Asmongold Reacts to "Lost Ark's Most Controversial Item" | by Stoopzz

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i think it's actually another microtransaction that the developer put into the game in order to extract more money out of players that's disguised as a reason to help the players and some people are stupid enough to believe it if people telling me wrong thank you i am going to show you exactly how it works because people think i'm wrong about this and i am dedicated to proving myself right you guys know that and i'm going to prove it right [ __ ] now this is the this is the peon the fey on the paint on the penin the penene i don't know what the [ __ ] it is announcement let me do the i damn i gotta talk about two different things okay guys listen up i gotta talk about the announcement first all right guys now listen i said a while ago i said a while ago that i wanted to do a video or i wanted to do a stream a charity stream to help out the people in ukraine and guess what's about to happen tomorrow guess what's about to happen [ __ ] tomorrow i am doing a charity stream with a bunch of prizes a bunch of stuff i was talking to uh the people that i'm organizing it with and we're gonna be doing that yes that is happening tomorrow [ __ ] morning man and i want to make sure that this is a very very clear thing this is something that is humanitarian we are not buying ak-47s we are just helping people whose lives have been uprooted by political [ __ ] reasons that they have nothing to do with okay we are helping people on a personal [ __ ] level that's something i think everybody can get behind and everybody can agree with is important so i want to say yes tomorrow we are doing a charity event there's going to be a ton of prizes that we're going to have like last time we gave away 3090s and laptops to people that donated and stuff like that we're gonna hopefully do that as well and again also everybody will be able to be in there for that not just the people who donate but obviously you know we'd want you to donate that's clearly what it is right because it's for a good cause okay yeah that's what it is political reasons i don't want the thing is like there's no reason guys there's no reason for something like this to be to turn into animosity there's no reason to take something positive like trying to help people out and then turn it into a negative thing i just want to help people i want to do something that i think is important and like obviously we all know people in ukraine right we have friends in there you know zepp was from ukraine a bunch of other people are from ukraine as well so yeah of course we're gonna do this of course we're gonna help absolutely so there's no reason to turn it into something negative so like oh it's not anti-russia this is pro-ukraine this is people we are helping people and that's what the focus is right all right what's going on you guys i'm going to make this video i've been getting a lot of questions about peons today i did get a lot of questions because i talked about it on my stream uh and i just wanted to kind of address some of those questions that i've been getting about peonz because of all the drama that was kind of recently going on surrounding that okay more so yeah what i actually think is the real issue with peons whatever they're called when i first started playing the game i hated fiance i couldn't stand them okay i got so much [ __ ] from the community for talking badly about peons i was new to the game people have been playing the game for a while they told me about the system that they had previous to peons which was called repackaging so back in the day in lost ark before peons or fiance uh you had the the the seller of an item if you don't know what fions are it's basically a tax freezing the auction house the tax was placed on the seller not the buyer and nobody wanted to use the auction house nobody wanted to sell anything that's true and it was really bad for the game they then switched to the yeah i i think that makes a lot of sense yeah like there's usually a um like a listing fee for things for most games one system where now the buyer is taxed which is typically what you see in uh you know just yeah a lot of free to play games where the buyer is taxed in general for using the auction house and um i gave that system a lot of crap because i thought it was bad for the game it was confusing and players that played the game for a long time they said i was wrong i don't understand and i remember even to this day i got a call with a guy named shin who i still talk to this thing he's been playing the game for years in korea and uh he me and him were debating until about four in the morning about fiance and why i thought they were bad for the game okay but i want to talk about what so long analyzed after playing the game for quite some time so in russia there were significantly less people playing right significantly less people playing and i went and rolled on the global version on na east i play anazena because i knew that more people play on the east coast when it comes to video games than they do on the west coast and i wanted an active auction house market despite playing or living i should say in california now the reason i did that is because it was so damn hard for me to find he got a lot of money an accessory or a necklace that i wanted and it's still kind of yeah i wish that the uh i thought aren't the auction houses linked or am i just full of [ __ ] whenever i think of that are the auction houses linked or not their server they're not they're region linked yeah it's like only linked within region okay okay yeah all right that's what i thought because i thought the auction houses were linked but like other things weren't like i don't know it's like a nuance i don't really remember that well nobody knows yeah uh i know you can't trade cross