Subtlety Support Rogue PVE Guide - WotLK Classic

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sub broke for PVE that's what we're going to be looking at today I know it sounds weird but we're still gonna do it hello hello everyone it's ego welcome back to the channel and today like I said we're going to be looking at the sub Rogue PVE support build for Wrath of the Lich King now just a disclaimer if you've come here to see if you can maximize your DPS at the top of the charts as sub Rogue I'm sorry but that just won't happen however it is still a fun build to play and actually maximizes other players damage rather than your own so if you're looking to make your other DPS shine this might be the build for you it is still very fun so as with my other guys we're going to be diving into the talents the glyphs the gear the rotation and a bunch of other stuff about the sub Rogue support build now let me know what you guys think in the comments about this build because I've actually never tried it until the filming of this video and I actually found it very very fun so yeah let me know in the comments if you've tried this if you've seen somebody else try it let me know what you think I am curious so without further delay let's jump right into the guide and start talking about this hey everyone before we continue don't forget to subscribe it's free it's show support and it really does help the channel grow don't forget to also leave a like before you leave thanks everyone let's get back to the video so of course I want to start with a little bit of an overview about this sub Rogue support build now as I mentioned in the beginning you won't be topping the charts with this build however that does not mean that it is absolutely garbage when it comes to DPS you can actually still hold your own especially if you master your rotation which you will see more in the rotation section of the guide now like I said even if you aren't able to maximize your own DPS sub Rogue is a support build in this sense so you are able to maximize everyone else's through things like trick of the trade this build will allow you to keep tricks of the trade up so much more often than the other builds like assassination and combat that's why it is a support build Hemorrhage will give you a amazing damage buff to give to your party and also you can keep things up like expose armor on your targets of course now like I mentioned and I haven't played this build very very much but for the little bit that I have played it so far it actually is quite fun I enjoy it um like I said I don't think it's something that I would necessarily be bringing into a raid unless I really wanted to go ahead and try it right now I'm assassination however if your guild wants to and you want to go ahead and go as a subtlety Rogue because like I mentioned it's fun we're all here to have some fun on this game so if you're looking to do that do it so enough Chit Chat let's start looking at the nitty-gritty of this sub Rogue support build so let's dive into the talents of this subtlety support build that we have here so we're obviously going to be in the subtlety tree we're gonna go five out of five in Relentless strikes we're gonna pop one into Master deception that's just so we can unlock the later tiers of the tree we're gonna go into two out of two an opportunity three out of three in camouflage we're gonna go into elusiveness two out of two we're gonna grab ghostly strike we're gonna go into serrated blades which will unlock our Hemorrhage and then we're going to go into initiative three out of three Ambush two out of two we're gonna pick up prep we're gonna go to Dirty Deeds we're gonna go into master of subtlety we're gonna go into 5 out of five in deadliness then we're going to grab pre-med which will add two Cobble points whatever we go into stall so we can use this during our opener if we would like to then you're gonna go into Sinister calling which increases our total agility by 15 and increases the percentage of damage done or the damage bonus of backstab and Hemorrhage by an additional 10 so 5 out of five in Sinister calling now this is where the support really starts to shine for the sub Rogue with the filthy tricks so reduces the cooldown by 10 seconds at energy caused by 10 of your tricks of the trade distract and Shadow step abilities and reduces the cooldown of preparation by three minutes so the big part here is the tricks of the trade so essentially what you're doing is you're shaving off a good chunk of the cooldown for tricks of the trade allowing you to have it up on a target a lot more frequently increasing their damage by a total of 15 percent so this is going to be good if ever you have one DPS that clearly outshines the rest and you want to even push them further give them that trick to the trade consistently for that 15 buff then we're going to grab of course like I said Shadow step we're gonna go one out of one honor Amongst Thieves so honor among Thieves is going to give us the extra combo points whenever anyone critically hits within our group so that's just going to give us some free combo points to put out as much damage as we can as a sub Rogue even if we're not the most optimal spec for damage there's no point in not trying to optimize it at the very least then we're gonna go into Shadow dance Shadow dance is gonna be what we're gonna use for our burst damage windows for example from a berserking proc or if you're going into uh lust stuff like that you're gonna pop Shadow dance and you're gonna spam Ambush jumping into the combat tree so we decided to go into the combat tree to maximize the amount of damage that we are able to actually do now like I mentioned before it's not going to be as good as assassination or combat but we could at least try to optimize ourselves for damage so that we're not bringing our