Assassin's Creed Black Flag LIVESTREAM: Ship hunt! Ellen Plays AC: Black Flag

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi I hope our time that nicely music how are you all doing you all locked away like I am I'm really hang on I'm gonna switch headphones I've got the wrong headphones on I got my laptop headphones so they could do the nice switch eBay there now go put my gaming headphones on there's a distinct difference even though these are Assassin's Creed how are you all doing in the chat let's have a look at the chat while I do my headphones hello hello from Scotland number one hello - Denmark Otto hello you all having a nice time sorry I've hit the mic there I'm not doing very well sorry in advance if my voice sounds a little bit weird I've had a little bit of a virus not the virus don't worry I'm okay [Music] thoughts going out to anyone who isn't feeling great at the moment here we go I've got the game audio now yeah I just just very just coffee and cold e and yeah I'm gonna try not to sniff all my way through this too much but here we are here we are everyone here's Edward looking so handsome in his nice outfit hello from California Maddie hi hello yes I believe yes Jane is in the chat she's gonna be helping me moderate Thank You Jane oh no actually says I have the power hahaha no Jane fee right right let's see I need to I sorry I need to reorganize my screen so I can there we go I've got the chat in there a little bit better now I'm gonna try and keep a good eye on it Oh angel beat thank you so much for donation hope you feel better soon thank you and Hovick says we were black flag the a loading returns type some sweet pirate moves that make Corazon blush they tune such such blush blushing Corazon next try not say the microphone all the time sorry so here's Edward and here's the ship and we have to go Oh tell you what I need to do is I need to put the head back on that that would help so that I know where I'm going because I I did a thing I've got the coming up next week there will be some very pretty things before and after the stream there's just been some light little technical itch but there will be some pretty things happening to do with mr. Kenway and the Caribbean Sea right let's go on an adventure yeah yeah lads lads lads lads lads hello Chino cruise Ireland watching you play while I make croissants lovely gentlemen drill says hello from ahoy sorry from Austria hope you feel better singing thank you thank you I'm trying my best to keep an eye on the chat today [Music] I want to see how everyone is everyone's in a rather special situation at the moment gotta make yourself known when you leave port so we this was the sugar plantation that we were in last time let's not duck up here speed up let's get moving exactly lads lads lads lads lads lads and singing yes I was about to say can we get some songs going and running the chat lads lads lads yes here we go right head towards that shiny exclamation mark on my map hello-o people talking about how much they enjoy [Music] I'm sorry guys sorry lads sir there are people I just want to say it's nice discussion going on about I believe shave the week that happened yesterday which was all done remotely and I think the next books lovely team did an excellent job it was very good very informative I think of course look all this fog oh my goodness right okay I'm gonna slow down so I don't crash again I've got I've got stuff back a little bit okay okay okay okay I thought it was really good I liked a little I thought the picture in picture of all of them was really good right ah stop right I got go chat to these lads right captains in the war again keep your eyes on the sea Yellen yes yes and : Sorry Sorry Sorry but look at the crabs oh hey how are you oh they don't like the way that they know why are you moving forwards you can't walk sideways oh I'm not a fan of that you look too spidery know what you're doing crabs I like you because you can walk sideways all right proper defense look I'm chilling these two having a nice time are they let's see what's going on yeah join in with my drink 500 they've been busy we'll say the music in this game is amazing double gave me a crab raise they are all they're like yes [Music] GoGet galleon all right he enjoyed saying that a little bit too much she's a fasiq excuse me now one thing I'm enjoying on this dream right now is my hair is going a little bit green in parts not because of anything gross it's just that that's the color that it sometimes fades down to so occasionally my hair will disappear on this screen screen but it's fine but it just means you get Seaboard for lovely sandy beach so yeah let's well it's right there I mean I could use that boat all right just I was a flamingo Luke will be happy I'll try not to murder it I might have to murder a flamingo at some point though I really enjoy that yeah we're gonna go right yeah as soon as they got anywhere near the wheel in the midst alongside us before the treasure fleet was smashed against the shores the Hall of righteous men are saying the case had oh gosh how do I bring up my ear there we go it's fine let's get going those waves go be careful I'll be careful the rogue waves which that rogue waves sounds like like rogue wave would be like a music genre like what do you listen I listen to rogue wave lute sugar I just got bit of a sweet tooth pick that I'm surprised that's not dissolved already there's a good bad wolf whoever packbow is well done right that's how quick look at the chat while we're sailing over oh we're getting into careful okay before we get hello to Tom tittering ttan hashtag keep Ellen say thank you so much oh my goodness is explosions happening and Daniel green - Montreal hello I've been there it's good oh my goodness is absolutely leaving it down [Music] slow down slow down gets what seen from my favorite youtuber while I'm at home doing nothing on vacation not quarantined thankfully well still do you take care while you're staying at home okay okay right let's oh my goodness it's like another aisle there's so many cones oh okay I want to stay outside of that then that big yellow bit right can I