Asmongold's First Battle of Dazar'alor Raid | First Seven Bosses | Part 1

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[Music] this jumping right into our next Go Go those ballista will be firing any second okay lady proudmoore the mission was a success our stealth agents are clear of the area think that's right we're gonna blow this [ __ ] up are you ready oh there he is we're in range he sounds like a stupid [ __ ] [Music] oh wow soon earlier oh wow [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] Wow I was really good damn that was really really good okay boys all right everybody are we all here we are all here holy [ __ ] [ __ ] let me turn on the music okay let's go and game sound we've got it boys let's go move up and start clearing this [ __ ] pull this next pack like we've got to catch up man we're [ __ ] behind the speech oh [ __ ] I forgot about that okay we'll do it before the first box this is this the new the first boxer no it's not okay I just kill these guys then fight the two pack stairs pull one at a time yeah pull one at a time we will do this speech okay I think they'll probably empower each other right he's got that aura he was always in 15 yards with 30 percent of their health yeah so pull that guy away it's pretty simple and then yeah just pull this guy away from everybody else and cleave the rest of them down and then separate the other pre-weighed over there yeah yeah okay that should be fine we need like three tanks of dispersion it should be good pull okay I'll do it for you guys let's go this isn't for fun pull that guy away pull this guy away pull them away pull my homeboy no no no no no come on boys you got to pull the [ __ ] god [ __ ] weren't this come on man get get them away okay is that he read the buff okay this is kind of first row we're at first boss if you were already playing like [ __ ] clowns okay look at the Jesus crazy Road are you [ __ ] [ __ ] why are you trying to tank this ad like don't you read its debuff come on okay let's go all right perfect boys this should be the first boss everybody line the [ __ ] up find the [ __ ] up let's go let's get this done kill him and we'll be good to go show the red just came out well I know but I mean like you just read the debuff and you know what it does like I mean but guess 391 item level you should know that it's not like you need a trial run that understand the debuff that says what it does I mean come on but he should know what to do um yeah come on all right everybody wanting to [ __ ] up so let me turn on dialogue - I'll turn everything off for now everybody line up get your food buffs it's time boys every single rain for the past two years we do the same thing we've all gone as soon as the server's come up and we take the Ray down once again we are here once again I've invited 30 pretty much [ __ ] random people some of you I know some of you I've never seen before now whether that'll be a good thing or not this raid will decide guys Cahoon was no joke old deer was no joke it was not easy we spent hours in there we got beat by tally that's not gonna happen again I don't want to have any [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't want to have anybody being slow I don't want to have anybody y'all just not paying attention all I'm not reading things oh I'm just gonna do it in the [ __ ] I want no you're not you're gonna do exactly what I say you're gonna do it the way I need to do it and you get a [ __ ] succeed voice we've been through every [ __ ] raid and we've succeeded every [ __ ] time and today will be no different if you stand in the way of that you will be removed and I will get somebody who won't but if you're ready to put in 110 percent let's go in here let's kill this dumb [ __ ] troll trying to put a [ __ ] bet on with a what is the discount Lich King bon swampy Bob salami who gives a [ __ ] what his name is let's kill everybody and then what's turning into orcs and kill our own guys too let's get this [ __ ] done no mistakes no [ __ ] just gameplay just success let's [ __ ] go now listen this first boss is easy just like every other first boss is easy here's what we're gonna do we tank her away from the ads we burn her down whenever she empowers an ad we killed the ad that she empowers move the ads out of the out of the the consecration circle decide who wants to tank what and nur also needs to be a tank swap as well at some point so make sure that you do that too this is the first boss in the raid if we wife on this raid this boss I will shave my [ __ ] head let's get this done let me ready check this up right now and let's go I don't want to see a [ __ ] wife let's get this done let's go boys you're goddamn right put a [ __ ] flask on if you're not gonna use it now what's the point everybody knows you probably quit your raiding guild that's why you're here with me use a [ __ ] flask okay let's get this [ __ ] done pop heroism on the pole deep dick everything that we can no [ __ ] mistakes no throwing fight no dude no dude all right I'm actually gonna kind of augment I'm gonna put on everything that I have let's go let's go pull her away okay read the things on the screen and do it right this should be very easy get those ads out of the wining faith look away look away okay guys let's keep going that's okay that that's somebody that pulled aggro probably don't want to let that happen Megan calm down next time okay move out of that obviously get the ads out of that okay after the blinding faith we probably need to spend a little bit more time on the ads I don't I don't know what are the ads doing over there nothing really okay that's fine let's just keep going try to pull the ads away so they don't get hit by the blinding light and let's see get ready all right guys switch over and kill the ad kill the ad that's empowered switch over and kill the ads that's empowered now she's about to empower it go yeah kill the big boy kill the big boy let's go kill the big boy cleave them down and and kill the healing guys to obviously turn away turn away turn away good bad job bad bad really bad job there really bad job okay obviously not a good job okay all right guys let's keep going all right repeat the process move out of the waves let's keep going there's probably gonna be more ads I'm assuming so just pull those away and get back to there okay switch the box let's go burn him down what is this seal of reckoning sealed retribution how he's doing a piece damage ties killed okay doesn't matter all right pull the other ads away and keep burning down the boss move out of that and move out of that move out of that pull them away the next ad that spawns if the boss is under 20% whenever she empowers go ahead and stay on the boss if she's not then we get off the ad off the Boston onto the ad okay let's go burn her down sound okay just a second I'll turn off the okay we're good and we saw a dialogue right okay dialogue is good all right boys stay on the boss ignore the ads stay on the boss ignore the ads stay on the boss and ignore the ads don't even look at the ads like actually don't look at the ads okay yeah let's go burn it burn down the boss it doesn't matter [ __ ] the mechanics night-night oh my god something so breath of Bob's whines as foolish a parameter I don't want any surprises we have got the new sword what the paucity oh my god and the gloves Wow thank God with me but okay all right boys move up get ready I start pulling this trash move up with me move up with me something something big probably is gonna spawn right wait that guy is just gonna keys gonna kill a long boy no we have to kill the long boy hey that's the way it goes you got to do what you got to do all right keep going guys move up to here ends our second at City punch the enemy I thought okay let's see how scratch great okay let's pull another pack keep going pull those abs in yeah it's not really a big deal like I I'm not gonna take any damage just grip everything in keep going yeah what khandha forever exactly keep going guys keep going since just like the scene in The Avengers except for were the bad guys literally black panther script well I mean listen I mean when did they not take it from another script right I mean come on why not white white why why think of your own bad idea whenever you can steal somebody else's good idea I mean come on guys what are you stupid all right interrupting these guys okay you just have to spam interrupt them doesn't matter all right move up to here don't pull the long boy yet just clear out all these ads first I don't know what the long boy's gonna do but he could be extremely dangerous but considering this is an all the mode raid I wouldn't necessarily expect it let's find them I bet there's some original idea well obviously I mean like you know there's no original text right like whatever but it's just kind of funny to see like the same kind of stuff you know even whenever they call it zan door forever okay guys move up keep pulling these trash why not heroic uh whoa I mean consider oh it could be harder like we always do normal like usually heroic like the last boss is on her are actually kind of hard like you remember like Erlich Cahoon was a bit of a [ __ ] and I don't want to be like stuck where we have to call it like I want to be able to clear all the bosses okay speaking of bosses what's the next boss Jade fire all these disses don't the monk in the mage okay so here's what's gonna happen there's gonna be two guys and we're gonna need to kill both of them and we're not but they're not supposed to be next to each other either I don't I don't think so maybe you're I don't remember like but we'll figure that out as it happens okay it should be [ __ ] easy so we basically just need to go on to on to the boss and kill the boss and then when the boss does the thing where we have to go across we go across and then we kill the thing so that's basically all you need to know about the flight is very easy very simple and if you need more of an explanation for that wait till next week and then LFR will be out and they'll be more up to your speed so let's get this done kill these [ __ ] merchants and move up let's get some bigger trash bowls honest if you guys Ionian off on my stick guys dude I'm just reading shaft okay Louis's warriors doing wha damaged man this guy's [ __ ] killing it okay good we thought about getting over it your gameplay yesterday it wasn't really fun for me like like it just hurt my hand I really did like even my hand still feels uncomfortable like it wasn't like it Mike bird it was just like a very uncomfortable like tingling feeling that I would feel in my hand and like I think you guys can probably tell if you watch the stream my mood deteriorated really quick on the stream right because like you're not really gonna enjoy yourself whenever you're