbling yeah um as an actor you know I mean let's not forget you know I'm I'm on the narrative side essentially I do some in-game mechanics as well and I was Consulting with them I was directing with them as well but really largely my stuff is focused on the narrative and cinematics um there's so many people there's literally like almost 400 people I think 100 people in Lorien that have been working for years on this game to try and make it the best and the amount of passion everybody has pulled in to this game including people like the QA testers and the marketing team everybody has just been working so hard to make this the best possible experience for gamers and and for for players um that they can so it's been extraordinary yeah a real blessing yeah he's already quite um I'm really quite humbled by it yeah it has been insane I cannot believe how the the launch especially the launch of the game everybody was like waiting for it and when the game came out it's just yeah breaking records I was like what the it was just growing up like now I think it's like 800 plus players like on Steam playing it I was like yeah we were curious to see who was going to top 100 000. I haven't been keeping up with the um the player count on Steam alone but I'd be curious to see whether it goes across 900 000. that'd be amazing yeah yeah and also we've got the PS5 release in two weeks as well so uh we don't even finish yet you know it's just getting so many things yeah yeah I love that it's so it's so amazing so you know like when all of this was happening when the sales numbers were coming up and when the reviews were going so they're crazy did he have someone like did you go out and some message to someone or did you contact someone like hey this is happening like this is crazy yeah sort of I mean uh the the the main party cast uh there's 300 people in the cast they're all and incredible actors uh amazing actors um but the main hardcore party which is the origin party and the three extra I think it's three extra um playable characters or four extra captions I'm sorry um we have a WhatsApp group um which uh which I've dubbed the Wild Bunch uh and that's purely that was purely to support each other and say how you doing you're okay we're all really nervous about it so we started a WhatsApp group somebody's check in with each other going are you okay yeah yeah and so and of course with the origin characters and with the um the support and with the uh non-playable party members also we have the amazing Amelia Tyler who's the narrator the dungeon master essentially is the whole thing he's the voice of Larry and in that way um so she's also a part of of our group as well obviously so yeah between all of us we were talking together and uh just trying to be there for each other because I think quite a lot I was nervous I was very nervous about the release and not because I thought it was going to be bad just because I really hope people would get it to really dig it and really and really feel the passion from all these hundreds and hundreds of people uh that I've gone into making this project over years yeah um just to really get the vibe of like how much we've just thrown everything at this as this amazing game so yeah it was yeah it was cool but yeah we were all talking we're like oh my God have you seen this so it's been it's been a really wonderful experience um without losing without losing our footing I would say you know all of us are very aware that you know we're just a small part of another Cog and in the machine of this this project this production so um it's been with a lot of healthy grounding uh but it has been wonderful to see it and and it's been great to talk to and I saw I know I know a lot of the devs and crew anyway so it's been nice to talk to them Pit Stop Productions obviously as well who've been instrumental in the recording so it's been really great to speak to everybody and Lauren are amazing man they're such an amazing company I'm really stoked to be a part of this and balls get three is a dream job it really is yeah I I've heard you said that like it's it's been a dream of yours to be in a game like this because you're a big massive fan of DnD so like what was it like when you first kind of found out like hey I can I'm gonna be part of this game what was your reaction at that point so when I first found out I was going to be part of this game I actually worked out what game it was in the audition process um because I I I I knew it was going to be the icewind Dale or balls gate 3. so I knew that it was going to be one or the other or maybe some wild new IP it was still going to be DMD I realized it was going to be D very early on um yeah so uh well I found that out I was just I I did I think it was like we had 12 options of races that we could go up for I submitted 10 or something like that just I I wanted to play anything I didn't care what I played in it I could have been just like second Goblin in Band of goblins I don't care I'd say anything in this game um so then I got a Starion which was a wonderful world and I was very very um very touched that the faith in me from Josh Whedon from Jason Latino uh was such they they thought I could play this role and then after playing this role and thinking oh this is great it's a lovely character then being told he's actually a companion character really just blew my head apart that was just uh that was something I hadn't predicted would could possibly happen when I was auditioning it was just like get me in the game somehow and then to find out that actually he's one of the main origin party members and it just kept them coming like that it was just it was just a gift after gift every time new scenes or new stories were developing we were told okay now this is happening this is where the ark's going and this is what's happening to your character and what you're going to be doing it was just mind-blowingly beautiful as an actor to be