Dark Souls Remastered Switch Live πŸŽƒ Dark Souls on Switch Gameplay Live for Hallowstream πŸŽƒ

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello hello welcome to our extra yes mic here with Andy hi there who is finally finally gonna play Dark Souls I don't know what you're talking about why everyone says it's so hard at resting at a bonfire is easy look there isn't literally Andy holding a controller while Dark Souls like well dogs also happened did you throw he would never happen the switch version yes yeah which is today very exciting yeah how you how you finding trolls and well Mike let me tell you about the switch version I can do motion gestures okay somehow we're gonna he'll be see oh yeah that loop motions you're similar to what you were doing with exactly in flame how about this one I'm gonna yeah that's that like to play that's the similar thing one you didn't right well the yolks do justify those motion controls alright Andy you've played this for about three minutes yeah far and you've already beaten the big monster that normally pops up here yeah well it asked me what I wanted to take with me Rai said do you want like an old ring right or some bad coins or do you put ten five okay I said I have ten five bombs their own obviously and then I threw them all at the asylum demon yeah and it died and it worked so so you technically could leave now I suppose you could leave you in better silent but I suspect you probably want to run down through that passageway anyway oh this one it's all lit up but yeah that's where you're supposed to go I mean the door will probably shut behind you but it's sort of a smashing spots yeah like in Zelda you can't pick them up and hurl them at the wall like they'll do go through them as well okay but there's no treats inside no treats sadly no alright there are no treats and Dark Souls just basically it's a treat free game just always if anything looks like a treats it's probably and it's probably too absolutely how people doing in the chat how do we sound yeah that's not how we sound again completely different setup this time we are in my place at the moment so yeah let us know if the video looks okay if the audio sounds good oh the door doesn't shut that's open all right cool um so head down here yeah and there's another bonfire oh great I can light it if you want no fix I will is there any wait is there any bad side bonfires are actually penetrate maybe as close to a treat rest apparently sounded look kids Jeff lamb says that Andy's already gotten farther in dark souls that he yeah amazing okay hello to James Tanner new member of James Tanner local joining us okay yeah it is so you can just run through here all right oh it's worth it yeah it's like a songs a message get your shield from where uh down this corridor okay so see that glowing thing that's an item watch out you've been oh oh wow there's arrows ah why never ever field all right right I need said I just need to hate to think about this yeah time it okay go there's a there's an arrow yeah I see can i lock on to the enemy yes with the stick because then you couldn't side set his arrows if your time spent in look on yeah I really to this corpse nice okay shields alright how do I use machine I press Start or whatever start is on one of these things I go to the sword and the shield thing yes and then yeah hit enter and then if you go down one you can put it in your yeah in your shield II place there you go so you've got the demons great hammer yeah I probably don't to use that they're doing I don't be mad you'll be strong enough or are you try whipping out yeah you can't wield it effectively but actively hook up with any weapon effectively that's true um but of the way you've got Broken Sword but you'll be able to get another one right in a minute so use this field so if you press the this button here lb or whatever it is okay exit menu yes my problem that's a really knowing thing about Dark Souls you'll find yourself doing oh yeah you go see you did you worry like a thief you've got a ween little shield she'll shaming me but I need ah there we go got it yeah got it all right yeah I'm a I made a thief okay I got it because I thought that would play to my place like it might be difficult to play as a thief but okay kill the ha badly you go yeah you better run get back here Howard afraid to die kill you oh wait hey let me equip that and stab this guy yeah do that okay you're learning yeah don't shoot me while I'm equipping all right truce while I equip this knife I'm gonna serve you no one's allowed to kill anyone okay while I do this all right all right I've got it just for future notice yeah um people absolutely can kill you while you're asking around in your inventory what's so that's not yeah talk about this game yes so I made a thief I've got bombs although I use data from killing this island beam me up to life though okay cool I look oh here he comes all right look you'd like that when you meet carnies well too bad ha nice there we go have it's toast see any any Dark Souls tips yeah oh so tips in the comments we've got new members Cody 9 9 1 2 3 hey Cody Tyler - no hey Tyler hand in sir in sere Zelan is in the chat oh hello again kitty ok and says don't trust anything Andy even the wall what this one even the walls I don't trust this wall or this wall jambs needs to know if you've named your thief yes I named him and or Ferrando right which is those your standards fantasy let's go in characters called and/or the brave but I remember you're actors from if you remember the Skyrim Cribs video if you like a long time as remember that that was your character and that's all it was hmm drinking tea normal - yeah we ever are they a Dark Souls themed beverage as well but we'll try it when we get to when we get to Lord Rama okay your treat for a row getting out I'm taking it very very slowly gusoff way back step back steps and rolls yep oh oh maybe a little quick she killed back step and I can now as a thief that's gonna be very useful to you because your shield is so we stop with the shield hatreds see all these kids rise its best and though I can go up or down well I would go up but protip watch out okay I did you just see to me - back role say yeah oh come on now Dark Souls that was it really sets is still that early yeah thanks a lot Dark Souls right lock on yeah locked on okay and now okay you can hold your shield up if you want now I'm just gonna run into where with him heavy exactly okay and then nice attacks yeah cool that's right well done I'm just gonna kick his corpse off this ledge why not so you get no less than you deserve okay I also I took the it's locked I thought I had a master key yeah but the master keys like doesn't open absolutely everything what why are you gonna have look at the whole weather where the bollard went through shouldn't be called a master key wait where did the world come from so it came from here and went down the oh it made up its crash through the high school there you go if you played this on your own probably would have taken like 10 minutes so where does he figure that out oh no this guy's all dead yeah but look at all these gate equipment hello y'all know hallo a maybe he's Canadian he's done for so you won't be needing that shield his accent you've got friends what happened I think I fell down at home either that were you smashed by that he was standing on the other side of the wall when that Boulder came through now I get a decision to listen to his plight or not yeah oh and you want me to do it for you have you seen how cool I've got some more comments go reckless Rex says can't stay long working gets another Friday but this is well time with my lunch break so can at least watch half an hour yeah that's good cuz I really really really wanted to see this one okay good everyone's pleased you're playing dark souls under Randolph he's still talking here's a cool thing um amber blackwell yeah hi I now have a new name it's a bit complicated but I used to be Joshua blancher but now I'm not okay I don't have class so I actually get to watch lot it's a stream yeah you love you guys whoa well done happy you don't have classes all right join us Melanie Rochelle says today I was turned on for job I really wanted and I'm feeling miserable any words of wisdom loving the stream you guys as always um whenever I have a setback I get really belligerent and just say you know what I'm gonna find something better to do yeah exactly I'm gonna show them by finding something even better to do yeah and I I got turned on for job as a ski rep and I was gonna I was gonna take a year out Boston University yeah I know right um I don't know how I've failed that one but um but yeah basically I was I was kind of like a bit down about it I was like it's fine something better will come along and then because I wasn't a ski rep I was able to get my first internship on a games magazine and now this is my career so even though at the time it can feel bad it can also be an opportunity yeah there's stuff to happen yeah you could have been stuck as a ski rep yeah exactly that yeah yeah still yes still up the mountain even now yeah you're Estus flask importantly I was talking about being a ski rep but actually you're Estus flask is super useful so that's your health regeneration so you might wanna chug along now just to see how it works okay but they know one that's why it replenishes every time you wait at a bonfire all right Estes what do you think yes this tastes like uh well would you like to taste why I think gets this tastes like okay sure because I brought a special beverage all right all right let me let me just get out of the way of places where people might murder me okay that's cool I'm gonna bring the through the camera up big because I've made you a delicious cup of tea bodies okay Oh careful yeah got it it's warm so that is a tea called death walks among you I mean sounds delicious yeah have a taste see what you think okay and I'll tell you what's in it well it smells smoky yeah bit like a bonfire maybe et smells a bit like the your Vic Viking Center okay good anyone who's been through always liked you since although it's like a it's like the Haunted Mansion but with Vikings in like yeah yeah it tastes of smoke