start it no wait there we go there we go that's it okay we've got Taylor oh she utterly destroyed that ship as well right right you're going that way slow stopped okay speed up right oh my goodness follow this man of war [Music] but you also don't want to get too close because we will end up in the bottom of the sea which is not ideal not great location for shape to be looks pretty cool hard to breathe [Music] that cone of vision okay I don't know whether you can see if I move my heck wait if I move my head that way there we go okay okay I'm trying I'm trying my best I'm trying to reduce distance to target but I also just don't want that ship to see me how come they can't see that is look I'm I'm really grateful for the leniency here but how could you not see a ship right there okay okay okay okay right did it I think okay we've got wind behind us again - right loop-de-loop do oh my can I go right I'm trying I am trying but you're putting a pluming ship in front of me right let's go go go go go go let's try to stay away from that cone travel speed travel speed travel speed [Music] oh yes tender wait last met Oh turning the big ships turning the big ships turning the [ __ ] oh my god this is so stressed I can't reach is just until see me oh my goodness stop just what okay go go go go go go go go go go go go go go oh my goodness this is [Music] okay you don't look this way don't don't turn there's another ship to my left I know that there's nautical terms for it but I can't think of it right now and I'm quite stressed oh my goodness I'm gonna try it as soon as I've got to read some chat after this oh okay oh okay okay let's sit two other ships right so thank you - Lukesh thank you - new member chase right oh right hold on a second black flag and thank you to Nick Geoffrey hello Ellen waves madly to be noticed hi currently working from home providing IT support to the NHS it's manic oh well done thank you so much for the work you're doing the NHS in the UK is working extremely hard right now so thank you to anyone who's working in any kind of medical services right now you are doing amazing work Ellen is the opposite of Luke when playing games it's durable thank you very much it's just panic Luke yesterday playing Doom was so Zen but I'm just like ah the thing is like that wasn't as like uh I do but it was just like so close so close please did it I did it right so we're under mortar fire the area of damages is represented as a circle on the water the yellow circles and as incoming shots avoid them good to know when they turn red you'll take damages okay oh my goodness okay so that tells you they're gonna be get you are missed I'm sorry Sean Pertwee I looked it up it is Sean Pertwee I was very pleased myself for getting that right yes got you stay out [Music] okay oh oh okay I can now write what how what okay okay okay I want to get out of this whoa Lutz okay that wasn't pretty but neither was that right brace brace brace for his purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse praise keep going go go go come on warning restricted area I'm already being shot at okay let's kill these guys there's so many free things loot loot loot can't catch me get this guy new new loot great okay okay okay okay right brace okay that's not too bad slow down brace brace brace brace I want to try [Applause] go let's get you at close range go oh no yes No get the white boy wait wait wait yes right you where do you think you're going nope wanna go friend come on Go Go Go Go Go Go Go yes okay so I've got all the little ships the man-of-war is still sitting there oh my goodness this is stressful seem so calm lad random use name Chris a donation of no geeks and geek geek thing you've done Ellen say geeky and giggly most each thing I've done things [Music] cosplaying it stuff this is a career is pretty geeky well doing this right Oh use one broadside to sink teacher okay so there are some obstacles but didn't get them well didn't take too much damage on the ship that was quite a fun little one right so right let's have a little look where we have to go yeah see this is what happens when you swap between Assassin's Creed games is like this is like I've been using one where like this is zoom and zoom out like on the triggers that's satisfying but in this it's not it's used right I've got to go round that way so let's go let's try not to annoy that came from nowhere that's a second thanks lights out lights numeric members catarrian hello welcome the lads are singing for your very generous membership right frodo baggins do some singing I my throat isn't quite there to do singing yet and they would sound very cold I mean I don't really know the Sham teen so I can it's a great full day there singing I don't know old Daniel Weldon it's a waterspout yeah it's like not a full tornado it's like a little like Finny bit right okay there's an island here they're singing I don't know okay stop stop keep singing oh no stop singing sorry I've just got to go onto this island right don't mind me lads lads lads lads lads lads there's just some treasure and a bunch of flamingos that I want to say hi tea [Music] come on come on can I can I come on are these old pistols they don't know the reticule how you say it does not go red so I don't know whether it's actually possible I think they are immortal flamingos yeah they're immortal something we've learned about flamingos and there's a stork or a pelican either way it's it's pretty big okay see this is just my curiosity cuz in origins you can do flamingos and you take their tongues as you do right jingling where is it Hey I always do this how many years have I played Xbox and I always press X instead of B just some some things your brain just doesn't like just wants to embarrass you in front of everyone Thanks what what are you doing where's this ship doing oh it's facing that ship and there's another water smell I'm right in the middle yeah look it let me go I'm getting out of here you better not be hitting my [ __ ] jack - oh baby goods I am nothing but a humble pirate I have nothing to do with your war right are they gonna do the way thing no they're just annoyed