Assassin's Creed Black Flag LIVESTREAM: Plunder attack! Ellen Plays AC: Black Flag

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone welcome back to Black Flag assassins greed with pirates and also a chicken here I've been standing here just keeping these ladies company and the things they have been saying no oh wait where is my webcam gone let's get get me back on here sorry some slight technical difficulties today hello everyone there I am stream you're good in the chat hello hello hello chickens yes adorable chickens earlier on my favorite thing here that I found today indeed indeed right so today important work okay I don't want to hire the ladies I want to pet the cat that they're the same button cat move away from the nice ladies come on come on kitty come on kitty wanna pet the animal no okay okay never mind I'll leave those ladies to it where were we we were about to go on another adventure last week we hired a whole bunch of new crewmates by rescuing a load of pirates who were kind of about to will be we're gonna go on an adventure now I believe we're going back to the Jack door and woods lovely ship I've just noticed the nice kind of like fabric II movement under his arms just guys having the best day look at that waistcoat and half combo so good right here we go now these lads these absolute lads I think we're gonna go into the sea into the oceans and well on it preferably stay on top prizes and plunder yeah good right start mission this is when I realize I've forgotten how to drive the ship drive right not saying I prefer the Spanish stuff tobacco he finally caught a low three lives just want to say thanks for the free entertainment Tim I mean maintain our entertainment to maintain meant I'll say say Oh entertainment to maintain whant our segment maybe that's good took me a few tries to yeah during these trying times it's much prettier it's okay if anyone is stuck inside right now because of various things they're no different it's just a bit of debris you'll get your say oh it's just summer oh you can rescue them let me go rescue him yeah we helped there is that it that's the schooner surprise worth taking yeah so you should do a prize right for grace is to hold fire fire swivels is why okay for your victims must always change shot front for the ship and then I think we have to yeah right let's let's brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace no okay we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good incapacitated a ship when a ship is on fire it means it's incapacitated you can either get close and press B to board it in trying to get all its cargo cargo or shoot to sink it and get half its cargo so I want to board it I want to try the boarding mission methods right let's go she's disabled now [Music] steer up alongside er can we nope hold beachboard there we go yeah let's go go go go how I can use little things Wow right right right hang on hang on I'm going to use this no kebab I want to shoot some sailors yeah kill sailors okay did it let's go let's go let's go oh we did it we just had to take them out and we did yeah look how happy we are [Music] don't murder him I thought he was going to lose patience and be like he's fine he's a good pirate tobacco of course it is when Quig yes yes hello William Cooper new member hello - a chef new member hello - tom Torrington okay oh we've got a we've got a we've gained some things - let's prepare [Music] as much ok let's let's try and get this thing chain chain chain or or crosswind brace brace brace brace go get that come on okay we've got sails down yes right let's go and board and get all the cargo ball ball ball board yes right kill the enemy crew let's use this little old trusty yeah go hey oh you went up slightly there we go come on come on buddy oh there you are no oh sorry that's a bit painful whoo hello sir don't mind me no no it's time for a bite ya did it Tom Turlington says shout out to emerald my cat who seems to like your squeaks of joy oh thank you right prepare yeah repair repair oh dear what's going on here oh we've oh we've repaired the Canada by an intermediate hole that was a squeak that was a squeak of joy thank you so much for popping in a dream of the big the big school travel speed Oh lovely [Music] yeah just right hang on stop Gibby give me two seconds just just gonna just gonna go over here for a second throw my me I'll be right back I saw a thing GBM says man I really missed those sea shanties I'll probably play Black Flag again thanks Ellen that's right I am glad you are enjoying yet I feel in the wild hope you're having a great week Ellen thanks to keeping me entertained with the stream while classes have moved online at my unique due to the Pirotta virus hope everyone staying safe out there wash your hands keep watching your hands have you heard the two song previews of silk song from the great sequel no but hollow Knight sequel should be good the original is very much loved and and is I really like Orion playing Ori at the moment and basically it's a very similar