tastes like that your big boy yeah yeah um since a by a company called beastly beverages dr. Ellen bought me this hmm and it contains lapsang souchong dark chocolate chips and chopped my ends flakes I mean so that's I imagine pleasant what s this tastes yeah okay I was gonna say more like a sort of hot cinnamon flavored mountain to you or something yeah or like a butter beer with a shot of fireball in it or something yeah that would be delicious below everything's gonna taste disgusting because it's Dark Souls so Oh a kick people you didn't mention this yes yeah it's quite difficult but it's a good way to like if someone's holding a filled up you can break their shield okay so wait so for Dan are okay though the kick and then for and that's you're like really really powerful attack Bob is he leaves you wide open to be err skewered in the neck or something resting a bonfire revives enemies yes it does yeah oh look - is your Estes edges on Oh out range simply get lock on yeah I wanted to kick him yeah you gonna yeah you did kick him but he doesn't he'll so it doesn't make much difference oh but you are getting hit yeah okay maybe just I would always lock on in this just go with this guy first yeah so you always stay pointed at your enemy and you can do your fancy footwork around [Music] yeah this so if you lock on to him yes yeah right look on yeah and then slide step let's good at the Perry Bishop I don't if you can parry arrows but you can hold your shield up oh look at these calories off okay this is a slightly more difficult enemy around this corner okay so with a chug on Estes yeah nice yeah back up to almost full health I say so this is this is gonna be important for you as a thief right cuz you're fast yeah on certain occasions you'll be able to get round behind an enemy and do a backstab which does a load of damage okay but he's gonna get behind them first so you can maybe practice it on this guy nearly yeah go around him he's locked onto me yeah yet now backs up there you go are you adjust in the position you just have to move a bit forward and hit you hit the light attack button but all right let's let let's let him come to me yeah why don't you try don't forget your s this is all by the way roll nice oh very close yeah it's quite difficult to position yourself around but once you get the hang of it and you can do massive amounts of damage to these guys yeah roll when he goes to stab okay is that yeah yeah okay come on oh you should uh get an S this alright well nice try that's fine they can use Estes as well yeah um some of them can't that gate you should be able to open now okay I was Lucy oh this is it says oh yeah Harry Harry Harry as well busts exactly yeah cool hey a bonfire a Liam it's locked oh sorry running out of Estes it well drink one anyway right doing it ooh what do you think of the performance it looks good actually it looks marginally better than it did on the Xbox 360 which is where I played it originally it doesn't look quite as good as the full sort of 4k dark souls remastered experience on the Xbox one and ps4 but it's portable which i think is gonna be perfect this guy because it's dialyzers one of those RPGs where you've just constantly got a lot of errands that you want to get done yeah so just being able to like fire up on the switch and then go off and do a little task will go and you know farm some souls or something like that you can pop it into like sleep mode yeah exactly yeah yeah so it's down here I normally you would jump down and like land on the bad guys so you might want to just walk down again cuz that gate didn't close okay but we've basically cleaned out this area normally you would drop back down and then fight the guy with a proper weapon but you killed him with fire bombs before you even did it he's got a big hammer you're troubled so I can use yeah well you know immediately when you get strong enough if you get strong enough I could go down what's down yeah carry on down see if you can I should take you back into the courtyard I think Oh someone's dead already that's the guy you kicked off the ledge Yeah right yeah that was a good time there we go so if you want to recharge and bonfire to recharge the old Estes all the baddies are gonna come back but it doesn't matter because you've you've already done the bit that's so you firstly fine how's the Chad days let's find out victim art says we've got loads and loads of going sorry it's gonna take me a little while to get through that's okay I'll just carry on playing Dark Souls while you read them victim art said hey guys I'm about to come home from my vacation it took three and a half days but I made a 55-pound longbow with Horn ox also you can get you pigs Japanese guns and simply were also great so you remember on our livestream we had Victor was talking about making the long bows and goats the Japanese gardens that's an update vacation update from bricks eight mister dude shut up one two three has a tip for you indeed yes I do don't I don't go that's a skits it's better than get goods Kathy Ed's Spectras would survive Dark Souls who do you think would be the first I know Corazon immediately he's fragile he traded Corazon s build isn't it yeah exactly he paid like trick over and like break his own leg or something yeah go on without me fellows I stay here and guard the bonfire it's a nice graves here this seems ominous it's alright I'm sure it'll be fine don't walk off the edge no I mean this is I mean is this this seems to be the only where he go so it is yeah it's fine everything's fine this is supposed to happen yeah in the Asian emergency looks good it looks good on switch yeah I need to both get myself a switch rumbling as a bird okay do I have to fight it no it's your friend is that the end it's that game over yeah you've been killed by birds you've been carried off to its next fed to its babies well well Jacob Emma wants to know where we are today we are in my a pond Mike's place yeah everyone's always amazed that it's so minimalist and not completely chaos we keep a girl says hey guys watch you all four years so just wanna say thanks for getting me through uni and giving me random gaming facts I will never need ever know you might need them at some point you might need to know the UI dead song in fact we should bring that out for every time you die oh my god I should have arranged earlier yeah I could have done that but I think it would have gotten berries ahem very sour skittles here today yeah Halloween treats right bring up my phone okay if if we died Andy said no I might be the most amazing most talented Dark Souls player ever to live cool Ryan moppet says loving the Halloween night room so far birthday tomorrow I'm getting ass next mini you what to play first we'll play first on Sesame we did a video about this didn't you yeah what did I say chrono trigger no that's no no no I said contra 3 which might not play but I really like position yeah I'd recommend country 3 all right I've got this all right case we don't come so you're in filing trying you want to activate that bonfire will do illustrator Jill says happy Friday listing your work as I procrastinate over web design sorry for scaring you with Yanni slender lead yes I miss you I've liked it now hey Jill yes Yanni slender was amazing and the only slender was amazing haunts Andy's nightmares I think pretty much as you see and or Ferrante is ready to level up what should I put my points into you ah well well you're a sneaky thief on you and but I think to start with vitality is always useful because it's just more healthy I mean don't go very crazy yeah maybe maybe a couple of points of vitality and endurance is good cause it'll allow you to roll more so okay keep your yeah yeah perfect confirm reinforcement okay cool now it's venturing tool Audra and this is the game proper oh okay reverse hollowing what does that mean need humanity to do that what does that mean so complicated the game there's not explained to me any of what this me know that's always deal it just kind around you've got to work out as you're going on are you getting chance the guy but there's not really much point go and get that glowing thing up on the hill Oh tasty oh that thing yeah probably the soul of a soldier 83 humanities that's useful cool and who's this game I he's the he's like the crestfallen okay more you read some comments cool um baptizo tip is lint Harry early on okay so check your shield stats to make it hurt while blocking only certain shields block all physical damage oh all right well it's probably not this main handler to you exactly yeah let's keep it on that camera Nick says hey guys I'm so glad I can watch five this team falls no time today take some money and thanks for all you do I think you Cameron donating is not you you're not obliged to donate it's lovely to have you here anyway but thank you [Music] drifty says listen here and listen good bucko nodded get get good you'll have to train you'll have to fight you'll have to ask Luke for help because Mike hasn't beaten this game you just reckons you could absolutely this person can't speak well that's okay Oh reinforce Estus flask yes I mean right and see what you need for that five pieces oh I don't get one of those for a little while but reinforcing your sister flask means it get strong like you it replenishes more health at a time I believe okay oh here's some stairs yeah I would avoid going down those stairs alright I did that the first time I played and bad bad times have bad things happen where else can I go though if you get back up those stairs hey hurt the easiest area don't started with just pricey mode yeah is over to the right and up that hill can you see there's a little man standing up there on the hill that yes I can't doesn't fight that man will he'll man alright he'll man had enough of your hill ways oh I forgot to mention Jill is now knitting a car blanket yes he did she did mention over though going to sell her skills as did Jane will be pleased fully believes the car blankets or thing hey Hilda well they're about to become a thing if they weren't previously stupid pill jerk oh nice try idiot oh boy I like this or disappointed Oh sound he makes when he gets hurt yeah oh this again oh wait psycho says I