Assassin's Creed Black Flag LIVESTREAM: It's the Fort that Counts! Ellen Plays AC Black Flag

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hello everyone how are you all doing I hope that my face right the beginning there wasn't like hanger who's gonna be this microphone yeah how are you all doing this Wednesday afternoon it is a bit worn I will say the background is looking a little bit I'll try and try it get rid of that fuzz I basically my lighting is a little bit different today because I'm having to try and close my curtains a bit Roslin's not as much natural light coming in and that's because it's very warm light I get the afternoon Sun in my office and it means I melt slightly so I close my curtains in the hope that I won't melt as much that tends to keep the room cooler but they have a butcher yeah I have lots lots of water and I'm gonna try and push through this guy great say hi to Edward everyone look at him he's great Oh audio is a little bit out of sync I love this hang on give me two seconds I'm gonna disappear and back again is that better her audios way out of sync okay I'm gonna disappear again give me two seconds hello this is the disembodied voice about and everything is gonna be fine I might just have to do an unplug back in again situation before I started I wasn't getting any game noise whatsoever which was fun now hopefully hopefully this is that camera you you can't see any of this because it's not showing but this is this is all exciting stuff okay is that better probably not let's have a listen here do you wait game audio is a bit choppy yeah that was the issue that I was having earlier been really annoying sorry for the the live breakdown of everything that's happening still out it might it might genuinely just be the temperature in my room okay two seconds let's try this again yeah now I'm not getting any game audio coming through apparently oh this is great this is so great really really enjoying this everyone hang on I'm gonna mmm can I pop you on a holding screen I kind of need this screen open to sort out let's try put your holding screen holding screen is not happening [Music] hello I think I have fixed it and by fixing it I mean I turned my laptop laptop off and on again because nothing was doing it over for some reason for some reason my webcam was just very delayed it's looking a little bit choppy at the moment in my view I'm hoping it's a bit smoother for you lot why are you doing this to me like audio is still laggy right I recorded I did a recording to make sure that it was all in sync and it worked and now it's not now that I'm streaming like I literally did a recording or two seconds ago where it was all in sync and I don't know why OBS is now deciding to be laggy but and I've gone into quietness well how about why are you doing this why are you being so I've done I've done everything as I should done everything as I should [Music] man yeah now it's just like super super laggy what okay look this will have to do for a little bit if it drives you mad please let me know and we will just do a vocal only stream I don't know why it's doing this the only thing that I can think of is the heat like so but it was just working sorry this is very annoying as someone who wants the content that you guys are watching he wants to make our videos fun and entertaining these these little things like thank you thank you she's that staring to the screen I'm sorry it's really I I'm working really hard to like I was busy working behind the scenes to get it to be in sync and like to just to get the sound working from this from the game okay okay [Music] that's of metal thank you new member and remember Jackson Hammond hello Angel Beats stay hydrated I will mr. Logan clad big hug and love to do Xbox team you're on my favorite Ellen I hope you hang in there also still on medical lockdown so I'm with you murder I'm actually gonna have to go out for a hospital thing next week so that'll be exciting and slightly terrifying Thomson says neat trick talking while drinking water though that must be the lag little boy blue new member hello Jones Sanskar hi sorry mmm not the mic there hopefully the rest of the string goes better break is for breakers over time for work boys abigail marie hi alan ones thanking the wrestle expert Steve for your videos been keeping me company while special last week as I said lost one of my guinea pigs Oh hugs to you so watching you guys has helped oh I'm glad that we could help so it's always sad to lose a pet you're gonna Evek those thanks for all the contact 10 you guys doing is someone stuck in much inside your company is the highlight mode a if I'm ever in the UK bring the crew and Johnny and your sister she wants drinks on might be that that's very kind of you for the nunya businesses hey Ellen say I challenge you to single combat I challenge you to single combat they'll be really fun when will it allow sink Evan sander says oh no Pumbaa sending his regards thanks leak wait there was the thing about like Luke killing a pic was Luke done sorry Ellen it's fine bit laggy audios no problem hope you're fine is it that my stream is it this that's coming in first or this because for me this is like on a massive