Asmongold Reacts to "How to PROPERLY Gear in Lost Ark" | Stoopzz

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how properly gear your characters i might watch this because i have no [ __ ] idea and i want to see what this is for gear and my character they delayed the launch about 20 minutes ago yeah i'll talk about that just real quick is that they did delay the launch and the reason why as i said before is that i think that i'm like no memes no [ __ ] the reason why it probably got delayed is just simply because there was so much of a larger influx of players that they weren't ready for it all right what's going on everyone welcome to my engraving slash gearing guide for lost art a lot of you guys have been asking me on my stream like crazy to cover engravings how do accessories work how do ability stones work what is all this stuff on my screen and how do i tell what stats are right for my class in this video i will cover all that stuff all right what's going on everyone welcome to my engraving slash gearing guide for lost art a lot of you guys have been asking me on my stream like crazy to cover engravings how do accessories work how do ability stones work what is all of this stuff on my screen and how do i tell what stats are right for my class in this video i will cover all that stuff for those of you that are new and looking to hop into the game especially when progressing through tier 1 content and hopefully by the end of this video you have a much better idea of how the gearing system works overall unfortunately we do have a sponsor for today's video so we'll hop into that and i'll see you right back here at the video this video is sponsored by hellofresh america's number one meal kit delivery service hellofresh makes cooking at home easy fun and most important affordable with valentine's day coming up you can skip the crowded overpriced restaurants by enjoying a three-course meal with your significant other all from the comfort of your home unless you're like me and you just play video games all day well i never have done one of these like i know they have like the hellofresh is like it's like a meal prep service right hashtag ad well yeah it's obviously an ad that's how it works you said it was sponsored yeah like what do you think he's like uh yeah guys so anyway um i was gonna talk to you guys about lost ark but just one second uh actually just now that i think of it i just wanted to talk to you guys about jack link's beef jerky um listen it's made with a hundred percent real beef it's just amazing great food like i mean it's obviously a [ __ ] ad everybody knows it's a [ __ ] ad chat should look up you'd sell out too well everybody sells out that's what working a job is and you don't have a significant other maybe me and you can share this is my first my birthday isn't the 15th after all jokes aside i was happy to partner with hellofresh because i'm constantly at my desk streaming or working on a video and if i'm being honest this leaves me little energy or time to prepare my dinner sometimes i don't make it to the grocery store and i'll just end up eating out which really isn't good for my health or my wallet hellofresh offers a wide variety of quick and easy recipes that allow me to maintain control over my food choices and cut back on some of that meal prep time or the trips to my local grocery store right now using my link or go to and use pog stoop 16 for up to 16 meals free and three surprise gifts across six hellofresh boxes plus free shipping gifts include free i wish they had given them a better creator code than that like it would have been like it's that's a long code it would have been way way better if he had a smaller one appetizers free desserts and free premium recipes consider giving hellofresh a try check the link in the description for more information and a big thank you to hellofresh for sponsoring this there you go all right so when it comes to gearing and lost it's actually not as convoluted or you may think you have two sides to your character you have the left side of your character where you have your actual equipment or armor your helmet your shoulders your chest piece your leggings your gloves your weapon these are items that you're going to earn from various aspects in the game you have your chaos dungeons that you'll be doing early you also have your void dungeons or holy shits you've played on so far and then you also have your rating content you're abyss right legion raids when you start off with the game early on you're going to be doing chaos dungeons which are essentially your rift style diablo content that you've seen a lot of players do in various videos and you're gonna get a starter setup dude i'm so excited to do those like i'm gonna be honest like everything like i just i wanna play the game like now dude he's on korea yeah he's on korea now i know this is it's it's korean character lost ark free to play launch is a disaster i have never thought of a bigger disaster than this you know what i you know what i mean like that's absolutely right it's like you have like huge disasters uh you had like riots um you know like i i don't know like wars and you know like political assassinations and then right up there with those earthquake uh is them being 15 minutes late for a free game yep that's right astro world move aside gear through doing that these blue items that you acquire that's going to hold you over until you end up crafting your own gear spenders in the game from doing those dungeons those end game dungeons that are different than chaos dungeons and your legion raids that's why you don't have to know all these terms just know that you end up crafting your end game gear sets and there is no rng in acquiring these there are different sets of different set bonuses on the right side of your character you're gonna have your accessories which are separate and you'll