style of like Metroidvania good platform E Phi T game so looks like something completely up my street especially the art style and everything we go yeah now will this be worth it will this have been at all all Edward what all over the place oh okay too bad at all okay right so you could have dived that Edward that right swim back dolphins well that's one of my favorite things in order to see when you go right off the ship sorry like and there's that dolphin swimming around with you yeah seriously with the coronavirus please full take care and wash hands and stuff all right oxo t n HK is new member sir and it's finally made it in time for stream on my day off and it's a pirate queen Ellen today will be a swashbuckling good time and never forget every finger soldier 1812 1956 Alan's gone overboard with the expiration lull enjoying Assassin's Creed Black Flag so far yeah it's really good I'm just I'm just gonna there we go here we are let's let's go guys sorry sorry to keep you waiting but there was some like Jade statue that I had to get okay right it's keep all of these things away sail over that way if I got hang on I want to make sure okay okay okay here we go plunder 20 rum might want to get another boat then and get some rum now I believe this - ah there we go that's the one I want you are the one i want ooh ooh ooh rummy oh no no please don't say that was too much bored right we're gonna kill the enemy crude right time for all shootie what okay yeah we did it nice rub rub rub I think in the world thank you for introducing me to Ori that's fine thank you and I will check out the songs on Team cherries website right that I've only got one option here repair the jackdaw but cool hey we've been doing some pirating we did some plundering and stuff right right stay away from me you stay away now you come in background on you yeah oh wow you fully sank right let's let's see what we can get from that I did not mean to do that that was a slightly weaker ship than the other ones survivor survivor Luke okay so we got some loot I think we've got one five whoo right let's do this nice turn have we done have we done the thing yes right let's go get that intermediate hole speed up and travel speed oh isn't that lovely keep going guys gonna just sail along hello from Tory Pauling good morning from surprisingly sunny Seattle I enjoyed Seattle when I went last year a really lovely city and hello to Scarlet area gaming here's a new member let's try not to bash into that Island that would be good while I'm reading the chat Alex brew ellen destroyer of ships yes hopefully other people's ships not mine hang on stop stop you wanted me to look at that for some reason I'm gonna go over here it look guys I will be right back okay [Music] is that just a pile of rocks or is it look at this there was something interesting on the map basically and I saw some great game especially these open world e1 is a very much like hey you should you should check out oh there we go what's that all right let's go yeah got myself a fragment is this over here no can I can I steal you open okay have to be this side I found the rum great anything else anything else here no just some verbs Oh with a box no they're Birds ah cute right let's go right on the way guys if you thought you were safe from cute animal reactions in the sea compared to on land use scholars have recently determined the Edward Kenway was extremely he was bred to jump his ship for the press Oh Jim jump up his ship the slightest provocation wait just want to get that sweet sweet loot come on go on go on ed don't need the stairs who needs a ladder her own assassin here we go right take the wheel there's probably a thing like finish this mission in five minutes speed up here we go here we go here we go the Sun the sands of the silver Ellen hits a steep with full power oh it's sank Angel Beats is quickly popping in with you to wish you a great seat stream traveling home room therapy right now some say hi anyway good for you therapy is very important I think more people should talk to people about stuff let's try not I'm trying to sail and also read the chat at the same time scarlet area gaming says which I could stick around but I hope you have fun being a pirate and petting as many cats as possible we will it's fine it's gonna gonna gonna gonna gun it what what is that is there a shark it's a shark I bet sharks in this game I know they're rich at all stop stay down come on come on come on I want to get this guy frisky let's go around oh my goodness there is a shark look at all those beds shutting there's been a shock what it's been a shock I mean I don't think that Oh always a rescue guy right let's go rescue the person let's try not to crash into this other boat stop stop stop stop stop save safe a man from the shark what is going on here what is this why is this anyone at the channel could a bull shark oh so I can hunt the shark for various items from the shark and it's just telling me that there is a bull shark there I'm guessing I am guessing carefully yes there