Assassin's Creed Black Flag LIVESTREAM: Too Much Rum! Ellen Plays AC Black Flag

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us hello everyone how are you all doing whoop um i'm not luke and this is not bloodborne uh because luke is very busy at the moment uh so i have well i say busy he's like been mumbling about the old blood and i'm like i don't know what that is so uh um basically we we had we had a moment yesterday on the stream there's some sad times uh and uh heads are starting on this because we've kind of been chucked into another memory okay um um yeah basically i i stepped in i said right i'll do a stream today instead cause i don't want to be sad the whole time i believe that this is a mission in which we can work through our grief and uh yeah basically there's another game coming out soon that i would like to start streaming more or less when it comes out um it's about it's got like i don't know something about a ghost um so i want to try and finish the story and then maybe we'll come back to black flag at some point and do some like legendary ship things i don't know um that would be fun uh but uh basically hey extra stream to get some stuff done and then next week is the final one fingers crossed if i get through the story okay um and then tomorrow i will still be streaming tomorrow i said that we were gonna be doing this tomorrow uh i will still be streaming tomorrow uh but it'll be something a little bit different it won't be black flag well it might be black flag but if we get our hands on something it might not be black flag uh it might be a one-off special stream of something else um so yeah it's gonna be it's gonna be heavy the stream um there is a request uh i'll just quickly quickly before we jump in before we jump in a little little lull while people join the stream um david badlotti says wish i could stay and watch live but work keep time for work boys you got this um john foster quick note we want otzio it's right here he's right here lovely otzio he's right here he's so cute the otter noises are like some of the best noises in the world ever um zealous says uh sell all the rub ellen no matter what okay uh um welcome to you new member thomas angle and angel beat uh you're doing okay after yesterday's stream just about literally if you missed it yesterday and you would like to see me cry um just watch the end of yesterday's stream i was like oh we've got an extra half hour yeah let's go on for a little bit longer and i hope you all caught the oxbox stream yesterday that was great i actually will say uh right now at the same time uh dice breaker also doing their painting stream so if you don't want a very heavy like sad stream then you can go and like watch that and then come back and watch this later i'm gonna try i gotta try and keep it upbeat but if you just wanna listen like watch the people chilling out and painting stuff uh like painting uh little figurines from tabletop games let's go go look at dice breaker tell send them our love because we love dice breaker they're good they're good eggs right um let's do this shall we oh let's get me all small look at how how built up the jack door is i'm so proud all that work that we've put in lovely big ship um all right so let's do this oh and let me know if that sounds a little bit off oh hang on two seconds it's not coming through the sound the game sound is not coming through on this screen sometimes right i love this i love this so much hang on hang on i gotta go just uh just to that one for a second and just sir disable and re-enable for some reason the the sound said that it was coming through fine on the other one not this one and that sometimes happens right i getting my screen back am i getting my screen back this is the joy this is the joy fingers crossed we've got some bits and bobs happening that hopefully means that we won't have to deal with this in future and it'll be a lot simpler we hope fingers crossed uh and we'll have fewer fewer problems with that right are you there are you gonna you're not coming through with the sound you're not coming through with the sound great uh huh twitchy tim says gotta love them stream issues yeah it's so great this is this is uh my favorite thing right i'm gonna go i'm gonna go for this one again no game for one second let us see it's just quitting it just quit obs link and then restart it because uh the the whole disabling it um seems to work to we have some sync issues with obs link like just some little behind the scenes this is not at all interesting if you're not interested in streaming but um there are just these these little tech issues that happen a lot to people and like when you look up like trouble shooting things like a lot of people end up with the same issues um right is the sound coming through there is should be no right hang on is that no this is this is really fun uh right give me two seconds um and i'm going to unplug some things and plug them back in i'm going to put you guys on hold for a second see you in a second my so ah hello does that oh something happened i saw something right let's have a look does that do it no now the gameplay's gone completely that's great uh let's have a look right come on this is this is a lot of fun this is this is my favorite part of streaming um all right let's try this give me some game sound just give me some game at all that would be great like we're doing a bonus stream and then it's just like nope okay okay there we go okay it's working it's yeah i did it i did it i did it sound you can hear the noise man if there's one thing that i've learned in these streams it's how to just just just fluff for time just be like let me just explain to you what is going on it's just things things these things happen and right let's go edwards had a lot of rum i might have a lot of rum later this is just water honest oh stay hydrated everyone uh that's often often something that people forget people forget about that uh in a lockdown if you're not going out about and like having drinks in places you might not think to drink wanna see drink lots and someone who has to drink lots anyway i recommend it right uh let's go let's with edward well well edward's going