HE'S BACK! Asmongold & Mcconnell REUNITED For Shadowlands Release

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no no no no no no no no no just this once well chat well what a day so mcconnell what have you been doing man you've been like gone no what do you mean gone you've been gone you haven't been you've been on a stream you haven't been doing anything i have been on wow you've been offline on youtube asked me to be on this stream we're gonna ask you to be on the stream what do you mean what are you getting upset for what have you been up to i can't i can't remember the last time you sent me a message and said yo you want to come on the stream today i i legitimately can't remember because it's weird it's always oh he he can hop in if he wants to oh he can join if he wants to ew this makes me feel like it makes me feel like you're like a teenage girl man i can i can if i want to know dude you know that you're always able to come on the stream anytime you want we'd always want you to be on youtube yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah listen listen go ahead i mean i just you know i've been playing among us and uh valhalla actually 100 of it oh wow okay we got an hour and a half till the expansion comes out i'm scared dude you're scared why because what if we get weaker as we level up again we will i guarantee you don't say that but i guarantee you that shit's gonna happen why a hundred percent [ __ ] don't say that 100 duh like and then you gotta get more powerful too that's the way it's gonna have to work man like are these account wide like does anybody know if these are account wide yeah they're basically like battle passes so like if you get renowned and vin thier and then you go kyrie and like what happened they're not account [ __ ] [ __ ] oh no dude oh dude all these covenants are gonna have different achievements attached to them too man really yeah so we're gonna have to like swap between them just to get the just to get the achievements and they all have different titles and like transmog and and like [ __ ] mounts and [ __ ] so now we're gonna you're gonna you're gonna pick one to go with like the in the initial rush of the expansion right you're gonna get the best one that's best for you and then later on in like the lull of the expansion you're going to have to switch and then do that that covenants all that covenants [ __ ] just to like oh my god [ __ ] and then switch to another one and another lull and then and then until you get them all the achievements so you got to keep doing it you got to keep rotating until you're back to square one jesus your best covenant there's so much stuff thanks ian that's so it's a lot of stuff and by getting to renown level four rewards that you are boost to your stamina an upgrade to your first soul bind and a fresh adventurer for your covenant's command table oh my god what what do you say oh boy and this is for one covenant so if you ever want to change this you have to go through this again which admittedly will probably be much faster but you still have to go through this again and that does mean that you will be level 40 renown level 40 that is 16 weeks after the shadowlands expansion 16 16 weeks how many months is that that's [ __ ] eight months man that's crazy i'm stuck on a loading screen by the way i'm already getting [ __ ] okay according to if this is correct okay and there are four covenants you need 32 months so we need two and a half years to get all the covenant stuff done completely all right it's gonna be a while now if you are behind the renowned curve as i described here right like if you make a fresh character ten weeks into the expansion do not worry there is a catch-up system built in from the beginning and basically it will allow you to you see those weekly quests you'll basically just be able to do they really did flappy bird and wow did they really do flappy bird and wow i mean what's wrong with are you kidding me what's wrong with that how are you [ __ ] really oh come on they put [ __ ] gem craft in there flappy bird oh my god we're not gym crap what the hell is that i know it can't be crushed yeah i know what you mean like this is oh my god is this kirian only yeah it is [ __ ] i wanted to be able to play this bedazzle god damn it oh my god what i just had a thought you know that achievement the sabertron achievement that you have to it takes like six months to do because not all the correct sabretrons are up the blue one yeah yeah you know that achievement what if there are achievements for stuff like this but it's only it's covenant specific and you have to choose which area is lit up and it has to spawn so like what if you're in a different covenant and you can't even get that that quest or that world quest or whatever the [ __ ] it is for the achievement so then you have to switch to the government covenant and then you have to activate that area and then you have to hope that the daily is up for the achievement just to get it i'm going to be doing that in shadowhands too yeah oh my god oh my god oh my god there's going to be achievements i swear i swear i really hope that i want to waste my time doing this [ __ ] i think that's what it comes down to like if i want to waste my time doing it it's going to be [ __ ] great where the cinematics we'll watch do you guys want to watch the cinematics after this boys oh they just released one no they just came out no they didn't yes they did turn on cnn it just flew over my house and if you're wondering about rewards here well it's pretty simple there are reputation tokens anima and a few other things oh there's like elite and rare quests that's [ __ ] cool at macaulay this is gonna be fun man is this for your mobile phone this is for your mobile phone that you have i don't have them i don't have a smartphone i have a flip phone