are sharks in the game you have to avoid them in the swimming tutorial right because there are sharks in Odyssey that's what I'm right okay so that's where you go shark hunting okay right so we're gonna go this way anyway so let's keep going ah lovely lovely lovely game this is how pretty this is what is the best way just having a look at the map I want to end up over there so I don't want to go round I want to go this way oh there's another guy they're gonna rescue another guy my crew it's gonna be massive rescue still alive that's the minimum we need hello UT Sam slow down slow down slow down so down this is what I get from reading the chat at the same time okay here we go oh look at the seagulls right right right hold up here we go yes I know I could have waited but where's the fun in that and hey guys I'm over here don't you love your Captain Edward always jumping into the sea at a moment's notice hello right oh look at the fish fish fish let's get it oh my goodness we're gonna get our intermediate hull hello to James Bray Here I am hunting hunting the customers cosmos in Odyssey and Ellen is pirating up it up in the 18th century yes right by jackdaw upgrades hull armor yes I do fortunately I have enough credits because I keep stopping to pick things up yes look how shiny it is now middle man I'd love that Cassandra killed her Edward serious pirate yes 100% memory sync yeah freedom's natural freedoms oh look a little smile as well as gold that means attacking the Navy yeah so long as they're flying King Philip's Carlos will not offend our own mana okay Spanish to go after the Spaniards because they're not they're not the same team as you technically all right gather metal cargo there we go there's a yellow no I was enjoying that the spyglass is your best tool let's see look at a ship see how powerful it is and what cargo is carrying look at a location to see everything available there okay cool cool cool that we've sort of been using the spyglass a little bit but I wish that you told the Navy there is likely to ram you as fire a broadside oh that's race hang on that sounds like that voice sorry I've kind of gone straight in for the hard right right right right right Oh brace brace brace brace brace brace oh good thing we got that new oh why are you doing that when oh because it's over the front brace brace brace brace brace brace no this is not going well because I'm looking out the back all right come on turn turn turn turn turn and then it's if you're facing the front come on No [Music] brace brace brace go gross gross gross gross gross this is not going well where is he oh it should have braced I'm trying to think of the name who plays Alfred's in Gotham and his dad was dr. who oh no right okay this is slightly confusing all three of the shots are on the same trigger brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace but it's literally just where Wright is literally just where you have the camera on the ship Sean Pertwee thank you - anything goes in the chat no no I want the front one missed it right watch out for this a little bit brace brace brace brace brace [Music] not too bad hey yeah slow down because they're good yes yes I've ever done it right that's bought it okay let's get in good right go okay there oh wow what's that okay okay come on Edwards no weren't quite no close enough get up get up get up get up Go Go Go Go yeah I think it was Sean Pertwee everyone who's shouting up us to get things done No yes yeah a persuader break you defense oh no mister we lost a crew member we saved it for nothing yes thank you random username Christmas if you complete a black fan before Ellen oh that's why we're playing it now Rondo Coco says good morning hello mondo gecko frodo baggins says we need Luke to give a ship facts during streams no I joke I joke I like the fact that drag is episode coming out today it's tomorrow it's gonna be it's on Friday oh it's because you're in Australia and it's Friday for you right now I didn't finish reading that message because it's to 42 on Friday morning in Australia right now well it's it's to do a little bit with what we're playing right now quite priority and stuff and things and so I don't give it away too much basically right and Georgia five to seven seven hello from Oakland there again my cat Maria is in my lap and and an Ellen livestream a good day Oh be very distracting even more distracting than like the pretend cat's an imaginary dolphins but okay right so we need some more metal pedal to the metal we don't a pet pet or we want a sale so write what you got I don't want you rubbish right I'll see what you got you've got some metal you oh my goodness we're looking a little bit worse for wear let's try now I know a little bit more with the controls but it's extremely camera focused all nice big crest wave you've got 35 [Music] right you are a level 17 do you know whether we want to do a level 70 we're little bit we're one down where's that gone oh wait did we just go over a guy who needed to be saved sorry I'll pick you up in a sec