Asmongold Reactions "The Most Famous Players of Classic WoW | Legends of Vanilla" by Punkrat

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all right here we go the most famous players of classic well I hope I'm on this list well Colin do you thing I'm gonna make it on the list no I am remember that one time I lost the mount d remember that and then I did the same thing dude like do you still do this [Music] it's [ __ ] dead it's the dead meme it's not funny anymore did you did you retire it I see no you didn't he just sit it right there guys okay let's start the video yo guys pop karo in another video so going back to vanilla with the release of classic Wow is a true nostalgic dream and with that I've been constantly reminiscing about the good old days for the last little while as a little twelve little punk back in those days I used to look up to a bunch of legends of the game you know I was obsessed with these guys yeah I know a lot of ways the Pioneers to video game content creation that we see today in those days we had Warcraft movies which I'm sure a lot of you guys you know a lot of you vanilla veteran those were the [ __ ] days google videos which you know google videos unfortunately oh dude I would download google videos from Halo - like headshots night montages dude I used to [ __ ] love google videos oh my god man don't worth dude [ __ ] man I'm so pissed off because Google videos had so many goddamn good videos there was this one video I can't find anymore there was this porn warrior and he was just going around destroying people - [ __ ] Charlie Brown music dude it was [ __ ] awesome it was legit like they had that and like yeah this was [ __ ] great man and I used to go I remember I watched the world first Illidan kill on Warcraft movies I remember that so [ __ ] clearly it was beautiful axed when Google bought YouTube so a lot of those legendary from back in the day were lost in the process I've been constantly on ideas of how I could cover some of these dudes from back in the day and I'm gonna start off with this video I'm calling this series legends of vanilla okay so we can celebrate the pioneers of Warcraft in the eve of the release of classics like swifty this video will briefly go a little gosh well known legends of vanilla from back in the day I thought about making this a series so if I don't cover someone that you feel should have definitely been on this list I'll get to that person on the next one for sure I'm also thinking of following it up with maybe going into some lesser-known legends from back in the day like guys who were on specific servers that maybe weren't out there in the public but we're definitely legends of the game from back then you know maybe doing entire segments on some of those guys that were you know under under the radar so if you guys have any submissions of legends that I should cover hit me up let's go to the first one so many guys from back in the day that have been forgotten throughout the gears but without further ado here we go let's go to noah legends of vanilla let's get it first legend that we got a past the lord of rafi basin himself there's so many times I've watched these [ __ ] videos I literally could just see one frame of the video I know what it is already this is [ __ ] Pat keeping piscine from the very beginning his name is the pan yep at the rank 14 torn warrior from Arthas server oh my god even this was such a big [ __ ] server you were from was actually a relevant factor you know beautiful thing isn't it yes men came out with one of the first legendary PvP montages of vanilla back in the day Pat was one of the original truly try hard pre-made gods back in 2005 2006 I never gave a [ __ ] about this guy because he wasn't he wasn't alliance so I I didn't I never a lot of times I didn't really even watch a whole lot of horde videos I only watched Alliance videos this was such an early time in Wales history thats gonna be me right there howard on display and that's gonna be made was almost unthinkable this video still to this day is one of the most viewed vanilla montage shared with over a million this is gonna be me upload alone not counting the original upload itself absolute raid boss in terasi Basin running around pounding dudes into the ground like a piece of pork yeah this is gonna be saturating it was a trailblazer you know montages were everything before the age of YouTube [ __ ] yeah they were sky inspired so many young Wow players to aspire to the same level of greatness within the game in fact the person who reapplied his montage to YouTube even wrote in the description how Pat inspired him to write it to grind to rank 14 that's exactly what I've been saying that's exactly what I've been saying the whole time dude see you say people they a lot of times it's one thing if I talk about it but it's another thing if I see it completely independently of anything that has to do with me it's just a random person and had the exact same feeling that's [ __ ] amazing that's so exactly what ya know it is it's exactly it you got know what you've got tier 3 so though I know I didn't let me see holy [ __ ] oh it's ortho yeah what's up man 22 months tier three thank you so much man I [ __ ] appreciate that man thank you thank you thank you thank you very much man and some of the top comments that you see mirror that same notion yeah this man was an absolute legend in the scene and I'm sure if you ask any wow veteran around you know who was pvp everybody saw this area know exactly who he is [ __ ] yeah X legend of the list we've got dysphoria the female Knight of Hunter from the server Frostmourne this guy was a special character in totally different way sure but just as awesome as all the other guys on this list so foria was the creator of an incredibly popular video series back in the day called hunter versus world in my last video I mentioned