World of Warcraft Classic - SEASON OF DISCOVERY Phase 1 - NOW WITH 50% EXP BUFF!!!! GOGOGO - 2/7/24

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey everybody good morning to you all Jason Intergalactic muffin welcome [Music] [Music] guys [Music] Intergalactic muffin that you want to heal uh what class would I suggest uh it depends on what version of the game you're playing if if you're if you're playing season of Discovery pretty much going into phase 2 any healing class is going to be pretty good um I would recommend a priest or a paladin for uh for ease of leveling they're both pretty easy to level and and they both do pretty good heals no matter what spec you're in yeah then still I I would say PRI or P they're both really easy to level up pretty enjoyable to level up and going into phase two they're both going to be like you know good healers I think all the healers in sad are going to be pretty good in phase two oh man we have to get 100 herbalism so we can get this bruised where are we at 92 out of 150 that's it's not awful still pretty far from where we want to be Bobby MCB thank you so much for the membership man I really appreciate that and welcome yeah Jason that's a good point the the P is more flexible and it's just like it's a little bit sturdier you can take some hits you know it's it's a little bit of a sturdier class that's true well my big dog is barking already a gamer 28 good morning to you buddy Marina good morning welcome to the stream yay level 17 um thick hide please it it might be useful to go a couple points into feral Instinct for increased threat reduce chance enemies have to detect you while prowling I don't really care about that but the threat is [Music] nice slam ROM good morning to you welcome to the Stream let's go ahead ahead and we'll capture this uh thistle bear that way this is done and we don't have to worry about it he's going to follow us around for a bit eventually he will despawn but we still get credit I used to think you had to escort this guy back so I I would never do this Quest and then one day I just didn't escort him back and realized that like you don't have to all you do is have all you do is C capture them and you get credit right away it's pretty nice Richard good morning 36 36s is this hardcore or just a new system this is season of Discovery so it's it's not hardcore it's like a different take on vanilla era wow that only last for about a year it's it's a season similar to a SE you might see in like Path of Exile they call them leagues or uh or like Diablo except it lasts a lot longer because it's an [Music] MMO [Music] [Music] is for I remember last time we did this Quest like a week ago on the P it took us a long time took us a long long time to complete the objective part of that was because there weren't a lot of these guys spawning in part of it was because the drop rate was just really bad Buffalo Bill good morning man uh bare form is going good yeah I like it it's just easy to play you know it's a warrior light the the inclusion of mangle means that you're not just uh you know you're not just doing Maul over and over again but basically you're you're just doing mangle over and over so like I don't I don't Maul a lot unless I have excess Rage which doesn't really happen a lot for me at this level but it's cool I'm digging it Alex good evening man welcome you sound like a person that hasn't slept I don't know what time of day it is for anybody including myself sound like someone who didn't get a lot of [Music] [Music] sleep I have to say though the sound effect and the graphic for for mangle are a little weird the graphic is like this spiral circle thing that like reminds me of a Target logo and the sound effect is just kind of like it's kind of weak it doesn't it doesn't sound like a mangle yeah I I wish they could do something with the with the actual effect that happens it's a see what I mean it's like um like a spiral it's a spiral I'm not making a Whirlpool I'm I'm mangling somebody why isn't it like claws ripping or or or like some kind of like shredding motion why is it a a red Whirlpool it's like someone open to the drain on the tub and I mangled down it it sounds weak too yeah H maybe I just should not have maybe they don't expect that you they think the Bear's ass is is blocking like all the spell effects there's no way you're going to see around it so they they didn't do a lot of work on it maybe I don't know yeah they should change that one a drain spiral doesn't really make sense for [Music] mangle Le good afternoon man good morning welcome to the stream hey we got all eight pretty quickly that time time that's [Music] nice yeah the runes that help it like you know we mangle is a rune so like that helps a little bit like right now like I don't have a lot going on for the bare form we got lacerate for tanking so like when I'm tanking it's going to deal extra threat it's going to have a bleed so like yeah they help I just I just don't have many of them none of the other ones I have really apply to my bare form like I said I I I'm enjoying it it's not the most exciting class obviously it's I did when I picked it I I kind of knew that I was in for like just some Auto attack melee heroic strike style gameplay it's not it's not super exciting it's just really easy to play the Caster form was was kind of fun casting casting was kind of fun I just don't think I'd want to be a Caster Druid fulltime if I wanted to cast I would probably have just gone on the Mage I wish there was a setting so like I I didn't track things that were above my skill level I keep running back to this herb all right we're looking for Sater [Music] this Quest can be rough it depends on how many of these guys spawn in last time we did it on the pallad and it took forever to to do both of these quests this time at least we progress the first one pretty quick we'll see what the drop rate is on the ancient Moonstone seal I was just kind of hoping that since we were talking about it I would get it right away no such [Music] luck I'm digging the occasional big crits every once in a while we get like an enormous crit and that's really fun that reminds me of like the arms Warrior how every once in a while you just you just get a really big crit for like half half of the mob's HP it doesn't happen often the one thing I really wish they would bring to Classic era they got to give you ways to customize your bear they got to give you ways to start customizing the bear form at least that way you can like change it up sometimes I think the barber shop would be a good idea in classic era and I think bare customizations and cat customizations would be a really good idea just make make people find the appearances you know make them make them discoveries you know but yeah like being able to look different from every other bear in just kind of being a different color than most of the Bears that you encounter like out in the wild would be nice I don't know may maybe that's crazy maybe a barber shop and and Bear transm is crazy for classic I don't know that way you look at something like different sometimes I also don't care for like I don't I don't let's be let's be real I don't care for any part of it but the face is terrifying what is this I guess it's like a night elf face melded with a bare face why does it have to be like that oh my dear God it's it's it's pretty horrendous and thankfully you don't really ever have to look at it but on the off chance you do it's like oh [Music] gross I would like to see more character customization in classic like in general they they really need to make some lowres models of all of the cool retail stuff like so take all the options available in retail and like all the hair options and face options and stuff like that and then make low res models of them so that we can have so that we can build like actually like interesting looking characters uh destroy the Moonstone okay so now uh Tower of affle we're going to hold off on I mean we don't have to hold off on any of this that's I can just clear this area I don't have to like do this the hardcore way I don't have to do this like Anyway except whatever gets it done and like I'm already in this area I can go after the moon stalkers I can go after the crab chunks I can do athx like I can just do all this stuff until my inventory is full even if the fights are kind of tough like it does it doesn't matter yeah EX exactly Nancy yeah there's so many cool haircuts and stuff like that like we should have access to all of them yeah we should we should uh we should have access to all those things like I don't know about transmog like I don't know about gear transmog like I'm not sure I'm always on the fence about gear transmog I think it's great in retail I don't I don't know about classic like part of classic is people seeing like the gear that you have like that's like a big part of classic like looking at somebody in town and saying like hey this guy has this or that weapon this or that like set of gear and you know that's like that's what they're rocking so I don't know about transmog but character customization yeah character customization and then like more opening up class race combos not all the way but as extensively as it makes sense to opening the up as as extensively as it makes sense to like similar to what they did in retail where like everybody can be a mage everybody can be a priest everybody can be a rogue like stuff like that would be really nice for classic people in classic love to roll alts I I've noticed maybe you guys have noticed that too and uh you know part of it is like your class race combo like that could inspire people to roll more alts if if they could pair more classes with different races yeah when you're in bar and Cat you don't have any gear yeah that's why I've always kind of disliked shape shifted forms cuz you know you don't ever get to see your character says there's Moon stalkers around here but I don't really I don't really see any uh also let's go grab these lock boxes and and deal with these we'll deal with some murlocs I guess I just want to do all this I I'm really I I want to do this stuff in like a different order than I normally do it because I I'm obviously like a little a little fatigued on the 1 to 25 stuff it was really nice to be able to skip lwin basically and Skip most of to lock modon that was really nice I hope that works out for us but even as far as like tackling this Zone I would just rather do this differently and we'll see I'm going to do this stuff up here I know I should head south to like the level 12 stuff like I just don't feel like doing it that [Applause] way [Music] this could get us in trouble I didn't realize these guys healed that's healing is kind of [ __ ] but whatever healing and water and murlocs that's that's cool that's cool we can heal too so there's that I can't see like underwater my biggest problem with being underwater is that I have no depth perception like I can't tell where I'm at in relation to where the enemy's at or if they happen to be behind me I have a really tough time with that look at this bro over here just chain healing himself just chain healing [Music] [Music] that [Music] [Music] Alex on your Hunter you did teldr and dark Shore and you ended up at 22 you didn't do any Zone hopping yeah that's that's great that's kind of what I'm hoping for like by skipping elwin and skipping duno and like maybe we skip Lo modan this time around like yeah I'm kind of hoping that we can just do less of the zones I really wish they to put this buff in like a week ago I think that would have been really great for people it would have been really great for me but I think it would have been great for [Music] everybody you did that before the 50% XP buff did you grind did you grind on stuff or something seems like that'd be a challenge but maybe it's possible I I haven't tried to not Zone hop in years it's just like with hardcore it kind of became like what you had to do to stay alive so it it's been a long time since I've like not Zone hopped [Music] extensively I I didn't realize you can get to 22 but then you know maybe you'll be short going to the next areas I don't know um hello there yeah just like kill stuff as you run through even stuff you don't have to fight that's that's what you should do anyway chasing this murlock was stupid I should have just stayed put and just waited for him to come back to [Music] die [Music] [Applause] if I ever level another character in sad we we won't Zone hop at all we we'll just take a a straight shot through the zones from wherever we start and we'll do it that way that' probably be like a huge relief just to take it as a straight shot through the zones linear just all the way through yeah right every once in a while it's nice to change the route yeah like especially when you are Zone hopping to all three starting zones a lot of the time like oh my gosh it gets to be a little bit much once you do that three or four times back to back [Music] a [Music] [Applause] yeah someone has carved their way through here like just recently uh level 17 okay we can do level 17 we got to watch out for the level [Applause] [Applause] 21s I can see that inventory space is probably going to become an issue but I'm just I'll just drop stuff on the ground at this point I just want to get the sky leveled up basically get some eight slot bags with what money exactly uh brilliant smallfish I I don't I haven't fished this is the one character I haven't done any fishing on and uh so of course brilliant smallfish [Music] I'm not going to spend a lot of money on this character because I I don't really plan to play it in in Phase 2 not not until my P's like just maxed out and tired and and then maybe I would play it so I I don't want to spend any money on it by not that expensive you mean it'll be like 30 or 40 Silver but to me that's expensive cuz that's half a gold yeah I don't want to spend any money you know I'm already spending money occasionally to fill the whid supplies to uh to help with [Music] leveling like all my characters this character is just going to be a scrub it's fine I'm okay at this point in my life I'm okay with it you think eight slots are down to like 12 silver I'll take a look if I if I'm back in town at some point and I remember I'll take a look can't hurt to have a look [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] can I assist you farewell if we can get to level 20 I I might just start grinding deadmines I don't know I should probably I should probably go back to Westfall and and do those quests [Music] we'll do we'll do some more stuff here but yeah I have this feeling that I should I should just go to Westfall and just like focus on all the questing there get some of the quests for deadmines and then like at level 20 I just want to I want to do deadmines at level 20 and then like level 23 I want to do stockades and then level 24 I want to do sfk like I want to do the same thing I did on the Paladin except this time it'll be faster because we have an XP buff so yeah like with that in mind I I should probably focus on getting some of the Quest for deadmines so we'll do a little bit more here maybe I will go do some of the green stuff and it seems better just to work on the higher level quests they're giving more XP which means more bonus XP there's more kill experience there's a chance that we just get murdered you know that that could really happen if I don't pay attention to my HP but besides that it seems more [Music] beneficial snickel Fritz good afternoon welcome to the [Music] [Music] Stream [Music] it's okay to die but it's really effing annoying to die yeah that's the problem like yeah it's okay to die but it's still super bothersome uh I don't have any Mana how freaking sad is that I've got a little bit of milk [Music] though Jay good afternoon welcome to the [Music] [Music] stream are there any runes here that I want there's one Savage defeat them defeat the the dead mother we're going to do that anyway do I have that Quest yet I don't think so for some reason I don't have that Quest yet that's a little weird okay we have to do that before we leave we we have to try to do the dead mother Quest so that I can get that Rune wait Savage Roar is that the one I already got from Westfall I I don't know I have no idea now yeah they're not I wish they would just be freaking named the name of the ability ferocious Idol that may or may not be the Savage War thing I have no idea because it's not named the same make it make it simple stupid just make it really simple like don't don't make it complicated name name name the quest and the Rune and the idol name them all the name of the ability it doesn't have to have roleplay involved in it and it doesn't have to be clever it just has to be like visible to the player and make sense at a glance yeah [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] yeah oh there we go that wasn't too [Music] [Music] bad I am listening goodbye AA [Music] f [Music] w [Music] e [Applause] w [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] okay yeah inventory is full I I get it inventory is full [ __ ] um all right may maybe I'm I wanted to kind of finish this this Cat Quest but maybe I'm not going to be able to finish this there are a lot of bears and there aren't a lot of cats and I don't have any flipping inventory space [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Phase 2 is not out they put the XP buff in early if if you're in the the states oh yes I forgot I I have to pin a comment XP buff is out if you've had your maintenance so na yes you know oh we know they haven't had it because they haven't had [Laughter] maintenance there we go all taken care of if you've had maintenance the buff is in the game if your maintenance hasn't happened then I then it's not have you guys had maintenance now if you've had your maintenance for the week and you don't have the buff then blizzard hates you and you should just subscribe to this to the na servers and play on na uh because yeah if you've had your maintenance and you didn't get the buff well that's sad and blizzard hates you and you should respond to that by unsubbing and then resubbing for na servers where we have the buff where we get things on time there you go you has the buff if you've I'm I'm take the comment down if you yeah if you guys got I don't know when you guys get maintenance and no one ever really tells me they're like the we hours the we hours oh the we hours yeah you you would know if you had maintenance because in your browser it would have told you that there was an up coming maintenance and then the time that it told you would have come and passed that would really be the way that you might know if you have opened your EU browser and you would have seen a maintenance scheduled and that scheduled maintenance would have been with an Associated time and date and then that time and date would have passed and and then you would assume that you have you have gotten your maintenance [Music] there you go everybody's got the the buff everybody is good to go we we got it for 24 more hours I guess like technically maybe sort of there there you go it's all taken care of everybody's everybody's on equal footing [Music] now maybe I should maybe I should have someone help me get the star surge or whatever it is and maybe we should just start uh just start one-shotting [ __ ] as a caster maybe I should do that where's that where's that Rune at is that in the wetlands maybe I want maybe I want to do that maybe I just want to just blast the [ __ ] out of things and have them die maybe that would be cool yeah maybe that would be cool oh I I think I have to do it when we're done here my my Hearthstone is set and locked modan so when we're done here I I I I'm going to try to go get it I I wonder if I have to I'll just like beg somebody in the zone to come help me please please come help me what do I have to kill something to get to get it because yeah like in all honesty this this is feeling really really slow I don't know why I don't know why I feel that way I feel like maybe I'd be happier if we're just nuking [Music] stuff just eat a mushroom and talk to a frog so like every Tuesday night then okay like yeah I can do [Music] that good so far good morning good afternoon good evening to you buddy if I if I had known I didn't have to kill anything I might have got it sooner but no probably not I'm just like yeah I'm ready I'm ready for a little change ofo a little a little switch a ro with like the way things are going where where do I get the mushroom from and where the hell is the Frog are these things are these things in the same area they are close to each other okay thank you all right yeah we're going to go we're going to go do that yeah and then like I'm I'm I'm still going to tank deadmines and [ __ ] like I I just like I'm fine with tanking but like I think I need to to maybe cast while I'm while I'm trying to level this character up cuz I yeah without it's like weird like it's like a warrior without charge somehow feels much more boring than a warrior with charge it's like the illusion of momentum and the illusion of motion in how we feel about how like exciting a classic class is cuz all classic classes are inherently like probably pretty boring you know they very simple more SL slow moving rotations but like the the charge gives you an illusion of motion and momentum that simply doesn't exist on the bear like it doesn't exist you're just lumbering your big bear ass around and that's it peace be with you good luck I'm not I'm not going to do anything else here I'm going to turn this stuff in and then we're going to Hearth out of here make sure I get everything turned in we got a couple breadcrumbs but we're just going to drop them Nancy I'll let you know yeah sometime around level like 20 or 21 I'm going to I'm going to get this star surge Rune head to Westfall do the Westfall Quest up until the point where I can get the deadmines quest and then maybe by then I'll be ready to find a group what am I looking at here okay they're back this [Music] way I have the finest wires in the [Music] L be good no keep your feet on the ground safe travels yeah feral charges feral charge is okay okay but it's it's not the same cuz you you can't always open with feral charge cuz feral charge needs rage you have to spend rage to charge which is not at all the same as the Warriors charge like you charge from nothing you charg to to initiate like if I want to charge to initiate on the bear I I have to pop in Rage or I have to have residual rage from the last fight I was in so yeah it needs rage yeah it doesn't generate rage it costs rage I am which is not at all the same feeling May the Stars guide you okay yeah we're close to 18 um we're so close to 18 I ought to kill a couple things Ding and then I can teleport moonglade and then I can Hearth let's do it that way I got to kill like a handful of things um yeah I should be able just to run out into the Wilderness and fight stuff but not stuff that's great gray yeah like gray stuff isn't going to do it here I I need [ __ ] that gives [Music] experience blood moon good morning good afternoon welcome to the [Music] Stream of course I I picked the direction where none of the mobs give XP that makes [Music] sense oh God it's these guys oh I hate these Striders man these are the worst mobs in the game we just have to wait until he comes back there's unless you can rooe him or snare him there's no way to catch [Music] him good so far yeah the funny thing is man it took me a long time before I realized I needed to pin a comment I was I was getting sad about having to answer the question then I realized wait wait wait there's a way out of this I don't have to answer the same question over and over and over again for hours I can do something about it took me a long time to realize that I should pin something and then like the more I got asked the more cynical I felt about it I was like you guys know you don't have the XP buff you know you don't have it cuz you didn't get your maintenance and you know how wow works you know they add stuff after maintenance I just kept getting more and more cynical about it the more I got asked which is not a good thing I'm cynical enough as it [Music] is oh thank God okay um why am I in combat though I'm not in com there we go okay let's let's get out of [Music] here oh man for some reason this character just like started to feel really really boring today I don't know why everything was fine and it just got it just got super boring I I'm hoping that just going back to like more of a Caster thing will uh will make it feel a little better oh yeah we didn't I got to spend my talent Point here here we go thick hi high no I you know yeah I'm going to stay this is fine I'm going to be I'm going to be tank spec while casting that [ __ ] it's fine it's fine because I do want to tank the dungeon if I get that far if I get that far I do want to tank the dungeon so I think going on that route with the spec is fine what brings you here it's the time limit thing I put on myself what time limit thing I don't I mean I don't have a time limit cuz I don't I don't really care about this character but but maybe you know like I'm not I'm not necessarily like rushing to get the 25 cuz I'm not going to play this character on Thursday like on Thursday I'm going to play the p no I I don't think it's the time limit thing no when the time limit thing made me angry yeah when I had like a time when I imposed a time limit on myself with the warrior that I said like I'm going to make this raid by Saturday and I'm going to get to max level by Saturday I was getting frustrated angry I was on edge and right now I'm just feeling like really [ __ ] bored um so I think it's different I appreciate the thought though Talon I appreciate the thought yeah no this is a little different okay let's let's Hearth out of here now cuz I know that as soon as Thursday comes I'm going right on the P that's been