delay and I'm seeing an immediate reaction in my soundbar to this so people are saying the audio is laggy when really it's the webcam that is laggy we need we need accurate feedback it's very difficult when we offer feedback and half of you say one thing and half we said yeah because we want to just make sure it works he killed Pumbaa why did Luke kill Pumbaa oh hang on right give me two seconds I'm gonna see nope hello hello hello hello nope well that's that's that that's my really tiny background the work yes the webcam is laggy right what I'm gonna do is this is annoying me so we're gonna do an audio only stream if that's okay but yeah it's just going to annoy me too much if like ionized me enough when the the game audio is slightly out of sync so I'm gonna turn the webcam off but I'm still gonna be here we're still gonna be chatting and we're just gonna have a look at Edwards lovely face alright see it a bit both still be here obviously right here we go a it's like a let's play everyone remember those not one of those and a while actually we did one last week so that was fun here we are I've done a little bit of stuff Heights 25 minutes passed it's taken me this long to actually start playing right so we need to get down to here to meet Black Bart who we met last time we were playing lovely Welshman hello now you can really appreciate my Welsh accent seeing as you just have to concentrate on my voice but we had to go through a couple of things so I'm thinking we take on this fort and then we take on a level 3 fort which I have done before I believe I think I think did I do one yes no I've not done a level three four okay well let's take on a level three four together I know I took out a couple here of the to level two ones so let's see if I get completely blown apart Napoleon Napoleon blown apart by a level three fort or if we're gonna be fine everyone's confused by the accent I'm gonna be doing that I love to my accents guys it's my thing here we go right so we're here also I did I've not had much chance this week to do extra stuff but I I had to actually get some capture for a list and let's blow that Oh dolphins Lieut rescue there we go how come you were right there and you didn't see me well I suppose it was only when I blew up the barrels and well right let's go let's try not to run over that dolphin I'm sure it's fine there there is ok ok all there's some loot some delicious loot loot rum we got rum lads here we go here we go yeah I I went there got warehouse Oh actually should we start while we're playing we might be able to get some bits and bobs or no let's just let's just go blow up some stuff what are you you're just a rubbish gunboat the cool thing about the lower waters is there's more loot my favourite thing was when people were like oh you should go you should go to the low waters and then you'll get better loot so you can upgrade and I was like yeah but if I go there I will get blown to pieces immediately because I'm a little scrub boat so she gets Oh rescue you I'm not sure whether I've got the lovely achievement for all civilian let's not let's not let's not blow them up I would feel very bad and maybe a pirate I've got my morals um ok so there is a location where are we actually I think we've been here before yeah Savannah there we go yeah so that's the way into Havana let's go travel speed look at that dolphins I once it was on stream and we had lovely whale breach and splash next to us it's so exciting exciting thing for you guys is you're gonna be able to see the map this week because my camera is breaking so Oh crew crew crew that's loud loud loud loud loud for the lad lad lads rescue it look don't crash into me I will just just end your day all right here we go look at this beautiful just ahh the sea in this game alright it's just just so pretty and there's another guy up here here we go we're getting closer to the fort mate join a join our crew got em don't worry got him [Music] well we've got those those this or schooners we can take those out no problem right hello don't mind me we're just a pirate oh so I vote yes Oh lovely all right brace brace brace brace brace brace fire fire fire okay Oh Oh got a little bit go go go come on lads rescue just just just just cry okay we got that one fine oh my goodness oh we went over it oh man oh gosh there's another one but it's that no that's better not be a man-of-war oh no it's a brick good hit that thing go on hold hold hold hold hold look twist it if you could just just not go all right turn around turn around turn around turn around bright eyes come on all right done right you stay away right go yes yes lads oh no oh we okay okay well we did that a little bit too harsh but this one right Oh slow down bbbbbb me we want a board we want to board you okay so we've got to get the captain let's get him first sir there you go oh no right you there we go there's bloke there get you okay so I've killed a fair few of them let's go how far will this get me all right there we go get you get you oh no nice try nice try sir get you get you while you're down there you go Oh Oh what do you think you're doing there we go get you get you get you and get you or what oh nice getting while he's down