server but you can buy things on the auction house and sell them on the action house cross server well sometimes to find even a accessory with the right stats that you want in our version of the game yeah because you need crit you need agility you need uh you know grudge or whatever it's hard wait a second i just thought of something oh man does it say what the seller for for an item is on the auction house does it say who the seller is no so like but if i listed an item and then somebody went and bought that item immediately on another server wouldn't that be a way for people to give me gold on other servers yes that's not welcome to how rmt is done that's smart i'm gonna do that that's really [ __ ] smart spend an item for an exorbitant amount that nobody would spend it on you see you you don't understand something the first thing that i think about what would i do as asthma and gold the scam artist i would be watching the stream of the person putting the item up at the specific amount and then put up an identical item at the same amount and you have a 50 50 chance of being able to take that person's money i would have to do it differently with an item that would have too many other points of difference between other items i already thought of that yeah you need to find the same item yeah there it is so what when do you selling oh yeah you guys yeah if i could get up to i would like to get to like 2 million gold i want and on russia i would have to stay up till about 5 in the morning sometimes it would take me six seven hours i'm not kidding you to craft an accessory for my character to create a build for the end game because there's so few options out there yeah of course and then i realized that what would happen is people would put up maybe one of these accessories for an insane amount of gold and then maybe at some point people would snipe lower cost accessories and then reposts it was so hard to get the one that i wanted and why these tax tips these tax typically a lot of you are probably aware of this why these fian or tax-like systems exist in free-to-play mmos where they heavily rely on your ability or heavily rely on the market in general is because bots exist players will flip accessories all day and that's not good for the game either because you won't be able to find the accessory that you want at an affordable price because people will just completely just buy out the accessory they'll buy it out and resell it for more and you'll never be able to get the one that would still happen with theon so see that this is this is my perspective on it is that i think it would still happen with theons so basically um whenever you have like let me show you how to make a decision on this okay uh it won't happen as much you're right so pretty much selling price and then reselling price and then let's see here we're going to put this over here put this here and then put this here right i probably should have done this with a bar graph but it's not that big of a deal i think this should be pretty much fine uh okay so this is the point where you have to where you uh you buy the item and this is the point where you make the money so basically all the fian system does is uh the fian system all it really does here yeah isn't this yeah yeah yeah um well here's what i'm saying right is all it does is it just makes this threshold higher because you just calculate in the cost of the fiance for the transfer and then you just calculate that into the difference of the prices so for example if you can buy something for 100 gold and then sell it for 200 gold and it costs you a hundred gold to buy it well then you're not making any money because you're effectively buying it for 200 gold but if you're buying it for 100 gold and you can resell it for a thousand gold and if it costs you 100 gold then you can still do that and make a profit so all peons do or feons do is they increase that threshold they don't prevent you from doing this at all and on top of not preventing you from doing this they don't even exist inside of the commodities market that can be easily taken advantage of if you have enough money the same way that people do in world of warcraft because feons are only used on the auction house and they're not used on the actual marketplace of commodities you see what i'm saying yeah for a lot of people it would yeah it generally discourages it you're right you're right that it generally discourages it but it discourages it at the expense of creating an unnecessary price point that every single person now has to be faced with so basically lost ark like for example um like world of warcraft they solve this problem by like they'll just ban people for marketplace manipulation if they're doing this a whole lot it's happened before and basically what stark is saying is that we don't want to regulate our game and we don't want to regulate bots so because we don't want to regulate bots and regulate our game we're going to make you pay for it yeah you are going to pay real money for our problem that we refuse to solve and this is what people are defending you're really wrong with this no i'm not no i'm not how am i wrong please give me one give me one reason why i'm wrong yeah we need fion to prevent flipping whatever gear is limited to trade three times yeah exactly you want because you know that that happens in a lot of other games but not so much as it does in lost ark because you no i i i'm not i'm not saying by the way i'm sorry let me pause right afterwards i'm not saying it doesn't discourage flipping it does it does discourage flipping but it discourages flipping at the expense of the entire player base and i don't think it's worth it i i think that it's something that like i think it's actually another microtransaction that the developer put into the game in order to extract more money out of players that's disguised as a reason