A͏s͏mongold Takes The ULTIMATE Classic WoW QUIZ

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awesome okay a word no way here's what I say okay it's a bear he's gonna shoot him okay test yourself classic addition alright let's do it I'm [ __ ] ready gentlemen and ladies this is the eleventh part of the kissing 5 subs ever shared Quest series which is focused on content from would warcraft classic as well as some parts of the original version of World of Warcraft which were and/or cannot be replicated in the classic version and with a release of this video I have an announcement to make all right the series has been running on my youtube channel for at least nine months now a total of eleven quizzes this one included have been released but this is only the beginning it is my honor as well as my hope for its future success to announce that the world of warcraft Nick beard quiz is evolving starting for the beginning of 2020 specifically early January the while Nick beard quiz is expanding over to twitch not TV where I will be playing the quiz as your host with contestants which will consist of not only some of you folks but other Warcraft content creators that's actually a pretty [ __ ] day tuned and keep an eye on my Twitter account for ya updates and news that is cool on to the rest of the video if you already know how to play the game then click on the link and we haven't done one of these for a while if not then solve on to this I'll go ahead and I'll play this here I'm gonna give you just so everybody knows what's going on to play the game there are two pseudo modes you can play in the two modes are studio mode and standard mode there is no button you need to click on to choose one of these modes it is simply a way on how you can approach the quiz in studio mode you are allowed access to two extra lifelines foundation - a 50/50 lifeline but if you're playing at more people that's what we do or chat if you were a streamer the audio mode is for players with people watching them and want to include them in the game phone-a-friend lets you ask one of your selected friends or colleagues for help with a question ask the audience or Chad if you're a streamer lets you ask your audience or chat for help by vote for what they think is the correct answer for this I recommend using a straw poll standard mode is for players who are alone and friendless in the cold emptiness of their parents social life in other words you were the only one playing it in the comfort of your home or on your phone in a bus whatever if you're the kind of person that's for losers mode is for you it's like studio mode no you guys aren't losers it's like you're with me we're all together here consider this an opportunity to face a greater challenge now listen the point of the game is to answer all 15 questions correctly without a single mistake that's what originally if you fail it is over but I'm not stupid and I need views so do to focus on get off team questions right no mistakes no cheating however in the event that you get a question wrong I can't continue to play the game and instead simply start counting how many questions you've gotten right and how many you've gotten wrong now that's what I'll hear be new to this game why won't Neil I'm gonna get a lot right it's going on let me give you a quick rundown of how it works while Nick beard quiz series is a game that consists of 15 questions which in ascending order increase in difficulty questions are themed around all things Warcraft lore gameplay PVE pvp geography etc etc etc all of which are influenced by a certain theme in this particular episode all questions are themed around well classic as well as well vanilla each question includes ok so I gotta know both of them one of which is that that makes sense er you must select the correct answer in the video description to progress further unfortunately the game is on moderator I think that you guys get what's going on by now right like just so you understand I just wanted to show the rules sorry knew it was going on so this is pretty much how it's supposed to work keep the video I'll volume up no cheating don't skip the videos your priorities to answer all 15 questions correctly and you can only use one lifeline obviously ok here we go and so the time has come enjoy the game [Music] the words missing from the phrase you think you do but our a you don't be you're wrong see why should I care see is more accurate to be fair than actually D yeah since this is Blizzard let's just go with D yeah D I don't but you think you do but I don't give a damn you don't give a [ __ ] man that makes a lot of sense all right all right all right all right let's go obviously I you the answer easy at least you think you do but yeah you do I see everybody knows that one everybody knows Howard with sugary nourishment did J Allen Brack used as a means of teasing the reveal of World of Warcraft classic vanilla he is vanilla a juice be yogi is vanilla see ice cream D barbecue sauce I think how I go all right can I just please look at D and see how many people went to D because it shows how many views right 21 people went to D 21 barbecue sauce boys oh my [ __ ] god okay all right all right all right we'll go to see it's obviously ice cream okay 21 people creamy 22 now eater that's eaten alone or with a spoon see right right easy easy which of these features existing in the retail version of water warcraft also exist in the vanilla version of world