in pain you know and I just didn't have fun and so I I called it off if it wasn't for my hand hurting I would have finished it probably you're not finished it but at least gotten a lot farther I wouldn't have quit whenever I did it's just that's the way it goes I guess quicken over five minutes cuz the event yeah I mean there's a lot of Hawaiian that I would assume like it's carpal tunnel you should get it checked out well I don't really know what it is I mean like I have no idea like whenever I play normal games it's not really that bad because I don't have to move my mouse hand around a lot and you know with keyboard like I don't like my left hand for whatever reason is it really as a as vulnerable to it I guess it's a bad controls put a huge strain on your hand yeah I mean like I've had a bunch of other people tell me that too so I don't really think it's like a you know a unique thing for me okay let's get up here and get this done oh this is wait wait we fight him we have to fight King Kong I'll hold the Zandalari back heroes you deal with this pair of horde thugs oh oh this is the boss the Alliance's greatest heroes tumbling their way into the heart of the troll Empire I fear we can let them proceed no further on my homeworld i leveled countless light bound foes I have been eager to do the same to these arrivals of the horns teach them a lesson shall we okay [Music] [Music] let us go so what's the Steve up here life forces are balanced well that's a very very month way of saying the fact that they're probably sharing health you okay let's go dragon oh they I don't know if they're supposed to be on top of each other I know what this is normal mode keep them on top of each other who gives a [ __ ] wait Oh looks like behold though they don't share how the Phoenix okay flames the Phoenix let's see what is that if you get something on your head move away fire shield Oh break the fire shield break the fire shield break the fire shield oh wow that was [ __ ] easy okay good all right stick on them what happens if they die what happens to the guys people okay better without sound this is fine dude don't worry about we're good we're doing great okay the elements the almonds alright this is fine this is fine therapy okay so you have to destroy that destroy this destroy this destroy loving bomb behold the flames of the Phoenix oh is that bad living bomb okay killed it kill this living bomb I'm pretty sure these aren't wait what the hell are we supposed to kill this waited it exploded but it didn't do anything huh does it only hit certain people okay kill that guy and get him out of the circle okay never mind too simple didn't do anything okay debuff yeah okay I'll have to read the debuff okay guys keep it up we're doing great we're doing amazing I'm proud of you all okay what's this team with your wife force is our balance yeah I just really wish I knew what the hell this was supposed to do I probably should have read it behold the Phoenix all right get ready if any add spawns would kill it okay this is the stage most will crush you okay move around move around I'll use my boost we'll use the boost to get through okay go all the way around go all the way around let's go guys watch out for those don't get hit by him well this takes a while holy [ __ ] okay can I jump over this oh I can wait what the [ __ ] oh my god okay come through and start killing the wall here I kill one of the barriers just kill this one right here I guess kill whichever one we can doesn't really matter okay move out of that come on guys just like kill one of them I don't even give a [ __ ] okay we're gonna kill all of them that's great that way they won't be able to make another wall fine yeah yeah who said a wall didn't work this is working great we can't even [ __ ] figure out how to destroy it we've killing wait do they have shared health there's no way they do we just equally killed all of them oh okay great maybe we were supposed to I don't even know all right pop here is a weird evil okay let's go boys burn them down I'm assuming they probably have to die at the same time so just kill them at the same time maybe that's an achievement I don't even know okay get out of that oh oh we have to run to that yeah to interrupt that ability that's the spin [Music] okay it's difficult well we at least two people died I don't know how that's supposed to happen on normal mode and I have to put in a ticket for that but hey you know it's the way it goes okay I think this boss is too much health maybe I'm wrong but one certainly seems like they do or maybe we're doing it wrong like it could also we'll bring your two [Music] oh okay all right burn him down kill him let's go guys behold the flames of the Phoenix kill him your defences feeble finish this guy off where's he go he's running away all righty am I gonna get an achievement for killing them at the same time Phoenix no [Music] [Music] does the mighty Rustica needle once on this help yet again Etta's or you will be the law of a ruined kingdom with no one to remember your name rise fallen ones Abdallah that's right it seems the banshee queen isn't the only one all ghouls interrupts what do we get no surprise her choice of progress wait oh we have to go the other way right okay so we got Phoenix fire staff band of multitasking 385 legs 385 shoulders wait everybody else got the helmet except me it's the way she goes boys it's the way she goes move up guys all right we've seen the loot let's go pull some more trash grip down these ads that have the that are doing two casts we don't want to have any cast go off first personal yet forced personal look boys I wouldn't know not personal even if it wasn't forced like there's no way I was gonna waste my time trying to master with everything I'd rather just like do the raid as fast as possible and just say [ __ ] up for the loop like the first week it doesn't really matter anyway okay yeah grip down these ads grip down these ads will be fun why is Blizzard put so much trash this is fine I think the trash between the bosses so far has been acceptable like the problem with trash is a mythic plus it's not in rates really I mean like maybe you like on the way to like Zul it's really bad but besides that I would say it's pretty much okay okay let's keep going guys where are the PvP vendors they're back in one okay I'm assuming this is where the boss is right yeah that's where the boss is okay keep gripping down these ads pull the rest of them let's just be as fast as possible till these hateful shades it looks like the restless bones keep respawning okay move up move up move up interrupt these ads interrupt these ads let's go kill them where are they Jesus Christ there's so much happening on the screen Anna move wait a little bit okay we're better now all right good and killing this guy good and all right boys let's get a gun okay so the tank Oh [Music] rhasta Khan's magic has turned our own weapon against us here's a gorilla please be merciful make sure he doesn't hit a hundred energy that's literally the only thing you need to know pull up let me get the purple thing and I'll use the purple thing on them okay so nobody click the purple thing except me tanks need to swap whenever one tank gets hit by the slam if one tanks get hit by the slam the other tank needs to time all right let's go and if you get the red circle with red line on the red arrow on you run away from the race five four okay here we go two one pop off pop off boys pop off wait this guy has oh my god we'll get his help is that a lot even like I don't even know there's only the third boss it seems like he's already kind of a cop this should be yeah this [ __ ] could be difficult I guess he's already at 90% he'll definitely Sam get out of that get out of the Deathly slam okay you didn't get out of it all right grip the add-in grip the add-in oh we only have one DK that's too bad yeah people swap over and kill the spectre I'll do it actually [ __ ] I'll do mechanics for once okay [Music] got him [ __ ] yes guys let's go back on the boss get out of the bad [ __ ] definitely slam get out of that [Music] boxing news on Wow head I'll have to look at that whenever we get a break deaf now ok let's save so at 50% energy we have to use the ability rest of tanks res the tanks okay from now on I will if the tanks [ __ ] up the taunt I will taunt the boss yeah that tank just got [ __ ] deleted okay oh I got hit by that yeah that's too bad ok there's that right there ok go behind us behind us guys behind us till this ad behind us okay burning them down good okay get back on get get back on the what is this what is he the gorilla yeah get back on the gorilla okay uh we need to use the purple thing right where's the purple thing yeah I don't know how the Spector oh he used necrotic discharge okay use it on him good job final justice I didn't even see that okay focus up guys focus up wait that hit me I even see that there's so much [ __ ] on the ground this is crazy okay go ahead and get it get on the desk Specter keep it up we're making great progress bosses at 30% health I'm going yeah actually I'm having trouble seeing right now ya know the RET the reason ret paladin has such high dps as he used an ability that did like 50 million damage or something like that to the boss that's why what's this death energy at a fast rate oh that's not good use the thing on him somebody needs to use the thing on them let's go it's not a light it's not a white boys tighten up tighten up let's get this done use the thing on them if you have to after this we'll split groups in the next boss get out of that okay to stay on the bus just stay on the [ __ ] boss just keep killing the boss focus up hopefully I get some loot off of this guy I've been getting cuffed on Luke this is embarrassing okay nice okay what the stats are oh wow that's a lot okay so what do we have here our important point is idol ferocity in a path to the waterfall rampage deals extra damage and reckless fury I think this one's better and a zani person chance to grant your recklessness reform well that seems really good too yeah both of these seem really really good coordinates holy [ __ ] fire wind let's see oh I don't have my necklace what the hell oh my neck ovals only it's so low I can't even use them that that's fine doesn't matter let's keep going yeah my necks only level 30 because I haven't been I don't farm azurite like ever because it's [ __ ] boring okay let's move up yeah why would I waste my time farming has a right okay let's keep going guys we're making great progress imagine farming is right yeah I mean like I never do that it's a huge waste of time like I would do it if boys 'red didn't reset it like every week basically and like make it easier like every time I feel like I'm firm every time I farm as right I feel like I'm wasting