League of Legends Player Tries Hardcore WoW - THE FINALE

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attention Gamers previously on my hardcore journey I took on the two hardest leveling achievements in the game by slaying an albino man bear pig who was pegging my internet GF and then bare naked kiing the deadliest scorpion in Azeroth with RAV walk toggled on to prove that no hardcore element would be left unmastered I teamed up with ay to avenge his previous character's death on my final kill before level 60 and vowed that the series wouldn't end until I defeated ragnaros ragnaros [Music] [Music] oo oh ouch e death is permanent and you cannot be [Music] resurrected some guys dancing on him now to understand how this happened I need to take you back to where we left off I hit 60 and despite being showered with the server's praise I knew that the more important ding level 60 was yet to happen similar to me finding an EP Howard had a poetic plan for his too to get his final level killing off the ghosts of his relatives haunting their pig family he was adamant on doing the work himself and refused to let me mob tag for him we spent days in those place lands until he was just one kill away are you ready Howard you bet your ass off oh [ __ ] he's going in WoW his ding wasn't publicly advertised but I made sure to let him know I was proud and then throw him a party with some of stormwind's finest baddies that I could find damn oh my [ __ ] god so [ __ ] stupid but it was at this time where everyone gathered for our pre- raid Guild meeting because papaa needed to make an important announcement I think I'm ready to show you guys the roster show you all who is going to be in our first raid it is subject to change um I worked on this last night with ay yeah uh Hunters we only have two hunters in this raid the two Hunters that we do have in the raid to be dizzy and RAV this meant I had work to do in the form of waking up and checking the mail which was just full of surprises like my long father trying to capitalize on my new found Fame by finally coming back from the store years later with the milk oh jeez but it also meant I had to do some honeydews in order to unlock the raid which started with sex self Robin Hood here who was like dog we got a dragon problem and you probably need to leech off of your guildies to kill some Elites which I thank them by taking the single fight that I beat them in DPS and posting it on there it is online to Pat their tiny little damage is a homie and when I saw that an Egyptian Godzilla breeder [ __ ] stamped his ass a few days later I gave him the fattest O7 you've ever seen o wow done but when I told Robin Hood that we beat level one of Bloon Tower Defense burning steps Edition he said we are going to need back up from Stormwind so I figured I would use my clout to get an appointment with the King himself who was all like wo whoo whoo talk to my wife about that [ __ ] who by the way turned out to be a total [ __ ] is right next to you imile she was all sus and then said only [ __ ] would investigate further which made me curious so I spent an hour talking to just about every breathing creature in the Eastern kingdoms until some drunk told me about some [ __ ] that went down in the mountain we were in the middle of Black Rock Mountain when the filthy animals attacked I grabbed some of the mostar comrades I could find the guy out of the AG we found the dude that was captured but he was all like yeah I give up this game dude this uh this Quest is hard has sucked the soul out of me and I was like suit yourself until days later I found a note that said the local McDonald's was bringing back the McRib and all of the sudden the dude was called the MCB I've never had a McRib in my life highly motivated to get out of there we escorted him as he unlocked all his friends but he only seemed to talk to fandy and thank her for the help and I'm thinking hey pervert I have a pair of tits too and just because no one is paying to see mind doesn't mean I'm not deep in this Mountain's [ __ ] saving you too but long story short we rescue him and he tells us to meet him in Stormwind in an hour for what will be some juicy ass drama I decide while I'm here to get attuned to some that's molten which involved trying to save 15 minutes of time on tunes that we' committed n days of played time to by trying to glitch our way through Lava and after she getting hit too many times miserably at some practice what you're going to do is you're going to jump right before the uh the Red Bar reach which is the green uh vertical bar I figured what's the worst that could happen I love how there's people that like nobody really knows even 15 years later how to Lava jump everybody if you ask 10 laa players how to jump in lava and not get hit you're going to get 10 different answers I actually think by the way the lava run is one of the coolest things in classic wow I love this yeah just great it's just so good oh we getting a little bit too close anyways it was now time for me to find out the drama that our Prison Break MC rib lover was about to reveal what's this he said the queen has some Shrek turns into an ogre Dragon at midnight [ __ ] going on bro this guy dude he says yeah this [ __ ] is a dragon and I wasn't going to be the one to on his we venture into the keep and even though I personally had my doubts I love to stir the pot so I made sure she caught a few Strays from me but to my surprise this conspiracy theory was true as [ __ ] and half of the Guard staff was apparently undercover vvar like I ran around trying to spread the word but then I realized that if R the Avatar couldn't save Stormwind no one could my ego got in the way of listening to Howard and even though I thought the ritar could help there was one hardcore element I had yet to face death but it only hit him for 800 death he took four Cleaves at the same time always saw one I felt empty inside as my first thought was what would happen to Howard that's what happened to him my second thought was how can I somehow make money off of this if I'm in Molton Corp with you on Saturday you have to buy my mouse pad I'll buy two and one for Russell it's where he can put his plates and then my third thought was that I just died two days before