to get very very drunk sorry my mic stand has got a little bit loose there we go welcome right 15 minutes in let's go let's go let's make me small i need to be small there we go hello now all right let's go she reload she reload yeah let's do it reload last checkpoint accept now when we're in in the last stream short life and a merry one that is all all right the world owes us nothing someone's saying that they're just watching for my welsh accent i saw in the chat he's going to see yourself whoa whoa what is that supposed to be like that i'll as much as i love assassin's creed games they can be kind of glitchy anyway so i don't know whether this is supposed to be like a thing or if it is genuinely just glitched all right let's punch him more redwood oh hang on where are we now calm little puppy and slink back to your hangar didn't i murder that one you haven't the mettle for my brand of madness it's prizes plunder and adventure ahead are you a game no you're my way ben there's a glass here's to gentlemen of fortune and women of leisure to a world full of rogues better than all the kings and queens that kick us about as gentlemen of fortune we enjoy plenty and satisfaction pleasure and ease liberty and power what man with a sensible mind would choose the former life for i have dipped my hands in muddied waters and withdrawing them find it better to be a commander than a common man [Music] what sharks no not shocks [Music] don't look at me look at all the free dead bodies that are just right there come on oh no no no no no no no no no [Music] hang on different okay it's not ships anymore up there that swoop down on powerful wings that sees a grazing land carried off flying close by a jack door saw the d and it filled his head was just as strong so with a great flapping and rustling of feathers and clutch to the cult of a large ram but when he tried to fly away he found he could not lift the animal while his size and strength were not up to the task oh do we do we know which one is the real one they're all red he captured the jackpot i want to hear the story about the jack jaw that evening [Music] what do you call him he would claim to be an eagle all right yeah i get the poetic the eagle vision and everything and no oh oh it's just pointing at me [Music] okay well let's go for this one look all the hang on who's that wait he's the murder you from the front then sir all right stop pointing through the point he's over there oh video games do love a weird dream sequence don't they [Music] ugh oh oh he is on a full-on breakdown oh wow intense intense there's a lag in the audio again okay doesn't seem to be happening anymore right now okay addy's back um can i just say it's really difficult to play a game and focus on chat at the same time um the audio has just like i i can't monitor this audio and that audio at the same time so um oh man it was i thought i thought i'd fixed it let's let's go back to no game let's disable that this should all be working okay i've got it that there's no audio you don't need to keep going until cats in the chat i'm trying to fix it right you're gonna no no obs link are you gonna this is this is the bane of my existence this thing this thing i love it love it so much as i said we're working on a solution to try and not have to deal with these things [Music] um right let's let's quit it again right let's go to no game there we go this is how is everyone doing um are you all having a nice time i am despite this um falton says chat is being a bit impolite yes i want the chat to be a nice fun place and it's not a nice fun place if you go there and everyone's in all caps and making the same joke over and over and over again um so right fingers crossed hooray it seems to be back again right now basically that took less than five minutes for it to break so fingers crossed uh good thing i had the uh subtitles let's go small on your feet on your feet put me on the spot daddy after leaving me with robert i shall have hard feelings about seeing you here all right mostly i'm bloody glad me too brother and you'll be tough to know your jack door's still in one piece cool oh you set sails you're leaving no i have another calling elsewhere ah they listen when you're out in your head already visit the assassins i think you'll understand then he's joining this out yeah of course because he's in the dlc so he's doing that now addy all of your friends left you edward join the assassins just join the assassins to do it come on edward edward come on right oh i didn't realize here um that you could go to uh tavern is the tavern open here yet where's the have a look on the map i can't find it last time i was here i was like i don't know where the tavern is um but you go to a tavern and you have a fight i'd say there's a bit all around here it's not over here i'll have to look it up in a guide somewhere i'm sure there's people in the chat who will shout but please know that there's so many of you that i miss a lot of the messages um but yeah right off we go let's ah look at these two having a nice time sitting on the top of the bay watching the tide roll away is that the visit or is it watching the time roll away i can never remember oh she's giving me such a look i'm sorry all of my friends are dead um oh i'm gonna miss addie shouting things lydic says addy is an ac rogue ah i don't realize he's in rogue as well um because rogue came out at the same time as black flag i believe was it there's no unity it came at the same time as i cannot remember off the top of my head um but yeah here we go sail to sea [Music] oh here we go here we go here we ready bloody go everyone's really tied yeah tide is correct thank you brian uh good good i got that right okay where do we need to go okay i've finished i love providence yes i can't say it how do i say providencia providencia so easy ellen uh right where is where is where is there you are there is tulum let's first travel to tulum come on let's do it we've got to go find addy ah so that was him being like i'm gonna go but you literally just follow him it's just giving you the option to go and do all the side quests if you want too fast let's go mike feely i did not like unity unity is