that's been the plan all along yeah I think yeah I I think it has something about like the actual slowness the the class feels slow like sleepy slow so and like the yeah if it were hardcore I would not care about that because like slow is the way to go but it feels feel unnecessarily slow for like what we're doing okay so I want I want to do the run right that's going to get me oh wait do I oh [ __ ] it's up here for some reason I thought it was down here okay okay so we want to get on a flight then uh we don't want to do the [Music] run Al look the Hearthstone animation was weird was he thrusting his hips that's all of his animations when he casts if he was doing like a little hip thrust thing that's his default casting animation it is weird though off with you yeah the funny thing is Jason when I was playing the retail Mage I had my highest concurrent viewers that I've had for a long time and I was only on the I was only on the Mage for like an hour and a half and I hit my highest concurrent views in months within like a half hour of being on that character and it usually takes me like 2 hours of like a classic stream to hit like my highest concurrent for that day but with the retail one like boom it was like instantaneous and I thought what I was like but I'm primarily a classic channel it's like apparently people don't care people want to watch retail cuz maybe cuz they're not playing retail I don't know what it is maybe just because a lot more people play retail than classic I don't know what it was but it was um it was it felt it felt strange I Fel I had a lot of feelings about [Music] it when I hit my highest concurrent in months on a random retail leveling stream that I had not planned ahead of time I had some feelings about it so [Music] yeah yeah I I think that like you know there there's a bigger audience for retail whether we classic players want to really like admitted or not like retail has a broader appeal I think because it's pretty and it has the pretty [Music] Graphics don't tell most classic players that yeah exactly I think we like to believe that we're like the majority but we're not [Music] [Music] yeah I'm going to play that Mage more if the servers are down tomorrow as I anticipate they will be we'll we'll play the we'll play the Arcane Mage for a bit cuz I'm anticipating tomorrow like during the day the servers are not going to be [Music] up my wife has brought me some rice and egg rolls and I'm I'm probably going to eat those soon grey legs good afternoon welcome yeah yeah JK that's the that's the basic cast of the Druid that we're going to get we're going to get to see a lot of that casting animation apparently okay so I'm going all the way up here now I have to be careful because I think there's stuff up here that can kill me so like chance are we die lots of times while we do this because I feel like I have to make my way through an entire field of murlocs there are two I'm I'm assuming I'm going to have to visit both of these markers that's my assumption uh I trained but I did not pay attention to anything I trained uh so yeah I I think I I don't even maybe I didn't train I'm pretty sure I trained I was I was kind of distracted at the time um I never yeah I don't know something we'll see yeah I might I might need help Alex we we'll see I I'll try I'll try it on my own and the good news is the the spirit healer is really close so if I if I have to die a bunch of times it's not it's not like the end of the world I guess I did train I like autopilot trained I didn't and I didn't see anything new in my spell book but I must have got some new ranks of something I I don't know like regrowth maybe yeah regrowth 2 I I really didn't maybe Mall rank two oh God mul Rank 2 I already have out oh [Music] Jesus it should say in my chat box good point um yes entangling Roots 2 fairy fire 1 hibernate Mall 2 and regrow two so I need fairy fire out hibernate entangling Roots too um tangling roots to uh where would fairy fire be right there I don't know if I can use that in like bare form or not I don't think [Music] so all right while I struggle with this Rune it's probably not a good time but I want to eat these egg rolls I'm kind of hungry so I'm going to turn my cam off and mute myself and I'm going to eat while I try to piece this [Music] together [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] what can I do for you off with [Music] [Music] you [Music] for [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] I buy and trade safe travel [Music] cam Spidey good afternoon to you welcome to the stream all right what I'm going to do here is I'm actually going to put myself on a flight for Stormwind I want to go down to Westfall um we're going to focus on just Westfall and then doing deadmines and then the other dungeons so we shouldn't really have to do many quests anywhere else uh we're going to stop at Stormwind uh we're going to stop at Stormwind because uh somehow even though I spent a lot of time in Westfall I don't have the flight Point big surprise um but also I need to I need to try to fill these and see if I can get some bonus XP from these crates if if they're not too expensive so we will be checking that out I am going to go AFK real sec I have to bio I will be right [Music] back [Music] I [Music] e [Music] [Music] Nate good afternoon man welcome to the Stream the what's the objectives for this live stream uh to play the game and to chill and have a good time that's it I don't have any other objectives not today sometimes I have specific stuff that I'm going after after but today I'm just trying to level up trying to hang out with you guys uh if we if we hit 20 really quick maybe we do deadmines today not sure if I'll have time but uh we'll see how the afternoon plays out maybe we get into a deadmines run maybe we log off this character and level a warlock instead I don't really know what's going to happen I'm being honest we are just hanging out waiting for Phase 2 to open up tomorrow at which point the plan will be to level the Paladin all the way to 40 with no [Music] interruptions [Music] so the first thing we'll do is I'll see if I can fill these crates we'll see like how expensive these mats are uh chances are they're really expensive we'll also look for eight slot bags I guess and if we can find them cheap we'll get them if they're too expensive I'm not going to bother with it uh obviously like I don't have a lot of gold and I don't really want to spend any gold on this character so yeah let's have a look okay first thing we're looking for brilliant small fish we need 20 of them um I'm assuming these are the cooked the cooked variety cuz they're not raw these are probably going to be expensive let's see brilliant it's four silver for one it's two gold for a 20 stack I don't know uh okay so we can just we can drop that on the ground hand Stitch leather belts I need five of them yeah I'm probably not going to be able to afford that [Music] either yeah I can't AF I can't afford that either so there we go there's two crates you know last week I would have been able to turn them in empty for a little bit of w a little bit of silver a little bit of XP after the maintenance after the update you can't turn them in empty so I get to throw them right on the ground fun freaking times fun times uh eight slot bags looking like way too expensive for me not not going to bother with it get them wrong cook them no I refuse if I was going to do that I would just go fish them up I'll just keep throwing the crates on the ground it's fine yeah I I told you guys the bags were going to get expensive like yeah it's like it's like 25 it's like the average price is like 32 some of them are up there for 25 I'm I'm not paying that much money for bags on this character there's there's no [Music] way you sold yours at seven silver you got ripped off some you made somebody very very happy let's put it that [Music] way [Music] is the fact that you cannot turn them in empty confirmed yeah we we I think we've had enough people like tell us that I haven't tried it but yeah I've seen the chatter in general chat and a lot of people have talked about it in in the Stream So yeah I think I think it's pretty confirmed yeah you can't see yeah you can't turn them in empty yep they let you carry as many as you want now you can carry as many as you want isn't that exciting it's except they're worthless now unless you can fill them uh which now that people know you have to fill them now people are charging more for those things on the auction house than ever before and keep in mind like the prices on the auction house have already been going up up up uh because of a preponderance of of gold selling and gold buying like the economy is getting inflated with gold because people are buying gold illegally and the market responds to that influx of gold by by prices going up already so they're adding insult to injury like they know the they know the economy is [ __ ] because of gold buying but then they make a move that makes it that puts even more power in the hands of people that are selling so that if you're someone who's trying to buy stuff like you're just [ __ ] out of luck you better go level up six alts and make them all Crafters because like that's the only way you're going to fill these crates it's the only way you're going to fill the crates and it's the only way you're going to make any money I they if they're hearing complaints they're already hearing them yeah if the forums are Ablaze with the typical they don't read the forums and historically they don't care so we'll see I I doubt anything is going to change and if they do make a change they'll probably make a change that makes it worse yeah they can't get out of their own way yeah they make one change that's good like letting you carry as many as you want and then they say well also though they're worthless now when they're empty then what's the point God thank you now now as you see I get to like I get to throw them on the ground which is wonderful they take up space in my inventory and I get to throw them on the ground later after I find out that I can't afford to fill them so it yeah it's like salt in the wound you you made the change I wanted which was good but then you made a change that nobody asked for that is bad so I don't know I don't know what to think let's let's go over here and see if we can find any NES let's let's try let's see what star surge does on something here like people told me this one shots things it costs three Mana which is basically no Mana at all level 13 young Gort Tusk okay oh [ __ ] it's an instant cast Okay I I wasn't um I wasn't expecting instant cast otherwise I might have done that all in a little bit of a different order I could have read the whole tool tip that would have told me so I'm going to open up with uh with Starfire Moonfire then I'm going to hit them with one of those then they're going to run away and die okay well that's fine for this guy um I'm not really sure what this person has got themselves into but I I feel like it might be a little bit more than they can handle let's see what happens okay okay and dead okay yeah I had a feeling they weren't going to be able to to tackle that the only problem here is that I can foresee that I'm I'm going to be getting hit more than I want to get hit [Music] [Music] hit [Music] well I I mean that's not bad it's not like we're fighting gray enemies though like it's going to be different when we're fighting stuff that's at our level and also like my spec is feral spec right now I don't know reduce the cast time of Wrath like that's minimal increasing damage of Moonfire would obviously be really good [Music] yeah yeah I could Respec and then when I'm ready to tank deadmines I could spec back that's that's a decent point maybe next time my Heth is off cool down and I have it set somewhere reasonable maybe I'll teleport moonglade and Respec maybe we'll see I don't know if it'll make much of a [Music] difference [Music] [Music] there is a trainer in stormwood well that's nice I didn't realize that is it did they add that or has that always been in classic era they have a druid in Stormwind but they don't have a paladin in darnassus isn't that kind of weird seems a little weird FS big FS uh can we get a heal off nah not not really we got like no Mana well this might be okay only because wrath is free only because wrath costs zero Mana wasn't too bad we had a little help there though little incidental help it's always been there well that's just not fair if they have a j and Stormwind there needs to be a paladin in darnassus like like an exchange student you [Music] know I the one thing I feel is like I I wish I had a w to slow enemies or to stop them from getting me I mean I could use entangle Roots but it it's going to break as soon as I hit them anyway it would give me like an extra second but ultimately it's going to break I I could try to open with it I just don't think it's going to be like super [Music] useful that just didn't work