Asmongold Reacts to "Lost Ark - 13 Huge Mistakes To Avoid" by Legacy Gaming

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and then we'll look at the 13 huge mistakes and we'll see how many of them i've already made i feel like these videos are really well edited and really well put together i've watched one of his videos before about engravings and i thought it was very educational uh there are very few tangents they're obviously scripted i really respect you know the way he like transitions these different things uh you know blurs out the stuff that's not important talks about the things that are important so i think his videos are great and they're informative they're short they're to the point you've watched every video read up on a ton of guides and you're ready to dive into lost ark on day one what are you doing i want to watch these videos the reason why i'm watching some of these uh these videos like there's some things like i don't know about for sure but it's also because i know a lot of you guys are coming in you haven't played yet and hopefully this will help you guys that are maybe in queue and maybe starting off right now fully prepared to take on the world of arcasia hey there friends it's kodiak here welcome to legacy gaming today i'm putting my experience with the game to the test and sharing a number of huge mistakes to avoid in lost ark let's beat chris a bit bit loud apologize for that um i want to say i saw a hightail in there is that game out like what is the status on hightail because it had it was like so hyped up and like i don't really hear anything about it i haven't heard anything about it recently it's not out yet 2025. yeah i feel like it's just like it's such an ambitious project i hope it doesn't get stuck in development hell microsoft bought it that's smart i mean if microsoft bought it that would be [ __ ] amazing but we'll have to see what happens it was bought by riot oh okay okay man i really hope it's gonna be good i'm excited to play that even though i never really played minecraft i like the idea of it being a uh an open foundation to do different things i think it's cool so clear lost ark is an expansive ever-changing game that's the nature of mmos right there are a million opinions and guides out there and while they're chopped full of information sometimes a bit of perspective puts things into focus that's really the goal of this video to provide you with facts but also to give you philosophical insight into how best to approach the game not everything i point out is going to be groundbreaking but it might just resonate with it so keep an open mind and remember at the end of the day play the game the way you want that's ultimately going to provide you with the best experience so this first one might be a bit strange for a lot of you especially any mmo refugees coming to check out the game lost ark's end game breaks down into two concepts horizontal progression that is stuff that's easily accessible by everyone and vertical content activities that take investments yeah one thing i want you all to keep in mind is the fact that changing your main is a very common phenomenon within this game yeah i i'll probably change like my goal right now is i want to have as soon as i hit 60 50. excuse me as soon as i hit 50 i'm gonna boost a gun lancer i'm gonna boost a gun lancer and i might also boost a paladin i don't know because honestly after watching demon play paladin i was like [ __ ] that's really cool and i might want to try that and also that way i can teach mcconnell how to play his own class because i you know he'll he probably has no idea all right so i can just help him out warrior andy all warriors yeah i mean duh like i mean what what why what do you want would you want me to play a girl no no man no it's so common that most people will tell you it's okay to change your main pretty much all the way up to tier three now the naeu will launch at tier one with some modifications but keep in mind this. you're not going to get to experience your full character with a full kit until you reach the end game content and unlock the additional skill point potions needed to see the class in full at that point don't be afraid to say you know what this class just isn't for me the leveling process in lost ark is short by design because the developers smilegate realized rightly so it's impossible to judge a class based on its leveling experience it may feel like you're throwing progression down the drain but remember i always say that it's better like this is a bit of advice um it's better to level up a character like hand level a character then get a boost for it because whenever you hand level a character you start to understand how the different abilities synergize and how they fit together as you level up even though i probably played a crucial role in funneling upgrade materials to your main so making a swap may mean you have to level up a new character but it also means you have an alt standing by in the wings that's a credit to support that new mate long story short don't be afraid to swap your main you may have an idea in your head about what class you want to play but it's okay if that dream and the reality of the class don't line up just pull the trigger and try something else the cons since we have the chance to do this again i wanted to add another tip into the mix here this actually comes from someone in the comments but i realized i did this too during the beta when you reach lake bar you're going to start unlocking your life skills mining and fishing to be exact you're going to notice there's a vendor that sells