Asmongold Reacts To "The Kalimdor Safari - Zone Lore Exploration (Part 1)" | By Platinum WoW

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only 31.6% of you guys actually read quest text most of the time you're not missing out on much no you're not times the quest text gives a lot of context the places you've been all over the lands of Kalimdor there are zones with unique stories told through quest text or some other outside source that's good after this video you'll be playing with your friends and you'll be like did you know this was the spot where thrall and Mel Furion got in a knife fight over claiming the lands of ashenvale did that happen it'll be all like yeah no that's because it could I may absolutely come out with these there's three rogues on me so get your disposable camera ready applause get those Hawaiian t-shirts on because we're going on a calendar lore Safari a Jarrah is known for being a barren wasteland when it comes to actually doing quests but yeah he's full yet haunted lands still have some stories to tell okay in the southern part of the zone you can find a lot of these crystals what are these crystal well there's right no not as a right all the crystals we find and be always more adventure right but what is similar about these two things is that they're both [ __ ] but ash right is literal ash right is Mountain giant poop and mountain giant poo is an amazing material to craft weapons and armor especially weapons and armor that contain energy because as you're right is great at focusing large amounts of weight that's the warrior tier or 11 set that's one of my favorite sets this earth it's not some guy that's different power my first reaction when finding out this information is wow why is there so much in-depth lore about mental giant poop in the Warcraft universe turns out a lot of this information comes from quests and Cataclysm because the goblins inhabited much nature's majora is in the northern regions we didn't even know that so that means that there's an abundance of Night Elf ruins the ruins energy aura are the remains of a city called El darreth long ago the magically gifted born l said it happened you can get this there's a comic called the Pearl Pandaria that was released before the mists of pandaria ever came out I don't even know this comic existed what it talks about how the Pandaren had contact with the highborn thousands and thousands of years ago really back then observe the highborns culture seeing that magic was the crustacean society the payments thought this wasn't the wisest move and as a parting gift they gave the elves of Elder and ornate box that was told to have all the magic that they'd ever need that's a lot of magic it elated and magic addicted elves open the box with bated breath to see legend locks was empty okay so I understand the pandas were trying to be like these wise grand master so she mailed a valuable lesson but here's the thing highborn need magic to survive without it they just wither away and die this is like yeah person's starving on an island and you float down and give them a bag of McDonald's and they open it and there's nothing inside and you go ha ha ha just don't eat you're welcome and then you just float away pandas are so stupid you're fine you're not really there was also an ancient artifact called the crystal of Zin milord a relic that could harness strong arcane energy for those that could truly wield its power all right the power-hungry highborn yanked the crystal and went over to winterspring right in winter spring we can find even more highborn ruins that are still haunted by its inhabitants a lot of the foreign society was utterly destroyed during the Sun during a massive explosion that salty heart and was mainly caused by well the highborn you're speaking of - stupid through a druid called kelex Chi keeper we find out that generations and generations of elves have died trying to harness the power of the crystal of Zima what a bunch of idiots out of greed the way I was ultimately taken to Darnassus and locked up some [ __ ] unions ever kill themselves again that's smart in this snowy zone there's also a cave as thrill what's interesting about this cave is that in classic it was taken over by a bunch of blue tree yeah this is yeah I was taken over by a dude named um Brants the spirit breaker if you've ever done sunken temple before you've gotten the quest item essence of a ranek has string socks the quest that item starts ultimately takes you to that item branch and so Cataclysm it's revealed that he's actually been absorbing dragon essences for his own personal gain like he's the goddamn Dragonborn well I bring this up because I find it hilarious that players in the sunken temple not only help accidentally summon her car but they also help some random power hungry dragon sucker as well so in Cataclysm sky sauce give him a taste of his own medicine that's pretty accurate actually now that you have the scaling for BFI I mean one punch she's pretty much dead I know this guy like he's not even elite like one thing I don't like is the fact that like these really important quest guys aren't elite like they should be elite it should be hard to kill them bro like this second arrow to the knee yeah yeah real [ __ ] though would is easily the most dangerous and haunted zone within all of calendar yeah third war demons invaded Azeroth battle to destroy Mount Hyjal in order to weaken the elven defenses and gain a foothold in Azeroth the dreadlord tyke Andreea sees a toll of golden to crept all of northern ashenvale AKA well what really are the power of sword girl I tie Congress will claim these lives in the name of the Burning Legion [Music] Oh yet Illidan was not a fan of this interested woods the stop its spread and say oh it's people and well the skull the ghoul Dan was pretty powerful so he could get his hands on that that would be great Illidan boy he knitted tie country is with a powerful rock bottom even though he just saved not only his people but all of Kalimdor from a serious threat Malfurion his brother still banished him from their society that was so dumb dude whenever this happened in Warcraft 3 I was like bro did you even play the same quest as me how the [ __ ] are you gonna think that it's like illidan's been cooked for his whole life it's like cinereous thought Malfurion was a better druid Tyrande was [ __ ] she like Malfurion better than him and then he finally died alright you know what it's time to really just [ __ ] let's yeah cooked for ten thousand years alright let's show him where I'm at and he comes he beats this [ __ ] I have a dread Lord saves that saves his race and Kalimdor and his brothers like brah but you didn't wrong you know I mean it like this guy of course he's [ __ ] mad for using demonic power and old and left the ghost search for even more power jabroni classic even if the there was still a demonic scar placed on calendar surely the warlocks