to help the players and some people are stupid enough to believe it that's what i think really interact with the auction house more than i've seen in other mmos more than world of warcraft for example so much so that not only is there a fee on tax or a tax for buying items but also there's a limited amount of times an item can be reached but that's not enough right there's a cap on how many times you can trade or sell an item and in markets where there aren't any fian costs attached to them this happened in the beta as well the the system again has been changed over time and the cost of fion's you know attached to items are altered all the time it's not always the same set cost it's changed throughout time depending on how much those items are worth or how many players are in that and that's an important fact uh is that it's not about so like here's an example uh is that we're really talking about feons or effectively attacks right that's really what they are so they are effectively attacks and because they are effectively attacks it's not really a conversation about is a tax good or not it's about like a a one percent tax is not enough and a 95 tax is too much so ultimately what i'm saying is that the fian system is not i think it's stupid i think they should just do a better job regulating their own markets and dealing with it another way rather than forcing players to spend money but 15 fiance 10 nine fiance for something is too much it's just it's it's too much like that's it's way too much it doesn't force people to spend money oh you're probably one of the people that say that lost ark isn't pay to win welcome back we've been waiting for you here uh when you when items aren't attached to theon costs and you can just kind of buy them and flip them that at will there are some issues there we saw in the beta when there was only a one fiance attached to uh engraving books my friends were making a bunch of gold off the beta by just flipping books all day and the same goes with fish so there's a meme online of me where i i'm aware of the fish market and look look at stoops's tabs look at his tabs i don't want to hear anything bad about my tabs ever again he's got more than i do right now so i've been buying fish at one gold with the plan of just selling fish uh down the road yeah look at that fish will be worth down the road uh so i'm just buying it up as i know bots are currently fishing and i know that at some point these bots are probably gonna get addressed anyway i'm not gonna reveal that to you but here you go right so there's a lot of gold that can be made and a lot of things that can happen and a lot of flipping that can happen on certain items and accessories uh if there weren't fiona costs attached them it'd be very difficult for players to find the accessories that they need at a good cost if fiance didn't exist now with that being said i also think that a lot of players don't realize you know what well that's probably the question to the idea well how come you don't just add a tax a gold tax why do i have to interact and buy fiance from the cash shop yeah this is where people assume that it's kind of like a money grab right because you you get it from the cash shop well yeah that's what i would assume i would assume that very much i i i would absolutely assume that yes yes i would uh how people don't see they have fiona's force free to play players to put blue crystals and with their gold so whales can effectively buy gold i mean again i just i i think people are just they're on copium like that's it they're just straight up on copium like it's i don't know reason why fiance costs blue crystals is because of the crystal exchange right the crystal exchange which by the way crystals are taking in value which i said is going to happen and it's a good time to maybe at some point maybe buy more blue crystals because they're going down in value for gold the reason why they cost blue crystals is to keep this transaction going in world of warcraft they have the wow token players want wow time they end up turning their gold into wow time and vice versa and the player that wants gold that sounds bad i mean that that sounds like really bad that like this system is only added into the game to incentivize people to put stuff to to buy crystals so whales can spend real money on the game like that sounds even worse yeah you're always talking too soon bro just listen wait so you think that he's going to explain it in a way that's going to change my mind no i i it's gold for that person's that's how the transaction goes in this version well we need things that cost blue crystals and in our version almost nothing costs blue crystals previously in korea they need these things that the game needs people to buy blue crystals yes it needs this this is something that's so necessary it's not necessary it's only necessary they're basically so what they're doing is they are making the game uh you know they're creating reasons that you need blue crystals to stimulate the fake economy that they've created through forcing people to interface with a system that makes wales be able to buy more things and get more value for their micro transactions holy [ __ ] you're confusing blue crystals with royal crystals again i forgot you can't buy blue crystals with royal crystals yeah i'm actually thank you i forgot about that yeah i forgot you're not able to do that yeah i it's so sad to see people tell me this because they literally just don't understand the currency ecosystem they don't understand anything about the economics of the ecosystem at all and they just fundamentally don't get it a lot of that extra at the end of the dungeon it used to cause blue crystals there's actually a pet vendor over here and this would also cost blue crystals you'd have to roll your pet buffs that doesn't cost any crystals either in our version and a lot of