actually another one that i did not play basically when it came out it was all like broken i also had no money so like i couldn't buy anyway if i'd wanted it um hey look at the ball sorting through the nets here we here we go let's break up some stuff anything in there sugar any honey no okay right here we go let's become an assassin addy addie you are my favorite everything is permitted oh that lady just walked straight through his head see this is why i didn't know whether that sequence was supposed to be like that whether it was glitched what the hell happened here you happened here edward the damage you caused six years ago has not been undone oh i'm not an easy man to call a friend am i is that why you're here the fight beside a man is so driven by personal gain and glory is a hard thing and i have come to feel the assassins and their creed a more honorable cause yes adi have i been unfair no for years i've been rushing around taking whatever i fancied not giving a tinker's curse for those i heard not giving a tinker's curse what good phrase that is riches and a reputation feeling no wiser than when i laughed home oh yeah when i turn around look at the course i've run there's not a man or woman that i love left standing beside me yeah you're on your own on your own not too late you're going to get a nice house in london i've been in it you've got a secret compartment in it cool to sort out the mass i made worried about your son though grandson turns out to be all right yes edward mary was fond of you edward she saw something in your bearing that gave her hope to my one day fight with us hi thanks for mary she told me and what do you think of our pre it's hard to say for if nothing is true then why believe anything and if everything is permitted why not chase every desire a little philosophy chat it might be that this idea is only the beginning of wisdom that's quite a step up from the edward i met here many years ago yeah he's been on a journey six years this game takes place over so what do you think it'll take some getting used to the second attack this month now looks like we've got like a rope dark thingy i brought all this upon you years ago but i will stand by you now it will take more than a few favors to call yourself a true assassin edward one thing at a time mate you've okay wearing the gear all this time yeah rope dart rope darts are equipped with a lethal grappling knife press y while above your target to assassin basically got the batman things oh no this is this is basically what uh lara croft has in shadow the tomb raider and i got all excited about it but it's already in this game man okay [Laughter] right okay so you aim at an enemy press them to draw and then you can strike okay okay so you can like pull them towards you great god great right let's go let's go they are awfully forgiving says volkswagen they are considering all the mess that we made oh sorry sorry sorry and i just walked straight into you follow my what where are you okay hi oh fly me up our friend just got shot in the face where there you no what okay okay come on oh you're just you're just like okay you he's found the honey you know what he made that joke oh sugar sugar sugar where's the honey he's found the honey and now he's doing the dance god i love these games right can i go up that way there we go there we go there we go oh i got press and hold here we go yeah oh oh i didn't do that right did i i'm an assassin now so i'm staying with my hidden blades go up come at me bro and then can i can i get you because you're slightly higher oh yes oh i didn't press i pressed the wrong one there come on yes just kicking the chins stabby stab and step wally while he's all oh oh come on come on come on break the fence just die already sir thank you huh right here we go here we go here we go all right you it's your fault okay stop spanish assault kill the captain clean pressed thing right stay stay stay look you just get blown up by your own come on roll away edward edward i was pressing to roll away [Music] okay got you look i know i upset you i know i did bad things i've been here now i'm here to like make things better right kill the captain kill soldiers on the beach you gonna there you go that's all i wanted to do murder murder [Music] stab oh get away from that bomb edward i hate the way that when he's like trying to he's in what's good he can't [Music] know break through your defenses get out of the way [Music] right kill the captain i've got to get off this beach leave me alone go go go go go go go go go oh just pull three guards and you get the sink hang on okay no leave me alone leave me alone all right i'm gonna get into a good space where i can do this then there you go oh yeah all right i want to heal up a little bit i'm going to be out of combat and try and heal up oh dude why can i not uh rope dart all of a sudden ah do i hang on i've got no i've run out of rope darts i don't have the rope darts to do it to sink sorry decent right well let's give it another go because uh i don't have enough inventory space to have the three darts so i'll double check if it's one hang on let's have a look let's have a look wrong button wrong button so hanger i need to hang two and pull three get used well let's get you here oh that's a good way to deal with them okay so should have three out of three and then how many rope darts do i have i have two left cool i have swore in reserve now so i could do i could hang one guy you guys are okay you got him hey is there anyone over here hang on there you go full sink there we go right let's just do swords right get you okay can you stop with the animation edward [Music] okay okay okay okay oh you you all right do it [Music] let's just do this let's go let's go we only need to get the captain now you don't know where i am uh oh guns i should have been using more human shields huh no have i already done it though have i done the rope dark thing is it gonna make me do it again i've got to do it again okay okay okay right right i did the same guy twice does that still count as two no there we go right okay so that should be my three that should be my three that thing popped up but i did the thing okay now how