A͏s͏mongold Reacts to fan-made memes | Reddit Recap #13 | ft. Mcconnell

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[Music] uh it wasn't that bad okay the bald memes will never stop huh just like asman's hair loss wrong though his hair loss will stop as soon as he has no hair left i give him five years who would have thought that a simple shower will be the biggest mistake asman has ever done in his entire life i would have why do you think i don't take him a mcconnell helping asthma and gold get ready for a stream oh i cannot stress strongly enough how important it is with a luscious head of hair oh my god totally agree my hair is my pride and my delight and what will i be without it that's hard to say hard to say ah a man's hair says everything about his personality a bald man it's like a blank rune stick zero continents no credibility yes yes men with a full head of hair simply have more options when it comes to cultivating their appearance that's not true you're not exactly tied to one style as you kind of are when you're old okay you're right [ __ ] this guy how the [ __ ] does this make any [ __ ] sense in any show dude deep fake yasmin gold might not be real but she's still my girlfriend [Music] this is degenerate this is absolutely ridiculously positively definitely degenerate i don't know what the [ __ ] this is supposed to be this is nasty i don't like it i don't like it one bit asthma thug oh sh that's actually this is actually right whenever i got out of jail yeah i remember this shameless asman gold manga ad oh yeah white wow that's really good holy [ __ ] this is really really well done oh my god it's it's just like my uh my physique and my hairline and everything this is completely accurate in all ways i got bored today so oh wow this is good that's really good so i'm wait why do i have horns yeah wait why do i have horns what did i do wrong to give me why do i have horns like yeah i'm a furry okay i just saw this in an overwatch video you are you molding after that last play i bet you are i would be no well if you're in your 20s get ready two out of three men experience male pattern balling by the time they're at least 35 so anytime before that war zone the best way to combat hair loss is preventing it oh my god that's where keeps comes in keeps combats hair loss by offering fda approved products at a low time they're at least 35. so anytime this is such a this is such a bad picture like it's such a bad bad bad picture dude like i source asthma gold yeah hey there it is dude i'm in a video there it is dude getaku cut of death it's actually pretty good like i'll be honest like this actually this is pretty pretty well done i like it it's accurate i'm not saying it's accurate okay it's certainly not accurate but it's pretty good i'll say that for sure too thick wait we're too thick what do you mean like my legs are literally sticks like i can't even get more thin than that oh my god look i've got the two [ __ ] the two teeth too much hair yeah legs are on point though no they're not on point okay ashes of creation sketched asmongold's reaction to the interview with steven oh they sent me this they show me look at that so this is one of the artists for uh for ashes of creation made that actually pretty good yeah that is really really good asman sings baki what the [ __ ] is this [Music] [Music] why [Music] come on man come on man why you have to do that to me i'm gonna get it 100 dude i can just [ __ ] feel it i can i can just [ __ ] feel it there it is i'm already like i'm already feeling it um this is come on man you had to do this to me you had to [ __ ] do this to me all right let's see what's the next one here this is so close to losing it oh [ __ ] damn that actually is almost about to fall off what the [ __ ] you watching on stream watch this one on stream yeah i will let you watch the video on stream right now is it time for a break already damn i need another i need another break for stream oh six months i wonder how many views does that video even have now let me let me see 266 000 views oh my god um bald not bald let me see here what the [ __ ] is this yo asmin oh [ __ ] look at me i'm bald just like you okay yeah i look like [ __ ] last grossman i know yeah it's true just your way a few moments later and there you have it hair all mine looks kinda real doesn't it it's because it is if you want your hair back send me a message whatever i'll set you right up that's like a that's fake look at the hairline man that shit's fake like a hundred percent that's fake that's a 100 fake man has been wait oh he's got a a post about this it's okay it's not mine but it's real hair what the what the [ __ ] forget about hair transplant man it doesn't work it'll fail the scalp is like soil you can't grow cucumbers out of arid soil right yeah sure once it falls you may stick hair follicles in there but it'll