🟢TBC Beta🟢 2v2 Arena Tournament - Rested XP Invitational

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i'm so proud of you and hello ladies and gentlemen new spectators all spectators welcome to the rxp 2v2 invitational today i will be hosting a first tbc beta arena 2v2 tournament right now i am joined with my co-host host caitlin underscore uk we are also going to be joined by cargos later he will be joining us in couple of minutes before we start getting into the nitty-gritty introducing you to the bracket as you can see on your screen right now caitlyn introduce yourself well uh obviously i'm i'm caitlin you can find me caitlin and score uk twitch uh i am basically the only person mad enough to try and play charmin at the top tier in tv i did in fact actually attempt to bribe a couple of teams uh today to play charmander as opposing to their natural comps but unlike most professional sports players these guys do actually have some integrity and moles so they weren't vibrable and there will be no shamans today unfortunately i'm quite sad about this thank you for that introduction as well we are not going to see any paladins today sadly in the bracket and i would like to point out chad to the bracket right now that you can see uh on the bracket i'm going to introduce a couple of the teams and the players that will be participating into the tournament icy fresh the team captain jigsaw usb himayo reality danny willerton and respectfully riva icy fresh is a mage player he's going to be playing a rogue mage into jigsaw's rogue mage uzbeki is playing with mir they're playing pre-strog into the first bracket of himayo which is going to be druid warrior reality is queued together with bobca as lock rogue into danny gaming's priest rogue willerton piloting the warlock playing warlock priest with lemarcki and last but not the least river a veteran frost mage some of you guys know him if not you get to meet him today is playing frost major rogue we have a lot of similar matchups today for the best or for the worst let's get into the first one let's get into the first matchup what do we know about these players can we get an introduction about icy fresh from you caitlyn well technically icy fresh is an american player he a while back decided that obviously the best thing he could do is come and play with the best majors in the world who are obviously all in the eu so he's uh metaphorically traveled across the pond to be training with the likes the river etc and he has been doing some fantastic progress we saw well i played some threesome recently and i was thoroughly impressed with him he's you know forgive the pun he is ice cold when he's playing a very calculating guy he doesn't panic he always feels in control and certainly i can say playing with him you know you always feel confident absolutely i know i see fresh myself some of you know that i have been collaborating with him on the shocked mage thing that we have put up on youtube he is a veteran frost mage he has almost played it all through all different let's say interesting walder mod servers he has been a gladiator he's been rank one and he is playing with the rogue that he has brought himself into the tournament representing that rogue mage what can we say about jigsaw i think you know a little bit about him as well caitlyn you came yeah no he we had a uh we would call it a a beta one of this tournament last weekend and it was actually jigsaw and deadly that won that one so those guys are coming in certainly with both a lot of tournament experience in this particular bracket in this particular version of this game we you know all the gear they're going to be feeling incredibly confident and comfortable coming into this tournament today you know there's really no question marks over these guys again a very calculating team and i'm very excited to see who actually comes out on top here between this mirror match absolutely and we can see a little bit of the infographic right there right now on the screen you can see a little bit of the comp breakdown just a little teaser for you guys in the audience what the mage and the rogue comp has everything it is absolutely brutally intense to execute all of the crowd control that both of these classes bring to the table caitlyn in your opinion is this one of the hardest two wee two comps to execute it's definitely one that that looks a lot easier than that it is you know the entry you know the barrier to entry is pretty low to be honest you know you can maybe get 1850 with it but you know as soon as you're hitting those higher levels as soon as you're actually playing or even watching someone that's a true master of the cop you will simply be blown away with the possibilities you know that is the the nature of the comp you know as you can see you know the amount of control in particular and utility that both these classes bring to it you know each of those is just you know a question mark and an option that they you know a card in their hand that they get to play around and use in an inventive way that maybe their opponents haven't seen before maybe they're not expecting it and it's that sort of the unexpected you know innovative plays the a you see at the top level like we have today and b it's that difference that really you know makes the real masters of the comp absolutely masters of the comp some of them are going to be participating into this tournament let's take a look back onto the bracket and introduce a little bit of the other players some of you know them some of you don't in the second game of the tournament the second best of three series rather we are going to have uzbeki and mir both of them are veterans of tbc pvp scene mir as well has participated in two different tournaments hosted by asthma gold and pdd respectively first one by asthma gold i believe his 3v3 team finished second but the pdd tournament that was hosted he finished first and there is a little bit of rivalry with riva himself in this tournament caitlyn yeah as you said yourself it was uh in both grand finals of those previously 3v3 tournaments we had um both uh ryba and mir playing on opposite teams so the first one went to river the second one went to mir so this might be the decider this will be the opportunity for the one at least so far on beta to see who is the top dog if it is in fact those two that get that far there's a lot of competition here today and there's definitely nothing to you know nothing that can't be said about the warrior druid they're going up against yeah it is going to be very much an interesting matchup that you can see right now it is going to be uzbeki and mir pre-stroke both veterans going against a very strong team from himayo and lumax it is a warrior druid in your opinion if you're a robotic man gun to your head would you expect to win the second best of three series in this tournament i mean going off of past history part of me is gonna say it's probably gonna you gotta look at the uh the priests who are taking it however i was having a conversation today doing a little bit of research and scouting on these guys and tomayo uh in particular speaking to gucci a very fantastic druid who was uh playing with hydra recently in the 3v3 tournament and he he definitely recommended these two french chaps as absolute you know masters of the class so i think if anyone's going to pull it off playing what is arguably maybe one of the weaker comps in season one you know at certainly at this level um it's going to be these two playing it you know we've seen them warm up as well very very impressive placement um how they managed to live as long as they did in pre-match i do not know so i'm you know i still got my fingers a bit i'm not sure i'm going to put my money on either at this point i agree it is anyone's game uh it's going to be very hard to execute warrior duration season 1 very much so harder comparatively to season three or season four but nonetheless it is going to be an interesting matchup we have some best of the best guys some of you know them i've seen already in the chat reality and danny reality on warlock shades of reality some of you guys know him he's very much a figure of community he's been putting insane godly amount of hours into his warlock rogue bopka as well playing with him for team reality we've seen them both streaming grinding putting amazing show on their streams they're going in this tournament hot as it gets the florida man himself versus danny gaming representing that eastern europe block up and coming priests very strong talent praying with reckless also representing the europe caitlyn give me random i mean you've said it yourself when it comes to reality and bobcat you know as a you know as a community as people watching these guys stream we've definitely seen them come on leaps and bounds like i'm in reality first started playing and you know let's be honest when you first start picking up a class or version of the game that you're not very familiar with you are a little bit clumsy and he has just ground out you know it's 24 hour stream after 24 hour stream after 24 hour stream of nothing but constant arena this man has had his you know his head to the ground stone along with bobcat doing everything they can to improve and that improvement has become incredibly visible i would say it's possibly in the last month or so with peter you know he's had a chance to play against some of the absolute best he's definitely improved but and you know bobcat has you know always been an impressive guy i played with both of them very very you know calm guys i'm i'm looking forward to it and uh as for danny and racco well you know who needs to introduce records if you're a part of the uh the rogue community at all the man is verging on a living legend within the work community one of the absolute best and again danny coming from that eastern bloc and as we sort of experienced with the pdd tournament you know coming from different regions and this is one of the things i'm really excited about today is coming from different regions we've got eu and us playing there is drastic cultural differences between play styles between comps what you expect to see what you don't expect to see and i'm really excited to see you know what some of these you know maybe why the lesser known guys are going to be pulling to the table that we're just not going to be expecting because we don't see it all the time 100 guys oh then there he comes the cargos himself welcome to the show cargos a little bit of introduction for everyone in my chat if you would be so kind absolutely uh this is all farc's idea by the way just want to throw that out there far farc is the mad scientist who came up with the final beta tournament you know and just really you know making the strongest effort to put this all together so thank you park for for that uh for that inspiration my friend it's good to be here with you i'm most i was talking to my chat as well about you guys we got caitlyn tp legendary shaman great content creator as well in here and uh farc face legendary shaka din and overall just great human being my name is cargos i am a uh content creator andy for youtube and twitch been in the game for for a little bit i'm a student of the game learning tbc arena just started playing it about six months ago or so and i'm just so excited for season one i got a chip on my shoulder i want that infernal gladiator title it's great to be here with you guys how are you guys doing we're doing absolutely amazing thank you so much for that introduction and before we continue one absolutely humongous thanks to cargos and rxp for sponsoring this tournament guys if it wasn't for them this tournament would not happen everyone who's right now tuning the stream check out restedxp.com check out what they're about in his amazing add-on slash guide once again many many many thanks for sponsoring this and making this happen on that note we have briefly started talking about compositions and we have started slowly unveiling the tournament and how it's going to happen reminder all series all games until finals are going to be best of three the first map of each series is going to be on a negrand the losing team picks the second map if it's tied the losing team again picks the third map and the grand finals is going to be a full best of five series but until then we're going to have best of three double elimination that means all of those gentlemen fighting right now with their respective team captain names even if they lose their first best of three series they still have a chance to climb back up to the grand finals and win that first place reward through the losers bracket now we have mentioned about reality and danny recently maybe we'll do a little bit of recap i want to talk about a little bit of willem and riva caitlin give us the introduction please well i mean i've said it from from the sort of get-go i mean willing is is where's my money's that i think currently you know priest lock is just you know an absolutely top-tier team and we've got some absolute pros playing them today they've been very impressive i've been impressed with their play i've played against him a couple of times on beta you know it is a nasty calm to play against and i think it's one that you know the community has really been sitting on for quite a while um i'm really expecting to see it blow up in the beginning of tvc in particular i do know quite a few people are practicing it on the sly keeping they're talking about a little right yeah i love dpl and he do i've been playing the the the variation with ore control brandon and i ever call in a duratar cleave it is so powerful it is so much fun and just moments ago folks we were hearing from riva in the uh the comms and he was joking around saying oh yo can we ban dpo so i don't know here's here's the thing when i think of the top tier like super s plus plus tier two's comps dpl dpl usually isn't included in that conversation it's usually rogue druid and uh dis and disperse rogue uh sort of as those the two kind of s tiers and most most of the time people consider ld just an overall stronger more consistent comp than dpl i love dpl though it feels so strong what what's your take on it caitlyn do you feel like it's an s to your comp i mean it's certainly in season one um i think i think priest is about as powerful it's ever gonna be in season one just because of some war mechanics it has you know the way that it scales in particular things like power word shield power which here doesn't take a lot of impact obviously being an instant cast you know from your plus healing so you know your power shield in season four isn't actually that much better than your power shield in season one so as a result the way it scales you know it just has so many options and you know as we've developed you know as a meta and as a community as you said yourself you know you endure attack leave we've been adapting particularly troll charms have been coming into play in a massive way not 12 challenges there we go absolutely and i want to just remind everyone that in five minutes we are going to go live with the first match best of three series i see fresh versus jigsaw the two captains are playing a mirror matchup rogue mage into rogue mage maybe this is a perfect segue to check a little bit of the infographic on the screen of the rogue mage cargos you played with bran you are a veteran gladiator with the lock rogue let's talk a little bit about the rogue and what do they bring in this matchup you're saying rogue mage versus rogue mage right correct that's okay rogue mage versus rogue mage oh man these are going to be lightning fast games of hyper aggression so usually at least imo how it starts is the mages it's it's similar to like a rogue lock mirror imo where the locks are going to kind of do their own thing and the rogues are patiently waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike if one lock gets too far ahead then the strat can change and you can jump on the lock and and just go all in uh on the lock i assume it's a similar thing with rogue mage the mages are going to be 1v1 each other trying to out value each other and the rogues are basically playing a game of chicken farc so they don't want to come out right like they have to play this mind game of who's gonna you know maybe you're gonna get uh sapped and dodging the perception value and all that but eventually the mages are going to start fighting and it's a game of chicken and usually the first rogue to make a move that's going to open on that rogue on on the mage is going to get totally controlled and not be able to do what he wants to do for the remainder of the entire match it's just like this kind of scripted um scripted kind of back and forth exchange of cooldowns um so that's what i i'd i'd be looking for there's a lot of rng in tbc though with frostbite procs with kidney shots and cheap shots resisting it's going to be lightning quick super bloody matches 100 the execution is also going to be crucial and very very quick you can expect some brutally lightning fast reflexes coming from these players caitlyn can we get some input on your matchup as we have three minutes on the clock until the first match oh three minutes man well the first of thing i'm i'm really curious to see whether we've got hoarder or alliance coming on these work mages i'm fairly sure that jigsaw is probably playing horde that seems to be what he favors um i know river playing with i know he's not playing this match but obviously he favors um alliance and then obviously we have um icy fresh who i think actually tends to favor he might be able to go but he tends to favor horde so i think this actually a horde mirror so we won't be seeing things like perception oh he's playing a gnome sorry for the excuse me for interruption they are playing alliance oh so we've got a perception where okay versus what most likely will not be a perception work this is going to play a massive choice i think what how are we going to see these works playing now then cargos with one perception and one without yeah it's it's so interesting man like first of all i just want to say it i i love tbc arena i really do and i'm not just saying that for no reason i'm making a point here i actually kind of really enjoy the impact of racials and how how dramatic of of of an effect they can have on the game and the strategies like legitimately if the priest is a dwarf dude you know you do something else if the priest isn't undead you do something else if it's an alliance team and they have perception you do something else there's different lines all over the place and it's so interesting to me that they're playing alliance here because like you said both of these people are both these teams are known for playing horde you know but there's there's a mind game here right like there's you have to calculate how many fears you're up against how many locks are in the tournament it's a small tournament how many warriors because the warrior fear is concerned as well you know and this is also season one gear right so it's very bursty so many considerations and i think um alliance uh just seems more attractive to them for whatever reason even though they normally play horde and i just i really enjoy that what do you think yeah i think it's i think it's a really clever decision as you said you know when you know who you're going to be playing or certainly honestly who you're playing but who's in the pool you know the possibilities you know we're not seeing um as we discuss some of those you know more traditional comps you know the shadow priest rogues the lock druids where these fears become you know massively impactful and having one of the forsaken and even having that little bit of shadow resistance can make a difference um you know compared to the heavy amount of you know road we're seeing played even the druids with perception you know i think the rogue human rogues are obviously going to come out on top in in the current uh current tournament so you know definitely uh respect and uh props to any guys running uh running uh horde for these major rogues and uh we will we will see how it turns out pretty shortly i think as we're about to get into our first game if i'm correct we're about to get in the first game i'm just making sure that both of the openers of this tournament already one last look at the bracket ladies and gentlemen it is icy fresh representing team icy fresh against jigsaw they are opening the tournament i'm just making sure that they're both ready so that we can open this match one last ready check going out absolutely sounds great who's your predictions chad i know some of you are familiar with jigsaw you're familiar with icy fresh farc who is their uh who's their partners though i know the team captains now but do you happen to know who they're playing with as well they're playing with deadly coward representing the team jigsaw and they are playing also icyfresh is playing with shadow well on that note it looks like we're about to enter the match all right and we are in the first match of the series deadly and jigsaw against ic and shadow you can see them right there they're preparing they're conjuring as much forward as they can here is the pre-buff stage we've talked about it gun to your head cargos if you were a betting man who would you bet for in the first opening match of the 2v2 rxp invitational um i know jixo is an absolute monster and honestly i swear to god farc i'm not lying i think it's completely even jixo and icyfresh are the same tier of mages and that is the highest here they're both extremely good so it's going to come down to the rogues and when i was asking uh papays the other day i was asking them you know whose predictions who do you think's gonna be the rank one team in twos right and he just said it's gonna be a rogue team i don't know what it's gonna be rogue mage could be rogue it could be rogue priests it doesn't matter it's all about the rogue so this is gonna come down imo these mages are equally matched the rogue carries the torch to victory and i don't know deadly coward i've never heard of him and i also have never heard of the other dude as well so you're guessing we have seen a little bit of what deadly coward can do in the 2v2 tech demo that we have done last week but on that note let's see what's going to happen we are opening these gates jigsaw is behind the pillar icy fresh is playing a little bit more aggressively we can see how both rows are going over there there is an aggressive sap on icy fresh he trinkets that and here we go there it go bang boom early cs onto jigsaw he cannot do anything for one second he's starting to cast the lice lenses into the noah the rogues are opening right now you can see the garage is onto jigsaw jigs is falling down but he does have defensives cargos can you believe the amount of damage coming out right now very very bursty as you can see these rogues playing this game of cat and mouse chicken they both opened and then went for an immediate vanish looking to see what could happen maybe they could get a sap on the other road maybe they can make a big play happen it's just lightning fast so much the digest looks like jigsaw's a little bit behind does it is able to sneak around the pillar though look how fast he was in the block avoided that light with that lance if that lance hit him there that's legit like maybe when i see fresh goes down oh my god that was some insane damage going with the noah wow this like this looks really really bad for them i don't think there is a way yes yeah dude the tables were turned that was unbelievable he actually blocked and prevented that nova from hitting him for like 2k you know like a slower mage might might would have hit two ice lances there right what hit him in the face instead blocks blocks off the cs as well and then turns it and then ice lances them in the face back it back oh man that was so sick what do you think kate i mean the first the first 20 seconds of that match was the move it was the most mere thing i've ever seen legitimately ever you could put a mirror down the middle of the match and everybody was doing the exact same thing and the divergence came as you said with this chicken game with the rogues where we had um jigsaw's jigsaw's uh deadly coward opening back onto the shadow world with a cheap shot but he doesn't continue he just stuns him periodically giving um jigsaw actually a time to polly him which creates that initial pressure so deadly starts with the opener just cut stunned him for a second then he has to sit in a full polly he cannot drink it that if he trinkets that polly he's just gonna sit in a blind so he's got a choice of two things he ends up sitting in a poly which allows them to create this really aggressive pressure which in turn forces an early block from icy fresh which is why he's actually killed from those lances he can't get out of the nova the same way jixo could because he had hypothermia still going on him big true man i'm so excited already i'm getting nerd chills guys tvc esports works one's in the ones in the chat if you if you if you're a believer if you're a bloomer if you think we can do this guys make tvc actually an awesome competitive kind of like esports vibe you know doing tournaments all the time like oh man the excitement is real it's in the air you can cut it with the knife farc how you feeling about things brother this is absolutely insane the lightning speed of that match was through the roof right now you can see guys jigsaw has one on 101 icy fresh where are we going to going in the match two and that match is going to be ruins lordaron selected by the loser of the previous match guys are you ready the last ready check is going out this is going to be absolutely huge this is the match point right now if jigsaw manages to win on the ruins of lordaeron this is going to be it they're going to the next series let's see what's going to happen let's see indeed and we're in so here they okay they're in there they're still starting there there you go okay nice all right let's think ruins here so mages are gonna we'll see which one come which team decides to push out and contest the uh the tomb first here the mages i assume are just gonna be running around kind of like las losing each other around that small little um that small little construct in the middle rogue's playing chicken i'm curious to see if one just sprints out on mountain pre vanishes and goes for the ultimate zug zug line of play here you look for that as soon as these doors open chat look for a yellow a yellow running out pre-vanish and going for it just full send very curious to see that and let's see if that aggression gets punished if that does happen i do believe in the first match we did see pre-vanishes coming out of both rogues could be wrong but everything happened so quickly but i'm excited let's see it uh jigsaw eu i see fresh n a the battle the battle is real the battle of the unclan think one would even say we can see a full mirror match up we talked about it a little bit during the pregame show but let's not waste any more time we are going into the game right now you can see that shadow will is taking a little bit of more defensive approach there while deadly is on the offense right there it's human into human oh and he manages to get clutch clutch clutch sap opening right with a kidney and there is an early trinket he tries to retaliate with a nice nice cheap shot onto the deadly and he's running away for a potential little cheeky cheeky reset there is a shadow step with deadly he does go into the vanish but there is another trinket coming from deadly trying to counter this is a really really really interesting one versus one two both rogues are equally low on hp clutch gouge onto shallow will but here it comes shadow wheel is getting really really much lower than deadly but deadly right now is also falling down this is absolutely insane they're looking for a potential one versus one as jigsaw is in the sheep one versus one i see fresh and jigsaw this is redemption this is this is payback the battle of the no magi fight duking it out who knows what's gonna happen who's gonna get frostbite procs i see fresh very seasoned in his mage 1v1s and so is jigsaw they're on the tr constantly battling it out lightning fast blocks spamming instance into each other no one's trying to get locked out on frost frostwort's coming up icy fest trying to duck around oh but jigsaw becomes really really low with hp and that is really really clutch can he get it can't he get this kill right now jigsaw is running behind that pillar as you can see there is some gnome action best of the normal gun measure right now full evocation he wants that man and there is a cs he cannot do anything for two seconds one second he does have that ice barrier right now on him but there is the pet punishing him he's gonna get him bro that led he needs to get him right now and he gets him i see fresh with the mlg no scope right there finishing it off absolutely sanity ladies and gentlemen are you watching this right now we have a tight series best of three full three games complete value wow hell yeah these are fun man i can tell this is gonna be a fun game already fart now let's let's check the brackets again we are one one icy fresh and jigsaw what a serious car goes let's analyze it a little bit where we give the team 60 seconds to prepare for the game three yeah i mean everybody's just really good at the video game i don't i don't really know what to say you know a lot of times these things are determined by rng like looking at that game right the um i think it was icee's partner that got sapped right isis partner got sapped and they still salvaged that game oftentimes like if you're doing a roguelike mirror or a rogue mage mirror whoever's getting sapped first is just so critically on the back foot and it's so so tough to recover from that position and they somehow turned it man somehow turned it it's the little things i see you know not maybe pursuing him there and chasing jigsaw when he knew he couldn't connect going for a little bit of evo going for some evil value just squeezing in a tick or two of bandage there um yeah just really really really well played to both man all right i mean one of the big things for me in that game and something that you know comes quite often you know whether i'm coaching people or whether we just you know people asking an honest question what's important what can i improve in my game and i think one of the biggest things in tbc in particular is how to use your pvp trinket you know not in the previous game we had you know the rogues with the mages with the targets so in that situation the rogues have to save their trinket for the blind however in this situation when the rogues are the target they can use we saw them using on the kidney shots to stop them taking damage because they know they've already got bleeds on them they can't get blinded they can't get polied but hand you know and respectively the mages can block them so you know if you want to become a student of the game if you want to improve you want to watch these vods and i would advise anybody