there we go get him now go done yeah and got you got you lads you're my lads now JJ mortis loved the combat in this case really good I think they really liked oh she wanted level actually because we don't want yeah I'm going to do that and then do that because I don't want a hunter [ __ ] they're not hugely rewarding and I want to take out this for without too much hassle and then I'm going to use one of the other ships to heal up the jackdaw I think yeah it's get this one because we accidentally sank the other one whoops we're all good come on let's go another one as I said that's excuse me bee bee bee bee bee go oh gosh this is the worst angle I'm just I'm just look look this is this is not happening so let's just get across just like it hello what stabbed stab stab stab and stab oh hey I lost my ear lost my groove oh all right someone just someone murder someone oh you get off my mate go there we go just needed to do a right counter I was just missing all those counters but I was just I was like stabbing him a lot to be fair wife was a teat going down right repair the jackdaw it's only a little bit but hey it's worth something right let's do this we got rub lads got room okay so the thought I could see there is it's over there we've got rid of some things that would have made our day very very difficult when fighting a level-two fort so that's good let's I would really like this storm to calm down but hey come up come up let's get let's go there we go it's not very good at turning when I'm looking down go get out of this go oh my goodness blooming tornado right now at this time of day it dryly localized come on get out get out get out get out get out come on go oh my goodness get out get out get out get out of that circle go lovey okay let's let's get okay whoa sitting ducks lightly come on do a nice turn what why you just say this just like how it has to go because it seems to be circling it shut oh my goodness all well-placed shot okay okay this is another one there's two get out get out get out get out get out range let's not go straight into that circle if I got any I've not got any mortars left damn go go go yes okay so we've got to keep our distance go keep away from that Blumenthal get out get out get out brace brace brace brace okay go all right all right can I can I reach anything yep that's not a row great okay okay okay let's get out of this Oh out of this come on right come on come on come on come on go oh oh oh we lost we lost control a little bit lads it's right there oh it is this three what oh my goodness right in it I can't use travel speed in storms thanks I just want to get out of this oh my goodness what are you doing no can anyone else he played me like this like this thought was it is this a scripted thing is this always covered in tornadoes because oh my goodness right right let's go come on oh okay let's get around I think just gotta keep circuit get in a little bit [Applause] okay let's get this go go yes right one more just got there oh right only one more thing to do right let's not get come on get out get out get out lads yeah I know [Music] do it per my goodness oh my goodness well done lads oh that was stressful oh it immediately everything's fine gosh dock right right let's let steps and tip templars up because man the hell was that nicely darlin thank you i seriously one thought thought am i ever gonna finish this it's the entire stream just gonna be me going as i go around this fort right so let's go go go go go go go up we go we go get you got kill that guy go grow up there we go where's the other one I got a kill he is over there okay go go go up climbing climb come on faster faster Edward right okay actually you're gonna go up I'm gonna get you from above no no assassin ate me from above if I can if that's at all possible that would be really great okay maybe I can't okay let's just keep going round this way oh there's some stuff there can I go up here probably not what the hell is happening okay oh I've got to get that guy okay well let's murder this guy you're just standing there I've got you there we go let's just keep going whoa no okay sir fine that's what you get right we go let's go up around here we're just gonna this is just gonna be my David ass boys sorry just running across here yes we can see mr. Kenway he's quite the athletic sort oh here we go here we go now can we get up I don't know whether we can head was a is looking for another way around so that he can sneak up on his final victim sadly it is not meant to be oh and he's slightly on fire okay owl owl we're on the same team bro oh these ones it's not him there okay stab and come on come on come at me bro Oh kick you in the groin stab you in the face Edwards way let's go warum hey it's gonna be a nice man in there and we're gonna do this hi sir yes those are lads it's the thought that counts and now we've got a lot of them okay all things looking a little bit judgey on the stream is everything okay all right we've got it a-and okay right once I'm gonna try and open up all of these waters maybe by next week like we won't do this today but maybe by next week a complete hunting thing yeah yeah yeah yeah maybe next week or SEC should I say sharks