you tools don't be fooled you do not need to buy any tools from this life skill vendor at this point you actually get basic tools once you complete the associated guide quest so save yourself the silver and don't fall into this trap quest away in a similar vein i want to talk about you're going to read a lot of guides and see a lot of videos about the best way to level or the fastest route to 50 whatever it may be when the chips are down there are really two ways to do this the first is to only do the main story missions the developers have tuned this entire quest line perfectly so that when you finish the final set of quests and shoeshine you're done you're at level 50 in a set of gear ready to take on the first bit of end game content chaos dungeons in my opinion this is a great way to level as you're not bogged down by all those additional side quests that just slowed you down plus you get dude i thought the side quests were fine like i thought it added more more combat and more stuff like that i thought it was totally okay in my opinion i'll let him finish and then i'll talk about it see more of the world and you get a starter set of end game gear it's a win across the board that being said there's nothing wrong with picking up every quest along the way you're going to hit level 50 well before the end of that main quest line and that's fine you're also going to pick up more silver account xp and currencies for things like rapport but this method isn't foolproof there's a chance you might have a small gear gap that requires you to progress further anyways to get your item level high enough to enter chaos dungeons also at some point you're gonna need to go back and finish that main quest line even if you're overpowered to do so i would also argue this is a slower way to level especially if you're playing a class that takes a bit longer to kill enemies definitely like a gun bottom line you can choose the level either way you want it's entirely up to you but those two options are really the only true paths to the end game you may see slight variations here and there but at the end of the day i think that at the end of the day what it really is is you should do what you want to do and if you like realistically just legitimately do not give a [ __ ] about the story at all for any reason it doesn't matter at all you just want to get to max level just do that right because that's what you want to do but other than that like my best advice to play the game this is what i would do is i would go through the main story quest i would play through it i'd read the quests i would watch the cinematics and i would go through the content because that's that's the game like that's the game that you just you watch the game and and that's it that's what i do right and maybe that's not there's it's not the best thing that you want to do but that's that's my best advice for how to play the game either one is going to get the job done moco seed collectors join a guild full stop being part of a community is at the core of everything i do first thing we do today is we make a guild we actually make the guild makes it an integral theme within the game being in a guild is more than just having a new chat channel to talk in in lost ark being in a guild means working towards collective goals and rewards simple each guild has access to research that will unlock new aspects of the guild including a guild shop here you can turn in bloodstones for special items like upgrade materials based hp potions things that will help you in other aspects of the game yeah by simply being in a guild and contributing towards quebec this is so sorry i have to make sure i don't get locked down yes they're making small donations in silver or gold you're getting something valuable back in return something you wouldn't otherwise have access to am i segueing this into a shameless plug you bet i am but i truly believe that mmos are better together and to that end i will say this legacy gaming is already one of the biggest guilds in north america we've amassed an incredible group of people from around the world not as big as the 100 of us discord we're excited to take on the challenges of arcasia together we are an open community which means you can come and go as you please so if you're watching this nobody's better than anyone for a place to call home check out our discord link below and join today yes guilds are limited to how many people can be in them but trust me when i say we've got a big plan the worst part about like so this is what happened in new world is that the green players on like our server whenever we did the beta we outnumbered purple and yellow like three or four to one like we completely [ __ ] outnumbered purple and it was great but the problem is that every [ __ ] like the war is not a war of numbers so we were xerxes army of the persians but they were the spartans so every one of them would kill five of our guys but it didn't matter because we had 15 guys for every one of their guys so we'd still just [ __ ] kill him so every war we would lose we would completely dominate the open world but every war we would lose it was [ __ ] awful yeah it was literally xerxes army lena company erectus yeah yeah they were way more organized than we were it was embarrassing if you're someone that really wants to make the most out of their time with the game maybe you've only got a couple hours a week to spare well then hopefully this advice saves you some valuable time don't worry about your gear while you're leveling like most mmos leveling gear is awash and doesn't provide you with any real value long