Asmongold reacts to fan-made memes | Reddit Recap #24

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welcome to the island of bug snakes little maggots in there this is the this is their house there's literally cobwebs and moths and and bugs in here they're crawling around in here you can see him okay look at him eat him i'm not gonna eat him man there's bugs in there dude i remember this look at her real close yeah my god it was so nasty man it was so [ __ ] disgusting yeah true dude so true it was pretty bad okay i drew his room as a zone as a zone oh my god this is like my keyboard and wow wow that is impressive i i really like the attention to detail there like look at all those cups and what we have here wait they actually got the right cups they have the coca-colas right here from the from the uh from the gas station and they have the big gulps as well they have the a w cream soda the dr peppers and then the smaller ones are wendy's chili oh my this is beautiful look at this and then you have down below here let's go ahead and look down below you've got okay so that's my food that's wait what look that's my food oh my god wow this is the detail is so good this is amazing man i love this okay let's see here chat be like yeah i i i mean am i right i mean that's you guys right haha stupid baldy yeah is that it true true too true too true true yeah exactly i knew you guys would agree yeah exactly how did you get a picture of me anatomically incorrect the average chat member wouldn't be that skinny okay my viewers are not that fat way bigger oh shut up how as much how asthma thinks chad sees his hair see guys this is the high quality memes and the high quality jokes that comes out of my chat deep consideration what what is this [Music] okay all right yeah real real [ __ ] clever guys real [ __ ] clever painted our one true king as my bald enjoy took two hours all right all right there it is dude i like this this is good it makes me feel like i should have grown my hair out again there's one part of this that i don't like see that they had to get the little [ __ ] they had to get the little [ __ ] bit above the crown man there is literally no reason to do that there is no [ __ ] purpose for that at all it added nothing you did not have to do that let's go to the next one literal god what is this oh what the [ __ ] remember what i said whenever neets were the western monks this is exactly what i meant this picture right here is exactly what i [ __ ] meant same shirt the best part of my self-isolation days thanks for the content oh man he's watching the transmog show on his honest tv he's watching damn dude damn dude that's actually cool thank you man let's see best thing about asmod's channel you can go on long hiatus and come back and it still feels like it's the exact same stream that's because it is hello asthma here it's diamonds to happy dwarf the winner of the previous contest who loves to drink and be yorick's artwork they did for the competition dude do you remember this guy right he was standing um he won the first place competition about three weeks ago and he was the dwarf he had like yeah he got on that mount right there and he was standing right behind or right in front of the stairs leading up to prophet scaram i love this the fact that he was able to combine the uh the colorations on his head with his mount as well i think that he deserves first place for that [ __ ] yeah man that is actually so badass saw asman and cyberpunk today i'm super proud of him is this the one guy with the this that's got the weird hair no i knew it i i [ __ ] knew it man i'm more than a chop doc okay see i know what people truly want what do you to feel like oh my god like they deserve it yeah is this accurate too much hair oh shut up shut up come on give me a break it's not that bad okay it's completely fine i like this a lot i also like the uh yeah i think it looks good in general i like it very generous on the hair but still good why the long face okay yeah real [ __ ] funny man all right where's the rest of these so i'll take a look at this video and see what it is i don't think i've seen this before justice for tiger panda what the [ __ ] is this what's this big dumb idiot this guy is literally the biggest wait this is from [ __ ] dumbest idiot i've ever seen i hate pandas i'm a oh my god adrian still joins my groups all the time this is from literally four years ago whenever i first started streaming and look at that guy in chat mcconnell rhett throw up [ __ ] mcconnell [ __ ] mcconnell [ __ ] look at the chat dude the chat is just going crazy about it man this was after we would do mythic blackhand pandas i [ __ ] hate him what kind of [ __ ] stupid it is you're so [ __ ] stupid six months get later [ __ ] away from me i'm not even gonna look at him okay i'm not even gonna [ __ ] no you're not winning he's never going to [ __ ] win i'm going to be a tiger panda right now i don't care several months later all right next one oh my god no [ __ ] way he's going to win sticks out for tiger panda i don't [ __ ] think so dude i hate people i've been saying that for like six months all right he's never gonna win never literally never gonna win tiger panda right now i don't care many months later okay all right let's go the next one dude i hate pandas yo we're gonna win man a