my time because if I had just done it one week later my efforts would have been increased like why would I want a farm as right then doesn't make any sense so there we go oh I guess we go right yeah we don't go left okay which is the next loss opulence okay this is this is probably the first coffee so listen we're gonna do two groups let's see how should I set up groups here yeah this is right yeah this is gonna be the first [ __ ] I'm thinking how I should handle this okay how should we handle it okay I know let's run in no strat kill the boss boom there it is okay guys let's let's clear up to the boss and then we'll get this done okay let's just have I'll have the tanks you know I'm gonna mark you guys tanks just go one tank goes to the left one tank goes to the right and then hewers just distribute yourselves accordingly okay and if you can't figure it out then you're dumb all right let's go up to the top oh this is this is a door okay come up here and start clearing who's this guy that's afk Elroy Elroy you lazy [ __ ] get the [ __ ] up here quit having fun I don't know what you think you're doing good luck on the world first yeah thanks man I don't know if we're gonna get it now I mean we might get first one on screen but we'll see what happens like the reason I don't think we'll get it is because I didn't know that the raid started an hour early like like traditionally the raid started at ten so I got up at eight o'clock and then I was like okay I'll stream and I'll start at like 9:30 and then I'll be ready for it whenever it comes out to 10:00 but apparently that's not what happened clear it's always 9:00 I don't know I mean I remember very clear like you can go back to my pod right I mean you can see the time on my clock on my vods for the previous raid really says wait okay hewers darkly dream lloyd and boss arrow are going left dps split yourselves up accordingly tanks move over to each side now tanks move over to each side now we've already scouted these halls and disarmed the Zandalari defenses assort yourself even should be clear DPS and in groups 1 2 & 3 is going to go over umm right and DPS and the rest of the group 4 5 & 6 is going to go left alright let's go everybody so we have to kill both of the ads and then we come together and we kill the boss who's this guy oh that's an NPC no wonder he's not doing what he's supposed to okay [Music] let's get this done only one person is a fkn it's our okay all right you're away from the raid - okay let's get another Heuer we got one afk actually we'll just get another DPS we don't need another here we need one good DPS one literal God one literal God why is that not coming yeah exactly I don't know if he wants to go or not let's just do this with twenty nine and I'll see if he wants to come afterwards okay it's not a big deal okay let's get this done McConnell's on line I'll invite McConnell he wants to go too absolutely three two one go whoa boss all right so he's gonna do a thing where you have to move away from him don't get hit by him whenever he doesn't think rush dodge attack that's a smash okay good job really good job on that avoid guys really proud of everybody in the raid except for me well I sorry especially me claims of punishment dodged all right move up move up consuming flames get away from that why are you over there impossible it's impossible bad let's go get out of the get out of the fire because the fire is hot okay good job guys how's the other group doing you guys are doing great move away from the fire here the fire doesn't in do any damage come on keep going guys keep going damage down these adds as much as you can we're gonna use heroes and whenever the other adds spot or the boss spawns okay whenever we reconverge don't use it now see that line of fire that's following you maybe you should take that away from the raid because that way the people in the raid won't be caught on fire okay guys let's keep going excellent skill move out of the line of fire flames of punishment good job okay move up again we get out of this so you guys see how easy this is right it's so easy you just do it wait what's this here oh nice okay keep going writing he says get me in boss okay Mikkel [ __ ] nasty is in the rape quiz see is offline [ __ ] is offline do not do not razz quiz see do not res quiz see alrighty umm if she's back online we can maybe res are in the third phase I don't want to waste the time with it right now let's go yeah yeah alright I sent him an invite I'm pretty sure let me send him another invite actually getting out the swirly boy okay good get that fire out of the rain get that fire out of the right get that fire out of the right big damage guys big [ __ ] damage okay I'm trying to find a week oh wait oh he's not online okay you've got to get online Zach just let me know whenever you're ready okay focus up guys we've got two more two more platforms two more platforms let's go right we're doing great I'm proud of you guys move away from that [ __ ] right [Music] puffing amazing won't use your main CD because I'm busy like staring at raid frames to make sure that people were doing what they want or what they're supposed to like whenever I raid weed I basically I consider you know how like whenever you play an RTS game and whenever you're applying it you're not really doing anything you're just the RTS player that's kind of how I feel okay pick up the green gem oh yeah yeah guys pick up the gems or not that's the way she goes voice okay let's keep going we don't need the gems the gems are a crutch that we will not need the gems this is the normal mode boss there's no way we're gonna wipe on it just focus up and let's get this done okay oh this is where we move out of it okay yeah very very difficult mechanic there all right make sure you don't stand in front of the the boss okay we lost a lot of people damage taken increased okay that's at least good alright move with them move with them if we lose some people than we lose some people it's not a big deal this is again normal mode so we should be fine as I said before this is the first [ __ ] of the raid so just expect it well this is really good focused animus Wow god damn I had no idea about this okay how are they doing on there's not good okay keep going guys keep going okay we're about to kill our boss and then we can go and I guess maybe help them I don't know how this works okay good [Music] move up let's get ready for the boss what are you doing okay all right pull boss pull boss let's go move in move in move in as soon as everybody gets your actually wait for this thing to stack up more white no it's fine don't worry about it okay damage time three to five hundred percent wait whoa huh okay we'll kill these ads let's go guys okay I don't know if we can do this he's only a 96% health health increased by 100% [Music] let that be a lesson to yo hey goodness don't you worry my precious baby boy I'm gonna take good care okay so we have to use all of the jewels make sure that everybody picks up a jewel Zen or crown jewels okay so what is this here okay so pick up a jewel look at what jewels you have Ford power once opulence engage and will attempt to hoard power from the constructs if they are alive when it's cast finishes it will gain 100 percent increased damage from each of the contracts that are still alive killing the constructs so we need to kill the constructs this time okay getting a summon stone out and Zack go over to the left this time okay let's summon Zack and we'll be ready to go I'm a reload right now we'll try this again Jesus Christ man this has been such a [ __ ] so far alright as I said I knew this boss was gonna be the first hard one that's fine no I'm not even worried okay don't pull boss before both ads die oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah all right so go to the same sides guys and this time let's make sure that we we don't pull the boss until both ads die all right ready check it up whenever we get the jewels this time we need to all click on them let's go let's get these ready checks the diamond is a tank Jim the Sapphire is the healing gem and the other ones are the other gems okay wait 400 stacks yeah let's wait for a hundred stacks okay forty-two wait 442 wood oh [ __ ] that I'm not gonna wait for that okay let's get it done we can't have wipes like this guys we don't want to have any clown behavior I don't have any [ __ ] gameplay let's get this bucking done to imagine wiping on a boss I can't so listen guys whenever he does a fire thing why aren't you not staying in front of them and died I'm just I mean I I'm just spitballing ideas out here right I mean like who who really knows what's best but you know that's just kind of my opinion I'd say don't stand in the fire all right let's go guys move in why you get so close tartlet living up to your name get closer to the boss that way you don't get hit by the fire what happens if two of the fire boys come up you're gonna die let's go this isn't this isn't Legion you're not invincible as a warlock all right get ready guys here we go we're doing amazing tally also wiped on this boss I mean I don't know what to say I mean like yeah wait oh I got hit man maybe I shouldn't stand in front of the boss I was just thinking about that like so if I don't stand in front of them let's make sure we keep this debuff up too because the debuff makes them take more damage okay let's stay on them yeah okay now we're not gonna wipe again I mean we have one wipe that's it if we wipe again I'm gonna have to do what I really don't want to do but we're gonna have to I'm gonna have to read the mechanics of fight now let me tell you something you want that just as little as I do I don't want to have to do that move away from these ads okay move away from these ads let's get this done move away from the fire hex of lethargy hex is a [ __ ] curse you should dispel the hex or move away let's go myth don't you even [ __ ] think about dying let's go I don't want to see anybody below 110 percent health that means that you have absorbed shields on you to get out of that okay get ready for the joules they're gonna be on the next platform for us really really good there okay do not push them what do I do how do I get them um I get the green one emerald ruby opal taupe I'm gonna get topaz okay boys let's go whenever no players or Danny Bahat sucks I don't want that what about this one okay I know how you use this all right let's keep going all right guys get ready guys get ready move the [ __ ] away from be behind the boss get behind the [ __ ] boss and don't get hit okay do not pull the boss do not pull the boss get behind the boss and do not get hit get behind the boss and do not get hit [Music] [Music] we need to kill them together yeah just do it again [Music] 30 seconds 30 seconds get back here