acquire them through different means you will not craft these you will find them loot them or get them from the market from other players the left side of your character your actual equipment will determine your overall item level you will go to this honing vendor similar to what you've seen in other games however you do not diminish or downgrade your gear fail the upgrade nothing happens you just waste your mats and you continue to upgrade your gear over time if you fail enough times you get an automatic 100 upgrade if you fail it's a pity system built into the game and that's how you progress the left side of your character and that's really all you need to know for at least the time being i'll do a more in-depth video as you reach tier 3 on the right side again you have your accessories and on these accessories you'll see three things you will see secondary stats like crit agility stats that you've seen in other mmos before you will see something at the top called grade or quality that will be a number some items will be lower in quality or grade some items will be higher in quality and grade essentially what grade or quality means is it determines how much of the secondary stat you will receive so you have 200 max secondary stat on rings 300 on earrings and 500 on your neck piece meaning that the grade or quality on your rings rather are not as important as your earrings and your neck piece right because you can only get 200 agility max on earrings so getting 190 isn't that big of a deal at 75. greater quality when you look at yourself that's a lot dude that's a lot the thing is people oh my god it's so complicated oh man how we gonna figure this [ __ ] out bro if the game has been out for three days man like just just give it a couple you gonna figure it out like it's not that hard like the thing is like you see like you see kids playing this game like they're kids that play this game but you could figure it out an eighth grader could figure this [ __ ] out yeah it's not that hard you just gotta spend time on it that's all i gotta take a piss guys i'll be right back i'm back did you wash your hands why would i wash my hands yeah why would i wash my hands dude i got a clean dick why would i i'm just confused why would i do that why would i wash my hands that's weird earrings though you can get 300 so you care more about it there and then you have your neck piece however early on you care about none of that early on especially when you first get into the game in the first tier tier one which you will be in for about a week or two until you get to tier two and then that will be cute i'll be done with it in a day uh probably like maybe like a half a day uh if i really try to go for it i'll be done with it so fast like trust me like whenever i go in and i do bosses i just beat him like i don't think about it i don't worry about it i just do it that's all there is to it three weeks you'll probably be in there four weeks if you're a newer player maybe and then tier three comes out and then in end game tier three is when you care about quality or grade we'll touch more on that later so again you have secondary stats that's on the gear you can see crit you have your grade and then you have something called engraving effects now i will have a video listed down below that does cover engravings and maybe in more in-depth fashion i might watch that because i need to figure this engraving [ __ ] out like i really really really want to get like my goal today is to get the madness engraving like that's the one thing i want out of today if i get nothing else i don't care as long as i get the madness engraving is a little bit more confusing to you but i will cover in today's video alright so right now i'm going to unequip all of my accessories and you can see that i have uh we'll undo these as well and you can see that i have no engraving effects okay the way that you want to understand engraving effects is that it's a similar system to corruption but a much better system than corruption if you've ever played battle for azeroth and i know for some people that might give them the pbgb's but that's the best oh bro corruption was awesome what do you mean corruption was big dick yeah what do you mean to do corruption was big dick like it it's i i love corruption it was fun no no it wasn't it wasn't fun wow bad shut up pop in a 5 million twilight devastation that was fun that was fun i can compare it to anything that i've played previously okay so we're gonna look at our earrings if you look at this piece of equipment again we have our secondary stats at the top we have strength vitality again that's just by deep don't worry about that you're looking at the secondary additional stats and then underneath that we have the engraving effects plus plus five grudge plus three sharp blood plus two slowness the first two in the yellow text are positive effects and the bottom effect the retina effect when i equip this you can see that i've gained plus five points in the grudge or level one you can see i have summon shark blood but it's not at level one yet and i have some in slowness but it's not at level one what does this do in order to get the benefit of any of these effects you need at least five points to get level one ten points to reach level two and fifteen points reach level three it's a cascading effect obviously the more and deeper you go into the engraving effect the stronger it gets so it's important to note i can't let me move it so it's like i'll do like right over like this okay how about that how's that does does that matter there that that should be better so i'll go back like 10 seconds just so he can explain it benefit of any of these effects you need at least five points to get level one ten points to reach level two and 15 points reach level three it's a cascading effect obviously the more and deeper you go into the engraving