that night elf hunter that used to do those solar runs and upload them in 240p resolution I don't know what the name of the hunter itself or the videos I was in research I ended up finding it once again 100 versus world was awesome dysphoria would essentially spend most of his time in game attempting to create hunter specific strategies for soloing five-men dungeons or other interesting challenge that's actually [ __ ] awesome I'm not sure if dysphoria that's a manga marathon Solo farm run that we commonly see today but the one farm run that I definitely know he brought to the WoW community which is also heavily utilized still in 2019 from classic hunters is the solo DM North tribute run the DM North tribute run is when you clear DM or you kill the last boss in DM without killing the ogre guards throughout the throughout the dungeon the reward for doing it are three world buffs that you get from the unkilled guard Wow you claim kingship of the ogres Wow a chest of treasures that's like UPS manopause health pots and a bunch of well [ __ ] that's actually really good extremely lucrative run obviously if you could solo it and lo and behold dysphoria is just a bore actual retail classic Wow talking the community with his potential to break the mold of what people thought was I'm making a [ __ ] hunter this is a cop's pet agro pet control scatters feign deaths in line with smart pathing to choose his way through dungeons and then use unique kiting strategies to solo bosses that he thought he was able to solo this guy was an absolute legend in his own respect he was doing things other people couldn't even dream of or wouldn't even be able to come up with even if they tried it you know during that time that's actually like I'm really glad that he put this guy in the video because most of the people whenever this guy's name came up we're like WH omegle all right like who is this like we don't know who this guy is and like putting a spotlight on these people that might not necessarily be like the most flashy but they were the ones that really kind of defined the game in a lot of ways that's [ __ ] awesome the music of the video sucks then stop listening to the music and just listen to what he's saying what do you mean he was so ahead of his time and it's crazy to think that people are still doing some of his run as gold farms to this day almost young 15 years later dysphoria is clearly a legend of vanilla okay next up we've got the one who cannot be shout out breaker of the blade just unbreakable total legend listen like it's naughty like unbreakable is not even that big of a deal like Warriors can do anything a shaman can back off dude like you're such a little [ __ ] [ __ ] man no look at the video the guy he's literally deleting no no you are not going to take unbreakable away from me not this time soon like not this time I don't need like a warrior could like a sword spec warrior is the same thing it's not the same thing dude yeah that's the same thing and also like warriors they are better they're better mobility they can do more damage they cause our body longer dude oh my I can't dude I cannot wait until [ __ ] classic comes around yeah and we're on the same realm as [ __ ] see do ya he's [ __ ] enhancement and he comes right up to you and [ __ ] blast your face you know what he's gonna do one shots that's right he's gonna he's gonna take me down like maybe 30% health in one hit and then the next city's gonna do is gonna be an auto-attack for like 200 damage because I have knowledge of armor on and obviously you know I played armor and then I'm just gonna kill him with my other abilities so probably dodge my abilities since he has a lot of agility and here's a hi dodge chance which will proc my over power then I'll overpower him overpower him which would be a guaranteed crit take him probably down to about 20% health at that point and then I'll kill him with execute yeah you think that's gonna happen yeah I do but in the unbreakable video he literally duels a paladin which wears plate and [ __ ] uh Niall AIT's him just straight up [ __ ] flattens them out if you seriously think a warrior beats an enhancement shaman if though if the shaman gets win fury crits like that you are [ __ ] delusional straight up your you are [ __ ] delusional I haven't played against the shaman to know for sure but I'm pretty certain that I would probably still won like a good gear like let's say I let's see both of us have tier two point five I think I say you do come out ahead see you if you ever see this please [ __ ] him up please ah please you'll see you'll see there's anything well yeah I mean here's the thing where you can beat a shaman no no dude this you know obviously if the shaman gets really really really lucky and everything goes his way he's gonna win but on a normal fight if you take a hundred fights between a shaman and a warrior the Warriors gonna come out ahead of time come out ahead most of the time and that's because Warriors are better and they do more damage and this video is completely overhyped because shamans if anything like this video is basically a budget Pat video it is and it's like that proc right they're like why did you do so much damage in that attack why is he up that dots because he proc so first you got a prop with his weapon like hand of rag is budget no shamans are this way man this wait wait man where is beat shamans in the disarm window elemental shaman take this is the thing right zero skill warriors take more effort well yeah cuz they're better classes that's all there is to it where is trashed here without a Heuer yeah and Shama mister trash to or regardless like that the thing is that like yeah you may see difference I'm just saying like Warriors are better than shamans like anything that you can see in this video Warriors can do it better like one of the last time you saw it you saw a shaman