INTO THE SPIDER'S DEN! Asmongold's D&D Campaign | ft. Mcconnell & Rich (Episode 5)

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Let's go, been waiting for this for a week!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Leoleus77 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

100% Hype!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Budget_Individual393 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
and and then i say son do not be scared i am your father and i name you miss [ __ ] i asked him i said rich is this your kid this is my this is my [ __ ] he's my boy i love him very much i will teach him how to be a man okay let me teach you something rich this is how i deal with it whenever i find out somebody some kid is mine i run away immediately as i see this unholy stinky abomination in front of me okay i run up to it and i immediately immediately hit it with my sword and and i'm gonna do it smite i'm going to do it what is wrong with you man unfortunately it does not hit you throw it with all your might directly at it see your javelins stick out of it now my shit's more powerful than you mcdonald my literal poop that's more powerful than it was a javelin not my sword dumbass who is responsible for this literal [ __ ] i tell her that all the good parts about this problem are because of me and all the bad parts are because of rich and mcconnell look at the lady obviously she's important and it's i apologize profusely profusely for my friend okay very hard profusely apologize big time don't throw us out are you the three idiots looking for an aussie you guys got me tomorrow oh we are the three idiots your friend ozzy over here seems to be ready to give you a some sort of job ozzy what's the first place i need to go to find out what's going on with these these cows and pigs and [ __ ] yeah point us in the right direction come back in one piece because that information is worth far more than gold do you guys understand me how could it be more valuable if the other thing is literally gold though aussie just bursts out laughing and you can smell something weird but you can smell what seems to be food cooking it seems like you're not alone in this forest i immediately get excited and i want to go and get the food she'll have a little bit of a campfire and rest but the the dirt seems to be moved around a little bit and out of the corner of your eyes you realize there are some wares in the bushes i say literally real close i'll i'll be like yo whose [ __ ] is that and i will point at it rich you notice something these people are missing why would they need to be less on their toes if they're going to be hunting and secondly something strikes you very odd about that thing they were just telling aspen then why would they be smoking with you guys something is off and you're noticing something that asman and mcconnell have not caught on to okay i think that these guys are lying in weight i think that these guys are lying in weight i think that they're abandoned i look all of them in the eyes and i say i have lost a son but from you i will take everything and i cast arms of a dar wait don't have to roll in this you do have to roll initiative that is one hell of a diamond initiative rich stands up and says that's bold words from some within shanking distance as they all start to kind of get up and move around if you they're definitely cutting your escape off i don't know what you were thinking man i i actually don't know what do you mean what it was he thinking you literally you just [ __ ] ran up to god that random people in a [ __ ] forest that has loot around them you didn't inspect them you didn't investigate you didn't do an inside check you did not what'd you think i was there to make friends i wanted the sausage and i wanted i wanted their stuff man sausage goddamn right and we are back again today this saturday joined of course as always with rich mcconnell and riku d20 as our dungeon master how you guys doing good man i uh you know it's been a crazy week i've been uh you know life's changed a lot i've been trying to pick up some new hobbies and stuff i actually uh i've gotten really into astrology the the the chicks really dig it they love to talk about it really yeah i've gotten super into it i i actually like watching the recap i i was actually i was dying because i realized that all the chicks that we've met in this campaign they've all been under the same sign really what sign is that for rent it's true actually yeah hey that's good enough that's the best sign to be in mcconnell how you doing good great so yeah anyway we've had a really really good week obviously been playing a lot of final fantasy mcconnell's actually talked to me off screen about how he's going to start playing it and i'm excited about that hey guys ricky d20 here and just call me riku it's a lot easier now for those of you that were last time probably understand a little bit about where rich is coming from and hey it's good to see you again for those of you that are new and just joining us for the first time welcome it's nice to meet you as has been said i'm the dungeon master for this campaign but what does that mean now these three gentlemen here they control everything about the characters a barbarian a warlock and a paladin but i i controlled the world from the from the weather to the trees to the friends and their foes to everything that they'll see and everything that they'll know but i'm no one scary i'm not trying to get him shanked by a bunch of bandits before they can cast a single spell or anything i'm just a humble storyteller and