okay perfect uh pulling these guys on their own is like basically [Music] [Music] impossible yeah see the the first instant cast I throw down on him he breaks Roots anyway so Roots is not what I need Roots Roots is not Roots is going to be just a waste of Mana yeah but the fact the fact that it does break most of the time and the fact that I can't rely on it makes it useless to me yeah I I need a I need something I can rely on like you know how frostbolt always slows the enemy down it's not a chance to slow them down yeah I I would I need something that is always going to do its job not something that's going to do its job like 40% of the time I'm I'm not going to waste the Mana on that you know what I need I need a pet to tank the enemy away from me that's what I need yeah I I need I need a druid pet to tank the enemy away from me so I can just blow it up with [Music] spells [Music] [Music] not what I wanted to do let's go ahead and unbind that there we [Music] go [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh w a wand would be good right there I need a pet and a wand if I had a pet and a wand I'd be all [Music] set I I was kind of hoping we could all like team up on this Camp uh but apparently that's not going to [Music] happen if I had like a wand a pet and a fear that would be even [Music] [Music] [Music] better [Music] so warlock then ah wait what happened that would make me that would make you a warlock oh oh oh oh oh okay I got it yes yes it would [Music] H hm [Music] H like it's optimal for me just to stand there until uh until star surge is back up like I don't want to cast anything else like I don't even want to cast a wrath i I should I just wait till star surges back up and cast that it's kind of weird cuz it it makes me only it makes me only want to use in cast spells which probably wouldn't always be possible but killing one at a time no not a mage I I don't know I don't know I wasn't really feeling the Mage I'm I'm going to play my retail Mage I don't I don't want to like double Mage up I wasn't really feeling the fact that I was going to have to basically be a frost Mage again I'm I'm kind of like over that um well snap okay let's let's root you let's blow you up we'll get some uh some dots rolling on you we'll finish you off with one of those uh she didn't die that's that's bad go ahead and die back there you're next let's play Ring Around the Rosie here and you're dead uh we had a runner oh the runner died out here perfect [Music] all this Moonfire and Sunfire though I'm burning through Mana that's not [Music] great aren yeah the Warlock runes are all a pain in the ass to acquire though aren't they I mean obviously the tanking one is I feel like I you know I play I tried to play warlock for a little while I only ever found one Rune maybe now that they're on the map that'd be different but I feel like they're all such a pain in the ass to get what I really wanted was uh was chaos bolt I I never got chaos bolt I don't even know where chaos bolt [Music] is [Music] you can get chaos bolt and dun Morrow from a Frozen murlock that's one of the Frozen guys that I need someone else with Fire magic to come along and help me right I had one like that on the [Music] [Music] shaman you feel like Star surge in the balance D is kind of overhyped yeah it's okay like it's it's a different kind of balance RW like I said I'm I'm I can basically just like instant cast stuff if I'm like if I'm backtracking a little bit and buying myself a little bit of time oh well [ __ ] let's Roots you okay let let's not Roots you okay let's just not let's just run you around for a bit yeah it's it's okay I hate being punched in the face as a Caster though I just I hate being punched in the face unless I'm a unless I'm a priest and I have powered Shield then I don't mind but yeah I hate being [Music] hit [Music] also I I can see that I'm uh I'm kind of a Mana hog even though cuz I'm not using wrath anymore I'm using a lot of Moonfire and Sunfire and those are pretty pricey star star surge is basically free but these two men just spamming these on people it it gets expensive like just with that I'm already kind of a Mana [Music] hog yeah [Music] yeah it's okay it's it's it's neat that it's so different than like classic era like Star surge does make it feel very different it does feel kind of powerful but at the same time yeah it's like once enemies get to you they start hitting you in the [Music] face [Music] show we're like we're like a kiting Druid not now we just kite [Music] stuff which is it's it's a weird way to play yeah right exactly Alex you kite them we're kiting Druid it's it's interesting I guess it can work in some situations like there are going to be places and areas where like kiting like that just going to get you into a crap ton of trouble because yeah this is what I want to do every pull now like not no let me rephrase I don't want to be doing this this kiting is what I kind of feel compelled to do to play optimally so that I'm not standing there getting hit um I could work in a wrath that seems kind of pointless that's the I guess I could do this I I could just stand here like adult yeah see I'm going to be getting hit before my wrath even goes off like no see this see now look my star surge is already back up yeah like taking those hits feels bad it feels it feels not purposeful to take those hits when I can just kite them for another second and not take any [Music] hits and like do I want to play like this is is this what I want to do I don't know it seems like a weird way to play a class but it seems like what you would have to [Music] do we always well someone's going to think I'm a bot the way that I'm moving my character but yeah you want to take this if you do this strafe perfectly you don't have to turn around to cast you can just like keep going just just keep going like this yeah that's it that's how you win um and that's a little bit weird to [Music] me it's a little bit weird but I mean it's damn effective run to win yeah it's it's a little bit strange guys I'm not going to lie I can see how like someone would find it really [Music] appealing I never thought I'd be kiting on a druid I've already done more cutting on the Druid than I've ever done on the [Music] Hunter oh [ __ ] well I might be out of Mana here oh no we're [Music] good I mean what can I say that's that's what it is Parow good evening to you kite Terminus to Stormwind yeah obviously like I'm a pro ker now that's the Strat that's the Strat I don't like it I didn't make the Strat I don't particularly like approve of the Strat but that's the Strat unless you're fighting casters and then you just sit there and get smoked [Music] maybe I can line a cider she seemed okay like she seemed willing to shoot through the wall at me and now we stand here for a few seconds and we we get hit a couple times and we wait and there we go it encourages you to do nothing else except instant cast stuff like you probably don't even need your your wrath Rune at this point like if you if you had something else for your chest you you probably be good like undoing this like you don't need it you don't need to cast wrath at all not even the slightest bit is the 50% XP noticeable um yeah I I think so I've been leveling really slowly and having kind of a rough time so like I haven't really noticed but yes I I think a lot of people who leveled from scratch with it like it's probably best to level from level one with it so you get like a good Cadence going like I got it at like whatever we were like level 15 or 16 or something I don't know so like my Cadence was like really really thrown off as far as like what where I was questing and what I was doing and what I was going to do next it was all kind of like jumbled up as soon as I got the XP buff we had a plan and then the plan got borked essentially okay okay yeah I I think this is going to be a big L for us it seems like a big l oh dead okay okay besid weird question but yes yeah I most days I do sometimes sometimes I take one or two days off a week but if I take a day off it's typically like a Thursday or a weekend [Music] day oh no a moow killed muus got killed right here hey there so sad see you around see you later so very sad yeah I I've been doing it for 18 years I've been I've been lifting weights longer than a lot of adults have been alive it's just kind of like a routine for me I'm I'm not like as in it as I used to be I don't care that much about it it's just something that I have to get done every [Music] day um yeah boom boom Bo how long are my workouts like 35 to 45 minutes I I work out at home so it makes it pretty simple when I would go to the gym my workouts would be like 2 and 1 half hours I get I get carried away when I go to the gym it's kind of like one of the reasons why I stopped going I I'd get there at 9:00 and I'd leave at like 11:00 it was like way too much time to be spending doing that every [Music] day la la la okay [Music] enough it's almost like I L us here right [Music] um I don't like the [Music] earrings damn it um all my names are taken I've used all of my names got to open up the windows character map uh let's grab this weird e oops there we go wait wait wait what happened to my no I don't I don't want the nose ring are we good okay we're good boom that's it ramble Trina that's not bad Shadow yeah I like that that's not bad this is the wild growth server [Music] okay you know what you know what I add asked myself about the Druid you want to know what it was that that made this choice I asked myself uh under any circumstances are you ever going to want to level this character up to Max for any reason at [Music] all and the answer I came back with was a resounding no how are you safe travels yeah I came back with no and I I don't really know like what lies behind that answer yet like I I can't like give you the reasons why but my my inner Consciousness was just like nah no you don't you're you're never going to pick this character up again and I said okay make her an old hag warlock Alex I can't can I do I can't do that it's like the same as a joke character like people who make their character look hideous Go With Honor I get it like oh it's role play I'm role playing as a hideous charact no I can't do it let just make my character look normal please uh what's going on back here nothing's going on back here maybe outside I I'm I'm finally at a point where I I don't think a druid is ever going to be fun for me in any version of the game ever at all you need something I've tried retail Caster Druid I've tried sod cter Druid I've played a druid in Wrath of the L King I played a druid in BC a little bit like I just need to accept that I am not going to play a druid that's it I don't know what it is can I help you be careful don't know what it [Music] is yeah the thing is like I don't really want to be a cat I don't I don't if I wanted to be a cat I would just go be a rogue see you around if I I I guess I always I always get to that point on the on the Druid I get to a point where I'm like wait wait wait wait wait if I want to be a bear or a cat why don't I just be a warrior or a rogue like I always get to the same [Music] point Auto [Music] loots [Music] we we'll get to the summoning I guess used in a summoning like maybe somewhere out in Ellen forest level two I've only killed a couple enemies wait what happened oh yes the XP buff happened we're already level two that's fine [Music] get [Music] yeah this will be better um we're not going to do we're not going to do any Zone [Music] [Music] hopping let's just run back and try to train train level two we'll probably have barely enough money to do so on this character we're going to find all four bags like within the next hour need help yeah we're going to find four bags going to find them right away light bless [Music] you good day to you see you around hey there safe travels what can I do for you [Music] farewell [Music] [Applause] [Music] obviously getting a wand at level five is going to be integral or we can be a dagger Warlock and just go go full dagger [Music] spec [Music] hey there safe travels have a good one [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] yeah [Music] on [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] what [Music] oh [Music] what are you looking [Music] for for the alliance looking for something specific see you [Music] later greetings Go With Honor friend like bless you be careful light bless you be [Music] careful [Music] [Music] what [Music] Nancy you can sell the supply crates for one silver the empty ones yeah that's good that's good cuz yeah one silver was what you used to get for turning them in along with a little bit of rep and a little bit of XP so that that's I guess at least you can still get the silver I I guess I could have checked that out before dropping those ones on the [Music] ground JK have a good rest of your day we'll see you next [Music] time [Music] let's go right back and [Music] [Music] train [Music] greetings for the [Music] alliance hello have a good one safe travels well [Music] met have a good [Music] one [Music] if you already have wild classic then you have access to season of Discovery go to the server list in Wild classic you go to the server list and at the bottom there will be tabs one will say seasonal and you go to the seasonal Tab and you roll on one of those seasonal servers and that is the season of discovery [Music] [Music] e [Music] rebel I appreciate that man I I'm I'm planning on wild growth for phas 2 but I appreciate you reaching out and offering if I was going to play any of my Lone Wolf characters starting Phase 2 I I probably would but I'm going on my P for the start of phase 2 that's over here on wild [Music] growth [Music] [Music] what [Music] need help go Go With Honor friend life bless you I think I should probably go get haunt I should probably go get haunt and my imp uh before I really worry about doing anything else that would be a swell idea is it kind of empty uh I don't know SL who is still showing uh 50 plus people here maybe they're doing some layering because of how not empty it is uh we we can tone this down a little bit let's go like 1 to three and see 1 to three is only 17 people 1 to five is 41 people there you go so I don't know I I think most people have progressed out of the starting areas you know most people got their XP buff they started leveling a fresh character with it and they're now out of the starting areas is what I [Music] think do I have any highle characters well in season of discovery which is what we've been playing a lot of the highest level you can get to is level 25 yes I have highle characters I have two max level paladins in Wrath of the Lich King I have two max level characters in Dragon flight I'm not really much of an endgame player so I don't play those characters like super frequently but keep in mind you know we've been playing season of Discovery and before that I played 10 months of Hardcore thing about hardcore is you die a lot thing about season of Discovery is you can only get to level 25 until Thursday but I appreciate your two [Music] cents next ask me why I always play female characters and then you'll have hit both of my frequently asked questions on [Music] YouTube uh I'm looking for something here that's not the chest I just looted aha [Music] books [Music] oh [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] need help farewell be careful see you around safe travels [Music] oh yeah yeah this is going to help out a lot yeah definitely meny good afternoon happy Wednesday there we go uh let's move this over here let's put Shadow bolt down here Auto attack we might not have to do a lot of okay let's go vendor everything and then we'll go back over to the Cobalts it's a weird looking Druid yeah yeah she's super weird looking that's true what can I do for [Music] you be [Music] careful it's a druid who has a wand and a pet and who can fear when I when I started casting on the Druid I realized I needed to be able to to have a pet tank them away from me I I needed to have a way to do a little bit of damage to them but not cast a spell and ideally if they got too close I'd be able to fear them and we decided that was called the Warlock yeah we did a little bit of troubleshooting and realized that that was called the Warlock and and here we [Music] are [Music] it's a new Druid form a human woman yes [Music] exactly [Music] h [Music] I I am able to have a pet now now that you mention it I I could definitely summon an imp yeah it didn't seem essential but you're absolutely right thank you I I've had that pin com marinaa that's awesome of you thank you I've had that pin comment up basically since the beginning of the stream That's how little anybody sees the pin com or cares about it I've literally had that up since like the first half hour of the stream oh man yeah I got my wife brought me some Chinese food like almost as soon as we started it felt like and the pin comet has been up there the entire time that's gross okay yeah the pet ooh big oof okay I have to do a key binding thing here shoot I forgot about that aspect of it um action bars nope um um um keybinds yes action bar pet action I need till day to be my pet attack command okay now we're good now I can send him in like so I I might not well I say I I might not need to Shadow bolt anymore but maybe I should anyway um maybe we had back out oh here we go oh nope they're going to get that one too yeah if I wanted to be super Mana conservative I I probably don't have to Shadow bolt but I'm going to [Music] eventually I would warlock tank yeah what I asked myself about the Druid I asked myself like would I ever pick this character up later and level it to 40 and the resounding answer that my internal like self came back with was no and it didn't explain itself and it didn't really have a lot of like like solid reasons but the the definite answer from my internal self when asked that question was no you will never pick this character up you will never want to level this character to 40 and I said okay and then I logged it [Music] out and no one was demanding a druid no one no one makes demands of me and if someone made a demand of me I I don't listen to plls and I don't listen to demands no I like I went on it cuz I thought it'd be something different fun to do I had fun with it for a little bit it got boring and tedious I realized I didn't like it there's nothing deeper than that yeah I I just I just I I almost got to level 20 realized I didn't like it that that's about the level that people get to when they realize they're not really digging a class usually you get to like 15 to 20 and you're like you know what not really having a lot of fun and that's all it was I knew I was never going to want to level it to 40 cuz I I just wasn't I wasn't enjoying it [Music] enough so yeah that's it nothing [Music] profound things onor friend is the juru the only class I've been bored with like in my whole life probably not it's it's the it's the only one that I've felt that level of boredom with recently Go With Honor [Music] friend King's honor friend for the alliance light bless you be [Music] careful yeah no we don't have to look at the bears but we don't have to watch the male night elf like dry hump the air every time he cast wrath or something like we go there's a lot of positives about not being on the dro anymore there really aren't any negatives I guess that's also what it kind of comes down to uh I feel like no we don't have that Quest yet [Music] [Music] a we really have to start hoping for bags to drop here we really have to start hoping for bags to drop our goal is to get all of our bags to drop yeah at least the human animations are just normal they're normal casting animations there's nothing weird going on with them there's nothing like questionable it's just like normal casting animation we're not doing anything super strange or suspect the ponytail floats which is good yeah like I the human animations are probably the best for [Music] casting I burned all my all my RNG on that EU lock yeah maybe I did get a full set of bags I'm hoping it's a lock thing I'm hoping like just my warlocks will always get a full set of bags that's the dream right we're going to fight these guys until either my inventory is full or we get at least one bag to drop that's what I know for sure but we're going to fight them until we get a bag or until my inventory is full and we have to go back all right if I if I don't want to burn through Mana like maybe I can't Shadow Bol right now if I if I absolutely don't want to burn through all my Mana [Music] always I I really need to get a wand I am level five now I don't really want to stop everything I'm doing to go a wand nor do I have the money to buy a wand in fact but that'd be really helpful until then we'll just poke [Music] things [Music] I wonder if I can make a macro that binds my pet attack to to corruption for now maybe I should check that out maybe I already have one now I have one off of emulate I don't I don't want it off of imilate I want it off of [Music] corruption oh hello Hello everybody [Music] [Music] welcome [Music] for there we go yeah that's that's better of course they resisted the corruption which is great but yeah that'll work [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a was that additional animation I'm seeing always a part of haunt I don't remember that at all like the big skull and then she does a secondary like hand motion like when haunt expires and and I don't remember that being that way [Music] [Music] huh what are the biggest Pros to sad compared to Wrath of L King it's just a different version of the game I don't know if we have to do like a pros and cons class changes are a little different the you know you're still in the classic era you only level to 60 like it's just different I I don't think it's worth comparing like pros and cons just a different flavor of wow among many many flavors of wow available right [Music] now [Music] [Music] C [Music] [Music] well that was a little bit of a lag Spike I think we're fine now we had a little lag Spike which I'm sure some of you guys noticed it happened really fast and now it's over which is the kind of lag Spike that we like to have one that happens fast and then ends [Music] Mar I will say the longer you wait to try sad the easier it will be to level up like if you wait until until the level 60 band is opened you'll have 150% XP from 1 to 25 you'll have 100% XP from 25 to 40 and you'll have like 50% from 40 to 50 so like literally the longer you wait the easier it will be to level up a character which is a good [Music] thing it it makes you feel like you can get into it later on and all the coolest stuff is going to be at level 60 anyway like having a level 25 raate to do was fine having a level 40 raate to do will be fine but like all the really cool stuff and all the really cool progression and all the coolest items and all the best in slot gear will will happen at level [Music] 60 abys B where's the abys and the cool thing is like as you level up you'll still have the chance to see those raids because you'll be able to do BFD and get experience from it you know you'll be able to do no [ __ ] 10 man and get XP from it once the level bands are opened up so it's like you won't even necessarily completely miss out on like the lower level raids you'll still have the chance to see them while you level a character to 60 cuz they're going to be worth a lot of experience once the level bands open [Music] up we have two inventory slots left are we going to get a bag or are we going to go home empty-handed I don't know we're down to one inventory [Music] slot a new warlock yes mhm it was more appealing to me than the Druid [Music] ultimately also like it sounds weird like getting the XP buff while I was already in the process of leveling felt really strange it like really threw me off like getting to level 15 and then suddenly having the XP buff really messed up my leveling and like I don't know it was fine but it just like continued to feel strange and I wasn't really diing the J at all anyway it was [Music] okay we we are full we are full on inventory we did not get a bag so yeah let's go home and vendor [Music] [Music] hello have a good one see you around safe travels see you later good day to [Music] you have a good [Music] one well met uh curse of weakness I don't really ever plan to use life tap Shadow bolt rank two I will grab [Music] farewell [Music] hello safe [Music] travels [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] yeah [Music] Monica good evening welcome to the [Music] Stream [Music] yep XP buff has been up since the other day unless you were in the EU and then it went up this [Music] morning [Music] no I hit level 19 on the Druid and then I decided that I never wanted to play the character again a little bit different I I in a sense I was done with the Druid yeah all right same thing this time I'm going to to fight these guys until they either drop a bag or until my inventory is full whichever one happens [Music] first yeah I asked myself the all important question Robert are you ever going to want to get this character to 40 and the answer was no so I decided it was a good time to shelf [Music] it I had I had felt weird on it it was It was kind of low to begin with it didn't have a good sense of like momentum there was no sense of momentum but then also like getting the XP buff in the middle of like my planned route like really threw me off for some reason my my brain had a hard time adapting uh our imp just decided to pick a [Music] fight [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] yeah Jason that's definitely where I'm at I'm a druid I I'm I'm going to retire the Druid as a potential class to ever play in any version of the game I'm going to go ahead and retire the Druid for now because yeah I I don't feel like I I've attempted to play it in multiple versions of the game in every version of the game I've attempted