rushed home after class to finally catch the live stream hope you guys well thank you for keeping me sane through undergrad and now law school cool becoming a lawyer what was that oh my god it's all going on out there what are you oh hello he's throwing firebombs I mean yeah I should probably deal with him first okay good strategy I like it Kevin I know he'd be exploded my head oh you still alive No [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay we're back in the game let me go and get my souls back from these idiots cool yes is that close good luck with law school Kirsten shouts says this is just what I need to get away from writing my uni essay that's due in two days and I haven't written an essay in three years hello the state is a bit hasty oh you need God haven't those are your souls by the way now I'm gonna get him back good don't back up a clean room just wait - this ejected oh he does two attacks all right yeah kick kick oh it's forward and give me my souls back okay recover lost power and yes is the fight 5:00 on guys Daniel hmm how to approach this situation well I'm not gonna roll into him this time which is what I did last time greetings from Florida never been so happy to close I don't know what that means shawarma girl but I get to catch her I did you again I was driving here and it's difficult cliffs you see this CEO knows it's a masterpiece the second time I've fallen off a cliff accidentally all right I will draw him out I don't know I'm trying to hit him that yeah I feel like the game really opens up when you stop falling off cliff yeah these are American South whistles by the way which are covered in a sort of Oh God sour crumb dusting sour crumb oh my god damn Wow no this is the hard stuff Wow okay Jenny I bought these back from New York yes let's go get them over here I probably banned cuz they should be banned um then I teach you that Sal when you get into them it's like the outer coating use it sour but then inside regular skittles where it's some sort of and sour substance yeah isn't allowed but in the UK sour skittles are regular skittles on the outside but extremely sour on the inside yeah yeah yeah but here they've got this yeah this experimental sour just no skittle scientists so groundbreaking whoa go and kill the phallic phylum got will grab your souls and go kill the fun weight decided I died here oh it just puts it nearby isn't it if you fall off flip it decides that you'd rather they weren't at the bottom of the cliff yeah okay you can hold your shield up but yeah okay let him love one and then run run like the wind now and stay on this side yeah friend oh it took a friend hit the friend yes friends dead no he's not quite dead okay now look back onto five old man oh yeah bad luck mate you've moved out of position and now no click dying for me well I mean could still happen are you getting inside the guy down on the bottom yes all right the guy down at the bottom and then I'll come back up for you in a second so just stay there don't go anywhere be back in a second two minutes cool be very careful yes James Tanner says those high ceilings are astonishing beautiful Department you've got there thank you yeah they're quite cool they're quite cool and quite rare for London I think so a mess if ocation says here we go backstab meza fication says hi guys want to let you know outside exports next row just wonderful and you bring joy on otherwise dark days because things are best yes I agree fully that's why we are doing so many of them we've been tweeting the schedule also if you caught the beginning of this live stream if you were hangout for the sort of five minutes or so beforehand the schedules are now and we will have at the end of the stream as well are you really hope that goes straight off he's not a person I thought so that's fine let's get this guy off the cliff yeah careful don't yourself go live one stream that isn't on the schedule we're gonna be streaming ready of redemption - yes yeah I've got plans for that yeah we might be quite early UK time because we want to get started as soon as possible yes see ya look out for that one I'm going to a midnight launch to pick it up it won't be a big night I'll have to install the game and so forth yes Sam yeah if you want to experience the very start of Red Dead Redemption - mmm along with me and Mike then we'll be doing that so I think does that sound like something people want to want to see yeah if you wanna join on that way I've got to keep this guy off as Ellen says fight like a puzzle a loss of adventure RPG interesting yeah I guess or puzzle the puzzle is how do I get through the situation without dying the first ones how do I kick every course that's it yeah I'm getting all tangled up in him there we go all right cool oh so you got a new member Rebecca brown hello I'm someone called Boise who says set back two years ago have led to me finishing my first big movie project today cool quietly enjoying your videos for years they were much-needed relaxation in the process have a great day lies so there you go setbacks can turn into opportunities Oh things don't go exactly Wow Wiley yeah they're tasty kick okay hey you go from two and then off goes the body weight because if you dive kicking a corpse often actually is offered yeah it would be good for everyone but if everyone would be like I understand why he did that turning it up that cheeky treat over there I mean it looks like a trap well let's just slowly inch towards us towards it that's fine okay I'm doing it okay how people in the comments what he's saying so whimsical wordsmith has had a bad week with some some chronic illness our name but says our videos always make him smile what was the plot for the Mike anime I want to do an animation there is actually an anime character who looks a lot like me he's cool let me look in my Akira no no he's cool I've got qualities right post loop and how Lupin the Fed looping the third yeah that guy let me bring I know you in the Fed you don't just fly me you should get that jacket the Reds yeah see thing so let me find a picture of him I turn over to keep this rat corpse off a cliff that I might just so I guess the plot would be that I'm a there is by the power of Google Image Search yeah nice I say I guess what would be that I'm an international jewel thief or something wouldn't it be more like Speed Racer it would be a lot yeah yeah you're right it would be the plot speak Isis exactly ideally does live even from this that's convenient isn't it Dark Souls okay where shield up shield is up who knows what could be around the corner but Mike if the comments on any video we've ever posted in which Dark Souls has been mentioned and you've been playing it in the footage mm-hmm having your shield up all the time is bad yeah it is bad and like imagination i i've worked beyond my cowardice but basically having a shield that means your stamina recharge is slower yeah so really you should have the shield down when you're sort of backed away and only have it up when you're likely to be hit whereas I used to just hide behind it because it made me feel safe like a security blanket so don't even fight on stairs you've attached his gravity yeah it's the ultimate market disrespect yeah cheering the Underberg yes that seems good yeah always always go for it hello yeah they will do that um yes this is the first little major area of docks all goods I'm gonna hit these barrels and they're no treats in any barrel should I just not smash any barrels I feel like it's very occasionally there are treats but very that you know it's normally obvious that they'll be treats behind them so Oh fire bombs really how original think you're a bit good and does Andy's will Sawyer says hey guys harder to watch homes now and back at uni but just wants to say was great to see you guys again at EDX any news on rezzed we should be at rest yeah they just tickets just went on sale actually so we should really think about what we're doing it right yes yeah we'll come up with plan but we'll probably be there it's local for us as well what would people like to see us do arrest yeah yeah we haven't got any plans yet so if there's anything specific we should be doing now's the time yep this all looks normal and fine yes but of course can't have these bodies together I'm getting too tangled up in them now it's getting bare mind if you die now you've got to do all those bad guys you just actually that was totally worth it uh mace what else we got yeah no bike-o owl says hey guys thanks to meudon Souls today and thanks for creating great and entertaining content I'm glad they caught the stream on time praise the Sun know the little some praise I'm wearing my my solare hoodie because we're engaging in jolly corporation he's on the thing good work well done hope everyone enjoyed the music club stream starting yeah and you picked the music's one stream people did seem to be enjoying it in the comments oh there's something there's a treat oh the only snacks is back hello saying hey stud muffin and big papa would you rather never be angry or never be envious Oh hmm I feel like MV two-degree could be a positive things it might drive you forward - yeah achieve things and earn things yourself I could anchor though I suppose whoa whoa whoa some kind of women I suppose that you can drive you for but only towards things like revenge right whereas Envy is like coveting something like if you're I'm really angry it's like this is just fix yeah this injustice has happened I'm going to enact change I still think I'd rather have envy than anger though yeah and I'm not typically an angry person anyway so it seems closer to my default angle yeah I think that's probably the same Tokyo I was worried you might angry with this game but then I remembered the hitman two ghost movies raise the bar for what makes you Power Man yeah if anyone saw that video of Mike and I'd like hitman two's multiplayer mode it's brilliant listen worst mic you weren't playing it properly and oh shut up oh and stabbed yeah oh okay this is this is getting some rolling getting out of hand back out let's get out of here chugga Nexus I'm off oh hello I said I'm off chugga Nestor's quick can you trigger missed us we're running now you know you