Oh what you level four cloth and sugar I think it's just that the metal is gonna be carried by her live at higher level ships so 55-year 17 so cloth sugar rum lost sugar fire barrels right well there's a cluster of them there that's sort of want to stay away from what are you doing a lot of rum right that one's miles away now have you got you've got 50 let's try not to hit that rock hang on just to be sure and I going straight into that rook right you you you you've got it yeah Yeah right you're nearer than that one that's now miles away and that's also 70 and that's that's not that's got this one's go extra things huh except the commander says everyone knows that Pirates are rolling glee club yes they are go get those harmonies down right here we go gonna try and get this ship good first hand come on nice nice nice all alone in the Mesa yeah that's gotta be Sean Pertwee no no didn't didn't quite yes just keep circling go brace brace brace brace brace brace brace lovely hit yes and we canceled their hit as well hello race Oh yes yes yes yes nice brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace [Music] oh yeah we're gonna this is it but um we're done done done oh wow see if we can turn this around great no amazing I really glad that I right now and these over the map so that shit's not right yeah yeah could you not set me right on course rush it easy purchase but in stores right right okay so at least you've got the sixty-five that we already got it's best for that's fine just tutorial Isaac ass again how to do small that's right like to ships again right come on right what you [Music] oh this can wait she won't go down without an honest boy who's up for taking that break lads shall die that's a sound I like to hear great pipe the corner wood words all around the Navy there is likely to ram you as fire a broadside that's testicles powder barrels against a shall we all right good thinking I seen that one Oh what are you all the way in the distance you're still the same working fire back okay let's speed up where are you going why have you suddenly change direction [Music] go away no I mean look all I want to do is have some fun right thanks for the donation random use new Chris thank you to new member cormak labellum soldier is there I knew it'd happen if I didn't have the time by the way just became a member thank you for coming becoming a new member and thank you for watching in Australia far ahead where I was like it's not through its Friday actually on me word fire barrels come on where of all the metal ships gone right what's that rum sugar no come on yeah you yeah there we go oh right I don't know whether we're strong enough to RAM anyone yet I remember you used to have to in Assassin's Creed 3 you had to upgrade your ship to be able to rap and this is the one directly after thank you to be ng with lots of underscores in there very kind donation James Hatton that says first time in this story it's not that's fine thank you like you don't like don't feel like you have to donate or anything it's always just appreciated helps keep everything you know it helps us buy lots of tea bags to get us through the day you know I'd say the best left my switch like little bantam Wolverhampton Wanderers are amazing and hello to you new member Morris simmerman thank you very much right now you've got two guys two other ships with you I sort of don't want to start a fight if they come into it as well nope nope right oh my goodness for here or is that is that that's it that's a capsized that's a capsized can we can we rescue you I know that I saw that there's a rescue anything behind oh are you is it a boy is it a boy area not yet available okay can't do in this mission partly I'm gonna do the mission right good good all three of you just like break up a little bit oh where are you looking spyglass okay go away I want you okay you won't have anything we just got five arrows or a redfish little [ __ ] any any other where are they all there were loads and then I died then I rammed into it Island because great okay I'll just go for it am i right speedy speed well what's that one is that that one with wood and sugar and again oh that metal that's got 35 metal and it's on its own that is a more sensible one to go for that one's got way more metal but yeah right okay we're going against the wind slightly here don't lose it it's insist sometimes you just have to sink a small ship to make yourself feel better very true very true anything else that I need to get Wallen there plunder a hunter ship and plunder 30 sugar okay okay well we'll go for this one first it might be that we then can't get the other things but I'm hoping that it's a staged enough thing that I can eventually come on wait stop stop sailing away right whoa okay let's try not to get the whale go good good grace brace brace go go go go go good yes brace brace brace brace brace not too bad it's peace peace peace feet whoa whoa whoa is the whale again yes go yes brace brace brace brace why were you not bracing sir yes thank you lovely