given all these amazing scripts and these opportunities so I've just been on this amazing creative high for about four years and uh I'm worried I'm going to crash a little bit hard when I do it but finally finally actually let go of the fact that I'm no longer playing a star in which I haven't quite done yet yeah I mean I can't imagine how because you guys you played it for four years like it's there's an attachment yeah so I don't like it's hard to like even let go so I'm just like really happy to because you have done such a great job playing a Starion there's a lot of fans like you know people find you hot people find you like uh love too they find the character I would say no but like people have been so much so fondly about this character and they just want to protect yeah a Starion as much as they can that is just I love to see people's reactions or push them on to the even worse things yeah either way yeah even split even explodes actually the evil thing that I first got to see from Australian was when I'm in Camp and I think it's very early and I think everybody knows is that if you're in Camp and then he comes up sneaking and trying to uh bite me and that was that was the part yeah yeah that's great that was one of it was one of the early lines I suddenly realized how much fun I was going to have with the character and um he gets caught and his initial reaction is not not to try and cover it's just yeah it's like that's all he has is like nothing for this moment yeah I just realized how fun this was going to be one experience was just going to beat your folks yeah I was very very lucky in that sense that um I've been afforded a lot of play with this character and that's down to Stephen Rooney the writer and also you know the the writers generally because they all obviously created this world with swim um it's been really interesting to be able to have a lot of fun and also deal with a lot of the heavy weights uh um very challenging at times in a good way creatively uh storylines that we've been also offered up we've had everything from from really fun funny you know or near improvisational stuff in a way uh to doing some really heavy hissing storylines actually quite meaningful and quite um quite challenging creatively to be able to get right with the right tone so it's been incredible man this this game is this job has been the perfect job yeah it's brilliant yeah and I love that and I know you mentioned somewhere that you had dialogues um kind of improvised as you mentioning improvisation here and there so I wouldn't say dialogue was improvised it was more like playing really stretching where we could take it so it wasn't improvisation it was more like here's the line which is a brilliant and well written and we didn't really mess with it too much but taking how which direction the line was going to go in was quite wild I think that's what I was really referring to probably in a bad way so yeah sorry carry on though actually I I took it in the completely wrong way but no I I what I was trying to say is like because I especially as you mentioned there's lines and you have to go in a certain way and you guys played with it how was that kind of like with the writer itself like because you guys have might have to change certain things and after like how you wanted to go in a certain direction how is that sort of playfulness in some ways was like with the direct end right yeah so with the writer the writers are great and they're also online the whole time that we're working so when it's wherever it's one of our especially with with the origin characters whenever it was one of our sessions the writers would be online and available um because often you have a question and go well what does this mean or what does that relate to this thing or blah blah um so there would always be there which would be was amazing actually to be able to have that kind of level of instant feedback um that they would say like for instance my writer was uh largely steam Rooney and so often there'll be a small minor things I wanted to like Tinker a little bit or can I say this and this way because I feel like siren would do and he was always very there to respond and be able to guide and help but interestingly enough you know our takes on our characters well I can only speak for a starring so I don't know the other actors experience as positive as I know it was I don't know what their reaction their interactions with their writers were so just from my experience um I know that I started doing lines in a very different way to how Stephen imagined them but he liked it obviously and then he started writing to a rhythm that I was creating with my performance so I would often find that these lines over the next you know the following weeks and stuff would have certain things that I was doing anyway that was sort of built into them more so it was actually easier to access that and in a way we both kind of developed and found the character after he'd written it we both sort of were still playing with the character and developing obviously I was still pushing the character in many different ways trying to um really commit to the story and he was then following my rhythm I was then following his rhythm as well so it was a really nice beautiful symbiotic relationship that we had and then I got to speak to him as well so he and I became mates and we've actually spoken a few times um I think I think I did a video for him oh but he had somebody else somebody somebody asked me to do a song in a starion's voice for him with his birthday so I did I can't remember what the song is now you have to ask Stephen wow well I'm pretty sure I did a video for him yeah hey as a historian which is hysterical actually that'd be great to you know listen to his song in Australian's voice that'll be awesome I think a lot of people would love it actually I think I did a cameos and somebody bought a cameo which is hysterical yeah