what a story it's been so far rich named his poop spawn miss [ __ ] which ran amok in the heaven's heel but it died as it lived trapped in one of the finest brothels in the land they dodged the wrath of the owner aided by aussie their job contact on the island who gave them both their choice of mission and a hundred gold per person up front with the promise of 100 more when to succeed and return to him safely they said fought to investigate a strange eerie set of occurrences happening in the forest spooking the wildlife and the farm life as well but along the way asman's nose picked up food and they shared some sailgrass with a bunch of campers but rich grew suspicious and realized that these may be bandits or something up to no good and still racked with the grief of losing mischief he began to get ready to drop some fat aoe damage surrounded by foes how will he get out of this i wonder well that's not my call to make you boys ready to roll some dice yeah yeah i'm ready yeah i'm [ __ ] ready let's do it yep okay all right so here's where we la last left off as you can see we got our uh our clothy warlock surrounded by a bunch of appointee daggers they're kind of getting ready to go now now rich i'm not gonna lie this is a pretty rough situation and uh we have to roll initiative because we're about to go into battle unfortunately casting spell takes time you can't really get the drop on them but but tell you what now i normally don't roll things in the open okay because that involves me having to display some of the math and some of the statistics of each of these enemies and that gives your characters information they shouldn't have but you're taking a pretty big gamble here and i think we can work out a little bit of an advantage for you so here's what i'm going to do i'm going to deny the initiative bonus to all these monsters just this time as a one-off rule and i'm gonna have them roll out in the open where these die slay may dictate how many attacks you take before we get your spell off it could be a matter of life and death so what do you say let's let the dice fall where they may cause this bargain all right you gotta see them rolling and we will see if you are hating now i'm gonna be rolling from i'm rolling from left to right starting with this uh this guy in this nice dapper purple short and i'm gonna be rolling them we're gonna have them roll initiative first and then we're gonna have you guys roll in order so first off here we go go just a 1 d20 for for for grand daddy perps and he rolls a 7. it's a funny roll lucky in all the wrong ways all right next one this nice big chunky guy over here let's see what he rolls nice all right bam should have gone on diet looks like a fortune is uh favoring your boldness this uh this one over here it's got one person rolling high and now we're at the last one the one right next to you i can take one stab it ain't that big a deal here we go well how about two though how about two hey man average it's average well now all i have to do is roll what uh the there was a seven it was a one and a seven so as long as i roll a five i only get hit by two here we go all right [Music] i win i literally win i literally win two plus two one i literally it's about [ __ ] time something went right in my life yes okay do i get to roll for initiative now both of you can roll for initiative all right all right i'm going for it let's go well i got a big one too right oh come on man [Music] that's uh we roll up to a seven for mcconnell and up to a 13 for asmin not a bad spread but that's uh that is um well hey that was not scripted that was uh that was all left unbelievable let me add turns up for your uh bandit uh friend's turn foes i guess and we'll be ready to begin just give me a quick second guys he rolls up to a 19 in this one last one you just have to believe in yourself sometimes you have to do the thing that's not easy sometimes you got to be a man okay i'm a man you're going to die okay and now uh oh we have to make sure that your things get updated properly i'm gonna do one last check just to make sure we are good the first one up will be uh rich and mcconnell you rolled a seven so i will make sure that you are updated all right it's looking good so you had a a spell in mind uh when uh we last called secession rich you want to walk us through it one more time yes so the spell which i will be using is called arms of hadar i invoke the power of hadar the dark hunger tendrils of dark energy erupt from you and batter all creatures within 10 feet of you each creature in the area must make a strength save throw on a failed save the target takes 2d6 of necrotic damage and can't take uh reactions until the next turn on a successful save the creature takes half the damage but suffers no other effect now can i go yeah okay so uh as as i'm as i'm surrounded by it by these i'm presuming shirtless bandits i my eyes at first are looking at their eyes their hands trying to understand the moves which they're going to make but out of the corner of my eye i see on the forest a piece of [ __ ] i'm filled with the pain of my lost son miss [ __ ] and a single tear begins to well up in my eye it falls to the ground and as it does only darkness can be seen on the ground as the tear hits that darkness it ripples out and those ripples turn into an ever growing gyre of [ __ ] hands grasp out from the ground in the memory of my long-lost son and i throw my head back in the air and say and i cast arms of attar oh yes if you if you click on your character sheet for arms of vidar in your main menu there is it'll automate the damage rules