sorry I'll use the proper pronunciation pronunciation why are you booing me I'm right okay let's go got to go south oh let's buy some things first actually how's that lads lads nuts want to get a low profile yes actually thank you okay thank you got a great voice that one doesn't he I just need to buy some more Morton's because it's very important to me that I have some more turns goodnight let's buy can we repair the ship oh yes do that it's only for one thing let's buy Oh what can we sell some sugar lovely let's sell all of that and okay shall we you don't see it it's fine it's fine we'll get some more rum we'll get our promise we'll get some more rum I promise next island we go to we'll do a nice I've not bought the things that I need I need it's fine it's fine I was just so I was just so like I have to get away before notices but it's fine it's fine right that's basically full mortar shot fill that yes thank you fire barrels that's all for heavy shot 24 out of 25 that should be fine and that's something that I can usually find around and about cool so we bought some mortars and we will use those mortars to take down another fort and maybe some ships so that we can get some rum it'll be fine it'll be fine whoo right okay okay okay let's go okay no right now return no return come on come on okay okay go that's it there we go we've got a little bit of got a little bit of a breeze so yeah we just want to go dead south maybe around that Island so that we're not pinned there so we kind of want to go out this way towards the humpback whale ye so kind of towards that way well you Clough and sugar that's alright it's something what's that glowy bit is that is that before or no that's gone it's gone maybe that's the hunting spot yes the hunting spot speed we the nightingale I promise mutiny lads lasses it's fine we'll get more rum we will get it right we are going round the right way okay that's fine what I might do is I'll remove that marker just to make things yeah you sure should engage that's best to cool black tattered sails look at their location oh I believe that there is a bit of treasure on there according to the map so not that exciting here we go right we're going into undiscovered territories well before the jack door is undiscovered so here we go at the center of this restricted area will be a fort that is the fort okay oh that's oh okay let's get out this let's go okay slow down nice tight turning oh look at this beautiful water rescue you sir get out of this circle oh wow the circles are really big in this one [Music] okay this is the ones that aren't like get out get out get out get out Oh okay here we go here we go here we go here we go but yeah the ones that aren't like on their only ones that are like stuck against a wall or actually kind of the easier ones to get like we're taking some hits but go yeah get out get out whoa oh my goodness another storm okay waters all right get out get out get out go go go go go go I could see them in the air I see them in the air oh okay you're done go get out get out get out get out whoo get out get out get out get out out of that bit as well oh my goodness whoa whoa spit spicy oh my goodness this is why it's difficult they've got back up get out get out get out get out got you Bruce Bruce Bruce you go go go go go go go get out get out get out get out okay get you out okay you go get out get out get out get out get out turn and go right-ho Peter board okay let's try and let's get this right okay kill the crew kill the crew coz there's nothing else to do in the sea okay get out come on Edward come on come on leg it leg it all right done okay let's fix our boat we're gonna fix our boat and then destroy that final bit as before and this this will be ours oh okay the jackdaw please angel pieces this water spouting nonsense I tell you Jeff Edwards is best of luck on hospital visit much love through Seattle thank you right let's go let's just get that one go we've run out of mortars let's let's do a quick let's go get-get-get yes done right let's do a quick turn lads lads lads we've just got a level three four well we're about to we're about to this is only early days let's not crash into the side that would be embarrassing all right let's get this talk and then when those people come in over here we can just explode them and we'll be great there's a thing right behind me what do we do drunken sailor early and more in it right I'm getting straight off before this boat Caesar brush all right lads let's get this level three four what's the bet in that I have to get way more murders in whoa spicy it's very spicy hello nope it's the same man two murders Oh Anita counter I need to counter go yes right and that one back for a little bit let's heal up come on Thank You Edward right we go up we go but don't kill me please you sir come on you get you and yeah whoo where's the other one gone yeah he was here or is he down below sit down below you're too slow or is he up there he's up there he's up there he's up where I think don't shoot me please ah there he is give up you can do it for me there we go thank you got you lads lads let's see if I can get this one - look here can i yeah here we go yes cowabunga as we would say