that off the boat right let's go around this lovely Island double check and going the right way yes I still want to go like all the way around collision it's fine oh sure it's fine that's so let's see fire at Elland keeping me company while working from home but watch it with the flamingos before Luke sees never-say-die don't tell Luke we've done this before on outside extra and he's still mad that I went to make ba in my defence Legoland so Swift index climbing up in front of a cannon is not safe Ellen it is in my cannon hashtag Don't Tell Luke yes in the chat okay Oh Tycho says I don't think your ship takes damage when you're not on it no because I'm not driving it into I'll excuse me right oh here we go yeah they know they know we've got to be quiet now because we're entering a restricted area now I've sort of had a little sneak peek online at what comes next let's start the mission I believe we're about to go time for sneaky sneaky okay so we're trying to get to the people that we're sorry' says stealth singing all my hair's gone a bit see-through that's fun see the fun that you have we've dyed hair that gradually fades degree right here we go sorry hit the mic again hit the mic again hey look how pretty that is have to do some stealthy parkour right let's go now what am i objectives it's not stay out of combat right we've done this before we can do it again gonna we're gonna get it we're gonna get it I am able to do it I'm gonna keep touching my face don't touch your face make sure you wash your hands everything like that yeah Oh Athena of the world thank you so much for the donation says thank you for the stream Ellen it helps not in these rough times get was it thank you very much thank you for watching and hope everyone we're here to entertain and a lot of people are locked away so here we are all together on a lovely jungle adventure we're all going on this together all in it together which means any any of my mistakes there we go nice on Edward right we want to stay out of combat that was that better way I think I think there is only one path up this bit but the little bird noises are so cute so much wonderful nature here there we go shuffle along use that upper-body strength Wow whoa is this Tomb Raider come on he's now if it student Raider she would have landed on a spike already huh oh wait I hear jingling noise ah right oh okay okay okay okay careful careful careful careful yes I just wanna get stuck yeah right okay now this is hope you be easier across huh there we go lovely Wow cover change there a little bit I can still hear something else jingling [Music] all right hit that's going let's go let's go yes Edward you absolute unit I mean you're quite small but you've got a lot of strength in there blimey hey can i I mean I can obviously jump is this a sync point I don't know it's not on the map look at that oh you're not gonna do a leap of faith right now assassin's creed sorry it's tempted as I am and it's like a light some of the little moments there like I'm gonna check this one excuse me right so anything around oh there's some lizards sorry guys I mean they're not going red reticule oh there it is because it was behind a thing so yeah I definitely can't kill flamingoes which I'm quite pleased badly sorry iguana I can't be a Meryl when for a bit I could be the hunter let's go go go go go go a chef Ellen hydrate yes I will have I should should have a sip of water while I'm coughing away oh my goodness that's good it's not water it's oh I think this is one of the ones Jane actually got me a huge set of teas like herbal infusions that I can drink from Christmas last year and I'm still making my way through them because it was like a massive box so thank you Jane bien be on scores going through and school and G I'm Scott Scott Scott I just go out Scott I can't say underscore very quickly very fast bit there's a lot of them stuck at work but look forward to watching the stream back later order some takeout on me thank you very much that's but it's very generous I did actually get takeout last night thank you to everyone who's doing the hard work of delivering things to make up for the fact that everyone has to stay indoors at the most people in especially Chad's people who can't stay off of work and have to go in and like you are all doing very important work especially if you're working in health or food hospitality is taking a break here what is oh wow no I was too busy looking at the mark on the floor but I didn't didn't stop good right go away and then yeah as I was trying to be like yay to people who were helping in this very very weird time were in at the moment but hey at least we have video games right right Edward get in that Bush sir lovely Spaniard man come over here in your yellow jacket so the time a stabbed you very go take that weapon that weapon Annie I can't keep her now see anything with the older Assassin's Creed games you can't be like Oh shiny new thing I'm gonna keep this couple of guys stay up if they stay there more importantly guys stick together and then I can double this after me that'd be great okay you're going that way anyway so that's neat you you're gonna come over here be like what what happened to my friend and you're gonna look the other way at some point there we go and then I'm gonna lovely that's how he is done that's how we do it right okay I want to go up again come on you got this you got this we know how to do all the tree climbing from Assassin's Creed 3 don't we yeah Connor can do it you can do it okay that literally was it those it just goes down again and then there's no one else I was trying to get a tactical advantage but it was pointless but that was fun I suppose right where are you up there hide in that foliage there dude oh here we go this is what we want sir oh gods in games aren't supposed to be able to look up the cheating no way back here okay okay okay okay I think they slipped no way to see the pawns no I think this is a different rooks they came from over there right go buy some of the foliage makes sense that you can't be seen and then some of it you like really amazing amazing how is everyone looking in