for you we got that for you uh last time so let's see let's see how we get and they will roll their saves how do i how do i do that uh if you go to the first page in your character sheets yes in core uh boom not bad at all and they have oh oh i rolled a five on the one okay okay okay so they're going to have to save against drenth and we'll go in the same order as we did initiative purple guy first he rolls up to a 19. he saves but he takes half damage which is three okay all right that's not too bad good job rich [Music] rolls up to a four oh and takes the full damage and has lost his reaction all right the lady next good job [Music] well it's up to a nine loses her reaction and takes full damage nice it beats it unfortunately he takes half damage and still has his reaction come on man when they don't have reaction can they not take an attack of opportunity that is correct i think their arms of adar may have really gotten you out of the sticky situation that wow all right so i basically i can now like kind of retreat back into the trees uh how far can i move you can move up to 30 feet uh remember these two did uh they did save us so they one on the diagonal like the diagonal one do they get an attack of opportunity or no uh he does but your character having known a lot of these unsavory topic characters could see this is a mage and he's currently not armed he's probably not going to mess with you if you retreat but this one next to you however uh he'll take it out he's ready to go all right cool well i uh i'm going to move 5 10 15 20 20 i'm gonna move to here you want to move back there yeah yeah i'll bait some of them towards me potentially and then you guys can just stab him in the ass okay yeah i i think you like if they if they all run towards me i mean you just get to you just get to poke them real hard so this is the part where rich dies right right if you guys want if you guys want and see what what happens if you back up into a goddamn bear or goblin yeah there could be more guys over there dude okay good point yeah the only reason that i was going that way was because if they all ran towards me i could uh i could do a cone attack on them with like fire but i'll i'll just go back uh 5 10 15 20 25 i'll i'll just go back here behind you guys good call teamwork yep that's uh that's a good 30 feet of thing and you're gonna take one attack of opportunity as he draws his short sword and swings at you what's he do what's he do come on come on he's going to hit rich real hard richard asked me dude doing that heated and deleted the smell of uh your arms of a door just run afoul of the forest around you and as you're taking a step back you start to cough and you slow down a little bit but out of the corner of the eye you can see a short sword just darting at you as he struggles past of the tentacles wrapping up his arms while the others are restrained his barely grazes your hair you take no damage and are able to retreat with impunity come on god damn dude you should have been dead dude that was no i was that was well played i played it well that was all me man that was all me i knew it i knew i was gonna be fine i didn't even down for a second you believed in the heart of the dice and the dice rewarded him i did i did all right and now we move on to this next bandit's turn she's struggling against these tentacles from the arms of a dark spell that is are starting to give away she reaches into her pocket and pulls out what you recognize very clearly is a gem no are you gonna eat this one too rick no richard what color is the gem the color looks like a mix of both purple and green which you know you've taken a little bit of art classes those don't mix very well they're swirling into each other like some kind of energy vortex and she calls out yeah [ __ ] this [ __ ] and it just burst into dust in her fingers energy swirls around here pushing against the arms of the um's the hedar spell that you cast out and it starts to take shape like dark mist coalescing the air about her and it turns into this tall floating humanoid figure dressed in a cloak it's very hard to make out any facial features but you can see glowing eyes and small lines on its hands and its skins as of blowing away as if the sunlight itself is pushing its own matter back and it shouts i am free i am free [ __ ] all of you fools and before you you see the shadowy ladylike figure behind uh this enemy so it's a succubus you want to roll arcana oh god rich richard you're not gonna try to okay it's a dude uh you know you can't uh you can't assign pronouns uh to uh uh two things so you're probably probably probably not a succubus i may have to wait get to know it more uh and uh you know have a nice conversation with it it seems friendly it's just swearing loudly it's like you guys are total angels right you don't swear anything when you're in combat of course we'll be fine yeah uh not much knowledge data on whatever was summoned uh but looks kind of creepy how old is it jesus oh my god it seems uh almost 18 it seems almost ageless uh worth time and it seems to be uh summoning uh suffering from some sort of uh summoning sickness uh it does not have haste it will not be able uh to attack this turn all right any other questions yeah i risked what i needed before uh she passes her turn she moves a little bit back into the forest kind of hiding herself in the bushes a little bit trying to get behind uh this summon figure and she shouts at it some dubious commands pointing at you guys angrily and shouting for it to move but it stands still still kind of waving around in the light and now it