many rope got like rope darts i have one so i need to use this carefully you sir are a big a big lad are you a big lad which one's the biggest of lads yes you okay oh get up but punch him i've been pressing great defense there we go go go go go get this guy come on why are you just not murdering anyone edward oh my goodness yes yes yes yes yes yes oh break defense right okay you yes you thought you thought oh he just went after his own bloat then come on i need to just go and kill the captain now but i also just don't want to get shot by guns so what i will do i have a gun oh you you can sod off get blown up by your own thing come on now okay kick you in there ow ow how dare you right let's stay out like heel up heel up edward come on they're all having a fight over there assassins are dealing with some stuff for you oh this is more stealthy this is good oh come on edward what why edward what is that come on there we go oh [Music] give me human shield [Music] get away he was jailed get rid of the guns haha you killed the captain for me thank you [Laughter] oh concentration oh did it lance oh that was intense once you have like two of those big guys like just there and you're like get away um it's like being stuck on the underground with loads of people ah lads did it leave us alone converted your captain and once more you have our thanks edward you are welcome thank you i like the way he says edward i'll rest here for a time how's her child she is a strong woman but not invincible no freddy baggins he shot his own captain what a muppet right absolute muppet i'm sorry for your loss if i'd stayed in prison that have taken him from me he'd now be alive maybe this is god's way of saying i'm not fit to be a mother yes carrying on like i do [Music] mothers come in all shapes and sizes i heard stories of the infamous anne bonnie and mary reed taking on the king's navy together just the pair of you it's all true and would have won that day of jack and his letter and passed out from the hold from i read that i read that they were the only ones fighting while the blokes were drunk everyone's gone right mary reckon touch all the rest i miss them so rufus they were do you fear that too or empty inside i do caitlin rc give this woman a hug yeah right it's okay oh look okay hand-holding at least is that that's hand hug [Laughter] be there for each of the friends man spice and informants in every city visit our viewers and the assassins there will guide you okay it might take months to fight four years we're all good we've got a new purpose now we're at the assassins we've got a whole new brotherhood don't be afraid whole bunch of people who are new family quartermaster what's up she's the new koalas do you rest captain if it's still kingston we're sailing for it is indeed ms martin we're sailing for jamaica yes yes buddy he's the base uh mary based on real people like all of these all of the main characters like any assassin's creed game based on like real time and to men twice as rough her head building bars among other places and i sailed with mary and rackham for a time remember of course mary did most of the captaining jack did most of the drinking did mary did she ever tell you who it was that fathered her child it was a young fella sailed with us on that last voyage our lad was killed fighting beside us the only man not too drunk to stand up for himself there was so much about her i didn't know i called her a friend [Music] right now that's good to hear [Music] behind us now [Music] yes [Music] like just not showing up properly sometimes they glitch a little bit through the sea uh and somehow don't drown which is which is fun it's good i'm glad that they don't drown if we are we are we yeah let's let's sail this bit should we sail this bit or shall we fast travel i think we should just fast travel to kingston because we need to be there let's go let's go we lost time at the beginning of the stream because of technical difficulties here we go wherever we've got to get to back in kingston still no bentley center yet and yes i'm still making that joke either in south west london and surrey will probably get it right um here we go my home phone is ringing exciting times uh here we go yeah scramble up there oh there he is the man himself a governor no longer are we gonna we're gonna murder the guys that try to murder our friends you have something for me the present whereabouts of the templar woods brought up he is attending a small political function so do it clean okay the word is king george is calling rogers back to london i am not happy with his progress in nassau still too many pirates roaming about from what i hear you'll need a disguise he has got the best chuckles [Music] he's been on our list for some time understood you sent the england for me caroline scott hawkins lane bristol oh she's a bristolian is she bristol for those of you don't know the geography of the uk right next to wales pretty much it's like wonder it's the bristol and bath the two cities very very very close to the uh where i see some gold hello sir now are there any ladies that i can hire no there's some blokes i am ready selling slaves great great i'd quite like to murder that guy to be honest there is no beauty to this city no expression of [Music] i really hope either we kill him or if we don't kill him oh no we're in too late for ezio aren't we trying to think of timelines and how they measure up oh so glad they've got rid of these missions in uh subsequent you are all idiots how do english believe you can subdue the world is beyond me all right what the english did was a lot of subjugation and forcing people in slaves great british empire was not great um it was big okay he's now vulnerable oh straight lines and rigid blocks and still no sense of order oh so i miss the warm unwinding streets frenzy auditorium [Music] okay well now he's in a way more protected area so that's great uh ladies ladies oh yeah come with me i would like you to distract these lads oh can i i can't kill him right now great great great hello don't mind me just following the guys [Music] i pray this party is well stopped i was like can i get that gunman before huh right well let's try