term i would argue that the loot in the game is one of the least interesting aspects of lost art it's not like running dead minds and getting the cruel barb to drop loot just doesn't work the same way by simple it's really hard to find a game that loot feels as good as is in classic wow like classic wow and burning crusade loot was really something else bro it was really something else i never play i never play runescape that much right i've done like maybe a few days on it that's about it so i can't speak to that but what i can say is like with wow like even new world right you get a new weapon like that's really cool but like you don't get to see the damage in the same way as you did back then diablo 2 as well maybe and diablo 3 like it felt really good whenever you got a new weapon too like remember you get one that had like crit chance crit damage and [ __ ] attack speed that the trifecta on it and it would have your main stat too like i played demon hunter on release i would get a piece of gear or like a ring with trifecta and it had like a gem in it like holy [ __ ] price check your inventory while you're leveling and equip anything with a little blue arrow in the bottom right hand corner that's going to provide you with enough establishment to keep you going keep in mind that you can equip two rings and two earrings so best be sure you're utilizing every piece of gear just don't waste your time min maxing while you're leveling you'll just be wasting time time better spend pushing deeper into the game that's true call black once you reclaim lutera castle you'll be rewarded with a stronghold i've talked about this feature in a number of different videos and while it's still not my favorite system in the game it's impossible to deny how important it actually is strongholds and life skills go hand in hand and it's incredibly easy to just ignore or forget about your stronghold entirely this is a huge mistake strongholds are really one of your best tools for continuing to progress within the game the workshop and the port are really the two features i want to focus on here at the workshop you can craft percent based hp potions as well as other battle items like grenades to do that you need life skills i'm not saying to stop and pick every flower along the way while you're leveling but these things will become vitally more important the deeper into the game you get the real goal here is to have all the important recipes by the time t2 content comes out that's when these vital items are going to play a big factor which by the way t2 out t2 content is out on release whether or not you're successful yeah in the same vein is the port where you'll send out crews on automated missions if you're a casual player this is going to be a godsend as you'll be able to cruise ships that can complete special missions that reward upgrade materials these missions mimic those of end game activities like chaos dungeons and guardian raids but you don't actually have i'm not really i wish like you know what would be one really cool thing that like lost art could do and like this is something i wish wow did more of is they had like a uh like a phone app that would allow you to like manage your stronghold materials and stuff on your phone uh i i would love that that would be great and i like i wish wow had that too like it would be so [ __ ] cool to have that because like that way you can just yeah wild does have that in a way right because you can do like the companion missions and [ __ ] but like wow it's not the same there's a few reasons why it's not the same but overall i would really really love to have that and like that's the kind of stuff like people always talk about oh mobile's bad mobile's bad moves bad whenever i say like mobile is good and it can enhance the experience the player can have i'm thinking of things like this i'm not thinking of diablo immortal to do the work to that end it's important to do collectibles that reward you with new crewmates that will allow you a higher chance of success if you're a more serious player someone that does want to push progression well then it's important just to keep up with your other missions you actually have a tracker on your hotbar up top that lets you know when missions are completed it's easy to forget this and even easier to just now have the centers out but you're missing out every second that goes by and you don't send out a new party is this going to hamstring you for weeks on end no but those mission rewards can be used with special rotating vendors that may have incredibly valuable loot things you don't want to miss out on and if you don't have the money you can't purchase the goods it's as simple as that it's just that looking around the internet you may have noticed that a lot of lost art creators post videos in widescreen that's because a 29 by nine aspect ratio gives you a wider field of view when playing i hate that i actually hate that like i think that's so dumb i really wish that was not the case because like it makes you like i don't like having to play the game that way and also like i remember remember back in poe whenever and oh this happened in diablo 2 where you would download that hack and it would take your screen it would do this with it and you could like see the parts of the game that weren't like finished and you could shoot bosses with like certain abilities like nether arrows and you could tag them from off screen and because they were so far away from you they wouldn't aggro and you could kill them for free do you remember that [ __ ] [ __ ] that used to be able to do god damn dude that was