Asmongold Reacts to "Top 10 Most Dangerous NPCs in Classic WoW [REFORGED]" by hirumaredx

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to start off this video will be based on a list Blizzard put out in vanilla Wow that showed the stats of the 20 most dangerous and pcs I received on fire kill count this video will be using our list exclusively for its rank okay so while there may be some mobs of the community collectively thought of as dangerous like door locks or hager if they don't appear on the list Blizzard put out they won't be in this video okay and at number 10 we have the harvest watcher no doubt the harvest watcher was the 18th most dangerous mob no a little bit later on why I'm kind of skipping around the list thank you sir instead of starting off with number 10 or the number 20th on the list okay some of them can be kind of grouped together now the harvest watcher was dangerous for a few reasons because his higher level than anything else in the whole [ __ ] zone they do more damage and they aggro from a mile away like what do you mean all oh and they're immune to bleeds too so you can't even [ __ ] do anything to him yes it's very obvious why these mobs yeah the rend immune you can't bleed them like they do a lot of damage they run fast as [ __ ] too so yeah I'm not surprised because people you know they're like the little kids going around oh man I'm so good in Elwynn forest and then they get into you know a little bit of Westfall they fight some of the defiance in front like and do this oh man I'm I guess I'm just naturally good at this game and you know their level 11 and then the harvest golem that's level [ __ ] 15 comes after them and they get the harvest golem down to like let's say 80 80% health and they're at 20% health and right uh-oh I better run away and they start running away well the harvest golem is gonna run even faster than you are he days is him in there [ __ ] dead that's how it works yeah they learn first off it had two times the normal a grow radius of other moths you could be running on the road and if you were just like out below the harvest watch's levels yep it would start chasing you down there I don't know for sure but I think harvest watcher had one of the largest agrio PSA's of all low level mobs in the game yeah this was due to a bug or something we call machine-type monsters could do not really know but also it was a machine-type mob so it was immune to a lot of things including most cc's and poisons and bleeds it's really made it particularly deadly because lots of low level players had probably never run into a monster who was immune to some of their abilities before which goes into probably the third reason why it was one of the most dangerous mobs because because it was in one of the zones that you go to directly after at the starting zone and Westfall Westfall is the first zone Human Alliance players with all the genes they were all pretty low level rounds levels 10 to 15 in vanilla Wow alliance was the most popular faction by far and you because it's better that's why is more of most populous because it's better humans were the most popular race to play it wasn't until the Burning Crusade introduced of blood elves somebody might pause here and read something okay could you please advocate for the language-specific EU realms listen I think that they should do language-specific EU realms not doing it seems like a bad idea it'll create inner server enclaves and different micro communities within the server and it will make the server feel smaller and more frustrating and isolating for people that are not part of these servers unofficial de facto language it's going to be bad for everyone involved Blizzard would be able to save themselves and a lot of the players a ton of grief by just creating individual language lock servers okay so there you go that the populations kind of evened out but with the most popular race on the most popular faction going into their first zone with hard monsters it's no reason why the harvest watcher killed so many low-level players especially with its double agro radius and its immunity to certain abilities that's [ __ ] today number nine we have the gadgets on bruiser who was the 17th most dangerous mob on blizzards live yeah I would say sores were the bodyguards for the high-level neutral city gadgets on so they attacked both factions if you attack someone if you attacked one of the bruisers or if you were just attack by someone else the bruisers bleep hang up on you and kill you your [ __ ] since the models without you and swarm it was really hard to run away from him so it was basically a guaranteed death and part of the reason the gadgets ins bruisers killed so many people's ridiculous because for some reason on PvP servers a lot of people like to PvP Anton Aris for whatever reason like people will attack me put Luke in game I feel like listen I feel like I feel like I'm a dad and I've got a bunch of kids and they keep showing me stupid-ass [ __ ] things that they draw pictures of and every single different time after the first time I have to pretend like it's special again nice job you guys wrote layer good job I'm proud of you guys right right dicks Yeah right dicks and I'll be proud of you okay and gadget son specifically if you were standing around gadgets on and someone attacked you then the bruisers would also kill you and the person who attacked you they only killed the flesh really pretty sure also if you were losing a PvP fight out in tenaris you could just run two gadgets on yeah and the bruisers would kill both of you and you get a nice revenge kill that's right the reason bruisers were so deadly and vanilla well was basically because of world PvP number eight Osirian the unscarred now this guy is just I have no I don't know how the [ __ ] this guy was so high up there because