it and I haven't ever really resonated with it or or enjoyed it over the long term so it's probably time to call it [Music] [Music] quits [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] f [Music] [Music] a well it looks like no bags for us yeah we're just we're just not getting any bags on this character that's fine let's let's move on we're level seven that's a good time to be moving on out of norshire so usually you leave here about level five we're going to be leaving here at level seven so it's a definite little Advantage the first Rune was haunt yeah we got that one it's the only one that we have so far it's a good time to get a wand from the auction if I had money I would yeah absolutely we are going to be poking things for a while because I'm broke see you around see you later [Music] how are you see you later safe travels how are you see you [Music] around this is a different warlock good far yeah that that warlock was on an au server this is on wild growth yeah totally different [Music] character [Music] [Music] what can I do for you safe travels see you [Music] later [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hello have a good [Music] one [Music] [Music] life be with you go with honor friend for the alliance be careful [Music] well [Music] met for the alliance you need something see you around hey there have a good one light be with you light bless you go with honor [Music] friend [Music] good day to you see you around I Supply only the finest Goods safe travels see you later what can I do for you have a good [Music] one [Music] hello see you around [Music] yeah we could do the quest in Stormwind I they're going to be worth a small amount of XP I think we we might outlevel them though [Music] honestly all right I am going to go refill my coffee and I'm going to stretch my leg a little bit and then I'll be back I'm going to take like a 5 minute break be careful and then we will get cranking here on the Warlock I feel like the leveling is going to be much smoother we're not going to do any Zone hopping we're going to try to go right through elwin into westall and lo modon like I I don't want to go to the starting levels of the other races so let's see hopefully that'll work out I will be back in about 5 minutes or so I will see you guys then [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] spe [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] for there we go and we're [Music] [Music] back [Music] [Music] h [Music] yeah [Music] oh [Music] well darn we almost got here in time how long does she usually take to respawn I don't know we can go skin other people's BS that's always exciting [Music] hey there have a good one yeah it wasn't that long thankfully [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey there be careful good day to [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] h [Music] what can I do for you see you around [Music] [Music] all [Music] well met [Music] farewell [Music] no wand yet maybe by the time we get the Stormwind I'll have enough silver I think I think they were like 11 silver or 12 silver on the auction house so I can't even afford one yet I am completely [Music] broke [Music] Frank is it too late to pick up S dude it's it's never too late to do something you like to do if if you're having fun doing something whether it's a game or a TV series or an activity like it's never too late unless you're on your deathbed you know then it might be too late cuz then you might be literally out of time in your life but you know without that being the case it's never too late you're not going to be missing out on anything by playing the game when you have time to play or when it occurs to you to play in fact with wow the longer you wait the better the player experience gets for instance if you start playing sad now you have a 50% experience buff from levels 1 to 25 if you had started playing sad a week ago you would not have had that XP buff so no it's kind of like that's F that's fomo working on your reptile brain when when you have that thought like maybe it's too late maybe I missed out like that's that's just fomo working on you you've been conditioned to respond to fomo by advertising by game companies and [ __ ] for like your whole life so you kind of have to fight that that urge to feel the fear of missing out you didn't miss out on anything by not being their day one minute one come play the game when you have time and when you want to safe travels and if you're having a good time you missed out on nothing see you later when aren't my characters completely broke uh starting in cataclysm when I buy a bunch of freaking wow tokens then my characters won't be broke but until that happens they've always been broke yep we'll see if that ever changes it probably won't change short of me buying wow tokens when cataclysm drops I I don't know how to make money in real life and I don't know how to make money in this video game the two things are like are connected I find yeah I don't know how to make money in life and I don't know how to make money in [Music] WoW [Music] [Music] Jay you made money fishing oily Blackmouth to sell in the auction house yeah like there's probably stuff I could do it's it's almost like like I know that I could just look up how to make golden wow and I could follow whatever it says is the way to make gold at the moment for whatever reason I just I just don't do it we'll see how Phase 2 goes like when I can focus on one character and like you know then maybe I'll figure out how to make money uh the Paladin is a minor what else do we have going on the Pali I I forget what the P even is are we mining in herbalism is that what we are Mining and skinning I think we're Mining and skinning so I'm I'm hoping the Paladin will be the character that I can sell stuff on the auction house um and make some actual money but you know to do that I have to play the Paladin which I haven't been doing yeah you might not think you're suffering from fomo frame but just like the idea of what you said though like the concept of of the question is it too late to start doing X the very the very question itself is rooted in fomo it's rooted in the idea that if you weren't there for the launch of something or for the beginning of something that you have in fact already missed out on an integral part of the experience so the very question you ask while you might not think you're being affected by fomo that question comes out of the concept of fomo is it too late to X because logically it's never too late to do anything unless you're dying so like the very question about and it always comes up about video games is it too late to play WoW is it too late to play Path of Exile is it too late to get into this like that question comes from fomo because without the idea that you've already missed out on something you would never have to ask that question because the answer is obviously no it's not too late because you're still alive it's a thing you might want to do it it's a subtle it's it's subtly just kind of built into gamers now that if you if you weren't there in the first day the first week the first hour the first minute the first phase that you've inherently already missed something that you've missed the boat the train has left the station the boat has departed and you weren't on it is it too late now to swim to the boat you know some people feel like it is but it's kind of it's kind of a crazy it's kind of a crazy thing cuz yeah obviously it's never too late you can make a ton of gold in phase two with fishing winter squid winter squid I've never heard of winter squid winter squid sounds cool sounds like something they throw on the ice at hockey games John good afternoon I'm doing well thanks for asking [Music] [Music] what and sorry for preaching to you like like fomo is one of my like pet peeps I I I hate fomo I hate how pervasive it is both in advertising and in gaming and so like I always like get on a pedestal about it whenever whenever it comes up and I see somebody being affected by it that doesn't even realize they're being affected by I always get on a pedestal about it so yeah sorry about that it's just like I really [ __ ] hate fomo and how nefarious it is at manipulating [Music] people [Music] yeah h [Music] what [Music] [Music] yeah hey there see you later safe travels see you later safe travels [Music] well met Go With Honor friend you need something have a good [Music] one what can I help you [Music] with the [Music] alliance um what is this demonic tactics why is it naming all these random NPCs what is okay I'm just hovering over them all loot the dead ACC like oh okay yeah I know this one yeah okay I I know what that one's about the one I really want to get is uh is chaos bolt I I've never had chaos bolt chaos bolt is a really cool spell I'd like to see it in classic [Music] era [Music] [Applause] oh that looks [Music] [Music] fun [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Applause] [Music] are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I [Music] a [Music] [Music] sh [Music] is [Music] how are you see you [Music] around good day to you hello what can I do for you have a good one [Music] what can I do for you light bless you light be with you go with honor friend I Supply only the finest Goods for the [Music] alliance [Music] is [Music] [Music] how are you see you [Music] around [Music] a [Music] [Music] you need something have a good one [Music] [Music] is [Music] a uh we should probably learn our level eight spells you know before I run all the way out to the logging camp that might be a good [Music] idea [Music] hello see you later good day to you see you [Music] around you need something can I help you have a good [Music] one [Music] for [Music] [Music] k [Music] and we will follow up on that [Music] later [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] uh we picked up an ominous Tome summon soos bring the jaw of a wolf and the blood of a null to the belly of the Lamb okay okay we don't have any we don't have any blood of an yet so I I guess we're holding off on that one what does the blood pack spell do it uh increases our stamina by two I had the same question when I learned it I was like wait I haven't learned this before what what is this I just increase the stamina uh I think there are some NES up here I just don't know where the belly of the Lamb is it's not the weirdly it's not marked like on the map supposedly all the runes are supposed to be marked in questy now but I I don't see the one for the Jawbone and all that [Music] stuff there's the stuff from the napsack oh God what did I do oh what have I done I've made a terrible mistake um H okay like I like leatrix Maps don't get me wrong when it comes to moving lric Maps around it's it's like really really hard to click it it there's a a very small little frame that you have to click in order to move it if you move it by accident you're in [Music] trouble greetings be careful oh to the belly of the Lamb it probably means to the slaughtered lamb in doesn't it when it says bring it to the to the belly of the Lamb it probably means to the basement of the slaughtered lamb in light bless you Go With Honor friend for the alliance puzzle solving [Music] mhm [Music] is hey gamer 28 have I done a video on the add-ons I use or recommend no I don't I don't typically do a lot of videos like that I feel like there are more than enough people doing videos just like that out there that uh that space does not really need my voice and as far as add-ons I'm a person that I try to use as few add-ons as possible but as far as like the opinion videos and like the guides and stuff I I really feel like there are enough people already doing that and I I don't usually sometimes I I think about making a video or writing a script for a video but yeah it's already pretty saturated with people doing that stuff I don't know if anybody needs to hear it from [Music] me [Music] feel [Music] I could pull Cura Agony out to the bar that'd be like some more Shadow damage going out that could be a really good [Music] idea [Music] [Music] BL [Music] a [Music] is sad easier than regular vanilla no no you're you're more powerful and you have some tricks that you don't have in regular vanilla but they also increased the mob's HP and attack power by 20% so like every mob in the game got an attack power and HP boost so it it about balances out with the character power that's been [Music] added [Music] Nancy I I would mind him yeah I mean I would take any help at this point with this character as you can see the bags I have are full so that's a [Music] problem hey [Music] there safe travels you know where I'll be you need something go with honor friend more [Music] work [Music] n Cody I got him to like level 19 and I was just done with it the Druid is is going on the no fly list of boring classes that just really don't interest me I gave it a [Music] shot [Music] Joel I appreciate you hanging out with the stream today yeah the the lag the lag out