raid down so 5 out of 5 and do wheeled specialization then we're gonna go down to five out of five in Precision giving us that extra hit and then we're gonna go to Close Quarters combat now as a subtlety Rogue you won't really ever be using swords you won't ever really be using axes you're going to be primarily sitting with daggers and fist weapons and then we're gonna go into lightning reflexes which is going to give us that 10 melee haste and then the last Point you're gonna go ahead and just dump it into malice for that increased crit chance so that's going to be your talents now moving on into the glyphs so the glyphs are pretty self-explanatory You're Gonna Want Glyph of hemorrhage not because it's a support build you're all about giving extra damage to your team and the glyph of hemorrhage does exactly that increases the damage bonus against targets afflicted by Hemorrhage by 40 percent then we're gonna go into Shadow dance which is just going to increase our shadow dance duration so we can get more ambushes off during that little burst window which is again maximizing the amount of damage we are capable of doing and then we're gonna go for obviously Glyph of tricks of the trade which is going to increase the bonus damage the threatened redirection granted by our tricks and also give it a four second increase in duration so we're going to be giving that 15 uh buff for damage for an extra additional four seconds then for minor glitch You're Gonna Go Glyph of vanish which increases your movement speed while vanish now this can be swapped out easily for another minor glyph if you're looking to swap it out so what you could do for your minor glyph is you can always go for something like uh you know what there isn't really anything else out there but you could go for uh maybe your Glyph of distract if you'd like to which I already have here you can go Glyph of Safe Fall if you want to replace this but I have my vanish but then you could also go for Glyph of blurred speed if you want this as well enables you to walk on water while your screen ability is active which can uh pop using preparation if you want to refresh that or and then of course your glitter distract so if you want to swap out your Glyph of vanish or your Glyph of blurred speed for your Glyph of safe ball you absolutely can or you can go with the the three glyphs that I have here so that's going to be your subtlety combat assassination and then your glyph so again that's going to be your talents for this support build so let's have a quick look at the gear for this subtlety support build so the actual gear that you're going to be wearing is quite similar to the other specs for the Rogue and same thing with the prioritization of stats so your stat priority is still going to be hit expertise agility attack power armor pan Haze and crit you're still going to be going in that order now your meta is going to be the exact same as everything else Relentless or through each Diamond gives you that agility and crit damage now the biggest things that I want to talk about when it comes to the subtlety support build is obviously going to be your weapons so your weapons are going to be actually getting switched out quite often when you're in this build so you're always going to want a fast dagger offhand and then you're going to want a big pumper main hand now when you're outside of your Shadow dance and you're not casting Ambush you're actually going to want a big hitting fist weapon this is to maximize the amount of damage that you're gonna get from your Hemorrhage ability and then when you pop into Shadow dance you're actually going to want to swap into your daggers Sinister revenge is my dagger that I'm using right now because that is the best in slot dagger for your main hand in Wrath the Lich King for phase one but whenever you're casting Hemorrhage and you're outside of Shadow dance you're going to be wanting to use a big hitting main hand fist weapon for your poisons you're going to be wanting to have instant poison on your main hand and deadly poison in your offhand to maximize the damage that you're getting with your poisons from there like I mentioned you're going to be having pretty much the same gear that you have for all the other specs which again I will leave links in the description for those two other guides and then like I said you're going to be putting in um pretty much the same stats as you're going to be wanting for the others so me I'm going to be keeping my expertise and chance to get my expertise cap and then I am also hit capped for my poisons so with this being said you're going to be putting in expertise gems to reach your expertise cap and once you've reached that expertise cap you'll be swapping out these gems for attack power gems now if you don't need expertise on your gloves go for attack power look up your best in slot enchants but overall make sure you hit your expertise and hit rating caps so again you're going to be having a main hand fist weapon for when you're just spamming Hemorrhage and you're always going to want a fast offhand dagger and then from there you're going to swap out your fist weapon when you're in Shadow dance to your uh big pump or dagger which in my my case is Sinister Revenge now the reason I don't want to again have Sinister revenge on all the time is because I want maximum damage coming from my Hemorrhage and that's going to come from a higher damage uh main hand fist weapon now the macros that I'm using for this to swap is pretty easy show tool tip Hemorrhage equip and then insert weapon name here and then cast the spell same thing for my ambush so again Sinister Revenge slash cast Ambush and that's going to be how you're going to swap out your weapons when you enter Shadow dance as you can see so I have my um lovely little Ambush macro here so that's going to be pretty much