it's a little too massive but it's very fun yeah I mean it's it's been it's been a lot of fun it's been hard work for everybody and physically I would say in you know in terms of stamina voice control that kind of stuff but um but it's been wonderful it's been like it's joyous you know there's a lot of joy in this game for the performers and uh I hope the devs as well you know a lot of people I've spoken to have just loved this experience so we're very lucky man absolutely I'm so glad that you guys had such a great time because the fan base is growing fans based is insane people constantly discover new things and um you know new ways of interact whether it's good or bad that's up to them but like it's a it's great fun and I you know you mentioned about Cameo like somebody requesting you in a certain way one of the things that people usually like fans usually ask you from like is there something common that people always ask um yeah well I I don't like the term fans to be honest fans of the game fans of the characters not fans of mine because I find that uncomfortable um but people that really like the characters and the stories and stuff um they tend to ask for sometimes quite inappropriate things we're starting to say which is fine because it's a story not me yeah I don't think I'd be able to do that as me I don't think I'd be comfortable doing that but as a story and it's like just silly things like you know taking the Mickey out of them or making them feel small or put Downs or the inevitable flirty lines and things which is fine because actually the character is I think somebody asked me Neil newborn to do what I probably wouldn't say thank you but I'm not really comfortable doing that later right so um so it's nice to be able to hide behind him to do that kind of stuff nothing in it actually inappropriate just uh treading the lines of good taste I would say yeah I think one of the one of the best things about Australian is how he I love the way and you deliver it so well I love the way when he says darling I just love it I I just like whenever yeah that was definitely something yeah that was definitely something that we that became a thing um initially I think there was like one darling in the sentence uh but because I started adding it here and there um quite early on that Stephen heard that and then I think it was a few requests for me to add that in as well um and I think he then started using that as like a habitual habitual thing from Astorian so that became very much a thing out of me going ahead darling all that kind of stuff but I think he liked it so much and I started to requesting it a few times that it became part of his vernacular uh which was kind of cool so that was definitely something that was a development of the character yeah but it was nice it's awesome because Darth darling in especially when you have a British accent which he does um you can use it in so many different ways you can use it as a flirtation you can use it as a comfort you can use it as a put down you can use it sarcastically you can use it as a patronization you can use it as a you can use it as a threat I mean it's just it's a wonderful it's a wonderful thing to be able to use a single word in 10 different ways um so yeah it was definitely it'd be it sort of becomes a weapon of this you know I mean it's like a verbal weapon yeah so he's weaponized an affectionate term which I think is very funny yeah um for him to do that it's very British it's very British yeah I think it's a weapon that uh don't you think don't you think so too darling Oh my God it's a weapon that not everybody expected it's a hidden weapon secret weapon that is so cool [Laughter] amazing I think uh one of the one of the scenes and it's probably not exactly spoiler but like it's one of those moments where I feel like Australian I just love his funny moments and it was not exactly like absolutely completely loving but I just loved that because he is scared of clowns which is like I loved some of his lines like yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna kill you I was like this great it was it wasn't it wasn't so much I think it wasn't I wasn't working so much on the fear of clowns it was more of the disgust of clouds yeah everything was like this idea that they're just the idea of the whole idea of audience participation for somebody that's been living in the shadows for 200 years it just doesn't sit with it he just finds it gauche and and uh it's not for him it's sort of beneath him a little bit so the fact that he's put in that position uh is I think he really means I think he really means that he's going to kill a place um but it was again it was again another great series of lines and opportunities to have a lots of fun with the character whilst you know in these moments of lightness before these heavier moments that come along and everything so it was a real gift um but yeah he's not afraid he definitely hates them though he doesn't think it's like very Goshen over the top and not not very cool yeah yeah I think it's very uncomfortable I mean really they just glorified dolls really aren't they just you know prancing around and seeing other people's tutors whoever said pounds in there clowns so yeah lovely he's very uncomfortable but I I do think so if he was deeply uncomfortable I mean deeply uncomfortable darling yeah it's not really an audience not really a team player audience participation you know anyway sort of poking not doing yeah I think it was if it was a one-on-one situation I think he would kill him the clown he would probably be I think he would I think he would definitely kill him yeah I think for sure but he's there's too many witnesses you know rather sorry the audience yeah so some people are just like I remember one of my friends at least uh he I think uh the first time when you crash land and then the first you go to the to uh the first actually even mission that you get to get