effect the stronger it gets so it's important to note that by just having two points in slowness again if you look at it five three and two by just having two points in slowness i do not receive the negative effect you have to so you can just get all the different negative effects but then not get it to level one and then you don't have any negative effects is that how it works oh [ __ ] that's actually really cool i like that a lot damn level one we already missed that 15 points hopefully you're following me here so when you're looking at all these things you're probably wondering uh which one's most important early on the most important thing that you care about is secondary stats so you're gonna prioritize secondary stats then you're gonna prioritize engravings and then down the road you'll probably participate quality or pulp so this is almost like poe is like you you wait now this now it's in the way again it says engravings where my camera is polish or whatever it's called right the grade the number you see at the top that's the last thing you will prioritize but first worry about your stats then worry about engravings but at certain points in the game you'll worry about all of them all at once okay but just keep that in mind also keep in mind that when you do make a set of accessories if all of your accessories have the correct stats but maybe one is off but it will give you this engraving effect and it will help you out that's fine as well with that being understood let's dive more into engravings so as you mentioned earlier you're going to acquire your gear set here we go pretty easy to do and it's very deterministic as you do dungeons and raids you will then acquire these mats and craft your own set gear however when we look at our accessories again you will earn them through chaos dungeons you will earn them through guardian raids but more than anything you will earn them by buying them from other players guys i'd like to talk a little bit about um what server i play on and what my character name is i play on galatar server uh so again i play on galatar server my character name is asman and let me just i type it out for you a-s-m-o-n-g-o-d it's asthma and god not asthma gold as mon god so um i just want to let you guys know that that is my name and that's the server that i play on i know it's it's been a question a lot of people have had and i just i don't know what really made me think of it but i thought it i might as well just clarify do that type of content accessories will drop and more than likely an accessory will drop that might be worth something for somebody else but not for your class you're gonna post your accessories on the auction house and you're probably gonna end up buying accessories for you that are beneficial so you're gonna sell the ones that you gather and then save your gold and often times also it's like poe we're like you get a good item but it's not good for you and then the other guy gets a good item and it's not good for him and then y'all trade it okay that's cool for an accessory that's beneficial for you however early on in the game you will not be using the market you'll take what you can get and how it will work is you'll create a build or find a build and i'll talk more about how you can find a build later and you're going to try to craft an engraving set keeping in mind that you want the best stats possible so with our accessories the first thing that you'll do is actually look for engraving effects not in your accessories but through seal books and these are books that you will acquire and i'll make a video on this later or maybe the video is already out by now you will go around and do quests and earn seal books by playing the game okay in seal books what they actually do is they store in your engraving knowledge tome thing here and all of your characters have access to this okay so whenever you read a book all of your wait so this is account bound all of your engravings are account bound why doesn't everybody do that why isn't it why does not every uh every server bound yeah why would not like let's say like why would uh like hypothetically like wow not do that like just hype i'm just thinking of a random game yeah why would they not do it that's so weird to me well i started twitter's down uh let me refresh it uh it's up for me yeah it's it's up for me it's just fine uh they probably the thing is like they i think they took down their twitter because they saw me uh talk about cerberus and they wanted to shut it down because like they didn't they were trying to get away with not having to give me an extra cerberus but i need them to do that well i start because yeah the thing is like the reason why i lost ark again is delayed it's my fault it's my fault i did this to you and i want to let you know that i did this maliciously this is not something that was just like an accident or a you know secondary effect of myself streaming the game i woke up early this morning thinking i want to ruin the average working joe's friday like i want to make his one day that he took off for his three-day weekend you're not getting a three-day weekend joe you're getting a day and a half and then you know your wife's gonna be on your ass on sunday and you're not even gonna be able to play the game you're welcome and then you have to go back to work characters have access to this feature i mean that it's set server or account wide yeah we'll talk more about what that means in a second this will show you all the possible engraving effects that exist in the game and then the second tab these are all the possible engraving effects that exist for your class so let's say we're going for a madness build and we want to build madness berserker because it's a very popular building well that's so bad the first thing that you'll do early on you'll try to gather as many books as possible again you'll earn them