and murder him like right at the beginning kill him from a haystack okay okay right now where was that first haystack don't see me don't see me don't see me come on no climb up faster edward so slow i hate these tailing missions i'm so glad that they don't have them in subsequent games like just ridiculously happy so you guys come this way oh yeah don't mind me edward please just climb something oh my goodness oh just just get to the haystack so that we can murder you ah it's here it's here it's here it's here it's here it's here no pretty quick too quick right so he says about the english and then i go in murder him right well can i can i just get there ahead of him if i just leg it does that oh gosh edward so he's there i don't know where he is okay and it's like up here yeah there he is and then which way does it go up here okay so i've got to go here oh i went too fast too ahead of him this is just just me totally cheating but i don't care so there he is he's going that way so i'm going to go around here oh all right i just need to keep the little dot on screen all right look could you just not come on yeah all idiots okay there you go ready you're ready [Music] look the other way guys done now we're gonna have a little chat with him no just stealing his stuff oh sorry tailing missions boo yeah right oppa look how edward edward you look so swish oh my goodness so dapper look at the swag you have right now oh my goodness look at you look at those shoulders sir sir edward oh i love the there's always an infiltrating a party and these are the missions i do like these are the sneaky missions i love hello i'm going to dress up and pretend to be the lateness over my arrival i am rudyard hi mr ferraro not a problem look at me with my pretend italian accent okay so he'll recognize us the king's pardon and swore filthy to the crown oh oh his majesty has seen fit to suck me and call me home to england i'm in the band it is i am proud to say right is this gonna hang on do i need to do anything kill rogers from a bench commitment to seeing justice done sir oh get off edward here we go what do i know you edward there any other benches there any other benches is this the new bench this is the only bench and how is mrs rogers these days he's going to come this way he is he must this must be on a route so let's sit with these people and hopefully he'll do a little circuit all right this is where we just wait how's everyone doing in chat curiosity perhaps i'll be more expanded later when the remainder of my reason has no right so this is come on come this way dude [Music] yes yes this way this way this way you're naturally shamed hello how is it you lack so much respect for sailors only trying to make their way in this world you couldn't possibly understand my motives alright you have spent a whole lifetime dismantling everything that makes our civilization shine but i do understand i've seen the observatory and i know its power you'd use that device to spy and blackmail and sabotage yes and yet all for a greater purpose black bar like murdered those people because like they won't understand basically it was like a projector they could have been like oh it's light needs that power it's like mind-blowing but not it would drive the mad mind no i'm taking it back yeah we're going after black bart roberts and if you tell here at the edge of a blade i find a friend in here at last principe principe you mad bastard our best sources say principe okay okay okay it's pretty principe oh there he is those people are running off so we we've just um okay no i didn't want you to go up there edward please let's okay we've got to go to the assassin's bureau which is all the way over there oh that's like it let's leg it like a lego legged reach the assassins let's have a little little stroll uh welcome to fran for a new member hello to zanzibar why he says i was pressing the right button the front frustrated gamer gamer's motto yeah right it's like but i'm just pressing to do the thing and it's even worse when you switch between games and you're like oh my muscle memory is doing one thing and now i have to do the other right right we've gone the wrong way i'm taking the wrong turn but it's all fine it's because i was reading um grape toad says you should read the steed bonnet entry in the database um after all this time we're finally an official assassin yes nonsense uh hello to opticon who sends a little shiva pup sticker john sanska another ac live stream i haven't even finished shortcut let alone yesterdays there's so many so many we've been doing a lot is there such a thing as too much ellen i think that thank you very much it's very kind of you to say um thoughts on kingdoms of america reckoning ben i am very excited very very excited look at all these people they don't know just dropping by saying hi on my way home from legoland we'll catch up later oh i hope he's stayed safe and everything is going all right like everything's like gonna be like half 18. like where you must whatever you're doing that's just a safety thing um pirate queen assassin ellen hope you're having fun thank you awkward ferret and there's no stain on my character for saying so you're just having a little chat there went right up that guy's nose look around on the camera then hello sir don't mind me right let's go let's go let's go [Music] back at the bureau which is literally just a table it's done yes oh look at her boots sorry i'm right in front of them she's got some real cool boots she's off the screen now it doesn't even matter um yeah did it did it did it hundred percent sing so i never have to do the stupid mission again although look at how dapper edward looks mate mate so swish yes yes right where else do i have to go that's the side activity don't want to go for the side activity right wherever we're going to be where's our next one do we have to stay in kingston or do we have to go far away edward you're finally an assassin principe principe of course can we can we fast can we fast can we travel fast travel to there yeah we can fast travel to here at least uh does that bring us in a bunch of ships though yeah it might be better going to one of our forts i believe that