these other things like mary shot for example a lot of people have probably mentioned to you that merry shop is a ripoff and it's starting to become no longer a deal right as the market settles these are no longer deals they're there to regulate the price of the economy and i'll get more into why but that's an issue in itself and i'll get more into that at the end of the video because which i think is actually a smart thing to do and that way like certain items don't start getting overpriced or anything like that because they can just add in like it's a very quick fix for any item that they feel is uh any item they feel is like over represented or like maybe underrepresented in the economy they can just change mary's shop dynamically and make decisions yeah i think that's a good idea because all of what i'm saying sounds so confusing and that's really the issue but yeah here the same thing as well or um you know these rapport chests you start getting tons of them in your inventory dyes cost blue crystals but you get so many of them for free that really the last thing that you're actively interacting with and our version is the aura which in other versions costs real life money and ours yeah uh blue crystal and then peons which are fions but you don't interact with those that often because once you get your accessories set like on russia you probably keep those accessories for over a year right you're not actively interacting with the long-tail system however i know in asman's case i know he was quite upset about them i don't really blame him because when i got to the game i didn't like it number one i went through the same thing just like i i see a lot of people online uh talking i made this little chart here you know my experience and my time when i first got into the game i hated engravings like grudge and cursed all i hated it didn't like it i thought why do i need this it's unnecessary it's like this elitist thing realized well you end up needing them and people will figure that i i like engravings a lot i think engravings are really cool and um i wish that it see it seems to me like maybe it's because i don't really know a lot of the other classes but it seems to me that there's a lot of engravings that nobody cares about it's like it's weird that like grudge like a a gold book of grudge is like 20 000 gold and then a gold book of like i don't know something else is like 100 gold i i i think they should just rebalance them i like the idea of engravings but like that's clearly just a it's a this is bad there's always going to be better and and worse ones but i think that the disparity is too high in time it's right now you don't feel like you need them but eventually you're going to realize that you need more damage you're not doing enough damage yeah you know why there's a metaphor because the game's program is the main issue here when it comes to the idea well i don't care that this transaction needs to happen it's a money gap money grab the truth is and how i met as i mentioned in my other videos especially the one and how how you should be spending your gold and how you can make a lot of gold and what you should be doing selling your mats that you should be saving for relic accessories uh which i believe they're called relic accessories in our version you should be saving for these because these are the ones that actually matter these are going to be really expensive okay players are not going to be selling relic accessories for thirty five thousand gold when they come out they're gonna be selling them for sixty seventy thousand gold i'm sure that guy's letting those go cheap out of my character name is ass mom that maybe is like 1 in a deflated economy per accessory maybe it's a little bit less what's really the money grab in a game where you can buy gold is it the 60 70 000 accessory that's on the auction house or is it the 1500 gold tax the smart answer is probably both right but i think most people i guess could probably get that it's really the people are going to be more tempted to buy gold to buy those accessories than just to pay this 1500 gold tax on an item that costs 60 000 gold right it's there to create this need for blue crystals to keep that transaction going because if pla if there is no need for blue crystals and the value of blue crystals will severely tank and if they severely tank then no one's going to want to do that transaction and then we're going to have more g2g enjoyers running around with their 1490 gear um you know buying a million gold for like five dollars on g2g that's really so it's it's the same argument for the wow token then is there effectively creating an economy that is stimulated by a yeah like so so let me let's break this down here uh is that what he's saying is that it's creating an economy for blue crystals and the reason why you need to create an economy for blue crystals is so whales can spend real money on the game and they won't actually use a third party website that's literally what they said with the wow token and it just made the game worse like that's exactly what they said oh my god like it's just oh my god the game is free to play yeah i think the game is free yeah i mean i know the game is free to play here's the thing why do you think that there's not an option to pay the fee on cost in gold like you know because they could easily figure out like you know through an algorithm or a [ __ ] a formula like how much a fian is worth in gold there is so you can pay gold instead of a fee on whenever you buy something so so like whenever you go to the auction house you can not pay a fee on and then you pay gold instead no okay well then there's not i don't know what people what are you saying what are you saying the need for that transaction do i think it's the best system no but what i think is the real issue with beyond is not that it costs there's a tax is there