that wants to improve watch these kinds of matches watch these vods you know and really look for those clutch moments when it's a trinket whether it's a blind how they use preparation how they use sprint and you know using your cooldowns effectively is what is going to improve your gameplay on that note we are right now in game three best of three series opening match for rxp 2v2 invitational jigsaw versus icy fresh there is nothing between them the deciding match of the promotion of the first team into the winner's bracket car goes are you hyped or are you hyped on that note looks like we have a small technical difficulty with the cargos he will be coming back as um we're getting oh my god i'm here i'm sorry dude i'm actually so hyped that i i i i can't contain myself man if i go silent for too long i'm gonna need you guys to dial ems okay because uh my heart exploded or i had an aneurysm or something this is actually so exciting um who's gonna take it boys n a or eu let's hear it man let's uh i mean let's have some predictions in the chat everyone come on n a or you guys we're going into this match let's go everyone in the chat let's go i see let's go jigsaw come on a little bit of you representation come on guys as you can see this is this is going to be playing like an absolute rogue in the corner by the just back to the thing he does not want to get sapped ice he's like bro don't get zapped and we win this match that's probably what he's telling him so shadow uh shadow playing very very difficult but they're opening already you can see the gyro coming out on an icy flash he was silenced for a little bit but he's going for the double extra shadow wheel staying a little bit offensively look at the hp on jigsaw he's under so much pressure this is amazing opener from them icy fresh is currently creating insane place deadly is in full sheep right now he's not drinking again he's going to be going to the farm old macdonald is really really really proud with icing fresh for creating that cheap opportunity because jigsaw looks like he's going down and that is all she wrote ladies and gentlemen 2-1 foreign uprising dude what happened i thought the eu mages were the best man wow that is absolutely insane two one four icy fresh and in one moment we'll be joining back the bracket section of the tournament take a look right there as you can see icy fresh and jigsaw have fought the first series which means that jigsaw is not out of the tournament if you support jigsaw stay tuned in he is not out there is losers practically elimination and i got mad love for jigsaw jigsaw is honestly a big mentor for me with tbc i've asked him a million questions he helped me improve my my lock versus mage match up i have nothing but the utmost respect for jixo and honestly um i think he's going to do great things in dbc i really do i think he's going to blow up i mean he's he's a you know a handsome dude like you know he's got the whole you know he's got the whole persona on point like everything is gonna be good for him and he's he's gonna crush it and he could still crush in this tournament and come back and win right now but i see fresh i'm gonna say he's the underdog because not in terms of skill but in terms of like fans and viewership he doesn't have like a huge following or anything like that you know like he has a few people watching and he has some some loyalists but he is an amazing mage and he deserves more support and more views and stuff so if he's able to come out with a win for this tournament man or get pretty far at least i think it's going to be huge for his channel man what do you think caitlyn yeah no icy fresh definitely has the least clout and least number of followers on his early fans but um i believe we're gonna have an interview with uh ice fresh and jigsaw coming up very shortly so i i'm very interested to see what the pair of them have to say it was so many close matches the 1v1 in particular on lord of one was absolutely nail-biting i mean you know what can you do in those situations you know microsecond decisions are making the difference absolutely are you going to drag him in here we want to jump down there no we're going to be getting icy fresh first caitlin you have the honors let's hear from the winners one second sorry technical difficulties it's a small delay don't worry it's no worries my chat's used i need any permission it has been solved there we go hey i see fresh congratulations mate what an absolute boss of a series you know you've got to be feeling happy after that performance yeah that was a great series um what can i say about it walk us through what happened game one so game one it looked like you were off to a great start yeah i wouldn't have been too aggressive yeah so what happened in your mind there when you were pursuing jigsaw and he turned it on you i definitely shouldn't have blinked in when i went to stop him from first dating around the pillar it was a little too aggressive he punished it by getting the frost nova on me and couldn't really do anything about it at that point it's a little slow on my gnome ratio at the start as well but it's fun series overall um the worst possible nightmare scenario for you how did you salvage game two extremely unfortunate um i just tried to peel from as hard as i could um paulie's on the mage we turned on the rope and we realized there was no way we're going to be living long enough to get a swap onto the mage after having an opener like that and we just tried to salvage it did what we can and came back with the one for one that was absolute insane series i see thank you very much coming for a quick post game interview on that note guys let's take a look at look at the bracket again coming up next we have uzbeki and himeo both teams veteran teams we are going we are going to do one more ready check caitlin cargoes we have rogue priests into toward how does it feel to be ximena right now like they're fighting it's like david and goliath men uzbeki mir what what are their chances like somebody start like a pool or something like what are the chances wd andy warrior druid andy b tier comp you know versus uzbeki mere dpr i mean i mean i think this is gonna be uh i think to a certain extent i think this is going to be an eye opener for a lot of people i mean if you talk about the classic 2v2 comp the 2b2 comes and apparently is the most ridiculously overpowered thing ever in tbc it's going to be why i drew it and i think you know a lot of sort of commentators and creators have been really sort of coming to this understanding that certainly in season one druid is just a little bit weaker than what we expect it to be um but when it comes to absolute classic match ups warrior druid versus priest rogue it it's about as tbc as it gets seriously you know yeah so i mean it was big uzbeki mayor um absolute powerhouses if you don't follow the tbc scene too closely uh maybe you're you're new here and you're just getting your you know you're just earning your stripes getting your bearings in the community they are i want to say widely considered maybe in the top 10 human beings uh you know that in terms of skill level that play this game they've been playing private servers for i believe mirror's been playing private service for almost 10 years now um he's from sweden and you know how swedish gamers are they're uh quite good so yeah they're animals man i swear they're all like raised by bears that give them xbox controllers the second they just come out of like you know the cave you know they're just absolute animals when it comes to gaming over there and you know me in particular one of the things i would you know when you're watching me play the thing to look for and i think i think the really amazing thing that he does better than any rogue in the world is he is so fast with saps you know you drop out of combat for even half a second this man just seems to be able to have you know a ticker in his head anybody drops out of combat vanish sap doesn't matter whether you're in the middle of the map whether you're miles away from him he just seems to know that you are out of combat and you will get zapped if you're wonderful to it on that note let's segue right into this beautiful matchup that you can see we have mir and uzbeki going against himayo and lumix amazing representation of both matchups veterans throughout and out of these comps battling right now on your screens cargoes caitlyn tell me are that you're hyped right now i'm super hyped but i almost feel uh i i don't know what's about to happen to himeo in them like i really kind of hope they can take a game or too often like i honestly am low-key because mira and who's becky are gonna like win nine million tournaments like in the coming months and years so i'm kind of low-key removing rooting for himeo you love a good underdog story right chat like let's let's let's chat you know nice thing is you know they might not necessarily be favored but you know as you said we're talking about one team that are absolute veterans that have been playing the game competitively for years versus some guys that are definitely up-and-comers so every experience but what is fascinating in particular is he knows he's against an uh human rogue so he's not starting in cat form he's already intrigued he doesn't want to get sapped and the aggression is coming straight on to his becky you know the druid is just chilling in tree form in shadow mode and it doesn't look like mid even knows that he's there yes you can see us becky is under onslaught coming out right there from lumex but he will manage to handle that priests are really really resilient but looks like mir is going to go on lumix right now opening that with a cheap shot providing some control for his team and there is a cheeky little gouge looks like he's going to use bristol courage to get out of that and he wants to keep the pressure on uzbeki as much as he can there is early pain suppression going on actually really interesting caitlin right now this is a lot of pressure coming out from lumex yeah we saw what i think was actually a parry from lumet you can see the way he's jumping and moving he's trying to put his foot towards me the entire time trying to get those parries he parried the kidney shot which forced that early pain stuff from his becky but i'm so impressed with humilia's uh positioning here on the druid wow that was beautiful look at that he has he has that berserker he is going to remove that sap but there is a cheap shot already on him mirror is going in while uzbek is drinking as much as he can there is a kidney shot he's not going to remove it bla mind bless to put even more damage onto him and he he may need to yeah he needs to heal him up there is a regrowth and he's going through actually he's healing him really really really nicely but he has that removed poison and looks like there's going to be a little bit of uh recall right there as there's soft reduction of the damage coming out but mir is really good at reducing the damage you've seen it tornado into cyclone not uh the most interesting thing that has been implemented in esports history ever but nonetheless there we go there we go it puts me in a very uncomfortable position you do not want to be mayor right now you know lomax can kill him incredibly quickly because a couple of crits but here we see the aggressive play coming from his becky he's going to be looking for the fears and possibly dispel because we have actually got an innovate running up on him he um he made the druid currently he wants to get out of the line of sight of his becky does not want to get that dispelled yeah lumix is really really low right now there is a shadow fin on him as well he needs to intervene he just did that there is a beautiful shadow step from here just to keep that onslaught going on on lumex but looks like they are going to manage to survive as well and really really keep themselves in the game there is a trinket as well coming on himeo it looks like the onslaught is switching back onto the druid right now he has very little to no mana whereas uzbeki looks really really healthy look at those power levels this is looking really really bad for the warrior druid matchup yeah well we got another tornado here just to ruin everybody's day as is becky goes flying but yeah we saw a very quick snap onto the oh this is brutal this is critical here is the holy no when she goes down that is all she wrote as we have a cheeky tornado saying hello i am here wow kargos what do you make of that yeah i mean it's miriam uzbeki uh being miranda uzbeki uh it's it's tough like the thing is against warrior matchups how it feels like okay if you're new to tbc you might think oh warriors are like the chads of tbc like to charge you in a hamstring mortal strike massive pressure pressure massive damage plate armor like the beefcakes it's really kind of the opposite they're running running running running running they flirt with you for one second hamstring run away intervene back to druid run run run run run they're constantly running in a state of panic until randomly at some time they flip the script and like are suddenly winning in our super ahead and you just can never close out the kill on the warrior and it's the nature of rage generation that uh you know it is an infinite resource and uh you know so i guess my point is it might have looked a bit one-sided but oftentimes the games that you beat warrior teams look one-sided until they don't and they just beat you like yeah what was fascinating with to me actually there was looking at the statistics is we had you know we had mere doing 20 000 damage but we had his becky doing 19 000 damage the priest the the disciplined priest almost out damaged his rogue you know i mean come on that is some aggressive priest play and he didn't even seem that tax when it came to mana his mana looked very healthy throughout the game that obviously was that early pressure i don't think he wanted to paint pop paints up when he was forced to but uh in general he looked very in control and very calm play becky man and right now we're going to have another match up on nagrand map they won't really really abuse as much of those beautiful pillars and open field that we can have in the grand goes caitlyn this is your baby let's go what do you think about it i mean he's playing a dwarf priest uh every time i see it i think i'm traumatized from door priests uh they just they they just they're so powerful such a short compact package the the the desperate prayer the stone form they feel so much tankier than any other priest um nightmare fuel so chastise as well let's not forget about the chastise i can obviously see why they've gone from that ground again you know they now grant is arguably the girthiest arena i think i can remember someone described it as one so i believe it might have been new cargos actually but um yeah it's very very poor there's lots of open space for the druid to you know maneuver around and take advantage and especially keep away from that priest he does not want to be getting mana burned and again super aggressive start here from lomax going in straight onto the priest looking for the early damage and again a very clever little shadow mode we will see if mia gets fooled by it twice in a row as he spent the first 20 seconds of the previous game doing nothing and it looks like it's going to be happening again yeah he does not want to why why is he doing nothing right now can can somebody break this down he's doing nothing right now because he doesn't want to open just yet he wants his priest to want me run right now because there is a lot of potential pressure going out of the warrior that is kind of the script that you kind of have in this matchup that everyone is running but there you go he's not doing nothing he opens with cs and there is that early brian that is getting trinketed by himeo trinkets being popped right now already that means that in 60 seconds amir has opportunity to go for the full blind and sap as they're kiting you can see who's becky drinking again nice reflex lumix is getting on top of them although look at this beautiful execution from here just perfect maneuver it's almost like he is not a rogue but he is the leader of assassins squad himself silent shadows are you in the chat because this is just amazing to watch yeah as you said yourself you know when you see that very early blind going on the druid this is when the dpr of the druid the priest rogue are basically saying i'm going to force you to drink it this and then in 90 seconds i'm going to be able to blind you again and you're not going to have to drink the second one and they're creating the pressure however lumix is doing incredibly well you could see that you know the thunderclap's going off the demo shots going down they know that this is the game that they're going to try and play and i wouldn't be surprised if in about you know 15 seconds or so we see him intervening back because he knows the blind's going to be coming up and you could see there was a little mini reset right there that just happened and there is a mana burn that i'm not sure i'm thinking that went through and we need to watch the replay a little bit at a later point of time but you can see there's there's mirror really controlling and just making sure that he's slowly bit by bit putting pressure and trying to burn as many resources and reset as much as he can and really creeping up on the hp bar from lumix right now as he's dropping to 30 and there is that sap eight second duration lumix is in the critical position right now as you can see his back is putting even more pressure there is nothing that can heal him there's if anything tornado that's going to finish him and into a blind lumex goes down to win the series wow i mean yeah i mean it's it's uh it's well played like you you said it to caitlyn right like one thing is just playing for second blonde mind like creates so much pressure like it just that's just the thing you're so worried about if you're fighting them like the word doesn't really have access to that they just have like less less control it's tough to compare rogue and warrior right like i don't know if i fully understand it but uh i in my opinion blind is the most powerful spell on tbc let me know if you have a different opinion chat but uh it's something that uh almost always forces a trinket except for like very unique circumstances maybe if they're in bear form and they can't get punished into the sap or maybe if you're a warlock and you have a pet and you can't get punished into the sap it's it's just so so powerful and it's something that is so consistent you know the uh as soon as the game starts you know mirrors doing his things taking his time and then as soon as he just clears blind on the jury and forces the trinket every time man everything right on that note we would like to have a chat with us becky who representing the team uzbeki plus mir caitlyn please introduce us to him okay is becky well done and obviously first off congratulations on that very what looked like quite a comfortable 2-0 victory for you guys uh were you you know worried at any point or did you just feel you know confident the entire time i feel like we we had no worries at all i mean we knew it was a good team obviously like uh lumex and hemi are like one of the best you know wardrobe teams in tbc i guess uh but we were pretty confident and then in the first game uh it seemed like i can't i couldn't we couldn't work out whether it was a resist on that first kidney shot or a or powy but it was i assume that was what forced the the early pain suppression on yourself uh yeah he popped that wish and i held my paints up for a while uh but as soon as uh that kidney resisted i knew i had to pass myself basically do they have oh do they have a way to win like you know um it's tough to know i don't really know much about that matchup uzbeki like is that is that is that a is that a fight or do you feel like you you counter them pretty well tree dread warrior versus season one it's very hard for them but they can still win they they need some good rng regardless though if they want to win i think they they need good rng and things going their way you know maybe this tornadoes a few times or something but i think it's pretty hard for them in season one and and is that just because the lower brazil levels are well what goes through your head about season one that makes that tougher for him i guess druids just don't scale or like they did scale really good with bonus healing and they don't get enough of it in season one so their healing is kind of scuffed and they go fast absolutely that is exactly what we saw in the game the druid went um and you applied a lot of crucial and beautifully executed crowd control if i might add myself on that note i wish to express my thanks for coming in for a short post game interview you are going up against icy fresh in the winter semifinal on that note let's also segue into the next match we're going to be having reality and bobcat against danny gaming and reckless caitlyn cargoes what do we know about them let me hear it oh it's reality and bokeh right correct i was gonna say you know we're gonna talk i'm gonna pass it over to the lock himself when it comes to the the lock work matchup is your baby is what you know it's true it's true i'm not gonna i'm not gonna front like if i ever had any worthy opinion it'd probably be towards this just because i played a lot of it so it's like i'm really excited to see it in action this is gonna be so much fun to cast it both shades and bokeh are no joke like close friends to me like i talk with them all time shades help me out learn learning a lot of stuff with warlock i helped him out in some ways too um boog i played with both of these guys on the tr many games you know we messed like i just had fun messing around playing different comps for them so i'm not gonna lie i'm a little bit biased towards boca and shades uh they're my homies but uh danny gaming i've never seen him play i've never seen him on the tr um but he is a full-time streamer and people you know you're familiar with him right fartface and you say he's a really really solid player so i really don't know what to expect here i i really don't in terms of all of all of them are either veterans or up-and-coming players that have potential and i'm really hyped for this matchup because we're going to see a lot of crucial execution coming from that warlock rogue script and what i want to know right now is you're a very much veteran of this comp yourself what is the key for reality to win here with the warlock rogue i'm sorry who what is the comp they're fighting against so i i was focused on this rogue and pretty strong dpi stroke yeah so this is what we're gonna see um i assume they're playing they're playing hard right against dpr i'll tell you one strategy that works pretty well you can build the car in different ways you can go for the priest and all in two you can apply pressure to the rogue and try to kite him between kidney shots and just deal damage and um the priest exhaust the priest and you actually do have some gas in the tank is lock rogue my favorite strat of the two is to go all in on the priest so it's very scripted and people talk about twos and say two's are scripted two is a scripted it's true but only when you know what the script is and you know every single ability people have and it is kind of chess like rock paper scissors so my way of approaching this matchup with my partner bran would be to run in hyper aggressively warlock takes the path of least resistance running straight to the priest you run in the the the path of least resistance just like how water finds a crack what's going to happen is you're going to get sapped out in midfield the rogue is going to get ready to open on you bruce is going to come out clean you up of your buffs but you don't really have a lot of buffs to get cleaned up under water breathing fire shield stuff like that then he's going to open up on you with shadow word pain and some dots and the rogue is going to open on you now your rogue has to peel you insta because every second counts you're getting absolutely monster mashed by that rogue so he goes into full peel mode he goes to cheap into gouge into kidney shot after he cheap gouge kidney shots that rogue he moves to the priest and starts putting big pressure on in that time you're getting to get started on the priest you're putting up dots on them you're trading globals with them the rogue will soon join you you fear out of that rose kidney shot on the priest the rogue is going to join you on the priest and what you're trying to do is prevent the gap what i mean by the gap is pretty much any millisecond micro second of time the priest has to breathe he's going to press one button what button is he going to press what button is he pressing with that one global pain suppression so you're preventing the pain suppression at a high level at a high health total you want to prevent it as long as possible and ideally get them to pay in something that's about 50 health if he paints ups and like trinkets cheap shot and immediately pants up so it can actually put you in a really bad spot so um no gap you go spell lock coil spell lock in in in addition with the rogue's combo and you absolutely um just all in the priest and you pretty much sorry from talking too much by the way i just like love this matchup you know absolutely you're a veteran which matchup as i previously mentioned but on that note ladies and gentlemen we are going into the match right now it is going to be reality against danny gaming aka dakata as you can see on your screen they're about to start very very soon all right man i'm super excited and then pretty much as as bobcat he has to eat one cheap shot kidney shot by the other rogue and survive that and as soon as he can survive that he can cloak off the poisons he can hell stone he can cloak all the damage stops at that point but he has to survive through one entire cheap shot kidney shot combo and in season one you never know maybe he doesn't but most most of the time i'm actually going to go ahead and say bob cashed her favorite here they they've played 2k games maybe more 3k games with each other they're this is their partner um in the real thing tbc classic they're expert roguelock players i've i've talked with them at great length and i'm trying my best to not be biased here but also something that i want to mention really really quick before passing it to caitlin it is indeed a shadow priest not a disciplined priest so this is going to be a very very bursty matchup caitlin what are your thoughts right now you love this matchup i mean i love shadow priest work i've said it multiple times i love reality but here we go straight on they're going on to the work that's going to be bold especially with stone form he is a dwarf he is still a shadow piece but he can also use definitely prayer if he wants to he's just got away i think that was a stone form which has given him the distance he needs as he just wanted he's out of shadow form as well going for the heels but this is when the damage might come in he's not in shadow form he doesn't get a reduction and here comes a lot of pressure onto the onto the shadow piece yeah i mean uh the fact that it's shadow makes this so much better it's so much better especially in season one shadow priest can get beefy later on and like you know on the tr right now most people are in s4 and s5 and s4 they're very chunky especially as dwarf but in s1 i'm going to go ahead and say like heavily unfavored heavily unfavored right now for the spr team versus uh versus roguelock he's basically just going to be playing budget disc as you saw right there they're just tunneling damage to him yes he has the stone form it keeps them up and desperate prayer is really really nice and makes it a little bit more interesting but they're just on the wrong side of the mat math he's just running around a pillar playing budget disc getting just absolutely trained by the rogue warlock's tankier also if you think about what the shadow priest utility is it's the five second blanket silence right the warlock just goes years and just uses a spellstone and clears it off in one second you know or that that forces them to have the stagger the dots and also the silence so they try to make you use the spellstone on one of the two i always just use it for silence because i know i'm chunky enough right i have shadow word so yeah i mean the fact i i wouldn't play spr season one but i'm i don't know i don't know i might be a little bit the fact that he's dwarf makes it more interesting is what i'm saying because then they are a lot tankier yeah it definitely makes training him down gonna be a little bit harder and you know i think one of the telling signs from that one is at the end we could see what the cooldowns were like actually on the shadow priest and he basically had everything up he didn't even get to play the game you know so going into this second match you know cargos what do you think the shadow priest can maybe do to get back in and you know at least do something slightly more aggressive they need to go uh they need to go rogue they need to go rogue ideally they find the rogue and go rogue i think i think um well that's the thing is they are actually alliance they've got the perception so you know they can go for that aggressive jump onto the road arguably at least you know they've got that advantage i think it was a little bit nullified quite you know you know obviously decision from uh reality to go for that hyper aggression knowing that you know if they hang back there you might become susceptible to the to the um perception so one of the ways of dealing with it is either to hide away for the entire duration or just go completely ham get in there here's the thing um all right so the shadow priests rogue has to try to kill the rogue because um he can really shut the rogue down and if or so if in that match you saw the shadow priest road killing reality reality is the warlock right so it's basically both warlocks training the casters he needs to get on the rogue because the shadow priests in the world like have a hard time killing each other if they're just running around the pillar right so that that's my two cents i would like to see them a group play super hyper aggressive the um the shadow priests rogue uh but just because they know that they're gonna be going for the shadow priest that's what they're doing to go on and i would like to see him consider blowing the rogue up and on that note we are going into the game two of the series they opted into blade edge map cargo's caitlyn what do you think is the impact of blade edge map in the tie breaker sorry excuse me i'm the uh if i'm the spr team i'd probably want to fight up top to start and then when they get into a situation as the match develops they're going to jump down that's going to make the pet have to run all the way around and delay the impact of like you know devourers and blankets and stuff like that um yeah i mean yeah cargo said exactly you know what i was thinking you know