that implies that a lot of people did aq 20 and Osirian was [ __ ] easy by the way like anybody didn't know this like literally every single person like right yeah yeah just a second here I never yeah if you had buffs damage your attacker like thorns they turn on you - oh I had no idea dude that's so [ __ ] funny a cute when he was face for all three day locked out yet cetera but like literally all you had to do is bring him to the pillars that was it who's the easiest boss in the game the final boss in a queue 20 and what made him particularly deadly got bird without his ease of access for entering it since a queue 20 was a lot more accessible to you 40 does he answer kind of a hiccup one of its earlier mechanics a Syrian would really quickly enter supreme mode when the fight started yep and in order to dispel supreme mode you need to click on one of the crystals in the room yep except you had to find one of the crystals as soon as he pulled him so if you couldn't find it quick enough because they spawned in random locations what you did you have the group of people and then you find them beforehand and right okay we're gonna take him to here we're gonna have him we're gonna take him over to here that's what we did so it's like you would find them before you did the fight okay hey I mean listen I was just want to you pull them that's how it was on release or maybe unreleased it was different by the time that I did it we were able to do them ahead of time he would just gain supreme mode and start one shot in people yeah later on they changed the fight so the first crystal spawned immediately in a fixed location so you didn't have to search the room for the first one anymore but before this change he probably got in a lot of cheap kills yes I've heard reports that I couldn't really confirm that clicking the crystals for this boss fight was sometimes kind of buggy and just didn't work I think it was just an excuse by people that were bad Raiders it couldn't click to rationalize why they did it wrong why they failed at the one simple mechanic in the entire game let's be honest new president okay all right guys you may Dix I'm very proud of you great job guys hey hey I'm really really proud of you guys okay let's yeah great great job incredible truly I've led to his higher than average body count and also the crystals he spawned just kind of spawned in random locations around the room so you had to run around and look for him and I'd assume if you were really unlucky you wouldn't be able to find them that quickly or his supreme buff would come back and he would just start killing everyone no7 the succubus pet for some reason the stats tracked the kills of player pets what overlock succubus imp and fell hunters all made spots in the list yeah which is why I skipped the 19th and 25 and started the list off with the harvest wow I know I did who's 18th before the infant fell hunter were 19th and 20th on their list all I need more sense to group him up with the succubus who was number 13 is more popular makes TP pent which is what I assume these stats were tracking yes because the succubus had its charm ability which did not share a dr with fear so it allowed warlock control of their CC you could keep someone see seed for a really long time with just a fear into a charm or you could charm someone and then hard cast a really hard hitting soul fire on them now while the succubus might have been the most popular of the warlock pets for PvP the IMP and the fell hunter weren't that bad either number 6 the storm prank bow man and defender who came in at number 7th and 8th surprised about this one another big reason is pretty accurate skipped a lot of part when making this list is because half of the NPC's on this list are NPCs from all Taric valley and by removing half of them I actually kind of got a top 10 list this is why yeah I'm not surprised about that either I mean the AV mobs like back in the day because we were all really shitty back then I would have trouble killing those bowmen I'm her there were times I would 1v1 a bowmen I'd lose I would [ __ ] move and like hey it was embarrassing but I would actually [ __ ] loose and yeah AV is totally balanced I know back then we'll listen at least now I die to hunters and not bowmen it's not a top 20 video now the bowmen and defender are the only two AV NPC's on this list that are kinda just like normal mobs they're not super special ones like I'll talk a little bit but what made the bow man and defender so deadly mainly they don't damaged his these were the npcs who guarded the towers in all tarik valley yeah a defenders were just the ground truth was in the bow men or the real dangerous ones you see the way the alliance towers are designed makes them harder to capture than the Horde towers and part of the reason they were harder to capture was because they were more open-ended and the storm pike bowmen were positioned in a way where they could shoot you from how's it a bow man if it's a girl wait look at this right here is it a bow person there's something like that I mean a bowl man the hell is this the road as you ran up to the tower and while you're running up the stairs of the tower and while you were trying to capture the flag for the town you can't shoot you're so stupid once you got inside the tower and started capturing the flag if you position yourself correctly the bowmen couldn't shoot you anymore so the alliance ones were just a lot more dangerous than the Horde ones because divider lines geographical advantage in all tarik valley also the choke point to get into the Alliance home base is across a bridge and the bridge has two towers right next to it both filled with storm pike bowmen who had an absolutely incredibly long range back in the day the bridge about a hundred yards away just because they had such an incredibly long