lovely lovely shot brace brace brace brace brace we are far away from any right brace brace brace brace brace yes right right right come on give me the nice food footboard w there we go Frisch steal somebody's that's it bring me round bring me round yeah give up Gabe okay that's it good get off my friends get in speaking to him no go get two more to bar get in with the swords oh no we lost one oh ow ow ow ow there we go that was a bit close I was not taking proper care then hey norson hang on one say thank you to you Nick for streaming to my favorite game series AC and Zelda also good noon from Toronto hello Toronto one of the few places where it's one of the places I want to go in Canada I've been to Toronto next ideally very cold there though right now I know for a fact Oh bit nippy hello Jack Swing woo new member great right okay okay we still got some notoriety we still have time to get some [ __ ] stay away from those big uns oh you you've got some sugar you've got some [Music] gonna get you too much right there we go Ford stay away from us other [ __ ] oh oh hang on what is this I bought boarding yes because I want to get rid of that thing I think we sort knocked out slightly here [Music] go go go go oh my goodies another one no maybe this is a bad idea brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace right let's get you briefs take that hit just to get this one in she like crusty loot there we go whoa okay everyone's after us now so let's just brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace right sink sink sink leg it want to get can I can I rescue and rescue anyone no okay you're gone right okay right yeah we've just got a leg it there's too many too many ships okay got a crew member back we lost one now we gained one and I'll just kill everyone and sell the cargo the more sugar and run from the loot the more money you get kill as many hunters as possible okay right well fine let's let's do it let's try and get some more we've got time we just need to lose them a little bit whoa whoa whoa whoa why are you doing this brace brace brace no I shouldn't have done that yeah Joe trotter right okay so we've got the things let's try not to get seen so we need to get in there again what is that does it say enemy ship let let's try and get that okay so we need the military off our tail at some point I'll finish this mission I think in this game you're able to go up off whenever you won and we can go and get some ships later we've not got we've not got the sugar we won't get the hundred cents Inc but right now I've crashed ship stick ah so what what do I need to do update the appearance no oh okay it's not gonna cost me anything we've got all the stuff needed can I can I sell anything so I can sell all the cargo okay yeah let's do that sell all the things and then if we need to we can go and get some more rum and sugar and things because it might leave at the very next mission that we need them but oh well right okay lovely upgraded Saamy kesh says here's some tea bags for you from a newly minted permanent UK resident hello welcome got my approval today now celebrating with my husband David and have an excellent day after this occasion all right hello sir I just had a feeling that I had yay we didn't do a hunter ship so I'm guessing the hunter ships are the red ones because they were hunting me yeah nearly did it but we'll do it another time that was taken to long I want to actually go a little things yay my wanted level has been reset right where do we go from here towards the lovely exclamation just-just-just and speed-up we have lost them way the crosswind they're coming from behind that's good okay that's they're nice and speedy okay so long as a nice clip it soldier donates again thank you very much have a good one Ellen have fun collecting the booty for I'm off set sail to the dreamland to set sail to dreamland first mate pull up the bedsheets and let's shove off rescue Oh what's this hello we got two words Oh upgrades available in the captain's cabin shall I shall I take a sneaky sneaky sneaky look in the captain's cabin right we need to go round this island that we're far enough away hang on let's have a look downstairs and see what we can get in the captain's cabin oh hello change equipment and then you can do other things nice if I got any ed with the legend Oh now these I think are rewards from you play because I played other things yes sir Brown pirate cloak Oh crimson private it all very neat look at that who's the politician fair enough that's all sir oh very swish there oh it's just more like colorways Templar armor stealth out [Music] hmm I am and feline Pelt Oh Jaguar e-type things shark hunter hello sir and the Whale yet they're good they they be the ones that I think Luke would go for I'm gonna stick with the classic so he's is that would cut into it the legend he's I think he's currently in just Edwards stuff Yeah right where can I find ah next to the big model of the ship I imagine outfit the ship right great so you can buy them here with various