when you play up top and you've got that you've got that warlock pet you know you can just jump off it's going to be basically out of the game for the next sort of 10 to 12 seconds it won't be able to spell lock you it won't be able to you know devour however that also is when you do become a little bit overconfident sometimes and you might even see a failed arm into a second pet but we are going into this match again and again hyper aggression from bobcat looking for however perception is coming out from reckless and i wouldn't be surprised there we go the uh preemptive vanish to improve his stealth so he doesn't actually break from the sap and damage straight onto the shadow piece now yup it's looking good getting the you know the pre-vanish worked out for him getting the sap on the uh on the human rogue that always just feels so bad as the human that's why you went that race right i'm getting some meaningful damage onto the priest divine prayer desperate prayer already already used and he's still getting absolutely trained they're just um they're just on the wrong side of the math man like the way this matchup pans out is that the priest is just playing budget disc and uh i mean he has some signs of life here stabilizing a lot better than i thought he would he's getting some really clutch flash heels i'm not sure how they're letting them get here it's cause they gotta sap on both good that's how that's uh that's insane yeah they got a uh they got a full lock on his shadow school so he ran the heel and then bobcat sat the blind i'd forget if he drinking did something into a full snap he's got the house don't know and i think that might have been a misplay from the priest getting too close to bobcat and he's gonna go down yeah him walking all the way back in there just waddling right in the middle of all that of that uh of that damage was uh was was kind of was kind of questionable right like you maybe would have thought you just want to stabilize drink a little bit play it a little bit slower you you stem this is not over though this is a 1v1 this can still very be much won by reckless he just needs to maybe run a little bit for another 40 seconds until he gets his click of shadows back up you know where who are you thinking he's going to over here currently the rogue if played perfectly can almost always win um if you're playing but but he got the agony off on the road cloak is already down it's already over like it was it all came down to getting those dots if you clean though if you round those corners perfectly as the rogue you can you can slowly crawl your way out of the mud and come back but uh he landed those uh those dots on him there with no cloak and that was nikki night night i mean so there we have we have reality taking it 2-0 we would be dragging him up for an interview very shortly um but uh yeah overall i mean you've got to be feeling quite stoked to write about narcotics your boys are winning oh yeah shades in boca men you'd love to see it they're going to do great things for tbc and they're just uh they're awesome people but yo shout out to danny gaming like definitely well played you know reckless any records fans in the chat by chance reckless um a lot of fans he's on he's on the rise he's one of the young prodigy types coming out of oh man i want to say eastern europe but um it could be french as well somebody in this case yeah okay oh for two yeah i hate to see it but uh yeah he um you know has a lot of fans he's on the rise he's like one of those prodigy types like gucci you know that a lot of people have high hopes for and still young enough has all the gray matter in their brains so he's probably going to do amazing things come tbc amazing dragon reality up or are we going straight into the next match no we are dragging the reality up you have the owners caitlyn let's have a little bit of a post game interview with reality the man the myth the legend himself as he will be joining us in a second yep just uh there's so many channels there we go i got him i pushed him in congratulations reality mate you've got to be feeling happy right about now yeah i mean it could have been a cleaner game for sure there were there were a few mistakes i made but like overall i mean in the second game one one of the uh i mean the pre-advantage from bobcat as uh cargos pointed out was an absolutely you know a stellar little play feels bad you know to cure cargos i mean he can say himself i'm not gonna take his words oh no man well played yo boca boca shades you know you guys are are our s to your homies i'm so nice to see you win um you know just well played nice execution man uh it was a little spooky on that game on blade's edge though when that priest slipped away from you how did bobaki get stabbed what happened it was actually looking bad for a second there yeah so there's a little miscommunication whether i wanted to finish off the priest or like try to keep the rogue in combat and i was like i was like back and forth about it so i was like a little hesitant when i should have been like reyna firing or hellfiring by him to prevent this app but eventually like we got to trinket out of the rogue so we we knew we could eventually peel him off and dot to cover the dispel and kill the priest and that's what ended up happening so definitely the funny thing is shades i'm curious your thoughts on this right but if that dwarf priest yeah changed his talents around just a little bit and went discipline you know that matchup is looking a whole lot different from the roguelike perspective how would you feel how do you oh 100 because like the moment it's a disc dwarf priest it's like yo we gotta go for the other target yo like they're so tanky that like you said it's just like you see a dwarf priest and you immediately change your game plan to ccm like that's the play is rogue so reality that was an amazing amazing series you want clean 200. good job representing dna you're making them proud you are promoted in the semi-finals of the winner's bracket next match we have willerton against river who do you expect to see joining you in the semis of the winner's bracket i mean it's hard to bet against riva man he won the asme gold tournament this dude is hungry like but again bob willerton's is also a gamer so it's to be a good it's going to be a great match regardless of who wins he is yeah willitons is a is a really good player he is he plays with energy man and uh sim shady and all them they're like they have their own little squad and they are very good players so this is going to be a good one i think this is going to be an absolutely congratulations again congratulations again and thank you for coming here this is going to be a hype matchup a lot of you no willington a lot of you know riva without further ado let's what i'm doing the last ready check cargo's caitlin yeah we'll just quickly say okay so my mind is conflicted um rib is a great is a mentor of mine our three's team on the tr was called disciples of river he's helped me out so much and he like got my foot in the door with talking to some of the private server legends and stuff i have mad love for riva you know he's but the thing is he won the asmr gold tournament like he's favored to win people know him his brand is doing really well i'm kind of low-key rooting for wellerton's here willerton's is a sleeper um you know he's he's trying to make it in the streaming world and growing his growing his stream he's hungry i think like like just a tournament win like this would be would be so huge for him you know and um the thing is riva said in the pregame you know remember he said jokingly can we ban dpl well isn't willerton's playing dpl right now versus uh versus their team so as a dpl lover myself and running duratar cleave and stuff a part of me wants to see the dpl come out on top because it's such a fun comp what what do you think kate i mean yeah i think i think we've uh we've agreed from the start that dpl is is gonna be uh an absolute monster in season one and i think this might be the beginning of something fantastic as you said if willington can pull off the win today which is completely possible against such high you know even if he doesn't win making top three today he gets some money and he definitely gets a lot of clout with it you know most deservedly you know deserve a clout but um i think it's gonna propel dpl into you know the next level of perception of you know what is a competitive you know tournament winning two's team yeah i'm curious how he's going to build it too you know sometimes you can splash into shadow sometimes you can go holy and pick up holy nova and some crucial talents there um the fact that he's dwarf um is actually a huge deal it's a humongous deal right chad like back i'm sure there's some big brands in the chat the fact that he's dwarf is is so big here i remember talking to genghis talking to spank talking all these big brains they're saying alliance dpl is so incredibly strong and it's because against the really good teams they're just going to kill your priest then they're going to all a new priest and being dwarf and being able to have that extra gas in the tank is so crucial so i'm going to go ahead and say it right now dpl is going to win dpl is going to win okay kagas let's get into this one you say dpl is going to win interesting i would like to see a little bit more from riva he is not a lover of this comp himself but he is a very good mage player let's see if he can conjure up an interesting victory our over this comp it is very hard for a mage to go into a warlock not the easiest of the comps in the world for sure he would prefer to have a little warrior so he can send him to the sheep farm for around about half of the match but as you can see there's early zap going from the rogue and they're opening on willington really really really fast so excuse me willerton and they're going to be dashing some high amount of damage and there is the the damage is through the roof but there is an early ps going and he's scorching he doesn't want to get himself interrupted whatsoever and just applying that damage look at that he is going down this is super clutches if he goes down with the sickness damn riva coming from the switzerland executing perfectly one oh that's not even supposed to look like fast told you a good rogue mage a good rogue mage the river so different from just the medium one bro i remember we went against this one team called hogwarts man and ugly betty we played them on both the tr and on windrunner and i'm telling you there was something special about their damage synergy they would hit the spikiest most bursty little damage windows i've ever seen and just global you legit global you and like a good rogue mage can can kind of just i don't know maybe win no matter what if you're able to do that with perfect synergy i mean they just did so much damage to that warlock did he even get pain sucked i don't even think so he he he pains up i mean i'm just gonna jump that's hogwarts the the mage by any chance i think i've i've come across him a few times he's a he's a nasty nasty uh opponent but um yeah i think you know what was maybe an error there from williton was was splitting up as much as they were that allowed um rivers was woke to actually get the sap off because they're too far away which means that even with perception and paranoia which is the reason we're seeing a a human warlock as opposed to a gnome um that anti-rope synergy when they're so far apart even you know even with the event the pre-vanish he still actually got him out of stealth but it was by then it was too late the sap had gone off he can't drink it the sack because he's just gonna get blinded and the pressure was on too early so i'd like to see him stay a little bit closer together in the next match and the next match is confirmed going to be ruins of lord around just as we're waiting for the last confirmation on the ready check cargos give me a lead up to this match up on ruins who do you think is in favor ruins is a worse match for the uh for the for the priest lock uh definitely a worse match there's not as many places to run and hide it's more out in the open you can't really kite as effectively so this is gonna be even tougher but at the same time double dps kind of they're kind of like you blow your load then people know your load after that if that makes any sense like if the law the more and more you play against the double dps the more and more you kind of figure them out i feel like there's a sort of shock factor with your initial your initial load has some shock factor to it and you know you maybe maybe they just kind of have a sense of how the damage is now and can course correct um i don't know i i still think dpl is favored versus rogue mage especially when dwarf but uh i don't know we'll see what happens last game was absolutely insane sap into immediate action he's in middle of the map bullets are raining all over that spot let's see what's going to happen on this map it is ruins of lordaeron 1-0 this is a match point if riva and aviciian manage to secure the victory they will be promoted and they will be facing a reality in the winner's bracket i'm so stoked chat i hope you're with us i hope you're hyped as well who's having fun by the way dude this is like this is a hell of a week this is so amazing this is so amazing if you're a fan of world of warcraft even if you just play pve you love to see it you love to see tbc pvp is back in action and you can see avishan is going out very very aggressively in the corner tactically right now pulling himself a little bit back using sprint yo willerton's just chilling dude jumping around in this little cat mount like if i'm if i'm him i'm scared right now i'm shook i'm i'm there's the seven engage on villain they wanted to have a reprise from the previous match they're pumping him like a gas station right now garrett he cannot cast and there is the ultimate damage coming on villarreton there is early pain suppression of villain as well he needs to ride behind that pillar and he needs to lose riva but riva with the clutch missiles as well to keep the pressure as ps is going down searing pain but won't be doing anything but he is in full fear right now he cannot remove it and there is a little bit of pressure going away from liverton because he was a fear blocked it beautiful recasting the fear into oh my god counterspelling fuel direction he cannot do anything and there is avishan execute eviscerate crit dead to all puffy stabilized you look he's so more stabilized bro that's so that's so close don't blink too much gas as you can see he he feared then he like trinketed then he feared again then he blocked and then he couldn't get that third fear up because the cs was up and he ate a full lockout on shadow like it's when you fight rogue mageman it always feels like you're this close to stabilizing and they just have too much that was that was one hell of a damage spark 20k coming out of river 11k out of the road that was absolutely increasing a lot of lockers are known for doing a lot of damage as far as healer dps combos that is through the roof and in one second we will be back to see what does the leaderboard say we have fixed second set of brackets let's take a look right now yeah i mean again they got that that you know they're getting this sap off that certainly you know as we sort of discussed when we're talking about textbook 2v2 play when people say it's formulaic you know if you look at the textbook that shouldn't be possible but when you're playing the comp to that level you know you create these possibilities that people just don't otherwise see what we actually saw there what i thought was quite interesting from willard's team was rather than going for clustering together they went for attack to the you know quite a lot of heli healer dps as we do against rogues where the idea is you know you're going to get zapped you accept that fact but you try to keep your partner so far away that by the time the rogue actually gets to them you know maybe half of the saturation the first four seconds have just been used up by pure travel time that's the reason we saw one of the reasons we saw will willett so far ahead and so spread apart as it literally takes time for the work to get onto him and as a result this time the pain did come out straight after the sap but he was at 75 as opposed to 50 percent yup well played man dpl going down you hate to see it but all right caitlin could you get uh could you get right i want to see in the finals by the way guys is it going to be a mirror versus riva finals and you told me something crazy the other day park maybe you want to tell the people about it because they may not know about the rivalry well yeah there is a little bit of rivalry going on on the tbc beta because the first term that was organized and hosted on tbc beta was the osmond gold 3v3 invitational where in fact raiva was the one who claimed the first prize and then in the pdd krivi3 tournament that was hosted by a chinese league of legends veteran it was mir who managed to get to first place so right now they're meeting in a 2v2 tournament again most likely hopefully but not this is the last tournament that you have on the beta technically speaking this will decide the tiebreaker between arrival and mir yup so they both won a tournament and uh you know they they're amazing players they kind of have you know big egos too like they have a title to defend you know they have this reputation for being so successful on private servers and a lot of people are saying oh retail players are better than the private server players or trash and all this and this is uh you know they're they're definitely going to care a lot about this match if they if it comes down to it finals between riva and mir riva mir uzbeki oh man speaking about riva caitlyn can we get a little bit of a post-game interview please yep i'm just got him here just dragging him now oh well again congratulations to every man i mean before they started ready for this apology apologies yeah before as we sort of discussed uh you can obviously hear it but we were discussing your previous comment of uh wanting to ban uh this priest block you know so you you seem to certainly you know hit your stride when it comes to it comes to fighting them at least at least this team you know were you were you that nervous going in against this comp or so yeah i think they were thinking that we [Music] i mean usually rag mesh they go on pre-straight so we said if we get a sap on the priest which we got so we decided to go on the on the lockdown and chanel him forever stack five wounds and just chanel and do a lot of damage i hold my siesta for the for the priest so he couldn't do anything apart from shielding and pressing the instant uh spells so yeah river felicitation that was a beautiful beautiful beautiful performance everyone was betting on the lock priest i was kind of i'm the counter comp that's why yeah i was especially into that right with uh and you guys being human too so those fears those psychic screams are just going to be that much punishing for you as well and i don't know if you if you saw it but the last fear on drones on my on my rug my rug didn't play the beta right so he was not he was like yeah i saw the fear coming but i wanted to see it because i had full dot on me so he thought that it would break right and it didn't break so it was a bit unfortunate but we we still want so well how would you feel about a uh a mere final versus you rava do you think you can take them as as your current setup with drug mage of groups and i think uh if we win next game and he wins uh next game we're gonna face each other even before the finals so i can't wait bro you're gonna beat me with becky dude it's it's gonna be i mean i played so many finals against them so it's not gonna be the first it's i think it's the fourth uh tournament that we facing each other in i mean in finals if we face each other in finals oh yeah i can't wait okay well thanks for jumping up mate i do apologize for jumping on you but thank you and we will see you in the semi-finals congratulations mate yeah thanks thanks yeah man big rabbit in the house let's see what we have for the next matchup we're in the losers bracket we're going to have jigsaw against him mayo that means rogue mage into warrior druid okay what time do we have we have one minute to run a commercial real quick uh or are they starting right now uh we have both players currently ready okay all good we'll do it ready i'm doing the last ready checks caitlyn gun to your head warrior druid into rogue mage who do you see winning oh this is a tricky one i mean you've got the you've certainly got the the alliance racials on the side of the the warrior druid if you want to be doing a wire druid against a workmate that you want to be the gnome and you want to be the night elf you definitely uh you know you want that escape artist i think it's going to come down um you know to how how this pressure if they can get pressure onto the the druid early on if they could just keep the uh keep the wire controlled and damage onto the druid then we could be seeing a very short game however you know i've been thoroughly impressed um with the uh with hymn himmos apologies jimmio's uh performance against his becky amir his uh his shadow melding his just general positioning and movement has been fantastic so um i would be really surprised if he gets caught out but uh i mean what about you carcass what are you looking to expect here so okay out of okay you guys hear about tbc having counter comps right um rogue mage against warrior druid is one of the most severe and extreme counter comps the rogue mage just keeps the warrior like perma ccd cannot play the game at all like he wants to and it's so frustrating and so cringe for the warrior team that they like they just short circuit if they fight too many rogue mages uh so they are heavily heavily unfavored here the warrior druid team keep that in mind it's still winnable i've watched enough aussie god x to see him crawl out you know and and scrape victories from the bottom of the barrel here but just know that going into this that the warrior druid is uh really really unfavored so i mean if you think the wider is unfavored we need to play some while you're sharing against the work mage and and then you get to feel some real imbalanced imbalanced comps but uh yeah we are going to go into this first match here um and as always starting in that grand um i'm very curious to see what this juror decides to do whether he's going to go for the cat form i don't think he will he doesn't seem to be confident we'll get straight away into the tree so here we go early regrowth getting those hots up and uh we'll probably see some early aggression maybe from lumex as well he seems to be favoring that style yeah i don't know is tree form better here than than ardrid i want to say no but uh i mean it's it's just a little bit safer he can't be sapped um he does have a bit of armor he can shadow meld and it is not so much a risk of getting caught out by perception you know if he was in cat he can get caught by perception and then he hasn't got you know the the additional arm and the additional healing that he gets from tree but here we go straight onto the druid and uh from very nice line of sight instantly from them taking advantage of the pillars straight away oh look at that little band-aid on the road just like the match just started he's already going for a band-aid as a double dps you can just really feel that that they know this game so well that they know that's an appropriate time to do that they're just controlling the warriors sitting in novas he's so frustrated that little gnome just chilling in the nova forever probably gonna get polied now drew just getting absolutely trained and tunneled man it's it's uh it's brutal watching it man well he's still heard of the ns and uh he i think he needs to come around for a feral charge on the politics police coming he has actually now blinked he can fail charge into a bash if he wants to go for it but i think he's just trying to fight for his life at this point he does have the regrowth going but unfortunately he drops down to those arcane explosions oh it's painful to watch actually a little bit right it's just uh it feels so hopeless oftentimes the warrior druid um it was well played a bit like you can tell they were trying their very best to to not get punished like like you mentioned before lumix ducked around that that pillar just the lost that sheep doing everything they can to stem the the relentless crowd control um but uh that's kind of just how she goes man but a lot of times people say warrior druid isn't an s tier 2v2 comp that i'm sure you can still hit rank one with it and i'm sure ozzie got x and a lot of the other word druids are going to be really successful with it but uh if you're playing for in a tournament a 2v2 tournament with money on the line it's actually a low representation for warrior teams um in general but uh you know never say never i mean they can they can still win here it's not it's not over i mean we can see them actually picking that grand i'm quite surprised by that i was expecting to see blade's edge you know get a little bit of distance and uh use that bridge to jump up and down and especially play around the water elemental but um i mean i don't think certainly the the first sort of opening 15 second looked quite promising for the druid you know he was getting away but uh eventually i think he needed to maybe maybe pull away from that pillar do something that at least pulls the mate you could do the mage at that point as either then the mage can either sit on the wall you keep pollying him or he can follow up onto the druid and do damage he's got to make a decision he won't be able to keep pollying and dps in the druid if the druid goes to the opposite pillar and stays on the opposite side of that pillar he can't just stand in the middle and hit both of them he's got to make a decision you know he probably will stick with the with the cc and leave it down to his work but it's better than having both of them on top of you as a druid so i've been treated to see what they do and how they adapt into this coming match yeah absolutely absolutely um man i just don't know what you even do here i mean i think as i said i i i'd like to see them play split pillars you know one on the left one on the right get the distance you know you don't want to be seeing double novas you don't want to be seeing both you know the druid and the water you're getting hit by nose obviously that's quite challenging you know when you're when you're trying to dps as the warrior you've got to pick your time to go in and go in and out and you know dart in and out um but uh i think it was a little bit too much of a cluster in the previous match and i'd like to see that druid use the use the girth of this map use the distance and his natural mobility rather than just you know playing up uh going for the pillar hump but uh we will see how they're going as they start this match now and again it looks like he's sat in his tree from quite comfortably with some pretty hots he knows the damage is coming his way and we're looking for an opening here from the rogue mage is flirting with the druid rogue about to open up here he's in bear form which is nice then he's not in trees he's not in cat he has he has uh regrowth and rejuve ticking on him so this damage as you're seeing his health isn't like he's not getting bursted really so much right now he actually has all the proactive healing applied which is quite nice still hasn't cleared blind on anyone yet um and that's still good oh nice frail charge to duck around the corner there what do you think yeah no there was a really nice fear from lumex there hitting most importantly hitting the pet reducing the number of numbers he's going to get and the damage the pet's going to do and that's a very aggressive blink that can be cross pummeled if he's uh not careful and i think it was actually a very nice crossbar onto that polymorph he's still in it and uh again oh full if we look into the fellow charge stopping it was fake casted on the polymorph so limits is gonna have to sit but he's certainly looking more healthy and we're seeing what we wanted to see he's playing both pillars and very very tactically at the moment yeah this is looking really good they stemmed all that initial tempo and burst but here's the thing that's so brutal the mage food just just resetting it you know just kind of resetting the health totals right here mage food is seriously an underrated aspect uh the the if you have a major team you're able to eat right nobody else has food everybody has water and that's just so nice the dog's able to regen some health there and they can go for a reset thing is those road cooldowns are precious right vanish uh evasion blinds on cooldown they might wait to do this again um prep has already been expended as well so they he blew over they blew over half of their cooldowns and they're essentially starting from scratch on this warrior druid where the cooldowns are much shorter i mean this is looking really good for the wide red right about now we're looking at some insane failed charges this entire match i think we saw a nice little sneaky resist as well maybe a short footpro but again oh solid amazing reflector on the polymorph forcing the ice block and the ice bucket straight into a cycle and they are just slowing down this pressure from the mage so much this game good druids know how to squeeze damage into you see how he's always getting moonfire double dot on everything even while he's under pressure still knowing that he needs to do that because you need to win eventually at some point this druid is actually insane if there's one thing i've noticed from this match so far it's feral charges the feral charges are so creative and so clutch and just the little things like getting that regrowth right before the opener started on him it's really helping him live here but he's almost out of mana innervate is down um the mage is almost out of mana as well still has evo though so just looking at the cooldowns right now if the rogue can just chill stealth get a re eat back up the full mage has evo still i think that they're looking better than the druid warrior potentially they can swing it yeah i think they just need to hold out a little this is going to be dangerous though he's drinking castle he can't be slapped he knows it as well he's just going to run for it that's fine but we've got fear coming back up after the war in 25 seconds which can be quite significant again you know i think they need to just keep this discipline avoid sitting on both pillars but um you know i want to see the stats when it comes to the oh here comes the stop stopping the evil with the nato he was gonna evil there right if it wasn't for the nato i think he was gonna finally got around the corner and lumix has used the tornado to actually bounce himself onto the maze that was a deliberate play there that was not rng he chose to take the tornado and then another film this