raid and the odds of me making it back in time were slim I'm power level you go again there's no time he can't get power leveled back all the way up there dude I thought it wasn't possible I'm GNA be totally honest I genuinely thought there is no way that you could do it there's no way it's not possible I just don't think that rav's going to hit 60 by the time we start a raid just give up unironically the only way it's possible is either a he takes hard drugs or count shares uh because he has to play 24 hours a day and then that's also only getting level 60 I'm kind of down the BET five and that he won't do it by raid you also need to get attuned it's not going to happen it's not going to happen but deep down I knew this was all part of my destiny just give up it's over it is what it is and hundreds of fangle members were going to help me prove them wrong so when Soda said this and I need him to tell me what he's going to do I only had one answer for him only fangle oh my God oh my [ __ ] god God bombo oh yeah I did this [Music] too holy [ __ ] [Music] man I joined fangle to show my appreciation I'm honored to be in your ranks oh [ __ ] the last service we'll give you this is insane till we meet again hour 25 there it is spamming those oh yeah oh yep level [ __ ] 50 level from 49 to 50 in 7 minutes 47 seconds just like it used to be back in 2006 guys that's right in just over a day fangs Ley got me back to level 50 but now my fate would be in the hands of a [ __ ] named P penis from asmongold's roach Guild who informed jused me that there was no backup plan for me if things went if it expires backup plans in niagro he says I won't damn wrong all right after being awake for 2 days straight at this point I wasn't trusting my own ability to avoid death so I was absolutely not prepared for his godamn Roblox obstacle course over Elite mobs just to get to the next step in my journey oh got [Music] it Jesus Jesus okay he made it that's good oh my God he actually got all the way in there and before I could even process what just happened little PP head here was already telling me that one of my guildies died in The Next Step while giving me the most vague explanation of what he did wrong the other guy from your guild dies from [Music] it [Music] oh he jumped down he got I see I see what [Music] happened okay but with it I had made it to the rock where I would sit for 10 minutes at a time in hopes of getting XP orgasms from him grinding raid mobs damn and with 12 hours till raid and two levels to go I accepted a bribe from Papa soda to join back into the only fangs jez 6,000 gold that would be used for the final step of the journey oh yeah all the beju I forgot about that [Music] yeah oh my [ __ ] god level 34-hour Marathon we had done it and been granted our raid spot back but there were still doubters you've earned I still don't think he's going to make it to raid so what's the point of the [ __ ] oh bro bro now see now that's coping you know at this point he's coping he's got to get tuned I just don't see it happening yeah yeah little did he know that I would be walking by his side an hour later to achieve my Attunement to the molten core Jesus and while I had successfully ascended as RAV the Avatar Howard could not complete the journey with me as he was still loyal to my former dead self true I asked his brothers and they informed me that only his ghost existed in the the world while he himself remained Tethered to his dead owner and rumor was his ghost could be found in the plaguelands that's horrible my friends in fangle located his ghost and supported me as I tamed him to fight by my side for the remainder of my journey oh my God oh my [ __ ] [Music] god I didn't even know you could tame one of those it was now time to finish my attunements but we weren't out of the clear yet fet dummy if you got it oo it's a little bit scary K the other guys in the back here wow wow wow AR wow this is bad Jesus holy oh no this is pretty yeah might be a guys just can can we AE them down yeah I'm healing you still bro he's saying stay in I I marked a skull oh my God everyone I already Petri I got scared I already Petri okay guys do do we all have Petes a few hours after hitting 60 I had to use a [ __ ] potion just to survive the atunement but no matter how that's just the way it is you know sleep or how deadly the tasks were ahead of me I had a death to avenge and a destiny to fulfill he's doing it again oh my [ __ ] god this is insane I bet somebody else is going to get killed in the process of this somebody's going to mess it up we a dirt beneath your feet sir bro he walks past his old corpse oh it's so good oh my [ __ ] god actual Legend yeah throwing snowballs at anxia good one guys [Music] yeah back pedal away get the [ __ ] out of there please let somebody die he literally just Petri it I love that yep he just pet he's like nope I'm not going to do that not going to happen and with that I had overcome the final hardcore element death and it was finally time for what we had all been waiting for oh my God us it is [ __ ] J The Bard yeah learned mechanics oh my God we just might survive you're not ready for the raid molten core so packed up go home you're through how could I make a raid out of you I still can't was the bit I still can't believe that they got all 40 people that were like primarily streamers to actually level the 60 and hardcore wow that this is a like that's a really big accomplishment NY storm killed my first character and even though my heart had a beat faster than an EDM concert the instructions were clear step on a break your mother's back and then when purple Charizard takes flight I bust a nut on all my cool Downs huge damage crazy damage after the most intense 17 seconds we were in the Final Phase until literally everyone's surprised we had no deaths yet I was surprised got we got it good oh easy life baby go we did it two minut 2 minute a fast but when my own performance was subpar I had to channel my inner Wild player to find the cause well hunters and classic need buffed Hunter DPS just feels really weak right now deaths seem lazy damage meters all Warriors hardcore it moved okay yeah it's about right to venture into the molten core and for me to use the footage from my comprehensive guide