the chat just gonna leave it on edit just hiding there for a second it sound also says guards caught in a cup I know right make there cheating is so cheating John says John Tomkinson says oh no their next work exactly Elvis press play sky and guards could learn a thing or two from these guys yeah yeah soon pseudonyms as their that's a good name of just realize what that is that's good so the next thing that they'll wait where is I've lost it I've lost you where are you soon well I appreciated your comment there we go next guards will develop consciousness voltaren says use the whistle I know and now I will use the whistle to get this guy over here I just want to write look there's some real fellows I was like person Rick real fellow hello don't mind me just photosynthesizing it's a nice photosynthesize dude oh he's too far away or now you're too far away to be whistled at hey yes stop you stop stop stabbed right is there anything else right so this one person over there yeah there is that's a little bit more high with the extra leaves over the top there we go see that that's a little bit more hidden look at these lovely blue butterflies yeah I should have just stayed in one place I thought I'd be able to like no right there is also something here to be found up there can I get through can I go up this tree no how do I get to you you're so glowy get on there I will probably be able to come back for that right well let's keep that in mind I bet tracks probably you need to do that Lokesh so sneaky sneaky sneaky stabby stabby stabby Guardi Gordie Guardi and basically what this section is right ok ok I go reach right and then you could you could you not say [ __ ] come on ok you I thought you're gonna do a cool slide but no oh ruckus not this nice little bridge whoo checkpoint oh wait there's treasure mister ie hello come on come on I thought I said great iguana then but great dog or an agua however it's pronounced but I I want a great gone iguanas are great even if I have murdered something skins oh hello I'm coming for you there's some fun stuff in the chat Stephan bills says thanks for streams during these rough times I've lost love the calm doom Slayer and the courtiers pirate assassins dreams thank you well tomorrow I believe there will be some more breath of the wild with or should I say master mode baby with me okay I mean I could have just walked that but why not is there anything ah ah now is this the other side to bet thing can I no oh I'll never find out I'm never ventually I'll try maybe in the downtime so that you guys don't all have to watch me being like oh oh oh whoa oh okay okay there's a thing there it's a thing there you're watching my brain work in real time go yep Edward why are you not grabbing that second one I want to go up there and get the shiny thing okay let's do this right yes uh hi don't hold down a land yeah right okay so wait this is great an augur island I think yeah this area at least [Music] don't tell anyone you know how the dopes tell licking don't tell anyone right okay a whole bunch of dudes there right okay here we go let's not start any combat oh he's had a few knee don't mind me sir don't mind me you sir look the other way no no non-combative you don't need me yes I think I think I was okay I think I was okay in that bit okay I think it doesn't matter in that bit right let's right you've forgotten I'm there this is this is how many games work right okay let's do this again Edwards let's what how did you did I believe the drunk runs suddenly sobered up when he had a little whistle I mean it probably would be quite startling is that the guy that I murdered and or which they go did something else gather like they've gone there I'm perplexed while I hide in this bush and watch that guy watch a campfire to say hello to losin Gleb I hope I pronounced losing dieppe sorry not Gleb thank you becoming a member very very kind of you brandon l thank you so much intonation thanks the entertainment in the start time helps money I love to you alright to everyone to reach out those around you to make sure that they're okay some may be having a hard time with isolation definitely a heavily heavily recommend checking in or people facetiming them calling them up playing some video games online with them it's fun and that's that's my favorite thing to do you can catch up with them and do fun things in video games Luke Gray says I just have to say as someone who works in hospitality it feels like we are in limbo just waiting to close but I'm sure I'm not the only one yeah thoughts going out to everyone who is working in the hospitality industry I have worked in that myself mainly like bar stuff I hope that you're all being looked out for and looked after and thank you to those who are still working in the industry like for example I had takeaway last night thank you to the people who made and delivered to my food last night amazing they're probably not watching but Camberley hour is a new member hello thanks very much [Music] a look yeah check for football thought says stop Oh sudonym says why are you prat and pranking Rob Pearson you monster whoa it's fun it's all in good fun she's ten yeah love love Rob very very very nice person and we definitely don't prank call him regularly they're extremely good sports right hello sir didn't see you there okay okay okay okay follow these guys round who write you sir sure he's round the other side he's in front and he's behind this tree cuz there's a couple of guys over here I can't get up to that guy I don't think what I can probably actually right now he's found something come over here if that guy stays away go away go away look round the other way okay didn't work out as planned but he now somehow has no idea where I am can I shoot you there's two other guys around the corner and they've done nothing right right when you go round again well I'll short him anyway see that that's quicker so there's two guys up there so I'm gonna go round all the way back round here and see if there is way that's what that's for okay let's get this racket oh my goodness why why why can you all look up okay okay go go ow ow right run back