of warcraft now a refund now be Titan for now see battlegrounds D war France okay we're gonna just I like alright alright we're gonna go through the process of eliminations good day it's not a rubbish it's not be useless and definitely not be worthless once again this see it easy okay all right now we're gonna get into the real questions level for what were the attributes for strangers or Stan level a team neither Bell built a for strength for stamina V for agility yeah I know all about this don't see for intellect force that's actually so [ __ ] funny he came up with this one hear it for stamina it's a dude I remember watching this back in [ __ ] high school that [ __ ] was funny rare well right raise up raise up raise up or just a second yes okay didn't get it all right easy very easy which of these classes is known for having once killed a world boss in the Blasted Lands Lord Kazakh within the span of several seconds due to the once limitless it's actually a warrior that just got a really good swords back crop yeah hey shaman be hunter yeah see just like one really good sword spec'd paladin see wait they didn't even put warrior on the list why cuz nobody would have guessed man what a bunch of [ __ ] what a bunch of [ __ ] they didn't even put warrior on the goddamn list the resources the player who performed this feed hat 1816 stacks of the reckoning talent which is a talent that belongs to boy yes got'em easy easy easy easy easy easy easy easy easy now that you have passed the first five questions you have earned access to the 50-50 lifeline and to keep things fair and true to the rules you may only use this lifeline once throughout the game you use it more than once then you will not achieve vision but also your son or cheating look now at question six okay which of these female non-player characters stood out the most throughout time even to this day as a recurrent subject of cosplay a lady katrana prestor the grand widow fairly no no sea princess the rod for unfortunately yes the High Inquisitor white mane I think there are a lot of people that are going for 4d but ended up with C like yeah obviously it's white man right I mean obviously it's white man like everybody knows that like nobody's gonna cosplay his lady Catrina Preston or even though she was hot as [ __ ] I wonder heard if you want 4c dude I hope nobody here we can see that all for non player characters are actually female one is a brunette who helps breed fishes spiders the second is a dragon in disguise the third enjoys wearing a skimpy outfit and the fourth could fit in well as an elevator counter way you're fatter wait you can't complain about it achieved prominence amongst female cosplayers it is the high Inquisitor herself d very go easy everybody knew that one everybody knew that one which adjective is used in the name of desecrate early tokens included in the loot table of most boss encounters in next Rama's 40-man a profaned be desecrated C D spoiled d accursed this word came to the English vocabulary by taking a specific word from Latin which means to make sacred and that word is part of my pronunciation comes second Italian or something like that something is a prefix and the result is desecrate desecrate it be easy easy everybody to know someone everybody knows that [Music] Blizzard Entertainment had seemingly intended to create a battleground I don't know original version of World of Warcraft which has never seen the light of day called azshara a caldera be Hollow see Gorge D crater [Music] I'm gonna go with crater I'm gonna go with crater I'm going with crater [ __ ] it I ain't so you've chosen what would it's my [ __ ] hair is incorrect what if you end up falling into the proverbial crater of loss only because your choice was no I didn't look at the chat like caldera like I know what caldera is I don't actually know I see volcanic crater so it was not gonna be a Shara's volcanic crater how do I know it was called era because caldera is a map in path of Exile so I could immediately rule that one out obviously see the gorge they already have too many things in the game already named gorge to begin with so I didn't think that's what it would be hollow that has to do with woods and [ __ ] is a shara in the woods [ __ ] no she's not she's she's in the water so it could only be a crater that's the only thing that would even be able to possibly make sense it was the logical conclusion farming calm sorry yeah exactly [Music] only for you you did fall into creator but who cares about broken bones where the crater also happens to be the correct answer oh yeah yeah that's true that's pretty true [Music] in which particular area did the player named Joker D Western pipelines for the Warcraft's classics world first level 60 player a and irhal the tiers hand see earth 1 d ol char it's either A or B I'm not looking at yeah [Music] I think it's and irhal but I actually think it steers hand this is such an easy thing and I don't remember it I think it steers and I'm gonna go with tears and wait where is tears hand [Music] I'm gonna go with tears and [ __ ] who cares Oh our tears had this player did not dig level 60 by returning a quest nor by discovering the soul but by killing mobs from which came the last bit of experience needed to dig level 60 in Earth Glen see what's really really how did I get that wrong I don't remember I actually never really watched the clip I know that might sound weird but I never watched the clip I just