if there's a warehouse like i've cleared it but it doesn't mean there's no people there so i'll still have to do ship stealth and no right crafty i can make a craft two seconds right what i don't okay i didn't mean to dock i just wanted to let go of the wheel okay um let's go into crafting because i've got a bunch of stuff we should be able there were things i was like oh they were like you've got the stuff but you can't uh upgrade it because you didn't do far enough in the story so right unavailable at this time why right now now that i'm far further away unavailable at this time what if i go on the dock and i'm on a flat surface you've just told me that i can craft these things so you're gonna let me craft these things there we go apparently if i'm on a ship which is also docking i can't do anything right i killed a bunch of black jaguars in my spare time in the game in the game don't do that in real life please protect the animals uh let's do that let's do that confirm dark pouch got tons of crocodile we've got a bunch of we'll have way more stuff we'll have way more stuff now cool cool cool cool done right now oh croft all hero upgrades something i can assist with new customization options available in multiplayer which i can't play because there's no one in it so that's that's fine that's fine edward edward edward please please you're too keen sometimes right as the sun is setting let's go travel speed straight out here we go come on wind behind us let's get that speed up oh i keep for a second i was like oh the water looks quite dark i wonder if a kraken is going to appear and then i was like this is not some thieves she was built calm down [Music] [Music] basically i just wanted to play it for a bit and get some experience in this multiplayer because it's a little bit more similar to zlatan three multiplayer as opposed to brotherhood i think my favorite i think where they kind of like perfected it was in um [Music] [Music] go on oh just thinking of the inky black sea right now gothic 83 yeah shane the multiplayer is kind of cool oh yeah shame the multiplayer is kind of dead yeah because it was cool it was so good it was basically hide and seek right start mission sequence 12 we're in sequence 12 guys oh this don't look good captain here's one still kicking who did this it were a large vessel the royal fortune roberts offered no quarter didn't say nothing it going up is he going after pirates now hints attack and capture of thought to reveal locations and hidden rivers right now i didn't know that it's not like i've taken over basically every fort right here we go here we go oh we fast traveled to where we need to be whoa edward what happened there run straight through that up run straight through that okay right let's go here's his boat come on just keep swimming now before we go in let's see if there's any kill guards by destroying powder barrels i will be so up for that yes let's explodey times oh hi sir don't mind me just [Music] ah well get out of the way pig get it back back at you go on two for one yes [Music] ah yes and go right okay now important what i can't pet pig i cut in three you can feed the piggies the hell is this well you're adorable little pig all right okay let's go up i killed i killed one guy with explosions but did that did that register i got two of them okay i got two not bad not bad okay there's two guys there right you guys come back [Music] what are sitting around in this game nicholas lloyd pet pig i tried i tried i really tried the button prompt did not come up anonymous 29 seriously nothing is phasing that pig right it's just like okay cool cool right guys go over there go over right to that barrel that nice red barrel that will explode why are you coming all the way down here oh my goodness maybe i should have waited for you to come all the way do you go all the way down to where that guy was standing and then i could have got four oh you do as well oh dude is that where it was is that barrel where it was nope no no don't don't just keep going on your little easily workoutable route across come on lads please there we go both of you both of you yes lose interest go on ignore ignore there we go [Music] so maybe if i go up and around [Music] no you've heard that you're gonna move that way aren't you all those lads come around here come right to here that would be great you don't know where i am you don't know where i am oh man everyone else knows where i am bye bye bye [Music] right here we go but i probably come back round this way but i've done it and i don't have to worry about it now come on bartholomew oh if only you knew okay dead where is he [Music] oh [Music] you're going to kill your friend ah right would it be good to go up what do you reckon would you reckon everyone sorry i went very concentrated then titan uranus i've just realized well how you say that hahaha did ellen just do an evil anime chuckle i did uh all right who's those those lads over there come on dude just eventually calm down i don't yeah i don't want the berserk to last this long actually i've got all the upgrades to make it last super long and that's actually quite bad for me um just die already sir please there we go there he is oh my god [Music] come on come on get up go come on edward [Music] go okay we hit him go go go right intense boat chase sequence here we go our winds against us foreign come on [Music] [Applause] one more one more hit that's all we need why are you done come on i've upgraded all these for a reason boat why are you not going any further with direct hits of waters [Music] come on hit hit yes i'll beat the board go go go so we've got how how how there's cross ah ready i put all that damage into it is it because he's like technically being hit by the spanish well his ship was destroyed so even though i didn't eat it other ships did all right you're done uh the sds board board board so this isn't the one with one aboard first but i need to fix my ship okay two shots oh okay dodge doesn't work when you're on a thing as possible get that flag edwards edward get the come on come on come on edward right lads fight i'll get the flag do you have a flag come on edward please fix our run down here we