is uh this other homie's turn he glances forward at the warlock that has escaped his sword and he realizes that the whatever advantage he may have had has now expired and combat's on he must go and go he shall he runs right up to the barbarian yeah good all right let them come let them come bring it bring them to me oh right they came he takes a strike with his first short sword up to 16 that hits and let's see how much damage he does with this attack are you sure yo as what's it feel like to get hit i went alan i haven't gotten to experience that gameplay yet it feels fine rich you wouldn't understand that because if it happened to you you'd be dead got him the short sword flickers in the light as you take a step back and you ready your great eyes for combat he's just a little bit too quick but you're able to deflect the damage a little bit but you take seven slashing damage not enough to fail you but it hurts and you can see that in the middle of his motion he's getting ready to make a second attack with the same blade yeah and this one rolls up to a 23 it hits as well [Music] and another seven damage as it lashes back against you as you're getting your position back you have taken a total of 14 damage this turn oh hey at least it was you you got the pecs of steel right uh yeah yeah i'll be happy i'll be fine be fine stop it yeah i'll be fine i'll be fine uh it's rigged anyway against me ah it's no way it's gonna happen twice jesus that was that's a lot of damage now sure you fought some goblins and some uh and some other weird stuff and they you know they're not they're not particularly intelligent but this one shouts back to his allies surround him i'm going to go for you know next as of shouting to them some kind of tactic and he skirts around you dangerously position himself close to the warlock but not quite for me he's not he's not going to be triggering any attack of opportunities and it seems like they have a plan and asman it is your turn imma beat his [ __ ] ass right now one two three are we ready to go all right i might i take my axe i'll i go right in his dick i'm gonna go right actually i'm gonna do like an uppercut you know cut him in half uppercut you're doing a normal attack a reckless attack whatever does the most damage oh oh that's interesting that you asked the question a reckless attack is more likely to hit will will make other people attack you and get more attacks in your savage strike however you will take a penalty to hit so it's less likely to hit but if it touches him it's going to deal an extra 10 damage you can click on it in your character sheet let's see what happens come on come on just don't miss i do not miss i will not miss [Applause] you missed did that hit that hit right riker that's a big miss that one hit her your savage swing and you can feel the adrenaline kicking up from your wounds and some endorphins you know it makes you feel a little bit better about that combat high but unfortunately that relaxing feeling was not quite enough because as you swing it down against or you're swinging up actually it was an uppercut right you want to cleave them in two he dances agilely almost like a scout dodging your blade as it lifts up into the air does not connect man this is so oh these dice are rigged man that's got to be what it is this dice is rigged i can't well i can't use my potion can i because that's another action you cannot use your pat uh but actually give me a perception check really fast will you okay all right i'm gonna percept percepting whoa holy [ __ ] man this is some [ __ ] [ __ ] i can't believe it this is crazy as you recover from that missed swing you know he had to do quite a lot to get out of your out of your way and he's he's not able to hide much on his person and you glance something on his body now you you know some would like to accuse you of looting very aggressive aggressively but you know this is an adventurous life for you and all of us you must know what to pick off and what's valuable and you know there is actually a bit of magical equipment out there that solves this exact question that you have and it's called a pot stone a potion in order to use it you'll usually have to you know unscrew it drink it it takes it a couple seconds it's hard to attack while i do it these potstones if you're able to infuse it with a potion you'll be able to use it as a bonus action it's a very special magical trinket and it seems like he's carrying two of them honest person not able to loot it just yet but it seems like if you're able to get some of those in your hands you may have better action economy going forward okay okay so i can't only he know this just to confirm just to confirm i can't loot right you cannot loot a living target i mean you could try to do a slit of hand as an action but honestly you would lose your attack i wouldn't recommend it but you can move uh elsewhere it is your it is your turn well if i move away then i'm gonna actually you know what how much health does rich have uh he's at 17 plus four i believe with temporary hp is that correct rich that is correct ah he'll be able to tank the guy it'll be fine all right uh yeah look dude i'll be fine but i'll be honest man this pot stone thing it sounds like a real waste of time to me i think you could do better better stuff with your day about that the pot stone uh unfortunately not no rich doesn't know anything all right actually wait a second so whoa so if if rich kills this guy and he's closer to rich rich might be able to loot him right your character would know this but their characters do not they have no idea what's