fail fall not long after that and you'll lose the ones that you've extracted from the donor area you lose more hair and money that's how it works what the [ __ ] is this asmond morphs that's what you guys do like really is you're still on this guys you're still [ __ ] we're still on this yeah and like everybody loves it too like it's like it never ends this is wonderful and nostalgic not gonna lie i rubbed okay we go to the next one virgin asmond fan but versus the chad twitchburg what the [ __ ] the virgin asmond fan complains about the stale memes on reddit didn't read message donate five dollars in hopes he reads it as mond okay that is true people say as mond all the time and it makes me too [ __ ] annoyed i hate that [ __ ] dude as mond yeah it's not as mond i should [ __ ] i should make that like filtered out in my stream so nobody can see it doesn't use twitch emotes unless it's ironically stream on second stream still watches it actively the whole time causing neck pain subscribe normally so he doesn't miss a monthly reset by accident diagnosis diagnosed asthma with multiple mental illnesses all of which are true [ __ ] good didn't read message oh my god watch his ass mod all day but uses primo next qc anyway yeah and people using [ __ ] xqc emotes all the time in my stream yeah i can get why nobody uses my [ __ ] emotes because they suck yeah there you guys go yeah straight tab stream on main screen only jet only tabs out to jerk off baldw i love this man this is so good to diagnose asthma in multiple mileages let's see what's this one the worker what's a reddit bt tv never heard of that [ __ ] lmao has stream on the third screen on a different tab doesn't even know what asmon looks like so these are these my viewers right here this is it yeah they don't even know what i look like all right any lurkers in chat where you at right now yeah all lurkers i think the twitch spurring one this is like a very rarely do i actually laugh at anything or think anything's like really funny this is actually really [ __ ] funny chadsman gold oh yeah so i i typed out so i i tweeted out [ __ ] did you see this mcconnell no i don't have twitter anymore yeah yeah yeah so um this basically is what happened is so he uh i tweet out [ __ ] and this random ass girl responds and she says this social media people posting things like abc or some other total nonsense get 10k likes and 2k retweets and then there's other channels writing genuinely uh genius poetry or fascinating stories and harder to get two likes on their posts imagine writing this 20 years ago what happened world honestly i saw our profile picture and i was going to encourage her to make an only fans but i thought that if i did that i'd get in trouble by twitter so i just said [ __ ] again my boy asthma and the literal god of mad lads is this the same post why is this so popular right now what is it 30 000 points [Music] mad lad twitter wait i i made it to the front page of reddit this has 30 000 up dudes this is wait this is a [ __ ] this is a normie subreddit another stellar take from asthma and i wouldn't expect anything less true true let's see are they talking about me as mong lloyd bald man huh asthma is lighthearted stopper dockleganger okay bald man saying insightful words of wisdom to call his mail muncher and all i can say that is yes dude damn how do people know me like i i would expect like nobody would even know who i am like outside of like streaming but it's like everybody just yeah a lot of these people know me what the [ __ ] that's actually kind of cool i'm a little bit uh i'm a little bit flattered man osmond gold what up dude um asmongold was unbeatable in mount offs until november 22nd 2018. fast forward to 2020 and he can't ever even win one asmr gold in 2018 nobody can beat me in mount offs asthma golden 20 20. no mcconnell stop nail of the all sears all right you know what let's do the [ __ ] raid let's do it yeah i'm as a new follower i just assumed that he always lost people used to decline is offered a 1v1 at the end of mount offs because they knew they couldn't win that's actually true they would always concede before they even went up against me now they're waiting for him to approach them because they know it's an easy win against asman bronze oh god when people call you asman bronze that's rough what do you expect asthma gold stopped being a chad and became a coomer all he does is jack off when the stream ends and wonders why he doesn't have the mail muncher take a look in the mirror baldi that's why small dick energy this is [ __ ] incredible holy [ __ ] look at this guys oh my god wow god damn god damn dude that's really good this is gonna be me probably like this week it's gonna be me the only thing inaccurate about this is socks i don't wear socks uh i very rarely wear socks unless i'm like going out somewhere serious i i don't really ever