go one more done done yes yes yes oh joe schmoe did they do they have a flag do you have a flag right okay repair the jack door good good good okay there's robert's ship okay okay all right all the other ships are gone okay let's not have i used all my mortars there's a device with him that needs to k i'll have to board her myself right man the guns there's more fodder for you coming let's get this stuff we've got to get the special cube skull thing okay let's line ourselves up nicely bored use the rope dart to kill roberts okay well how about we're boarding oh hang on let's climb up let's climb up i've got a plan how can i not be impressed by the attention you've made me may the best that we do sing praises of the second [Music] oh man i should have gone across sooner losing my crew but we're fine we're fine come on edward please why are you not climbing up that why do you not want to climb across edward edward okay so you've got to go up and around hang on oh now you now you're low enough i don't have any rope darts that wasn't him wait at least let me have filled up my rope dark life i'm the short one ah game oh well i know myself don't make an objective that you can't fulfill before you've even started your mission have you found the peace you seek i'm not aiming so high as that for what's peace but a confusion between two wars rummage around northern i know you've got gotta craft them but like oh i should have done it in the oh i don't know oh i had hoped to find her to see her again to open the dwarf temple and hear her speak my name once more i talk senseman i was born too soon like so many others before where's the device roberts emmanuel de luca says like spikes but like spike i always forget to ask for a like spike because we spiked him that's for all our friends somehow he still manages to keep his hat on that's how perfectly it fits no the sound two seconds ah come on has the sound gone is it out of sync again this is kind of just what happens uh it seems it it for those of you it's just the limitations of the hardware that we currently have uh and we're all limited by lockdown stuff occasionally the audio lags after a while so sorry that's just what i've got to deal with that is the fun that i have to deal with right fingers crossed that has fixed it a little bit okay well we got we got 90 that's not bad that's not bad you get that mcguffin ellen good job thank you epic epicurean bard what name um eleanor smith says ellen have you unlocked the ship from the timbers cheat yet i won't tell you what it does but you need it and i have no idea why i don't really use cheats uh just not because i'm like oh cheats are bad because i used them all the time when i was younger and it's just that i don't think of it as a modern game thing with cheats for some reason it's like they were just like such a fun thing that you would get in old games anyway and now they tend to be like um dlc usually that you have to pay for um right it's like oh you want to do this fun thing instead of putting in a code pl please pay us some money um here we go right we've got to go to havana let's fast travel we've got we can go over a tiny bit i don't mind going over a tiny bit kevin smith not your fault ellen thank you the uh and tim macy says that stand up thank you it's just it's just a tech like i i bet people watching at home are like oh my goodness the sound is so bad how have they not it's just something that i'm listening to the game audio directly from the game if i listen to it from my computer there would be a lag so i have to institute this um and uh because we have to delay the the gameplay so that it lines up with the microphone and the camera um so i can't play through obs which would be fun but it's just not doable uh so we can't [Music] we cannot um monitor at the same time and so sometimes things go out sync and you won't notice until a little bit later look at the boob look at a lonely verb don't know about you but i'm finding this game a little macabre oh he enjoyed that joke it's fun um right off we go right where have we got where have we got to go here oh the whole of this town hates us tainted blood tainted blood i've got to get away where is everyone where is everyone there's there's that last time i came here there were a bunch of npcs walking around okay there's two of them looking not happy cat cat do you know what's happening can you please share some intel oh wow you've walked through my sword you are a hardy creature um any anything anything right let's go up here edward there's a ladder right there dog dog dog dog dog do you know do you know where everyone is ruff ruff ruff good dog shy violet ghost town yeah this town is coming like a ghost a cat on the roof cat on a hot tin roof well it's not i don't know whether it's tin but it'll be probably very warm oh look at your jaw it's like ethan's cat oh you follow ether on instagram and stuff it's supposed to have cat it's great hey who you hello pal captain kenway i'm assuming this is the friendliest face you've seen since drop an anchor oh my goodness she's scottish great curfew on my account hello hi torres seems to think someone's coming after him oh everyone this is curfew where are you a monkey-looking lock down is that what i think it is hi watch through the blood of the governor we can see through his eyes that's that's by the church keep this safe just in case i'll be at the bureau oh look oh she's a hugger like over that no come here edward come on we're pals um here we go right now can i do i i just need to locate i've got no extra extra optional objectives cool there we go double knocked out okay so there's there's a monkey guy as in like a guy who is a monk-ish person like monk rather than just a monkey guy um maybe he works in the zoo with them i don't know right okay so see smoke hello hi hi [Music] okay whoop okay okay okay okay let's let's be careful spicy okay so you're going that way now you're gonna turn yeah good good so i don't have to go through don't see me please oh look at them all standing off there [Music] oh all right across let's go up knock you out okay stop you stopping in there this is exciting to an extent anyway right are you gonna go