through doing quite well there are 100 different types of books that you can acquire there are green engraving books there are blue engraving books there are purple engraving books and then later on in tier three there are legendary engraving books now when you read a book you need to read 20 to store it in that page that i showed you earlier you need to read 20 green books and what that will do is it will give you the engraving effect follow me along here it will give you the engraving effect and it will give you three points of it i'll explain it in a second if you read 20 of the blue books right here you will get six points if you then go on to read 20 of the purple books you'll get nine points and if you read 20 of the legendary books you will get 12 points essentially think of this as like enchanting you're reading this knowledge or this manual and if you read 20 of each color no that actually makes sense 9 12 giving you like it actually it does make sense like people say it doesn't make sense it does make sense it does make sense yeah yeah it's not a big deal like you'll the thing is like you'll get it as soon as you do it probably like a twitter's down yeah basically twitter is down as well um as a lot of you all know uh my madness and malice knows no bounds i did that too and what that means is is you have these two slots here right and this is the first way that you'll start to work on your engravings the first thing you'll look for is these books the seal knowledge and you will seal or enchant yourself with these engravings so if i wanted madness again i've read 20 of the green then i read 20 of the blue then i read 20 of the purple and then i went to read 20 of the legendary okay and that's gonna give me those 12 points that we talked about and now i can seal that and drag it here and you can see that i gained 12 points of madness right and that gives me up to level two remember five points at level one five points in level two and why don't you why do you not have level three like why don't you just get level three yeah why don't you just get level we'll just get level three oh he's not done with it we'll just get to just finish it like what what's the problem you just do it but i need to fill it all out to get this degree and to get the benefit yeah that means i need an accessory that gives me plus three madness right if i put these earrings on i now get level three madness easy enough right by the way this is the most confusing system in lost ark so don't feel oh my gosh you don't understand it yet it'll make more sense to you when you're actively playing the game but if you're just watching this video and you're following along so far you're doing good also the earrings that i did earlier also had five grudge on them so now i've earned the grudge effect as well and remember i haven't earned any of the negative effects but you can seal two of them so early on in the game you're not going to have these legendary books you're probably going to have at best blue books maybe you've got some green books what you'll do is you can double seal right so i can take this maybe i've read 20 of the green and 20 of the blue giving me those six points i can actually double seal drag them in the slot and now i have 12 points right six and six gave me that 12 and all i would need to do is get those last three so that's how it's going to work you're going to get your books first and sealed and then what you'll look for is a thing called an engraving stone right so we took care we took care of the books and then now we need an engraving stone is something that you'll learn about by doing a quest in the game as you do uh your progression and end game you'll get one you'll get these stones from doing a quest and it will ask you to cut a stone and welcome to rng city with this system it's really fun to do but it's also really tilting so you'll get to this little screen right here and essentially so this is like gambling right like i actually like yo guys i actually don't think it's that complicated i i know y'all would be like oh buh buh buh buh duh buh duh what the [ __ ] uh what the oh whoa what the [ __ ] no it's probably not that complicated like it's just you're you're getting all of it at the same time it's it's really probably not like these games again you know what my dad told me whenever i was learning to drive i thought i told my dad i'm like dad i'm never gonna learn how to drive it's too hard my dad says what the [ __ ] are you talking about i said it's too hard i'm not i'm not smart enough he says look around look at all the morons look at all the absolute dumbasses driving around in cars you still think you can't do it look look at look at him look at him look at look at that idiot he has a driver's license why can't you get one i'm like uh okay all right that's fine and think about it like that there's a lot of people that are dumb as [ __ ] they are absolutely dumb as [ __ ] and they have no idea what they're doing and because of that uh and even them they have better engravings than you do that you can figure this out i guarantee you you can figure it out and you want to know how i figure out the right thing to do by doing the wrong thing that's what i do i am a person who learns by error like i will do it wrong over and over and over and then i will eventually do it right that's normal yeah uh the problem is that i used to do that in school and my dad really didn't like that that was the one thing he was not a fan of is my um uh you know a b testing or it's usually c because you know i just pick c i i read somewhere like c is the most often answer so let's see yeah it was not not good fall forward why my dad um i explained to my dad that i actually never tried to i'm just just a complete tangent i'm just going to talk about this when we get back to the video i talked to my dad i told him one time that i never