attack ah dude I wasn't this was a really good trial of the Alliance to keep the whole or not yeah base the bowmen got a lot of cheap kills there ah dude equivalent didn't really have a choke point like this at all in there well they it's a funny thing about the Horde equivalent right here if you look at this base there is literally an opening over to the right where you can just go circle around so the horror so [ __ ] bad at building bases they leave an opening in their main base and you can just circle around and go up the tower and I remember I would do this all the time and even in Wrath of the Lich King like this has been out for like 10 years just aminute valley Cataclysm people still didn't know that you could do that they still never figured it out and I felt like [ __ ] Xerxes every single time that I circled around and attacked the Horde from behind got the you know the upper advantage on them and nothing ever [ __ ] mattered like this happened for a long time and I think they ended up fixing it because it was so broken home base anyway their choke point was at a graveyard I didn't have any bowmen anywhere near it now at the storm Pike Bowman having such a high spot at number seven on the list kind of makes sense because they could just Knight people down from the bridge I was kind of surprised of the defenders the melee ground unit made number eighth on the list that probably could be because of the alliance advantages in that battleground number five what the defias pillagers what did what do you mean the Wyatts advantages what's he talking about well we mean like an alliance advantage you mean I cousin lions are better players oh yeah that is true no you got I forgot about that y'all lions are good yeah I did there are better place I forgot I'd take a piss I'll be right back okay well back to I'll buy that okay just give me one second we're good all right man I mean guys I'm gonna have to turn off the chat the chat thinks I wanted to make sure everybody had fun but unfortunately yeah thanks a lot for trying to cover the the words right I'm gonna just have to turn off the that the chat thinks because people are saying things that they're not supposed to do apologize guys it's unfortunate but you know a few people have to ruin it for everyone all right let's go back over here okay let's see are we all good yeah we're good and science villagers were fifth I don't want to burst and the defies trappers were number now risks which I'll just group up here since they're both of defiance mobs although the defiance pillagers were way more deadly than the trappers the trappers were also in Westfall and just kind of lower-level mobs of a really packed close together and what made them unique was not only were they packed close together and they could just completely destroy you if you pulled more than once but they also rooted you which made them a lot harder to run away from did you know why they rooted you because they're trappers they trapped you the pillagers honestly like the pillagers do more damage with their attacks than like level 35 or 40 mobs do with their same attacks even even elite mobs like the elite mobs and scarlet monastery do less damage with their fireballs then the pillagers do with theirs it's [ __ ] ridiculous listen to this the defias trappers also dropped a rare item called a large rope net this item which were in PvP would route a target for 10 seconds why does he be used on any character that had it why defies trappers really easiest mob to farm them from but the pillagers were the holy lakes and since these were somebody caster mobs that low-level players ran in never seen that drug didn't really have any experience with dealing with the fact that they couldn't just run away from them because I guess fireball in room 480 for us of the fact that if I accidentally pulled another one [ __ ] dude he just attacked him from range and the defiance pillagers were clapping and close together as well it was really hard you guys decide unless you were just kind of picking them off at the edges of the town really spawned yeah and since the pillagers both hit really hard and we're always paired up with other villages close by and had this really great distinction of being a little I'd really love to disarm you which just made them even more deadly to the fact that they're also humanoid mobs which means they ran when they were low on health so oh the actual another or looters that's a bonus small that were packed in close nearby and like I mentioned with the harvester and earlier on in the list these were all in Westfall one of the most populated low-level zones because well it was the human zone and humans were the most popular race in vanilla Wow Oh rogue stealth back then it wasn't that good let's just say that it wasn't that good all of these factors just kind of combined together to make an amalgamation of one of the most deadly low-level mobs in the game that actually beats out most raid bosses when it comes to player kills not as a prize the war masters in all Tareq Valley the war masters are all going to be clumped up together because they collectively take up number 16 12 11th 10th 6th and 4th on why is the stone hearth one so powerful like what makes him I guess basically because he's always spawned I mean maybe that's it I'm not even amazed though I'm not even surprised I will get that dude I mean all of those [ __ ] war masters is just whirl winning people down like crazy this is how popular AV used to be like this is what people would do like people said that pvp like pvp nowadays in WoW is like just this afterthought but like back in the day pvp was like it was a big component of the game obviously the majority of the game was PvE it always has been PvE but back then like pvp was such a big [ __ ] deal because you were able to PvP for actual PV in