right now do it again 30 seconds do not kill your construct until the other one is about to die I thought we'd be able to wait we're not going to be able to wait kill your construct we probably should have one DPS go over to our side one DPS go over to our side over the right just one DPS literally one person okay good mr. mage for let's go to one all right boys listen we've had two wipes on this boss this is [ __ ] embarrassing stop playing like [ __ ] and let's get it done okay big damage everybody should have the jewels so everything should be fine tailwind damage increased by 25% we should be killing these ads so fast so fast guys so fast I don't want to have any more mistakes make sure they're dying at the same time well he's running away from us he's so afraid I don't blame him we're amazing yeah I can't believe me wipe to that twice why don't we say that we'd probably would have killed the boss even with the damage increases nothing but you know all right keep going guys keep going I think he he oh he moves every health percentage huh okay that makes sense so is he gonna move at 60% now yeah he moves it too okay he moves every 10% got it okay everybody move with me everyone moved with me okay come on guys let's get this done the other the other boss is really high health so yeah make sure that the other boss doesn't die too slow okay or let's slow down on our side keep the debuff up but just slow down a little bit more like if you're gonna use the cooldown just don't use it all right come on guys let's get it done okay [Music] let's sit here all right we're about yeah we're about 20 percent ahead guys on my side just get ready to stop okay guys on my side just get ready to stop let's get this done okay yeah auto-attack yeah just slow down the other box is really really high health just slow down everybody suck stop attacking everybody on my side stop attacking literally stop attacking just get ready to move away away from in circles flames of punishment move away move away do not even think of Alinea pretty guys [ __ ] blind [Music] stop damage okay all right there they have a bunch of stacks all right this is Wow this is crazy okay move out of this target holy [ __ ] you were so that's so true okay burn down the boss kill him finish him off how embarrassing okay go we're fine everybody get together and wait till we get stacks on the boss - pop heroism or anything okay we've made it okay here we go big dick on boss big dick on boss let's get it done wait for some stacks before we pop heroism just keep the boss in the middle for now we should have no problem burning down the boss with all the dus cover no food I have to move out of the raid with this okay uh yeah creates a poll okay all right I'll wait right here come on good okay pull that out okay why do we have liquid gold in the rain hey are we these ads hey are we down in these ads let's go why would any but why what [ __ ] put down a ring apiece why would you put down a ring apiece kill the ads [ __ ] stupid okay come on all right great job guys great job after the next set of those ads we're gonna pop heroism okay whale of greed this is gonna do our damage yes there's no way that's supposed to go off okay goodness don't you worry my questions baby boy I'm gonna take we need to get somebody with the amethyst of the shadow king we need a healer with the amethyst and the hearer needs to apply that to every single person okay yeah well let's see if we can get this done this is embarrassing let's come on guys let's go this is sad so the urine is a shadow gem so they can heal fast yeah when you are on each side yeah he ores make sure that you get the shadow gem it's obviously the most important thing yeah a OE healers make sure everyone has this debuff okay I'll be ready check and let's get it done Jesus Christ what [Music] all right does work with Healing Rain I don't know if it does or not but you should just get it anyway because you probably have it work with chain heel okay who's not ready enough people are ready let's just go ahead and pull let's go everyone needs to be here let's get this done five four three all right two one let's go I don't want to have any more [ __ ] wipes we get the amethyst we applied the debuff and we're gonna be fine okay oh I got the debuff look at this look at this boys that's the debuff that we need to have okay so we just have this debuff and we kill the boss all right let's keep going I'm proud of you guys already keep it up run through the fire who cares all righty [Music] the gems are bug no it's okay all righty you're doing pretty well right now why so early so we can do the raid like I was hoping to get in like a like the like first Kalon stream right I'm not sure if that's gonna happen at this point because like people were just so [ __ ] slow I might have to start kicking people out later on if they don't know how to do simple mechanics but we're not gonna worry about that right now let's just focus on killing this boss and getting this mechanic done alright let's go I mean real talk though it was kind of my fault though did I I probably should have known that but like getting killed by like the fire circle and everything like that that's really dumb I don't really think that's my fault at all alright here we go yeah unable to move yeah I mean that that's not that's not on me okay the damage is really good right now everybody keep this up keep the damage even and we're gonna be great alrighty here we go make sure they're donning at the same time if your sides a little bit ahead just slow down on DPS just suck dick a little bit more okay here we go now keep those staffs up guys keep those stacks up oh this is perfect [Music] okay all right here we go keep them together slow down a little bit on my side all right let's get ready stop slow down slow down on my side slow down on my side get behind the boss get behind the boss I swear to God if you get hit by this some of these so mad ok good Keitel you're you're pretty bad but that's ok [Music] ok ok make sure that everybody has this debuff let's get this done all righty move the liquid gold out don't drop it in the raid if you get liquid gold get out of the raid get out of the raid creedal I was actually expecting to do it wrong because you got hit by the fire all right burn him down maximum damage guys maximum damage spirits all right get ready big damage on these ads big damage on these ads cleave them down okay excellent job keep them right to your together they keep them right here together all right get get the debuff on everybody keep debuff on everyone keep up everyone debuff everyone if you see somebody without a debuff then you're here make sure that they get to give up right now make sure they get the debuff right now it's gonna be happening very soon give up everyone a week ever overlap but it doesn't have it okay now he does all right good hi tiger Pam does have it all right heal everybody let's go Yeah right okay he didn't get it all right res res Tiger Panda res tiger panda pop heroism now pop heroism now burn down the boss pop heroism now burned down the boss let's get this done yeah it's just that one mechanic really held us back okay pop heroism now oh wait we used it what why wait why is there a pool of liquid gold in the raid okay damage down these spirits keep going guys we're doing great okay really damage are increased by 50% yeah that's not really a big deal I'm assuming that that's not gonna matter until like mythic or something or like heroic if you're a really shitty Gil okay get those d buffs on everyone get those d buffs on everyone okay killing that good all right finish them off finish off the boss get the d buffs on everyone the whale was about to happen now okay here we go okay now we're back to work we had some okay 395 water entering the horns are allure expect fierce resistance from the Zandalari it would be wise to set some traps to cover our flank keep going I'll catch up oh wait there's gold oh what's this how do I get this digging for treasure guys keep going trash keep clearing trash yeah yeah let me do it let me the treasures on reserve guys let's go keep pulling more trash let me read what the next boss does fine Flav of the chip oh my god [Music] [Music] okay whenever they're within seven yards of each other damage okay so separate the separate the adds life force fall and aspects empowers allies okay so we focus down one and then we kill another one so we don't just cleave them down we kill one then another Peck ooze aspect okay doesn't matter who cares about that let's see is there anything important we need to know what does it say Hill revenues revenues stalkers move away from allies when affected by a Kunduz wrath move to PACU during cactus wrath okay so we have to run to a khumba or run away whenever you have a Kumba's wrath and then run to pakku whenever he does the thing okay let's get this done uh let's see it's just more trash yeah okay yeah well actually let's not get too crazy with this wait are we able to keep the gems we're not able to keep the gems through the whole raid are we Wow okay guys don't [ __ ] wipe obviously don't [ __ ] wipe let's go I don't know if that's a bug or not I have no [ __ ] idea okay never tested I don't know I never I never tested rate I have no [ __ ] idea maybe it's intended maybe it's not I have no clue exploit ban beta yeah this is our this is the beta test right here okay there's Gronk or Gong whatever the hell his name is okay pulling these guys let's go have to make massive progress here how many bosses we killed so far like four right let me check one two three yeah four so we're on the fifth loss we're already halfway done well after we kill this possibly happen it carry let's go guys give these ads down remember stay step keep the ads separated the boss is separated and and only kill only focus on one at a time okay wait frogs [Music] that's a frog everybody everybody watch out we have frogs frog aggro frog guy growth get them together this is where the bosses were at okay so we're gonna have to fight pakku and Gong you know what gaunt seems more dangerous because of his name Haku seems like a [ __ ] [ __ ] so we're gonna fight we're gonna kill gonk first let's get rid of him everybody focus up let's get this done yeah an army of frogs right croak slam get them out of here no Pepe the Frog in here I thought Pepe the Frog was racist and now Blizzard has frogs in their other game I can't believe how hypocritical they are this is disgusting okay there's four different mats all right we are here yeah we're good it's a joke by the way for people that are - okay let's see it's anybody not here boss Roni all right we're doing ready to check we're doing a full time we're gonna do it for 23 seconds so we kill gonk don't pop heroism until heroism don't pop it until there's