tried to get a 100 in a class i would get the progress report and it would have like the accounting for each grade and the waiting for each grade and i would mathematically calculate the easiest assignments for me to do for me to mathematically get a 75 in the class and then i would also get like a 90 sometimes if it was a really easy six weeks and then if i got a 90 they couldn't give you less than a 50. so a 90 and a 50 average together are 70 and you still pass so i could effectively do a six weeks of work and to get a 90 and then i don't even really have to go to school next time so i i min maxed my grades and i had a 2.4 in high school i earned that 2.4 right on the dot i explained that to my dad about a year ago i graduated 10 years ago he still got mad it sti it still made him mad even even like so imagine imagine what it was like back then he was not happy at all 2.4 out of 100 yeah yeah exactly and uh [ __ ] you can't guarantee a hundred percent yeah you can yeah okay you just get it right and that's why i said 75 right because like what if i do make a mistake well then you know i got dennis's 73 but if i do well and i get like a like this one time i got a 94 i was upset i wasted four points why the [ __ ] i need those four points for i did i wasted my own damn time did you get grounded no no my dad just get pissed off at me the thing is like my dad um i think he always trusted that i'd be able to figure something out because like even whenever i was a kid i was like always wheeling and dealing like uh i used to sell uh floating rocks whenever i was in uh like kindergarten in first grade and then after that i would sell fireworks at the school i sold fireworks at school a lot cause like uh first time i went and my dad took me to get fireworks at school um uh not fireworks at school but he got fireworks at fireworks stand uh i didn't have enough money saved up and i only bought like two boxes of black cats and like m1000s and like you know big old fireworks and smoke bombs and [ __ ] and then i told my dad i'm like well let's come back in two weeks and i'll get even more money and my dad says well they closed i'm like wait what the [ __ ] he says yeah they're open only two times a year and i was like wait what the [ __ ] is this right like it actually was almost like the corruption vendor in bfa you know how it's on like a rotation and you only have like a twilight devastation it's only up like maybe every uh every three three weeks right so it's like a video game rotation and so i would it's a it's a fomo mechanic it is and so what did i do i saved all my lunch money every single uh every single week i would save my lunch money and i would spend like a hundred and fifty dollars on fireworks at the at the fireworks stand and my dad would buy it all for me and he let me buy it and uh i would take the fireworks to school and i would sell them to kids at school because you could sell them for way more money because like kids want to buy fireworks but they can't do it but then i i sell fireworks to them and i make so much [ __ ] money and then after that i was selling uh different uh programs on a calculator that you could download that you could use to plug in uh different formulas that people could use to pass in algebra and i had these and i had two calculators because you had to clear one calculator i never cleared the other one so i swapped that [ __ ] around and then i would i would [ __ ] take people's lunch money for that and i would get the money a ta it was a ti 83 or 84 uh plus and so that's the thing like i was like and then also i would sell like burned cds and [ __ ] like that too like i would sell anything that i could and like my dad probably was uh he he saw me do that and he was just like okay this you know it'd be all right yeah he'll be fine like that like obviously anything that i could do to get money i would do like i remember whenever uh [ __ ] uh george bush decided that there wasn't gonna be any more soda in school i said thank you george i appreciate that i'm gonna bring it from my house and sell it for twice as much thanks a lot george yeah that sounds good to me that was my life and then i would fail class i would almost fail class every time man he would be pissed what you're trying to do and what you have to do is you have to make your way across all of these and it's no different than an accessory right these have no stats on them by the way you'll loot a stone from doing a chaos dungeon or a guardian raid yeah this is a stone that has those engraving effects on it and you have 17 5 75 here to if i tap it here i failed this is where the rng starts i have another 75 chance to get an effect here boom i hit one again 65 every time you succeed you go down for 10 percent every time you fail you gain 10 with the max being 75. okay it's okay if you're confused here just watch the screen so now i've got 55 i hit now i get bonus bonus bonuses down here because i actually want bonus bonus i don't want to succeed in this row and i won come on give me a 2 000 i don't want negative effects so 55 i'll go here for funsies i failed i mean i passed 45 i failed then i'll go here 65 i'll bring it here just just for signs 75 i'll do it here this is bad stone already right well we'll just do this for science so i'll i'll i'll fill these out now so i've got five six and four and if i add that stone if i equip it right five it's very fifteen plus five guillotine plus six barricade plus four peacefulness if i cr if i equip the stone and it's right there i get those effects and i don't get the negative effect right yeah so when you combine your stone all the way it goes in this bottom slot your seal is here so you have it you have it put together oh my god that's actually that's so close that's such a good one yeah wow and it's like no i've watched train before right and like the thing is that like i know slots don't