gear and that's something that we didn't have it in well we don't really have now as much right and like you we do but it the gear is just like you're replaceable and you can get it from my eight different other places too but with with alt rock Valley everybody would get AV up to exalted to get either the unstoppable force or to get the Don Julio x'b and/or the immovable object or I think there was like an offhand cast or item to like these items were [ __ ] ridiculous and the Tabar yes of course the two bard blizzards 20 lists and one of the big reasons I decided to reorder the list to kind of clump them together and instead I decided if I was gonna clump up these NPC's together I was just gonna take whichever one was highest on the list and use that to place them on my list so since one of the war masters made number 4 on the list they're making it on a high spot on my list as well now the war masters are just the NPCs who accompany the general in all Taric valley and hit really hard as well exists or disappears depending on how many towers you control what's a good boy has they fought alongside the generals they got tons of kills in yeah which I'll get into a little bit wrong when I cover the number one spot on this list is it to be a track onyxia onyxia was also number three on blizzards list Wow now Onyxia is one of the first raid bosses available to players in vanilla Wow if there's any more evidence that people in vanilla wow we're [ __ ] terrible how much more do you need than onyxia was the third most deadly mob in the entire game alright I mean let's be honest that's [ __ ] ridiculous you're going back to the fight those people died like crazy on Onyxia that's true too we talked about that the other day yeah that people in vanilla were [ __ ] garbage and also one of the daughters is just like the only bomb yeah because it yours won't heal me in fact I'm pretty sure onyxia is the first single boss braid in the game and because onyxia was the first single boss rate of the first dragon boss it was done by pretty much every player who ever raided in vanilla wow that's I think about that like nowadays like everybody knows you fight a dragon from the side right not in front for the breath not behind for the tail whip but back then like that was like new information if people didn't know that so they were just about fight this dumb ass [ __ ] right head to head and then they get breath on their die dog aw [ __ ] man okay we all go from behind then that way she won't see me you go from behind boom nothing for the Wolves that's a wipe it's actually crazy now that I think about like all the things that we just kind of know that was you know I'm serious I got whenever I said this I was not lying like I literally would only attack bosses from the front why face I face my enemies head-on I was gonna [ __ ] about Perry I didn't know I didn't know that you could parry from from in front not behind like I literally had no idea I would I would just fight that boss right from the front dude yeah alpha I was a [ __ ] idiot but yeah it's kind of crazy to think about like all the things that we kind of just take for granted now and we just kind of assume oh yeah of course this is the case back then like we didn't know that [ __ ] at all because of this and the fact that Onyxia was kind of a hard boss fight' yeah it raked up probably the most amount of kills out of any other rain bosses in vanilla maybe I mean until we get to number 2 spot on this list number 2 Valles draws the corrupt who was also number 2 Blizzard's lists valise drawers is the second boss in the black wing layer and is the reason Blizzard made early bosses and raids a little bit easier than all the other bosses in the raid because I don't like that I don't like I like it whenever you get it into the raid and it's like the third boss that's the cock-block that's the real [ __ ] block and if you can't get through them then you can't get to the other bosses but if you can make it past that boss you knew that you had a license to just get gear and are you saying that we evolved I am saying that we evolved the players are a lot better than they used to be a [ __ ] course yet we get boosted I don't think listen if you are so bad that you need to be boosted in classic Wow then you should probably just quit the game and go play tic-tac-toe like I mean it the game is so [ __ ] easy there's no way that you can do it wrong unless you're trying malestrazza was also more commonly known as valise drawers the guild breaker being the second boss raid it was an incredibly hard boss to take down in fact one of the hardest bosses in the game like ever and because it was the second boss in the raid it was somewhat easy to get to which means a lot of people got to see the fight and tons and tons of people got to die to it especially since one of the mechanics of the fight basically just made sure you were going to die no matter what you guys remember that whenever you know they wiped my entire raid whenever we were doing project 60 and some [ __ ] dumbass there's literally like burning adrenaline is literally the only mechanic in the entire fight whenever you do this on project 60 that's meaningful and somebody stood in the raid and they killed everyone it was on stream i think it's on youtube even alice drawers raked up the highest body count of all of the bosses not a summarized list was made anyway I think this list out I'm getting all this information from came like somewhere towards the middle of vanilla or some thought world so if you've ever wondered why modern raid have the very same mechanic of the early bosses being easier than the final bosses it's because of valise drawers before then all of the bosses in the raid were kind of difficult kind of like equally difficult and it was kind of unreasonable for one of the harder bosses