for the gear and how you're going to manage this support build as far as your weapons and your gear and your poisons okay so let's take a very basic look at the rotation for this support build now I want to emphasize this once again everyone you will not be topping the charts with this build this is entirely a support build so don't expect to be pumping really big numbers um but you could still at least have a rotation to maximize the potential damage that you can do okay so you're obviously going to start stealth you're going to go ahead and not be like me you're going to put pre-med on your bars you're going to start off with pre-med you're going to open with a hemorrhage and you're going to put exposed armor on the target to increase everyone's damage you're going to do a slice and dice and then you're going to continue to span Hemorrhage all right so as you're spamming Hemorrhage you're going to want to get your Groot up or yeah your rupture sorry not your group and then you're going to want to continue to keep your slice up and then um you're going to want to keep your exposed armor up now doing it on the training dummy is going to be a little bit different than doing it in an actual dungeon or a raid because you will benefit from your talents in the honor among Thieves which will give you extra combo points to throw out there now a couple things I do want to show you is that when you're actually going to pop a rupture If You See Your Shadow step up go ahead and I'll build my combo points here to just give you guys an idea of what I'm talking about so you're gonna have your combo points up go ahead and pop your Shadow step and then rupture okay because that's going to give it the extra little damage buff that comes from Shadow step which increases your um by 20 the damage of your next ability okay so you're going to want to do that to maximize the damage that you can get from your rupture throw in a ghostly strike here and there because it does do more damage than your Hemorrhage sure it does cost a little bit more energy but you might as well throw it in there because it take it off a cooldown right and then when you're using your Shadow dance let's say I get a Berserker proc you're obviously going to go Shadow dance use that macro to swap out your weapons and you're going to spam ambush pop another rupture spam Ambush get those combo points up make sure you're keeping slice and dice equipped or on your character and then you're going to continue to spam Hemorrhage you're going to switch back to your fist weapon using the macros okay and then if ever you find that you have a surplus of um combo points throw in an eviscerate uh if rupture is already on the Target and you already have exposed armor you're always going to want to keep tricks of the trade on your targets that are meeting it so that's typically going to be your top DPS in your raid now building a little more on the rotation you do actually have some decent burst windows that you can have with the subtlety ropes let's say you just had lost popped or you just popped a haste pot you could actually take advantage of your master of subtlety Talent which will go ahead and give you an extra um 10 damage for six seconds after breaking stealth so what you could do is go ahead and go into your vanish pop that Master of subtlety start ambushing your Target and then immediately after that go into Shadow dance and continue to Ambush your target so that's going to maximize the amount of damage you can get in there and of course be sure to use those combo points on the slice and dice exposed armor and ruptures and maintain your tricks of the trade the rotation is all about supporting your fellow players in their damage right you're never going to be topping the top of the DPS charts in this build go assassination or combat if you're looking to do that but if you're looking to really maximize the potential of somebody else's damage through through tricks of the trade through exposed armor through Hemorrhage which also gives a damage buff you're going to want to go with the support build again you might get her you might get better results or you might get um uh Guild placement I guess if you might get selected for guilds more if you're in combat or if you're in an assassination that's a guarantee but however if you are looking to play subtlety and everybody that you're playing with is cool with it go for it you know what life's too short to you know go into a cookie cutter build man go for it so that's gonna be it for the sub Rogue support build guide I hope you all found this quite interesting because I know I did if you like the video as always drop a like sub to the channel and leave comments if you have any suggestions questions or even things that you just want to talk about all things Rogue I always love to hear back from you guys now with all that being said once again thank you so much for watching if you made it to the end of the video You're an absolute Legend and I appreciate you so much with all my shapeless plugs out of the way that'll be it for me everyone so once again thank you so much and I will see you in the next video
Channel: itsego_tv
Views: 7,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wrath, wrath of the lich king, wow classic, wow, wotlk, wotlk pre patch, guide, what to do, things to do, wotlk classic wrath, wrath pre patch, wow classic pre patch, wrath prepatch, wrath guide, wrath pre patch guide, wrath patch, wrath release, wrath launch, launch, release, leveling guide, level guide, leveling, rogue, fast, level, classic, of, the, lich, king, malygos, naxxramas, kt, assassination, combat, sub, assassin, best, spec, talents, glyphs, gear, stat prio, stats, stat, priority, subtlety
Id: 68FfZ8UYqsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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