on how to One-Shot this place the first boss everyone turns their monitors off and jams a one button rotation yep at one point Howard Ghost was looking like he needed some loving so I spent my fight mending his wounds the second was a large dog who would occasionally get swollen and his Hunters would have to EpiPen him before he bit off a tank's head yep boss numero 3 was the first time I saw myself on the damage meters wow for a second before it disappeared and never came back gar was the first boss where people thought we'd have deaths and it's because yeah I thought gar was going to be a killer because of just the way that the ads work every time one of his little sperm cells pieces out around scared this but we made it through with no deaths damn boss had a mechanic where one single person could kill everyone if they didn't get out of raid when they were marked Italian guy living bomb Italian guy I'm calling it out Italian guy get out and all I'm saying is thank God no one was apparently listening to soda because his add-on broke and whispered every single person and raid that they were the target every time even when they weren't I then had ooh oops had my few moments and ra to shine want to pull it but I also don't yet we're going to P thread the needle R you want to try and thread that needle pull that corehound you you [ __ ] this up oh godb oh God okay adamax you're bubbling adamax you're bubbling you yeah this is me I got it Jesus scary that's it right there right in the says ice in my veins Miz you're tanking ity hole bubble F booy hole bubble before we spent 13 minutes talking about the next boss and then a total of 13 seconds killing him holy [ __ ] he's just melting yeah this boss is easy kill kill if there's a mechanic on the next boss it must have called in sick that day because I wasn't even tabbed into the game for this one but then the next lava lamp gone Rogue ra boss had a jump for me I would have to get the attention of one of his little slaves and bring them to a tank the only problem was they got a glance of F's tits and for the life of me I couldn't distract it over no one noticed all right just do damage we now had two bosses left and I felt like things were going a little too smth so I had a plan ay and I spent the next 15 minutes devising an evil plan where I would feain death during the next boss and he would send out a raid warning saying that I had died the whole thing was going to be dank as [ __ ] until my feain death decided to just not update wait he was going to send out a notification and he oh my [ __ ] God ate my frame so we only got a taste of the reaction we were going for we're on moon now the last one and that is it yo threat rev RAV is dead what what bro The Raid warning you're so oh what's a what's a raid alert I know and then there was RA what an idiot oo B and the goal from day one of our Guild and while the others were strategizing and getting ready to min max their DPS I had my own plan for this [Music] fight just attack him yeah it's pretty easy [Music] ooh I fell fire we got someone low we got someone real low group five group five back I'm coming back he's just doing nothing just sitting there doing nothing pet the whole fight oh my [Music] God damn zero death just peted the entire FS of hard work sleepless nights and gold spent by fangle and other viewers carrying idiot streamers like myself who barely lifted a finger and we had done it yep but in the midst of the celebrations deep down I knew there was still one thing I had thir of God and there was only one way I could do [Music] it I'd transfer my character so that I could come back to life and call him one last time but I knew what had to be done he was being extra clingy after having not been fed because while I was busy fulfilling my destiny he was stuck back Tethered to a dead character who could no longer take care of him damn I arrived at the spot that I had found him his family around to welcome him back I looked at him and for one last time I slash Pat Howard aband [Music] damn damn it's over so after what started for me asking to join a guild full of people who had no idea who I was who is this RAV guy is the league RAV guy I don't whoar the [ __ ] RAV I exper experienced the craziest leveling Journey not once but twice true I was welcomed by the most incredible Community I've seen online and I got emotional over a pig in a video game and that is the story of RAV the [Music] Avatar but what I didn't realize was that me letting Howard go was what I needed to release his ghost and I immediately knew what this [Music] meant [Music] [Music] oh my [ __ ] this is so [ __ ] ridiculous Jesus he's back home [Music] [Applause] oh my [ __ ] God I'm going to be honest guys this was really really good I was in I I I i' I'm very impressed so Masterpiece yeah people will remember this for a long time 10 out of 10 storytelling well the best part about it is the fact that it all like it's not even really a lot of Storytelling it's like what actually happened you know and I think that's what makes it so compelling is the fact that it actually yeah make sure to give it a like bro buy the mouse pad this is one of the the best wow series of all time like it's hard to say like which one is the best I think it's just personal opinion but this one is in that top tier this one's up there with like the Barney videos with the Uber Danger videos with all of them this is so [ __ ] good man Howard's Legacy oh my [ __ ] god this is a League of Legends player and he show show Wild players how to do it I mean I think the focus like the best part about it is the focus of the whole series was just about entertainment right it wasn't about trying to prove that you can play the video game good it wasn't about trying to you know like do anything else like that it was just simply a fun Series where he did a bunch of like I mean to be fair really dumb [ __ ] but it worked out better story than retail wow clearly this series was incredible again give give him a like give him a sub this is amazing
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 460,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: 5Jp0asn8OnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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