no you you had a flip phone like four years ago there's no way you still have a flip phone i i have the same flip phone from four years ago what is it [ __ ] like a motorola razor no it is i i want to go i want to do all of it and then just burn out and i don't yep i'm gonna do it don't you trust me you don't want to burn out your burning out would be the worst thing ever for you you think so yeah because then you'd have like you know one of the breakdowns on your stream and then you wouldn't another one like six months ago and yeah it'd be better there's only four months okay yeah it was a long time yo what which one are you going which what do you mean which one am i going which cubby fifth year duh what do you mean oh oh well what were you gonna go well i was gonna go outdoors no that's the wrong one you don't what what do you [ __ ] do you mean to go to aldor what are you talking about tv you've seen the staff [ __ ] that [ __ ] dude like there's better [ __ ] and cares in there's no reason to go all the door i hear you going outdoor yeah okay all right yeah that's all wrong that's about 15 years late let me go figure out the other expansion things all right where's the cinematic wow cinematic i think one thing people need to realize is like at the beginning of this everybody knew this was coming everyone knew at some point you were gonna go up against the lich king and whenever they saw that the opening [ __ ] scene i tell you this for when my days have come to us right back over to one man you shall be killed you know what's crazy what back then you called new people to wow wrath babies but nowadays have you started playing in wrath you've been playing for over a decade that's [ __ ] crazy the wrath babies are all grown up man that's actually that's sad i don't know what to say what the [ __ ] yeah the wrath babies have like their own yeah what what is it now bfa babies maybe literally shadow babies yeah shadow babies yeah there you go i think probably legion somewhere around there legion babies [Music] [Music] see it's like how do you fight up against the dragon that's the size of stormwind you know what i mean to me i just felt like this is my height how the [ __ ] you gonna do that right yo what uh how come he didn't set stormwind on fire like he did everything else see that's the thing right just like he just set that [ __ ] on fire we'd have been like he did not even have to worry about anything like they just got rid of them yeah i know but why like he was right there he was already over the on the towers why didn't he just why didn't he just like destroy the entire city uh people say he's out of mana it could be maybe he he was just like so powerful he knew that he wouldn't even need to you know he was just like because why do you why do you just destroy the park and then [ __ ] off well he didn't really destroy it he's just flying around and it destroys itself here we go guys best expansion right here to ask why we fight is to ask why the leaves fall i just i i'm sorry i've gotta i i use the bathroom i i just i i don't wanna [ __ ] i gotta oh my god stop i'm like i just i don't wanna you're turning into [ __ ] dummy over here well i had to what do you mean i had to use a bathroom that's all about [ __ ] give me a minute i'll be right back yo give me give me 30 seconds start to give it 30 seconds oh man i am not looking forward to being a [ __ ] uh a goddamn force boy today wha why why do i have to be knight fake come on blizzard it doesn't even make sense for paladins to be [ __ ] knight faye why didn't you give them why don't you give the blessings to kirian it makes more sense what is this [ __ ] [ __ ] off oh my god [ __ ] dumbass covenants if you get if you get to play uh necrolord or ventier i'm i'm envious of you just know that okay i'm jelly this [ __ ] the true question is what is worth fighting for okay there's some horse [ __ ] everybody knows it you know it i know it everybody knows it look dude what you might hate that cinematic yep but nothing will ever be as bad as sylvanas uh literally one-shotting the lich king and then breaking the glass ceiling okay yeah no that's true i just want to show one part of this we don't need to see the whole thing but watch this part this is what happened mr panda boy whenever he went up against big dick garrosh see they need to have this is exactly what every warrior wants to do to a monk because they're jumping around flopping and flailing and flipping and rolling around and then you just chain that [ __ ] up and you bring them right over to you and you say listen of my horde there it is the world will hear of this they will come for you just [ __ ] them dude i'm counting that that's the [ __ ] warship man but this is the last real warchief you know what happened after that what this [ __ ] got struck by lightning in a 1v1 and then his soul cummings got chained up and sucked out of it by vampires important aspires they're all cheated of my hatred imagine thinking that pandas are cool after you see that cinematic this is so freaking badass i really do think this scene up up here is the best scene they've ever done in any cinematic this one right here [ __ ] blow his ass up right here this one so [ __ ] good man so [ __ ] good god dude god dude and this is in my opinion this is one of the coolest [ __ ] parts yeah yeah and garrosh saves his dad was not our destiny times change and you just sound so [ __ ] badass man [Applause] this was this was the biggest opportunity blizzard ever had and they spawned yeah yeah they did but it was so good it was so good like this part dude oh my god six years ago and dude garrosh could have been so [ __ ] badass they had him being like this [ __ ] dude we had orc thanos and he died in a quest he could have been orc thanos and he died in a quest i can't believe it man he cheated it was [ __ ] stupid man they're all cheating yeah whatever [ __ ] himself yeah he died in the quest i was so upset man they had they played garrosh up to be so [ __ ] cool in this cinematic and then it didn't go anywhere man didn't go [ __ ] anywhere oh no no no no boy all right here we go it's an amazing cinematic no oh god do what we'll do is fine it's fine it's not a big deal okay see like the lich king dude the part here i was like what dude ice crown i thought like here dude i thought for sure she was gonna be the lich king like a monument to our suffering here we [ __ ] go ridiculous absolutely [ __ ] ridiculous the veil between life and death where are you serper sits on a frozen throne ridiculous but no king rules forever absolutely [ __ ] ridiculous yeah we need queens this is beat this [ __ ] up beauvoir come on you can do it this time that's not for sure for look at him he's [ __ ] badass he's like [ __ ] he's like he's got fire and ice at the same time how are you gonna lose this guy's the lich king guys let's do a prediction real quick yeah it's gonna it's like you think about this like sylvanas it's like okay and then you've got [ __ ] bolvar the lich king seared by dry he's got [ __ ] fire and ice the new oh man he's like and also on top he was a badass warrior and like yeah he's not arthas but still just get it over with please but still do and like dude i was so hyped up about this man like everybody wanted to see the lich king in action man everybody wanted to see this [ __ ] and it's like how's he ever do that whenever he's bulvar obviously the lich king gives you powers obviously it does why how's a human do that this is hard to watch because he's a [ __ ] lich king this is embarrassing absolutely [ __ ] just so sad stop this is just so good so this is the witch king man and i want to say another thing is we never really beat arthas okay keep that in mind we didn't even beat arthas like tyrion didn't even really beat arthas he just broke tyrion's he just broke arthas's sword but not he the thing about that like arthas [ __ ] deleted all of us at the end at in the icc and then tyrion got frozen and then the only reason he broke arthas's sword is because arthas wasn't expecting that [ __ ] if it was tyrion versus arthas arthas would have beat the [ __ ] out of him like let's be honest like he literally froze him in like one second it's like the fight didn't even start he's frozen and then we have this [ __ ] happen what is that this is crazy you are unfit to wear this crown this is [ __ ] ridiculous why didn't he take it off himself wield so much power apparently not because he just lost power will be your prison this world is a prison this part was really good though this part was [ __ ] awesome this is the only good part of it that's because you're not looking at the real meaning of it because you thought this [ __ ] was gonna happen he's like what the [ __ ] [Music] and i will set us all free see that was some weird ass [ __ ] dude [Music] that was some weird ass [ __ ] ah man that's some horror [ __ ] that's a [ __ ] horseshit everybody knows it but i'm so sick of [ __ ] thinking about it like man i'm so uh i'm mad i don't like it i'm mad wait this is [ __ ] [ __ ] bolvar lost to bdsm man what he did yeah it was just it's just crazy and this is the other one this so sylvanas what the [ __ ] dude we'll watch this one too might as well beyond the vein lies the shadow man okay where every soul has its place this was pretty [ __ ] cool this was pretty [ __ ] cool man all things considered it was this is the real shadow and cinematic yeah this is the real shadow and cinematic exactly i just i feel like her face is a deep fake man it's weird this guy's [ __ ] cool like if i had just seen this i'd be like maybe i should call them all draxes this is [ __ ] cool this is the horde covenant though let's be honest this is not an alliance covenant this is so [ __ ] good i love this part of here dude just laughing stupid ass [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here not time for you got time for you [Music] beyond the veil lies darkness where every soul has its place it's pretty cool [Music] i can't believe about to play this [ __ ] in like a 45 minute studio yo we got to get into the indestructible discs they want to have me get in there and get ready man what just use this one nah they want me to go into the other one man for what why do you what just join the other one i'll put you in there all right hey guys can i join your leveling group you can talk to us while we level there's no way you have all the speed items that we need like no way okay boys mcconnell was not ready to do this we had planned this out for a long time make sure of course they're not going to want you to like where you can click quickly but i don't know what you guys are talking about like he randomly just shows up and he wants to join like we had planned this out you're a bad friend how am i a bad friend explain how i'm a bad friend i have not talked to mcconnell in weeks basically he comes the day of release he wants to join our leveling group that we prepared and we got ready for with tons of time tons of items and everything like that and then he randomly shows up wants to join and then now i'm the [ __ ] like that's weird guys like stop like i hate this [ __ ] man [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 245,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold mcconnell, mcconnell, mcconnellret, mcconnell wow, mcconnell asmongold, mcconnell is back, asmongold back, shadowlands wow, best of mcconnell, wow shadowlands, shadowlands, asmongold shadowlands, asmongold cinematics, shadowlands cinematic, mcconnell shadowlands, shadowlands asmongold, shadowlands release
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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