a point where we should pop it okay so let's keep going yeah don't pop it until we have to pop it five okay four oh wow to you I'm not used to seeing 400 I don't know one here is the Laurel [ __ ] okay let's go don't run him down it's my week all right stay on skull stay on skull and then we'll go over to hack you in a minute move out of that move out of that move out of that okay move out of these move out with us move out come on guys move out like y'all see what it is move the [ __ ] out of the circle all right we'll kill gone then we'll go over to pack ooh okay this guy's okay get up get on pakku everybody get on pack ooh now everybody got on pack ooh now everybody go on pack ooh wait people say oh what happened oh oh I had it sorry that was just a little hiccup there we're doing fine okay get on pakku why are they together keep them separated read your Flash okay we're good yeah we're good now sorry about that guys five four yeah the wing it's my wheat one whose wrath moved to Berto move to Berto move to birdboy move to birdboy move to birdboy I'm rallying get over it up get over to birdboy everybody Birds boy everybody bird boy okay good job all right get on this guy now okay good job joy all right get on Kimba get on Kimba Gong's Rast with Cargill oh these are the ads yeah kill the adds [Music] all right boys keep going it's gonna still frozen yeah if you let them know that because it I don't know why my mic all right who's out of that speed your blog okay markup ray runaway okay I'm running away what does Mark afraid ooh markup ray I don't even have it you wouldn't beat the [ __ ] away okay we're just kill this guy and then we go over to kunda pop heroism now pop heroism now pop heroism now pop heroism and pop heroism now chief dick this boss keep dick this boss let's go keep everybody alive run away get out of that get out of that circle you watched a man like it literally says like okay it doesn't matter but just burn it down stay on it kill the ads to kill the ads - it's fine yeah this is a little a little silly but that's okay okay move out of that move out of that move out of that okay good all right kill the stalkers oh the ravenous prey are the stalkers okay that's what it is why don't you move her out of the electric thing that's obviously on the ground killing players okay what despawn now you don't have to do it okay now move her out of it after this I cut you down okay wait doing it Wow okay well great DeStorm [Music] the literal God voice Wow 400 nice congratulations get a res out and let's keep going fine that's good now we're fast we're not gonna bonus loot [ __ ] that [ __ ] move up with me now we're moving into the inner sanctum of the raid this is the hard part because it's more difficult so pay attention wait a 4:05 so this guy's already got the best this is like wait oh what the [ __ ] her own room lies ahead we have struck a decisive blow against the Zandalari let us hope their King chooses to surrender and spare his people further Hoff that's right that's right king rustic on your time has come your days of not even being in the game and we weren't able to kill you as an NPC before today are over because we'll be able to kill you now so guys let's get this done proud Mars lost well yeah but this guy I mean like you know he's the I don't know i annoy his roster calm like the official last boss like who is the official last boss I don't even know it doesn't matter keep going guys keep going let's make some more progress we're doing great I'm actually really surprised how well this is it going Jane Oh Jane is the last boss okay what Jo oh so Jana oh okay okay I was confused yeah sorry about that I I misunderstood the way that it worked okay um yeah I don't know why I misunderstood it but I did all right what doesn't matter let's look over here okay so what do we need to do [ __ ] King rasa go and calls upon is his retire of bodyguards to defend him in his throne room after rasta Khan's bodyguards have been dispatched rhasta Khan calls upon his Lowa Bob salami to come and hate him whenever Ruskin reaches through his healthy demands Bob swampy empowers him causing Bob swampy to transfer a portion of his death power to roster qohen okay once pop Salaam be is taken below 50% he abandons Rasta con and teleports all players into the death realm of the living to finish the fight with roster con so Bob swampy betrays Rasta con spoiled okay there we go death threats and location that will shield allies are in death realm from death reaping okay so I guess obviously we need to make sure we move out of that yeah Bob salami that's that's his name coordinate clearing def withering in death rifts okay so we have to clear that debuff avoid killing your ally when attacking voodoo doll so we don't kill voodoo dolls okay do not kill voodoo dolls I'm pretty sure police death rifts focus healing on people with grievous acts and focus demise so that's pretty simple move up here where's oh there he is oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay guys well the trash you guys waiting for I don't think this is part of the boss line a sight line of sight okay just do it everyone know it have fun I know everybody in this raid that you guys were playing the game for fun so just run in there do it everyone okay how about that yeah ah that's good okay um let's see where are we on all right yeah can we just line-of-sight these guys around here I mean like come on yeah yeah it's okay yeah move around here please move around just line-of-sight then this is not hard move out of that move out of the big okay good job you moved out of the big explosion and now okay now they're all stacked up great job and I'm assuming we actually have to fight these with the boss yeah okay so let's see gems will run out why I don't know how the gems work dude like I don't think I don't even think they're working to be honest like because nobody's doing any more extra damage it just seems like the the D buffs are cosmetic it's that's the way it seems like to me exactly like burn down the first box any faster than we did it seems like if we have the vive like the normal do not press now on in Thedas you stand - defenders are reset I said don't pull those okay I summon everybody and we'll start this up you do not face me alone invaders you stand before the finest defenders of Zelda's arm okay lord jaraxxus get a summoning stone down let's get this done my voice let's make some [ __ ] progress now listen I understand that we've had some setbacks I understand that we've had some problems but what you need to understand is the fact that we've gotten through all of those problems and we're up here at the last boss already until we have to go fight our own faction so I'm not going to count that so focus up let's get this done why are these people unable to take summons what are you guys [ __ ] stupid get the summons let's get Lloyd in here it's like everybody in this raids afk let's go get Lloyd over here start this up as soon as Lloyd gets here we'll begin all right the Lloyd let's go [ __ ] oh boy we're not gonna go without him we're just here without him takes too long okay let's write a check right now what do you think out the raid so far it's a raid I mean it certainly is all right let's get this done yeah I mean this is good so far I mean I think that it's been it's been fine it's like for the thing is I'm like normal mode he's usually just like roll okay all right I'll probably want to separate the bags before the finest defenders receive damage taken by roster con okay my loyal subjects so yeah just keep some stuff right now I think we do move to move to him like it literally says move to you away from my physics yeah we stack on that alright let's go keep burning these guys down all right moving on the bat okay killing him then we have to get on okay play toads okay so this guy's what is this guy [ __ ] like what's his name flea not Noah Moses we're fighting it swimming what - beer isn't such a fuss about your majesty old ones are you gonna let no outsiders take you through oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay pop off boys pop off switch targets we obviously have to switch targets and kill that okay let's go zombie doesn't assuming to summon zombies okay absorbs damage so why are you attacking him just stay on King Rasta khon kaen tank Bob salami over there move out oh no this is what I think it is why would you not move away from other players like okay white wipe it wipe it wipe it get a get a rez out so we can do it again alright two points um do with you so with the meteor slam we need to make sure that you come to it's pretty simple in the first week it doesn't matter like you can literally auto attack these bosses down and they'll die the only difference is that you need to do the mechanics and if you know what to do in the mechanics you'll be fine that's what matters in the game now and I actually don't like that I like the idea of getting a lot of damage and just [ __ ] deleting the boss and ignoring mechanics because you can just do a fuckload damage but that's not the way the game works anymore it's just not okay guys start summoning people that aren't here yet all right so we're gonna damage on these guys we stuck up for meteor slam on top of that let's make sure that we can we kill those ads as soon as the fire thing goes out let's pull Bob salami or not Bob something let's pull Rasta Conn two right here okay that way people have the biggest amount of room to spread out all around the room and move out of the fire as soon as you get the fire diba you need to move away from all other players if you get the fire debuff you get the [ __ ] away from everybody else all right get over here and get this done we're really first-ever it well I mean it's not like it's not like this it's complicated right I mean like I mean just look at it and it tells you what to do I mean I don't think you really need a well how many people gonna make the same mistake in a year right I mean let's be honest okay let's get it done boys okay thank you you can sort of get there and princess way more like some like in wrath like one's very popular very popular that was like kind of what I was comparing it to or maybe even miss append aria to my lawyer sub Jerry chugged is outside nuts we nearly saw it out okay we don't get fooled again good job Zod very good job okay plague of toads we have to move away from the toads okay actually it doesn't really seem like it matters that these guys are stacked up so yeah just stack them up this time okay move out of the fire all right good job get on siege breaker okay plague of toads dodge attack all right get out of that kill seats breaker receives bonus damage damage taking barosky oh okay so we can just leave all of them down then I'll rally for that okay this guy's