it's too high the buying a necklace because you get the necklace and like i said you're done with that necklace for a while like you're done with it once you get relic accessories you're done for a long time and on argos for example in our version we get guaranteed class engravings on our neck same with the array ha you don't really even have to buy accessories at all yeah the real issue with fiance is in your ability stone because these cost fiance if you want to purchase them it's like nine right i think it's nine and unlike the uh accessories where you know what you're getting it's rng and if you're gonna call good stone that you're gonna end up keeping right it's rng whether you're gonna get a stone that's actually good maybe you want to see i never get the good rocks i only get the bad rocks it's awful man yeah that's the thing is like yeah people delusional monster candies listen i know that people like listen here's the thing this is what this is what's going to happen and i'm just i'm so tired of this i'm so tired of this i'm so tired of being right it's so fr it's so frustrating for me because i it happens all the time it gets honestly it gets boring remember whenever i said whenever the game first came out that it was pay to win and probably the same people in my chat now that are telling me that like oh i don't understand that i'm dumb like i don't get it like they're telling me that i'm wrong it's not pay to win it's dumb well look at look what happened and this is the same and then you know what those same people back in new world whenever i hit level 60 on the beta and i played the game more than they played the game on live servers over a month in the course of a week and i said what the problems were they said stop complaining the game's great i've been fishing for three hours and i'm having fun i'm over 24. these are people have no idea have no clue i was i've been right about every single one of these [ __ ] things and i'm right about this one too i guarantee it and time will prove me right just wait till more people start hitting tier three wait wait till wait till they add in relic accessories that cost uh 25 30 fiance to trade then we'll see yeah then we'll [ __ ] see you're right in your own perception well yeah but my perception is reality the games pay to win just like i said new world didn't have any content just what i said theons are a [ __ ] system just strategize to make more money out of the players and they offer no tangible benefit or the tangible benefit is minimal compared to what they do yeah i'm right zeal agrees with me yeah of course he does most people agree with me i think even stoops mainly agrees with me i think that really the conversation is about how much it should be seven stone which is a pretty damn good stone you know you're not gonna want to recut over and over and over and get taxed on that and i think that's where i will in particular i will i'm gonna do one today when you're buying a sausage i'm gonna do it without the first time it's expensive it's not that good and you're getting taxed for it second thing would be transferring between characters which in some ways is probably what asthma is experiencing right joe wants to send him uh yeah no no it's even better than that you have to pay feons to transfer gear to your alt yeah but hey hey hey yo yo yo yo guys this is uh that that's totally that's a totally good system a necklace right joe wants to help out asman agility on it joe thinks he's helping him out but has some terrible engravings asthma is not sure if it's good or not ends up accepting it because he thinks it's good turns out the neck sucks chad's laughing at him saying that neck is garbage and he just lost a thousand gold by accepting some you know mail yes um but it also goes by transferring between your characters but when you want to put something in your your storage and you want to hand it over to maybe one of your alts you need it it costs peons to send these to your alts right so someone somebody said use your shared storage oh man oh my god he doesn't know he doesn't know you should have watched yesterday you should have watched the stream yesterday and feel good there has to be a better way for that now i do understand why they do it and it is pretty clear in that if a lot of classes you guys may not know this yet use either crit agility or spec and they often use grudge sharp blunt these are just super common in engravings super common accessories that classes use and what would happen is if you could just freely transfer over your accessories believe it or not it's quite easy to get to 1370 and 1415 later on in the game right now it's not but it will be much easier down the road and what happens is and what has happened in the past is players would just make you know six of the same class seven of the same class in the past or more and they would just transfer over all of their accessories with really no investment whatsoever in the character and they would farm argos on a bunch of different of the same class like six blades or six scouters that use one gem well yeah that's what i'm gonna do that was my entire plan yeah that's exactly right yeah i'm gonna get five berserkers running argos every character every every week and i'm just gonna run it every day on a different character once i get enough gear and i'll do it with valton as well and you know what i'm gonna do how boring it's not but how's i never get bored winning i never get bored whenever i'm winning i always have fun every time why would i play another class it's the best class you just be have fun with the results yeah exactly how is that boring yeah and like i'm five only should be ten i do fi i have a few other characters right i'm making the gun and answer i'm doing the paladin right it's gonna happen but like what i'm saying is like so so this is really what you do this is what