A Brief Overview of Primary Stats in Cataclysm! | WoW Classic

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[Applause] you're all right folks and welcome back gear will be a bit different for a lot of classes in cataclysm I've touched on it briefly before mainly with regards to how dungeon it will work and the odd mention of stats here and there so today I thought I'd go over a few of the more important updates where stats and your gear are concerned now I'm not going to go over every single class and every single spec in every single teeny tiny little change will be here all day this is about the big foundational important things and basically how they'll interact with your classes and a lot of those can just be clumped together this isn't about those stats that you spend hours ringing your wrists over as you watch your Sims spit out something that can allow you to squeeze an extra 10 DPS from your rotation Al though if there is something particularly noteworthy outside of the big things I will mention it and before we track on the specialization passive which is a thing in cat uh is a big thing so you will get a primary stat bonus if all your items are say plate if you're a warrior mixing and matching is somewhat frowned upon in this version of the game and technically you will get penalized for it I just wanted to mention that here in case at the end of this someone wants to ask the clever question what if I use some leather items on my Paladin and they've got agility simple answer you shouldn't be doing that anyway let's start with the tanks with the exception of ferals for now defense it is no more so reaching defense cap is not really a thing in cataclysm at least as we know it now instead of using bits of gear gems and enchants to reach the defense cap which is a requirement for endgame tanking at the moment L you get curb stomped into strawberry jam the moment the boss gets annoyed with you for insulting its sainted mother in cataclysm tanks will instead need to rely on their talents and abilities a bit more to achieve critical hit immunities improved blood presence for dks or Sanctuary for prop paladins for example it's worth noting that any talent that decreases your chance to be crit like the AFF forementioned caps out at 6% essentially this puts more emphasis on other stats like Dodge and block rating your stamina Etc and any pre-existing items that currently have defense on them as a stat will have that converted into one of the other dedicated ated tanking stats instead and of course anything from cata will be designed with this alteration in mind we then move on to the melee and the hunters and bears so these are your attack power specs in the previous versions of classic in cataclysm attack power like defense is gone well not so much gone just provided by other things so you won't be seeing items with 300 attack power for example depending on your class you'll either get your attack power from strength or agility so your primary stat is going to be far more impactful this expansion and you won't be having debates over things like an item having a chunk of attack power or another with the rough equivalent in agility or strength you just get the primary stat and that's that but a quick caveat on that agility classes if they were to hover over strength in their stat window would see that it increases your attack power so you might reckon it's worth using a strength item or a gem or what you now that attack power as a standalone stat is no more it isn't agility will provide the attack power you need and some crit as a bonus same with strength users agility just isn't as useful for you as it once was but in cataclysm there should be no reason an item has two primary stats on it in classic up to now it would not be uncommon to get items that had both strength and Agility on for example granted this was far far far less common in Wrath where it was pretty standard for items used by AP classes to only have one or the other but in TBC and vanilla it was a fairly common sight to have both for strength users agility will like it has done up to this point say something along the lines of increases crit chance again it's not really going to be worth targeting over a strength item with some Critical Strike on it as a secondary Stat or just reforging an item to meet your needs so the Bears I excluded them from the tanking section earlier because well they're the went out every other tanking class prior to catter are plate wearers and required defense as a stat and because of that teeny tiny little fact a lot of plate gear is actually designed with tanks in mind with the appropriate stats as any and all of those classes can use the items in theory and they were heavily reliant on said items to reach their defense caps ferals instead had the talent survival of the fittest to reach their crit immunities something that as I mentioned earlier is in fact being red out to all other tanking specs in cata with the removal of Defense as a specific stat so that change doesn't actually have any bearing on this spec at all which means as far as gear goes it's pretty much the same story as it's been for Bears up to this point using the same sort of items as their cat counterparts just with tanky gems and enchants there just really wouldn't be anyone else in the game who could make genuine use of bespoke leather tanking gear were it to be implemented it would be a complete waste of time and resources this isn't season of Discovery don't be expecting Rogues to rock up and Main tank a full Firelands run we're respectable here we do things properly the oldfashioned way and obviously for legal and not wanting to be murdered reasons that was a joke because of this then stats like Mastery for example update depending on the form in use so two ferals wearing the exact same items will actually get very different benefits from that gear at a baseline depending on whether they go bare or cat obviously again gems talents Etc will dictate how effective those stats ultimately are but it does actually mean that ferals are the last Bastion of emergency backup tank if something were to go very wrong in a fight in cataclysm because other classes don't get such Dynamic on the Fly updates to their stats for merely changing a form or stance a DPS DK's crit in haste isn't going to immediately convert to dodge and Parry if they were to go blood presence for example so to finish this section then I'll just say that any bits of gear that have attack power on at the end of Wrath will have that stack converted to agility and armor pen is also going to be retired and instead converted into either crit or haste depending on the item now let's take a gandas at casters spell power is going the way of attack power mostly because whilst intellect will be providing spell power the same as agility and strength will provide attack power spell power stubbornly clings onto weapons so you will get a hell of a lot of it from your stabbing sticks in this expansion the idea being to clearly toine Caster weapons and differentiate them from tanking and melee weapons