is gonna be going down oh that was so nasty best game in the tournament right now i actually love this game that was so sick the druid doing everything in his power to swing this horribly unfavored matchup to them to in their favor getting the preemptive healing with the regrowth and rejuve right as they're making their go on them right the warrior preventing that mage he knows that evil is down is not been used right like that's a cooldown you're you're very much keeping in the front of your mind mate has not evocated right now he wants to evo doing everything his power to stop him from doing it then that clutch tornado he finally got distance from that warrior and was about to pull the trigger on the evil and couldn't because the nato was just blasting him i mean we've i think tornadoes is one of the most disc um discussed points uh currently in the meta you know the randomness of that is the first time i've seen someone deliberately use a tornado purely as a movement mechanic you know the mage as you said would have got away got a full evo up maybe even a bandage and been ready to fight again quite happily but no you know lumix sees the opportunity sees the tornado and just bounces himself literally halfway across the map in a matter of seconds that matchup is so fun and you've guessed it the last map is going to be nagrand 1-1 for both teams to their name cargos and caitlyn this is all yours oh man i mean i think we both came into this with an expectation and i think my expectations certainly had just been blown away no pun intended when it came to tornadoes though yeah i mean the warrior is clearly a great player too but that maybe it's just the druid plays are flashier but i was that druid was so high impact there man i mean the feral charges do you when when you play against your do you notice that there's like a bit of creativity on how you use the feral charge like it just yoinks the momentum back in your favor so quickly sometimes if you do a creative feral charge and uh it you kind of okay you know when you play basketball and somebody breaks your ankles have you heard that expression guys like they they juke either break your ankles and you fall over that's it feels like a good one right it makes people it breaks their ankles and and takes them in the wrong direction um i don't know about uh that uh but in the eastern europe the ink will break you i see who's gonna win chat who do you predictions chat warrior druid or rogue mage chat throw it in there make some noise show who you're supporting let's let's get some let's get some height boys i mean i i want to see this wider go through now i've you know i have been i don't think i've been impressed by i i wish we had an interrupt count for how many polymorphs got cross-pummeled got intercepted you know the the the cyclone instantly after the ice block you know these unbelievable clutch timings you know from night and day from game one to game two let's see what happens in game three cargos let's see indeed my friends they're pushing up here getting ready they're they're flirting they're flirting a little bit with the druid druid looks like he has some like a rejuve on him or something ooh catching the druid in caster form though oh that is gonna be some nice damage he has got bat skin but uh he oh intervene on the intervene took the kidney shot off of the good the good is now completely free that was sick you deemed the kidney he's gonna be feeling so strong right now he just fell a chance to polymorph as well by looks of it or tried to i think you know he's still gonna be sitting there he's still taking a lot of damage though the icelancers are coming in this might be an unfortunate end here comes the ns i think he's going to live he's looking comfortable he hasn't finally stabilized oh no this is the end oh oh you hate to see it dude it goes down it's like you see these two battle buddies fighting for their life here you can really like feel the uh the abuse from the warrior druid side like just against all odds and it's just too much for him they're trying desperately to stabilize and just uh couldn't quite get there it seemed like in the last game right when they when they made the go on the druid he had a regrowth and a rejuve maybe a life blue bottom as well was fully in bare form doesn't that stuff matter so much they caught him out on caster he felt a bit squishier he took about 20 of his health on the opener um yeah he got a nice feral charge but it wasn't as clutch he didn't break any ankles sorry go ahead i was just gonna say that he seemed to have made this decision to to shift from from starting in tree and being fully pre-hearted to going into bear and it seemed to me that he was gonna he was actually going you know full on aggression onto the road trying to put some pressure on to jigsaw and you know maybe maybe for some early mistakes when the work was a little bit unsure what he wanted to do so you know i'd be very painted to see why he chose to maybe change what arguably could have been a winning strategy yeah well played uh to hime though like clearly great players right can we get like some uh some e collapse in the in the in the uh chat for uh hemi and uh lumex while transitioning in our last match of the losers bracket the best of three series we would like to hear a little bit from himeo playing that warrior druid comp can you give us a segue please i will i will just drag the gen up right up and uh uh welcome to the uh to the casa's desk cameo i have got to say that has been one of the single most impressive performances i have seen from a warrior druid you know in in 10 years of playing tbc you know on and off you know absolutely fantastic second game thank you thank you it was intense beautiful performance coming from the warrior druids sadly you didn't win the last tie breaker nonetheless thank you so much for participating in this tournament it was nice to see some representation coming from europe especially coming from french community a little bit of departing words from you let's promote you a little bit you and your partners social media and streaming channels if anybody wants to find you where should they go yeah so we're streaming both with lumix this channel is lumix live is playing mainly wire on tbc is very good even gladiator on most stuff so just give him a follow it will be nice and for me it's email tbc and yes we are playing together since years and it was a very good surname and it was very nice playing against those guys very cool jimmy it's nice to meet you man the whole chat was rooting for you man they were feeling we were feeling your pain together fighting a rogue mage as a warrior like you're fighting for your life man and you don't have anything to work with and you had some sick feral charges the veen on the kidney shot some really flashy plays man honestly i'm i'm a humane fan after today for sure man amazing thank you thank you thank you for joining us jumping in mate and i'll drag you down uh obviously commiserations but uh no it's one of the i think as cargo said it best best uh best match of the tournament so far by a considerable way i think yeah it was really intense and we already faced a jigsaw and earlier in the past and those guys are really good they will they will do good in the in the tourney and uh yeah it was intense okay thanks for jumping up man that's the luck in the future guys right now we have the second losers bracket best of three series this is the knockout stage this is as well where it is real we have danny gaming playing pre-stroke shadow pretty strong to be specific going against willerton we saw billerton play warlock priest this one i'm leaving to you caitlin and cargos you did a magnificent job guys let's have some hype what do you think let's have some infographics a little bit uh for the community as well let's start talking a little bit for priest lock while we give teams one more minute to get ready pre-slog priest lock versus what was again spr correct yeah spr versus priest lock so it's dpl versus sbr [Music] oh you don't see that much man you don't see that much especially with the dwarf s the dwarf the priest being dwarf it's a really interesting one it's going to be very entertaining i don't know kate what do you think initial thoughts he was going to who's going to take it i mean you know me i'm i'm normally full of opinions but right now i i am scratching my head at this one um you know i've got to say i'm still loving the disc priest lock i still think it's a very strong comp but um i just i just do not know with this match up it's not something that that we really get to see very often so i am you know i'm very excited to see um how the shadow priest rogue play it you know you imagine they want to you know kill the uh go straight onto the onto the priest or the disciplined priest but you know he's a dwarf he's got stone form um but i just don't know whether you know with spellstone with shadow ward with shadow protection which they can't dispel whether they're gonna really have the opportunity to burst the uh the lock in the time that they're gonna be given even if they get a full sap i just remember having conversations with genghis right and and spank and some of the big brains and asking them just picking their brain you know about uh their thoughts on uh horde dbl versus alliance dpl because i played horde dpl right with brandon we played troll and work and they were saying that if you go this is verbatim if you go alliance dpl any double dps comp is free win i think pepe even said that as well um free win if you go alliance dpl thing is we saw dpl just lose to a rogue mage a second ago that could be some season one action maybe that's just some riva action that they were able to get there but um well you know undoubtedly riva is you know a a true master of the mage class but i think one of the the big significant um factors is the the nature of the damage as well obviously warlocks you know they have that shadow ward they have the spell stone and the shadow piece is going to be looking for those dots so they've effectively you know got to put up two sets of damage and they're going to be playing into that shadow protection which you know they can dispel but i'm not sure whether you know as the as the shadow priest work you know how long do you want to spend trying to get rid of that shadow protection if you get it in your first dispel then you're laughing but you know two three four dispels in you spent in you know nearly a thousand mana and you haven't got it they're still going to be sitting there with over 70 shadow wears that's a really significant buffer against any damage that they're looking to do but we will be going into this match now on that ground obviously and uh i think i'm fasting who am i with this time i'm good for you i believe fox i believe this is cargos and i will take over for the next one you have all of the privilege and honor to take this one while you do have a little bit more experience on the priest part especially so who do you think's gonna take a chat we have uh again just to clarify we have spr shadow priest rogue versus disciplined priest lock they both are alliance teams i believe um right they're both a lot yeah they're both alliance they're both blind so curious your thoughts chat we're going to go ahead and pass it over to the game now like i said i'm going to predict uh dpl here we got willerton's and lamarcky on the dpl and we have reckles the polish prodigy with um that is danny gaming right yeah yep it is it is indeed danny i mean i think it's going to come down to to the opener as you always kind of expect from a rogue team it is such an intrinsic part of the class you know it seems you know from a time frame it is milliseconds but it you know it dictates the pace of the game in such a massive way so i'm intrigued to see whether they get the saps off and if they do get the snaps off how much damage can they do in the time that it gives them absolutely here we go coming out of the gate let's see how they uh just position getting that palm going willerton likes to just jump around on the little kitty cat mount just chilling looking like not a care in the world like an early vanish on reckless to get the sap on the pre seem like in kind of an unnecessary vanish i wonder why maybe he found him with the fell hunter or something like that so uh they're putting damage on the lock dwarfs playing keep away i don't see the shadow priest getting much worked on on the priests men uh okay he's eating the fear choose to eat it that's that's monkeys can't he sap out that no no way you can't tap it oh no i mean the shadow piece isn't even in shadow form either you know he's he's full caster he's going for the heels and down goes um the the lock i mean i think if he i think if he drink it the fear he was just gonna end up sitting in a blind so i don't know whether um i mean it just it just looked textbook but the uh i mean blind was used though earlier already right so he trinketed the blind i guess and then had to eat the fear into the sap yeah yeah i think i think so i mean the the start was particularly interesting um from records what we saw was he went for the uh a sap onto the warlock shadow step sap onto the warlock he then got broken out by the fellow hunter that was on aggressive so he then vanished and sapped the priest who hadn't got the opportunity to cast on the fellows and get into combat himself so he did this little bunny hop through the middle of sap vanish sat because obviously he wants to get the sap onto the um onto the priest but he couldn't get it because the uh the fell hunter and you know perception lock was in the way so we did one sap vanishes and gets a second sap i mean i've not seen that before that is a very innovative way of getting getting that sap off yeah um you know if you know how priests resist fear a lot like there's something about either their talents or um just the shadow resist or whatever like if that psychic scream resisted you know i i just imagine another world because then it doesn't snowball into a sap like that could have 100 just been the opposite right and the dpl would have cleaned up shop oftentimes in tpc it just comes down to it can come down to that you know i mean i think i think the one thing we can say is i don't think that willetton and the market are going to get caught by that sap trick again but uh we will see obviously going same arena so you know they're definitely feeling confident um and uh i don't know whether you know maybe a bit bummed out by that loss uh but uh we do actually see uh dakar starting this time in shadow form he's not gonna go for he is actually gonna play a shadow piece rather than a pseudo discipline priest like he did in the previous match when you play shadow oftentimes it feels like the majority of the time you're playing budget disc anyway because you're not in shadow form as you noted kate so it's like i don't know i just i i'm struggling to understand the appeal of shadow i mean it looks really cool i mean sitting shadow for him doing damage but uh discipline you just swap out the shadow with a disc and every comp feels like it improves you know it has less bad matchups and uh is more well-rounded of a team um certainly certainly from a dwarf perspective i mean obviously when we're talking about things like troll shadow priests etc and certainly things like shadow play you know i think shadow is going to you know see a little bit more love but yeah i think i think as we sort of discussed when you've got so many rogues in the tournaments i think you're sort of obligated to go for that go for that human but here we go opening into the round two in nagrand yup yup yum so um getting the sap on the priest there on lamarcky opening up hard on the lock as of right now he's gonna fear out of that sap oh coil so it doesn't line up perfectly there's a gap in the market slips away massive that coil was absolutely fantastically timed you know he wasn't in position to fear so he blinded him but then he trinketed the blind instantly and managed to run away so that they didn't even land this is looking very positive now for the dis uh this brief lock they're feeling very comfortable beginning to stabilize really nice spell lock onto the shadow priest as well and uh rogues because there's no bleeds or anything a cloak into a vanish is a guaranteed escape so if like they can just kind of buy time and somehow the road can get some healing in and stuff um then they could potentially go for a reset uh if the priest can create that space but it looks like reckless re-engaging right now on the warlock but it's just looking so so over honestly he has no cloak he has dots on him just lethal on board the priest can yeah it's over i mean all you can say in a word is is death coil i mean that coil was you know the game was over if the coil if they landed the the cc train that they were going for as in you know they're going to go for the sap full dispel then into a fear then into the blind you know he's got to drink it something if they get all three off he's dead but you know an absolutely phenomenal death coil forcing the priest away and giving you know lamarcky that distance he needs so he can just run away and not get feared you know what a phenomenal choice of a use of vulnerability and the thing that that there's so sick too is that you have to factor in the projectile time of the death coil it's not an instant right folks like an instance like a fire blast or something but you hit him immediately the death coil you have to launch it and has to travel through the air you can see rogues vanish it and stuff like that he timed that perfectly so that when that was ending you know it was going to disrupt that cc chain right and the priest may have greeted out a little bit trying to get perfect like full value out of their cc's you saw him kind of just strafing back and forth right by the enemy priest getting ready for it uh right and he had an opportunity to pull the trigger there and maybe just get half value out of that fear but slipping around the corner full stabilization and a totally different beast at that point yeah definitely definitely as you said you know a little bit agreed uh maybe you know he could have cut you know he would have lost maybe two seconds on the snap but he would have got it off he clearly was not expecting that death coil play it definitely came out of a way and surprised them but uh again we saw that little bunny hop with the sap into the sap you know i i predicted it wouldn't happen again and you know he still gets it off so you know i'm very fascinated to see how this goes and especially what a wiener they pick whether they're all feeling comfortable with um with this now grand or whether they want to go for something a little bit different yeah i think um so it's sorry it's loser picks the next match right uh yes so it will be the uh shadow piece of work picking uh they're gonna pick they're gonna make ruins 100 yeah that was that was my thought yeah 100 ruins right that's the that's the most dps double dps friendly uh oh going to grand okay so that's that shows us what we know that's all right well all right then do they want payback they just lost in the grand i mean it was an incredibly an incredible nice match literally came down to a single death coil um but uh you know and and maybe they're you know i don't think they're fall for it twice we might see a you know maybe a faster trinket from uh from the shadow priest i don't think he was expecting it to happen he clearly you know was positioned for something else to occur and as he said you know whether it's the the breaking your ankle um concept or yeah just something out of the blue that you're not quite expecting you know your reaction is not going to be as quick as it necessarily would be if you've seen something like that before and you know it caught us off by surprise it definitely caught off um danny as well i mean these games are one more chance of shows who you know who's going to win sorry far go for it type in the chat who you think is going to win absolutely who is going to win chat these games are hype we got cargos and caitlyn commentating give them some love guys 2v2 rxp tournament the last match of the first bracket loser series one to one everything is on the table it is danny represented under the kata playing with rekkles against le marche and willington this is the knockout game this decides everything cargo skateplan let's get into it get into it brother and here we go as always we're going to be looking for the maybe he's going to go for the double slap again we starting in shadow form at least he's maybe looking for that aggression oh he's i think he's just going to get a straight up slap no no double stat required opening early on to the warlock and running straight in for a um affair i don't think he's out of range actually oh spell lock to stop the fear and he actually has to return fear onto the uh onto the shadow priest blind on to the discipline rogue sorry discipline please expel something too man still less paints up it's looking good for the dpl they're fully topped up and still i know paint stuff is up sorry that's okay paint zip is up now paints up is exhausted still have desperate prayer pi's up shadow fiend um already i mean this is the initial little burst of the double dps it's a bit of a dance and they've stemmed that initial pressure and it's looking really good for them and dpl um is looking at a really strong spot at this point there's no cloak on the rogue so once they get a couple dots up on the rogue they know he's pretty much you know he's dead he's lethal on board tornado is up it's looking very dangerous for this worker it looks like records will go down there was a full fare on to uh danny but he's back into the game now he has got silence which he just popped on cyclone kills them look look look one killing blow doesn't hold on i know that or maybe the other guy left but i'm pretty sure if the tornado kills you it doesn't give you anything i want to recap i want to create like a tornado gif that just rolls across the screen and in a second we will be looking at the brackets that means that willerton will advance let's take a quick look guys indeed willerton is going to be going further in the tournament he managed to secure he managed to secure himself another victory right there on that note cargos i believe there is a little bit of wiggle room until we go into the winners commercial guys will try to keep the shilling to the minimum but this says uh this this tournament is uh sponsored by rested xp it's a site you've been maybe seeing a lot of streamers uh you know used the guide recently it's built with love by members of the community like you tactics tommy seven leaves myself with the leveling guide we have you covered for dungeon cleave we have you covered for just normal leveling if you want a quest and we're just going to play a little funny video made by platinum wow any platinum wow fans in the chat made by him to help us out with the project so here we go we're gonna play it oh i'm muted was i muted the whole time oh well i i guess that back but all right yo thanks for humoring us guys hope you enjoyed that rested xp if you want to check it out you want to level with it yourself go to restedxp.com you can download the add-on for free level 1 to 30 58 to 60 try it out it's like having tactics tommy zurant seven leaves looking over your shoulder telling you where to go helping you out and uh it's really really fun so uh apologies in advance there were some technical difficulties on my end i will do my best to replay the video do we have a potential link that i can post in the chat car goes well be on the fly yes we do i'll put it in there for you yo guys we didn't see anything during the commercial it was a black screen i am i want to run it again yeah i'm aware of that there was a technical difficulty in my end i will be posting that in the chat right now okay we saw it over on here right on on on this stream so yeah and people heard it correct well i mean i can i can give my personal experiences with it i've thought i've been using sp for about about 24 hours played with it and i mean i've been i've been playing well now since since launch for like 15 years basically i think i've probably leveled you know seven plus alliance dwarf priests in various various servers and things and you know since using this add-on i must you know today alone i did you know four quests that i didn't even know existed you know and i would have considered myself a fairly knowledgeable guy when it comes to it comes to you know what quests you can do etc just leveling a reasonably fast speed so you know going through it and just you know discovering content that you know even after 15 years i didn't know existed has been you know a fascinating experience to me and uh you know it's it's incredibly smooth is all i can say it's a very very pleasant pleasant ride oh yeah man you love to see it um yeah i hope you guys are enjoying the tournament too and we hope to do more stuff like this uh in the coming weeks and months now that we got the format out of the way so yes and as you can see on the screen right now we're looking at the brackets i see fresh playing major rogue will be facing us becky and playing pre-stroke also icy fresh is playing with shadow will they're an amazing 2v2 combination and reality reality will be facing river after this game as well we are in the semi-finals of the winner's bracket if all four of these teams lose they have a redemption arc any of these four teams has a potential redemption arc through the losers bracket round two but let's not focus on that right now in two minutes we have icy fresh uzbeki amazing players veterans of tbc cargoes i mean it's time it's time to it's time to face the music or whatever the expression is like this is the this is the final boss as far as ice he goes ice he's the underdog he's coming up he's growing his stream tbc he's been practicing for years playing it and now he's fighting one of the high overlords of the tbc pvp scene uzbeki and mir if you can beat uzbeki and mir in a two's tournament against their dpr you're capable of being the best player on the on the planet so it's like the ultimate check for them and if they do scrape a win here you best believe you know their names you know icy fresh and them are going to be circulating around and it's going to be huge for themselves absolutely huge there is there is nothing else at this point that matters everyone who is a competitor has their heart pumping 300 beats per minute i am about to do the last already checks caitlyn are you still with us um i am indeed i'm gonna enjoy sit back and i think let you and carlos do this one 100 before we get into that let us hear your predictions caitlyn who do you think is the favorite going into this matchup i mean the paper favorite is obviously going to be mere and and his uh emirates becky you know they won the previous round 2-0 however i think they were definitely you know in a favorable matchup coming here you know major versus dp uh dps or discipline please rogue i mean it's it's a much more balanced match up so uh definitely a hard one to call and i'm not sure i'd be putting any money on either either of these players maybe after the first match i can i can have a better understanding of what to expect but uh i'm excited personally i'm very excited for this one i think everyone is excited to see what is going to happen in this matchup let's not beat around the bush last ready check is literally going out right now i'm making sure that all teams are ready and warm hot 9000 rpm engine ready to burst into action last call cargos we talked about underdogs we talked about favorites yeah i'm just trying to think of the matchup rogue mage versus this greasepro i do remember having conversations with icee just as we were playing and chilling and hanging out and discord and he was saying that he looks forward to fighting dpr i was expressing my frustration at the time fighting all these dprs as lock rogue uh because back then it like brandon and i didn't really seem to have a handle on the matchup right and he was like yes mage i don't worry about it you know especially if they're undead it's fine and because the water does nothing like the water doesn't even give any value against the rogue mage so i feel like icy is confident going into this he's told me in the past he looks forward to fighting dpr's this is the dpr to be this is d dpr yes my my any brother i see and so if there is a dpr to beat hundred percent cargos this is d dpr to be there is icy fresh with shadow will they play the very very good solid series but they are against veterans of the veterans mir uzbeki representing sweden mir from silence shadows discord right here with uzbeki a veteran russian player coming from multiple previous arena tournaments icy fresh north american representation together with will can they beat mir and uzbeki this is a hype matchup i can't wait to get into it we have 10 seconds on the clock even less than 10 seconds on the clock let's see what mir is going to do is he's going to be aggressive or defensive you see an early sprint there is a shadow and he wants to go in he has that human racial advantage together with the other human racial advantage he popped it earlier right now this is really interesting i carlos just fishing around trying to get the mirror mirror taking his time looking very very collected oh there is a set this is their opportunity yep oh but there is a counter sap as well no this is a stalemate there is not a lot of action going to be happening there is a rank one arcane explosion he is going to drink that is not going to be producing any action whatsoever there is an md that has been fake casted into a pet noah counter spell but there is a sheep that's a lot to expend right there already you know the cs oh and there goes miran and he goes with insta vanish fade away into a blink into oh my god there is so much action right now look at this do not peel your eyes off everything is about to happen in the next five seconds kidney shots are flying too flash shields are flying too there is a fear that cannot be dispelled because playing with the mage frost balls are going to blizzards everything is going on to me right now they want to control the living fricative of the priest who has been cyclone and interrupted into a counter spell two second duration he cannot heal mirror mirrors on twenty percent of hp he is going low he cannot be dps because of the cloak of shadows and he is going to run away behind the pillar no that is yeah he's gonna get the read this is huge oh no he goes back in and there is a gouge on the mage the mage cannot do anything he needs to sit on the gauge there is a clutch too thick of the first aid and back into the action also full duration fear onto the rope there is a potential danger of the sap but that will not be going through because he cannot connect whatsoever there is a reset if there is nothing but there is thrown weapon in that keeping in the combat oh my god this is so clutch both hell frames are going very