even wear shoes hardly unless i have to uh i don't i don't sweat like i have no sweat at all this is really really well done like uh yeah i like it a lot later you guys can hear me really we're going to do another we're going to do another one of these is this right dude that's really good dude i remember whenever he punched that [ __ ] monitor john [ __ ] funny same shirt what is this girls you were wearing the same dress yesterday no they just look similar boys you're wearing the same shirt yesterday are you blind i've been wearing it since last week yeah i i mean this is definitely true this is pretty true i would say this is true yeah this is pretty true um yeah i agree with this 100 uh pepe laugh little baldy be like no they just look similar but it's the same shirt after all yep what is this here i'm thinking of a word what is it [ __ ] hey if anybody's ever thinking of a word the word is [ __ ] when i prepare for transmog what i expected and what i got uh this is actually the difference between n a and e u yeah this is the difference in a and eu that's a place again n a n h oh come on guys great okay like we get it dude you don't like america no i what that's beautiful oh my [ __ ] dude like i like my favorite part of this is like the fact that he incorporated like the head like the helmet here for invincible but it actually makes invincible look like a horse because i don't know about you guys but i feel like invincible almost doesn't look like a horse in game and like this does such a good job of actually making it look like a [ __ ] horse and he's got cuellar right there with like the full [ __ ] challenge mode uh death knight gear holy [ __ ] this is badass holy [ __ ] this is amazing chad baldwin gold deep fake no no don't [ __ ] don't pog this you know what i look like right i look like you know whenever they [ __ ] at the very beginning whenever james bond first confronts like the russian oligarch that's actually making a nuclear bomb and the russian oligarch has like two big dumb guys step forward and they don't even have their names in the credits and james bond just punches them in the head and then they're out of the movie for the rest of the whole thing that's that's what i look like i look like one of them yummy asmond are you [ __ ] kidding me oh my [ __ ] god damn it like i explained this to my mom and i said and and and like so i told her i was like well now you know because they saw my head and it's like an m shape and i now know of every single object in the entire universe it's shaped like an m and she's like i bet you do and that was about all she [ __ ] said dude and i don't know how to deal with this man it's another one of these [ __ ] jokes another one of these [ __ ] hair memes man um anyway let's go and look at the rest of this m well yeah like of course i'm gonna do this why would i not do that right there yeah there you go yeah m there it is it's uh i think it's pretty [ __ ] clean i believe everyone should chill because asmond might be a super saiyan true uh actually very very true yep uh see you guys better relax okay guys pepe laughs little baldy is a stupid anime character jesus christ okay petition for asthma to change his twitter banner and still he actually starts going big dick wait no what the [ __ ] man i am well i mean this is [ __ ] ridiculous i can't believe this let me look and see this who dares to threaten me it's your boy asmingold yeah you're goddamn right i can't wait to kill her she even copied his hairline to make him mad oh my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] god this is this is [ __ ] relentless this is just it's not going to stop is it uh asthma bald but as versus asmod i'm gonna be honest like this is i'm talking about myself here okay all three of these pictures look terrible it's like i look like [ __ ] on the left oh in the middle that's weird and then on the right like it's like you've got that weird shaped [ __ ] head i'm gonna look like a goddamn goofball man you might think you're cool but you will never be this cool so true you guys can try though it's okay streamer or jesus okay okay guys i get it stop it like what is this here [Music] look we're gonna i'd pay for asthma gold only fans if he goes bald this is just all right i'm going to the next one okay reasons why i can't sleep it's me this may help you asthma and this is what 11 minutes ago average hair prices for hair transplant surgery and this is from 12 minutes ago from citizenry you're all talking about boob ciders but here's the real boob slider from fantasy star online uh risky quick but we're gonna go for it okay no no no put him back go back no go back what is this no go back what is this dude no no no no no okay this is great see this is the kind of stuff that you need in the game okay these are the important things that make mmos special and uh and memorable okay these