in the 90s whoo yeah cower in fear that's right me Edward the greatest hi guys I wonder if you've heard the good news of my blades there we go oh sorry not to the microphone there if there is anything oh okay I'm noticing that the gameplay is a little bit choppy so I am just going to pop you on studio mode for a second and see if I can fix this little problem all right and they're in on the whole thing alright see you in a sec [Music] [Music] hello everyone I have no idea if that has actually helped at all but I just want everyone to listen to this lovely boat noise it's lovely boat sounds just like anybody comes close to it get blown to smithereens [Music] [Music] look we got rum I'm gonna sell the sugar I'm gonna keep the rub all right we got way more rum back ok so just sell sugar oh yes should I see if we can learn get some upgrades on the ship can I buy yeah I can find upgrades here [Music] so forget that we basically can't get anything else I think waters are really the way to go though 350 350 for better broadside cannons they are good but mortars are just so Opie Oh everyone's everyone's everyone's mad that I sold the sugar now look I'm sorry I am so sorry everyone but that I just we've got to be able to do something let's get she rush you Ram it I could Ram it get better Ram strength I'm not really rammed many ships so I'm just gonna go for the water and then we have to get some more air I know something that won't be hideous on the slightly choppy quality that we have right now might be some of the little mini sending yeah let's do that and then that's ready for next week as well working okay ammunition let's watch shot yeah let's get the school nose up again that's right there we lovely there just comes a moment in in an assassin's Creed game where you're just like I'm fine I don't know what it is about like they've never really [Applause] like it's even in the new games you make a ton of money like Wendell they would get money but in these older games that have always found you gets to about like a third or half way through and then that was it like you were absolutely sorted okay fifty that's fifty cargo space I need something okay let's let's keep you I'm gonna salvage you HMS oak or a break you're a break yeah kind of that's that's slightly fast as we round Australia faster all you are so your hang on HMS Oak 33 4850 yeah that's a thena you done keeping my any I think yeah Hermione's a little bit better and faster let's let's salvage you Athena thank you so much for all your work you're now going to become a pool diving spot in a few years hey okay resume cool this is the last time I played I'd put a load of stuff load of ships out okay I still need still need to eventually okay Canada let's see what Canada's got two missions available right you've got four missions available okay British Connelly Connolly's like Billy Connolly taste of money oh okay right let's let's ship battle to make this safer Wow oh there we go Hermione's better hms restoration and why not get another one here Gregg yeah launch go up if we got fire barrel we didn't have a fire barrel book Hermione's right slightly hazardous okay let's fight again there we go son Philippe let's repair you and let's go restoration again and restore the restoration the restoration of the restoration oh well and the game is too loud oh no I I brought it up so you can listen to the nice sea noises and now I'm exploding it all oh it's all the sound issues today jeez I'm sorry I'm sorry I just got excited about cannons and it's there we go there we go all right ah all missions are available okay you're a hundred percent gonna be fine so let's send you Oh is there anything is that yeah okay let's just send all of you on these [Music] Victorio you're gonna be fine secret medicine dreams pride only need yep you'll be nice and quick see there is all this like oh if you do this and then it'll be quicker it's fine ooh yeah and I'm like I don't I don't care how long it takes I'll just have big ships that they don't explode as soon as I send them somewhere and then it's all good I'm happy to wait an extra 15 minutes this isn't the massive difficult decision that you think it is a game anonymous says canon law he who has the canon makes the law yes right I leave Canada to it for the moment as much as I want to go to Canada right now okay sorted I'm very sorry for exploding everyone's ears but at least we did it then in a mini game rather than in the main game and at least I could actually keep an eye on chat during that session right take the wheel look at you all coming over here and thinking that you'll be fine hahahahaha you've got metal you've got metal you've got metal you've got from oh okay get that frigate come on come on cannons it's a little bit too powerful for me why are you shooting that rock oh okay right well what should we do because I sort of don't want to go through a mission with all choppy stuff during the cutscenes so shall we just blow some more things up and have a little bit of a ridiculous time with it are you gonna completely are you gonna completely destroy my day hey canons he's right they're gone sir all right what that a big red sign on it Seyed level 38 too difficult