very low i see look at him he has no mana he's so clutching right now trying to get that polymorphia oh my god look at the paint suppression they cannot land the killing ball but there is the last noah going into him the last clutch possibility shadow is so so so low he is going to die if they don't clutch it no it's so close man gets the cheat death proc wasn't that a cheetah rock on mirror getting mirrored to cheat death dude that's uh that's an achievement right into itself very well played what it what an action-packed game i love that cross cc into two bandage ticks they had him both cc'd and he felt confident to just stand out in the middle of the entire map while we're here in los angeles this is insane i apologize if i'm a little bit um i'm a very much fan as a commentator organizer this is the one of my favorite matches that i wanted to see wow cargos what do you have to say yeah yo so first of all ice is a beast man he actually hung in there a lot better than i thought look at i see's damaged 24.5 k he was pumping and it was a close match right this could have gone either way hundred percent they're both playing super well at a very high level and i bet you mirror news because you have more practice together than i see uh icy and his partner there you know icy plays you know he gets around and plays with a lot of different people and stuff like that so really really proud of icy man i gotta you know i gotta pat him on the back later yeah that was very very very close that was insanely close uh we have we have ruins coming up as we're doing the last ready checks asking the players if they're ready ruins obviously is going to be a little bit different scenario for both teams cargoes if you're a betting man so runes will be more favored for the for the rm right it'll be more favorite actually uh if it was that close and it was a it was down to a knife's edge or whatever versus on the ground which is which might be the worst map for the for the rm um they should do better on ruins so i'd i'd love to see them take it to a game three and crush him right now i would absolutely love to see game three let's go let's get some hype in the chat last ready check is going through invitations are in the channel as we are cueing into the ruins of order on map game three of this series roll the transition paddle being by the moon we are there oh yeah can i just say people in the chat saying brilliant great casting that was pretty much you guys now when people love the fart face casting great job love the energy dude good vibes having fun boys having fun ones in the chat if you're having a good ol time what are you guys eating anything good drinking any good thing good throw it in the chat we'd love to hear from you feeling good about things man we're feeling absolutely amazing here uh before we start this match everyone who is new everyone who is tuning in this is sponsored by rxp huge huge thanks to rxp guys if you are new in tbc or classic or you're coming back or you want to level you want to level an alt you want to level draena you want a level bloodle forever this check rested xp.com i repeat rested xp.com they are sponsoring this tournament they made it happen if it wasn't for cargos and arrested xp none of this was happened huge thank you for the sponsor on that note let's get into the match two of best of three series between icy fresh and uzbeki amir get it let's get it i see uh one of the one of two of the final na players left in the tournament um i think uzbeki is from russia mira is from sweden i'm not sure where ice's partners from here we are they're pushing out in the middle just immediately both parties running out to contest the tomb actually was a fake mirror coming back a little bit it was bluffing the that he was going to run out there and at the pre-vanish he has not pre-vanished okay neither rogue has pre-vanished they're both kind of greeting out a little bit oh you can see mirrors trying to find something over there but shadow is all on opposite side of the map the rogue the rogues are playing really fancy but there is that sap they cannot do a lot except spell steel and he does have a little bit of a tactical blink right there and i believe that means and then they're going to be another polymorph and that's dr it's really interesting what is going to happen there they decide to open on the priest a little bit and put some pressure onto him that is unexpected amount of pressure right there in the counter spell he cannot do anything he is low there is a potential to switch as well as you can see the rogue is already switching uzbek is trying to heal himself but look at the shadow shadow is really really really going low with 30 percent right now they are really managing this well on this map fear on both targets shadow cannot remove it because he's playing alliance he doesn't have bill of forsaken typically what you see rogues playing is the undead he is going to get absolutely gutted by mir is on the pepelor's arm look at that mirror is absolutely getting controlled nice beautiful shadow step and then oh my god there is so much action pat look at shadow balls shadow is super low this is this is all about shadow will right now is he going to die can mere catch up there is already uzbeki oh my god look at this action right now one hp goes down with the sickness yeah there's actually there was a lot to talk about in that one that was really interesting so when um icy's partner you know uh opened on the priest and went for the vanish on mirror mirror was accounting for that already so he was staying kind of far back and was anticipating he was going to do that right so he got he didn't get value from that from that vanish and then he waited just long enough for him to give up on that like little effort to try to find mirror and then mirror immediately got on him you saw like it was it was just like uh it's it's cool watching it from this perspective so like you just see mirror's experience really shining through there yeah 100 there were so many clutch moments sometimes we as casters can't even there is it's not physically possible to muster the amount of words within three seconds uh that everything appears on the screen for those veteran players that you can see sometimes do bear for us casters these are the highest elo games that you can possibly see guys it was absolutely insane the performance from mir and really i see and everyone they're they're playing top-notch game but mir managed to secure that 2-0 victory yeah so so so if if shadow did vanish right and mirror was a little bit closer and he sapped mir it was over right because uzbeki was got down to you know sub 20 he was behind that bottom right uh corner of that tomb if he did get the sap off on me a game was over right there but uh he accounted for it and took his time was a little bit patient i'm just i'm hung up on that because that was really the main thing that stuck out to me on that one what i want to know is i want to know what would have happened if after the the counter spell onto his becky as he runs around the line of sight if icy had just instantly gone for the arcane missiles they would have channeled through the pillar he would have got a full set of missiles off probably i don't know if his becky would have lived he was you know down to what twenty fifteen percent maybe a couple of quits here or there from uh from the arcade missiles that that could have actually been a kill on his becky i don't know though uh you know it's one of those things we're never gonna know well i'm so very curious yeah so that's um that's it for icy right they're going down to the loose racket fight willitons and jigsaw that is not for them they as i said previously they have one more redemption arc there in losers semis we will be watching reality in bubka fighting river with his rogue partner in about three minutes which means we are seeing a very explosive matchup road lock into rogue mage now before we continue once again we talked about it and i'm going to bring you up almost every single time we see this matchup roguelock we saw reality in the opening of the tournament cargos you're the veteran of this comp collectively yeah i'd rather thoughts roguelock i want to say roguelock is favored generally versus rogue mage like just generally if you had to but it depends a bit on seasons i did notice that when ice when frost nova was or novas in general were kind of you know buggy and apparently they fixed that bug and addressed it right so so i've heard um when the novas were in that state it was feeling actually really brutal you you'd normally feel pretty favored as the roguelot going into it but the mages were just putting out so much damage these novas were never breaking that it felt uh actually pretty bad but i haven't really played a ton of the beta since they fixed this nova issue so i'm curious you know if you guys have seen are the novas breaking now first of all is that that's that's the first question and if they are then i guess i would feel like the roguelok is uh pretty well positioned here and then there's also one interesting thing is that apparently deep into season four um rogue mage it's like a roller coaster ride they actually get really strong in final form with all gear and it's because they both benefit so much from pve gear both mages and rogues have so many defensive cooldowns that they don't necessarily need to stack up a bunch of brazil like a lock who's just kind of a bullet sponge and they get really really powerful towards the end of the game final form with um you know skull of gul'dan and rogues might have war glaives and things like that so it's tough to say roguelok is always going to be favored because there's that seasonality but i think um sorry it's a bit of a long-winded answer farc but i feel like they addressed the novus they're breaking a bit more now and i think shades uh and boca have a good shot here even against riva they they definitely um made a blue post about the nova admitting that it was broken i do not know if they've actually patched it i i haven't followed it sort of similar to you i've been i've been playing on live a little bit too much but um i think one of the interesting things actually is i believe i am correct in saying that that reality and bobcat are the the only horde the only horde team i think i'm not 100 sure but i believe they are indeed uh overall the tournament is surprisingly so very much alliance represented we've been talking about on different post podcasts you would hear horde horde horde no one is going to play alliance yet in this tournament even though it is very much lower caliber tournament and of an event exciting but nonetheless a little bit over level character maybe are they playing for fun or not we're going to interview the players themselves afterwards last ready check is going in predictions casters and chat who do you think is going to take the series yeah let's see man i um i mean uh if i had to bet money i i almost don't want to say because they're going to roast me later if i had to bet money i'd bet drive i probably would win because it's riva but uh my heart once she needs to take it dude once the shades and bob get to ascend and uh shapes ascending into the victory we can see them they're already preparing with the conjure foods we have one minute left until we get in and here is a typical preparation that you can see from a warlock for those who are not necessarily experienced with tbc arena you can see that they want to summon imp create two health stones rumors on the street has it there is a ha for helstone meta and you can see there is the third one there is the fourth one and this is exactly what i'm talking about this is the four health this is like a level 13 health stone you know about the four hellstone method it's a little bit of an inside joke it's not really effective but nonetheless it's nice to see familiar faces and names uh for some of you in the chat as well i hope you're hyped i hope you're enjoying having a good time because we are for sure reality and bubka into river and avishan you love to see it look at that rogues i feel like i'm going to do a good job with this one maybe maybe i'm going to suck we'll see okay so let's take a look here let's breathe defensively right now you can see that he does have a sprint podca right now but he's playing so defensively no vanishes both sides want to greet out a little bit and not not get zero value from a vanish um oh and reality got zapped you can see him dismounting right now the pet is uh ooh poca is actually out of a bad position right now uh this could be a lot of damage if they both were to open up on reality there but that timing window is gone they're getting the full step on vodka oh the nova brings them out of the zap though so oh okay that's massive oh and that goes early handstone from reality but he is in the noah now and there is a frostbolt ice lance that beautiful coil there the river is going in the lava land for one second but he will be back onto reality reality is suffering for garrett a little bit and there is offensive iceberg reality is going to go down almost no he's not yeah clutch clutch he's watching it right now but there was a matter of time before he goes down wow fast match uh you cannot get shattered you cannot eat if you cannot eat a casted frostbolt chatter as a warlock like you can never accept that you never accept that let's look at the damage so you need to do everything in your power to stop that you have spellstone you have devour and if you're very very quick with the devourer and the spellstone like those are two things you have trinket and i would actually consider in that situation if both of those things run cool down you might actually just want to drink it to get rid of that nova you cannot afford to eat that and if you are out of if you are if you are out of things to stop the shatter your rogue partner has to know that you cannot afford to eat a casted frostbolt chatter on the warlock it needs to do everything he can in his power to to peel for you and stop that from going out because you saw it was like 40 of his health insta and then you're just too far behind yeah i mean it was really unfortunate it was ever so slightly too late with the with the death card as someone pointed out earlier i think it was you cargos actually when we were talking about the um timing early but the the dpl um is it has that travel time you know you need to cast it preemptively he did actually get the devourer on the the nova after the fact but you know he'd already in the shatter um which you know was a really unfortunate um uh unfortunate issue for him but what i'm curious actually to to ask you car gus is what do you think about the the warlock doing a a second fell hunter almost instantaneously just to really try and slow down the mage's cast with a second spell lock yeah you could it's just tough to make that determination because oftentimes you do actually go for like a sack on the void and yes the mage can spell spell steal off that sack but oftentimes you're like losing the mage with the rogue on you and you're trying to survive a little bit longer you'll find moments where it you do get value out of sacrifice um there but yeah you absolutely could as well it also feels like you're so behind on globals when you're fighting up against rogue maid that you're just uh running for your life in any cast even a feldum feels like kind of a liability so what i would consider doing um as the as the rogue warlock is i would actually send the fell hunter at the mage and stay back by the pillar and uh try to get just devour off a few buffs and if they start going going on the fellow hunt you immediately re-summon you have your rogue by you and uh you play it a little bit slower and you tell your rogue don't come out until the rogue's out and you try to 1v1 the mage by yourself and i don't know just play as defensive as possible by the pillar and uh just tell your rogue to keep the enemy rogue off you and you're going to successfully 1v1 that mage and you focus just your efforts on on outplaying the mage that'd be how i would want to approach this that was the luck these games are going to be very very fast don't blink twice i mentioned it previously uh with um rogue mage into the pre-strobe those are very very fast games these are even faster there's no healing usually these teams are not going to reset reality even has dots to kind of to prevent that a little bit wow plus one for river this is a match point can bobka and reality tie it out we've seen we've seemed in a little bit shaky last game i would even dare to say a controversial statement right there riva absolutely demolished on damage meters avishan as well now some would say it is a very very one-dimensional statement to talk about damage but when there is 35 000 damage difference in a 40-second match that does matter now let's see if they can control them a little bit better this time you can see that our undead rogue is taking a little bit defensive approach because of that human racial it does not want to get discovered by ravishan but there is that perception right now and he goes oh it's almost as if he knows where he is he's getting it man sap on the road this is horrible for the roadblock oh this is the stuff of nightmares you trinkets it tries to go into full appeal mode he has to play super careful eating the full blind into the zap gg game's over indeed you said the game is over potentially but they're still in it reality does not want to give up that easily this is his last chance this is his last concept popka is over there trying to create something reality slowly slowly slowly going down avishan is kind of low but he did cloak and looks like they are going to just train reality he is helpless he is in piranha lair going down yikes is there going to be jaws 3 after this yeah perception just you saw it almost happen in slow motion there the value from it you have to keep in mind both those rogues were stealth but avishan just shot such a nice angle where he was almost guaranteed he was going to get that perception value saps the rogue and that just immediately freaks you out so much as the roblox team is it's they almost got full uptime on the lock while the rogue was sitting in sap you know if you get zapped a bit further away and maybe two you know two or three seconds of it gets shaved off before they open up on you it it feels a little bit better but uh man that was absolutely brutal and then boca felt like he had to trinket early to try to appeal for reality ended up eating a full blind um still might have been worth it you know it's tough to say what he prevented by doing that early trinket uh you normally want to shrink it either a kidney or a blind um but oftentimes when you're the rogue you have to only you can you can you have to trinket the blind because the blind uh will lead into a sap right so they were so behind there that he felt like he had to trinket something earlier anyway it was it was it was rough man the perception really making huge plays those perception plays were absolutely on point you saw it right there stays a little bit back plays those man games pops perception and point perfect finds popka now considering that the last match was played by reality and river as well let's take a look at the brackets we have uzbeki and mir in the finals of the loser bracket sorry at the winner bracket uh winner bracket is up there on your screens you can see it right now with becky versus river in the finals and in the losers bracket we have reality jigsaw icy fresh fillet and the next matchup is going to be icy fresh fillerton considering that reality and riva play the last game and after that we're going to play reality jigsaw and find the losers finals i'm gonna pass that one to caitlin caitlin are you there i am indeed i am indeed i mean the one thing i would say about the previous match with the um we're trinketing this app is um when you trinket the sap you're breaking an 80 second cc and you're gonna eat a blindfold which is just another eight second cc so there is there are advantageous positions to trinket a sap most notably in that position whereby the maid should come in very very close to the rogue and the rogue is very close as well so he creates and he can instantly engage from a vanish you know it's a similar especially on you know warlocks or more post mother most commonly priests you know you'll be sapped they'll run past you you know the team will run past you you drink it and get a big fear off because they think you're not gonna do it you know you're still gonna eat the cc it still counts the same amount of time but as the enemy positions themselves in a situation that you know you can exploit if they go offense of assuming you're not gonna do anything about sap then you know you can break it but um you know as you said it's very uncommon to see it but there are these rare circumstances where breaking your sap is uh is advantageous because of the position you find yourself in income you know in connection to all in correlation to you know your opponents but uh that said we will be going into icy fresh versus wooleton i mean cargos mate are we are we still believing in our dpl uh yeah it's nightmare fuel for road glock nightmare fuel dpl favorite dpl is so strong man especially as alliance with the dwarf thicky oh no yeah there's dp all right yeah it's dpos he's with mitch real quick who voiced illidan storm raging world of warcraft first person to answer that correctly is going to get a full version of the guide just real quick see if anybody's sleeping again the question is who voice acted uh illidan stormrage in world war crap i do not know i'm curious man all right jack lick got it actually with uh liam oh brian you know jack like the emmy man i'll uh we'll hook it up later we're gonna be asking questions like this uh a bit throughout the remainder two so we'll be giving out some guides congratulations uh youtube jacqueline gotta be paying attention oh man i love i love your chat dude barack obama chuck norris and john wick uh close hello i i welcome keanu used to to voice the character in uh a friend of mine i went to school with actually voices of character in uh in world of warcraft there you go fun fact one of my school friends okay so we got rogue mage versus dpl um epson chat for work match yeah i uh i don't know i mean it's icy fresh so uh you know he's he's definitely pulled some rabbits out of certain hats and uh that is a very intense gnomish there he happens there that is quite intimidating um but uh yeah you know obviously i think you know from a a purely um i don't know what you want to call it you know purely paper perspective is definitely you know the the dpl's to lose but that's not to say for a second that icy fresh is you know you should be counting this man out he he can do some fantastic things absolutely he does a ton of damage yeah i think you're right though more than what i'm thinking about the dpl's got to be fair but especially because he's a dwarf it's just um as a double dps you're staring down a dwarf priest on the other end and it just is going to feel bad no matter what double eps you're playing okay so a lot of aggression immediate sap on the larkin expanding this uh the sap and they're going hard on on willerton willerton with the hellstone early still has not used a pain sup pain sub coming out right now at a pretty high health total things are looking pretty pretty decent pretty stable for la marquis and wilton we're seeing if the the rogue mage can connect with any really meaningful cc on the priest now at this point the priest's job is going to be really trying his very best to los that you see him just peeking his head around the corner for just a tiny tiny second putting up a little palm on his partner and has to be super careful going within range to get that psychic scream and there it is i mean that that was just i'm very interested to see the damage from icy fresh you know icy fresh is one of these you know a true elementalist when it comes to his major play you're gonna see scorches you're gonna see fire blasts you know there's obviously we know we know the memes we know the icelands nova memes are going around at the moment but you know when you see these top majors playing they're going to use every single thing in their toolkit and we love a little bit of tornadoes there as well but yeah you know see i see fresh basically more damage than everybody else in the match come on himself yeah mages mages huge damage you know as i said truly playing a very elementalist style he loves to scorch um you know as soon as someone goes near the pillar and he thinks okay i'm not going to be able to get casts off he'll just instantly swap to that um to that scorch and and get the uh get the the fire damage going despite obviously being you know completely frustrated yeah i've noticed that uh you know very impressive performance he does love to scourge uh 100 even in the last matches we've casted like he's really good at timing his scorch too um in tight spots so he'll he'll gauge that he'll be able to get a scorch off right before the guy gets around the corner into loss and squeezes out lots of little chunks of damage with scorch it's one of the defining uh things about icy fresh's play yeah well one of the obvious advantages to it is especially versus you know something like a a warlock you know he can spam away with that cast you know and he's never going to get locked on ice you know he's never going to get frost locked so he's always going to have his eyes block up he's always going to be able to you know cold snap and do things of that nature he's not risking anything so he's going to be casting on fire and he's going to be using predominantly instant cast and frost and it just makes him you know it just makes the mates that a little bit more comfortable a little bit safer you know and he hasn't there's one less thing to worry about and you know it's a 1.5 second cast as opposed to you know a 2.5 second cast so we can just you know slip them in every now and then and uh taking full advantage of yeah you know every everything he has available to him weird thing is it was looking kind of good for the dpo i i felt like they got the pain sup off and everything everyone his he early hellstone got full of value from it got the paints up at a high health total it was looking like they weren't taking too much damage and it was looking good i don't know and then all of a sudden you know they just got rogue mage they went from zero to 100 so very quickly um yeah i think there was i think there was a little moment there with a bit of unfortunate travel with the death coil the work was death gordon basically ran straight into the lamarcki which forced him to run away and you know put himself on the opposite side of the pillar to his warlock and you know kudos to icy fresh in shadows to you know take advantage of that you know that a little bit rng but uh they are changing their entire strategy up they give it you know they're stopping getting these saps they're just gonna stand on top of each other now and hopefully uh deal with the sap in it a different way we've not seen them play so far in this tournament yeah when i play dpl you should play ua and one of our little tricks is we'll stand right on top of each other and whoever gets sapped the other one will rip either the howl or the psychic scream you can't do that with uh just normal slsl but i like the idea of uh standing there with hellfire so even if they do get the sap okay here we go i mean that was an absolutely massive fear for shadows i mean balls to him for sitting yet he did end up in africa and uh yeah we just all very nice uh frostbite proc there onto uh the warlock but uh i mean the shadows is just going down this is looking so much more comfortable for the dpl this match you see that stone form getting rid of the crippling they're so freaking nice you can actually run away from the rogue min the dwarf racial like it's so obvious when it makes big plays right he used the desperate prayer there he used the storm form there it's basically like ns i remember talking with pepe who's a multi-rank one priest and a good buddy of mine and he was i was trying to say yo let's play dpl man let's play dp i'll go make a troll right and he was just like ah i don't know man i don't know if i can play without ns ns of course nature's swiftness and of course priests don't have nature's swiftness but it really is like effectively nature's swiftness if you have stone form in a desperate prayer it's uh it's such a big deal and right there removing that crippling crippling is normally what a seven second slow or was it nine seconds seven seconds six seven percent seventy percent i think yeah six or eight i i can't remember clearing wound poisons off you're cleaning crippling poisons off you get a juicy ns heal you get more armor you're taking off bleeds it's 12 seconds zero that's that's broken man 12 second crippling i'm too used to i'm see i'm too used to having toughness on a chairman i only have to deal with half of this stuff and then i cleanse it off anyway yeah so 12 seconds on crippling damn but um you know what's immensely different that match is well you know obviously we've just got across this before it is purely just a statistic but the damage done from iec that time he did 20 000 less damage than he did the previous game yeah you know 20 000 less damage i mean i'm you know and i said you know this this place style this you know standing on top of each other and if i'm honest it's kind of what i expected to see from the beginning with willow and the marquis so i'm really happy to see them now trying it you know that they've got their backs to the wall and playing you know there's more there's more defensive style i think it goes well for dpl but you know how do you feel about it from a warlock perspective yeah it's um it'd be nice to analyze these games in slow motion and try to find and try to analyze the subtle differences because it can kind of go either way right and everything's happening so quickly that sometimes it'll look like a decisive victory for the dpl sometimes it'll look like a somewhat decisive victory for the rogue mage i mean you just see what kind of damage they're capable of um but uh i still think the dpl favored his favorite here gun to my head you know especially his dwarf but yeah sorry away i was going to say that well the vods will be available certainly on on my youtube and i also know that silent shadows shout out to the world community will quite often do some pretty in-depth jumps into the workplace but we're going straight into this match now yeah i don't know if they found the road there it wasn't me he just missed this whole little wombo or they might have i think they might have put him but you know there's still a lot of question that's quite an early pain suppression coming on and here come the scorches again you know the scorch spam is just going in icy fresh ini so we named himself scorch fresh yeah coil already expended too it's a pretty big deal feldom rogues at about half and has no cloak so that's