run back run back get boy what how did that not explode I kicked him back he dropped his bomb and then it didn't go off I thought right I've staggered him very mad right now very mad right okay okay so did that area wasn't quite as stealthy as I wanted it to be but I did it huh I was really annoyed that they could see me up there I'm just I'm not used to being high up it's a point right okay here we go let's try and keep it right okay now we stay out of combat okay so the game did not fully expect me to stay up combat in that last area okay good right okay sirs what do I do with you because you sir right there I can see a lot of things [Laughter] I can't believe oh dear hello to David ball Dottie no badly Ahtisaari thank you the dream Ellen enlightened doctors it's very kind of you very nice need to say it's mainly the ring light doing the work out house is you and hello to you remember weirdness or weird mess sorry oh look there has fully going they have ghost her right come on sir oh he's going off that way okay you should be another one coming around here soon gotta locate julienne Ducasse lovely right let's don't get killed ideally okay you're going you're doing that little circle there's an eagle point over there some right moving you're a guard Patrese around okay okay now where is this guy oh we went through that now I could be making a massive mistake here by assuming that I will not be seen but let's see okay let's go to that doing rounds let's try and get this here over here because it's lovely foliage it's completely harmless some of you here right right I think we could just swim across just like it swimming across where I'm gonna try yes punch it for rum and now we've got upgrades available ah that was worth it let's let's stay above for a bit and then stealth swim when we get close to does it does it kind of want me to climb up there so I ended up I mean let's try let's hope they're not gonna fire all these cannons hahahaha too much okay he's over there he's having to walk around whoa stay down you doing now I still want to stay out of combat right now don't I oh no I can optionally air assassinate okay let's try and do that okay okay right now can you use this while that guy is facing the other direction no this surely why would you put a boat right here okay okay fine fine no fine this is fine oh okay he has a delightful accent right you should be a guy and he spotted something but he can't quite work it out right you guys you don't need to be up this end with the boat there you go this boat come on come on Edward thank you right now I don't want to go into that I want you am i - hi - hi hah you're not gonna look alive in a sack No yes I thought he was going for the one behind right borders a musket-ball risk you telling your temple our friends about me still kicking around have you no mind to comprehend the scope of ours all the Empire's on earth abolished a free and open world hey right now this is part 4 it goes back in and we'd love to leg it or is that all done that's it we've killed the captain now we have it cool oh I didn't say I'll come out of all of them damn damn I thought it was going by sections for a second then oh well our mics in the chat hello Mike how is it all going you all are you all having fun in the chat every my gameplay went a little bit Mike so I didn't quite get one percent sink a few BOTS in the chat all being dealt with lovely Hey oh we're back in we're back in Abstergo stop by and give you something a little welcome gift we give awards to our top-notch employees for doing quality work and they're nice to have since there's no official bonus scheme here so no bonuses but you get like a picture or a little figurine I mean I like a figurine but it's on the top floor so it's not hard to find but the rest of this building can be confusing to first-timers so we had the two team J benjin check your community completed memory sequence tree I leave he's a nice guy he won't fight okay okay so I'm gonna have to do the thing this year guessing that's where we need to go whoa fish home fish red the lot a lift or elevator sorry for a North American friends I know Star Trek is it easy in Canada because this game is made in Canada so well you say bonjour so I'm I am I in the French bit Canada Bonjour it's a sweet Anglais should be a londres she doesn't look impressed okay Olivier oh here we go oh look at this swanky office hang on two seconds sir oh and that lovely lovely view looks a little bit like it's not it's just that bridge lots of birds some planes right hello looking forward to seeing you - yeah I like anything take care let's yeah nice books occasional beautiful binding hey thanks for coming in I know you're busy busy data pretty rose obviously we need to scrub off some of the dirt make it early maybe give Edward a voice like James Bond or something more oh this is the end this is the explanation to say why he doesn't have a Welsh accent so the main reason I asked to hear concerns is something called the observatory it's been mentioned a few times are you leading on that we're so high up I'd like to encourage you making me very uncomfortable right now of memories please don't lean on me most oculus I wouldn't bother but some bigwigs that Abstergo industries have been hounding me for a day whatever needs you find and hopefully we can and coming god oh my goodness you asked me to see you this is yeah I don't like how open this bit is for how high it is to health and safety nightmare all magazines what we got here up stabbed Abstergo gamer videogame magazine i love video game magazine austin curtains at rome over there was like push him push him knock it off I wish that she know I don't oh that would probably preemptively end the game and I want to be a pirate for longer so alright for solving it all the other half live wait wait wait wait wait wait what we got he's my ancestor that's mine all these books they're any good Luke found some really good I guess laughing screen for like Vega they're all this forsaken that's the that's the book I believe I have that these are all the ah because in one of the library on the bookshelves in doom