heard about it and I just assumed he hit 60 and then the only thing I really watched was later on after the clip of him then they kept sending him mail and he couldn't delete the character that's the only thing I really remember [ __ ] dude how did I forget that but let's be fair I was right about it being in western play glance I was fair about that or I was right about that like Hertz Glen wasn't even gonna be my top - that's why I didn't fifty-fifty this player did not ding I know I know it was an e PL I second-guess myself by discovering the zone but by killing moms yeah from which came the last bit of experience needed to do okay 60 in [Music] hearth Glen see hey hey hey yo I got it [Music] who among these green dragons collectively refers to as the Dragons of Nightmare originally has their eyes permanently closed Ukrainian a is Andre the lafawn see amorous the tailor our Aunt Sarah but you Sandra would make more sense [ __ ] I never even thought of this cuz I just look at the TI I'm gonna go with the isandro I think this is wrong but I'm gonna go with it yes Andhra is the only one that makes sense to me both see it's probably terror but you know we're gonna go with it uh-huh I have always wondered how can a dragon fight with closed eyes without being at a disadvantage but then I realized it's a green dragon yeah it's great you know what let's find out what it feels like close your eyes those are us right now and listen keep your eyes closed ready [Music] one [Music] like all the other ones like a crania sis asleep you serious asleep I mean it was pretty pretty easy process of elimination there like I mean let's be real we can take it off email only I will not read chat I will not reach yet trust me guys I will not Ryu can look at my eyes all right you go back and look at my eyes just a second yeah we can take that up you guys can can talk but I will not reach at but the journey is far from over [Music] what is the name of the device which Cromie used in the world of warcraft unless announcement video to rewind time back to the era of World of Warcraft's original version a to poor old iskcon temple ater I think that's a temporal disarticulate err see temporal discombobulated err oh there yes ad - plural disassemble later yeah its see I'm like 90% sure it see here isn't interesting behind the scenes tidbit about this question you see if it wasn't for the that's obviously what it was I mean the other four aren't even words like this can Bob you later word this can can baby wait it's like what the [ __ ] is that like it's obviously two people who helped me actually question 15 I realized that was a mistake though because I'm joke she says it everyone who helped me test this question they all gun it right yeah and with you it seems I got a rider and keeps on repeating okay all right I got to say to you about to get upset there see there you go aunty help spam aha okay [Music] one of these items which were rewards offered to players who had the scepter of the ship a sword mount hours after the opening of the gates is false which is it a room sword of the bronze the shadows songs sorrow see Fang of Coryell Strauss de Ravin crest press let's see wait actually rune sort of the bronze because Ravens for raven crest legacy is a reskin model of mallow death room blade of the Black Dragonflight in in BWL so I think it's actually ruined sort of the bronze I might be wrong about this but I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna go with it bang of course as the process of elimination Kali come on de Ravin crests come on oh come on man quit [ __ ] with me his [Music] correct answer okay alright that's out bang of grill Stross songs so Jarod Shadowsong was involved inside of the scepter quest so it couldn't have been him because he was involved actually also not the correct answer yes correct alternate dirties [Music] literal God all right another one who is Neral asan's a red dragon the succubus see High Elf D green dragon here it's a or D I'm in a 50/50 it better not put two dragons under it better not fifty-fifty me do not [ __ ] fifty-fifty me I think it's red [ __ ] Naren else tries if I remember right is a rare spawn that spawns in between Western Plaguelands and [ __ ] Hills Brad foothills he's a red dragon he was a dragon it was on the boxart of World of Warcraft I'm gonna go with a is this evidence in total humiliation that wouldn't be the first time today [Music] wait actually what did you pick again come on good job okay that's true not true Troy did yeah I'm in narratives easy easy okay next which of these pages from the green hills of stranglethorn manuscript we're not missing and therefore did not need to be collected across stranglethorn Vale a6 the 14 C 23 D 20 [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm gonna go with six I think six is it I think six okay I'm gonna pull can I pull the chat here they said I can pull the chat so my vote would have been six which one is it guys everybody's saying it's 23 shy shy shy four go my own better judgment and decide things based off of the chat [Music] you're really gonna trust this chat [Music] alright I'm gonna go with 23 I'm gonna take you guys his word for it [Music] numbers exciting oh not as exciting as her answer I'm afraid I bet you thought I would mark your answer is incorrect there ya know maybe so did you know okay pages which were not missing and therefore you had to collect included one page one page which was labeled