pepe and a backpack so when was this tears guys was this gonna be tiger panda right now he's not gonna [ __ ] win that's right he's been coming to our competitions for [ __ ] four years he's becoming our competitions and he has never won come on just once dick's out for please dig out [Music] you know who it should be i know who it should be we all know who it should be for the sake of this is already set yes see remember this is the same guy that almost won last time but he was using a slightly different set for the sake of posterity man it's been a while please i hate pandas oh god he's been here for a long time he's worked very hard and you know what he's been in my guild for quite a while he's helped me on a number of raids yeah i've known him for years which is why we're going to give the win to that quick cray boys there it is now we right there it is boys the next day this is not looking good for me guys i can't pull aggro here no it's all right it's it's all right get my damage i need to get one proc one oh no no no real funny guys wait oh come on i'm such an idiot dude okay i paused it just the right time that's great yeah how could we ever forget about this oh wait this was in june whenever i didn't have it oh my god i forgot all about this one yeah this was a long [ __ ] time ago holy [ __ ] let's get this man some spicy nuggets what is this that's photoshopped he's got the hawk strider likes jesus christ [ __ ] it dude what is this here jesus christ [Music] bald juice this is actually a [ __ ] set this is a depressing picture right here man let's see made some otk fan art oh yeah i saw this one already every king needs a throne have i seen this before wow holy [ __ ] so that would that's what i would look like if i was a norse viking okay i can deal with that that seems completely reasonable okay let's see where the rest of these are pog what is this that's not this is this is this is photoshop this is photoshop and hopefully it stays that way wait please please continue to be photoshopped please continue to be photoshopped this actually terrifies the [ __ ] out of me man i do not want to see this man this is so goddamn [ __ ] nasty i don't even know what the [ __ ] to say asthma buys the mighty caravan brutus or and rides it live on stream [Music] oh this is disgusting this is absolutely [ __ ] filthy man i don't know what the [ __ ] this is let's go back to the other ones all right uh the fire the year is 20 45 but the fire turtle was finally it wow this is you know i spent 1000 for this to be able to play this is this is the next generation this is the new this is the new generation of gaming right here this was a bad time man i'm gonna be honest this was a bad [ __ ] time it was a hard [ __ ] this was this was brutal man faze asman says yo it's lit oh my god look matt i look cool right but i want cool right guys like that's me that i look cool right that's great that's that's great yeah uh this is uh this is what got over 1500 up votes on my reddit um mega mald what is this really this is this is what you guys come up with this is the this is the best you can do is this pretty much where we're at uh mega mall i want to suck on that bald head well asmond what are we gonna do about this climate crisis could kill off great tits scientists warn what no i no listen if there is ever a time to say fake news this is the time what the [ __ ] dude animated version oh god what's up y'all it's me it's your boy asmr i want to talk about one thing that's really important in wow wow wait yo this cat's a gangsta holy [ __ ] uh-huh this is good holy [ __ ] man yeah this is actually pretty [ __ ] good [Music] god damn what the [ __ ] god damn dude no this is you guys what you're saying now what you're doing now is exactly what led to the homogenation yeah i remember this that you [ __ ] hate i random i don't wonder why as i said this took a random rant that i oh good now it shows the back of my head it's balding that's amazing i'm so happy look at the necklace that's true i agree with you in a lot of ways i i see it now okay yeah very very clever guys yeah i i would have never expected to see that yeah tier two gangsta yeah hilarious guys very [ __ ] hilarious jesus jesus dude oh wait that's the that's the guy that won the [ __ ] transmog holy [ __ ] as the sub count got into the tens of thousands and the money started rolling again he has become overly sensitive and more condescending towards his viewers so basically you broke up with your viewers are you kidding me dude yeah are you [ __ ] kidding me i i think i even remember the story i remember this stream exactly dude there you go there you go yeah okay dude okay dude okay dude yeah yeah yeah it's a good song it's good he's changed yeah of course man the sheep [ __ ] yeah i remember that too you've changed yeah i don't think that i really have changed that much honestly if you go back you watch my old streams it's about the same [ __ ] this is pretty good fds bassing on asthma wait what is this is this more drama he's got to see this [ __ ] female dating strat wait what is oh okay all right i hopefully this isn't tos okay these are the people that men look up uh that men look up to now on twitch so these guys are mad about like what what is this what is this what is this i've never been seen this right before when it says