wrong i'm getting in front of rich i'm like rich bro it's fine man i'll take care of this i'll get in the way i'll stop this it's okay no it's all right it's fine it's fine yeah i'm trying to and and i'll i'll say to rich i'll say i'll save you i say thanks man yeah you always have my back never once have you ever betrayed me never at at all have i ever done that my turn's over mcconnell it's on you okay uh i'd like to uh i might i see that asmin got [ __ ] up big time and uh oh man i don't i don't know if i can ask but do you do you even have a healing potion on you because maybe i could maybe i could throw you one uh yeah i have a health potion don't i have three i have two or three right no i bought two of them what uh i mean i don't remember that did you buy them or steal them i bought them off you on the ship for gold i have one healing potion left is that right you have one left that's correct so why would i give it to mcconnell if i'm about to die no i was about i was going to toss you once you could whatever all right listen what did you come in the bed how would i be in a bed how would i come into bed i'm literally in the woods what are you talking about i don't know i just read something in chat yeah what are you i'm literally in the woods yeah it's fine okay that's nasty yeah it's disgusting rich i might actually you know what i might have to move again yeah i might have to move again if rich is gonna start accusing me of this disgusting behavior that i'm not even anywhere near a bed i was just asking okay all right good i'm glad about that all right continue yeah mcconnell you were thinking uh i guess i'll i'll lay on hands uh asmin well that's your as your action yeah uh i'll give him i'll give him uh how many can i give him you can give him up to ten for today i'll give him six all right six hp back up to asthma and you're gonna have to move adjacent to him to do this which square do you want to choose a perfect one right here all right you lay your hands on him and they illuminate with holy light as you can see your friend's wounds mending right before your eyes this isn't a rank one is it this is like an actual like full casted heel this is nothing it's not spamming rank once again is he oh he's uh he's pouring a little uh small heels on you all in a moment it's good all right it's great to know awesome anything else uh let's see i did the thing and i moved uh that's that's pretty much it i think all right next we go ooh uh our little purple friend here he takes a couple of steps back and sound gets close to these trees okay now he's glancing around and surveying the situation right now and he is looking directly at the one person that he knows can cast spells just like he can fire sorts forth on his fingers and he lets loose what rich recognizes as an elementary firebolt oh he rolls a natural 20. oh my god wait a second wait a second uh i think that would be a good time to ask so if rich dies can i loot rich oh it's it's d i i can't see i can't see why not you're already holding all my [ __ ] man no no there's a few things i miss i'll just i'm just curious it's all here we go in a roll does create damage oh no oh god one okay he rolled a 10 plus a 9 all the way to 19. that is a critical fire bolt he takes aim and it hits you but you are left not with zero hp but with two because of the four temporary hp you have from your patron [Music] you're so lucky that i'm here to protect you against this other guy i'm doing this out of the goodness of my heart thanks man you're welcome how are people calling me lucky right now are you kidding me that was that lucky he didn't die how about that's pretty good huh that's gg that was uh that was very close that was one below mass damage all right but i think uh luckiness uh may be a little bit uh the wrong word to use uh because it is this big guy's turn uh he glances forward at the bolt as it just goes right past his eyes and he lets out an evil smirk dance around the battlefield and notices there is an opening [Music] oh my god he has enough movement to do that and rich he swings at you with his mace yeah big big damn as you're reeling from the burns you catch out of the corner of your eyes and is able to whist past you but you see coming towards you one more time he's able to make two attacks okay this time you're lucky he doesn't seem to be the smartest folk or the most well-trained folk seems just to be an ordinary thug and his mace misses you you still remain at 2 hp but this is a this is definitely a pretty rough situation for you and it is your turn it's my turn it is your turn rich fight the big guy i'll i'll take care of the other one fight the big guy that's the one that's close to you is there any sort of like health potion or anything like that that i could uh i'll give you a health potion but i i don't know if i i think i have to make an acrobatics check or something like that whenever it gets to my turn for me to give you a potion well at that time you'll be dead so don't worry about it yeah you're gonna be dead yeah um let me think dude my burn my burning hands are 3d6 of damage and my eldritch blast is 1d 10 plus 3 force so burning hands is going to do more okay so i i feel the pain swelling up inside of me so much so that i can barely stand but i have asthma gold at my back i take my tiefling tail and wrap it around him and like buckle in like he's wearing a little blue seat belt i use his strength to prop myself up and on his back i put my two fingers together and i let out all of my pain with a burning hands targeted at this fine gentleman right here perfect if you click