Asmongold Ranks EVERY Asmongold Tier List

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asmond gold tier list tier list oh my god wow so i make a tier list of all of my tier lists if somebody actually does this and has an asthma gold tearless tier list i will un-ironically do it so comments wait [ __ ] i really don't know how to start this video to be honest i don't know how to start this i don't know what to say i don't know how to express this i think this might be too much like this could be whenever we look back in three years where was the beginning of the end it could be right here this could be it today i'm going to do a tier list of all of my tier lists so uh and i'm going i'm not going to rate them all as s because that i only have good opinions right i'm actually going to uh rate them legitimately and say which ones were good and which ones were bad okay so let's go ahead we're going to look at the first one and asthma gold ranks all cinematic trailers for world of warcraft okay and you can see that obviously this was fake because it has mr pandaria as s tier whenever it should have been f um this was in my opinion like whenever you talk about like this is like what i know and what i understand i feel like this was a very high a tier tier list it was a very very good tier list but was not the best i don't think it was my best work uh you know i have to reserve that for my highest quality reactions of other people's content uh however i would say that it was good it was absolutely i i know a lot about wow and so i could give it the best uh the best analysis okay so let's go back over we're gonna look at the next one is going to be the soda tier list now the soda tier list i ranked every soda that's basically ever been made besides all of the store brands i think that the soda the truth is that i have a lot of credentials with drinking soda the main credential i have is half my teeth are gone so the truth is that i was in a unique position to offer expertise on a subject that few people really understand and i actually think my soda tier list was something that should be an s-tier thing because very few people have drank all the sodas i have pretty much and i can tell you for sure which ones suck and which ones don't [ __ ] suck so yeah i've known a lot about soda and that's an s t or one okay now the next one we're gonna look at here is my snack list now the snack list this is very um very contentious with many people because there's a lot of people who really like uh you know like a [ __ ] uh twinkies or something like that and let's be honest um there's a reason why they have twinkies as one of the only things that would survive in zombieland uh it's because they're [ __ ] they're not food it's like they're not food like twinkies are good don't get me wrong but they're not that good okay i feel like this was more of a lower tier to your list because i don't really eat a lot of these it's very personal which ones you like and which ones you don't like and because of that i think we're gonna put the tier list here we're gonna put it all the way down as like maybe we're gonna put this as like a c okay my snack review let's be honest guys i've slacked off a little bit on the snack box i haven't even put [ __ ] in there for a long time so it's been a while for me to really have the uh uh say the right thing let's say that yeah let's just say that and let's go ahead and look at the next one here all right and asmin gold's ultimate fast food to your list now this in my opinion is some of my best work this right here was the best tier list that in my opinion i've ever made my fast food tier list like you guys have to understand okay i have probably had i don't eat fast food let me think about the last day that i didn't eat fast food so there was one time that we went to a really expensive steak restaurant because we were meeting a business partner for the org and i didn't eat out that day i didn't eat fast food because i knew that we were gonna be going there instead so that's the last time and that was like uh like four or five months ago so basically i eat fast food constantly i always have as you guys can see with my large frame and stature here and um i really think that my fast food list is the definitive fast food list and i understand every single thing that's on every single menu and i understand trends with fast food i've been uh in the business of consuming it for 30 years and i really think that i was i was really just on point with everything that i said so yeah i'm going to say that my fast food tier list is my uh my true s tier um magnum opus okay now let's go to the next one asthma gold ranks all wow expansions and raids the wow expansions and raids i feel like this is also probably either a high a tier or an s tier one because here's the truth is that if you guys go back and you think about oh well what does asthma gold know a lot about it's wow like if you think about like oh what was that a relevant mechanic that nobody cared about in the raid that everybody hated from seven years ago what was that asmin i'm like yeah it's this one and that would be it i know everything about the [ __ ] game so because of that i think i could give a pretty good idea of what actually made sense so yeah there we go i'm gonna put this one right here it's very insightful video of course it was they all are but let's put this one up at ester i think this was an s tier video as well uh absolutely i played wow forever i know all the raids and um you know i was able to raid all of them a high a low s yeah it's a high a a low s okay it's nothing too crazy now let's look at the next one here asmond gold compares all wow login screens now i remember this because i said that the uh wrath of the lich king login screen was bad and everybody disagreed with me so in my opinion i was right i mean obviously i was right that that wasn't in my opinion like my opinion i was gonna say something else no it's a fact that i was right but in my opinion i think this is some of my better work however it was extremely contentious a lot of people were very upset about it and