what are you doing Ellen all right slow down oh my goodness hull beach board you lie to be game it was ridiculously easy okay cool you why are you okay okay so we've got to get to the flag up there so let's go straight across okay we go up we go up we go out our fire fire fire out L up done okay okay we need to go up again and around and around around around around red I could have got that baby but well no lost a lad okay chop okay down we go then we go come on lads okay and okay can I can I a sass innate any of you from up here no I'm losing crew lads losing lads got you get you while you're on the floor okay you too look this is super easy why is no one been doing this I just run around I just murdered them all very easily what's going on okay let's send you to our fleet I don't know how many frigates we've got you're quite a big lad so I'm hoping there are some things that you need that have a you need a fifty cargo capacity and you can't can't I haven't quite got a 144 rub right let's try and lead them over here towards the fort can we do that have you got some wooden metal okay go go go there's a lot there's a lot there's a lot of ships here okay good okay all right okay take it a bit girl lads follow this way towards the fort right you're done film it short yes no we got it we got it that's a dad's nice took a little bit of a hit but it was worth it for that board let's get this one ba ba ba ba board nice go nice alright time to murder go up okay come on stop stop there we go go I'm just a whirlwind of swords you sir could you not thank you ah lads I've lads I'd like to add this one to my fleet in the hope that you will also have some stuff and then I'll blow up some other ones and all the room we got rum again that's lads lads frodo baggins it's just gonna be one of those streams yep lots of murder times let's go yes you're a captain mate got your own boat okay go hold brace brace brace bored lovely right there thanks for parking up next to us lads I've just got to kill ten of you okay there's one there's two oh this up seven there we go Oh missed you Oh missed you come on waves in the waves okay let's swing across eight nine come ten there you go just get tons of boats Aubree whoo repair repair repair and then we will know whether one look at that ship just off to the edge say close right okay Go Go brace did it did it okay got a hunter on our tail Oh got you shall we oh go away what oh my goodness Oh Edward please Edward get you oh come on yay gone all right right right right right right right lads lads lads done oh right let's lower our wanted level we've already got a hunter ship on us there's our dad's pair with the wanted level so that we don't get to yeah those that's join join join dodgy says lag yes I am well aware it's something to do with the software on our end so I am well I'm not sure why it's being like this it's possible that the weather that we have right now is the reason for it [Music] come on come on ship let's let's board this one just don't want that other ship to lose interest because I think it has a lot of good things that we want to steal so I think we got it I think we got it yeah got you okay okay I lost a little bit just a little bit in we go in we go yeah you try to hack those ropes but I'm about to come across and ruin your day come on why do they take so many bullets there we go yeah lads and look at all the rum okay send you to the fleet we can churn you up for gems not a particularly big boat right let's get this hunter boat well I've got you all here lovely lovely stuff that we've got always the hunt ship gone oh cool good right well that one has lost interest in us a little bit you have 50 battle oh you've got a lot of wood and cloth hmm I believe that ship had better things maybe what have you got you've got wooden but there you are what did you have metal that was it you had metal and cloth which is sort of sort of what we want there's actually an achievement for getting a bunch of ships so maybe we'll get maybe we'll get that today right let's try and get two for one yeah let's get these in as well okay okay okay okay taking a hit base wide right let's go out let's get out a little bit because we are right in it there let's not go right into the island bored oh we're right there give up got you got you got you got ya yes right fix the boat because we took a little bit of a hit there I was a little bit reckless went in the middle of like five huge part out a high-powered ship so I was just feeling a bit overconfident so let's repair the jackdaw I don't know how many mortars we've got left oh gosh look at them just waiting for us okay okay yeah-oh cannot see hold still hold still hold still brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace what was that yeah go Oh little bit the hit but hit you right back yeah oh gosh this one behind it seems to be alone it is alone now reinforcements great oh my goodness where did you come from okay huh okay brace brace brace oh my goodness sorry I went a bit quiet then because I'm like I've got to deal right let's get away and heal up again just just keep out of their range and just board the ships that we've already got we don't to be greedy brace brace brace wolf