things great crimson sales now Ares or fit all the Phoenix is good have a nice bronze wheel that not keen not keen on those the tattered sales are pretty cool mermaid figurehead oh I don't have enough would gargoyle flower wheel pretty okay okay okay I need to get some more materials so that we can have a mermaid thank you to call Colton DK very very kind of you loan Steph Pro said when you encounter press X to deal the killing blow instead of pushing away I'm just I just AM a scrappy fighter that's all right okay so we don't quite have enough for the leather sales which is would that smell terrible I like the tattered sales okay so these are all the things that I can afford go for some crimson sales crimson sales sounds like our band upgrades that I can afford no I need some more things Oh Ram strength oh you can ah yes let's do this let's increase okay yeah I'm gonna do this I'm gonna increase Ram yes this is the hard stuff that you want to do this this fine sailing yes I really like the push thing that it does when you finish right okay so I won't go - yeah just that one and then I don't go too much because otherwise every ship that we go we went there to board because right right right right right right so let's let's go back to sailing let's get on with it exit get out the captain's cabin yeah lovely and upgraded oh he's very happy about it very happy right okay now we did do that in a restricted area which fortunately the games being very nice about so we want to go yeah we did it Abstergo challenge complete right we want to go all the way around this way let us go let us go how to hold us back anymore must be like a boat turn away and [Music] [Music] every warning together now here we go ooh a curious with an e on the end incident at C that's really long and that's the ninth so maybe we'll collect these messages and one day I'll read through them all in a nice old fashioned probably English accent because that's very ye oldie English witnessed with the apostrophe and ceremony it was like I'll read this pages which okay with shanties so we got Billy Riley bully in the alley Holly Holly ho homeward bound that's it's clearly not the summer version Johnny Boca lowens away paddy Doyle's boots pastures farewell Randy dandy Oh roll boys roll Rolla Bolla the old worst ship where am i where am I to go my Johnny's where am I to go my Johnny's that's that's my ass Johnny when Wibbly Dean D where are my Tacoma Johnny's try not to hit and work through it again way me Suzy Anna yes I'm assuming it's Susannah but it's got a nice easy Anna that's how I read it right sirs it says easy but is it really hello you're not you're going around in a circle how helpful come on keep going go on good sir cool here we go there we go I was bit worried oh loot ammo yes please lovely got a manuscript so we've got two out of three secrets from here wonderful right oh hang on it's there what is that noise II here we go right right right right I don't need to do that it's fine we didn't see it I thought I said iguana feather for a second and I was like I'm pretty sure they don't have feathers unless they were dinosaurs and had the proto feathers Luke would be so proud of me right now so proud right there we go and no broken ankles good where do we need to be over there right let's the sink that viewpoint and run over to that quest marker hi don't mind come on Edward what are you doing hurt ooh right we go lovely I suddenly got really it she knows but you shouldn't eat your nose right now here we go synchronize I shouldn't have to synchronize button right all there's some treasure near us it's a little boat so we can go back to our boat nice and easily the treasure is there okay Dave that's not deep enough right earlier on he did a little jump into some very deep water and they're just doing a full-on Eagle dive into a body of water that's run into something that shallow no gold ring oh right let's go let's go let's go towards the hello oh I think we've met this lady yes look it's the bastard son of the late William Kidd still a mere boy and yet 10 times the demon his father was still looking did you steal that costume from a dandy in Havana no sir I found this on a corpse one that was walking about and talking shite to my face only moments before it's got a good hair yes this is the thing that they do every day schooners packed with sugar sail past coming from plantations nearby most times they stop here sell off a few crates there's one man visiting today that earn you a fine profit so if you'd like to rob his plantation Jenna says get some strong strong coke game going on is that in the in the captains quarters is it a mr. Beck's plantation his agent is around here somewhere find and follow him right and he'll lead you straight to your brother okay James thank you anyone Oh okay some red guys there nope nope wrong one can I go there we go I can go under this okay here we go there he is right got to tail him how's everyone doing in the chat I felt a lot look at the chat keep following this guy I don't know why