as usual it caused a lot of drama on the internet unnecessarily so i think we're going to put the login screen tier list for world of warcraft we are going to put this as a b okay next gold ranks the hottest female wow characters now this is something that i have as i said before a lot of experience and i'm not just talking about rule 34 i'm talking about cosplay i'm talking about character models i'm talking about game art from the last 20 years i mean this is something that again few people can contend with me with my knowledge of this subject okay let's just keep it at that so i would say that my uh my ranking of the hottest wow uh hottest females in well i would say that it is probably the highest a tier that you could be okay yeah this is probably the highest eight tier that you can be and we might even move this up to the s tier and you guys really think it's zestier you know what i agree i think that it's such a great video i totally agree it's an amazing amazing video it's a great video and so yeah we're gonna put this as an s tier four [ __ ] short yeah it's mid s yeah there you go so let's go ahead and go to the next one here asthma gold ranks all the best wow mounts now this is something that again i have a lot of experience in i've done mounts uh you know mount farming for [ __ ] ever but the truth is that mount farming this is always very much an opinion and because it's an opinion i am very reluctant to give it uh i'm very reluctant to give it an s i think that it's more fair because rating all the mounts are so many mounts in the game and it's like which mount is your favorite mount like it's very hard to say so i'm actually going to put this as a b tier i'm going to put it above the login screens but below ranking the cinematics okay so this is a solid b tier tier list that i did i think that it was fair as always but it's as fair as a mount tearless can be and to a certain degree mount tier lists are kind of biased okay so let's go to the next one the next one here is um asthma gold ranks all of the soulsborne bosses from best to worst now in my opinion this is a solid s tier video not only is this video longer than the lord of the rings extended edition but on top of that it's filled for the entire duration of the video of solid correct information and opinions and the fact is that yes this is a two and a half hour video and uh is so accurate yeah i really think that if anybody can go and like really argue to like any real strong degree any of my placings and tell me that i'm wrong i would i will be like okay yeah maybe i'm wrong but the fact is that i spent two and a half hours i've done every [ __ ] boss besides dark parker and dark souls 2. i've done every [ __ ] boss in every single souls born game i know what i'm talking about the video is objective not gonna lie i think my opinion is that it was better than the raid video i think that it was better than a raid video it was a two hour and 37 minute video of solid facts better than hot ones buying hot girls too it's got quay lag in it so same thing yeah all right let's go back to the next one asmingold's definitive final fantasy 14 waifu tier list now [Music] i'm not going to give this an f's here and the nest here and the reason for that is because i haven't finished the game it would not be fair for me to rank every waifu in the game because i haven't finished it yet so i think that this is going to be another b tier uh bt or tier list okay uh it's about like right here in the middle so you look at all the the wow mounts and also all the final fantasy mounts we'll put them right next to each other now let's go to the next one asmingold ranks all wow zones from best to worst [Music] i felt like this this is an s tier holy [ __ ] god damn boys god damn there's a god to your video all right let's make that the i think it's better than the wow wow to your list the wow cinematic tierus so let's make it a high a i think it's a solid high a video maybe low s i feel like the s tiers are pretty hard really to say but they're definitely there is something better than watching was yeah yeah i mean overall i think this is definitely uh one of my better videos and again if you look at the uh the view length on these videos it's an hour and 57 minutes which you guys can tell like i don't know if anybody like if you look at my channel here if you just go and look at the videos that i i put out like 40 minutes 19 minutes 51 minutes 31 minutes 39 minutes 40 minutes 42 minutes 48 minutes 36 minutes an hour and 23 minutes for minute for minute i put out a lot of [ __ ] videos okay yeah a whole lot of [ __ ] videos it's a lot talk about banning and boosting communities i'm gonna look at that after this okay let me finish this all right so the next thing that we want to look at this is a um uh this is a tier list that people in my community suggested for me to do i ranked every shirt that i had well as i said it only took 30 minutes because there's only about three or four shirts so i think this is probably a low a tier tier list because the truth is that it's all my personal opinion like for example like this shirt right here is an s tier shirt i like this shirt a lot it's great and also many of the shirts that would be d to your shirts uh you don't know what those shirts are because i never [ __ ] wear them so i'm gonna go ahead it's s for funny yeah s for same shirt very [ __ ] funny uh it's nest here no one else could rank your shirts better than you that's actually a really good point yeah it is ester you're totally right i agree next asmin gold ranks every single wow patch now as somebody who has played world of warcraft for 15 16 i don't know how long years since vanilla wow i feel like this is an a tier tier list i'm going to put this right here i'm going to put it in the middle of the wow cinematics and the wow zones i think this is a mid a you know it i know it everybody knows it d-list because it's [ __ ] boring uh all the the the patches i don't know like the patch ones are kind of boring but it's hard really to say let's go ahead and look at this um asmigold ranks every single wow race and