take his in its readiness here we go they're got the two offices in one okay got you all right in the face got all you let's go across come on reach it Oh all right got you Oh sir you go slash slash in the yep doublet lovely in that ha shy violet says what I learned from this dream is that Ellen is ruthless look I just want the greatest fleet of ships I want the jackdaw to be repaired I want to deal with what is look at all the fire that's happening on in the background ok lovely ok speed up a little bit let's get this one oh come on come on over the over the thing board right now this is gonna be slightly useless you get the end say oh listen guys up there oh nice got you all right Chris oh it's light your fire oh oh oh I pressed there we go stop in Wally's down on the floor got him Oh Frenchie 186 92 I thought Jane was the evil one yeah yeah I'm not evil I'm just efficient I want that on a teacher because I think that that's sort of like that's basically Mara Wednesday oh there's a little boat there okay okay rescue on her yeah that should take you out mostly no there we go let's get you come on let's board this ship right okay we were at a slight disadvantage here for my alright we've got an up wave there we go all nice lovely Emily okay we've got some come on lads pull us in that's it core strengthen those arms oh that was a good slow-mo kill get him thanks lads for knocking him off his feet a little bit there come on yes let us the jackdaws all right so let's send you to the fleet you can get some gems for you next one probably you can see you waiting for me nothing to see here get you now white nope god only got you a little bit there oh that wasn't very good yes what else what else someone else has seen us are you actually fighting us are you leaving us alone I think we're all right hey lads lads lads let's let's get this one whoa every inch of sale right let's do around here and then a little bit of a slowdown board okay go to kill the captain what there we go done take you out take you out okay can't quite see from there so let's go and just have a big fight come on lads come stabbing then a nut the nut the nut nut nut they're stabbing me in the face in the face stab him in the face Oh everything all camera what are you doing out okay well let's Oh whew thanks lads ah Edwards is such a whirlwind of swords right got you final one it's really difficult on this one because sometimes they you you go to counter them but then one of your crew gets them instead okay I'm just gonna wail on this one I think someone got shot as I killed that guy so I don't think I even want us that one just so many lads all right let us yeah lower the wanted level don't quite want to get a hunter because you've only got 10 minutes the stream left and after this stream outside Xbox are going to be doing a very special stream where I am I'm really looking forward to this one a while ago they ordered some tasters of various gaming drinks so you know like those energy drinks that are like hey perfect your game and gonna be a gamer you won't be a real gamer why not drink these things and they're all like food full of sugar and all sorts and they've got these just just some particularly amazingly named ones and I think he'll it'll just be quite funny to see them tasting it cuz ps4 Xbox are eyes like the three of them that they're so you know refined and very very mature and they're gonna have to drink things with names like cyber storm or whatever which i think is hilarious I'm very much looking forward to it there we go thins the herd a little got to kill the captain but I've not got the right angle on this it won't let me go any further right let's go straight for the captain though Edward why okay okay what got you that was easier than I thought it was gonna be look you're supposed to attack me one at a time so I can just clear through you like that that was fun oh if only the stream wasn't intensively laggy yes saved of the lad here we go right I'm gonna send you to Ken weighs fleet yay lots of lads I love some of the character models in this game alright gosh we cleared up then do we what you got we have you've got some rum you've got some rum ok ok ok well lads lads lads let's have a look at the fleet I think see how we're doing and if we do another one I promise I promise I won't deafen you all right give me two seconds give me two seconds [Music] right okay okay lads let's say I believe I saw athletics books in the chat also thank you massive thank you to John who has been in the chat absolute legend ooh you've only got 50 I've already got 50s you've already got 50 you've got 35 rubbish you've got 35 rubbish you've got 40 rubbish well whatever remaining time they're going to be on their way back let's wait cancel cancel cancel let lets let's those the ships in progress let's have a look let's let's have a little fight send some of our lads to Canada by fancy going to Canada why is it 1% for all of these ok it's just like you will never win against two of them ok ok go with Hermione right ok let's go I'm gonna shoot a fire barrel get rid of that Brig yeah ok I didn't quite get rid of it but we got something at least yeah take that frigate oh oh well at least the frigate