I put the Christian a theme in my head that's why they call bushes don't go away go away no stop stop walking away people [Music] everything's good yeah how did I get away with that right run run get out no Edward this is clearly a nicely things jump across it but you just come on come on get em come on Mon no til you will captain the look of a man crafting up all right can we go okay grandly plantation so we can go around that way I might take these groups of him and sell them off for a better price than he'd ever asked yeah okay so we're gonna get his stuff Nikki risky restricted areas means restricted areas areas are not supposed to be in ships will instantly detect an attack if you enter their field of view ships fields of view are displayed on the mini-map avoid them not to kick off to not get in conflict these are represented in red on the mini-map so this it's capitals so I have to read it out thanks for oh no Baggins you're off now thank you for joining much appreciated Patrick Seeley Yates ship stuff oh no is this the one this isn't the one that mission that is bad that I know the others have chatted about on their channel I know there is a notorious stealth mission with the ship oh man how how right okay how how to reduce oh my goodness no no we've been seen no it's not this one don't worry Suzie angel me right let's go this way stay this way loot right go go round where is that other ship I just can't see it there yes right so stay around you [Music] okay keep up keep up keep up okay there's some treasure that strike boiling boiling up whoa was it water they boil something else came juices the heart process making sugar okay okay oh we made sugar fresh is such a dear price what's it low toiling on a plantation day at night well with the cane sugar cut and harvest can your crew please keep their voices down help me do shout if the levels are a bit weird I have to play around with them a lot because as a crosswind touch on the skin oh that sounds bad rescue oh whoa whoa whoa whoa stop it wind all right here we go fewer fewer there we go here we go it's happening right you're going past there your do you want me to keep tailing right yeah no we've got to go here we've got to go here we look after the jackdaw dock here we go yay right thanks lads whoa what oh man which the acre okay it was endearing before but now that's annoying nope can't see me we did it we got away right right gosh I've got to stay in you stay in the blooming Oh uncommon and keep your damned eyes wide but anything me what no never you up look alive man you have a job to do okay okay so teaching you about alarms go away right you're going that way oh this is stressful right okay all right no need to be rude right so we've got to find the key for anyone else right here we go oh good some stuff over there some more trees and oh what's that there you are sir right human and murdered a man with you and then I'll get you yeah we good we got this oh you sir can go away [Music] no don't worry sir no off to you right go on do it sorry oh dude when you're lonesome now you're gonna stay no you're gonna come back this way give up there we go done right now you sir have gone round the other way you've got another guy with you now little bit too dangerous there is something up here though I think there's like right up there Cat Island I'm sorry but there are distantly too few cats I have seen zero cats the hell this is false advertising right you sir there we go he's gonna come run this way we'll get the key we'll get in the warehouse will steal everything and then we sail off into the wind I have a feeling maybe I would have got more points if I oh no no that's fine just stay out combat and sabotage alarm bells cool where's the other alarm bell then right let's have well I don't reach there just yet I want to get the other alarm bell there's a guy up there there are some monkeys there is a always a glowy fragment over there where is the other well what did that highlight well there's a guy there okay right I'm gonna try and get across this gonna go down here stay away from this guy while he comes back bunkie Justice pit cool how'd you do just like any regular there is it there was a thing here it was glowing did I get it oh he is concerned but hopefully not with me no he's just he's just aware that there is something going on possibly behind the plantation in terms of where the other alarm bell is yeah around that other bit might be where to find it it's a sea shanty it's a sea shanty that's why because it flew off okay right dude I need you to move because I need to get that sea shanty before it flies off look the other way there we go thank you no Edwards come on ketchup ketchup ketchup yes yes yes got it that's odd lads corny tune you're singing them on all I've got multiplayer Awards new customization items are available in multiplayer mode yes lots more shanties right okay right well let's try a route well there's the one Bell that we got oh sorry miss sorry I didn't there it is there it is around the back of the