to be at the beginning of the baby because then you couldn't really farm the raid for gear in order to down it and that's why they moved all of the harder bosses towards the end I like that though I like that I think that's cool like if you if you have to like beat this boss like in Gore Fein I think Gore fiends a good example if you beat Gore fiend and Hellfire Citadel you were gonna be able to kill the next three or four bosses very very easily so it wasn't just beating Gore Fein whenever you actually beat him it was beating the other bosses and knowing that's like okay we [ __ ] made it we can do it now we can kill the rest of the bosses like having all the bosses scale up in difficulty I think it's good right of course but I do think they should make a little bit more difficult beginning bosses because like now like the first and the second bosses and most raids I mean they're like their target dummies almost it's embarrassing though the world look tough economy I don't want to look through the comic and number one drek thar the Horde general in all Tareq Valley now with half of the NPCs on this list being in PC shell Tareq Valley it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise as one of the general not a surprise at all in spot of course the Alliance general Vande are also did make the list he was number 15 on blizzards list I just didn't include him because I thought I would just mention him here with drek thar who was number one now the reason drek thar was so much more deadly than the Alliance general is because they had to over buff him because the the Horde the Alliance players were just simply superior so what they had to do is they had to make dreck more powerful than Vande are in order to actually just balance it out and even then the Alliance still had a 90% win ratio in all track tally I mean it's just a certain point like Boozer it I mean it just they didn't know what to do was because all Tareq Valley kind of favored the Alliance a little bit more than it did the Horde why and because the Alliance kind of outnumbered the Horde a little bit when it came to population size until the Burning Crusade kind of evened it out with the blood elves being added and because ball the battleground favored the Alliance a little bit more than it did the Horde and because the Alliance had a larger population they got to make it to the enemy general mode that's a bunch of [ __ ] and therefore die to him oh oh that makes a lot of sense yeah of course that's what you needed to kill on the battleground and in vanilla while there wasn't a reinforcements mechanics so you could just keep wiping and wiping to the general as much as you wanted yeah no surprise that it raked up the most amount of kill that of all the other NPCs and it also makes sense why six of the other spots in this list were just the war masters who accompanied their generals because there was so much glooms alright and that's the end of the list now I talked about all Taric valley a lot in this video yes the best feature some controversial things as a favor fact but I've already made a video on vanilla alterique Valley which goes into a lot more detail about exactly why the Alliance had a slight advantage over the Horde we're not watching that you're really curious I reckon when you watch the video and I don't watch now about this remake the person is series where I'll go back and remake voice videos and even update them with new info I plan on doing the top 10 hardest raid bosses as well but if you have suggestions for some of my old videos you'd like to see me do an update to just let me know the reason I chose to do this video first was because the original one was just so bad and the order I chose this which is kind of random which you've seen find the middle sense for the kind of data I had to work off of so I've always wanted to really find if you want to see the original video I made on this topic I'll link it at the end of this so you can see for yourself why this video needed to be remade because the original one is just so garbage okay okay alright you know what listen let's basically hoarder better no no all right listen here's one thing you need to understand is that the Alliance Alliance and all track valley have no like they have no advantage at all they never did the only problem was that the Omiya event of the lion's head was being the faction it was comprised of the superior players right that's honestly the truth and everybody won't might want to be upset about that that was the advantage of the lion's head and they had that advantage wait they had what does this even say what you guys want me to look at this what even is this is this cocky is this G is this a six and it's a spiral our I don't even know what the [ __ ] this is sorry that's not sorry oh yeah it is oh I see yet is sorry okay good job guys I'm proud of you you're very good boys yeah they're sorry it's okay sorry forward they were putting bad words in chat whenever they were typing bad words whenever I was in the bathroom yeah that's what it was for what yeah because he they were saying the bad words while I went into the bathroom immediately they started saying the bad words why are they saying the bad words I mean there's like six words yeah they're like there's like six words not supposed to say and they said like one of them probably
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 76,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, BFA, WoW, asmongold reacts, reaction, asmongold highlights, best of asmongold, twitch chat, asmongold watches, world of warcraft, classic wow, vanilla wow, hirumaredx, most dangerous wow npc's
Id: LyTBVt0v1HA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 45sec (1845 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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