death on the Mage did suck yeah I I was super excited to get teleports never even got to learn teleport it was a it was a sad time it was my first lag Spike like serers side death in hardcore potentially my last death in hardcore not really sure what the future of Hardcore is on the channel right [Music] now [Music] for [Music] man if I got a little bit of XP every time I skin somebody else's kill we we'd be probably leveling pretty fast as far as finding actual like Quest objectives to fight not not so much not so much we'll cap out our skinning pretty quick [Music] [Music] for [Music] hey there see you [Music] later red Ridge is a war zone right now for tags that's awesome I love [Music] it yeah I'm I'm going to look at the auction house for the skins for sure we'll take a look you know I I never have luck selling lower level stuff so we'll see how it [Music] goes you need [Music] something have a good one [Music] [Music] oh we did hit Level 10 uh see this is where I I really don't know what I want to do my impulse is always just to go like five points into corruption to make it instant cast but I don't really know if that's optimal or if I even want to do that uh over in destruction we could make our shadow bolt critical strikes increase Shadow damage dealt by 4% until four non-periodic damage sources are applied okay that's a mouthful reduces the Mana cost of your destruction spell so that would be imilate and Shadow bolt Anda probably would be chaos P too maybe maybe oh Nancy hey man I appreciate it thanks so much that that's going to be a huge help man that's enormous now we have a little bit of inventory space to play with cool cool cool yeah I don't know what do you guys think I should do here like I want to I want to hurl chaos bolts I want to get chaos bolt and I want to chaos bolt things in the face that's primarily what I want to do like sometime in phase two like maybe one day I would tank on this character but that's not obviously not like a shortterm oh we forgot one okay well even better a full set is better thank [Music] you yeah I would I wouldn't mind tanking eventually but it's it's hard to get the tanking Rune and I'm I'm not going to think about doing that like anytime soon so maybe I should go [Music] destruction incinerate and Chaos B I forgot that we can get incinerate yeah if I got incinerate and then chaos bolt that would be like a destruction spec [Music] right [Music] [Music] it's time for the void Walker yeah we'll get him eventually once we go back to we're going to have to go to Stormwind as part of getting one of our runes like anyway so we'll probably try to get the the void Walker when we do that I guess I I only sort of remember what's involved and I don't think it's too hard to get the void Walker but I don't really [Music] remember I need a couple of these Bears to not be dead that would be awesome we're at 64 skinning already we're going to we're going to cap out at 75 before I can get back to the other side of the zone and [Music] train incinerate also increases all fire damage done for a Time okay and so that would make me want to use imilate I'm assuming that chaos chaos bolt is probably also considered fire damage [Music] maybe Emma you're beginning to think that skinning is my favorite profession skinning is the easiest profession so it makes sense that it I don't know if it's my favorite it's the it's the one that I do most often yeah it's it's the one that's easiest to keep it skilled up and also like I don't have to then like craft things I can just skin stuff mhm unfortunately you don't make a lot of money off of skinning because that's exactly what everybody thinks like hey skinning is easy I can make money off of it and so like basically everybody skins or everybody has a character that is their skinning character so un unfortunately even though it's easy to do easy to level up you don't often make a lot of money off it and there's also what Jason said yeah when I don't have skinning it always sucks to see all the bodies on the ground and think that's a little bit of money right there could at least be vendor [Music] money son of a biscuit I needed that [Music] bear [Music] go then need help be [Music] [Music] careful light be with [Music] you [Music] I want to go get chaos bolt I'm looking in general chat for I I need other people to join me I I think we need at least two other fire abilities to melt the ice which is sort of a big pain in the in the butt especially when you're a solo player so yeah now I have to hopelessly spam General chat just in the in the hope that another human being will need what I need right now and be willing to come help me with it cuz otherwise we just don't get the Rune we just don't get it if I can't find people to come help melt the mlock then we don't get it which is really [Music] awful [Music] [Music] f [Music] [Music] yeah so here it is uh this is what we need for the Rune and unless I have other humans out here which I currently don't we we don't even get to do it so kind of a bummer we'll hang out here for a bit and we'll try to fight these guys uh for the linen scraps and we'll see if anybody either answers my please for help in general or if anybody just happens to show up here uh yeah we'll see I don't know not not very [Music] hopeful [Music] [Music] you can't solo I just tried yeah you have to melt the ice so you have to you have to put like emulate on I can maybe I can tell my pet to attack it he's fire I I need like I need one more fire thing yes I I think I need like five yeah I think I need like five stacks of this no there's no way to get it solo it it's it's [ __ ] stupid being being forced to group up like being forced to group up is a horrible feeling having the option to group up like for a dungeon or a raid and then doing so can feel good being forced to group up being forced to beg people for their [ __ ] help really sucks [Music] like this guy could help me but I think I think we need one more like I don't even think this would be [Music] enough I have to like literally [ __ ] debase myself to like beg and then people just ignore you such a shitty feeling [Music] you like I already feel like a [ __ ] loser in real life and I have no friends and then I try to play a video game and then I feel like an even bigger loser cuz I can't get someone to come melt the murlock with me it's like I already face this kind of rejection daily in real world like I I really just like I don't want to have to rely on other people in this game to get my abilities this [Music] horrible [Music] no nobody wants to help you they don't want to [ __ ] help you they want to keep playing the game they want to keep leveling their characters no one wants to take time out of what they're doing to come help a random person that's spamming looking for group who's trying to talk to them in SL say like yeah like maybe one out of every 30 people that exist will want to do that but as you guys can see like the desire to help other players is not very common it's not it's not a big desire in the wow Community to stop all your progress and go help somebody you don't know regardless of what the devs might think about how the game should be it's not how the game is like we need to be able to get this [ __ ] by [Music] ourselves oh yeah Rosal Linda I can see the priest was horrible like having to have another priest come and pray at you and kneel at you and do all that weird [ __ ] like oh the priest was awful it felt so bad like luckily I had a couple people in my in the guild who were able to help me but yeah trying to find somebody randomly to come pray at you or kneel on you or something was really [ __ ] strange and unwelcome like I didn't like it and I and I don't like this I've been spamming General oh [ __ ] I have no luck I've been spamming General I asked somebody in SL say they didn't even see it just going to keep spamming general you know like we might not get this Rune this is a big Rune this is like a Cornerstone ability of how I want to play the class so if I can't get it that would suck and yeah like in the way like nobody wants to really stop and help you and like it sucks yourself to have to stop and try to figure out how you're going to get it done they do they do need to at least change the phase one runes they need to change all the phase one runes they either need to be learned at your trainer or maybe you can purchase them on the rep vendor at friendly but it it needs to be changed because like eventually there's not going to be enough people to help you like eventually people are going to be moved on into other phases and there if there already aren't a lot of people willing to help there aren't going to be more people willing to help in the future there's there there's someone out here like well there's a fire person out here yeah they're they're going to maybe help us let's see if we can get them to help us uh we need to have our pet attack this too I [Music] think um we didn't get it I think we need we need a third look at this hores ship we we can't even do it with with two people like this is the only fire spell I got [Music] is it is it going to work with just us it really feels like it needs another oh my God no no they're not they're not doing anything they have they have also given up yeah they've given up CU they saw that it wasn't working and now and now I'm o and I'm stuck in [Music] combat back back to spamming I guess there we go I spammed it 5 times in the general chat I'm sure I'll get reported now [Music] [Music] oh we've got somebody else over here firing on it holy [Music] [ __ ] completely completely unnecessary do do I seem like I enjoyed that little bit of game play no no that was not that was not an enjoyable bit of gameplay for me not at all they they need to really rethink it I hate being forced to group up and beg people for help it's not why I play video games I like it when group content is optional optional group content not like I need to do this to have a Cornerstone of my class all right so we're replacing ha with chaos bolt which kind of really sucks to be be honest it sucks that we can't use both of them how big is this going to be sends a chaos bolt 86 to 109 fire damage chaos bolt always hits and cannot be resisted its knowledge causes all your fire spells to pierce through absorption effects C bolt gains a high chance to be resisted when used against Monsters four or more levels above you okay um I don't know if that was like a great trade-off or not actually because Han hunt was giving us HP back yeah and that the HP it was giving me back was allowing me to life tap regularly so this might be a [ __ ] Rune [Music] anyway it it looked cool and it almost one shot that guy I mean I I guess if it's going to almost oneshot most guys then maybe it's [Music] okay it's like forcing kids to play together yeah they get cranky they don't always want to do that especially with people they don't know that only got him to half so that that kind of sucked maybe I crit last time he resisted that am I going to want to use haunt anyway cuz it's it's better is that what's going on I'm not going to get any HP back here when he dies cuz I don't I don't have haunt up m M yeah I don't know maybe maybe KS bolt will be better once I have some other abilities it doesn't seem like too hot right now let's open with some dots and see how it [Music] goes that's okay I mean maybe maybe if I have the void Walker and I'm not taking damage it'll be better perhaps possibly yeah I got I got to get my tank pet for sure for sure uh maybe I can come over here and get some null blood I think I think there's NES over here I I need null blood for some kind of ritual anyway if I'm going to go to town and get my get my uh my void Walker if we're going to the slaughtered land mid anyway I might as well get the components I need uh for this yeah Jawbone and a blood of a null to the belly of the Lamb let's let's do this I'd like to wrap up the the linen Goods over here also and get that turned in see what the drop rate's going to be on this this Blood Patrick I appreciate that man thank [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] e [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] apparently the N blood is a rare drop or something for some reason I thought this would be relatively easy to get shows what I [Music] [Music] [Music] know [Music] [Music] B we got the gold schedule oh my God we got the gold schedule we we didn't get we haven't gotten any blood you'd think one of them would have blood but we actually got the gold schedule that's freaking hilarious we only get the gold schedule like 10% of the time oh my [Music] gosh [Music] I bet blood can't even drop from these guys they're probably not even coded to drop the them I'm going to fight a couple more and then we're going to move on with our lives we'll have opportunity to fight them later when we go over to Westbrook Garrison and do the stuff over that [Music] way yeah let's let's go finish the red linen uh Whatchamacallit we'll