eternal there's some very very funny pun names for things but what he's Mike saying in chat people are saying all we've learned from the best hahaha you guys are all monsters cuz you're all telling a person off the plane well tour building same thing but look black flag history is our playground that's like the oh that's cool that's cool but you know whether I have a copy of course 18 somewhere okay oh my goodness I bet this guy I bet this guy is the book the books that's true there's even more I love stuff like that love love love love love stuff like that right is this there another there we go I missed the corridor because those too busy looking just need to there we go don't worry don't panic about the bots in the chat it's all being dealt with we were all got in hand so as soon as they pop up we tend to get them down straight away so don't worry we're trying to keep an eye on it just so that it's a little bit easier for you guys to all chat in chat here we go here we go right sorry I I had an itchy nose so I just had to get a tissue and itch my nose one of these multiplayer I would like to try some multiplayer actually at some point in future look at all this see a lot this will probably be like actual concept oh look she's got fear them oh she's cool he's terrifying I think some of these are like the multiplayer models that you get to play us I need to go like oh I need to find the line so that I need to find the one line that goes all the way around so that I can spin it I think this is it no oh they'll do it crack so you just need to find the file [Music] December 23rd 2012 sample recovery unit team lead Fisher case reporting on subjects Desmond oh so alright spoils for the end of SAS discrete three East and unattended time of death was placed around zero hundred hours and seven minutes with conditions favorable for DNA sample recovery we had some initial concerns about interference in the vault but given the skill and talent of this team we were able to capture useful wait what's this guy's accent I personally retrieved the subjects back oh distracted the shoulder strap interest to undergo detailed analysis the subjects to the right hand severe lose the bones indicating some kind of spontaneous intense burn trauma honestly he's saved like it before the world edie neck and torso remained in good condition he was a slightly annoying character Atari in selected recovery agency did Wow fluid samples blood and saliva free Joe Jonas says we then commit to preserve several exemplary Sam because this guy's been quite data analysis and sequencing is already underway is you're standing with exceptional ease thanks to the cloud database end to work of Abstergo sample recovery unit three the legacy of subject 17 will continue uninvite striking him you had to thing okay excuse me sorry nose right there we go so subject 17 aka Desmond Miles there we go close that communicator okay that red screen oh don't say things don't tell me that I could do things and then not let me okay down to the lobby which Sasson is this gonna be a wonder there was someone when I first started [Music] look who it is didn't forget after all you'll just incredibly rude my poor Rebecca here wait for nearly 30 minutes you limey be nice sorry about him he's high on his own supply so how should we do this I gave with him I gave him an awards hey take your shot pure stealth mode he's dyed his hair his hair is a lot darker looks definitely a different character model for this game that voice cannot mistake it enjoying the fish oh oh is that a real octopus do you just like have an octopus in here I can't jump it just brings this up I take a picture of the octopus will anyone believe me that there's an octopus is it just me that sees the octopus anyway right hello - free Joe John Jones I hope the whole team is having not too much stress for the current situation I use the social distancing I use the social distancing time to get all Pokemon at pokemon home nice got a catch um people say yeah Frodo Baggins jump in the water I tried I tried support to the second floor sample 17 project right wasn't he is this what I look like right here we go into my booth oh hey I've got some I've got some things got a couple of new models since I was here last right let's go for it back into the Animas no my parents have asked he's come live with them you live here with me I'm sorry Edward but my father is right you had a decent wage when you work for farm why can you not be satisfied with that with me decent wage that job was near as damn it - robbery you wanna be all right to Edward oh you leave no Caroline you never know what's coming to us nowhere dude I'm sorry wake up now you do not hit me please that was that look above he left this morning with the Galleon as faith we'll discover a good use for this old car of ourselves I will make something of it in time hmm we could keep a fleet here if we like with a bit of fixing up it'd be a decent place to call home might even convince my wife to come one day married God oh right oh dear even so keep that fact hid away most of these pirates don't respect keep it quiet quiet all right here we go so follow James James or every garden wow you're really legging it okay James just really got places to be right James could you all right found okay okay coming oh okay so I think this is where they tell you about the Mayan things you climb up I already did this okay I think when you climb that okay I want to get right to the top don't I here we go all right I know this feeling did it and then I had this sense most of my life only I thought it was related in some way to my his accents coming through more right now right oh oh I'm sorry kid I didn't mean to cut you off as a strange look this way of something else to show you here we go here we go we got some slight D thinking on the audio let's see which way is it do you thinking Oh cuz I don't know whether it's a gradual thing that's happened oh hang on hang on James kid I'm gonna try and try and fix this right hmm I'm not sure entirely but get the game audio is slightly so I'm fine it's just the gamer audio that is slightly out of sync so what