uh they have lethal damage on that rogue right now he's gonna die it's just a matter of time he's probably triple dotted right now and uh unless he can sneak away and get it to get some mage food in him he's uh he's toast right now so that's what you see him doing he's running off into egypt trying to get a few ticks with the mage food should be able to out heal the uh the damage coming out so that that is going to look like they're going to seal the rogue mage that is that's uh that's insane man so close but no cigar i mean this is the you know this is the knockout round so i know if i was lamarcki i would be playing this out just for the opportunity we've seen oh and marmalade do it maybe lamarcki's gonna do it but i don't think it will happen but uh we will just see what happens in these last couple of seconds i mean there was a very critical polymorph onto the maki which you know he can shadow a death hit um you know it's a strategy we see you know is becky using earlier in the tournament and uh if anyone not familiar with with the shadow word death trick basically the the way shadow word death works is if you don't kill a target with it the priest then takes a little a little bit of damage so what you'll do is your time your shadow of death the hit the the mage as he's casting polymorph when he got like 4.2 seconds left in the cast you know your damage hits it and then the damage hits you in return because he doesn't die and that damage that you take from the shadow with death will actually break your polymorph which is why you'll see improved can't spell quite often used on priests if you're going to polly them guys people are concerned that maybe with the batching being changed that you wouldn't be able to do that anymore you still are sorry part good before we go into the next matchup of the losers bracket to reality into jigsaw caitlyn will you transition us into a small interview with villarreton please uh we will indeed we will indeed absolutely both teams are here reality and jigsaw confirmed but before we continue with the tournament and the semis of the upper bracket of the losers we want to hear a little bit from willerton let's just see boys there we go what's good billerton you played your heart out in this tournament we saw ups we saw down so we saw some clutch moments but we want to hear a little bit from you your take on the last game specifically could you run us through it a little bit oh i actually shoved my last game was awful i shoved the trinket but uh i don't know we almost won in general though like dpl is a lot different with this gearing obviously versus like season three season four like you see the damage that mages are doing like in the locks absolutely crazy especially with like the nova bugs so even like spell stoning like the first nova and getting through that like at the end just so much damage as you guys can see but overall a lot of fun so the novas are still feeling pretty bad right now i haven't played too much beta since they've apparently you know changed that i wasn't sure i heard that they had uh they had nerfed it a bit but um they still um i don't i think like we're still seeing like what like three lance use cases like three lances in nova's i haven't seen like any like four or five or anything like clearly broken yet but uh even three is a lot i mean that's 6k damage with 9 to 10 khp pools without casting so i don't know how it's supposed to be but if three is normal then it's it's probably fixed but yeah you're seeing usually about three yeah i mean that seems to touch excessive to me you know two i'd like to see two maybe sort of 85 to 90 percent you know one so breaking the first one 80 to 90 of the time probably and then maybe get two off from 10 percent on this lucky but um one thing i'm quite curious about um is you obviously in the last two matches you really swapped up your initial positioning you know you started with a spread out style with you know you hanging back and the you're not going forward um you then you know as i said in the last two matches you went back to the sort of um uh the piling strategy you know what do you think about the two you know is there an advantage or one that you particularly prefer uh the distance i mean works well with with more gear i think like we were playing like it's season four and i can't get one shot by a mage like um so we just yeah we switched over like all right let's just like chill and that works a little bit better it looks like but um i think with more mana like on the priest like if the priest can like md random yolo for combat like four times before the match even starts and get combat then you're you're chilling you know lock it's combat priest is in combat and you're good to go but like if you md a few times you're pretty much um well i mean thank you for coming today it's been an absolute pleasure for me at least casting your games i mean as i said my money was riding on you so you haven't let me down or disappoint me at all with your play it's been absolutely a complete pleasure and i really would love to see you back uh in the future tournaments and uh maybe with a bit more gear we will you know see some more success from from yourselves and and uh your partners so uh congratulations man and obviously communications yeah i'll play enhanced next time and just run it up don't worry yeah dismantle it just make my day make my day i would love to see it in the handsome chairman in the tournament for sure we have zero shamans zero paladins uh maybe we're gonna see you banned me it's the perfect uh perfect combination of fun looking and just sad so good content there any uh shockadins in the chat well i i actually have got a 100 100 bounty to anybody that can make it to blizzcon as a shaman i'm standing by this i've said it multiple times if anybody can make it to blizzcon as a shaman i will personally pay them a hundred dollars that is my i want to see a shaman a blizzcon there it is got it but uh thank you very much please i implored you if people want to see more amazing shaman and previous gameplay in tbc where can they find you uh boston massachusetts just roll up we'll hang out we'll get a couple beers you know it'll be a good time and i can get out my twitch willerton's underscore i guess like that'd be good that would be amazing beer with willerton's underscore on twitch.tv yeah i told i told rec we should hang out but you know he's ghosting me so yeah i love the boston chinatown bros i've had some such good memories they're going to pax east and going like the boston chinatown at like 2 a.m and getting food so 100 one day one day reality and jigsaw are about to step up to the plate we've seen all right thank you for coming brother well played my friend thank you so much man thank you yes man everyone right reality reality and jigsaw lock rogue into mage rogue we're about to queue up with no further ado we talked about the matchups you've seen anything throughout the tournament let's queue them up within couple of seconds we will be in agreement arena nagarat arena is the opener of every match in this tournament some say fair something says already or are they we have a little bit more to play i think oh so uzbeki riva is no longer a possibility in the finals because they're one of them is going to eliminate them okay and this is this is everything everything is on the line everything is on the internet this is it two either reality much jigsaw reality there's there's no going back this is it this is it can bobcat make it can reality make it this is it for them this is it for jigsaw there is no going back guys for the hoarding chat guys this is the last chance for the to actually make it through the tournament so yeah shout outs to the and you hold your guys in chat you know give them your power i mean we've seen reality streaming lock rogue games over and over again you could redeem 15 push-ups for 1500 points on his channel he is ripped he is ready he is bulked popka also coming from quebec very very ripped can they carry each other to victory we shall see yup we shall see both rogues um taking their time no one just aggressively running out there we can see deadly is in uh currently in vacation mode he doesn't want to be too aggressive doesn't want to burn anything they both realize everything is on the line they're going to get knocked out out of the tournament they don't want to fall you might be curious about that so because you're like he's a human rogue should be playing aggressive let's go there is a little bit of opportunity popka gets absolutely destroyed with that early step that he needs to drink it into a cheap onto him and there is so much action going on right now look at that coil he cannot get out of the call he's going into timbuktu he's going back with the shadow step from timbuktu and he really wants to put pressure on the reality deadly is there he's a little bit melting bobcat is completely fine deadly is the one who's under the focus right now he you see he is managing to reset but he does have dots sticking on to him slowly but surely one by one this is it who is going to go down first reality oh my god do we have one versus one on our hands it is bob bobka versus jig so one versus one everything is on the line can popcorn make it who is your favorite right now you have one second to enter enter cargos let's go um let's see i'm gonna favor the mage here uh just looking at the flow of cooldowns he has another fresh icy veins freshwater elemental bokeh really has no cooldowns to work with right it's getting railed 300 pounds of icy pressure are going to add this match 1 0 4 jigsaw i mean again looking at that damage you can just see you know when the mage gets his way whether it's icy whether it's chicks or whether it's weaver you know when they get their way the damage is just absurd it really is pogba getting sapped was pretty big there just thinking of the key moments he had to use his trinket there but but reality didn't end up taking too much damage um through his blind like he hung in there for a bit but uh you can imagine a world where boca doesn't get sapped there um so boca sapped the enemy mage jigsaw and then i'm assuming um the human rogue pop perception found boca and sapped him which forced the trinket and that was kind of how it developed right yeah it's one of these um so i think it almost said like an advancing matter within um hard work versus alliance work where obviously traditionally we had you know the the alliance worked just going forward with perception burning it and the hardware will hide what's what we're seeing now is this you know certainly the higher levels we're seeing the alliance works basically waiting because they know eventually the hard work is going to have to come forward because one of two things is going to happen either the eyes are going to spawn and at that point as the you know as it gets closer to the eye spawning that you'll find the alliance work will position themselves very close to it pop perception and probably end up getting the hardware because they're forced to go for the eye all that that will happen is you know bobco is again forced to go forward and hip hop his perception around about the sort of 30 second mark into the match and uh yeah it's something obviously that's always going to change and vary from work to rogue and the more you play against someone the more familiar you are with their play style the more you're going to adapt i'm so interested to see how this changes into uh one absolutely this i want to say this is um a worse a worse map for the roguelike having played this exact thing uh many many times uh the lock really relies on being able to los that mage as much as possible you know and just go go around certain corners to prevent the the water elemental from hitting you throw tongues up on it to slow it down a bit the angles are a bit sharper here with the little tiny loss you do have to work with so the mage is going to have a lot more up time on this warlock and i wouldn't be surprised to see if reality just uh gets vaporized a bit quicker i'd also i think boca has more success when he just plays hyper aggressive imo and just goes for a pre-vanish i mean i've just i know he loves to do that play and you know just running at the human rogue and sapping them right now and pre-vanishing would be such a such a big play to get some momentum on their side for this match but doesn't opt to do so he's uh taking his time a bit decides to pop the sprint and now might go for the pre-vanish yes he does pre-vanish and now he's looking for the rogue doesn't look like he's gonna get him though the rogue is behind him and like basically an eight o'clock position gets the sap on the mage which is not bad well gets nova though oh yeah excuse the step connecting with the mage now but it's um not a great start for the road block and as you can see reality you can see that reality is under a lot of pressure right now and deadly is the one who is going to be pressured from them this is the same same same deja vu right now you can see the deadly oh my god that is a beautiful vanish you can see he has no dots he has completely cleaned reality on the other side completely gone this is it 2-0 wow reality is um as you can see sadly the time has come shades of reality will not participate in the tournament anymore oh the thing is that that the rogue deadly uh was able to slip away there i guess no bleeds on him from boca um i wonder if he had bleeds on me couldn't get her either maybe he could have chased him down got the cross kill then dragged it out the 15 minutes played for prepper done whatever um that was just that was just clinical that was really clinical that they couldn't connect they executed beautifully slippery slope down the drain that's all she wrote let's look at um let's look at our brackets up major doing really well really really well in this tournament i think we have what three teams is major oak yeah right now uh we're going to be playing into uzbeki and riva and then jigsaw icy fresh so we have the finalists for the winner bracket if you take a look at the brackets with becky and river and jigsaw icy fresh uzbekindrive obviously they're in the windows bracket finalists and loser bracket finalists are jigsaw and icyfresh so what's going to happen is uzbeki and is going to play against river they're going to decide the grand finalist and then jigsaw is going to play icy fresh to decider off loser finalist and then whoever loses between uzbeki and rima plays either chicks and icy fresh for a redemption arc into the winner of uzbeki riva i know it's a little bit of a little bit compliment excuse me for slippery it's a little bit complicated but just stay tuned we're about to have all three places pretty much finished with the next 20 minutes and as we're talking about that i'm about to ready check players caitlyn if would you so kindly i mean river versus uh is becky i mean this is goku and vegeta this is what we're here for you know this is for all the super saiyans in the world you know you know i would love to see you know maybe some different finalists but i mean there's not going to be too many people massively surprised as these guys you can out in the certainly the upper bucket final that's not to say they're going to make it to the grand final one of them will yeah i don't know if it's just me i i really like 2v2 maybe a little bit too much like i enjoy just the dynamic of two people fighting against another two and i know threes is more balanced et cetera et cetera i just i love the two's bracket it's what i uh play the most and uh there's something special about that who's becky mir versus arriva and that that rivalry the fact that they both won one tournament a piece in the beta you said the pdd tournament was won by um mir right and riva defeated mir in the finals of the asthma tournament with tizar it'd be uh it'd be a cool story that's a pain that's a pay-per-view event right there that's a fight night you know mirror versus rava but no we're not ruling out you know jigsaw as well you know they can uh they can still get a shot in the finals as well right it's anyone's it's anyone's guess at this point all of these players are doing their best but interestingly enough we can see in the finals of loser bracket we have the openers icy fresh into jigsaw they have redemption arc they have the same thing going on but without further ado we have uzbeki and riva i mentioned before ready to check last time it is going in this is this is becky river right now this is uzbeki riva right now oh my god this is the hype boys this is this is a chat who's gonna take it chat let's make some noise can we get some more energy come on chad let's see let's see let's see some hype chat let's go this is the finals of the winners brackets let's get some time to go get your dog go get your mom sit them down and get them into world of warcraft tbc 2v2 if you ever want to convince someone the twos is going to be a legit bracket it's going to become an esport we're going to make this a thing this match is going to convince you that this is the way to go yup absolutely man i am so excited i'm so happy to be here with you guys casting alongside you farq and tp caitlyn absolute legends and here we are watching some legends duke it out and maybe the final tournament of the beta guys you know this is this is a special time that we'll never get back the the tbc beta uh where all these people from all these different countries can play together you're exactly right this is potentially the final tournament of the beta it is a 2v2 once again sponsored by rxp huge shout out to arrestedxp.com everyone in the chat guys if you don't know about it if you're just tuning in check it out restedxp.com best leveling guide slash addon that you can find right now for both vanilla and tbc 2. patch on that note let's get into it the gates are about to open in five to ten seconds we have rm into dpr near uzbeki against avishan river two of the best teams that we can have possibly in the world some of the best teams in the scene and we could see amishan is going really aggressively over there dude he wants to go in the mirror and he goes on to the mirror slap into the face right there that one wanna just absolutely shatter him you can see us becca needs to fall off there is a little bit of a fade away there is a fear that completely kills all the tempo going into the mirror mira has been shipped cleansed onto it and there is the retaliation of mir he didn't like that opener and he is gonna make them pay right now you can see they're putting a lot of pressure right now without he's in that corner being punished by mere gauge he's gonna sit those two full seconds amir is the master of this they want to keep the pressure on me as as much as they can they want to crowd control you can see the sheep uzbek is over there but he's going out of it mir has pain suppression right now and he needs to get healed and by the looks of it he is in the full duration of the blind can he get potentially a re on to him this is next five seconds look chat right now it is happening everything is going to decide this match if he manages to heal mirror they win if he doesn't heal me or they lose everything is on the line there is a full kidney but the fear into the trinket into the exit goes down they got him that was their final go-to that was the last gasp and it looked like they were just on the cusp of stabilizing i thought they turned that corner i really did and they didn't though they had a little bit of gas left in the tank i don't know who avishan is i i feel like i should but dude this guy is actually a b that was the most disrespectful opener in a 2v2 tournament that we have seen in beta yet absolute slapped mirror early holy smokes who is this guy i mean we don't know who avician is but i think after today a lot of people are going to be wondering and finding out exactly who he is but uh one thing i've had i actually just realized um mia is actually wearing two-piece assassination every other work is wearing full pve he's actually wearing some pve gear which is uh you know it's gonna i'm fairly sure he's using the two set which gives him a bit of his so he's obviously you know feeling that he doesn't need the defensive you know the extra etc but um uh yeah no no i think that time you know if he had a bit more resilience he might have lived but you know he's going for that pv going for the extra damage and feels like that's the way to be playing anything yeah it's it's it's just insane it's intense like do not move your eyes away from the screen everyone in the chat doesn't matter which which stream you're looking at absolute amazing performance coming from both themes so so so clutch the way he entered and he he just proved his point right there he is not going to be dominated by anyone this is so clutch i'm doing the last ready check to make sure that the players are ready they choose their visit uh runes which map did they choose we're in the ground okay sick the run back i mean yeah say the exact same thing the the the balls on abhishan i mean how does that man sit down with balls that big to just blind him run all the way and then wait you know it must have been probably 30 seconds he's just sat and stealth waiting for that perfect moment to jump back onto mir you had as becky doing holy nova's expecting him to go aggressive he just sits there calmly as soon as he opens in bam straight in for the murder yeah that was just so so so intense it was just beautiful to see i mean rm played i would say as as good as it gets really yeah i wonder if they try to slow it down a bit uh mirror and uzbeki like i wonder what the absolute the most uh defensive and consistent line to win is because i feel like they're playing the game's pretty quick they don't blink twice because the game is going to be over even though there is a priest we've seen that brain separation being cast that it was very much clutch smear was on the cusp of surviving but they managed to move and he's like and there we go mir going in but look at and avichan is pulling back he's opting for a different strat this time last last time he was really really aggressive this time he's pulling back the mind games i like it when near gets the opener the revenge from the last game look at this this is five seconds four three two and there is going to be a resupp and there is a polymorph on his back oh my god this is a cross cc avishan is a lot of pressure but i want to get into mirror and there is a beautiful execution on that one pressuring the mere kidney and he's going to go oh my god look at the beautiful movement coming from avishan just you love to watch this and there is a let me john and he's surviving somehow with cusp at the brink of his is he like he actually gets around the corner though they might stabilize here this is good they're moving together as a team they're in full live mode right now mirror gets the re oh and there's a cheap shot what have the rogue mage use though they haven't used that much i guess they use prep but that's about it there's still a snap still has two blocks and here comes the re oh and there is a full duration fear that is going to be ice blocked and he's sitting a little bit and he's opening on the mirror right now there is the lance and he's trying to cast the frostbolt or no hops into arcane missiles they really want to punish me right now but you can see avishan as well he's sitting taking a lot of punishment from here i wish i remind you cannot restore hp whatsoever and there is this is so close mir is really low a counter not available we could be here for a while boys this is this is um this is absolutely insane this is absolutely insane this is 1-1 right now in terms of kills in this game we we see one versus one mage into a priest riva has been feared though he cannot remove he does have a trinket this is a i want to say the priest is his favorite here right i don't know about you guys it doesn't it doesn't get more hyped than this everyone this is as hype as it gets they're trying really really hard it doesn't look that good for riva but there is that paulie he cannot remove that pouring liba has options to restore his hp caitlyn we have the thing if they really don't play this he's going for the rez oh he's casting the resurrection look at this no one second no it gets interrupted last millisecond do not blink twice these guys know what they are doing caitlyn we have seven minutes on the clock there is a rule after 10 minutes there is no drinking or eating so you think ryan you know that was nice execution right there a cheeky shadow over death as well here is a little bit of noah in his face polymorph fake acid and the melee swing coming out of the dwarf dude he's just trying to knock back the um and that's a full duration there is no trinket right now maybe he can potentially reset here you can see both mirror and uh both rogues are kind of next to each other looking at each other you know thinking how did this happen the tornado the tornado that donated oh he did he just had full money not a lot of hp another poly half duration i believe that has been trinketed there is a fear big favor he's got one and there's the wand and you can see it's the skull flying on their frostbolt the death had barely enough mana for that almost for state but there is the tornado creeping up tornadoes going direction of uzbeki oh just passes nearby him he can use it like a mario kart mushroom and get speed boosted over it absolutely uh clever use of game mechanics some would say ah the full valley the full probably bad cooking stream boys look at look at us back his mana right now yeah i mean he is gonna say that's it he decided to pull the trigger this is the point 45 caliber that we have been waiting for there is not a lot of mana to his name but this should be potentially enough oh no the turtle [Music] the tornado oh my god no he's going to get but no there's desperate prayer this is it one hp one hp river no he goes down what was it was a shattered pain tick that was a show they played that honorably right so here's the thing chad they could have both if they were kind of it's almost like scummy i feel in the honor code to just run away and just keep trying to reset and drag it off like if the maid just blinked off into egypt by himself and kept doing that with holly and just kept going for like one two ticks of food water he could do that right um at least up until the 10-minute mark he wasn't doing that and the priest at the same time was also playing aggressive they could both go into just full live mode and eat and eat and drink and then we'd be here all day so i want to say that they had like an honor code there where they just went for it i mean yeah i've definitely been in positions like that where you you just don't want to don't want to end up doing it um but what was really actually quite fascinating was there was a little bit of a mistake there from river so when he um when he ran into the start zone is becky actually did a shadow word death on him just out of the blue shadow where death i'm fairly sure at least um i don't think we were picked up that he'd done it it was therefore on cooldown because he then spent a good deal of time fake casting his polymorphs waiting for the death to come that actually was on cooldown so he could have just straight polluted him this is when we saw his becky doing the melees doing the nova's giving the knockback trying to get that time to get the shadow of death back up which eventually did come but river could have just probably didn't then and run so you know when you haven't got add-ons in particular you know tracking all of this stuff becomes very very tricky and it is just being confirmed that the next map is indeed going to be in a grand i'm just making sure that both teams are ready i'm gonna ask who's becky and me are they ready one one who's baking us becky riva winners finals match point thoughts that i mean we're getting to again this game threes it's a treat man so hold on who the winner of this isn't the winner of the full tournament though right because there's no they go to grand finals and then there's one question we have two more matches and then we have two more matches after that before best the best of five people asked that people have said they want uh three versus three but as you can see this is a lot of content as well and a lot of fun there's just just so much hype guys let's take a look one one we're in the grand i mean obviously keep picking that ground i mean it's just it's just more tornado fun for us to to commentate uh tornadoes are absolutely hilarious i'm i'm kind of beginning you know having made an entire youtube bitching about them i i'm kind of starting to love them as as long as they're not impacting my gameplay yeah the tornadoes are gonna are kind of i i know that people feel upset about them but it is kind of cool from a casting and viewership perspective like the little walkiness they can add yeah as long as i'm not in the match when they appear someone even dared to say other people's misery that outplaying a tornado makes you skill-capped well yes lux earlier lux earlier on the warrior using the tornado to buffer himself across the map it can be done it is so beautiful when you see a little gnome just fresh out of normal gun flying through the map and lands a perfect intercept just to get killed because poor uh poor warrior is just getting abused in that matchup but let's not memes become dreams and let's go back to reality but not shades because he has been knocked out we can see that avishan is deciding to uh play a little bit uh defensively here while uzbeki is just going to restore his mana take a chill pill oh i have a chandelier river this is a new strat you love to see it yeah they're just stacking with their backs to the wall right there just uh just chillin that was a beautiful sap this is it this is it this is the trigger this is what's happening everything is going to decide the last match who is going to go into the grand finals and who is going to go in the losers pay close attention right now all of the cooldowns are being used drinking from amazon they want to go in the mirror mirrors their kill target you can see over there sheep's farm uzbeki is collecting those carrots while mir is getting railed hard he is on ten percent and they want to finish him there is that reset coming from avishin a little bit playing defensively and is this bm or is this strategy no way mirror actually they're still alive after the cheap death proc still hanging in there i mean he's still alive they're beating hill i really don't know what is actually going on because mirror is currently in stanley and he wants to really try to and find havishan over there who is playing so so so defensively we can see that he has renewed a powerful shield they just passed by each other didn't see each other there's full relationship on his becky riva is casting full evocation look at his powerball on the right full mana right there uzbeki has half man another polymorph half duration four seconds on the clock right there tornado is passing by he's gonna break the