go after the forest bears and then we'll head back we'll have to get the Stormwind and uh do some things [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] for [Music] for [Music] is I feel like the only way I'm going to get the Bears I need is if I camp out like right here right where all these Bears [Music] died [Music] [Music] for [Music] is [Music] for [Music] [Music] a [Music] how are [Music] you see you [Music] around greetings light bless you [Music] [Music] King's honor friend be careful light bless you for the alliance be careful I still don't know what I'm going to do with this with these Talent points uh let's see anything worthwhile in demonology stamina and spirit oh stamina but reduces your spirit okay that's not great yeah I don't know [Music] I really don't know I'm I'm using K bolt sometimes but usually I'm using it as like a finisher reducing the Mana cost of the destruction spells could be okay none of these nothing is very appealing to me like this this gets appealing like getting this to an instant cast would be good I don't know I have no idea [Music] to [Music] back to goldshire we go uh you know what I never I yeah we did go up here okay yeah we did that part now we have to go talk to the dude in the basement let's right uh this guy has our Quest care can I help you this guy has the dialogue we need for the alliance okay so with this we need to go back to the artifact and offer our blood and then we have to go to [Music] Stormwind need help I've got a wand coming in the mail and I might just wait for that instead of spending the silver Go With Honor friend I I don't really want to spend any money for the alliance light bless you go with honor friend be careful light bless you go with honor [Music] friend I'm going to go into improved corruption for now if we want to change this later like maybe later it'll be beneficial to go into destruction once we have more abilities once we have more Talent points I don't know but for right now the smart thing seems to be to get this down to an instant [Music] cast sublate keep grinding man best of Vibes to you buddy [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] h [Music] and now we have 10 minutes to get the Stormwind [Music] all [Music] [Music] h [Music] although you know maybe maybe if I went here I wouldn't have to use really any dots like right right now I'm dotting first but if I cast if I cast shadowbolt first I can Shadow bolt chaos bolt Shadow bolt [Music] win [Music] h [Music] I want to go destruction I I want to I want to hurl chaos bolts and fire stuff and not really worry so much about all the all the shadow dots I just don't know the best way to do it Kristoff I appreciate you being here man thanks for hanging out with us once I get incinerate I'll enjoy KS bolt more uh like where do I get incinerate from that's the real question where where can I get that and can I get that now or is that like a level 25 thing how are you safe travels see you around yeah I I don't think there's any active weather in Stormwind I think Stormwind is excluded from any of the active weather in elen Forest they might have added weather to to the cities in retail I'm not 100% on that it's an elite mob in red Ridge who wants to come kill an elite mob in red Ridge for me do I have be a certain level to use the Ability or can someone kill that mob for me and then I can just equip the the [Music] ability I I have to say like in a phase where the level cap is 25 there are too many really cool runes that you can't get until Level 25 you should be able to get all your runes for 1 to 25 bracket really easily uh from levels 1 to 15 that way you have some time to level up and play with the spec you want and you don't have to wait till the end level to actually play with the spec you want it it's kind of a bummer that way someone could kill it for me right on maybe I'll do that later this evening if I get back on maybe someone will be online and can come out and kill it for me it'll probably take more than one person if it's in El lead I don't know what can I do for for you uh let's talk to him about the Rune thing okay I don't really know oh we got it okay this is just uh R this is tactics I don't even know what this is it's something not that great demonic tactics increases melee and Spell critical okay no it is good it is it's a really good passive increases our crit strike Chance by 10% for both us and the pet so yeah it's actually pretty good be careful greetings see you around have a good one uh retrieve Serena's choker where where is Serena oh Serena's out uh with the collector we have to go back that way anyhow to kill the collector so that's [Music] okay I'm I'm not even I went to go check the guild and like I'm not even in the Guild on this character so that's cool that's cool yeah i' like to get incinerated as soon as possible because like I said I think it's really lame to have to wait until your max level or whatever to like play with the abilities that you want for your build obviously like tomorrow level 25 won't be max level anymore but it has been up until this [Music] point I get I get bored by dotting that's the thing I get bored by too much dotting I I've played the Warlock before to a point where I realize if all I do is Dot and wand Dot and w dot and W then I I kind of get bored with the combat I I like to see a spell I like to see a spell animation go off sometimes so like I think for me like destruction is going to be the way to go Johnny's online I don't even know how to whisper people I'll just do a SL who for the guild [Music] Boop we want to go do this thing we we might we might need more help um let's [Music] see yeah we we can go do it now I don't mind you know what we haven't gotten any of yet on this character we haven't gotten a single way laid Supply not even a single [Music] one all right off to Red Ridge we go on my way to Red Ridge I'm going to kill the collector and Serena whatever her name is yeah I'm going to stop on the way I'm going to kill these two turn this one in and then we'll head over that works out perfectly [Music] actually [Music] good so far I'm about to thank myself for going on a PVE server The Horde needs the same spot for their incinerate Rune oh yeah and it's a contested Zone oh yeah for sure oh I I've been happy yeah the couple times that we did sfk and I I didn't get killed running through silverpine Forest that was nice yeah it's it's going to be better I guess it would be damn near impossible to focus on getting the Rune with like PVP going on at all [Music] [Music] times what can I do for you for the alliance [Music] dang we got a full [Music] group [Music] for [Music] [Music] and now this might be a little bit of a mess but I I might be able to kill them one at a time and then like leash them so like who am I going to blow up first I'm I'm going to blow up the Caster first and we might have to like reset okay okay no dude wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh [ __ ] oh no no no no no son of a [ __ ] F oh wait wait wait you're in my group oh thank God I thought it was a random person thank you Johnny I appreciate it I was like why is this random dwarf about to go murder all of these people that I need why do they hate me okay it worked out it it was like enraging I'm like you don't even need to be here why are you doing this to me all right so we're good here we're done let's go oh man yeah I almost lost it I did lose [Music] it I did finally get a supply chest after complaining about how I hadn't got any of them it wants 10 healing potions we know what we're doing with this one we we are we are going to be vendoring this one I I there you don't get 10 healing potions at level 11 you might get 10 minor healing potions like you're not going to have 10 healing potions they're [ __ ] expensive and they're for they're for a much higher level of character I still think this is this is just a mistake that they messed up that it's supposed to be minor or lesser but it's just healing potions super big bummer there that's 1,200 XP that we're not going to get honor friend go with honor friend stitched robe okay there we [Music] go it was funny yeah I got enraged cuz I I saw the gear and the goggles and I'm like wait wait wait this person doesn't need to be here this person is out to ruin my day why are they doing this and then and then suddenly I saw your name in all Mak sense it's what I get for having names turned off you know if if I had floating names turned on I I would have seen that right away I I like to keep floating names turned off cuz it's like it's a lot of visual clutter when there's lots of players around [Music] together it is a nice rob you know the funny thing is like in retail when you play through this area they give you like the same generic looking robe and it's it's generic and shitty and it has no character to it at all and like the classic gear had much more variety and then they went through in cataclysm and they like made everything really standardized and they made everything look really lame at least the cloth stuff looks lame I don't know about any of the rest of it but yeah where where there was once variety and how the gear looked and they like went in and they took variety out [Music] a interestingly enough um maybe it's an issue with my questy did my questy stop tracking stuff I don't know if my questy stopped tracking stuff or oh wait wait wait I see it I see it oh God it's way over here okay oh it's this guy is he in the back of a cave is that where he is I should get the flight Point shouldn't I I should I should most definitely grab the flight point and then we'll be [Music] off [Music] [Music] you guys got this heavy heavy wool bandages also another thing that I can't do [Music] [Music] wonderful [Music] for um it was it was 15 oh thank you I appreciate that that that's going to be awesome Boop thank you very much [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Ramblers assemble yes very nice I like [Music] it I have a feeling we'll be waiting for a [Music] respawn although I I don't see a body so maybe he'll respawn soon [Music] [Music] okay okay we didn't have to wait long very nice thank you so much guys I I really appreciate it that's absolutely awesome hey it's much better than having to wait till level 25 or 20 or 22 when I would be here normally spectacular it goes on legs okay good good good that's perfect look at that look how perfect that is that's a good pairing this on hands this on legs that's so awesome uh so I'm probably going to want to like not I'm not going to do as many as many dots I don't think maybe if I do a DOT I'll start with I'll do emulate uh ulate incinerate then chaos bolts I don't know like in that case if I have to go into like I feel like if I go into improve shadowbolt that might be a waste am I am I going to incinerate and shadowbolt and then chaos bolt maybe like maybe something like that 1 2 3 it seems like it would be good incinerate first right and then if I if I go here shadowbolt critical strikes increase Shadow damage dealt now oh damn that was a big hit now this is not considered Shadow damage though is it is this considered this is chaotic fire so maybe not considered Shadow damage I'm about to roll on those bad boys so maybe I shouldn't do this maybe I should go here into cataclysm instead because unless unless of course this counts as both uh fire and Shadow which I don't think that it does maybe I don't want to use Shad aolt at all cata instead of and then I maybe I don't maybe I want to do one to 1 2 3 or or like this maybe something like that incinerate emulate chaos [Music] bolt it's a better option yeah I don't think the the shadowbolt one's not going to help me the shadow bolt one's kind of a boring option too but yeah I don't think it's going to help me [Music] [Music] yeah I'm looking forward to trying it out seems like it's going to be really [Music] cool [Music] [Music] what can I do for you safe [Music] travels yeah thank you guys again that's awesome I really appreciate getting that that is going to make a big difference it's probably going to make the class seem a lot cooler [Music] too all right that being said guys uh I am planning to come back on later but I'm going to take a break right here for today I'm going to see what's going on with my family um probably have some dinner do some chores and then I'll be back around 6:30 7:00 my time really appreciate you guys being here today if you enjoyed hanging out I do have to say leaving a like making sure you're sub to the channel really helps me out a lot and I appreciate those that do as always guys take care of yourselves out there and take care of each other and we will see you back in Azeroth again very soon bye for now
Channel: Robert Rambles
Views: 2,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u6MvzeW8Q4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 290min 50sec (17450 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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