so [ __ ] fun dude cheating in diablo 3 felt so good something a lot of players specifically pvpers find useful yeah if you don't have a wide screen monitor it's okay there's actually an option to force the aspect ratio i guess this isn't so much mistake other players make but a psa that if you're someone that does want the advantage of more screen information but don't have the hardware to back it up there is a solution one you might not have known about otherwise so we just put out this huge end game video breaking down everything players can do once they reach level 50 and the naeu and i want to double down on one aspect of that video the rest gauge if you don't know the rest gauge is a system that allows you to catch up after you miss out on certain daily activities if you're unable to complete the two daily chaos dungeons and guardian raids you can gain stacks in your rest gauge for each task left incomplete you gain 10 rest if you have 20 rest the next time you do a cast dungeon or guardian raid you receive double loot in total you can stockpile 100 rest resulting in five instances of double loot the mistake happens when you let that rest gauge fill up to full and then don't capitalize on the double loop inevitably things happen you'll miss a day or two especially if you're a more casual player but once that bar hits 100 anything you missed after that point is a wasted opportunity that's really and dude i had no idea about that that's that's sick yeah it's [ __ ] badass man easiest solution is just to try and log on every day and do your daily activities but that's not always possible yeah so your next best bet is to log in when you can to keep that bar below 100 right chaos dungeons take next to no time to complete and guardian raids are timed events that won't stretch you past 20 minutes the double loop gained by tapping into your rest gauge is more precious than anything else at this point so don't miss a goal i want to boost the characters as soon as possible wait so so yeah i i want to boost the characters as soon as possible because that way i can start uh you start like getting their their boots okay i need to figure out what my second characters be like should be paladin or like the the gun guy like that's like those are the two options and i'm not playing i'm not i ain't playing a girl i'll be right back i have to take a piss all right i'm back okay so yeah i feel like that's what i should do i should play the uh the gun guy or a paladin it's gonna be one or another and i just don't know you know what this is kind of like a stupid question but like wash hands why would i wash my hands dude i got a clean dick why would i wash my hands this might be a stupid question but like can you do a guardian raid with like four berserkers or is there some sort of like class limitation system the way that like final fantasy has limit break you can okay so it is because like if you have two of a class or like a couple of other restrictions your limit break doesn't feel as fast in final fantasy no it's just you just do whatever the [ __ ] it is what it is all right opportunity to keep your characters moving dude i'm so glad i found out about that we touched on this a bit in these stronghold sections i cannot tell you guys how important combat items are once you reach a certain point in this efficient because part of you ever rated progression in any mmo then you know the value of coming to something prepared that means having the right potions and in this case the right grenades or combat items that's a lot all these things can be crafted at the stronghold which is why it's important to keep up with the upgrades you'll also come by a number of these just by playing the game dude that's most likely the lost team is going to throw a ton of stuff at us during launch it's a new game and they're going to want to incentivize people to log in with daily bonuses and whatever else they come up with don't be overwhelmed by the shinies and realize that these things are far more valuable later than they are now the real mistake is keeping these in your bags to begin with take advantage of your storage chest which allows you to scroll away items just keep this stuff out of sight one thing that really sucks is that new items will automatically move to your hotbar and a slip of the finger means you've just wasted a precious item i know it might not make sense at this point but trust me when i say it will once the team releases the next tiers of content while not really a mistake i think it's important to point out yeah i don't really worry too much about that [ __ ] like i'll be able to farm all that stuff on my own and just get all that done like that that's grinding content and like you guys know i mean in a new world right i was the first person on my i was the second person in new world second person on my server hit level 60 i took two days off okay and then i was also the first person on my server to be able to cut iron wood and i tried to sell it nobody would buy it i tried to sell it for 20 uh 20 gold for an ironwood nobody would buy it i was so mad change in the main quest nobody leaves shut up luterra this is really cool 30s it can be a bit confusing as the main quest icon changes from an orange marker to a blue i can't tell you how many people have sent me dms about this the marker changes and they end up wandering around aimlessly trying to figure out what to do next once you leave east lootera your next objective is tortoic so take your new ship and beeline it northeast to that small island from this point on you'll be following the blue globe icons as your main