warehouse and there's some guys there okay okay okay okay right now if you absolutely know try not you go off okay let's go let's go you know that's a sad thing to get 100% sing great let's go loop the warehouse I think we might have to later yes okay getting bad squad yes yes yes excellent right now there are some chests here anyway as well I decide what we get here nice nice Oh silver picture lovely right there we go and then there is a fragment of sorts over there yes Hey wow what a leaf mustard eyes of steel right okay okay where do we need to get to so we need to get to I don't know let's go to that viewpoint and sink oh I think we have to go back to a ship because the next place we have to get to an undiscovered location well let's go vision this I think we've got rid of that guy so we're okay to just run around now oh there should be some [Music] [Music] are they all looking at probably the other bodies those created around this right so there should be yes done lovely let's go up get this synchronization point distinct lack of cats on this island I'm I'm feeling I am drink it Oh dream club said Ellen needs more blood yes [Music] Rito soon I really late to this but hello Ellen love y'all's work keep it up thank you Norton says Ellen is clearly the boogey man I'm man well it's quite funny because we in the UK call it the bogey man because when you hear a boogeyman you think of like someone boogying down we call it bogey mags bogeys a brute he's Chris just right let's go get a boat go back to our boat go to the ship if I uncovered well there's monkeys howler monkey and there's some Treasury things I could get gain money low that's good thanks for telling me that actually game is because in some of the previous games you had to get a load what okay let's get that stone right I think we've got about five minutes left actually so why don't we go along get that stone we stay on the outside we're not technically in a restricted area so we're all good it'll be on the news if you can lose it but that is really good to see that you can like is it worth me trekking all the way over there in my ship to pick up the thing because in previous games it's like every treasure chest especially like brother Brotherhood and - and revelations it was like every chest was something very important and often was see you later I don't have to bother but used to be like find all the treasure chests used to be part of the 100% synchronization thingy this is cool okay right where's where's my boy do I cut do I climb here it seems a bit disrespectful to climb it but maybe I'm wrong okay oh right Oh what okay oh this is cool good say oh oh right right that way that way that way no way yeah did it that's few pointy things Oh treasure finding treasure you're fine Edward walk it off dig it dig dig dig dig et keyhole come on did you did you truly need to use your assassin's blade something that could easily become you know it's it's intricate piece of machinery so it could break and it's mainly designed for going into like flesh rather than digging up rocks man since this port Edwards knees his knees are fine they're fine he's just just just have to show off that you have hidden blades don't you Edward but you've blonde hair and your rugged beard huh right let's go huh don't we go anything over there it's a nice little camp nothing nothing doable there nope here we go yeah well I think at that we will call it a day and we shall sail off into the sunset lovely palm trees why are you telling me to shoot that with why yeah thank you so much everyone for joining there will be some things over on outside Xbox very soon I believe and can we pick these up tomorrow no they are just mines that you gotta be careful of okay all right out to sea we go into the restricted area let's get out of the loop should be round tomorrow doing some master mode baby and also after we have finished with our and livestream on here with leak huh so yeah so that's were afternoon so after now outside Xbox then yeah run and then Alta Tok now getting distracted are dolphins right after this our next book should be putting up a mist very soon tomorrow afternoon Luke will be back with rest of the wild master mode baby and then after that some Dungeons and Dragons I'll be dressed as an elf because of dungeons dragons not just light well actually I might just dress up as an elf at home as well just just why not okay thank you Shawn poetry I'm pretty sure that Shawn poetry if not someone doing a bang on impression of Sean Pertwee who is excellent anyway thanks for watching I'm gonna go sell off listen to my sea shanties thanks for joining thank you for that but don't don't worry about saying thanks in the stream Bank thanks for watching he crash the ship to work [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 44,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 391Plu6iU44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 1sec (6961 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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