uh do he's not even there yet he was just doing some side mission I just went somewhere else and he was just playing for 30 minutes till he got to the goblin uh to kill the Goblins things and I was like wow okay yeah you spent so much oh yeah you can go you can go really far off I haven't even started a play a playthrough yet I'm doing I'm due to start a playthrough I think this Sunday I'm gonna attempt to start playing through it yeah the Only Rule we have in my party is that we our story must be in the party at all times as a companion yeah of course I'm not playing it I'm not going to play him but yeah I mean it's you can get sidetracked you can play multiplayer and I believe you can have two players just go off and do the entire story separately and then come back again I mean it's extraordinary the technological feat they've done with this I don't even think that was possible so there's also there's also a lot of stuff that people have been finding out about the game that larion didn't know you could do one thing is uh the L from the top rope I believe was somebody who's coined it was a appears they put in gravity physics um they somebody worked out how to do something which basically kind of crits bosses in one hit if you do it it's very difficult to do it but you can essentially do like a a critical hit on a boss and just wipe them out with like eight hundreds of a thousand points of damage or something like that and you're just type in our off the top ropes that road sorry and you'll see what I mean but they didn't know you could do that so there's lots of things that people are finding out that Lauren are going ah okay yeah it's amazing wow I love that people just say Gamers every time they are able to not exactly exploit but explore so much that they're really able to find things and it's just amazing to see it's amazing to see that one of these things was like something that the developer even didn't know was technically there um but you know you've just done so much recording four years of recording and it must be so many things like was there ever a point of like burnouts of some kind because obviously I've done so much to do so it was something did you get to in that zone or was it like all passion flowing through um was I think regardless of whether I burnt out or not it was bashing running through the whole time um I'm a workaholic I like to work hard I love what I do I always leave my metaphorically and sometimes literally Blood on the floor um but in terms of burnout yeah I definitely burned physically my voice and my body burnt out twice I think in four years and both times it was just like I'd just been working so hard uh on this and other projects as well you know but this was a huge one uh that my body my voices came out um I think the last time it happened wasn't too long ago was a few months ago and I needed two days of rest uh fully rest not even speaking to people like doing anything and then I came back into the studio at the spine so I'm lucky I have a lot of stamina and I have a lot of very high tolerance to work in that way but yeah even I burnt out but it was not burning out in terms of spirits yeah it was just a physical thing and I think that's important to say that um despite how hard we were working despite um how much we had to get through in a short space of time uh the burnouts that I face certainly I think other people did as well it was purely physical it wasn't a a spiritual you know a mental emotional burnout it was physical it was just the levels of work was so high and and demanding that inevitably at some point you're going to be knackered yeah I mean um I would say I would say this though I didn't have a bad day um I had two challenging days when I burnt out but they weren't bad days it was just me being disappointed in myself and having to call a session early or whatever having directed support me and uh call a session early which everybody supported by the way I was the only person who's upset about it everybody else was like no no you know you need time off I was like no no why so you know and uh so that was the amazing thing as well there was never like I felt awful that I had to quit all the way through a session because my body and my voice was just dumb and I felt awful because I was wasting people's time you know I felt like it was just it was a bad thing I did everybody else was like dude you need to rest we want you to rest you know the pit stop Productions are very supportive and good saying take two days off we're canceling your sessions so it was so again it was like you know it was it wasn't bad it was just there's only so much the voice and body can do uh before you actually need to rest yeah yeah that's it it's sex and things even like you said like I I tend to believe I'm not exactly but I I do know that I worked so much that there's times when I want to do something but I'm just so tired that I just I just I just can't or I'm not able to think or something like that so like take rest I think is something that is very much needed even though a lot of people kind of thinking at least me I know that I sometimes ignore it like you know I'm gonna rest at night at once so yeah yeah that's that's something out of the I totally understand and especially for voice actors you guys do so much so much work physically and you know verbally that you guys definitely need a lot of rest to like perform even better I do know that in one of the interviews you said that you would love to play the live uh uh live action version of asterian uh oh my God yeah do you have like a story in mind or do you like would you like to go back to like I don't care I don't play about anything I'll do a cameo and a DMD movie just for the fans I don't give a I'll play him in any way um I just like the character a lot and I realize I can physically get away with looking kind of like him as well which is good so I think I just like I just want to play