have to stop that's fine you've got a grouping yeah you've regrouped this is advice Roselle and he said don't be afraid of backing off and weak yeah oh my god they're all chasing me all right but they're all gonna get corralled here um on stairs that's right by great unrest Gabbar is waiting for their copy of Dark Souls remastered on switch and says cool may actually Maul the postman drop from the roof that's it seemed like a great plan and so you want to order another game in the future in the a.m. and deliver it to you that was good that was a good tactic they all got caught up in yeah yeah fighting enemies is a super valid tactic your master key might work on that dog okay that's right actually let me kill this Archer first because he's annoying me do it or in fact yes to kill a larger in fact that cosplay might and if you turn turn behind you there you go head in there look I was it was a bonfire sweet so get a bonfire and that's your like checkpoint great for exploring the rest of this area perfect things are going well that's good to see your first 35 minutes and there's a game you're doing which team will have another sip of this unpleasant yes exactly taste the bonfire which is the new everybody drink the horrible bonfire tea when you sit it yeah a bonfire man it really does taste like the your big liking sends you yes I have some comments while I get my breath yes Oh Graham glass cabal wants to say that we're his favorite YouTube channels on nice clean gaming exclamation mark says hello chaps how does this game look run / run compared to the original last gen version high five it is slightly improved I believe in docked mode it runs at 1080p as well where we are playing docked at the moment but this tree is in the streams in 20 the game runs in 1080p demos in dinos back because I yeah of course but it's fine you've got a load of Estes and you you know you can now push on and if you die you'll only come back to here rather than way back to where you were before since all that incremental progress right he doesn't know here could stab me in the back yeah you can't you seem able to sneak oh they all saw me come to the wrong person are you conflicting right stick of looters we continue so oh boy go back they're all back and it's happening so what it's fine because if you die you literally just be like 5 feet away so yeah but I'll have to get my souls back that's true you just sit at the bonfire and they'll disappear again alright buy yourselves a pretty BMI cells would be in the bonfire assessment but yeah it looks slightly better it's slightly improved on the previous generation it's not as good-looking as the Xbox one and ps4 versions but it it looks pretty great I mean yeah it's cool it looks and also Blighttown fixed apparently so the frame rate would drop to single figures so apparently that's been fixed according to my friends who've been reviewing this game so yeah cool Marty Fox here we know hey Mark what's going I'm out and about in West London all day nice since the last string we now have a fourth kitten oh wow amazing amazing you can never have too many kittens yeah just collective I'm not gonna actually stand by that statement because I can imagine every your entire house were filled with kittens I imagine there is probably an unlucky not possibly many kids but it's definitely not for so well done muck sorbus and it's something I fully cannot pronounce Sinope Piper severed Jana did yes said yeah underscore he's also a new member so thank you I hope it was worth it just to hear me try and pronounce that Michael Schmidt says while it it'd be impossible not to cheer for Corazon success I did feel slightly better when Andy died on that grassy ledge to the firebombing skeleton do that about 23 more times and we'll be even yeah that was pretty embarrassing princess Bush is a new member oh hey princess wish I know that name yes it's meta EDX cool hello Quinn says can we download the you are dead dead dead too I just searched for you are dead on YouTube it's from a game called total distortion so yeah you just play on YouTube whenever you like greater uncle Escobar is a new member as well thank you for joining us Oh might as well grab everything Rudy there's no light I put it on or anything yeah if you want oh yes Oh someone's trying to fire on me yeah I don't think they can reach okay they can reach when you're running across that thing they'll go back to this bonfire right stuff sorry carry on one yes so you should be able to change but I think maybe it might be too heavy it might slow down your sort of agility yeah so hmm it doesn't look as good is that no yeah fashion Souls is an important thing yeah I think it weighs more I think the 7.8 might be the weight right okay so it's equal Tory affect your ability yeah I should be actually the edge oh cool rights where are we Jordan Brickley orb Ricky sorry as a chemist in a production plant I wasn't watching listened to your channels to get through 12 hour shift man it's a lot easier to deal with the pressure and intense workload with a smile on my face thank you we are happy to help yeah Jordan and yes we're happy to help as long as it doesn't cause you to be distracted and cause a massive chemical explosion let's just clarify that I've got a witness yield Mike is that good no okay but it's okay I'm also using my sawtooth handed down logical way oh did you go through that door was that oh yeah that was at a master key job no I think it just opened oh okay okay okay oh yeah cool if you right you're gonna want to sprint along that thing because otherwise you me at fireball but then that rooms full baddies as well okay like build up the courage and then just run in there how do I switch to I get away from two-handed Oh as that one thank you all right I'm doing it Go Go Go you're doing it nice yeah yeah okay now lock onto something and hit it a lot I will yes good good now roll oh and killing me an unlucky is there loads of them I should run in there run straight back out climb across stage yes no we've seen we can do that when you need to make sure you get back across the bridge quick enough you don't get hit by five oh yeah I can I will okay good glad to hear that it's a full waste of a human life can we cover this I'm Kim it and release it into the jaws Christmas not one yeah [Music] Kathy aired says sorry to bring it back to D&D but did Corazon Zach sent change when you speaking thieves camped yes that seemed was the absolute best did his accent yes it's the old boy yeah it's someone transcribes it on the TV Tropes page and said it was like a couple of old Etonians catching up right I just thought it would be funny if thieves can't to anyone else listen to it sounded incredibly popular yeah it just seemed to be like that would be a funny so then your position so yeah he did that was some going all all out posh nice perfuse County social Miguel is back to clarify that when he was talking about closing he meant he works in kitchens so working at closing show okay so up late I used to work occasion as I understand I'm just really happy someone can pronounce my name correctly it's been mispronounced my whole life oh man well happy to I hope I didn't ruin it the second time bye for now to get completely different I'm doing this yeah and I'm going back nice okay maybe they get hit by the fireball that'd be great but yeah if you come like over here reckon I mean they're all coming they're all they are all coming but but just don't forget your shield and several in single file yeah nice nicely avoided this okay you'll need to keep that shield out of his way you do that or you can just backstab him if you can get around yeah let's try that nice roll back into yeah he's getting for a big one look nice I'll do yeah cool yeah okay good that's then down Jack Parkinson is spending your his day off assembling IKEA furniture okay man I've been there making a steak pie doing the laundry and hunting for PhD funding yeah oh it starts alls is a nice diversion to keep you sane have a pint on me later know you've got a big ax nice get my souls back thank you my soul's jokes and goggle or Lester's to celebrate nice treat yourself yeah treat myself to some nice Estes martini works on that gate and everybody drink everybody drink oh wow it is like it's not getting any better tasting it yeah it is a bit but if you put out a bonfire with a bucket of water this is a scooped up so that walks yeah okay miss answers disorders in the comments hey hey do we want to see our dr to you ask well duh of course okay well on that boat of one person i think we should definitely do it yeah i don't know how like we'll try and avoid spoilers for stream like I'll probably play like the first two or three hours just to get through the initial opening story bit kind of get ins where I suspected me quite cinematic so we probably want to save also yeah we don't even know if you can start off in open world or in Vince makes you go through a kind of gta5 style bang you know the bank heist nada yeah so yeah well we'll play until we get to a point where we think it would be good to scream from Wow hello he just Wilin out in there yeah go down his own pie oh I was that was are you like very nearly really good back stuff I did it back set when you were looking at yeah I heard you celebrating so well then it's good have you mastered that technique and get it sort of time you'll be a little thief Conaty says morning from Seattle might you my brother in stealth if you guys have Borderlands style classes like guns Irka what would they call they be called just think I'm gonna think about this question and then get turn to the chest okay guns er'ka hmm it'd be like stealth based probably so does it have to be a partner is that's a question thinks or just like a compound word okay so stealth care professional stealth care professionals good yeah I'm gonna open this and hope it's not a mimic hey it's not a mimics nice I mean it would be a bit rude for the first chest you've seen in the entire fake clenched my fire bomb it's asking how many as you got did yet if you press up there yeah yeah I've got seven nice very good very good um what would my be something explode e boom shacka like yeah yeah boom shacka like it works as you if it