Top 35 Death Knight Leveling Tips for WOTLK Classic

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so very soon guys raffle Lich King Classic will finally launch and I thought go through some really good leveling tips specifically for the death knight I've got 35 tips to go through so let's quickfire him right now so this video isn't two hours long number one always spread your dots first before you pop down definitely okay when you're doing solo play you need that ebb and play bring a buff before you pop death and Decay down because that was slightly buff for damage of the first couple of ticks off death and decay remember to always get improved in holy presence and on a Pale Horse talents and being holy tree when leveling and obviously you should be leveling in and holy if you are Solo leveling but when you get in holy presence honestly while you're solo leveling you will probably be in a holy presence most of the time anyway so we can probably skip that Talent here is a macro to actually make the pet leap at yourself the pet can actually leap at Friendly targets it has a number of uses say for instance you're getting ganked by a rogue and get your pet back to you as fast as possible or just by simply preventing your pet from pulling more mob spam is needed now you will be going for the desecration macro which causes an AOE slowing effect on your plague strikes if you're getting quite low in health because you've lied on a really big pull you can use desecration to kite the enemies and obviously you can also use chains of ice if you just need that little bit of breathing room for your runes to come back so you can jump back in and use a desk drag to top your health up remember you can blow up your goal for insane AOE damage with the glyph of a gold Talent since the damage of the explode on vagul is based on the Pet's Total Health pool we've got macro here that will summon the pet after you've blown it up now I definitely want to be getting your brutal weapon because if you put a sharpening stone on that it's going to be better than any option you can get while leveling maybe thinking what about the deranged Ax from ringer blood 2 questline well with the shuffling Stone like I said it's gonna do more damage and have better stats on it so really it's going to last you to level 80 until you're swapping to dual wield and then getting the reaper of Dark Souls from revered reputation of the Evan blade which leads me on to my next tip do the ebb and blade questline while you're while leveling because you will need that will be going two-hander or dual wield for your best and Slot weapons pre-raid technically the Titan Steel weapons are better but you know for quite a lot of gold for something you are ultimately gonna replace pretty quickly in naxramas my personal advice is to just skip the Titan Steel weapons but it's really up to you this questline is unlocked by talking to the death knight guy on the flying ship whether you wear a lines or Horde it's going to be a blood elf or a human when you're in a situation where you can't like get on your Mount and Clump mobs up together to AOE him down what you can do is just get your dots up on the mob wait for it to get to about 30 and then you can just start moving to the next mob and let your dots finish off your enemy there's no point sitting there continuing to DPS a mob when you could be running to the next mob you can very easily solo ring of blood on launch for insane experience points you definitely want to be doing that one in blood spec though what it can also do is do your ring reputations and your AV repetition turn-ins so if you get hydro and karazhan rep to exalted you can continuously turn in those Quests for loads of XP at launch but you do need to do the vowels of Eternity Quest before you actually can unlock the ring reputation quest for hygel what I'm doing is I'm keeping that Quest ready in my quest lock to turn in since it is 19 000 experience points which is more than the other average Quest that you can get the same goes for alterc Valley reputation you need the Proving Grounds Quest ready to turn in and then you get the multiple turn in straight after however in my opinion I think this is only worth doing if you know say for instance you turn it all in at altering Valley they can get quickly summoned to karazhan and then come as a time and then straight to northrend it's only really worth doing if you can get summoned in my opinion remember set up a weak Aura for bone shield and Horn of winter and also raised dead I will link those in the description to the weak chorus but I use I would also recommend getting soft weak auras which are really really good especially for room ones my preference is to change the orientation oven though remember that there's absolutely no point of death striking like when you open combat be mindful of this but this does sound like pretty basic but like when you're starting off playing a death knight you will make this mistake there's no point using Deathstrike when you have full health always wait for your health to actually drop before you start doing death strikes when you're soloing an elite enemy because otherwise you'll have just wasted your death strike now one thing I wouldn't recommend is putting Rune strike into all of your abilities because when you're going to get yourself into a situation where you're spamming your abilities and also you might get quite a lot of room strike procs even you need runic power for something like anti-magic shell or icebound fortitude and then you can't do it even though he ruins your own cooldown and you can be in a fairly state situation my preference is to actually put room strike in a death coil macro so it's in an ability when I know I can freely use rooting power and I don't need the runic power for something else and I can also quickly press it even though I don't have death call ready to go or I can also use it in the middle of using another ability because you can use room strike you know it's off the global cooldown so you can use it while you are hitting another ability personally I just think this is the better way to do it but that is just my preferred play style some people even like having room strike on a totally separate keybind you can also do that just remember to always actually put rude strike on your bars or set up a weak Aura to actually show you that