up that raining now [Music] uh okay it said knockout okay okay right so you guys are going into that big fort plus eight says wouldn't they kick in the roy and wake you up i would have thought so right so he's in there okay right stay out of combat so gotta find him kill him stay out of combat let's do this stay down stay down yes you do that okay go yes hey done taurus body double okay human shield twice i believe oh come on oh no okay so he has the gun ah wow he hits hard no man's immune to a pistol shot i reckon aha so i've got to shoot him with a gun okay now about a little gunplay [Music] okay only guns okay so i should have kept those guys alive there we go lost his helmet oh i missed that shot didn't i and i missed that shot because he moved right it's just this fight is just the two of us desperately being like let's fake the guns that is the weirdest foster i ever done [Music] you humbled me once and i took that hardly that's the weirdest okay knowing that for all right just both of us leave this life for a lasting peace okay let me just put the gun powder in just [Music] okay leg it i've got a leg it can i go out this way or is this a dead end this is a dead end let's go up and out boat no no edward i'm dead oh how did i how how did it let me get away with that one just like it edward let's just get uh come up edward ed why are you just there come on uh uh uh hiding spot where's that where is it it says there's a hiding spot here but it's not is it up here isn't it edward trying to like make you walk faster than snail's paste yeah is that it or is it am i not out of the area at all it says escape the area and hide does it mean to get on the jack door and get away yeah okay all the hiding places have gone from the map i'll reach the assassin's bureau cool oh this is shanty right there right let's go come on no edward fine i'll go to the bureau we're over time anyway um let's go let's go let's go mary studios that girl has the skull she does indeed the huggy scottish girl don't stop me now you get fed into the hero don't look at me [Music] oh was labeled taurus but held the blood of his second where's he gone left port this morning yeah cause we used the thing to locate him will we follow send word to attaby we've cornered our man hey okay oh i only need to use two not three okay okay that's not too bad that's not too bad frodo baggins finishes off my don't stop me now have a second i'm having such a good time i'm stabbing them all hooray right well we're nearly finished we're nearly nearly finished um but where is our next thing so over there ever a splinter so i think we're gonna have to end there denied by a cutscene indeed frodo um thomas says thomas angle says shanty not seen i know i know um patrick long says boo at some point i can't remember what that would have been that was it about 10 15 minutes ago when did i when what did i say um john foster havana is having social distancing right um and then patrick long says smoke bombs and assassinations maybe yeah could do could do but i did i did it i did it without being seen it's all about being sneaky sneaky and then just landing on top of them um right okay i think i'm doing looking for the observatory okay you hold the treasure yourself torres doesn't know i haven't ah taurus doesn't know and risk its capture i'd like him to know i have him just before he dies edward edward i just want him to know it before i kill him uh the macaw pun it was in the boo was four thank you very much macaubra i'm very pleased with that one today uh thank you um oh patrick said uh yeah one of the spanish ships fired on your boarding target that's why that's why i lost [Music] but yeah chris hollins it's not a stream unless ellen says edward please it's just slight little annoyances at older games and not being quite as responsive as they are now so you having played odyssey and origins recently like just running around is that they don't get stuck on things it's just getting stuck on things and going for just the wrong thing more than like graphics or anything like that i think that's the best improvement like that i'm most fond of is that if you're walking around places you don't bump into everything um that's the big difference between red dead redemption 1 and red dead redemption 2 is that you're less likely to get caught on some stairs that's and that makes the game play better um yeah i think that is it today the lads are singing got my pal here bonnie with me um thanks for watching everyone i think i think we only have one more story stream left for this then we will be switching to another game which is also fairly stabby stabby sleepy sneaky stabby stabby uh from what i have seen of the various state of plays and such um so yeah uh i i am really looking forward to seeing where this ends up i might between then now do some more clearing up around get some more things try and get some get the ship looking good oh look all the dolphins around uh but tomorrow afternoon either one o'clock or two o'clock uh i will be streaming again um nonsense says we're so close to the end i know we're so close um and uh yeah tomorrow is gonna be something different it's not gonna be black flag it's not gonna be black flag um but thank you so much for watching thank you for bearing uh with the technical difficulties that we were having today there were a few there were a few it just kept was not playing nice today um but thank you for bearing with thank you for the people who didn't put stuff in all caps and uh yeah i believe the uh outside xbox will be having a list up now or close to um so do uh have a look out for that they've been working on some amazing lists recently because we get to all read them together and then i get to speak preview it's great uh thank you so much for watching do like and subscribe if you haven't already um and we'll see you tomorrow bye make sure i press the right button bye you
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 44,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: g3xGgqEppBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 21sec (7821 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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