I might do for one second I'm gonna try do you here we go here but I don't I don't want you guys to lose me so because basically the microphone should be so this this is okay if this is okay let's have a look I would know a black hole it's fine I was trying to add an extra scene but then it just goes to that scene which it's not helpful I'm very new to OBS it's what we're using at the moment well give me two seconds and I will try and sort this out how is it ready in the chat though I'll just talk on the chat we'll just have through pretty menu stuff in the background okay we're not sure exactly how to fix this while streaming it is probably an issue with the software that links our capture card to our streaming OBS stuff so it's a little bit behind but people [Music] okay okay we might have to Zachary Ellen you did great sweetie Thanks and try reversed and trying it's mostly people seeing it in cutscenes okay so Dave myth says and game with audio isn't that big a deal half a second late not a deal-breaker okay okay so basically there's nothing that I can do in OBS to fix like to delay the game audio the source all comes in as one thing so it's something to do with the linking software so I can't really record and yeah sorry I've done a little tiny bit of troubleshooting but there's not really anything I can do at the moment people saying only bad at cutscenes okay well we'll try and brace our way through the cutscenes a little bit if you could all just bear with us that would be really great we know that there are audio issues so we can't really do anything even if you're putting stuff in chat but thank you for sharing out right let's go kids just kidding he's kidding around this person yeah how's the makings of a mr. Leggett through the tunnel didn't quite thread the needle I went into the wall a little bit there good right here we are what do you think okay don't put a treasure chest in front of me and not let me take it okay oh this is nice Oh what not a nice way to kick off some cookies and then we get the calls to see the names here they've been sent to kill these four targets hang me that's the map I saw the governor Torres in Havana he said it marked a location of assassin encampments oh you think maybe you owe them a bit of warning then if you have any all right suppose I could okay okay so what is this then so we've got tap these these are the hunts that we can go on right so Center again so we're there okay nice so do we want to set a marker oh no no we want to meet with James kid so we're all right here right let's get that obviously get some loot great so this is all looks so cool no no nothing all right let's have a head out this way back up this way yep oh we've completed it Abstergo challenge lovely I can't run any faster than this currently which is quite funny right let's head out this way instead here we go speedy speedy oh look at this oh [ __ ] Oh what I might do is there is a point up there sink point can I climb up any of these rocks to get to it No in there okay on this area is no longer full of enemies because we cleared it out right pop-up is possibly where that eagle is flying around right there yeah up there yeah riveting stuff Ellen oh my goodness right so we get this sink point mark up this like lost bear as a map right lovely stuff some people putting spoilers in chat I try not to ruin it for others but there's some things that I've sort of already worked out I won't say because I don't a spoil it for anyone else but don't worry about protecting me from spoilers okay do you not worry right in we go right that was a good dive well bye what have I opened up what have I opened up here so I've just found somebody say this and find some piggies there's a shanty there that I could go get the shanty over here they could go get there's a letter a message in a bottle okay okay treasure map I have to get my treasure map right James gonna have to wait for me for a bit while I go get a treasure map okay this is like the map in this game seems absolutely huge right right again I get Leggett like it put crabs crab right right right right so I think I have to go out and around swim come on it you're right just slowly sink it under the water yeah I will I will meet in a second know what damn you invisible oh not quite invisible but the classic Assassin's Creed fog of nothingness I don't know why it's a Sanskrit sounds like that because I make they're mainly made in Canada so it's like oh sorry you can't go in there okay sorry about that there we go oh here's the cut see we're gonna get some sink problems it's very very dapper in all those left one thing I do like about the Assassin's Creed games is like the number of layers and things that they have on the outfits they really put a lot of detail into off they go kids accent that was easy that was one of those Assassin's Creed hey we're just gonna show you something now is that area gonna be available now that I'm out of let's try I know where's my [ __ ] first of all that's the jackdaw okay cool is the fog wall of death here to show up there it is fine right well we've only got like 15 minutes left I don't know how much time to like do another mission it's a good accent the aisles gas in an Irish accent happening there that's good good very pleased with that right so let's have a look at the map and what water fire can I can I access this area of the map for where I've gone really cold II now haven't I do we want to go and get those sea shanties can I get over there or do we have to like go around we could get through that's where we were last time wasn't it that's like where we accessed that's where we entered and then we've come out this way because we've managed to Oh Cove upgrade so this Cove is ours then can we upgrade at the cones see well upgrade so you can get well let's let's see if we can go get those sea shanties maybe I think they're the ones that we couldn't quite get good upset this guy round the back of the cave people are saying you can just go back Ellen don't need to go around cool cool yeah let's buy that got a harbor master lovely great what do you know they want a place do they when chin in