whirlwind never cuz they can't do it they can't do it they can't whirlwind I can whirl when I what about sleeping strikes whirlwind imagine this okay McConnell like I think it alright let's get in this situation right I charge I might are you gonna be the common doesn't matter of course I can't be here level forward of course I can't be you level 40 like you you're set up to win well it's almost 60 it'd be a different story okay yeah I mean yeah me too you know our imagined this madness this play of [ __ ] no no well just just get to get in let's get in this situation okay uh we're doing a wrath you Basin I charge in two blacksmith there's a priest and a shaman okay I activate sleeping strikes I go into Berserker stance I then whirlwind the whirlwind also procs a sword spec attack both of the targets that I'm using or I'm fighting instantly die meanwhile the shaman is back there buffing his weapon just there's no there's no even there's no comparison like Warriors are just superior already dead no it doesn't matter let's go the fear he and snot a big the opponents hearts well it's not a big deal this man is the reason the reason why people froth over two-handed enhancements hamon in vanilla alongside with Pat illusional unbreakable released absolutely bug into the viral PvP montages of the time this guy never even crept over and that's very proc to win fear such incredible unfairly a dollar barely a thousand warriors barely a thousand like warriors can create two thousand warriors through 2000 oh yeah big deal big deal a thousand oh wow warriors do 2,000 it's not even a big deal as a kid there were montages that I used to love because of their creativity yep or the editing or skill but Pat PvP and unbreakable those two montages were more about power just pure power on display for the average vanilla player this sort of power was unimaginable back those days wait a second dude wait a second hold on that's a good point somebody just [ __ ] said in chat look it look at the amount of buffs that unbreakable has versus how many buffs Pat had to have to do what he did like three even if I'm breakable have all those buffs you wouldn't do as much damage as Pat I cannot believe you actually think that dude you were [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] either you were [ __ ] or you're trolling me dude I I'm getting trolled I gotta be getting thrilled man do you actually think that do you think that in any world that award that any a shaman could compete on damage against a warrior we're not talking about PvE you stupid [ __ ] idiot you're talking about pupae like are you going to a battleground of course they can man who does more damage who is it saying enhancement every time not even close every time I'd be surprised if enhancement even did 80% of the damage a warrior could do like warriors do so much more [ __ ] damage they have zero downtime basically they don't don't worry about mana right they just they pop off dude like warriors pop off shamans get popped that's it wearing male gear what happens when their attacks don't crit and don't proc windfury crits at the same time Warriors have sustained strong damage and they can get lucky shamans can get lucky I'm serious like if I go into a battleground I'm gonna outperform a shaman nine times out of ten remind me sure remind me in one year should we have bwl gear yep I wanna see go ahead first asmin duel I want to see it I'm ready I'll be ready in one year whenever I add my BWL girl I'd be glad to do any but any any [ __ ] [ __ ] ass shaman III would win you got a hate on break well no I'm just saying like it's not a big deal there's a lot I triggered shamans in chat it's okay guys don't worry about it just go way down just go lay down okay you're upset listen like I'm sorry I'm um I'm bad-mouthing your idol but this is the truth and it's something that you needed to hear yeah just go way down just like you'll be doing in classic whenever I'd kill you it'd be easy though so damn incredible seeing the potential of what you could achieve and Wow so nice a cabal is absolutely without a doubt a legend of vanilla a historical forefather of the PvP scene and one thing that I can guarantee you is there will be at least one orc shaman on each server come classic named unbreakable with doubt he's a legend in his night that is true our Bertha so we got another man here who falls into a similar category a man with so many fanboy clones all across the realms of World of Warcraft you know mages who will named themselves after his namesake yeah probably even to such a significant extent that they'll be misspelling his name or adding letters you know adding not actually probably at the end just to pay homage to his greatness now that is enough I'm sure you guessed it Virna the undead mage from the server Silvanus on the EU servers not sure if I'm pronouncing in my opinion I think this guy was probably the most skilled player in vanilla right for liked it made videos I think in terms of just like skill and like the way that he played he was probably the most skilled his name right Verna you know I've heard people say do you say is I don't know I've changed any sweets and chest from back in the day he's a shining example of why the mage is the master class the mega brain 200 IQ class okay is one of the engineering abusing demigod PvP legends from back in the day this is really the vanilla engineering PP peers we see today that are basically Inspector Gadget cosplayers queuing in to war song all day with every pot flasks engineering tool known to mankind that's sure we like to say people kind not necessarily mankind more inclusive he led the way to PvP meta that we see in today's vanilla PvP seen before quell the [ __ ] are as a hero in Sweden he's what Michael Jordan is to Chicago he's what you seen both is to Jamaica when Justin Bieber is to Canada those filthy Canadians and