dead good so we can just cleave them all down right I think so at least plague toads get out of the swirly boys get out of the swirly boys let's go once all right move into the middle of the room move into the middle of the room it's working detonation get away from the [ __ ] range what should be reason such a fuss about your magic well this is like a witch game 1-1 some are you gonna let no outsiders oh my god out of that this is just like a lich king he stuns everybody let's go all righty you're hot what my loading why are you putting him over here killed it no tank him in the middle of the room move into the middle of the room get out with the fire okay we're good all right what are you doing the [ __ ] idiot move them over to the middle of the room like move them to blue move them to green you will bud oh your crimes wake the [ __ ] up man all right get on this other ad get it get on now he's running right okay you got to move them around you got to tank him away take him away from what like III don't know like what's going on okay withering curse from the god of death all right maybe I am wrong if I'm wrong then I'm the [ __ ] idiot but I don't think that I am hey a tank swap ok damage I'm dead damn it turned out ok oh he died we really can't let that happen don't kill the people that get to get mind control stay on King Rasta Khan well like right now like what why is he there for example like I don't understand like why wouldn't why wouldn't just move him back to the middle of the room I'm just so confused here if we wipe we'll figure it out ok let's go these are the people that we need to us and some people can do it I'm gonna go in first give you the pole yes ok but your porno you're on your own now ok burn down Bob salami let's go burn him down let's do it oh no no no you're on your own now get away from these red circles or a black circles whatever color they are alrighty okay moving out of that caress of death I'm not sure what that does yet now we have a circle on the ground okay how are people dying up there stop are we killing people with the debuff if somebody gets mind control don't kill go on you old one I think they're dying up there okay pop heroism pop heroism now pop heroism this seems like the hard part of the fight okay Wittering I don't know what that does yeah they're all dying up there this is not good okay this probably is gonna be a wipe I'm not sure but let's see what's gonna happen he's just chasing tanks in the same thing should I've dealt with them by now once founded you been king a long time Rustica keep going keep going keep going keep going kill these ads kill these ads kill the Phantom kill the pants keep going play it out lay it out we might be able to get this under control get on the Phantom retribution come on guys get on him rally Don the Phantom's let's go inevitable end run away let's get away okay wait oh okay [Music] maybe we can still fries no way there's no way dead - all in beta you will burn for your crime so how was I in the wrong I want to know now how was I in the wrong for one in Boston - all in theaters cuz I sadly place troop on some do with you read the fight will know how who grabs the closest F the raid j2 all-in-one tank needs to the inside one tank outside yeah so we need to have one tank or doorway please so whenever whenever Bob salami is about to we need to make sure that let's see when does that happen at 60% held ok at 60% health we need to make sure that one tank is farther away don't kill him see people yeah we need to make sure that doesn't happen so I'm still confused here so why were the tanks not pointing to boss to the middle of the room summon everybody here [Music] because dot Ora I don't understand once doesn't reset on wipes yeah I still don't understand why people work we'll just take the boss in the middle okay get a summoning stone down all right let's go [Music] read the Bob slum BIA abilities on living absorbs all damage death emanates from Bob Swann be upon definitely Wittering every three seconds to all enemies definitely with the Ringo case this is a tank swap mechanic right caress of death finds the death - shadow ROM I I don't yeah I'm confused here am I missing something [Music] what am I missing [Music] okay okay all right res res impossibru s' let's get him started let's go wait heroic dungeons dropped the same item mobile as normal mode all dear what Oh heroic yeah heroic dungeon 3070 thanks wannabe they didn't need a swap line I know he needs a swap but I get that Bob bond swampy shouldn't be in the raid but how does that prevent you from moving rhasta Kahn on top of the raid like I just I'm not understanding this I'm sorry to say okay get let's get another viewer as one gold alright raid let's just do that I forgot what the way to school okay let's go we can't mythic dungeons well no I know but heroic was 355 which is going mode oh dear let's get one more here we'll start this up we don't to waste too much time here okay let's get this done I'm still surprised that we're wiping on this at the beginning we're just gonna cleave down everything okay yeah we'll just clean everything down and it should be fine let's summon Tove in here and get this done oh boy or of death you have to let the stacks fall off why oh yeah I know like I understand tanks need to swap but I don't understand like so the tank swap let's do something let's do some math here right okay so the tank swap the debuff is applied every three seconds right so that means that every 30 seconds he will do what is that that that's ten of 15,000 damage per second so about every 30 to 45 Tec seconds a tank swap needs to occur right because that means you'll be doing 15,000 480 damage so the tank swaps were occurring one too fast and too after the tank swaps occurred the boss was not repositioned in a good way so that that's not I'm not wrong about this at all like what do you mean let's go alright keep them together this time we're just gonna cleave him down let's try that let's rage I can go to all enemies it's an AoE or a die it's not only the tank is this like the twitchchat meadow pretending to be [ __ ] because I feel like five four three two one you do not face me alone in Thedas you stand before the finest I don't get it okay I really hope so objects just keep them together outside nice right get over to you over to him get over to one get over to him good job great job okay move out with the move out with the totes move out with the tote okay burn these guys down this is just like the furrow a glitch King it's actually is basically just like the broken scream what the [ __ ] okay move out of the fire get out of the fire get out of the fire plague toes move out of play toads not duel should take a drag move the boss to the middle of the room move the boss to the middle of the room get them to the middle of the room guys come on let's get this done what should be reason such a fuss about your mouth gusty one once are you gonna let no outsiders dig your truth [Music] okay all right key fob salami over there don't damage him down just make sure he wears keep that guy up it's just to kill the totem not the player kill the totem not the player but don't even kill it okay this isn't my stream chat don't kill spur warden to talk one okay who did that I'm gonna cook keep going guys keep going I can't even tell it doesn't tell me that's so annoying I'll figure it out afterwards whoever has highest damage Hansbrough gourd is getting kicked out of the raid unless we kill this boss like this this is embarrassing move out with those you're hot I mined below Valley okay good all right move out let's go kill the totem kill the totem let's get this done all right let's go a good job get back on Rasta con now remember tanks all right at 60% we need to make sure the tanks are not next to Rasta thon I move out of that fast enough I don't think I did let's see move out guys move out move out move out of that move out of that okay good all righty good job guys great job to Fleet okay just enough damage them down what the [ __ ] okay uh I'll figure this out afterwards okay all right keep going guys keep going why is this over here you are my law or now Ibaka non-striker all right here we go we're going into the next phase I don't know if we should pop euro on this or not but you're better watch it okay all right big damage on this boss big damage on the boss okay I don't know if we should use hero here or not but whenever one of the the things comes out at the top guys make sure that we damage em okay all right now okay good we don't have the same problem this time so just stay out there just don't let anybody die and kill those totems as soon as they spawn move those debuffs out of the raid and we're gonna be just fine everybody focus up this is the kill everybody focus up this is the kill right now get out of those circles get out of those [ __ ] circles okay good job guys good job okay we're gonna go into the next phase now here we got one here we go here we go focus up guys focus up don't like wait oh my god this is a lot of damage with the deal I'm gonna rally right now like this is [ __ ] ridiculous when does it's at 50% right I really hope it's a 50% this is insane like this damage come on man please be a 50% okay good alright get them to the middle of the remember don't be afraid to just run away too bad of the toads without the toads if you can't be remember whenever he that's the grip you need to run away from them whatever it doesn't grip you need to run away or you die oh here we go here we go Wow they just did it oh my god you will burn for your crime Wow good job great [ __ ] job guys no it's legends to consume my phone ok finish him up alright at all damage all damage guys burn him down the faster he dies the faster he's dead ok it's almost dead guys is almost dead died on this power this death okay it is a curse no no move out move out move out move out this is it nerd all right finish them off finish them off let's go down pop off boys pop off my gas dude dude there it is Rasta come chose his fate when he sided with the whole oh we can save her our victory back in Morales it's time to get our people out of here [ __ ] everyone head to the ships [ __ ] yeah let's go guys all right what did we get so we got death break or spire let's say Rochas bone-crushing yep that's actually really good let's see phantom striker shoulders those are nice shoulders there basically look the exact same as the wide shoulders that's great death hunter leg guards 385 truly incredible 385 staff breath a bob salami seal of the Zandalari empire is all we got if it's all we got okay at least we got a staff actually that staff does look really good what the [ __ ] [Music] okay okay and now what yeah this is where we took we turned into the Horde now right I mean where are