mold warning are we talking about the scrote in a chair holy goodness he's 30 years old with a comb over i know he smells men should adjust the way chronic gaming and internet addiction is ruining their health they won't and it's not our [ __ ] problem either way how can people live like this who is the restless i briefly watched a stream with this duty because he showed up god knows why my recommendations had real lvm what is lvm low value man oh okay low value man vibes uh it's sad i genuine enjoy gaming content i sometimes never date a self-described gamer for the i never say i'm a gamer um out of curiosity i just watched a youtube video of him cleaning his lair as he calls it he actually uses paper plates to eat off of i'm assuming he just throws them in the bin it was only two minutes in and he's already been four plates with moldy food and countless drinking cups absolutely disgusting i feel like this is a question i know the answer to but has anyone here ever dated someone who does twitch like what makes them this looks eerily like an ex i was worried for a split second luckily i've always been the messiest one in all my relationships listen i'd like to let you all know that i have the exodia of being girl repellent i live with my mother i play video games all day i'm balding i don't shower i never leave the house okay with this i create the infinity gauntlet of virginity and if people don't like what i do if people don't like what i like if people uh don't like my lifestyle that's fine it doesn't matter because i'm still me and they're still them and it doesn't make a difference at least snapchat use a good photo of him wait i'm on snapchat how the [ __ ] am i on snapchat for you svg this streamer wait what the [ __ ] wait i got put on i got put on snapchat what the [ __ ] and the worst part is they show like this shitty picture because like you know everybody's gonna look at that picture and think to themselves this stupid piece of [ __ ] was gonna get that much money just for playing the game and meanwhile i'm working here or there let me see here the v placement is perfect where's the v oh that's uh that's really good uh thank you guys all so much i really appreciate that thank you thank you thank you guys this is this is just great let me read this one here oh [ __ ] you man oh [ __ ] you man like that you in five years yeah me in five not wait five years this guy's like 60. were you crazy sleepy asthma and same shirt yeah i probably will have the same shirt by then should have edited his hair ashley creations question to asman's hair status what is this here asthma gold should shave his head at 100k but there's not much i'm going to attack with two dudes [Music] [Music] oh it's real [ __ ] good dude that's great i love it i'm so happy yeah dude should shave his head i'm just and the worst part yeah i'm just kidding as mom bald okay i saw that one go to bed asthma what is this asmin go to bed you have stream tomorrow wait hey are you kidding me okay okay i'm just gonna move on uh it do be like that what is it what does it do be like twitch loading asthma on stream twitch loading ads there's some horse [ __ ] like twitch we need to talk he looks like some folklore creature looking ass that grandma would describe to a kid so he doesn't go in the woods no no no no no that's not true at all the nasty goblin bald he steals your mounts he steals your gold choose wisely because he will rate your mog and then hobble back to his i mean bog shut that you guys are so [ __ ] stupid how does world of warcraft make money what the hell is this yeah how does warcraft work you pay money someone gives you games how does warcraft make money [Applause] that's world of warcraft charge monthly yes it does what is it a couple of dollars like 15 bucks 15 bucks a month 15 bucks that's really good dude i like that that's [ __ ] funny man let's be honest this is the best asmond leg since the train wrecks cooking stream that's not look it's it's not like that look i'll show you i'll put on my shoe i'll show you okay look wait a minute look that's it's not that skinny it's not that scary see it's not like that it's not it got it's not have you ever seen a man so happy yeah yeah we had a good time dude that was a good day like that was a great day look at that look at me in the background i got that little box on my head man i was looking great the second that soda walked in because he was like in the doorway i actually thought that he was naked for like [ __ ] like 0.2 seconds i was like what the [ __ ] and then i realized that it was like a body suit i was so worried for a second there yet uh greek's a teenage mutant ninja turtle uh one true sister update 1.2 this is so creepy guys this is so [ __ ] weird like i don't know what the hell is wrong with you people like doing this kind of [ __ ] is the weirdest [ __ ] ever god damn all right i'm gonna go to the next one this is too [ __ ] much the literal god's true form it's actually good damn that's actually that's good let me watch this real quick yoink what is this this is a izzy video what the hell what is this yeah so i left the house so i wasn't supposed to take it i thought mitch had given you the money oh yeah i thought the money was i asked you did mitch give you this and you're like yeah i said no well i said i said i assume well