with a prime number and inside six ensuing 1 John 3 what it's 23 like there's only it's the only one that's twin it's the only prime number which makes two am i the correct answer okay Jack was right chat was right okay guys here we go there is only one thing left for me to say now what that is good luck young will needed [Music] purgation isle prior to being repurposed for the tier point five armor quest line and was a home to a hostile I might know this if I see that I need to ghost removed from the game ever since what was the name of this mysterious individual a parados the damned the de Vere's the cursed see para gassed the condemned D never done the dude I'm feeling like it to be [Music] I'm just I'm gonna go with B I'm gonna go with the I is I don't know all right here we go wait wait wait wait wait wait wait look I know you have made your choice but is this your final answer people in chat are saying it's a it probably is a is it my fight wait I've got to say is that my final I've guys say it I've got to go with B now I mean I can't just say after people in chat said it was a that's like cheating I have to go with B an island in the south western reaches of hills red-footed else once mysteriously teeming with ghosts which served no purpose whatsoever until the introduction of point five tear armor sense modulator turned them into high-level elites and permanently removed two particular named NPCs from the island one of which was a ghost level 35 but who well I'm going to tell you now the name the name you played bravely but unfortunately bravery isn't enough it's all about knowledge sometimes luck [ __ ] man luck [ __ ] was not on your side today dear contestant that was a stupid I shouldn't have made this call because your answer I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it however if your goal was this [ __ ] man [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] ass I hit the rare [ __ ] and that's it this was the 11 part in the well neckbeard quest series and I would like to thank you for playing it and I had the rare daughter I hope you have enjoyed it but before I wrap things up I would like to reinvent you to join us with let me see if it was [ __ ] a was it [ __ ] a see I should have known that just based off of the off of the question structure like this was so stupid of me not to pick that because all of the other ones started with a like the d1 is the one it's like odds are if you're trying to pick a last question you're going to try to think of names that are similar to each other in order to trick the person up so if I was smart about it I literally picked the red herring I actually picked the red herring like I can't believe it like I've taken so many tests guessing and somehow I graduated high school like this is absolutely unacceptable for my level of a nuance laziness all right this is a complete [ __ ] embarrassment I should have gotten this one right let me make sure that this was the actual correct answer though an island in the south western reaches of hills red foothills once mysteriously teeming with ghosts just get served no purpose just [ __ ] give it to me until the introduction of point I knew it then I knew it like I [ __ ] know air turned them into highly elites and permanently removed two particular named NPCs from the island one of which was a ghost come on to skin level 35 but who well I'm going to tell you now the name the name you played bravely but unfortunately bravery isn't enough it's all about knowledge sometimes luck okay and block was not on your side today dear contestant until now because your answer is correct that is however if your goal was defeat and indeed this question you have defeated arrow does the damn [Music] I should have gone with him like I saw the name I [ __ ] knew it that was cool I think I did pretty damn good by overall like I did yeah I did pretty damn good check my twitch logs count typing in chat I don't know why and I'll just ask him on dunban you dude and that's not a big deal what's the 11-part in the world [ __ ] man I'm too raw for playing it and so I'm I miss to have enjoyed it but before I wrap things up I would like man as well as invite you to join us for the next chapter of this series which will be happening on my twitch channel who is going to participate as well as when is it going to son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] your account the link is in the video description below as for what's the next quiz on YouTube going to be about well wait and see friends until another time listen I did pretty damn well okay like there were a few of them that I messed up but overall I think I did pretty [ __ ] well [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 355,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold wow, asmongold world of warcraft, world of warcraft, asmongold wow quiz, asmongold who wants to be the ultime neckbeard, asmongold quiz, asmongold neckbeard quiz, asmongold millionaire quiz, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, porcupine quiz, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, classic wow, wow classic, asmongold classic wow, asmongold classic wow quiz, classic wow quiz, wow quiz, asmongold porcupine monarch, asmongold classic quiz, wow classic quiz
Id: RegSKgvTSso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 1sec (2161 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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