we going okay awesome now we go up to here and let's see what do you ask of house-proud we're ready to make way tanned red proud morning let us begin do you wish to continue yes let's continue cease cool to you as they call to me we stand strong together [Music] so what do I do now hey the C's guide you home I'll do my best to tell you what happened we will it started when they saw their King fall all the Horde hoped a penis between they're pursuing champions and the forces holding the ducks but they didn't count on the height tinker he gave us help from the skies while gnome forces aided us on the ground until gallywix you plan to stop me with that gaudy piece of junk you call a flight suit were you planning to sparkle me think you better than you think you're better than star star point let's go oh my god dude this is [ __ ] amazing I mean this is a little bit um a little bit of mixed messages here right I mean unless screenshot this because they're probably gonna get rid of it just a minute let me screenshot this real quick there we go all right perfect yeah goblin versus gnome I guess so it's like a Jerry Springer episode okay let's go pull them one at a time okay not a huge pack all righty let's see move out of that good job okay guys great job so far keep it up excellent job so far keep it up just keep everything stacked up and what are these shields here damage taken reduced by 75% okay well let's make sure we keep them in that shield okay guys really important we do that yeah separate the big guys from the ads okay yeah make sure the big guys are let's just give little ads first actually so what's the next boss that we fight hi tinker Mekkatorque okay so what is [Music] [Music] boy all right I'm ready this is gonna be good well I can engineer this what do I get oh that's actually really cared oh [ __ ] okay oh this is the boss and Roy so okay so here's what we have to do - er a gigabyte ocean is about to explode okay so you have to okay so move away whenever whenever this is going to go away and let's see you probably aren't able to bonus fill the mountain smorc if it works like any other mountain there's no reason to go back in bonus roll you device crowd control abilities prints Firefox from getting spark pulse off okay so see see the spark bolts or the spark abilities seek out and tamper with spark BOTS whenever they're shrunk await instructions from your allies before in cutting in putting a shutdown code what okay let's just pretend we didn't read that it'll be fine don't worry about it guys okay let's get this done so basically let's go ahead and just do massive damage on the boss at the beginning and then we'll kill the boss and he'll die okay so let's make sure we get that done what else do we have Buster cannon yeah we'll have to figure things out like I'm not very good at reading and understanding things I'll just we'll pull the boss and figure it out as it happens I'm much more of a I'm a person that [ __ ] something up and then I figure it out as to where I am okay let's go [Music] five four three two one [Music] wires favorite gadget of mine okay spark bot okay so or we just have to keep see sorry whoa okay make sure you don't convert by that okay what the [ __ ] all right stop spark pulse okay what's this bomb you probably should move out with the bomb right I mean because usually whenever you have a bomb on you you run out okay what is that all right nothin that's fine blast off okay that should be fine just get them back in position everything's fine get out guys come on all right watch out whenever he does Buster cannon it's like a it's a cone ability let me use the spark bar I don't know all right keep going just keep going move out with that bomb we've got with that bomb blast off get the [ __ ] away from the boss that does raid damage areata probably shouldn't have been on the boss it's good going world and larger okay I shrunk is on those people I assume they need more healing I don't even know okay Oh spark pulse okay what do I need to do [Music] okay he says green allow me to introduce purple we're ready for a shocking twist okay just keep going just keep going just keep going we've got so many spark lights everywhere I don't know how we're supposed to handle this okay keep going keep going keep going we're doing great we're doing great guys I'm proud of you everybody I believe in you move out with that bomb blast off run away okay we have to run away good mornig oh wow holy [ __ ] goddamn alright move away move away try to try to kite these things or something okay shrunk so if you get shrunk you have to get inside the spark pot right hein advise you to stay grounded okay Buster can't alright just keep going we're doing great he's a 50% already in about 10 minutes he'll be dead as long as nobody dies we'll be fine get a res out but don't all okay I gave him a blast all right good yeah we're doing great we're not going to get Nome relax okay how much was this do okay it kills you alright [Music] full person here okay guys this is white hyperdrive [Music] okay so this is a tank swap Buster cannon okay all right so deploy sparkplug where's your funky tamper the spark thoughts and shut them down from within reduces all damage taken by 99% after one if an incorrect shock is triggered on the player tampering with the spark by the spark watch shutdown code is visible to all players except the tampering player so you have to run in the spark box okay so if you get shrunk okay so if you get shrunk you need to go inside one of the scrap bots and I will tell you I will be the one that says it in chat or in stream what you need to what what color you need okay and I'll stand right next to you and tell you so because it should be available to everybody except for the people that get shrunk and if I get shrunk obviously somebody else needs to tell me okay actually no couldn't I just put a red marker on top of them cuz if it's purple I can just put the marker on top of them that's easy okay yeah there we go alright let's get this done we'll ready to check on pool again on stream and listen audio twice what do you mean this is why I only invite people that are three eighty plus man you get somebody who's only three seventy-five I mean this is what you get what's your healing Toph I'm gonna call you out let's see healing that you better have good healing yeah that's what I thought okay you've really got to play better man I think you're embarrassing everybody come on man get him back okay he's here car let's hear what his toilet actually here he's offline who gives a [ __ ] okay let's go let's get this done guys we're doing great I'll put the markers on top of the the players that have the thing okay five four three two one calculated survival right burn them down we probably let's say fusion for a percent after this so if you get funky to run inside you need to run inside a spark light at five or six people get hit by that you literally just don't stand in front of them all right move out with those with those explosions move out okay let's go guys move away from the spark pulse if it's near you and you're gonna get hit just stun it or run away one or the other it's gonna hit him there oh okay that does damage never you stand in a circle alright that's good to know I kind of assumed that I want to test it okay Zod creed old Dante's void all you guys just got hit they please pay attention okay we're gonna have tracer get ready so I'm going to put a red marker on your color okay I will put the raid marker on your color wash off move away move away okay let's cut you down Gus all right here we go people get shrunk all right let's go it's orange okay get any other ones we'll get in it you're a dog get in it yellow okay where's the third person allow me to introduce a favorite I'd advise you to stay grounded you asked for it target terminating it's three quarters in a row wait why [Music] I'd advise you to stay grounded how three colors in a row on multiple bonds some normal mode allow me to introduce a favorite gadget of [ __ ] really you asked for it that's insane to go okay just keep pushing the boss keep pushing the boss are these spark pulses doing damage to the raid I don't think they even are are they because we could effectively just keep hiding them and just ignore the spark spots right okay he's about to go he's about to go in the air so get ready for that I think we could just ignore it one down okay allow me to introduce a favorite thrusters engage all right move out of that this goes I keep you busy pearl okay here we go evasive maneuvers Spears and battle-axes stay with me technology I'd advise you to stay grounded [Music] target terminated [Music] [Music] 40% falls down a herd of exploding sheet3 just have to move out of that so what are these what are these smart BOTS do okay your odds of victory is figured on a player camping by the second this is ridiculous and this is a normal mode mechanic Wow [Music] okay let's see okay so that means a line to cite that so get behind these rocks here whenever you get gigavolt blast you see these rocks this right here this is a line of sight so you use the rocks to get behind there so here's what we're going to try I will try to call out the colors but don't even worry about the spark bots we're just gonna try to burn down the boss I think that seems like the best idea where zach is that day FK [Music] okay [Music] car let's hear right Oh a notar let's just gonna ask ya I'm gonna kick my alright okay alright so just pop heroism at the beginning and we'll see how far we can get five okay four three let's go one so what was the logic between they can swear you can't reset heroism that's a little bit odd to me hey guy I didn't even know what's gonna happen okay line of sight smorc line of sight come on man it's not line-of-sight you just get behind the rock okay good amazing job guys amazing [ __ ] job okay move out of that stay on this boss stay on this boss maximum damage guys [Music] Jesus Christ [Music] okay clip it up guys keep it up SmartWatch okay he's gonna do the first and wards right now so get ready for the colors okay I can put markers on them and maybe that'll be a good way for indicators okay so it's a skull and X and square okay good let me see if I can we see if this is going to work okay all right shrunk okay which one skull is yellow skull is yellow purple red [Music] target okay so I think we can maybe feel through the damage that's my best that's my best strategy because I really just don't see us being able to do this like realistic I just move out with these bombs move out with those bombs why the sights [Music] alright good let's stay back on the bars good moving out of that get over to the boss everybody stay on the boss battle Reza DPS battle Reza DPS everybody stay on them okay yeah just burned down the boss