him again the bottom line is I just want to play a star and again so I haven't quite get let go of the character so I'd love to do a live-action role play that'd be amazing oh that's amazing a live action film or something yeah yeah I think I think you'll be honest you actually look and I know uh I was speaking to as I said devorah again no I well thank you darling at the same time yeah this is lovely uh but you know I I think every single character has this but I think I love that about Australians like yeah multiple sides of your a good version sort of you have also have like like the evil version at the same time so you have to play both the sides at times like what is that like because you're trying to go in a certain direction with like being a certain way and then you also have to record in another version of it so was there a challenge behind it or was that sort of like an easier process as you guys went through it when we had to um film every aspect of the character it wasn't uh it wasn't bad it wasn't challenging if anything it was actually incredibly rewarding because usually as you know a non-branching more traditional linear stories there's a there's a start middle and end a whereas with branching narratives as we all know because it's been around for quite some time and I've definitely done this is my fourth or fifth branching narrative game I think um you know what it does is it rewards the actor by giving you every possible combination permutation of every situation which means you get to play the character over and over and over and over again in every different possible iteration of the person and their story uh for me as an actor that's awesome because I get to play a Starion in every different possible way um as opposed to just the one thing so I really I think that awesome really deepens the connection that an actor can have with an over the character especially because it takes time to do that therefore you going to be with the character for you know usually a year or two and in our case four years which means that you're you're understanding of the character and your relationship with the character as an actor deepens and widens and you you become even more confident with how how they are and you you get instinctively impulsive with many different things in different situations so the point where you're you're not really engaging a huge amount of intellect after a certain point because it's in your body it's in your instrument and you just you start playing like crazy and so for me it was wonderful it was an amazing gift of a branching narrative game because I realized I'm going to get to play him in every possible situation fundamentally that also means the actor has to do their work they have to have a good strong Foundation of who the character is when they're developing the character they need to be able to make sure that it's rooted into who the character is at all times whether that develops and grows and you get certain habits that you discover along the way absolutely but fundamentally if your foundation isn't Rock Solid to begin with like you who are who is this person or their ultimate wants needs objectives super objective Etc if you have that right then it's just incredible because you can just I think now we're doing this now we're doing this now they're doing this so you get to explore everything about them which uh as an actor I mean I personally I think it's an actor it's a dream role for an actor is to play the Multiverse and Multiverse Multiverse version of your character is a gift it's extraordinary yeah very cool I love it so yeah not difficult not bad right awesome yeah I I actually love that when you have like multiple sides of the character and you can see you can experience those multiple sites like if you go in this route he will behave in this way and eventually if you're in a different direction it will eventually go in this way and I love that there's a evil or whatever side of it because it just makes it even more interesting that character and I love seeing those scenes and it was such a great time it also follows the player's choices yeah so you're you're woven into the player's Story the whole time because they're making the choice they're help pushing you in one direction or the other well by accident sometimes or deliberately so um but essentially you're still very much tied to their experience um which is great so yeah from that point of view it's um it's a very cool experience absolutely there's this uh this is so many so many awesome characters and even actors in this game like who have played amazingly uh you know I know Maggie Robertson is also part of this like what was it like to like you know to see her in the part of this game you guys work together yeah it was great to see Maggie again in the game um she and I obviously we became friends pretty much on day one of the Resident Evil Village I met her for the Family scene of Resident Evil Village and I just thought I just blown away by Hotel I just thought you are absolutely extraordinary we got speaking I didn't speak to anybody properly until after we shot that scene because I flew in late to Resident Evil Village everybody did a read through which is quite normal so it's my enormous foot just flying past cameras what the hell was that it was a massive foot just possible sorry about that folks um so uh yeah I didn't meet the Resident Evil family until after the read-through the first day of shooting because I flew in I was flying in from another job and I landed um like I think it was like nine o'clock in the evening but I already had the read through that day I started filming the day afterwards or a day and a half afterwards or something so I didn't meet any of the actors whether the actors were just on the Hi how are you I'm such and such you know didn't know anybody apart from Stephen evil he's the director who you know who's my friend um so I got to meet