boom something cuz you got beams yeah okay so I came from there I went in there okay up here just spy yeah watch out cuz those five on go oh boy three guys firebomb guys is it well well let you compare that game friends ah by idiots i lock onto something yeah well I'm gonna go nice you've managed to separate now quite well yeah my mom coming down the stairs too you know so you got you kiting one of them firebomb the other one now this one is ripe for the plucking okay I hope you try and dodge that's my thing absolutely he's gonna inhale all if you gases it's his soul and hey I got to fire bombs although their regular they're not black um I would say you have its eggs the black ones definitely Matt Quinn 13 says you guys really make me leave miss living in London I'm back to being stuck on an island in Canada enjoy being able to buy Kabri pebbles I miss them that's a cool thing to have like discovered while you're a cabbie pebbles yeah chocolatey but also oh you're musky words yeah it's living on an island Canada sounds pretty cool it does sound kind of cool what where is the way is it good to be in here I don't know I've never had the more secure well I'm in here now so was it like a little is it like a little shortcut to a different part of the level oh okay I mean you could have just dropped down got that I think if bit don't have see now resin I think yeah you can apply that to weapon and it turns it into like a fiery one okay which got handy for bosses and the like wizard Brownbeard says my favorite youtubers streaming my favorite game on my work from home day and ain't noon yet and II quicken and out attacks the best don't overcommit alright I'm not even talking about the king of you i growed the guy up there a little go game it's fine you can taste you unlock on serve and then he's rubbish it caught the close quarters in fact yeah it's really good to go up and get this guy because he's a pain if you forget about them goods yeah and arrows in the back of the head excellent alright good advice everyone yeah dashing in doing an attack running off running away getting people and bare mind like you don't need to roll away necessarily if you kind of you can you've got quite a lot of movement just in running backwards and forwards and stuff yeah remember to use that I would recommend not going downstairs to the right there because up here yet did some more firebomb guys up here I believe okay alright well let's see what they've got oh I'm behind them yeah careful oh it's really easy to fall off here oh yeah - through them and you might get hit in the face with a five on them it seems a waste because I would try and sneak up and backstab one of them at least okay so lock onto don't you if you flick the stick yeah you sneaky sneaky sorry oh the traditional oh oh you bounce off a roof as well why would you do that yeah so when you're lost on you do need to bear in mind that you will tell you chase them a bit yes going okay you re newell says Andes love of history's getting me through the folly of - spoil your -3 degree anyway dad see your stream with a huge fan for years thanks for joining us oh good luck with a history yeah it's a good subject very interesting it Brea breaks down of it's nowhere near as good as the spoken word being thriller so okay nothing they work they were in competition I feel like everyone is around got to kill everyone again welcome to Dark Souls and this is this is practice your sneaky back stops this is fun is it yeah just running and nearly you're just very slowly turned around wait let's go off the cliff again yeah okay you got those guys yeah I said I did you footwork I like it oh yeah real nice guy the one who snacks has new nicknames for us okay hey again Disney Channel on the beanie baby again really not sure who to but okay I mean yeah I'm wearing a beanie in your name is channel so see how that works although I love Disney well I like that I'm a family-friendly shampoo like one of the read one yeah the upper echelons of the a channel list would you rather never be able to use a touchscreen will never be able to use a keyboard and mouse I keep what a mouse interesting cuz I don't ever use a keyboard a mouse you right you literally write scripts for this very YouTube job I thought it was like keyboard and mouse oh no I think he means Isaac way as an input sis oh no it's a dead end oh well well yeah it's stuck on the stairs with me I've like Rorschach you're stuck up here don't forget your estes yeah there we go that was goods have a cheek yes this I don't want one I'm fine I mean you've got less than half house but okay I'm good nothing can stop me Dalton Harrell says a potential hit man if it is a session of mic playing random people in ghost mode and see him how many rage quit non-stop laughs I like it yeah we should try that I'd be up there like it is the concept Samuel Walker Smith says Mike do you think you'll ever finish Dark Souls also you're all great I will I promise I will I just got a bit frightened off by all since malice is now obviously just I was saving it for when I was at about that level of Hell this guy in here is getting chopped yeah I knew you were there this time and his mate and your mate who lives in here along because he's dead yeah there we go um yes I so it does accelerate as you get better for the game as you learn the areas just lose patience of ever on Ronnie only go screw your table idiot smash up all their furniture they're having a bad enough time Randy in the undead burg without a new rank in the furniture should have thought that before they became undead burg Ian's right I will finish tiles promise draco saw says hello from Australia I always enjoyed watching your streams looking forward to packs yes the reason we're on now side extra and you're not seeing Luke and Ellen right now is literally everyone else everyone else is in Australia so we're doing this to keep ourselves amused while everyone else goes to pax Australia so if you are have tickets back to Australia Luke Ellen and Jane are all gonna be over there doing Barrett actually yeah and there's give me some cool Life shows as well yeah yeah but I think they're they're being screamed if you can't make it we'll have more details on landings but yeah we'll keep you guys posted one more hopefully you can still see all the cool maksim this happening there's a live show of the weekend that's gonna be extremely cool and fun uh yeah come on do you want some yeah you did Rick joy says I pasted my all the live stream that my fiance and I we're going to include the banger box on our wedding playlist of our shared love you'll that wedding is tomorrow oh boy and we just want to say thank you all for keeping us sane in this crazy world you're welcome they over Bay oh my god he'd like me anyway that is gratulations on the wedding super-exciting I hope yeah I hope the organization of it all hasn't been too stressful don't forget your guy out on the towel oh yeah pop in there get him don't worry about the farmers they saw yeah yeah I hope we've managed to help you out a little bit during the distressful organization period but enjoy tomorrow should be really good fun right yeah I guess the most romantic song ever it is yes yes how can your marriage ever bail when it's been blessed by the music yeah the only song more romantic is the other Vengaboys song boom boom boom boom I want you in my room with a different kind of wraps Hey oh hello sky hey do you even come from I honestly don't worry game before you get him look at him is stupid hollowface and it's pointy helmet although the fire bomb guys are gonna outgrow it somehow how did that happen oh oh you might all gonna deal with him right come on then wait to go then yeah you'll just kill him down below right now let's all not fall off here oh you can get your souls back as alright let me deal with this idiot yeah don't forget lock on ya anything as your friend but it's just souls those delicious Souls and you killed them all so yeah if you just very carefully grab the souls me walk up and grab the you again nice and then go to the right now why can't look why can't we all just get along that's why I only have to be trying to stab each other we're all here in the undead burg we should be trying to make the best of it try explaining that to the next enemy you go across I'm sure he'll be receptive now there were two shield guys down there yes there they're bad I would use this opportunity to kite one of them up says hi to you so fat bust out your fancy footwork and you should be fine see this whoa whoa look at that agility so yeah still such panache this guy yes have you seen me yes me right okay so just very carefully interests Anna says until one of them's like woken up Hey she'll go guess what I got to dump okay yeah yo he fell for it he's like what did you say about shields I want to get you a nice try oh oh but his shield is actually quite useful oh yeah okay oh oh Lucky's homing in on me yeah he does do a little spin Estes look oh ho you are lucky that didn't hear you are so lucky I didn't hear lucky or skilled my lucky judges say yeah yeah nice there we go there we go yeah psycho psycho this is happening Friday good luck killing all the things Thanks I'm gonna need it yeah you are let's go to the back step yeah don't forget welcome Oh me look on okay although there's a he's got a friend David get back out back out back up don't overcommit remember the tip yeah yeah Estes up yeah lock on because otherwise you end up just sort of swinging in here like the walls and stuff so get used to clicking that stick in oh boy he's left himself wide open yeah classic rookie error and now his friend thinks that he's got what it takes just deal with this kind of footwork you're like Muhammad Ali of dogs ha oh yeah classic over-commitment Oh Matt Quinn 13 that has an update on the island yeah says its Newfoundland oh oh oh boy I think an ounce turn you've abandoned oh no he got me with this pokey stick look him wandering off now he's like satisfied with his work well now it's a tea time that's welcome to Dark Souls as I said hashtag welcome stop let's get some real comments I heard ruck I don't know if I'm pronouncing that right it's just from free GX Mario Party but with one player