can't cheat textbook absolute textbook and I'm not deafening you all now brilliant okay slightly yes only hazardous now so let's do another battle you're definitely gonna win but I'm gonna give you another one just in case a fool no oh triune triunfo sorry and San Miguel oh I'm sorry semi go go you got hit at gumbo why are you so quick to shoot I suppose that is your tactical advantage because otherwise what's the point of view because you could be taken down in one shot is the point of view gunboat I have zero gunboats right amazing old partners now can't do that one promises to keep don't have enough don't have enough so it's just these two so well it said it's got some open I can't there we go you ship departed by Hermione old partners I don't have enough oh I do some pedro ii san pablo there you go can I get you yes absent John's fifty forty yeah prepare ship I should I should really repair them as soon as I happen because I think it costs less if you just repair them as you go wow I'm not being very clever with this I can add a new dock yeah yeah let's do that done and eventually you can have a full fleet soon okay confirm done well is there anything we can buy is there anything they can buy outfit ship we can the good thing about this game is you can sell direct from the oh my gosh look how much rum we have can can i I don't want to sell all that [Music] because they're kind of like no you don't want to sell all the rum or the cloth like that's pointless but you do want to sell all the rum all right I'll leave the room for now and then we could do the cannons and the mortars again we could do the mortars again damage up by a thousand we've got look we've got so much metal from that last fight that last set of fights oh my goodness look at the broadside cannons though you get three extra is that three extra cannons just get more cannons no it's an advanced set of cannons but I believe the damage goes up by three Wow right don't even sell one rum says metalhead maniac Charles snow repeats my I'm not emo evil I'm efficient so old Daisy may seven seven seven says sell the rum sell the rum it's for the greater good is gentlemen drill saying no please sell the rum says I come here alright if any if anyone's upset that I sell the rum I'm gonna sell all the sugar sell all the sugar and sell all the rub we got ten thousand reals from one of those ships as well we'll get I'll get us some more rum the run the rum hasn't gone we just drank it all all right that's lights out let's jump back into this quickly let's buy get the cannons go get the cannons says abraham arthur mates okay why is the rum gone not the rum sell only two rums nibel Texas Ellen so good at assassins tell that even the chat can't see her well the sir think I'll come back on in a second look I'll bring I'll bring myself back in I've heard we've had some issues here we're there we go Here I am we're basically everything has been a bit slow and laggy but my end and I have a feeling that it is probably because of just a lot of warmth in the UK right now and buildings not being built to withstand that heat and maybe like literally slowing down and melting my computer a little bit so that's great I've probably also got a sheen to me right now having sat in this heat for ages sadly not like a Martin Sheen that would be lovely imagine Martin Sheen on here but yeah it's a bit it's a bit warm so no flibberty says so you've chosen mutiny I'm sorry I'm sorry but we're gonna get some cannons and please I think if John can shove in the chat the link to the outside Xbox stream that is coming up next which is going to be some amazing taste testing of drinks speaking of drinks I'm going to hydrate we've just got some cannons whoo and basically it's gonna be really funny go go watch them have to drink these weird drink but yeah for the time being from me and Edward here understand standing next to your mannequin Edward I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone watching pop you there yeah you are just over my shoulder just looking looking out for me aren't you Edward and thank you so much for watching thank you for bearing with the technical issues I can understand if you haven't watched today we'll try and get them sorted by next we will try and find out what exactly is causing it because literally I haven't touched any settings on my computer since last week [Music] anyway thank you so much for watching thanks for being part of the crew lads lads lads now that's a what gender you are one of the lads on Edwards crew and thank you so much for joining thank you to so many I've not I've not read through half of the things that I meant to read through thank you so much for all the donations and the new members welcome welcome welcome thank you thank you thank you and look after yourselves stay safe see you over on outside Xbox right now ie babe I go okay bye bye bye I'm going to do it slightly differently
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 27,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Eu4cJTFxsPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 28sec (7168 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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