ignore the ads there's no way we're gonna be able to figure out this shrink thing okay it's just it's not gonna happen all right this out like if we if we have to I can do like a suppressed discord channel or something like that but besides that I really just don't see like another option for this it's gonna be feasible because if we burn them down fast enough we're not going to get enough spark Foxworthy be an issue [Music] okay all right everybody get together whenever we go into the transition and we'll start this up okay let's put that horde into it move out I know how fond you are it's okay you stay alive here everybody you know you stay alive nice superior technology when you sit twist okay so get out with those bombs oh those are sheep those are exploding sheep okay um okay they have a thing all righty and we get out of those that's really easy to avoid okay good all righty we're probably gonna get one more there's a lot of people shrunk right here yeah just get into spark BOTS and sit there so they don't cast anything purple [Music] when [Music] wait they're doing it tree are decreasing battle rise over to that we can pop yours as soon as we get this boss okay let's go let's go batteries over to you can okay we're gonna be ignored here's what we're gonna do we are going to ignore all the ads until we get to this transition if we wipe move out of that move out of that right now pop heroes have burned down this [ __ ] boss everybody focus up right now ignore all of the ads dank we dream your [ __ ] garbage you shouldn't have gotten hit by that move out and get behind the walks come on guys ignore all the rest of the ads and burn down the boss burn down the boss I don't know how many attempts it's gonna take to move away from the slow-moving blue ball but it's apparently more than three okay let's go stay on them Buster cannon get the [ __ ] away from him good job nobody got hit we've trimmed the fat let's burn down the boss this is it guys all right move out line of sight these rocks line of sight with these rocks let's get this done no more mistakes guys we can still do this we're already halfway through okay damage is gonna get pretty rough at the end and that's just fine you just die and if you don't die you won't be dead let's go you can get inside those if you want actually I don't even know if it's worth it I feel like just damaging down the boss as fast as possible it's gonna actually be the best idea come on guys this boss is actually hard I'm surprised purple yeah yeah red rice okay you can't win them all green oh this is me okay thank God it's on me all right let's move out of here [Music] target terminated [Music] keep going keep going keep going twist thrusters engaged let's see how you went down Lord ago you asked for it [Music] tove why did you stand in the rain I'm curious because you weren't supposed to stand by [Music] if you don't give me a good reason I'm gonna kick you out just wife this is insane doesn't have a single enchant or gem and his gear wait what let's get another here move out in case you get too mad and pulls the boss alright let's get another here I just kicked him out guys a [ __ ] [ __ ] get somebody else okay guys we need another Heuer now that was actually a really really good pole I'm gonna invite this warrior - that was a really really really good pole so let's go ahead and let's improve on that let's not even worry at all about doing this crap BOTS unless you want to until we get into the transition phase we kill as many as possible and then we just pop here with some on the boss at the end okay that's what we need to do okay guys or either one of these guys good [Music] okay we'll invite the 378 druid druids are pretty good here so we already have two druid he yours it doesn't matter get a stone down stone down let's go let's get this done the DPS doesn't matter like if everybody in the group the 7k DPS would kill the boss if everybody in the group didn't do the mechanics who wouldn't [Music] that's true all right let's go burn them down it just doesn't like listen we're doing great everything's gonna be fine just get this done okay plans to avoid Nick accent you guys yeah because we can heal through it like it'll be fine they trust me I've done these raids all the time like or not this rate specifically done in forever like I know how it works where's Chronicle already check this real quick your wifey on this boss now the spot we're gonna kill it this time hundred percent like it's honestly really easy boss like if we can do like what you guys did with like talking and slash say next to the people with the scrap BOTS [ __ ] amazing do that again and we're gonna kill this boss 100% okay so let's get this done I believe in you let's succeed four three two one ready boys focus up if you get hit by like I'm probably gonna kick field for dying soon cuz like the rest of like the rest of these bosses are like even harder and I don't want to have like us waste our time like dump [ __ ] you know alright wine ascites line-of-sight Zard line of sight okay there you go good job sorry it makes me nervous especially after the roster [ __ ] thing alright moving out of that I got hit by that I was stupid okay let's go having I thought I was out of it okay crea Delta a [ __ ] man guys come on creedal you got hit by everything man just because you're a demon hunter doesn't mean you have to pretend like you're blind pay attention get it done okay who's countin yes okay does it who cares doesn't matter let's go let's go let's go keep going guys keep going Zack honk if we get to 40% but darn wrong can till then make sure we don't with any upside ok let's go move out engaged good job so far guys no sorry see I shouldn't have gotten hit by that that was me that was me making a [ __ ] mistake alright let's go creedal making another mistake Jesus Christ come on man move out and move them away from the spark BOTS all right guys we're doing great keep up the damage keep up the damage just keep cutting around have a taste of superior no matter artillery focus up and let's get this done we've got 10% more to go everything's going just fine we'll have heroism for the last phase everybody's gonna be alive because nobody's gonna die on the transition that will not happen so just focus up okay if you get shrunk what does shrink even do OH so you need some well that's really weird so you can't even stand on the people that are shrunk that's so scuffed okay whatever all right Zach called after after after not now after after the transition okay guys let's go this is it this is it everybody spread out in ever you get some no wind I spark BOTS and get ready here's the one - the spark pop and get ready [Music] let's go boys let's get this kill let's go everybody focus up focus up we've only got a few more to go everybody get together Reza Reza DPS Reza DPS [Music] blue green red done alright boys this is it this is the kill everybody focus up res anyone that we can avoid the bombs avoid the swirly boys this is the kill you should have had that on us like that was really bad you have to get behind line of sight okay pop heroism will heal through this we can't have any more mistakes guys ignore every single bomb from now on if she knows you get the mom just one into this don't let people run over you another really great fight move them away move away from the spark bot I'm gonna just stun that right now there we go okay move out guys move out when the yeah don't even think about dying don't you even think about dying Linea I wonder why you're dying maybe it's because you're not near the [ __ ] raid where are you come on man what are you doing like where are you man okay let's go keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going move out of that don't get hit smorc that's what you're doing right now stop it this is the kill okay that makes sense [Music] okay get out with those d buffs [Music] okay you've got okay spread out whenever don't run over okay we just rent don't run over people that are strong don't run over people that are strong come on guys focus on the boss focus on the boss let's go it's get it done you guys want to kill the the scrap pot who cares allow me to introduce a favorite fight advise you to stay grounded move out move out boys finish him off creedal you're so bad like if you keep dying things we're just gonna kick out of the red like you just you just doing everything wrong okay come on man like you're wasting healers mana stop playing like [ __ ] [Music] get ready for a shocking twist tell me about that allow me to introduce a favorite gadget of mine failing let's get that now boys let's see that mount wait where did we get the loo okay [Music] the high taker fought bravely but in the end it wasn't what thanked the tides one last trick up his sleeve to quarry him to safety what dude oh my god what the [ __ ] enough one Alliance hero down the second one hit around the soup tin proud holy [ __ ] [ __ ] dude alright man make a circle around him come here we go voice we actually got a [ __ ] mount are you serious alright man alright do it he's [ __ ] learned it okay dude okay dude looks great man it really does this is really high quality high quality mound here truly incredible Wow awesome look come on can you get on the actual mountain dude I want to see it what's the [ __ ] amount man this is second light what do we have that storm wall brought blockade okay he's he's blue balling us with the [ __ ] mount man can you increase the size the remove the sunset amber [Music] oh my god all right [Music] do it again man through it again it's the same as the life ordinate you're able to get from the king exalted with the army the the [ __ ] the guys in Argos yeah see it's just like that duty under the seventh Legion fought bravely to get us out of there hold this ground seventh Legion forward we need to get our ships away leaving so soon sure itty I've got an arrow with your name carved into it that's [ __ ] awesome we'll cross paths again that's actually [ __ ] just see you dis compromise this could have actually been the first mount the first one of these mounts in the entire world like I'm not even joking like this could have been in I don't know but it's completely possible like you were looking at the first mount potentially in the entire world that's ever dropped that's really [ __ ] cool too man like I I really think that's awesome
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 120,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, BFA, WoW, world of warcraft, battle for azeroth, battle of dazaralor, raiding, asmongold highlights, best of asmongold, twitch chat
Id: sVNoGDJrlHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 55sec (8215 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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