their Bieber Bieber fever he's the Swedish World of Warcraft Viking legend this heir apparent or 1bx god 1v2 wife is right here on the furry players made it happen more players who was a prodigy for the time he showed people exactly how it's the bat and people still use his tactics even to this day holy [ __ ] Ubuntu a grenade shadow combo tactic Verna is without a doubt one of the most popular and welcomes a [ __ ] high band in the history of the game him and Kangin should team up and run for office in Sweden I'd bet you they would make Sweden great again for the foreseeable future no age and back in those times he was one of the most inspiring players to me I learned so much from watching him play next up we've probably got the most famous player on this entire list this man became not only a living legend within the game but one of ours living memes in the history of the maybe Leroy Jenkins in general okay man who transcended the game in so many ways this is like that I think this is probably the most popular meme to come out of Wow like all things considered Leroy Jenkins is probably be the biggest meme and like the the biggest thing like transcend Wow like I don't know it what dude I think they got the wrong guy I don't know man what do you mean I don't know if they really got the right guy I've never been a hundred percent sure that he was the right he was the right guy I don't think they ever found the actual Leroy so you think it was a what is it like an impostor I don't know dude I'm just saying if you looked at when he did his Leroy it wasn't very convincing I mean dude I can if I wanted to I could still belt out the same read I did years ago okay I think it's [ __ ] that he goes up on stage and he can't he can't do the you know you know the right Leroy I think it's [ __ ] it's [ __ ] you got to do it now no I'm just saying like yeah maybe I I mean I look it's probably the same dude I mean they know it's obviously easy it's a paid actor like somebody that it's supposed to be you know somebody else it's either a paid actor or they got the wrong person okay didn't they get rid of Leroy whenever he said like the n-word or something unlike a broadcast that's what I kind of remember he's yeah didn't that happen I don't know I don't know anything about that I don't want to touch that I don't know I heard that and people say true yeah I thought that did happen maybe I could be wrong about that but he said it before it was just yeah it was a heated gamer moment dude there's no reason to get upset about it know how it was Papa John okay dude all right let's go ahead we'll start this is no one even far out of the balance of Azeroth we've got the one and only Leroy was the man behind the viral video that took the internet by storm back in vanilla another guild was seemingly having a strategy huddle planning out I think I still have two saved on my old computer Google video he out of nowhere yelled and charged into the room stepping on all the eggs spawning countless whelps in white yeah great this man went viral before viral was a thing it's just sad that there wasn't really a way to capitalize on that viral nature on that success back in those days we know that Blizzard has made a hearthstone card of him it's not me she's already in the modern game wait what do you mean they say it was you yeah you were who you were at Leroy Jenkins no so that year you weren't no dude okay the revamped version of you BRS but honestly well they should have written him a big fat check after that video the video was such a phenomenon so far reaching beyond the scope of wow that I'm sure it brought tons of people to the game who were intrigued by the video itself you know the group of guys huddled planning their next status probably true actually damn I never thought about game the organic funny moment within the game you know organic it's not exactly organic because the video itself was staged but you get what I mean funny things happen all the time organically in these kinds of games why they just move it when Agri was an ambassador for the game and to be honest he should have gotten the corporate sponsorship deal with Blizzard and become their Jarrod of Subway you know like the jared is like Jerry well we all know how that turned out hmm don't smoke don't start smoking smoking's bad it's really bad don't don't ever smoke I'm not gonna read I don't do that anymore dude I don't do it it's a dead meme it's not funny it was funny for like a month and then it got old and I'm not gonna do a name work it's dead let it let it be dead why they say INRI okay sure true this is oh wait no that example but you get what I mean I'd say no Roy never got his just do justice for Leroy ladies and gentlemen we've got chicken next leg we have the game breaker himself the man who showed example impossible was his name was mute undead robe and creator of the video series world of rogue craft this started out with a machinima style intro a conversation between mute on his rope and his warlock friend and olga mark where he was playing a character of a rogue who was just recently nerfed and complaining about how he couldn't beat people anymore he then went on to showcase exactly how good rogues were if played right equipping status voice make me so maggot and using low-level white knight he then proceeded to why I hate this video team players in full gear I don't like this at all without you know being Terry upsetting using full control combos double blind double star OT what is this coupons and preparation resetting dr's with the blind is really completely controlling the 1v1 if this doesn't do weapon damage or base weapon damage like most strikes and vanilla so that was the people outside of using bleeds guarantee isn't misery by using cold blood this was made I right here like this it this was my hero I watched the may die video I don't even know how