their characters first and then afterwards it was like it was like two mountain thing oh hi I'm Maggie it's like Okay cool so I got to see the characters first which is really cool like you know um Jessica and tell as well I saw Monroe I got saw like everybody Andy Norris you know and all those for the cats it was really awesome to meet their characters first and then get to know that people loved us but Maggie and I Maggie and I became mates from then and and when I when I knew that she was going to be on this I was very lucky I managed to come in for the day and hang out in her session which is awesome I knew she'd be brilliant she's terrific they're amazing bastard nominated actor oh yeah um so you know uh an award-winning actor sorry uh award-winning and bathroom um and um yeah it was great to see her work because she was she's amazing in this role and her accent is absolutely Flawless her ability is Flawless and she's also a really cool human being so which is it's just disgusting when you think about it darling she has almost no flaws I'm trying to discover them so I can horribly manipulate her but so far no luck so far she's clean as a whistle oh man so disappointed um is the lighting okay because it is getting dark I might flip the lights on it oh I think they do it's fine yeah I don't think so it's okay so yeah so Maggie Robertson is an amazing actor and I'm so glad for her success and I look forward to our next game together whatever that's gonna be that would be that'd be awesome because I actually got to know you from Resident Evil Village because and um even though lady damage dress was great tall and a lot of people wanted her I just when I saw I Know Carl Heisenberg I just the voice made me so attentive like I was when he was never a fan of the Heisenberg is noisy to say about kids oh clearly a matter of taste okay very good yeah I love that it was such like a character that I just was like I enjoyed him his presence every time and I thought like he's one of those guys that I want if I'm like kind of distracted he brought my attention back it was like I just love that uh like that character so much and I know that even though the voice is sort of similar between in Carl and Australian but like how do you approach um yeah it's actually transatlantic it's not actually the same accent and there's the similarities sort of there's a high there's a little high inflection kind of but his accent is more transatlantic with is Nicholas Cage Jimmy Stewart and um and Carrie Grant all mixed into one so there's a certain kind of high inflection in there but they're kind of a little different this is more Gravelly machine like and I did I was I kind of enjoyed the fact that they are quite dissimilar in some ways uh sorry Carol I think interrupted to do that oh no no problem I mean I I I was literally kind of curious to know like how do you approach uh like these characters differently and whenever you get a role or something like that what sense do you have to approach character in a different way so that it doesn't sort of match or is different as compared to the character yeah well one of the one of them is excellent um I try and and not any accent but also rhythm of Excellence so Carl Heisenberg for instance yeah the Jimmy Stewart comes in here oh and he's like you're all wrong this sort of like Heston stumbling very casual very lack of tactical quality whereas a story in his very on point he doesn't stumble and he doesn't usually he might make a a Freudian slip here and there but he doesn't usually make mistakes and he's very grammatically correct and he's not casual or informal in fact during the sessions I would often ask them to uncontract contractions like as opposed to it's it would be it is always for a starring that was a rule I had to and that we should obviously I was allowed by the writer and director up for us because it was it was establishing his speech pattern it is as opposed to it's it is so common it is you know whereas uh Eisenberg ah you know he's sort of a little lazy and my mental Army you know he's down here and all that stuff so there was a lot of um so really the accent is a good place to start physicality as well I make sure that that whatever my habits which I know very well are I try and get away from those habits as much as possible um and find their rhythm of movement and then also the trappings also that comes from the artwork and really a lot of it is also from the text you start on the text you understand who the character is from the facts what other people say about them what they say about themselves what their wants needs and obstacles are what their super objective is and you just start doing this and you pull in all these ideas the money if possible some of which you then push away because they don't really work or some physical things you start trying and stuff that works you keep the stuff it doesn't work you throw away and it's just a constant shaping and molding until you have something that you really you feel is really right the director obviously has an input the right has an input and then you start playing once you've all sort of agreed on okay this is a good change um for the character I didn't think that the Japanese Executives were going to go from my accent I did and Steve Steve because Steve was like I'm not sure about the action I was like oh come on it's going to be a lot of fun you know it's gonna be great and it was like I'm not sure and then the Japanese Executives heard it they're like it's great and he was like you came up to me when so you know things like that um yeah I think there's no there's no right or wrong way to start exploring character but I think there are better ways and I think ultimately it's the script first you look at the script look at the artwork it's usually in games they have a concept of the character very you know very strongly and that's where you start and then you start pulling in things