are memorable games so yes we need more more more like more like [Music] memorable [Laughter] yeah that is true go ahead no that's that's all good it's all good all right dude that is good okay that's yeah we need we need this in a while like blizzard like real real [ __ ] like please add this into wow like this is very necessary aha i'm combing 30 year old do you see the the you know can you see it same hairline can i manage the loot ah i'm masterwooding doesn't know the name of the game he just cares about masterwoot all his add-ons contain the word loot well yeah we have atlas loot uh maggot which is loot uh all the things all the loot yeah actually that's kinda look look closer at the face okay yeah and what about it look real close what do you see behind the behind there what is that i don't know do you see anything interesting you see that oh no oh no they actually put my face behind it they put my [ __ ] [Music] oh no i honestly did not see that at the beginning um hates the riots because of ninja looters same shirt he is the weird guy who keeps doing r slash raid warning and r slash roll or slash roll after every retail boss wait what once during a blizzcon q a he just said two words masterwoot same hairline this is actually a pretty high quality one okay i i like this this is uh this is quite good uh usually these are [ __ ] dog [ __ ] but this one is genuinely funny look at the arrow yes i see the um look at the arrow are you [ __ ] kidding me man the arrow itself the arrow itself man like this is becoming this is becoming so abstract and like so meticulous that i don't even know what to say at this point this is this is so many layers to this and it's actually [ __ ] me too uh this is incredible i i'm honestly impressed by this asman's five favorite five head sayings negative reward structure intellectually dishonest disingenuous no that's just me talking about twitch chat there's nothing special about that i built the mail muncher in minecraft okay okay probably need a few more pixels for that man corrupted mcconnell oh [ __ ] girl that's good is this what is this what it is whenever um i feel like this is kind of what happened in classic whenever you wanted all the loot right you kind of turned into this guy yeah i wanted all the loot but turns out wanting is different than getting which is what you got it sure has done it sure is dead wait is he still doing ban appeals oh boy here we go all right we're going to look at your walks asming gold is last place on the dps chart bottom of the dps chart is this mystic terrible dps he's not even top 10 and he finally got banned for saying s found as [ __ ] who cares and then here we go preach is a european his opinion doesn't matter fat bald euro cuck uh why doesn't anyone track these rare spawns like final fantasy loud loud ear rape mcconnell is a cuck trump 2020. so if you ban someone what's stopping them from making another account and just doing it again [Music] well i don't know you tell me not everything is racist it's called race realism people just need to not get so butthurt not everything is racist you can never censor everyone we're not gonna [ __ ] unban you 1488 are you kidding me bro you think we're gonna unban you struggles of priests dispellers yeah that's the dispels dude yep that was so good man i love that yep feels nice to ruin another day yep you you're dispelling some world buffs huh did you know that that guy with your streamer the streamer that i like you know that's not cool right making me angry hold on a minute man i i'm just looking on the pvp realm i didn't even know that guy's a streamer i'm just having some fun you know hush player how have you know there is an apostle of justice and a righteous game master i cannot allow this griefing that's right for that about the body band idiots like you so i can look good in the eyes of my favorite live streamers please look i also pay for the game like anyone else we can talk about [ __ ] another good day of hi here it is [Music] that was short that was short and really good i i liked that that was funny he was unbanned he was unbanned and then he got re-banned because big surprise people that act like that are probably pieces of [ __ ] [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 361,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold reddit, asmongold memes, reddit recap, asmongold reddit recap, viewers memes, asmongold recap, asmongold subreddit, asmongold mcconnell, mcconnell wow, best of mcconnell, asmongold bald, asmongold girl, classic wow, asmongold classic, asmongold 13, asmongold #13, asmongold captain grim, wow classic, Asmongold fan made, Asmongold fan, fan made, fan made memes, wow memes
Id: fyAJsVa1tqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 18sec (1698 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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