class uh there's not a video uh this is where i rank wow races not the the real life races that's that's another video i feel like this one wasn't like super good yeah i feel like it was it was okay it was racist it kind of was whenever you think it kind of was racist whenever you think about it you know yeah well uh let's go ahead and give it a c i think it's it's a c to your list it was not amazing it was not incredible it was good it was a good tier list but it was not it was not my best work okay you judge them on race only i would never do such a terrible thing now the next one asthma gold ranks the best game consoles of all time what do you guys think this one really made a lot of people mad this was probably the most contentious tier list that i ever did because a lot of this comes down to how you grew up there were playstation households and there were nintendo households we were a nintendo household so my rating of something like the playstation one or uh the sega genesis sega cd or something like that is not going to be the same so i'm actually not sure if i should rate this as i feel like it's a b or a c to your list ms frogs yeah a lot of people got mad at me because didn't i rank uh the nintendo 64 pretty low like i'm i'm pretty sure that i did b for bias ps3 is a b at least no ps3 was so expensive nobody could buy it on release i feel like ps3 had only a handful of really good games and xbox 360 was the superior console in all regards like the truth is like the ps3 was like it's like the uh it's like you have a family right you've got the ps1 the ps2 the ps3 and the ps4 right and this is the family well the ps3 is the kid that does crack it's the kid that does crack and is obsessed with buying gucci stuff that's the truth the playstation one and two were legendary uh playstation 2 really like i put uh super nintendo above it because super nintendo like for me is my number one but playstation 2 is objectively the greatest console of all time it just it is and like i grew up with it with a gamecube and i only got a ps2 later but it is just objectively the greatest console of all time people still use ps2s man they still use ps2s dreamcast was again it was priced completely out of people's price range it was [ __ ] ridiculously expensive the controllers were like 60 dollars or something like that because they had the little screen on them you want to tell me that the dreamcast isn't a c tier nobody [ __ ] played the dreamcast because of that there were almost no good games it had a handful of good games but nobody developed games for it because it was only available for the dreamcast and they weren't going to be selling enough of them we are putting this as a c to your list yeah we're gonna give it a seat here all right it's d i'll [ __ ] you guys okay we need at least one d all right next thing hamburgers i rank the best hamburgers ever for fast food restaurants now as i've said before this is just more fast food this is more fast food i feel like fast food is uh it's like a specialty of mine it's like a profession and uh instead of like not making fast food just eating is a profession like i don't want to get people confused uh yeah just eating fast food is the profession and uh it's not opinion based it's just everything about what i said was completely accurate and i didn't make any mistakes with anything on this list i'm gonna put i think this is an a to your list and to be honest with you the main reason why i put it as a tier is because it uh it aesthetically looks better on the screen if it's a tier right because it all cascades down yeah so like to be honest like that's about yeah i think this is about it yeah so it aesthetically looks better and also i think it's accurate so how would you rate this to your list this to your list would be asked here so this is all of the tier lists that i have ever made uh this is all the tier lists that i've ever made ranked individually for you for your viewing pleasure for you to see the different like like let's add up the hours here okay hour hour and ten minutes hour and 40 minutes uh let's see what's that uh hour and 40 plus 240 that's uh what's up four hours and 10 minutes four and a half hours five hours five and a half hours let's say six hours eight hours uh let's say i don't know about like maybe let's say 10 hours about here like i have like almost an entire day like half of a day's content of just doing tearless okay only asthma goal would do this yeah i mean this is this is the thing it's what makes sense yeah i should have watched every single tier list before i actually made the tier list for my tier was that's a really good idea man uh maybe we'll have to re-record this later on you have a [ __ ] up content with that yeah there's a lot of [ __ ] content okay yeah definitely yeah it's a television season there you go take console radof d it's clearly an a rated video there's a lot of people who got mad about it and everybody disagreed with me because here's the real reason why people disagreed with me okay it's that they were born in 2003 and so [Music] they they don't know what we went through they don't know what it was like back then so i have to give it a d for the zoomers okay but everybody knows that i mean let's be honest they're all really s tier but yeah there you go that's all of my tier lists ranked in a tier list i can't believe i did this i feel like i'm masturbating this is great we should do this more there we go yeah this is yeah great video yeah thanks man really appreciate that i'll put this one on str as well next time okay yeah there you [ __ ] go [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 112,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold final fantasy, final fantasy 14, ffxiv, asmongold tier list, asmongold wow tier list, asmongold ffxiv tier list, asmongold world of warcraft tier list, asmongold ranks wow, asmongold ranks every, asmongold rates every, asmongold rates, asmongold ranks every single, asmongold wow rank
Id: qIsJOUg-UHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 31 2022
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