many times like 40 [ __ ] times and to see him get so load by a rogue that has no gear on it really made me upset and well hold on I've got some information that may alleviate some of that pain according to some people and possibly mute himself they talked to may die after that and made I said it was his cousin or something that was playing for him and so how what he said the same damn thing holy [ __ ] you just got farmed like oh yeah I just said the same damn thing dude like any time that I do anything really stupid up young man guys I can't believe like this lag dude I mean can we play with this anymore this is crazy this lag is so bad which was basically how he was killing people with white daggers it was a really special video that inspired a lot of the Rogues that we see I hate Rose shield people the potential of the class went clean I really do he was a true pioneer of that class he led the way for pretty much all the rogues that we see today and he strays while he's still viable and used in the vanilla community sheesh Oaks so glad I'm a so called infinite stomach combo allows you to kill fully geared people basically naked this is super last but certainly not least on this list we have one of the longest-lasting members of the WoW content creating community mr. incredible she's whipping mister Incredibles himself mr. swift Hawk jet himself swifty a lot of people who follow swifty nowadays as a content creator you may not even know about his vanilla days you know there was a literal god you may think you know he's a Glaser nowadays in vanilla swifty was in his prime fun yeah their friend said her and the PvP scene back in the day he figured out so many little innovative tools gadgets bugs or tricks of the game and combined them all into one glorious PvP montage where he showcased all of them not to mention he was a Grand Marshal you know true dedication to the game Field Marshal but no special cat and he also paved the way for WoW content creators in general as the years went by building a model on how they could take it to that next level and you know make something that's long-term and sustainable he's been a successful content creator in the scene now for over 10 years which is incredible that's a career since the earlier days of YouTube's growth and you know he was one of the first video game entertainers swiftie was a legend and still is a legend respect the man respect the name and if you're rolling on his surfer don't steal his name guys come on let the man recreate his a night off I wonder with his old namesake PA like that's a yeah poor Swiffer WetJet already boys that's it for this one you know that was a man from the past wasn't it I really enjoyed this one ladies guys when my idols as a young kid that may sound corny actually true I think it took every single one of these guys there were legends of the respective I understand is he only got films was kind of a really cool aspect wasn't it you know it was a special time in the history of gaming yeah you're goddamn right I was probably not repeat itself in the same way right so I think with the return of classic you too can become a legend of your own server hopefully this video inside you to st. Charles that goal and if you're the kind of guy that's looking to become a hero amongst peasants on your realm and Godspeed to you brother so guys as you know my channels been growing a lot lately you know I write down been pushing the creeks breakdown decent insistent basis I've been working around the clock lately to just release video every other day back to back to back I'm walking like an absolute madman lately so if you guys want to keep seeing me create this kind of content and then we need the colony level even more I started a little shop to help fund that so I designed very simple t-shirts with my pump grout logo on every map the rat a little bit you know kept a design really simple without you know my channel name or anything corny like that just you know not to be too overbearing I feel like it's a resolved ground nesting ground yeah it's true it's your sweater or whatever they can actually be worn stylish Lee it's really punk rock I think so if you guys want to buy my merch from girl really really lose it help me do that and also made a stream labs link where you guys can donate to me you know almost like a little tip jar if you guys are feeling a business we watch the video i watch part full on so if you guys want the videos to keep pumping that's the sex toy I'll help me out yeah that's where the [ __ ] tire said I really hope you guys enjoyed the video make sure to leave a like comment subscribe you know the drill soldiers thanks for watching and I'll see you on the next one peace [Music] what about Graham well I mean like he's not gonna he's not gonna do all them at the same video right he's gonna like kind of space it out a bit I think that's probably what it's gonna be yeah I think that was a new belly were video win I don't know like right now we're gonna do gurubashi like I I figured I play too video until gurubashi came up we're gonna go over here we're gonna get the [ __ ] trinket and it's going to be easy if
Channel: Everything Gaming
Views: 676,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft's most famous \u0026 infamous players, most famous players of classic wow, class picking guide, what we know so far, wow patch history, farm, announcement, official update, asmongold rates, warrior, rogue, mage, guide, gold guide, leveling guide, asmongold reacts, asmongold takes the, assertonsin, madseasonshow, 1.12, vanilla, world of warcraft, summer 2019, classic wow launch, classic wow beta release date, classic wow, picking guide, everything twitch
Id: 5E8vrTObeOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 58sec (1918 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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