ship look at this he breaks the shield snap and they have and there is a clutch frost ball that landed on uzbeki he's being slowed right now he's dispelling himself a little bit meanwhile the rogues are playing tetris in the background as you can see maybe they'll probably investigate peggle stocks to uh by the way though so he can see where abhishan's at right now or he can see where mir's at and you can see who's becky right now is just sitting in the middle and playing with raw and the rogues are behind the corner and doing no action there was a clutch little blizzard they didn't find anyone though this is pretty much one versus one at this point because both rungs are playing so defensively right now dude oh drive is so low right now but mirror can't get to him he's across the map right now this is such an insane battle uzbeki has 30 mana riva has 20 mana and there is a frostbolt i believe max rank being casted on his becky they're opening on him makes this mere decision to shadow step going to the cs on avishan and that is going to be a full blind duration he does not have any trinkets is mere potentially going for a sap oh no he's been put into combat he cannot go further up now though i feel like they're they're they're going to stabilize through this if you just look at the mage man is almost out just get that paint sub up it's still oh there's nothing grima has nothing else though he needs to ice bug was about to kill him though this is so clutchy right now uzbeki has no mana as well avishan is putting all of the pressure on him mirror is in full duration polyphora if he cannot get out of it no he did get a clutch oh my the tornado kicks the moto river is going low uzbeki is going low one for one rogue man oh my god silent shadows are you watching finals game three i almost want avishan to slip away and reset no oh man that was uh that's wow and that's that's what you want ends up being mirrored i mean i i really thought at the end because is becky used his shadow fiend hyper aggressively literally on the outside they obviously wanted to go full full pressure mode he had a shadow fiend out straight away just for the damage and then at the end when he was um i was really concerned that i was gonna come around to buy him in the ass but no he lived just long enough to to make it count i mean that's some impressive survival how did they not get near though bro give me can we get the instant replay feature in the stream someday like uh i'd love that is being uh that is like currently yeah and then yeah under development or instant replay as we saw right there that was that was just uh interesting i don't know the mirror didn't go down yeah yeah that that was insane i mean they were they were so close to victory hanging on by an absolute thread and they somehow stabilized and took it that isn't that is insane that'll be a fun one to watch back like 10 times right 100 percent this is oh yeah there's going to be some there's going to be an amazing yeah yeah so we still they still have is it the series over for these ones or is this serious let's pay attention to the bracket a little bit you can see that usb and mirror have made it to the grand finals that means no matter what happens they're taking the second place no matter what happens they're taking the second okay guys we can fill in this uh results thing now what you don't have the the latest no no i'm just i'm just filling in this so no matter what uh you said who has been mere second right correct no matter what and then when we're about to play losers finals which is jigsaw and icy fresh whoever wins that match up is going to go to losers finals where riva has a redemption arc i mean we've got a repeat of literally the very first game of the tournament arguably one of the closest games of the tournament as well actually i see first versus jigsaw i know it's quite a few hours ago so i won't always blame everyone for not remembering but we actually did in fact end up with a mage on mage 1v1 in this previous game it went 2-1 in the set to icy fresh so you know i mean coming into this you've got to be feeling icy fresh is definitely going to be feeling confident you know what are you reckoning in carcass yeah i um i don't know he doesn't really get intimidated much like he's not really that excitable you know people like that i don't mean that nevada i mean that endearingly like he has good nerves under pressure like if we if we brought him in here into a call i'm still like how are you feeling about it billy yeah i'm pretty good about it like just like really like blood pressure not moving at all you know um so for some reason i have this image of like elon musk just being like on on the joe woken podcast yeah we dig a hole we just dig the hole it's like well you take a hole it's like complete monotone like no expression just this dead pan i mean but uh yeah no jigsaw has obviously been fighting his way through the lower bracket from the get-go but you know doing so in a very confident play and being a dominant play style but uh i mean it is it is major work mirror it is about a season one tbc classic as you can probably get and uh yeah i i am excited i'm hype let's hear it from the chat though chat who do you think's going to win i know these are some fan favorites you guys know him i see fresh big you know he streams a lot also jigsaw has a lot of fans out there uh in the chat who who's who you rooting for let us know in the chat let's uh get some hype going on personally because they're both good friends of mine and uh i i i guess i'm going to give the edge to icy because he's you know he's an n a andy like myself holding it down for the usb i think he's the last uh usa gamer in the tournament but uh yeah he is he is the pride of america right about now so if you uh if you believe in the good old us of a then you want icee to win unless you want to you know see the good old standard stuff that happens in esports which is you know european dominance i mean it does get a bit boring winning sometimes but you know what can you do when you're just better than everybody else oh yeah and it's about to begin any second now boys they push out onto the map let's see what the rogues want to do the mind games begin deadly surveying the map both chilling no one aggressively going for a pre-vanish or anything shadow hanging out in the back room delaying that perception pop as much as possible rogues playing this game of chicken who's going to go first mages getting ready to flirt with each other coming forward for a little hike again mirror mirror on mirror on mirror as they are just but that's some big damage onto jigs so early on i mean there is just iceland going out but it looks like shadow is that was a bit of miscommunication their shadow was polied while kidney shots have probably got instantly broken too jigsaw is now under an awful lot of pressure however shadows coming into play early though he's gonna die he didn't even block he died before block did he oh he might be yeah he had the yeah yeah yeah he snapped um man it's tough to cast these but the double rogue mage there's just 47 million things happening at the same time mean this is the thing is particularly with the this mirror i feel like it is you know stylistically i think the two teams have a very similar style but um and as a result you know you you can see almost moo images going on but uh the other thing obviously these guys have already played once today so you know this is effectively turned into a what would that be a best of well best of six i guess isn't it technically um so you know they've got a precipice of five actually um but we are going to be going into ruins which uh i was jigsaw's pick last time if i remember correctly when we had the ended up with the 1v1 yeah it's just it's it's tough man so much aggression coming out from both sides immediately i feel like they may just flirt with each other one rogue pulls the trigger and gets on the mage and then the other rogue also gets on them on the mage so the rogue isn't peeling the rogue they're kind of both going after the mages yeah as i said i would i would have been very curious to see what happened if the if the polly had lined up it was a very unfortunate it was a cheap it wasn't only just a um the the poly being broken it was also that they'd done a full cheap shot kidney shot onto the target that was then polished so he did burn an opener and five combo points for probably four to five combo points on a target that then gets pollied instantly but then gets broken instantly and i think that's maybe a tiny little bit of miscommunication a little bit of a choke there that obviously would have impacted heavily later on into the game but uh you know when he gets this this stage of a tournament when there's you know money on the line they've been playing for you know an elongated period of time at this point there might be these tiny little errors coming through but we will see what happens on this match absolutely show your support one more time in chat let's see if this could be it this is elimination match for jigsaw right here if they do lose this one uh he is knocked out of the the tournament so um let's see if jigsaw can make a comeback here on ruins lord iran he did pick this map let's see if he can do it do it for his uh supporters and like we as boys we're going to set up a very a different style this is aggressive style from icy fresh going in a little bit of a bait from shadow but uh jigsaw definitely taking his time in deadly turtling in the start not feeling particularly like they're aggressive but uh you know the icy flash does have that one game lead they can maybe try something a little bit bolder without feeling the pressure getting instantly knocked out but here's deadly going in with his first spin and probably a perception nice sap on to ice to fresh as a shadow goes in onto uh jigsaw knows him out early early vanish running in away and these icelanders are just going straight into jigsaw as they're going absolutely ham trying to get this pressure and it's only now that deadly is actually getting into the combat but there's a polymorph onto shadow look he can't get any damage going i mean there's no no health bar has decreased on the left side it's it's uh it's perplexing so much pressure going on a jigsaw early and they just they look behind yeah we just got a cloak out from deadly by looks of it and uh jigsaw just desperately trying to probably get a bandage or some description these polymorphs onto deadly are just absolutely decimating and you know completely stopping anything he wants to cheeky little bandage here from fresh i see fresh as he does another poly so that looks a full eight second poly by the way um as uh unfortunately down goes jigsaw dead and out of the tournament it looks like man icy fresh really come into play man he uh has played super well this tournament taking out jigsaw a really really formidable amazing mage coming out of germany being able to take him out pretty decisively here with his buddy shadow i'm curious if this is going to be icee's real partner i knew he was considering going uh playing twos uh for real with wreck on on harrod but i'm not sure he was still like on the fence uh really really amazing performance from icy fresh today though who did they lose to again does anybody recall how did they even get to the loser bracket was it oh it was mere yeah as me as becky i think yeah it was here and this is so big how dare they lose such plebeian opponents before we get into a little commercial break we have losers finals and then grand finals uh you can see the bracket on your screen right now breva and icy fresh in losers finals fighting for that spot in the grand finals doesn't matter who loses in the loser's finals there will be the third place team so they have already secured the third place reward i said before we're gonna have a small commercial break uh sponsor break let's talk to jigsaw before we get into that caitlyn transition is on to you well thank you very much sir just dragging him up hey man uh commiserations obviously but uh you know a fantastic tournament all in all uh how are you feeling at the moment obviously maybe maybe it's a bit of a silly question it was okay like um we fall behind like extremely fast especially in the last game one of our problems is like that we are like not in voice basically i'm the only one that can talk so it's a bit hard to communicate that's why we probably up the first game like when he definitely wanted to switch on the rogue and the kidney shot and i'm shipped on top of it because i thought that the cheap should go on that but overall like i'm happy it was super funny and yeah congratulations to isaac fresh and yeah yeah no we we obviously saw the the unfortunate you know uh cheap shot kidney shot polly uh bravado i didn't realize there wasn't uh we thought it was a communication but obviously if he's not being able to talk to you then i completely understand it so i think obviously um the big question is now uh who's your money on for for getting into the grand finals with or i see um for sure rework like i know him so long so i'm big river friend like me and me like we played together many times like on many projects and yeah i'm i'm standing for reba i think so brother really well played man like i've been talking to the chat all day you've been uh a big mentor for me learning tbc these past months dude it's so cool to see you in action you played really well today man that you're going to crush it in tbc yeah thank you amazing tournament bro yeah and departing words for me jigsaw phil and dunk and amazing participation in the tournament if anyone wants to see more of jigsaw where should they go um to jigsaw tv basically sadly my stream broke down at the start of the tournament i had like 40 minutes stream and then i had some streaming errors and i couldn't restart it was broken down all 15 seconds so i sadly couldn't stream it but like i hope i can fix it tomorrow so apollo jigsaw tv all right i believe it is twitch.tv jigsaw underscore tv correct yeah correct sorry yeah yeah that is his stream ladies and gentlemen if you want to see more of amazing mage action go on to that twitch channel and show jigsaw some love now we will be going into a little commercial break cargos i believe we have um some experience with technical difficulties would you be so kind and send me the commercial break over discord well in the meanwhile sure no worries i'll just do it on my stream right now uh again apologies if this is redundant because you've been watching the whole stream but uh rested xp is sponsoring this one that's a community project uh tactics lol tommy salami zarand uh seven leaves brandon myself we've been working hard on it so in-game game leveling it's a leveling guide does in-game add-on support you can download it for free it's open source and a lot of people have been enjoying and playing with it so i'm gonna play a quick video made by platinum wow and uh it's just a funny little one minute video and we'll see you back here in a second guys all right okay well thank you very much so i'm just gonna move you out mate while this is going on but uh fantastic games mate um absolute pleasure to watch you play again yeah and uh let's check the commercial sorry it's taking so long guys it should only be a couple more days maybe until i get max level uh guys hello you know what i think i'm gonna hearth and get some rest at xp but not just any breasted xp introducing residexp the new leveling guide perfectly tailored to your race in class for ultra fast leveling all of these leveling routes have been meticulously crafted by some of the fastest classic wow speed runners in the world so you can focus on getting max level and playing with your friends rather than doing the same content you've done over and over again check out restxp.com for more information all right we are back hope you enjoyed that little one right there if you do want to check out rest of xp uh rested xp.com there should be a little panel down below if you want to write it out you can just get in there right away and start leveling one to 30 58 to 60 but uh excited to finish up this tournament you guys still there alive i am indeed i'm indeed the uh again i'll just you know my own personal input from from west xp uh i don't know how many people are familiar with um the the bridge between wetlands and arashi there is a a jump there where you we basically have to jump across a gap to get a quest again i had never managed it in my life and it's uh it's actually recorded it's on my it's on my stream if you want to see my actual reaction i would come across this quest and i sort of see on my map and i go i've never done this in 15 years i'm not even going to bother trying it now how do i do this it comes up on west xp and there's a little there's a little bottom tab you click on that and it literally just goes to a clip from a twitch clip of showing you exactly how to do the jump you don't need movement speed you don't need parts you know that level of detail on the add-on is just you know it makes leveling uh a whole new level of pleasurable experience and he's going to tell me for that he's been doing those videos for him little tiny clips to help you with like absolute godsend they are probably my favorite bit uh you know it's an individual same single aspect they are fantastic oh yeah both team captains have gone through we gotta be already river icing eu we have actually you know riva swiss i'm so sorry that i'm ignorant towards this but swiss is swiss not okay switzerland is part of the european continent but not part of the european union okay so technically you already got it technically you it's like a good uk now yeah yeah but let's let's go so uh interesting info as you're watching your screens right now you can see that whoever loses this match will be securing the third place reward now this is maybe a perfect um perfect moment to segment a little bit about sponsorship about arrested xp carlos if you would so kindly oh yeah but i mean it's all good we played the uh the ad a second ago you guys all you've seen it you've seen people streaming and using it but yeah if you do want to check it out um there's a link down in the description below in a panel and there will be monetary rewards for even the third place team as well yeah we're giving all the players uh guides and let's do another giveaway think of a trivia question off the top of your head park and then whoever answers the trivia question will get a guide their fate is in your hands anything what is the first casting ability that mages start with is it frostbolt or fireball you have ten seconds nine eight seven six five four two that was good bro i like it look how much reactions you got let me see the first person are we accepting fireball or fireball because when i have his fireball but the first guy didn't capitalize the f in fireball though oh come on man you can't you can't be hating on it for that i just have a question thank you very much this is goosechaser101 dmv manual does this only include your chat by the way what's up uh this is only for your chat right no your chat too it's fine okay first person in your chat yeah chill the mage uh chill the mage whisper me on twitch uh either tomorrow or today depending children mage typing fireball you win in my chat who is winner in your chat cargos yeah we had my man sorry almost okay a little giveaway from chaser101 goose chaser well he does change those fireballs as well all right without further ado ladies and gentlemen let's connect to teams okay riva versus icy fresh guys n a or n a or switzerland some some countries in the continent of europe yes this is it here is the transition into it oh my god all right let's go guys can we get some hype you versus n a come on guys who are you rooting for i want to see na or eu in the chat doesn't matter which chat doesn't matter if you or mobile if you're on mac if you're in blueberry let's say n a or eu who are you rooting for let's get some hype into the matchup guys you're on blueberry dude what's a blueberry if anybody's watching this on a blackberry then they are absolute legend then they're in 2003. and if even more impressive if you're watching this from a blueberry dude absolutely hey you gotta change the colors sometimes the continent not the not the governmental body yeah not the governmental body well you wouldn't know anything about it considering you have exited that so let's not comment on that one furthermore we're not going down that word today so we're not going down that word e blue breeze for the win i think is is what i'm going to go for i want to see some euba boys here we go out the gate riva pushing out strong okay never mind he went behind a pillar yeah killers are good from icyfresh we should ask greg about beyonce knows everything about about that note caitlyn what is going on our screens i mean we've got a very early pet here from icy fresh rivers just popped in a little bit later he did probably burn almost half of the duration of icy fresh's pet by just line of sighting it he's blinked off into a very sneaky little thing that i had problems following it but there's a lot of damage coming onto shadow it looks like he might even go down that quickly there's a full kidney i don't think he can actually drink it this it's on cooldown there's cheat death he may well go down then the final bolt form the pet of weaver takes them out a very very convincing win here from river yeah man so much damage we said it before zero to 100. we're gonna say it again rogue mage don't blink twice because they're gonna blink three times and the game is going to be over wow take a look at that damage avi sean 13k where the enemy rogue did 1600 that's uh i'm not exactly neil degrasse tyson but that uh explains quite a bit i mean this this keeps happening in tournaments though that we're casting i mean in the pdd one there was a chinese work i forget his name was it um duncan something like that farc i can't remember he made it to like the the losers finals but you know he just came out of absolutely nowhere no idea who he was um an absolutely phenomenal rogue player and adishan again you know who is this absolute mad lad that is tearing it up on rogue i know well i mean okay so people in the chat are roasting we've been roasting me all day saying how do you not know who avishan is i'm sorry i wish i knew who is now i know who avishan is tell me a bit about abhishan chat if uh if you know anything about him apparently he's just the legendary rogan that you're actually insane if you don't know who abhishan is we're just disgustingly ignorant people but we do apologize i know all the shamans though yeah yeah who's your shaman idol do you have one oh yeah no no uh uh gc low um can we get some love for bready any background representation cargos no okay maybe next time no of course dude ready knows i got my love for him um so that's game one these these even though it's the loser finals it is a best of three still right best of five is only for the omega mcconnells okay so i see facing down a limb then this is it everything is on the line na's last hope he does like his uh he does like his lord one actually something that uh nobody else seems to actually they seem to really be favoring it over overnight and everyone seems to be quite comfortable in that ground but but i see you know with this sort of elementalist style that he seems to seems to favor with a scorch i can definitely see him enjoying that line of sight object in the center of the map as opposed to the pillar a little bit but uh i mean let's see what are you expecting kargas who's going to be the aggressor hey what's your money on um i don't know i mean i really don't know man rogue mage is just happening so quick and i'm not exactly sure what like makes one rogue mage win over the other one hey they're just i feel like i'd be talking out of my ass i'll leave it to you bro holiday to you know um and we've seen we can see obviously uh i see fresh just taking a very dominant position in the map i mean that's why he seems to be comfortable he seems to be able to be you know very proficient around playing around these sort of unconventional lines of sight using the scorches that we're seeing but here's abishan going for the aggressive move with this first print an aggressive sap onto icy fresh and you can see that obviously shadow is aware of roughly where he is oh the first pet never from icy fashion misses unfortunately as he goes to an improved counter spell second mirror is coming out icy fresh is now going for poly wolf but shadow is taking an awful lot of damage from harishan a slight bit of miscommunication thereby looks a bit but river is taking an awful lot of damage early block from both sides standard block from him but shadow is now probably going to go take an awful lot of pressure drink it from havishan and shadow goes down again i mean not exactly a five head take here but uh when you see like when we we've seen a couple rogue match mirrors now right throughout the tournament and they look very one-sided it's not like it's i don't think we've seen a cross kill yet it's like this the the better rogue mage team just absolutely uh demolishes the other one every time so it's uh just feels like the other team is doing is incapable of getting anything going like you don't even see one of the rogue or the mage dip below 50 damn i mean the comp is obviously you know incredibly pressure based and you know you do end up snowballing you know you'll get those tiny you know you get the sort of the one percent advantage becomes a five percent advantage becomes a 10 advantage and you know it tends to snowball in in that direction and it is these you know very very small small micro decisions of you know for example we always see one of the things we notice i noticed the last two games in particular with rivia is he always seems to pop his elemental later than his opponent you know it always seems to be icy popping the elemental first and wherever saves his and you know burns that little bit of time of icy fresh is elemental yeah yeah let's segue a little bit into the interview with icy fresh he is third-placed major dog team in this tournament let's pull him up into the interview lounge and see what else he has to say that's his final standing ah third place for sure 100 icy fresh 100 third place icy fresh let's congratulate him let's go man uh welcome to the panel i see man what uh well a very very impressive uh tournament i have got to say it's been absolute pleasure both to watch and cast you know how how he you know how has it been for you guys uh it's been really fun i had a blast uh thank you farq for setting us all up yeah you're very much welcome thank you for all of the help uh organizing this tournament and showcasing an amazing skill set playing rogue mage what are your highlights of this tournament it's fun cueing in the mirror yeah this point i didn't get to do it a second time but it happened like i said how chill icy was gonna be when he comes in here bro just absolutely chilling yeah you love me see it you love to hear it just how chill icy fresh is i see we are going on a little bit of analysis and we're going to chill down before we prepare for the grand finals once again many many thanks for everything that you have done if it's helping organizing and making this happen or if it is participating and just smashing and really coming strong to the losers bracket you are third placed major rogue team in this tournament and there will be a prize uh be sure to contact the sponsor after this journey you will be given a 50 prize as a team captain and you are also getting a key sorry you're getting a full license for rested xp add-on slash guide i see if people want to see any mage dominating in arena where can they find you uh bridge tv slash icy fresh tbc i'll be streaming probably all of my gameplay on the uh classic tbc when it launches sounds good bro really amazing uh amazing turnout man you did uh really good bro got a lot of fans after today i bet 100 percent dna dream though man maybe at least replace bro we got bronze medal hey bronze medal eu in the finals take it or leave i mean it's better than the war dead so you know you're beating them at least okay nice nice job bro right it's rehearsing the tournament man well thanks for coming out man and thanks for jumping in for this interview as i said it's been an absolute pleasure watching and casting um but uh yep we will proceed however before we go you know grand finals river versus mia who are you putting your money on me river smear what do you think chat i mean i believe we already saw it play out a second ago a little bit of connection how many times can mirror possibly live on one hp river got this one there we go there we go there is a little bit of delay uh we in you have heard horror stories about comcast we don't exactly know what it is but we do believe it is a production of friday the 13th um myth to us but living reality to you not shades because he's been knocked out but nonetheless let's talk a little bit about the finals i want to transition a little bit onto the infographic that we have and we're going to see once again with becky muir rival mage let's take a look at what do we have from a major road we've seen it before we're going to see it again they have so much in their toolkit caitlyn implore us i mean to be fair i think i think icy did point out the obvious you know how many how many lives does this man have is he actually just sat there with you know some pewdiepie cat ears on his headphones the entire time with his nine lives just living on on a pixel every single game but um um yeah we you know we've seen we've seen the aggression that they bring to the table um you know they're not afraid especially is becky plays a very aggressive pre-style which you know i personally really you know enjoyed watching but um yeah you know it's it's gonna come down to these you know incredibly clutch you know seconds of you know tiny ticks whether it's a little bit of a crit whether it's a little bit of a uh a tick here or there that's really gonna to bring it down it's these guys are so good and so close in a skill level that it's near impossible to you know give any real prediction yeah i mean just trying to analyze how the games went so far right um the rogues one finds the other one they delay the perception and they start with the sap on one the game on develops a bit and then mirror gets down to like sub five percent cheat death procs and then in the games that they did when he's able to just narrowly escape death they stabilize at that point the rogan major down about half their cooldowns and it's still they still have some bite left in them right they like almost kill them again but they narrowly um end up killing the uh enemy rogue usually so that's what we've seen so far with how these have uh how these these have panned out let's do keep in mind this is a fresh definitely the uh the score uh i think uh the score isn't a fair representation of just how close all of these matches have been between them you know it at so many