it is available for you to press the button to use it right so consumables are absolutely Dirt Cheap in the auction house right now but they are slightly going up so what I'd recommend is to stock up on them right now so things like the flask of Relentless assault your roasted cleft hoof although that is an alternative to that which I haven't mentioned later which bit much cheaper and then also obviously your andamite sharpening stone which you will be able to use on TBC weapons like I mentioned you should be getting a brutal weapon and just keeping that until Level 80. his natural death Pat macro that works so it will just summon the pet and sacrifice it all in one macro a lot of people have been jumping into my twitch chat saying that all the Mac crows don't work this one definitely definitely does and by the way my twitch is always in description of all my videos I want to check it out I've also got different Decay at cursor macro this can be used for any at cursor ability so we'll also work on stuff like blizzard here is a mouse over exist macro so what it will do is if you don't have a mouse over and you just have a Target it will cast it on your target but if you are Mouse overing something it will cast it on your mouse over so you know you want this for chains of eyes strangulate mine freeze and definitely things like Death Grips so you don't have to you know manually Target something if you want to pull them off closer to you or you want to silence some Caster more bats going to be really irritating here are my pet control macros so I have like a pet attack macro but it will also leap and stun the target when it is in range you normally have to you can't just like press this once for the storm to happen normally you have to wait for the mark obviously the pet to be in mellow range and then pop it again for the stunned to actually work but at least it's all in one book button and then separate to that you want your pet follow macro and guys if you're looking to level extremely fast in raffle Lich King and you're looking for a really good leveling add-on there's this new add-on that just came out literally yesterday and no other YouTuber is talking about it yet it's called rested XP this add-on has been made by the best speed levelers in the game literal world record holding people check that out in the description another add-on I recommend to get is Titan panel because it has an inbuilt experience tracker so you can actually see how much xp per hour you're getting with the current method you are using so you can tell whether it's total crap or not or whether you may need to adjust your strategy while leveling if you actually want the really short tldr answer on the best way to level in Wrath of the Lich King on launch what you do is you dual level or Trio level in dungeons until Level 77 until you can basically get epic flying in Northern Nicole weather flying and then you're going solo level with epic flying but should only start open world leveling if you get ahead of everyone and if you are playing like 20 hours straight on day one you are definitely going to get ahead of people now when you are leveling focus on the current stat over hasten and penetration haste is really great for raiding and so is arm penetration but but you're not raiding your leveling haste is good because you know how it affects the gargoyle but you're not really using the Gago if I'm monitoring leveling what is more important is crit because that's dramatically going to increase your AOE DPS since you have a chance equal to your current crit chance for your dots to blow up and do AOE damage to everyone close by focus on keeping four percent hit chance while you're leveling because that will keep you capped on mobs that are one level higher than you on all your special abilities now you can go a little bit higher if you're taking on less difference you're level 17 taking on level 70 mobs you know you're gonna do that then yeah I mean get five percent Haze but the point is you do not need to be raid hit capped while leveling you don't need eight percent hit chance you can get away with free even you know three percent if you're attacking enemies your same level let's say for instance you want dungeon leveling you're always going to be the same level as the mobs you are attacking even if not higher level because you're going to stay in the same dungeon for a little bit and then obviously you need even like less hit chance so my advice is to just you know keep four percent and then once you've got your four percent then you can start to Gem and enchant just full on strength basically remember you want to do your sons of Hodor reputation questline while leveling because of Any killing two birds with one stone and if you get ahead of everyone you know on the day one you won't have that much competition doing that Quest whereas later that first two weeks of Refuge King literally everyone is going to be doing that Quest and it's an absolute pain in the backside reason why we do this and the reason why everyone is going to be doing it is because this is the way that you unlock your shoulder and chance or less you are going for the inscription profession and then you won't need them now if you're still farming Shard from majesta's Terrace heroic and you're not getting it just be patient guys and wait for Brewfest to come out and just get the Brewfest trinkets from Corin diet Brew you may as well do it because it's basically another version of the attack power trinket that you get from badges another really good item that you can Farm during a Brewfest event is Mudders milk it's basically the same as a roasted cleft hoof as a food buff it's 20 strength it's really easy to get and really easy to stack up very very cheaply now if you're not going engineering first of all go engineering just do it and then obviously always get your natural boots and your parachute Enchanted like before you start leveling because an attributes obviously without it goes about saying really that is going to be very useful while loving what was underrated as the parachute there's a number of situations right when you're open world leveling where you need to jump off a huge Cliff rather than going all the way around or actually literally physically going on a lift to get you down you could just jump and parachute just before you you know hit the ground now