and the demons residing within the zone are trying to spread their influence of course a demonic hotspot is the ancient night oven boroughs of Jaden oh the dragon ibaka daddy kil jaeden it was here where we can find the remnants of the shadow council by there are multiple outcroppings where satyrs reside precisely nice Isis also come too well the ancient Seder curse the curse originated from a high born named xavius who was posted into the first see ya after failing to do Sargeras is bidding spread his affliction to bunch of [ __ ] idiot within felwood there is a constant struggle between the corruption that dwells within it and the emerald circle a sub sect of the scenario in circle whose main focus is purifying all the fellows you know if they really wanted to get rid of that whole corruption thing they probably should have given me more than 5 quests anakata we can see that they're somewhat successful and created the Wingrove yeah they did better conflict between the two forces is still prevalent today you can talk about how dare you now despite Illidan in the night elves efforts to stop the Legion Mount Hyjal was ultimately damaged when mal Furion blew a horn and wisps and golfed our community explodes badass the whole event damaged the tree meaning that immortality of the Night Elves was no more this way boy made mal Furion very very sleepy and he took a very long nap mysterion was in his coma fandral staghelm took his place in this [ __ ] of the druids his geysers diction as leader was to make a new world tree with blackjack and hookers not smarter called ancients and dark shor a new tree called teldrassil AKA crown of the earth was formed unfortunately this world tree would not grant the elves immortality again because nozdormu was the one to bless Hyjal but he refused the blessed told yourself why us I don't know he's a big jerk tonight oh what an [ __ ] what an [ __ ] why the hell would he not do that like it's not a big deal to him because of reasons he knows the future Yeah right that that's just what they tell you man oops would enjoy their cool tree house for what would burn he noticed that something was up Oh God I became plagued with some sinister presence yeah local wildlife like the fur balls and the Grell became mad satyrs started a hearing and the beaches of dark shore were covered with sea creatures yeah awesome dark presence coming from the ocean uh-huh source of this corruption would not be revealed until Wrath of the Lich King in the book storm reach in the book Malfurion wakes up from his nap own dream finally discovers the source of the corruption was Fandral that's son of a [ __ ] now the explanation I'm going to share with you right now is 100% real and it is not made-up in any way and this is how they see that means you know it's about to be [ __ ] stupid the actual lore happened back during the War of the Ancients so thousands and thousands of years ago Malfurion fought davyous that guy that turned people in the satyrs yeah and Malfurion defeated him by turning him into a tree and he threw him into the ocean during the scuffle Tyrande was kidnapped by Satan of course made mal fury art very very smart dad it made him so sad that he almost drowned a whole night of an army in a storm caused by his sadness again no not making this up meanwhile trees he almost floating around in the ocean and it's presumed that there was some sort of old god influence to save his life kind of like Queen Azshara tree xavius was said to be washed up on a Shara but disappeared sometime after yeah we don't really know what happened to him but that's not the point the Pahlavi as' was able to transcend between the real world and the Emerald Dream and it was able to contact fandral staghelm one thing is he contacted him as Fandral zone son Val stone staghelm role was really really guilty after losing his son in the war of the shifting sands Oh video about that yeah watch if you'd like the point is Fandral would stop at nothing to get him back and xavius use this to his advantage and convinced Fandral to fuse a corrupted branch onto teldrassil when it was being formed man like who would think that's a good idea wait you got all the other green branches and he gives you a red branch like you can just pretty much [ __ ] bet that you're not supposed to do that like no wonder the dragon didn't bless it like why did not storm come and be like eh trust me man don't do that like what the sardine Circle fed Powers into the tree they be feeding the corruption as well see he's also convinced Fandral to use a herb called mora grain to keep Malfurion unconscious wait didn't we turn that into M dream where xavius could torture him mentally and physically like turning him into a tree and forcing him to watch his brother make out with his girlfriend Tyrande eventually Malfurion defeated xavius in the dream and woke up and brought the truth and not only the knight elven people but Fandral himself what those grand illusions of his son was shattered when he got to see him die again right in front of them Jesus broke the former Archdruid and he felt utterly Hyjal so that he may recover from this catastrophic destruction of his very existence where he would continue to contemplate what exactly was real and suffered with the guilt of his dead son always yet Malfurion and Tyrande had a lovely lovely wedding and alexstrasza and yet Sara showed up to bless the tree some nothing evil what happened to it ever again thank God that happened [Music] [Applause] well maybe that's a story for another time well no the aspects lost their powers so it makes sense yeah it makes sense okay [ __ ] dude dead [ __ ] yeah I know man I think the dude is turn to sign avoid jail time yeah I don't know man like I knew at least I knew the fandral staghelm part I didn't know about turning like this one was a bit of a surprise I got I did not expecting him I did not expect this turns a vyas into a tree cuz in my like in my understanding I thought Xevious was like way power way more powerful than now Furion so I thought xavius would have won a hundred percent but you know it is what is in the book yeah the I do the [ __ ] wrote that book I don't know regardless let me go down over here and see where the rest of these are yeah it's like Illidan dude it wouldn't beat the [ __ ] at at I conned rias it's like what the [ __ ] man [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 233,414
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold platinum wow, platinum wow, platinum wow lore, asmongold lore, asmongold kalimdor, platinum wow kalimdor, platinum wow part 1, asmongold part 1, asmongold wow lore, wow lore, world of warcraft lore, platinum lore, asmongold platinum, Kalimdor, classic wow, wow classic, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wow classic, platinum wow classic
Id: 4KDbJ_DfxAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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