points i thought mir was dead you know we have him running around pillars on literally a pixel as he's getting healed with is becky spamming holy nova because that's all his becky has left to desperately get him you know a tiny little sliver of life so that he could just live for that you know that extra couple of seconds you know that's what i've been that would have been one of the uh well not surprising things for me but one of the interesting things to see is the is the use of holy nova from from disciplined priests in this tournament i don't know it's whether it's particularly conventionally understood where you're basically creating an instant heal for your priest obviously it's massively mana intensive but if it's the difference between that and dying you know you're going to see priests using it you know as a defensive tool that is just basically an instant heal for them and others as a quick aside dude has uh alliance been growing on anybody in the chat like a lot of people go going into tbc you know if you're just a student of the game learning things you always hear about horde racials being uh op in arena and they certainly are absolutely right but uh you know we're seeing a lot of alliance representation uh in this tournament almost every team has been alliance as well as um other tournaments the the winner of the asthma tournament was alliance as well right it was riva tazar and hydro and uh it's just alliance's great pvp racials and it's um it's nice to see that it's not uh just very horde favored like that [Music] and we're getting into the grand finals right now oh oh to each team's name we have mere and uzbeki on the left then we have avishan and riva on the right this has been an amazing tournament really really long i'm pretty sure everyone is exhausted but we have enough hype in ourselves to witness the best of five series that everyone wants to see and everyone expects veterans in world of warcraft dbc arena cargos caitlyn predictions gun to your head i um right i'm rooting for my boy riva i'm going to be honest rava has been like a super big mentor for me and a lot of people would like me on me because of my content creator and stuff and he's always defended me and been like gill cargo is actually cool like you know he's trying to learn and helping me out so i got mad respect for mira but i'm rooting for riva i think they're taking it um that's that's i'm throwing my hat in the ring for that uh and let's see let's get a little bit of energy in the chat guys you've been great thank you for watching and tuning in let's finish with the bang exactly let's finish with the bank this is going to be an explosive series mirror is opting and going into the corner we have seen that from high heel rocks as well they really like to go in that corner you can see this big is over here technically placed in the pillar and avishan is going over there oh and he actually sub zaps him and finds him over right there you can see the pressure is gonna be who's becky's in the sap and the pressure is gonna be everything going into the mirror right now we can probably expect the polymer going after this yeah he's casting it right now with his half duration there's three seconds avishan is the root too much pressure almost dead already dude just on the opener how is he possibly gonna crawl out of this man going for the gouge and the mage trying to retreat actually not retreating realizes there's no point to run away he's just staying on the mage gonna stem more damage that way i guess looks like they're inching their way back up the yellow bar is slowly increasing but not for long there's only russian fears kidney shot i'm here and he's so low this is going to be is this it and he goes down oh my that was a very interesting opener indeed it's plus screaming how much damage a rogue mage can put out together man they it's it's it's truly like incredible there's no other words i mean river and um avishan just put on an absolute clinic of of how to be a top-tier dpr i mean you could make an argument that getting you know mir out was a little bit lucky but you know it's you know it's a balance he was in a arguably well known position he hadn't popped his perception i wish i decided he was going to pop his perception you know risk it paid off you know that's part of the game but you know as soon as that happened you know they just felt the driver's seat the entire time an absolute clinic hell yeah man so first game going and you can hear that riva and avician man what do you guys think you still think mirrors gonna win guys i mean you never know now amir is probably taking this super seriously facing down well i guess it's not elimination yet this is the best of five right correct the finals are being played in best of five module you heard that invitation popping in both teams are going to go in a grand again 1-0 for river but this is not over everything is on the line who's gonna be the winner of the two week two tournament i would even say mostly prestigious on the line right here we saw a beautiful opener on the mirror let's see what's gonna happen in this game yep about 10 seconds out mounting up ready to party and the party is indeed about to start we can see who's becky is 100 percent itching to potentially get the revenge kill if not reverse sweep on the series well not full river sweep there are only one down let's see what's gonna happen i just point out that it's interesting that rava doesn't play gnome he actually i don't know i've never gotten his take on this i'm gonna ask him maybe like right after all this is over why he plays human on mage but it's really cool man you don't see that much anyway here we go pushing out mirror is this gonna be a fan of aggression or is he really just going for it he goes for it playing super aggressive gets the trinket immediately gets reset though are they going to do a different strat here and go for who's becky possibly they're opening hard on his becky yeah you can see avishan is going to reset still he's behind the pillow he's going to be reset 100 and he does get to reset meanwhile over there you can see mirror is trying to get back into the action really all the pressure is in this becky but it's not sticking really that hard amanda has always been looking so thick right now that desperate pair though making all the difference though right because not a dwarf there you'd probably have to use more be in a worse position it doesn't look like the strat to swap to the priest is working that well as if you know it and pressure is going on right now you can see mirrors getting cs right there and possibly to chaos full duration and he trinkets that and he really wants to get into riva who ops into an ice block and there is an empty removed maybe a clan's knight that's going to be a full blind ah all she wrote eviscerate nice man oh nice he was thick man he was super well played man oh man it's so crazy the rogue little finesse game at the beginning of every match you know it's just that's tbc for it and just the snap decision making to just trinket this and just knowing what that script is you just see this dot exe you know just playing out right there the decision to swap to the priest though what do you think chad didn't look too worth it that priest was uh he was a pretty healthy and then the dwarf priests i'm telling their nightmare fuel for double dps cops man uh nothing worse yeah and there are one one there's a proper thick boy there on the priest i mean i think i think that match was you know but certainly for abhishan's point of view was was heavily dictated by his initial choice to trinket the opening zap obviously he gets the return slap on tamir but he's then played with no trinket and mir has blind the entire match there's a little moment right at the very end where as mia trinkets the the full kidney shot you see actually avishan uh vanishes and i'm fairly sure he was attempting to vanish the blind which he assumed was going to be coming that seems like the logical decision for that vanish there but uh yeah when you've already used your trinket you know he's got blind you know mary's definitely in a position of power in the you know the pure work versus work match up at that point absolutely man so it's wanna pop huh still got some life in the series man the grand finals one a pop grand finals game three let's get into it right now as we're on a loading screen you can see this is going to be a blade edge this time blade's edge uh probably the least popular arena no i feel like i feel like it's picked the least i wonder why um it's the most complicated it's it has uh has a you know an additional dimension to it literally in insofar as it has an up and a down um i think i've said this before on previous streams but uh if you look across the board in esports especially for example in cs go um you know there's a map called cache there which is notoriously tricky to play on because it has this you know has these multiple layers to it as opposed to just being you know a 2d plane and as soon as you put those you know that third dimension onto a map it becomes trickier to play on harder to learn but also if you can really dominate and specialize it um i think it does give you a significant advantage so i'll be interested to see if as tvc develops whether we do actually see people you know especially practicing um uh blade zed you know particularly shamans i love as a shaman i love the way her terms work on it absolutely and we're at the moment of truth now sure the match should open start any second now they're pushing out of the gate let's see how the rogues choose to do this avishan cutting directly through he's going to get me right here he you know something's happening no it's miranda and there is a cs into chaos right now and there was a kick nice execution right there he really wants to go into average and really really push as much pressure as he can you can see avishan is sitting right there he does not have a trinket that means it's going to be full blind potentially asap now nah that's gonna be a fear no sap coming through he's actually he look at this they're putting all of the pressure on him riva is trying to dps as much as he can and control but nothing is happening this is just beautiful execution from uzbeki and mere just clinical completely absolutely clinical fear sheep blind the sheep was there wow i mean they managed to play around it clutch i i feel like i feel like um you know when you're queuing twos and stuff and you have a matchup that you're fighting a lot and it just feels oppressive and there's no way to win zero damage i'm sorry to jump in abby literally did zero damage actually zero damage what what was it just like csks blind into reopen what that was clinical execution right there let's switch over to the bracket and take a look this is 2-1 for uzbeki versus raiba that means if holy smokes dude was becky wins together with me or the next match that's gg this is it this is potentially the last game yeah this is potentially the last game so here yeah here's the thing i mean doesn't it feel like they had a breakthrough though like uzbeki and mira they're they're talking in comms right now and they're just saying you know they you know rival always opens like this or abhishan always does this because uh that was very decisive and uh the last game was the intro the intro into that map the entry into that map was just so claustromere the rogues man they really can make it look like it's a completely different game really i mean there's there's nothing more you know that that's the equivalent i think of a uh a perfect in street fighter you know when you are playing against a major oak and the rogue does zero damage to you but i mean i we we've said it you know we said it sort of early on in the cast when we were talking about mere and you know one of his strengths is this man has the best sap in the world maybe he's not the best work we can challenge on that but i do not think anybody is as good at sapping as him he just seems to make it effortlessly well i guess that's part of it like you said yeah but just uh the understanding of the stealth game i feel like mirror is unmatched there i i i've never seen him well maybe not never but he very very rarely gets out finessed on that stealth battle at the beginning right have you noticed that this is potentially the last match of the tournament the last match of the series grand finals this is it ryba was knocked out by mir and liz becky before he beat icy fresh in the lower bracket the loser's bracket he made it into the grand finals yes he has secured the second place but i'm pretty sure they want to secure the first place as well if they get 3-1 david let's get some hype let's see who do you want to win guys mir uzbeki or raiva amishan let's see some chat action as we have 10 seconds on the clock before we enter this match is it boys maybe the final one send them your energy send them your enemies there's some goku abishan pushing out the gate mirror already sprinting and we can see avishan is going to actually pull back all the way over there not really exactly oh and he gets sapped from me right there how did meera see him from there what blink shadow step deep into the starting room and gets him look there was a polymorph on his becky as well and that is going to be blizzard to slow him down and there is a frost balloon was becky he they're not allowing him to really join the fight because mir is also nepali and they're going to reopen on mir right there early pain suppression uzbek is not allowing any meaningful damage gonna go through right there and as you can see he's still very very chunky and healthy ps is gonna go down right now mir wants to take revenge onto river oh and the md to dispel that ice block from the river and there you go there is that manuscript there is a frost board i believe but that's not going to do much there is one eviscerate on the table that is going to execute river and secure him the winner spot oh my god he gets killed from him and this is it all she wrote wow oh man congratulations to mira news becky wow the the dave the the man the overlords continue to reign supreme right you know it's true what they say uh about mir and and is becky man they're just they're beast mode man indeed they are and let's take a look a little bit on the bracket in the post analysis of the tournament let's have a nice transition yup let's go to the leaderboard man that's all she wrote huh that's all she wrote right there you have your champions you have your second place you have your third place first place was becky with mir winning the tournament second place riva and then third place icy fresh wow let's mention let's mention that i want to give a shout out before before before we go anywhere i want to give a shout out as well uh to everyone that participated obviously a lot of people were knocked out of the tournament all the participants before anyone goes anywhere huge shout out to everyone they played their heart outs huge shout out to danny gaming we've have forgotten a little bit in the early stages you know all of the hype on turn 11 was in the blood huge shout out to danny gaming as well he played his heart out with shadow priest playing something that you don't commonly see really caitlyn thoughts i mean i've just been i've just been blown away you know time and time again um i mean i i'm trying to think of like a single a single sort of notable individual individual moment but there were just so many i mean i i think i'm still gonna have to go back to the the tornado jump from from luxie i know they got knocked out early but you know the innovation i i have never seen that done and as far as i'm concerned that is now called doing a luxie um that was just you know an absolutely fantastic innovation from him uh early on in the tournament we've seen a lot of amazing plays from so many different teams so many different players coming into this tournament let's transition into a small interview with riva the team captain of his team let's do it and here we are with driver right now rival first of all thank you for taking uh taking part in this tournament you really did play your heart out we've seen amazing performance coming out of your team but before we say anything further more i want to see some thoughts coming from you i mean is as it's as easy as this he found us he win we find him we win that's the thing that's the uh that's how it goes and you elaborate a little bit more on that an amazing job rob it was amazing to watch you play bro was it was it finding the other rogue in the starting room like that is i mean we wanted to percept late this game he i mean it's like a mind game between my rug and uh me also this this game we tried to percept late and registration just gambling right like if we find him as you see we win if they find us we win uh they win you know it's like it's so orange you know you can't really do much when they found us it's so easy for them actually like they're not saying they didn't play good on they played as good as it takes like they played perfectly but we without the opener it's we cannot win if they have the opponent they win if we have the opener yeah that's where we can that's uh yeah we can win but but it was a it was a nice game i guess i don't know i mean you know you'll be a bit disappointed you know do you think that there's just you know completely no alternative other than going for the opener on the road you know is going you know is the fact that becky is a dwarf in particular is that you know is that the reason you just feel that the priest is not a non-option or is his priesthood an option irregardless of of race thing is we wanted to go priest one game but uh yeah as you said he's dwarf so it's like a counter for us it's not a black counter but thing is if he feels my rock it's the end of the game i you know my my uh sorry my rug has to clog the fear oh we need to do something about the fear right it's like cia so i don't know and uh we got so unlucky man i don't know that's they played well but we got so unlucky i mean it's as i said it's a mind game between me and navision we've seen a lot of good performance coming from you as well rava nothing to be ashamed of you really played your heart out and once again many things to you as well participating in the tournament now i want to give a huge shout out to you as well riva uh before i do that you are going to get a whopping amount of how much cargos 100 bucks man plus i got the rxp thing right yes yes of course oh that's nice you're getting a premium license of uh our xp or with my yeah i wanted to thank you guys for the tournament because uh like it was a really good uh tournament well organized uh i was watching you know when i was not playing i was watching it and you guys did that uh really good job and also ggs tools becky and mir they played really good as i said it's rng but this is just gbc right it's just the match up this is like you know what i mean i'm i'm getting a bit um frustrated when we we lose because of the rng but it is what it is you know and they played really good they deserve the win and uh ggs to mirroring speaking and also also to my teammate he never played on the beta before like this right it's his first game on the beta so oh wow would that be a great partner yeah dude he was he made some amazing plays man yeah yeah i was really really impressed by it what a great rogue yeah river if people want to find you or you're too wet to partner where should they go uh i mean my stream is rivaled that and my rock doesn't stream so he doesn't have any twitch but yeah my stream is rivaled but people know i think i mean i don't know i hope so i would hope so too but in the case they do not know yeah guys like twitch.tv slash rival an amazing mage player that that we've seen on that note thanks thanks again guys thanks again for everything for inviting me thank you for coming and thank you for participating thanks thanks man thanks guys we're going to transition now in the post-game interview with uzbeki representing the team who's becky and mir you know i'm just representing the russian the russian uh tbc community as well the eastern front yeah and there we go ooze are you with us looks like he's going back to bed boys he's he's won his tournament he's going back to sleep all in a day's work easy class yeah let's see if we can uh potentially maybe get mirror um mirror as well uh i believe mira is here mir are you here yes amazing thank you for joining us before we uh transition into post game interview first and foremost absolute huge congratulations to you best of three you smashed it best of five you smashed congratulations you are the winner of the grand finals of this 2v2 tournament sponsored by rested xp what would you like to say what would you like to see in front of the audience uh i'm not sure about the audience but i'd like to say do you guys just thank you for hosting a nice tournament and i hope there will be more in the future absolutely brother i've never met you before here i mean you're a legend dude it's nice to meet you man it's so cool to watch you play and uh thank you so much for participating i know it's not the biggest tournament but many more to come this is a kind of a proof of concept for us and uh oh man tbc esports arena the future is bright um no i agree it was a really fun tournament and you know hopefully we can get a lot more on tvc this is already the i think it's it's the third tournament right yes the third tournament so far on the beta so it's looking up a lot of people hosting a lot of tournaments it's looking super good for you know a tbc player like me so yeah i'm just very grateful so i've got two questions actually the first one is are you aware that in the blade's edge arena match um abhishan actually did zero damage the entire game that the scoreboard is zero damage yeah i yes he didn't get the play unfortunately you sound very careful about that you know very upset for him yeah but unfortunate trinket there but and then it happens the the other thing is is like when when we started this tournament very early on when we were talking about you one of the things that got brought up was that you are i think renowned throughout the community at this point of being the master of saps you know how are you capable of basically sapping rogues time and time and time again do you live next to the server is that what it is you just got a cable out your window to the server i mean it just comes with experience honestly i've been playing this game for a very long time and eventually you know i've only ever really played rogue two so eventually when you've been playing enough rogue you just start to sort of develop like a sort of you know i'm not sure what to call it but like like an ipad you know you constantly look for people to exit out of combat this is something that's that comes naturally when you've been playing rogue for such a long time as i have and i think the same goes for a lot of the top rogue players well i know i know definitely something that that always stands out to me when you players yeah you get these these impossible saps that this you know always blows away and uh it's been an absolute pleasure to cast today and uh yeah congratulations to the purview been phenomenal yeah thank you thank you as well from me obviously this is the first um just a couple of words for me this is the first tournament that i tried to organize shoutcast worked um a little bit of pressure you know 300 pounds of pressure but um dealing with it uh four hours 20 minutes event 420 pretty sure icyfresh likes that number right now i apologize for any technical difficulties or any delays or any misinterpretations that have happened uh during the games if i have misinterpreted something mirror please don't hate me like you the games are really really fast sometimes it's cs into chaos and to drink it into blind and and it just gets really really fast like your games are really really fast that being said normally there's a lot of stuff going on there is there is this is the first event we are organizing i just want to disclose that so you know i know we have some fans we have some haters all i'm doing is i'm asking for a little bit of consideration if it is possible even on the internet i was watching games in between our games and honestly it seemed really good i liked the commentary it seemed really really solid i'd say you guys did a great job i appreciate it that means a lot dude thank you so much man it was really really fun it was a great day do it again sometime it is a great day four hours 20 minutes um i would say we are solidly two hours over not two hours maybe hour and a half didn't expect to take this long so i apologize two and a half hours to me mate it's a two and a half hours mir rested xp will be giving you two hundred dollars well technically to us becky's he's the team captain but your team has one two hundred dollars and a premium license for arrested xp leveling guide slash add-on that is your reward as the grand finalist for this one i hope thank you so much i hope you are going to have fun using wrestle xp as well i know you're a veteran leveling yourself maybe it's going to be different approach maybe you want to give it a giveaway on one of your streams speaking of which if people want to see a stream where should they go my stream correct it's a miral xd m-i-r-l-o-l-x-d you heard it ladies and gentlemen you can find mir on twitch.tv mirlol xd and i believe you can find uzbeki at twitch.tv slash usb uzb uzb i right who's buzz bob b who's busby who's buzz buzzby say that say that's five times fast yeah yeah who's busy yeah should we wrap it up for it i believe should we wrap it up last couple of words from the sponsor from yourself before we go into complete rap mode car goes to mikey's yeah we can yeah we'll let you go mirror man thanks again bro um yeah thank you guys bro take care thanks for watching everybody seriously uh this is kind of the proof of concept sorry for any uh technical difficulties we'll try to get more features in the future stuff like instant replay how cool would that be more infographics just give it that esports feel make it fun and you know the future is kind of in our hands with the tbc esports i feel like maybe blizzard won't um step up and try to do a bunch of tournaments and leagues and stuff so i'll be starting up a fall arena league um with a big like a decent prize pool and trying to get everybody involved in that so that's coming and uh let's make it happen guys a renaissance of what about vp you'd love to see that i'm saying for tuning in yeah if you want to check out rest of xp last thing i'll say i promise it's a it's a leather leveling guide so we have an in-game add-on points around with an arrow uh we have dungeon cleave guides 1 to 70 guides for both alliance and horde all classes um give it a shot it's at rest at xp.com that's pretty much it though thank you fart for for putting this together man one thing i was going to say is where can they find you caitlyn as well caitlyn and farc for uh for my viewers they don't they might not know caitlyn you have the privilege uh well they can find me it's uh twitch.tv caitlyn underscore tv or you can find me on youtube at tp caitlyn excuse me for interruptions caitlyn underscore uk so yeah so he's underscore everyone's got tv these days yeah yeah so it is i know my channel i'm good at this uh yes katelyn underscore uk on twitch i do apologize and there's a tpk little on on youtube so yeah if you want to see uh some high level shaman arena uh whether it's guides whether it's talk about mechanics uh particular matchups threes twos that's all on youtube if you wanna see rested xp in practice on a shaman level and currently then yeah you can find me on twitch uh most days thank you so much for um for joining us in this event caitlyn thank you for being a a support of this event and thank you for joining us uh shoutcaster on the desktop it's been an absolute pleasure mate and the two of you have absolutely completely bossed this it's been you know uh far exceeded the expectations both in you know production commentary and just a pure place that we've got to witness today i i can honestly say wholeheartedly i think that the future for tbc arena is looking incredibly bright right about now well said my friend what about you where can the people find you over on my stream if you don't mind you can find me on twitch.tv slash farc underscore tv um right now there is no pvp action going on stream you can find me leveling my paladin which in the future i'm going to be playing shockadin so if you want to see some cool one-shot tricks from shakkadin in 2v2 or 3v3 you can check me out there featuring tbc once to have that set up and if not then we're going to be pumping some prod action uh you can also find me on youtube farc gaming i post uh cool little videos so far there are only two there's a little bit of product gearing guide and shocked in pvp clips stuff like that pretty much uh involving about paladin in the future let's see if we can um get any other pvp content on this channel as well sounds good sounds good thank you again for the event man i'm gonna sign out here folks thank you for watching i'm gonna send you over to someone and uh likewise thank you so much again guys take care chat i'm also going to uh give me one second before i find uh my host button everything is a bit laggy um currently yeah chat thank you again so so much for who everyone who joined everyone who participated who watched there's still a bunch of you in the chat huge event huge thing small step for a man i'm gonna be hosting a real blast he plays he plays uh shades is there i see fresh is there chicken is there obviously we have a little bit of less traffic right now yo shout out to all of you i'm gonna contact all of you we're in the chat right now um i'll be talking with you lead star is there it's nice to see you guys four hours 30 minutes to the clock obviously i am very much drained i'm gonna add the stream i'm gonna host a real blast i will be contacting you uh to get your impressions in about five minutes yeah i'm sending you over to paladin he's still leveling his paladin he's a very good retribution paladin i would dare to say one of the best pve retribution paladins going into tbc dropping a dropping a host say hi in my name guys a little bit of far club over there on that note fark out yo you're done man
Channel: Fark Gaming
Views: 2,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, tbc, TBC PVP, TBC ARENA 2v2, Wow tbc arena, wow tbc tournament 2v2, tournament 2v2 wow, wow 2v2 tournament, TBC tournament, wow tbc, wow mage, wow paladin, wow shaman pvp, wow rogue pvp, wow priest pvp, tbc priest, tbc rouge, wow mir, wow rivah, tbc rivah, tbc mir, 2v2 pvp tournament wow, 2v2 wow, 2v2 arena, arena tbc 2v2, world of warcraft tbc, world of warcraft, burning cursade, the burning crusade, classic burning crusade, classic tbc 2v2
Id: KraClo3MEmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 268min 36sec (16116 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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