but intellect provides more than just simple spell power it increases your manipole and like agility increases the Critical Strike rating of the classes for which it is a primary stat as such intellect will certainly be far more important than it has been simply because without it you're going to hit like a dandelion in a gentle summers's breeze and have no manipol to speak of now let's look at a few specific changes a moment because they are important so firstly Mages and warlocks in Wrath these two classes are actually fairly rying on spirit for a myriad of reasons be it converting to Pure spell power or contributing to other stats like crit basically that's no longer the case in cat there a lot of what that stat does for them will be covered by in in and other secondary stats like Mastery however that is not the case for every Caster boonin shadows and Elementals will actually have a use for Spirit in C which in the case of the shaman is really bloody odd it's not so peculiar that a boom kin or Shadow priest might have the odd Spirit item here and there in Wrath it's a stat that interacts with their healing counterparts and actually them to some degree so a few of those items might overlap but if you were to go to a dressed in Spirit Gear as an elemental you'd be laughed at and rightly so it's basically a dead stat for Shaman's up to C but in cataclysm Spirit under goes a slight change as it is now the replacement for MP5 spirit will just increase your Mana regen and the more of it you have the more money you will get back it's pretty simple because of this there will be a lot more gear catered towards the shaman with Spirit on as such it has now been made useful to both Elemental and Resto in the same way it is useful to Druids and Priests of their relevant flavors so how is the heiler stat supposed to be useful to a pure blooded murder machine well the three specs I mentioned balance Elemental and Shadow all have talents early on in their trees that once maxed out convert 100% of the spirit on your gear to hit so spirit means hit chance in cataclysm which at First Sight might seem a little bit odd but as far as Elemental and balance go at least it's because they just share Gear with their healing counterparts and as such that gear won't have hit chance on it because both versions of Resto don't need it Shadow priests however are sort of in this weird middle ground because whilst they can share Gear with their healing Compadres it doesn't mean they have to because cloth gear that's being used by warlocks and mages will just have pure hit on it as a stat so they're probably going to be doing a bit of mixing and matching having said that low boomkins and Elementals will still be able to use rings and necks and cloaks and so on that have hit on it and not Spirit it'll just be down to what individual item is better for you at the time in terms of the gear you use it will be the same as all other specs clothies will stick to cloth Druids to leather and Shaman to mail it's why this Spirit change is implemented because you're already going to be restricted to your armor type technically anyway and this will allow for mult mple viable options within that bracket without creating an insane amount of items with similar stats to compensate for the differences of DPS and healers So speaking of healers let's go over them quickly as I said spirit is now the Healer start and every flavor of healer will want it on their gear in some form if like I said you've been playing a shaman up to this point or need a paladin spirit is not really a stat that you would have wanted in fact the side of it on an item would probably have made you run in the opposite direction ction very quickly in most cases again it was just a dead start for them priests and Druids were designed in such a way their classes interacted with spirit in a meaningful Manner and it helped them keep their manner topped up whereas Shaman and paladins had other bells and whistles in their toolkit to keep them going with manaa five being taken out back and unceremoniously shot spirit is now the Regeneration stat plain and simple it's not to say it is the all round best stat for every healer I don't want someone coming away from this with the impression that if they fully enchant Gem and reforge they're budding holy pal with Spirits they will become some Unstoppable healing Force probably not just that the sight of spirit on an item is not to be feared and is just a replacement Mana regen stat from here on in other than that there's not really much in the way of changes of healers where the stats on their gear is concerned obviously they'll also be affected by the spell power changes I mentioned for casters because they too like spell power so intellect will be something they want in Spades and different specs will want different secondary stats but that's not really any different to now but given that spirit and MP5 had previously run side by side it's just worth noting that spirit is just the allrounder for all flavors of healer now not just the priests and The Druids before I finish there's one specific thing I'd like to mention here because it just doesn't really fit anywhere in anything else that I'm doing right now and that is relics uh so in cataclysm they are going to be a single thing up to this point they have been subcategorized into four distinct items that are covered under the umbrella term of Relic you've got totems for Shaman sigils for DK Idols for Druids and librams for paladins these are the things you stick in the range slot for those classes and they provide a smattering of Buffs and what have you during play usually with a bunch of different ones per spec that activate based on what spells you're using in C they are merged into a single entity and any that drop or that you can purchase in cata are in theory equipable by all of the classes I've just mentioned as such they no longer provide benefits or alterations to game play based on class or even spec they are just simply statstics often with a solid of primary start with some secondaries which will dictate what class SL Speck it's decent for there might be the OD or two that stands out but due to the fact that Resto Shaman could technically pick up and use a relic with Dodge strength and paron they aren't exactly designed to be anything more than an equivalent to wands and ranged weapons which is a shame they may not have been the most impressive bit of Kit up to now but again I'm always in favor of flavor and this is distinctly lacking in seasoning shall we say anyway that's me for now it's probably not actually been that big but it felt huge to record this one so I hope you enjoyed it let me know your own thoughts down below if you so like sub share your Ps and so on that'll be grand have a good one folks bye for [Music] now [Music] [Music]
Channel: Karrot
Views: 6,942
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Id: ss2dRXfR1FI
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Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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