double chin and course he's got London accent the one who wants the wenches well no not right now sir right let's let's head back what you got what do you okay yeah let's go for a shop that's only 700 joshed Taylor said whatever happened to Evangeline green Wow what deep cut Evangeline green is a southern belle that we had on our stream not on our stream on one of our lists it was Andy southern belle voice which read up all of our outside X books in extra videos so that in America Andy is voiced by Evangeline green rose garden guide Ellen would you stream Orry maybe but also Orry is a game that has a lot of puzzles in it and I would be too self-conscious a little very vague like it's also one of those games I just enjoy playing so baby once I've played it and sort of know what I'm doing I can bring it here at some point it's good I can hear a parrot oh she's gone nice dress that's very pretty right so let's head back up this way and through the Cavey bit then yeah or through that one cave huh Oh actually I can get out there at least Oh Cove upgrade up that way let's do it scuse me scuse me don't my knee go up here okay rather nice grand looking building it's just like a church or just stately home oh no this is where this is where we were this is the place that yeah of course it's the fancy house this way oh look at this look through here right interact this doesn't feel like home oh wow no I have to decline that excuse me one second you I would little payout well still I've got cuff is that abated it cool yeah good ah lovely don't mind me just being ill we have 10 minutes me oh my goodness right the end right huh a tree with a sack off wait see your seconds I'm gonna mute City you don't have to I'm fine I'm not dying I'm fine I'm fine oh excuse me right let us have a look around this bit I think there is a bit up here ha lovely day for it oh great okay and let's try and get that chest that somewhere down there I hear you I can Sparkle even there you are lovely anything else anything else that we can get let's try let's try our best to get this sea shanty thing [Music] huh all good coffee into the crook of your elbow your coffee into a tissue and throw it away do all that sort of stuff that's what I am trying my best to do oh and here we go right let's try and get through so they go back through this way oh so this is where we chased kids this is where we bird at those guys fun times so shanty is over there the mapping of this area is not the clearest so because it's a jungle I think that's what they're going voice by design let's go up this way cannot get across there right okay oh here we go lovely that's something yeah around here we're getting slightly further away but maybe we will come around again No so far away huh what are we going towards any others okay well there's things there yeah that's like the other side so I've been in like this area so this is going back into the previous area it's just a nice view nice catch Edward lovely waterfall let's try not to fall at the water pool that would be great and over here okay I don't think we're getting any closer but let's run into the forest I'll have a little look around before our next voyage yeah I'll have a little rummage on our next voyage for our next voyage and find some things yeah whacked out did I I bet there was someone in the chat who like noticed that earlier and was kicking themselves and they like just wanting to scream at my screen right okay I didn't go this way I don't think Oh lizards this way yes yes can that lovely light go straight onto it that's what I call game design you'd see it yes the rolling in it oh I just wait till I tell the lads yes what I can hear like a thing I just heard like get up get up this big Ed's okay right well with that where'd it go that's that's because of the other cats that I killed the other week isn't it that's fair enough but anyway require an T was that nishan t no it's different shanty but I think if I eventually worked my way over there we'll get there but it is nearly five o'clock I don't know George says ancient Leopard it's the angel I can't pet the leopard sadly I managed to push it off me before I ate my face which is something I suppose I did pet it in a way by pushing it off of me so that's something anyway finally have gotten over my coughing fit which is good just in time for the end of the stream oh well thank you so much for joining me as I pirate and jungle adventure my way around black flag thank you for being all very nice in the chat and helping me out in certain parts but basically I'm gonna go by next up if you go over to outside Xbox they should be putting up a list feature of some interesting kind today they're always interesting they're always good it's now out so Xbox list they're very good I wouldn't work with them if I didn't think they were good and then also tomorrow there will be some things I have for definite here there will be a stream of master mode baby Brett in the world Luke back in breath in the world so keep an eye on here if you want to see announcements for streams as well sometimes they come out a little bit sooner on our social medias so on Twitter and Instagram and things search for outside extra and you should be able to find us but in the meantime thank you so much Oh people don't like spike yeah please let's do a like spike oh there it is ah [Applause] okay Mike spike for the spiking maletas the endangered animal a white Jack your pal oh that's that's really endangered I'm so sorry I just got caught in a tight corner anyway thank you for watching outside Xbox next tomorrow I said extra it will also be outside Xbox fun stuff to keep an eye out for thank you for watching I'm gonna try and find right button I'll see you very soon bye also no show that we can put maybe a stream Animal Crossing keep an eye out on Saturday afternoon GMT will push them more fees see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 49,450
Rating: 4.9468436 out of 5
Id: 72m5vRNtW8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 52sec (7432 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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