so okay he took the money when he went there he they okay all right so here's the rich get richer yeah the rich givers take the money they left the money outside of my door it's been there for days i haven't been back to the house for days i swear to god i got the [Laughter] asthma gold and jeff stay home from school to play wow from wrath of the lich king what the hell was this though look at that face oh my god what's so up y'all be sitting behind me and i'd be playing wow here he'd be playing while behind me it's like two in the morning and he says to me he's like zach i'm like what he says this that i actually i'm gonna be honest i did go into pink sparkle stream in like 2014 or 2015 i i don't remember what i asked i either asked if she had a boyfriend or if like how big her boobs were how's it gonna feel how's it gonna feel if what jeff how's it gonna feel whenever i kill the lich king before you yeah i see he's at the frozen throne with his shitty guilt and they're still wiping at phase one all right jeff you ain't gonna kill the lich king you [ __ ] suck your guild sucks and your damage is bad you're never going to kill the lich king before me the only reason i haven't killed the king is because he doesn't drop anything that i want jeff that's like keep telling yourself that's true i didn't want it so cody comes home at four in the morning because they were both living at my house dude look how long my hair was he looks down he sees my hair was so long wow cody's like that's crazy we gotta go to school tomorrow we gotta go to school in four this is so good awake playing video games yeah this is so [ __ ] good it's fine cody do they look accurate i actually think the funny thing about it is that jeff that jeff kulterin actually looks it's actually a pretty good representation it's obviously not perfect okay it's obviously not perfect but it's a pretty good representation i would say this is good i'm going to kill the witch king before zach gets stupid ass i'm going to kill him tonight man my guild's going to get him tonight joe's like no you're not even cody knew what was going to happen even his own brother knew that it wasn't going to happen because they're they're in high school at this point right i was in community college at the time they were still at this last year of high school yeah and so then uh jeff's like dude cody give me two hours i'm gonna go to bed i'm gonna get some i get two hours of sleep cody i'll be good man the funniest [ __ ] thing about it is like how much of this is actually accurate this is exactly what it is good then we go to school man it's gonna be lit encourage that okay all right [ __ ] it's gonna be fine yeah but get some sleep man i'm gonna go to bed all right i'll get some sleep after i kill a witch king okay that's smart so jeff didn't kill the lich king yeah he never did he goes to bed at six in the morning cody comes up wake tries to wake jeff up at eight a.m jeff's like this oh it's so hot i didn't get any sleep yesterday cody you didn't make me go to bed i can't go to school today it's on our slash funny i'll look at it after this okay yesterday and cody's asking like what do you mean jeff so you're not going to go to school today yeah no i can't man i can't can't go [Music] [ __ ] okay jeff can i at least get you after lunch man we can't miss any more classes we're gonna get expelled just they have [ __ ] i don't know if i said this in the story right but they literally had to print out their absences it was three [ __ ] pages of like it was every single line all right fine yeah fine i'll go i'll go later on so then cody leaves yeah and guess who never wins so yeah he'd come in and then he'd sleep on my bed he'd be like get move over and i'm like did you get him he's like he didn't say anything you know and um then he finally would uh wake up downstairs or i guess sometimes he'd be up here or something yeah i'll look at it after this and my mom is awake you know she doesn't work oh jeffrey you don't have school today no oh no no okay well then why did cody go to school you know how dumb cody what about the stuff that day and cody had to go earlier because he's dumb and he had to do extra work mom's like okay you want some bacon maybe some cupcakes that'd be good i'm i'm gonna go up and put some wow and she just [ __ ] made him cupcakes for skipping school yeah my mom would make jeff cupcakes when you skip them in school grow your hair long again yeah that's actually about pretty much that's that was the lifestyle right there eating cupcakes and baking at three in the morning killing the lich king man those were the good old [ __ ] days [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 411,901
Rating: 4.9474363 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold reddit, asmongold memes, reddit recap, asmongold reddit recap, asmongold recap, asmongold subreddit, asmongold wow, Asmongold fan made, Asmongold fan, fan made, meme review, review meme, wow memes, zackrawrr, reddit recap asmongold, asmongold 24, asmongold #24, tiger panda, asmongold tiger panda, asmongold old, asmongold reacts to reddit, reddit asmongold, reddit recap memes
Id: IdfKolN2ae0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 49sec (1729 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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