i'm going to do is i already can beat the boss by the nature of the fact that i killed it in the first place to get the gear so like i just look at the gear and any of them that are better than the one that my main has i just send it over to my main all the other ones i don't send over so i'm still going to be able to do this yeah i'm still i already thought i thought this out like i'll be able to do this it's no problem and they would spam all of these dungeons no really investment in getting that character to that point you don't have to buy any accessories and you're just printing a lot of gold that you wouldn't you'd otherwise have to farm for adding to the inflation additionally what this would also do is create you can't do that though because like the items yeah that's not true because like you you can't do that because the items have a item level requirement to equip them so like for example if i get a 1370 item on my alt i can't put it on if i'm in tier one like i ca i cannot equip the item did you see what i'm saying you aren't listening i'm wrong item level is the item wait wait a second let me you misunderstood he's not gonna listen what are you saying let me go back let me listen to this you can't equip gems yeah wait a second wait a second chat winning a lot of points today no chat has no idea what they're talking about y'all are dumb man people that are saying that i'm wrong or wrong on this are just [ __ ] stupid and i'm going to explain it right now i'm going to explain exactly why everybody in chat is [ __ ] stupid for over all of their accessories with really no investment whatsoever in the character so so what's the what is the argument here give me a second let me let me explain this so what is the argument here that because you you like what what what is even saying like that like you can't transfer the gear over because you obviously can you you can mail it if the person has the equivalent item level like that's clearly what it is he said you can get to 1370 real quick you need fia you need fiance to claim it i'm about to log on and show you guys i'm about to i'm about to log on and show you guys because people haven't put y'all haven't played the game before nobody here has played the game before like i'm i'm about to log off i'm going to show you guys exactly how it works because people are [ __ ] clueless they don't know [ __ ] about the game telling me i'm wrong about this if there's a way to [ __ ] cheat the game i know how to do it and this can work this would work so let me explain how this works basically every accessory that you get you need to have a certain item level to even obtain the item in the first place so if you have a second berserker that's in tier 1 you can't send that berserker the 1370 necklace that you got from argos and people telling me wrong thank you i am going to show you exactly how it works i'm going to show you exactly how it works in the game right now because people think i'm wrong about this and i am dedicated to proving myself right you guys know that and i'm going to prove it right [ __ ] now and even if you're in tier three you can't he's talking about tier three alts you still can't do it but you still can't do it are you stupid you still can't do it the accessories do not contribute to your item level how can you be so [ __ ] dumb well look let me show you i'm i'm getting trolled here i i i'm i'm losing my [ __ ] mind not understanding the point i understand the point completely you don't understand the game yeah like you have no idea we're talking about look so let's say i want to send something i want to send something i want to send this right it says it's tradable okay this is a tradable item so i'm going to open up my my mail right here and i'm going to send this letter to asthma on x i can't do it the item cannot be attached to the person's item was 1370. that's not the point now imagine if he was 1370 so let me get this straight this is a problem that you can trade gear between your characters pretty sure the point is that whenever tier three alter easy to come by you just transfer the same set of accessories between your alts no no no you can't [ __ ] do that because look you can't [ __ ] do that because it can only be tradable three times you can't do that there's a trading restriction limit how can any how could you be so [ __ ] dumb i i i can't believe this that's not the point then what that where is the point people have no [ __ ] idea what they're talking about holy [ __ ] watch the video okay let's watch it it would form argo you just jumped reasons wait a second i thought it was because they couldn't be traded they can't be traded they they can't like i there's no point there's no point that i'm not understanding i understand this perfectly that's not there isn't a point you don't understand the point the point is it's a [ __ ] pointless currency that's just created to [ __ ] create a marketplace to incentivize whales to buy more gold that's it it's a tax that's the point of the same class like six blades or six scouters that use one gem and or and they would spam all of these dungeons no really investment in getting that character to that point you don't have to buy any accessories of course there's an investment how do you get the item level the queue for it in the first place how do you get up to 1370 to queue for argos in the first place really how do you do that you have to invest the [ __ ] cone the honing items oh my god korea power pass but like contextually that's not the way it would work because whenever they added the tier three power pass in korea that's the equivalent of me saying that you can trade items around the tier one characters tier three is like tier one there people have an item that goes up to like [ __ ] sixteen hundred like printing a lot of gold that you wouldn't you'd otherwise have to farm for adding to the inflation