from ox box ultra eg and RPS we need to know which channel has the most arbitrary luck it's an important thing to discover let me fun like we'd like the eg guys obviously we like the RPS guys as well I've got a brand new video team over there with some cool people and so yeah we could collaborate with them if they fancy taking us on Mario's ace has a non Halloween question what's not interesting Andy do you watch RuPaul's Drag Race how do you say not today Satan and sashay away on all videos and had to know yes my little strike race is an excellent runner don't you come up with those phrases like double ahead yeah yeah Andy rocks is a lot of it I've watched bits and bobs of it it's it's great yeah it's really good fun and we've both seen Bianca Del Rio yes yeah different locations different callers the world yeah went to Provincetown and like right on the tip of Cape Cod and saw Bianca Del Rio performs really fun Kathy n says I'd watch war but sadly it's time for work boys it's time for work toys boys it's always time for work boys Booster Gold wants to know how we're doing without adult supervision oh well great as you can see I'm being chased by a night zombie it's fine so far by Sony day one I mean it could all go pre horribly wrong later on but given that we're live-streaming so frequently if it does go horribly wrong you'll probably be there to see we'll be there to see it like um come on up says friend nothing can hurt you on the stairs my Quinn says it's pronounced I have a newfound room just as I said it's a new cue from D Lindland show the lettuce to that song it's that classic of the 90s yeah all right through here there's only one guy left it's gonna sprint over there give him a piece of my mind and also sword all right I'm going to refresh this chat because it's getting confused all right hit him stammen all this idiot listen Paolo worried around my kids glads seems good to me everything's exploding yeah that's Dark Souls trombonist out there that happens when you save ourselves and you well what are you saying here it's bad what are you doing again cutting this tiny gorilla Shaun McHale says also even the second time you pronounce my name better than most so thank you so I did get it wrong twice and now I've said it a third time who knows yeah there's a lottery this a bad lottery where your name might be mispronounced alright there's a little Mississippi crew growing in the chat okay hey Mississippi Oh Oh John radicals has tipped by a sword from the merchants nearby Julius the merchants near mind yeah well let me just get your solve ourselves back yeah oh look it's a sexy way sexy waist but it's like a beach sarong yeah anyone you might get hit in the head with a Bible Thomas early says finally caught the live stream my life is complete shins what's the next ambition as if Andy is away for there were awesome Ozzy says how many of the upcoming live streams will be from the loading bar the alternative being Mike's living room ah most of them will be for a mostly spooky office yeah most of will be from Andy's place because he's got a spooky office and we might do one on the 30s for Cthulhu at loading bar but them decided yet yeah be cool we asked we are streaming Call of Cthulhu we haven't decided whether we're gonna get from loading bar or from our places instead got my selves back - so where is this merchant oh so if you go back we're just gonna kill this RJ yeah get rid of him oh oh right a face as well seriously yeah so you guys you got a ton of souls so even if you don't buy swords it's the other way get back I don't face those guys right even if you don't buy a sword it might be a good idea to upgrade your stats mm-hmm right and you can you know you can sprint by holding aid yeah hey yeah don't sprint off from a Ledge okay yeah so you can sprint across here yeah yeah yeah work those thighs right so if you head down the stairs without falling to my death without falling to death and if you head to the left oh you might have to fight these two guys to get there right fine maybe I'll choke it lets distant yeah give it give it a cheeky drink and while you do I'm gonna drink some bonfire juice oh yeah true everybody drink the bonfire juice getting calm now so PT except some comments all I eat instead Nile Foreman says don't kill the guy for a sweet katana that's the opposite of supporting local businesses yeah I can't think of anything less supportive than killing the merchants taking their big pointy stick he does yeah well too bad friendo people are trying to persuade you to go and fight the Black Knight but I don't think it's a good idea yes yeah I know anyone who's gone I think he's over committed yeah himself I've got no stamina left but that's fine I've got him okay let me just give up now he's me oh all right good and now your mate and have you got even got a long stick oh yes got some sort of spades maybe you're a dapper Horace can't wait to see you play amnesia and oh yeah we can't wait to play amnesia I see it fully past the spikes is a PC game it's a quite an old game but it's only just come out on Xbox one so what's with those dudes with the way of flapping mouths yeah in fact I say before Jane jumped on the plane to Australia she made a bunch of thumbnails for all of our live streams coming up and I was trying to work out which one was the most disturbing and I think the amnion easy one is definitely once look out but what's this guy's beef he doesn't seem to want to fight well you just bring the fight to him no maybe he's like oh I really don't want to do this maybe this is the guy you should explain that yeah long - I think we should all get along what do you think about that plan you know he doesn't like it there was a little yeah you can see the little I think it a little glowing thing maybe appears when you when you in range for it I mean I'll do anyway yeah nicely done right we need a good friends okay he was thinking about he could tell all right there's the merchant down there do you see was sitting down yeah so you head over and roll through these boxes okay no secrets a well yeah cool all right cool Isaac Wilkins says thank York's friends you've rekindled my souls love right here on this live stream souls on the go has been my dream ever since the Vita's release gonna get a switch today cheers lads cool I don't think you aggressive and it's such a endlessly replayable game I think it's the switch now has Skyrim yep breath of the world yeah and Dark Souls like three of the best sort of action erpg predators ever ever mascot Mario Odyssey yes all the other stuff but if you are into RPGs the switch is such an awesome thing to have in your life stowed in your bag so do you find some bonuses all what kind of dude how many so I've got 3701 Souls and these are all pretty cheap swords oh yeah okay what's a good what's the good one what's good for me I don't know really I mean I I feel like anything that's gonna slow you down is bad you could choose like a rapier maybe or the scimitar looks pretty handy though doesn't it do you need to be a certain level to wield it I honestly don't know I just by the by the boats by the scimitar and I don't know I don't know overload Mike what your your I think it's your only encumbered by what you're wearing at the time so I think you can pick up as much stuff as your mu is six hundred Souls yeah oh yes sorry prices are different and the rapier is 600-cells so which do you think looks better I guess you're a thief the rapist I mean it's not quite as good but it's close and it looks just the rapier is there anything else in the kind of miscellaneous bits as well you get bone arrow if you want I'm like coming useful later on it's a d-cell a bow maybe not yeah maybe in the weapons bin oh yeah will be a short bow yeah I get short bow yeah this it's useful particularly if you're like a sneaky sneaking in and there's some arrows yeah it gets them just yeah sound of wooden arrows I guess [Music] yeah crank up get about 100 of them or something contrary ya say 312 Souls is that Organists okay cool anything else I wanna go stuff in there as the resonant key we don't want sorry yes repair power prevents esters for cutting ours boring right finger soapstone is for co-op okay I think of sorts it's for yeah I think you're okay okay cool unless you wanted some new armor but nothing all right I'll just never get hit that's my plan okay cool that's that works as well alright alright would you want to spend the rest of your waste of time hold up a clip you fall off a cliff rude you licked you just bought some stuff from and then just because you talk to him again he got angry okay equip your rapier okay there we go cool all right right yeah look at that I go stick some guys stick this guy no don't agar-agar you could do but you don't want to oh oh hello this time city Scott try out your new you can you get someone's asking to be rated there we go oh great Xaro it will point you with it yeah and then they'll go that Oh jumping that's gonna be pretty pretty I love this alright cool great these two fools want to know the origin story of the Egbert hat the original sorry is its I bought Alf Amazon it's a dragon hat that was read I think for like Welsh rugby fans yeah mainly at Welsh rugby fans and I spray painted it gold and the fumes hung around for a good three days afterwards but it was fully worth it but that's why it's got a reddish tint but I actually think it looks quite cool coppery so your choices here are yes you could spend some of your souls on levelling up but obviously it will yeah come back so or you can just press on with the new weapon well it's Chloe Brandi says I'm listening for this while doing my uni notes good luck with your uni notes yeah Valarie sham says hey guys done have any questions for you just wants to express my sincere and pure love and appreciation for you and your channel oh that's lovely we're going back out here you cook you can go and kill those firebomb guys if you want or you can just stack it off and go and focus on the other dudes look at them all trooping around I mean your bag Road yeah they're gonna chase you to the ends of the earth well well to be honest you're getting quite close to the first boss and I would say you probably want more than three