from your own craft and methodology your own research into the period into the world there is there's something to research in that way um then you start looking for the substitutions things that are like it other Inspirations I Look to music I can look to culture I Look to history I Look to uh people that I know in my life even famous live broadcast if I start just clean everything often inspiration comes from the weirdest wildest wackiest places uh but I'm pretty open to all that so I think um if you're open then you know inspiration sometimes takes you and it can be quite cool I I absolutely love that I really enjoyed both of the characters Carl and even necessariance is so so amazing and I think I would like to you know end up which is something that I started actually in the last episode when I was talking to devorah and it's like just just some five random questions uh that I would like to ask you all right so um what's is there a song that you will never be bored of listening to uh what me personally or starring because I don't I don't answer personal questions um not for me but for a starry and if that's okay uh because I like my private life to be quite private actually if that's okay um I think historian I tell you what I'll do one better um I can't answer that specifically um but I will tell you that starring has a playlist uh on Spotify um it's 102 songs long and it's titled the Starion so if you want to find it you'll see some of the songs I referenced um whilst I was playing him in different scenes and to create the character as well it's like the oldie fantasy Spotify and there's a hundred songs on there he he likes things he would like he would like things like the doors or uh David Bowie or things like that I think is the jam that's great if if if Skates of a staring then is there is with the Australian would be liking a movie or some certain movie that like maybe a stand would able to recommend to anybody the thing is there's something in his mind through um something like less than zero would probably tickle him if you know what I mean if you know that movie yeah less than zero probably appeal to him the nihilistic element of the of the doomed you know I think that kind of thing um Six Degrees of Separation perhaps something like that I think he would find quite fun yeah something like that that would be that's awesome if you had the possibility to develop a video game uh then well develop myself oh yeah sure oh God it would just definitely be up in June um role play games I don't know I don't know what genre I mean um I've been in high Fantasy games a lot uh sci-fi I love High fantasy I don't really care uh yeah I think definitely more like like RPG and there's some kind of sci-fi world would be great to be able to develop something like that I also like Carol boys like I I I'd like to like Red Dead Redemption 2 is definitely my bag uh I'd love to play a cowboy I'd love to develop a game with Cowboys but it's been done so well I don't think I do just as Space Cowboys that's it that's the one there you go that's the one that's the neck that's the next one yeah that's amazing in in I think in uh what do you think at this point like that you know we have a lot of talks about aliens do you think personally that like aliens are something that's real yeah totally I don't think we'll ever meet them oh I don't think we'll ever meet them but I think they're real I just don't why would they come here we're completely screwing our planet over so badly we're not hot in harmony there's one race on the planet it's human and we're doing a very bad job of looking after each other um why would they come in here it's like there are better places to visit in the universe no doubt um yes of course I think intelligent life probably exists all over the place in the in the in the in the growing Universe it's a question of whether or not meet each other at the right time I think and probably timing and distance is the thing yeah so I think it's highly unlikely other life will meet us or each other which sucks because that would be awesome um but I don't think aliens are here necessarily because why would they be here like this is a this is a nightmare situation at the moment and we we hope that human nature which many good things come out of humanity and there are many beautiful experiences together in communities but we also do a lot of really dumb stuff and I just think that they'll be like the aliens will be like oh these humans they're so cool and so awful at the same time at the moment because I think alien life exists somewhere yeah sure well it absolutely does yeah well I would say thank you so much for taking the time talking to me about the game the character it's just such a fun time playing the game it's just I'm still trying to play it I I'm the one who's not in the DND so I'm just taking my great long amount of time to figure things out but I'm trying to figure things I'm trying to get there but like you know a lot of people are having so much fun and a lot of people are just exploring these characters So yeah thank you for so much for taking the time taking the opportunity to talk to me no problem at all no it's really nice to meet you and thank you very much for asking as well and yeah I'm glad you're having a good time [Music]
Channel: GaminMadness
Views: 37,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: astarion voice actor, astarion voice actor interview, astarion baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 astarion voice actor, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 interview, astarion voice actor baldur's gate 3, neil newbon baldur's gate 3, neil newbon interview, neil newbon astarion interview, astarion baldur's gate 3 romance, behind the voice
Id: xOnotbwPcEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 57sec (2457 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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