obviously what this would also do is create the expectation amongst all groups when you sign up that you should have good accessories because they are tradable amongst all of your characters and if this is an alt group and that's your first character now i know you don't have good accessories on your main and that's also another issue and additionally the other issue with that as well is that it would create the pressure that you should have more alts because it's so cost effective to have an alt right getting it upgraded an item level is not too difficult typically the accessories are the expensive part and if you're not spending any gold on accessories then you should have a bunch of alts printing a bunch of gold that's also i think not healthy for the game but i still think there's a better way to do that i think yeah i think so too the first issue rng with stones should be something should be done better there yeah transferring gear between characters i think there should be something done better there and finally i think the main issue with all of this and why i think this is a serious problem in lost ark is that i have to explain all of this to you in the first place right if the system by default made me unhappy and it didn't yeah nobody gets out yeah as a player then there's something wrong there right i don't particularly whose fault is it right you know i know what a lot of people will say they'll say things like oh well you know you have this take because you're conditioned to the game and it makes sense to you now but it doesn't mean it's so i don't care about why people have a take or anything like that i i just care like it doesn't really matter to me that much i just want to talk about what's really going on you know that's that's what i give a [ __ ] about accessories don't print gold do want to reach it all the way to the content yeah i know that's right i mean i could argue in the same the same light that you might think it's me being conditioned and being used to the system i could argue that it's lack of game knowledge on your end right it's it's fair both ways i would say but i think the real issue is that although it makes sense whose fault is it is it the player's fault for not understanding the system or is it the game's fault i want to lean on saying it's the game's fault there has to be a better way of explaining there has to be a better way and although they are actively yeah i think they're giving out peons and they're working i think they should just reduce the amount of them that it cost so i think that would solve the problem pretty much entirely like 10 peons for an item transfer is too much it's just it's it's too much change the system and how much things cost over time if it doesn't feel good it doesn't feel good right i don't think it's the player's fault yeah understanding the system as much as people want to blindly defend theons i do think some of there is a lot of misinformation going around surrounding theons and peons or whatever in general but i think it's not the player's fault it's the game's fault something could be done better and i think that's always good i think it's always good to look at systems in the game and see how they could be improved over time right i think that's healthy and that's how you make a good game right everyone just might play a good game i agree and um true there's not always an easy answer to everything but that's how you create the answers in the first place is by having conversations surrounding it so anyway just my thoughts that's why i wanted to bring it out here on youtube hope you guys enjoyed the video and i'll see you all in the next one there's a link right there if you guys want to watch the video give stoops some support obviously i've i've been very anti uh peons but uh that that's the way i feel about it claim gifts yeah i'll do that in a bit all right so i want to talk about this game's nothing but confusion but like i'm not confused i'm not confused at all please might write your chat while i talk to people about other streamers i do my best but there's going to be 50 000 people in chat people going to get through like it's just the way it goes uh listen the thing is i i think that it's so funny to me 2050 beyond is literally nothing chat well if it's literally nothing then why is it in the game well because it is no it is something it absolutely is and and so it's just funny to me to see that so many people defend something like this it's it's crazy to me to see that people do this and it's like this is what happens you know what it you know what happens whenever you defend a bad game well you get a bad game that's what happens you're confused what am i confused about please please explain to me this magic um this magic idea that i just can't seem to understand please please give me the insight your please enlighten me on what i don't understand fiance principal from flipping gear on the mp all day man no it doesn't you just flip at a higher return rate okay next theons can be bought with gold so can every other honing material does that make the game any less pay to win next let's go fiance didn't exist each server would only need 30 accessories and get passed around period really then why is there a trading limit the accessories would hit their trading limit and that would be it next okay that's about it i think we've got all of them all right guys [Laughter] it's sad i'll be honest it really is sad all right guys we've got a big patch today okay i i know i've been negative a little bit with this but i'm excited for today i want to get some some [ __ ] here i want to get some [ __ ] done right [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 128,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 12sec (2412 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2022
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