work like this but he always wins and that he always would win in that anubis game like he would and like i know it doesn't work like that but like why does why would he win every time whenever he plays anubis i wonder why yeah i don't understand at all he won 8 million last night yeah it only cost 9 million i don't know yeah as i said guys i watch train all the time he's one of my oldest friends on twitch all these accessories right that's how you will get a build like this by combining the stone getting a really good stone is important but early on you'll take what you can get getting some nice accessories and so on that's the gearing of lost ark in a nutshell there's also things like gems and tripods but you won't experience those until tier two and tier three content which will take you a couple of weeks and i don't recommend learning about it now it's going to overwhelm you but if you can understand this the left side being your actual equipment and the quality thing that you see here is the exact same as i mentioned earlier your quality and equipment and you upgrade that and that determines your item level and then your accessories that you will get through various aspects of the game that's responsible for your critical strike your agility and all your secondary stats and your engravings if you are overwhelmed by any of this do not panic do not worry it didn't make sense to me until i actually played the game and like a lot of things in life watching a video on it prior before you actually see it and that's a really cool effect bro that reminds me of like what's that [ __ ] [ __ ] that they do in smash brothers where like you get all three pieces of the the thing and then you can make the little thing you go go right on them yeah that's what it is twitter's down i did that yep fuel overwhelming or confusing but just know that it will make a lot more sense when you're actually playing the game like all things in life but if you can understand the gist of what i'm saying it will help you a lot when you're jumping into the game and it won't be as foreign to you now if you're wondering where should i learn about builds and how do i know what stats do i want for my class and how do i know what engravings i want there's a fantastic website maxwell.gigi that just picked up lost that mechanic the same mechanic that they have on alexander three savage where everybody gets the line then they have to move out of it and then move out of the place that they were at and then move out of the original spot yes yeah i thought so see this is like i cannot wait bro like i cannot wait until i get to the uh the max level uh dungeons and raids like i i love that [ __ ] man and figuring it out nobody says it's kind of the same thing yeah i swear being down a big deal for you guys that's a good question so twitter being down is a big deal for them because um usually they're tweeting uh they're tweeting about me about how uh there was one person who i made a tweet um this is a comment that he made yesterday i pulled it up i want to show it to the stream real quick so you're quitting final fantasy 14 now way to jump on the bandwagon after we welcomed you with oakman arms kind of lame if you ask me but you do you brah damn bruh damn brah i just thought it was funny i was going to comment back at him i'd be like yeah man i'm not going to play it again until they pay me again he'll be like wait what you got paid mark and it has a lot of reliable information on there i will have it linked below but for example you can go to the build guide and look for a snapchat or mayhem berserker raid god and it will tell you your build your ability layout it will give you how to choose your actual ability tripods don't worry about that yet and it will also give you engravings that we just touched on which ones you want to go for and it will also give you a stat breakdown as well it gives you all the information here very easy to digest and i highly recommend the website for those of you that are looking for information on your class and no i am not affiliated with the website it's just one that i think is pretty useful for new players and that's it you guys hopefully that video was easy to understand or somewhat digestible i'll have all the links for all the stuff that i mentioned listed down below in the description if you guys have any questions whatsoever you can check out my live stream somewhere on the screen and i'd be more than willing to answer them thank you all so much and i will see you we'll watch the engravings video there's this video uh stoops is a great content creator and do you all remember whenever we were talking like he he made that video like literally three days ago and he was talking about how he was going to hopefully hit uh you know [ __ ] a hundred thousand subs and he had 89k now he almost has 93k subs like that's literally how fast it is that's nuts man holy [ __ ] that is really [ __ ] fast god damn look up legacy gaming i'll watch this one right here yeah sure uh give me one second and uh i'll see if i can find that video real quick selling to him now yeah yeah i mean give him a sub i think that he's uh he's a good guy and uh you know again like he's from the wow community so i've known this guy for a long time and uh yeah there you go he's already off he's already up to 93.5 holy [ __ ] god damn all right yeah there you guys go yeah make sure to give them a sub [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 239,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold lost ark, lost ark, mmo lost ark, lost ark mmo, lost ark gameplay, lost ark gearing guide, best way to gear, best way to gear in lost ark, lost ark gearing, best gearing guide, best gearing guide lost ark, gearing lost ark
Id: uaVYquCBpL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 47sec (1967 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.