quests don't die obviously this is one of the most fundamental tenets of video but in lost art there's a reason to keep your hp above zero when you die in the game you have two options to respawn at the closest tripod or use a phoenix plume also known as a resurrection feather these are incredibly valuable items that you'll need for end game content such as abyss dungeons so here again i say don't waste them while leveling up the mistake here is how many of those did i use yesterday yeah how many like i probably like what ten i used ten to kill a an invulnerable clown yeah yeah i was like five five 10 or so yeah yeah that's what i thought you have an abundance of these items which may be the case early on but as you progress in the game you're going to need to rely on them much more especially in endgame content that requires a feather to spawn back in like chaos dungeons guardian raids and again abyss dungeons the thing about phoenix plumes is that there are only a finite amount of them there are a few different ways to get them but the main one is by completing aspects of your adventure tone the thing is once you run out of ways to get new feathers you have to pay real world cash and let's be honest who wants to do that so once you reach the end game you might be feeling like you're not reaching your full potential on a class that's because you still need to unlock more skill points the only way to do this is by engaging with the collectible systems within the game turning in things like giant hearts will reward you with four skill point potions which give all characters on that server access to additional points skill point potions are connected to nearly every endgame system and they're an absolute priority unlock new skill point potions you have access to more tripods which ultimately helps you progress more quickly the mistake here is not knowing these exist in the first place and not making them something you actively hunt down you're not going to be able to get them all in one day there are just too many systems at play here but hunting down specific skill point potions like the ones in the tower of shadow should add i'm gonna get every single one on the first day probably that's my plan it's just to get them out of the way like my goal is to just is to beat everything in the game uh pretty fast and that way i i don't have to worry about it and i can just kind of have fun uh the guy said wrong yeah apparently you can't use them in the abyss dungeons that that was not true hopefully be a first priority as those additional points will unlock a whole world of possibilities for your characters finally i want to talk about your roster level or legacy level as it's called in the russian version yeah i've talked about this before but man you've got to remember to keep unlocking new passive stats when you level up your account see this is the best thing about my chat is that the chat anytime that i get anything like even if it's like you know i get a a a tree branch that you have to click so if you get clicked 55 tree branches you learn uh you know more about trees like the chat will span but learn the tree branch learn the tree branch or you can't level you're gonna die if you don't earn it you need this for the next boss you have to learn the tree branch so it's like i i luckily never have to worry about that a system that runs parallel to your character level and something that's so easy to forget nearly everything you do grants you xp towards your roster and those stat boosts are universal across all characters on a server to access this menu go to the roster icon in the bottom right then click on roster information make sure to scan the list and click on any of the boxes you have unlocked to increase your roster level write yourself a sticky note set a reminder on your phone whatever you need to do but don't miss out on free easy stat boosts that take all of your characters on the server up a notch so there you have it 12 mistakes or oversights new players make and why you should do everything in your power to avoid them if you've joined the discord you know we're all about empowering others here so if you're a lost ark vet that somehow stumbled on this video do me a solid and share your wealth of information with our community what's one mistake you wish you hadn't made when you were first playing lost art leave a comment below and let others know if you've been following along with our lost our coverage then you already know we've got a whole lineup of content ready to go for launch we've been ready for launch so if you appreciate that work we'd appreciate the support hit that thumbs up and subscribe for more lost art videos in your feed finally if you like everything we're doing here at lego gaming my name is cody akan from everyone here at legacy gaming thanks for watching and there we go there we go all right guys let me go back over here comment white cerberus on the video i'm not gonna comment white cerberus on the video okay guys yeah i'm not as i said the guy yeah some of this stuff ended up being outdated like definitely that's just the way it goes but um you know it's a video from kind of a while ago and had a lot of views so i figured we might as well watch it look at player numbers please yeah i'll pull up the player numbers right now okay guys [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 399,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold lost ark, lost ark, mmo lost ark, lost ark mmo, lost ark gameplay
Id: 8DZDkIUscTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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