this isn't so much of a leveling tip it's really really useful for every deaf night to get particularly aligned death knight so definitely recommend farming for the dire Brew remote it's very useful if you ever death gate and then you've ever like oh crap at my hearthstone's on cooldown I'm gonna have to either wait or fly all the way to iron forgeville Manor for Harbor to then fly all the way back to dalaran but obviously with diary remote you can get ported to Blackrock depths and then just run out of a dungeon go to the closest flight master and then get back to your major city much much faster than just fly the all the way from arcarus if you're doing any kind of dungeon leveling would recommend getting Nova instance tracker to track whether obviously you are going to hit the reset cap which I will guarantee you will absolutely do in any party four or five players because the reflection dungeons are so ridiculously easy they absolutely melt when you're in some well gear and even like you know just basic tier six gear to be honest and the dungeons are just incredibly short another question I get asked quite a lot on my stream is why does my quest log look so good and why is it so big it's very simple feature of an add-on called electrix plus which I've literally had since classic wild launch I even had it on for nastarius servers it's a very very good add-on I definitely would not live without what it does is it you know has a number of different features and I don't recommend checking it out but what mainly does here is it widens the quest log so you can see it better and read it better and it also has Wowhead links right at the top for every single Quest so if you're struggling with something when it comes to that Quest like finding a mob or whatever you can just quickly copy and paste the link and check out the Wowhead comments now here's a really good one for people playing on PVP servers it's an anti-gank macro so what it does is it combines will to survive an icebound fortree so you're getting ganked by a rogue is normally going to stun you you can trinket that with Will to survive all your trinket I mean it's gonna if you have runic power obviously the issue is if you don't have really power this won't work but a lot of time you are going to get ganked in the middle of combat on you so you should have some really power banked up hopefully anyway what it'll do anyway is it'll pop ice bound Force you pretty much instantaneously with the will to survive so then the road cannot stun you again because it does actually make you immune to stuns that you can get your pet to stun the Rogue get a chance of ice and then get a bit of a you know gap between you and him then you can start actually having a fair fight and with a chance to actually survive getting ganked by a rogue now 33 now I want to talk about the current VAR Village Hub it's an insane way to get a truckload of XP on the launcher of Raph classic so there is a ridiculous amount of quests to turn in here then it's like a total of six quests that you can turn in I've got the six quests ready to turn in but then there's also four total Quest on pickup items in this area so if you do everything here there's 11 quests I repeat 11 quests that you can turn in with a few seconds for a truckload of XP so and then you can just jump straight to northrend if you don't have a lot of time or you just simply cannot really be bothered with that much Quest prep at least do this because it's 11 quests you quickly turn them in Hearthstone back to Stormwind or auger man gets straight to northrend there's also an extra quest for where you basically accept it you go to a cow turn it in for another 9000 XP it'll just take no time at all now for my number 34 tip it's important to get on a good layer if you're going to do open world leveling now the best way to do that is to go to northrend later because then the game will put you on a later like like a higher layer with less people on it because you got there later you think about it you know the first group of people are gonna all gonna Jam pack layer one two three and four and so forth before you get later you're gonna get left on a higher level layer this worked for me massively on my TPC launchers only a few people running around Hellfire and honestly it felt pretty empty I was grinding solo one of our Duo grinding actually whatever technically Trio grinding and I had absolutely no competition for killing enemies now you may be thinking well why not would I just like wait around like standing around doing enough in a way into getting a better layer well what you can do is Quest prep you can do certain quests now getting ready to turn in run around Outland and turn them in and then when you jumped an offering you should be on a better layer for solo leveling now I've got a number of guides you know the best 25 quests are turning I've got one that's not really great for death Knights to be honest because there's better options and it's more for people who have like literally every single TBC Quest turned in if you subscribe to the channel you can check that one out my members have my really really big one which will get you 1.7 million XP however it's probably a bit late now to do all the steps in that guide but very very soon this week I will have basically the method that I'm doing which is much much faster and I still think people would have time to do it so stay tuned for that guide coming very very soon now for my last tip if you're gonna level in Frost then you probably need to actually immediately get off your computer and book an appointment with your doctor to check whether you have brain damage or not because Frost is a mage Speck anyway guys that is the end of the video there my name is meta Goblin to the next video ciao [Music]
Channel: MetaGoblin
Views: 32,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wotlk classic death knight guide, wotlk classic unholy death knight guide, wotlk classic frost death knight guide, wotlk classic blood death knight guide, wotlk classic death knight leveling guide, wotlk classic death knight pvp guide, wotlk classic death knight tank guide, wotlk classic powerleveling guide, best way to level up in wotlk classic, best leveling strategy wotlk classic
Id: 3MK4CA2Ul1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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