Estes when you're taking him on maybe well maybe okay so you'd have to recharge a bonfire so just press on is it this way yes this way you can press on if you want right kiting time verbal says love all your videos thanks for your times nice oh nice right riposte yeah good okay take that corpse around you as well right remember like lighten up because there's another guy who will come down as well okay nice the range on these things yeah way better than your little sticky night yeah i think we found the weapon for you okay list for the early part of the game guys so tense I always sticky stick okay drink Estes you need to get around the back of him I think probably he's got such range like you to get in nip around the back and then stabby stabby in the back II know just trying to come on I'm liking the foot work that it's good it's good footwork see if you can instead of rolling see if you to run almost run just right right behind him Yeah right get in there yeah you didn't grab his solos or whatever titanite shards cool that's for reinforcing weapons cool okay I'm gonna let you know now that there's a guy up there who's gonna kick a flaming Beryl at you so right just be cautious alright I'll let you get hit by the boulder cuz it was white because it was low stakes but this this get that guy it's gonna be extremely painful if you get it it's be prepared to run away in the opposite direction you need to go about the stairs you'll see it personally to say lads come on yes and again there we go good cool cool how the comments thing yeah good let's see what John top says so guy who got sketched on the livestream and can't wait to the rest love you guys in your channel thank you Matt Quinn 13 says signing off to work on a TV pitch good luck always good luck with the TV pitch hope it goes well go through here with Murasaki oh oh that's useful good right down there second yeah what's down here no it's bad it's bad yeah it's very bad okay I mean it's good but it's there's a guy down there who you definitely do not wanna mess with really oh okay yes yeah maybe he wants to be friends seems unlikely okay on the other hand does a guy appear he doesn't really want to be friends either but he's the guy you're supposed to be being so yeah it is quite isn't it yeah I do that right head up here pass through the forged or wait alright [ __ ] door hmm seems good seems not at all boss arena II yeah there's definitely watch out look up oh okay wait now run back and head up that ladder this is my this is my pro strat so strapped ya head up that ladder some kind of tourist even like yes yeah what gave it away oh boy seems to be trying oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy he's got a friend yeah it does have friends get them get them stop them gives be stabbed yes good okay now welcome Superboy oh he's up he's up here now oh maybe I should stab it what do you think yeah I think that's a good plan back up rollin nice tab no I need to I need more stamina okay now a simple case nice okay I'm lost Estes desaad mr. song get up nice oh no okay okay let your stamina come back [Music] while you've chipped off probably about a sixteenth tube is yes so good work kids but yes behind the telescope of tomatoes got no that was everything you see what you mean now okay if you're gonna die you want to die apparently so okay gain they're like getting there a couple of stabs and then oh wow you were fully smashed flat and your course doesn't even exist Wow yeah alright you smashed through the floor so I was like diving sideways but I guess no wow tougher than that times all right let's get that again oh yeah good Johnny long back says gotta roll towards him that's a good strategy because you end up you get quite close to him and his weapon some of his attacks can go over you okay and you use the size of him you'll sometimes will roll around to the side which puts you in a good position wall towards him James Fung says I still here tourist demon like he travels around the map taking camera mode selfies so you're just gonna sack off a bunch of these hey mister these five bring through and see what happens they forget Sprint's on a I'm actually sprinting so I could gosh he's good though in theory you could run past all these people that's the theory I'm working on oh but you did get hit and spine there I feel like sprinting sprinting sprinting is a good idea okay because it's fun oh yeah that's not super good plan then maybe I'll clear a few up now [Applause] Charlie may says I love watching playthrough because I like the look of this game but I know it sucks so hard at it he's quite hard yeah the trick is to get the ladder first kill the archers before the demon spawns that is a good idea yeah and then spawn the demon then go back up the ladder and fall his head for massive damage then black firebombed remembers black fire bombs you're saving yes of course the black fire bombs why didn't it seems like a good strategy alright I see that definitely getting rid of those archers they'll cross my guys first is a good a good plan so we have another 13 minutes or so before we're gonna wrap this up sounds good sounds like the amount of time I need to defeat the torus team yeah okay lock-on footwork oh just calling arrows of the face guy on the left nice good that ray Peters pretty handy you like it all the way that's fine it breaks on the thing and doesn't hurt me anything oh I mean it definitely can hurt you I've been nursing him no nice does use a lot of salmon err just to do those those three but they using heart attacks all alike both as and when the situation horse race he's two days oh you ran them both through at the same time that's pretty good actually I would yeah ready owl a bit on fire cool don't worry about these guys like they won't really they're not going to come and they won't come out unless you sort free sort yeah right steal these guys real quick yeah bit of tiki kiting anak wants to know if we'd ever played blood-borne it's wonderful Halloweeny yeah my guess yeah I have played it yeah we probably would have streamed it were Dark Souls switched not coming out in this sort of Halloweeny period but yeah I mean blood-borne is it's sort of new the game basically undies so people keep saying it's exactly my effect yeah it's like Victorian goth stuff gruffly Souls I know why your souls are here because I thought you got killed by then I got killed again here oh oh yes I remember yes when you're running yeah okay what's good it means you're unburdened by the requirement to go and rescue bunches all also kids don't get lock-on we'll help you oh it's not killed oh it's esta see ya they arrest as fast why can't I just have their SS wow that's not really how it works loop them off them fixes come on come on sense brett smith says hey it's my first point you guys just in the studio today I'm winding down to you guys after gym sesh thank you so much for all you do this is not the studios is just my flat so it's my apartment - PI it looks like a studio it does yeah it's like white white painted walls and stuff we very could film shows a weekend but ya know it's just we're just chillin our mine nice Friday evening livestream yeah the gym went well that's good sir good time to get the generation it's less Friday Friday me everyone's out yeah Nesta Stan you and you your chance yeah Friday yeah Friday night is uh he's a good song skits the gym she's gonna kick a thing at me again no that's someone off think he's just gonna try and stab you I'm gonna try that nonsense again are you yeah okay okay right try this again boss time so I'm gonna kill the artist first yeah so head up the ladder you immediately the old black fire bombs nice I'm gonna give him what for just don't accidentally throw a backfire on when you're intending to chug and Estes yeah well you know maybe maybe that all right all right traverse the white lights nice oh the demon Mike bordick no he's not that so head up the ladder quick get those two arches so you've got a clear run yeah lock on Oh imagine being a giant tourists even and still needing two arches to back you yeah bring your mates oh boy very uncool very very uncool only you don't man all right let me just switch back to the old Estes yeah get one of those down that down you should probably take both you're nice I think maybe might be good idea sorry Archer stab me right up yeah okay so what the guy was saying was Oh head down the slider spawn the demon as soon as he drops it in yeah get back up the ladder and then you can like lock onto from above yeah and drop down and do a plunging attack she would have practiced if you hadn't already killed these Cylons but basically you lock on to fall down and just as you're falling press the light attack button light attack yeah okay well let's try it okay so wait until he appears yeah keep an eye up keep an eye out bit more maybe you guys have natural causes fell off the wall yeah I think that's unlikely died of old age get up that ladder going get up that ladder okay and then yeah like so immediately turn around lock on and then land on his stupid head yeah go for it oh oh look you didn't work all right well oh no now I'm cordis oh oh man ah oh you've already no no eat fire bomb can I roll through snakes yeah there you go right back off maybe Estes and back off back off yeah oh boy okay you just send in those black fireballs but you're gonna need to heal at some point oh you come down to our cells okay okay so there's my fire bombs are helping I think you have use most if you've managed to be the ponding attack yeah I think you might have you know I might hurt but program yeah so it's all about good like a deer what yeah do I have enough my focus now is the question definitely enough to to soften him up a bit the I think the key is just not losing too much in the way of Estes is on the way there although you're in a hurry also making sure that you don't use too many of them okay take it I'll do one more go and I'll take it slow okay cool and then I guess we'll have to wrap it up yeah nothing's doing the comments let's find out anymore for anymore get your last comments in oh good stuff good stuff okay watch out yeah nice running stop yes yes good stabbing watch out this guy someone upstairs oh that was a practice fine and good like a golf or doing a practice swing because I take it too much damage already you see that I see Jon Ricky wants to know what was the hardest thing when you first started the channel and what point did you know you could make it work and get into a groove go Broncos go Broncos probably when no one was watching any of the videos yeah our very first videos they were like for 200 people or something it's like we put the similar amount the same amount of effort into them then as we do now anymore cuz I didn't know how to edit it yes yeah so it's tough I think if you're thinking of starting a YouTube channel that's the difficult bit to get over is like not losing motivation in those like really very early days but hopefully as you sort of make videos you get more views and the motivation like that motivation kind of kicks in to keep growing it and I know it's pretty like it I mean how long did it take before you're like this is definitely a thing that is like ah gonna work so it can be a long haul road but if you're passionate about it and that's what you want to do then be persistent keep working at it you will improve as well like the quality well yeah as in previously yeah immeasurably if you doing something every day yeah you get better at the time there you get better than but it can be a long road Oh Philip Rucker says holy cow forgot dogs holes came up with a switch good luck guys it literally only came out today so yeah it's oh man only we got five minutes all right I'm sorry but I'm good I'm good all right I'm gonna have to do my solos expert guy's weird playing on this pad very very strange yeah Kirra gaming says just wanted to say I love how you aren't getting frustrated and just having fun best way to approach games I'm getting no lid on it but yeah like I said we've recalibrated your levels of frustration in that hitman go slowly from video if you haven't watched it hitman to you as a multiplayer mode and you know played against each other and let's just say our playing stars aren't particularly compatible I think I should have probably been obvious from our previous effect and things let me just configure options and if you can use rapiers level of dexterity yeah yeah it's pretty good idea we've not really level very much up at all have we okay I'm gonna have a I'm gonna crack at this anyway Easter Paul says it's nearly Halloween you guys are there your co-hosts are in Australia while you're not planning silly pranks like responsible mysterious adults that's a good point we just should we should prank them real hard what's a good prank no also pranks aren't allowed on YouTube anymore then oh that's true yeah you have to take a special box yeah it so you've not done any frames yeah being on YouTube in 2018 is weird man Oh something alright I fell off good start this control is weird what better do 50 pieces yeah to be fair actually we are using this not yeah but you only have one controller and Luke has it needs no that's right yeah he's taking his Australia one man of doom 53 says did Andy address the latest read dead 2 trailer with John Martin's voice oh no nothin yet but in your face when you heard John Austin's voice hey well I grow it in all caps it was like it's the real John Master voice make his face he only says 3 words but that was enough but that was the greatest 3 words ever said right let's do this about loyalty he says it's great ok cancel their flights oh wow Frank this is cruel oh cool like can you roll through his legs if you have to hand it to your hand it does increase the damage but obviously you don't have the shield yeah I don't need the shield there at that point miss King yeah I do know the shield's quite useful but obviously your your whole deal is is not not shields it's not like I'm blocking the tourists even get rekt all of you nice wrecking thanks world class wreckin cru right here yeah oh one man world class wreckin group it doesn't doesn't work everything know that shields the promise is obviously your characters like still quite low level yeah I love how when you're doing talking about Dark Souls hmm literally everything you can do in Dark Souls is somehow shameful to someone right using a rapier instead of an S stocks there's someone here for shame what even is an S don't like using the Drake sword well you haven't done that yet you don't got to hit it where you can use that rook rolling having fat rolls okay yeah everything is everything is shame why can't everyone just let's all just embrace there are different ways to played out so don't okay that's the shame I will say that that is not a good don't shame me oh my god yeah it's weird it's weird using a rapier I'm not used to it when is the next scream says Reilly Monday yeah right right what are we streaming on Monday I honestly can't remember I'm gonna find out right now look it up is it dead by daylight might be Hey oh no this guy's getting involved now as well oh boy monday I'm music collection oh cool looking forwards that yeah should be great fun okay drink this Estes you have yet to play a nude unarmed character shame yes yeah I tried that in the Christmas challenges went badly wrong oh they said when you tried to fight you dicks yeah yeah it's a sidestepping areas of the key you've got this at Andy says anonymous I kill you heaven because Mike's no but I remember don't hit Priscilla the crossbreed unless you absolutely can take her out there are other secrets but not enough room to tell okay kids I think Luke made the crossbreed Priscilla mistake using a controller instead of a mouse and Tom James James everyone who doesn't play Dark Souls exactly the same way as me is bad at dog so feeling ashamed shame this is amazing hashtag shame he versus handy do you think if I had eyes in Red Dead Redemption - we'll play as John for the end game would be cool idea but I don't know if it would make sense in the story because John supposedly was like shot and left the deads when he left the gang yeah I think maybe they all thought he was dead hmm but maybe they could maybe only Arthur knows and then something happens to Arthur and then John takes over which would be great and it reads it via such a treat so people who had to play as Jack my friend Dave Redemption they're like okay fine that was bad but here you go you can play Joe home run into that would be knows I would like that if that was what happened comments can you do a plunging attack with a rapier or not okay I'll tell you what they say thanks I've got special occasions using a controller instead of a power glove that's about it good going gang Gaston shame for the pass back shame nice maybe we need a new emoji new shame emoji shame okay one of those bells yeah shame shame all right I've got three Estes no idea it's more challenging playing this class than one way you've just got a shield you can i buy but like a good shield stop complaining about my shield what are they saying about the plunging attack yes you can talk good good good yes punished punished for victory okay not knowing if you can do a plunging attack with a rapier oh you can plunge with anything that isn't a whip all right why can't fun for the wick don't can't really put plunger whip into son's head okay plunge and then just whip them loads in the top of the head it's good right okay okay anyway I mean have one crack at this and it's really wrong but such is life okay I believe in you Mike they're even gonna get that mean old Taurus demon is mean hello okay right switch over to the fire box are you ready I hope so I certainly hope so don't look on clicking the sick yeah lunch there we go look at those giant chunk of Hell's all right now get out of there yes no roll oh no he did a jump oh yeah okay I get a five on one up your butt there we go okay no another one okay send it sent back girl yes yes ah boy oh nice did I miss him though he went through his legs okay oh he's so mad yes I'm a Taurus oh man IDs case that really badly okay okay you can keep the hugging now back forward flip get out of that getting out getting out getting out you're trying to get out to you oh no oh boy drunk it yeah yeah yeah okay now touch yes now seven seven the buck oh my god Randy undercarriage yeah don't know that all those bad into its porous one more ecstasy yeah I've got right okay it's your your me mate oh no I was holding directly yeah sure roll around him but it didn't work Wow beep-beep-beep clean off the edge oh man well I think that's for me it's unfortunately Andy you're gonna have to beat him yourself I think you know what I've got to say to that Mike are we in the spoken word though yeah dodging shame apparently I'm sorry I'm sorry I failed you all all right well that was us live streaming thank you so much for joining us it's been brilliant let me check with a bit last comments flight at Mike's apartment instead of mine Seamus says bastard sword to the wind fair enough fair enough that's a good point killed all right well all that remains is for me to turn off Dark Souls forever not forever I will keep paying that like I didn't do it so you need to go over to you will do this properly otherwise it tells you off like mr. Rossano yes tracting right enter there you go quick game it game I will promise oblivion mom I do promise that was very good bloody asylum demon cool all right it's dark in here as all I forgot to put our light on yes well yeah sorry it's getting dark in here thank you very much for watching everybody and we will see you on Monday yes for a music election playing amnesia which scale is that scary died probably not probably probably fine see you later bye and though check out show the week soon on yes going live voting see ya [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 89,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Outside Xtra, outside xbox, mike channell, andy farrant, dark souls, dark souls remastered, dark souls switch, dark souls on switch, nintendo switch, lordran, gameplay, dark souls switch gameplay, undead burg, bosses, boss, dark souls remastered gameplay
Id: S4whoGa8LG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 29sec (6209 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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