on the macro in your character sheet it will automatically roll your damage big big 14 damage oh wow okay all right he has to save against dexterity or dc 13. let me take a look at his decks really fast okay all right here we go let's roll nine up yep that's it it is a yeah it's a nine he fails to save and takes 14 fire damage letting out wow a manly a but nonetheless a very pained screen he just swipes into the air a couple times with his mace uh he can't really stop drop and roll in the middle of combat unless he takes uh uh attacks of opportunities uh and uh he uh he's not having a good day that hurt him very badly got your dick hole smashed all right anything else on your turn so his urethra was smashed as jasmine said but is he is he he's still he's still standing he's still standing uh he seems to be uh pretty damaged but not down remember if you do want to move around him as long as you don't leave his attack range he will not get an attack of opportunity and asman is protecting you uh from uh the other uh scouting boy kind of behind you and and i still have the seat belt maneuver going on right now so like asmin can kind of shake and bake me too potentially um so i'm gonna i'm going to um i'm going to leave my seat belt tail around asmin's waist nice wow wait a minute so he's got his tail wrapped around my waist yes that's something that's usually reserved only for cat girls just pretend i'm a dranai their tails aren't long enough i've checked we're asked to ask right now still trust me they have back to back buddies facing a bunch of bandits and this one the one that had summoned uh this uh uh this creature beseeches it again and starts to yell at it he's like dude what the [ __ ] what are you doing why are you still here go help them uh as she shouts out and you can see that from her hands she's casting some kind of spell which seems to be aiding this creature now this may be giving it some kind of help maybe letting it attack with advantage it takes a look at first this paladin shining in light with this greatsword yeah next takes a look at this barbarian no armor two wounds but big-ass axe and finally a warlock nursing a deep burn [Music] and he but you can tell that those his eyes kind of like twitch a little bit from what you're seeing as you you're looking at this summon and he or she turns back and says okay okay no how about i add injury to insult [ __ ] you and it spits right on the summoner and immediately swings at her wait what the [ __ ] is this good [ __ ] him what okay she takes a brutal hit lets out a couple of not fun words and this thing laughs and starts to dart around kind of uh whimsically it's kind of close to you guys but it starts to float up this cliff up to the side doesn't seem to be uh really too concerned about you and it's laughing uh quite heartily uh knowing that it just uh drew a bit of blood not sure if it's a sadistic creature or just a really weird creature but it does not like being talked down to that is it do i have the ability to shout out do you come here often of course you can shout uh at it do you come here often no [ __ ] wit i was stuck in a crystal for use [ __ ] all of you mortals [ __ ] all of you i ain't doing [ __ ] humans they don't pay me enough the hell is that thing i like that guy he's great what is it he's good uh i'll actually let you guys make some checks on your turn uh because uh it moved out she spent her entire turn uh trying to guide it and cast something on it which it refused uh she's still down uh sorry she's still up uh she's not down yet but she took a heavy hit from it all right this this homie over here sees what's going on now he can he knows wounded enemy while he looks at it he glances at the paladin sees his greatsword and decides to take a calculated risk goffing at him he moves next to you trigger or do you want to take an attack of opportunity mcconnell wait me or asmin oh um uh he not asvin uh yet but uh mcconnell uh he left your uh your range so you can swing at him with your greatsword with your rapper oh yes yes i would okay do i do it now don't mess this up dude do not mess this up yeah of course i'm gonna [ __ ] hit him all right go ahead and make an attack with your greatsword oh yeah not too bad and that will hit go ahead and roll your damage big not bad nice [Music] all right that is up to 11 damage that's good good job he saw that smirk in his eyes and you were not having any of his cheek you dig deep into his side uh with that great sword just with a very short stroke you know how to handle some of these uh these more agile uh folks on the battlefield now that you've gotten used to how this combat is flowing but he still stands and he's able to move another five feet next to rich and this one oh no richard hey richard his first attack goes up to a nine thus missing but oh my god he has turned his second attack this is his last one rich rich oh no it's can i um before i go down can i take the undead butt plug and use it on myself i don't know if you can do it but you could as a reaction get it ready for someone else to take from your hands if you'd like remember you're not dead once you go down i take out the i take out the dead plug if i can't jam it anywhere then i'm just holding it all right he's gonna die with a butt plug in his hand oh my god all right all right go ahead i always knew this was how it was gonna go down you dodge you dodged the first blast but you can kind of see your life flash before your eyes you're not quite quick enough to dodge the second one and it takes you to zero hp you are down you are dying but you are not out starting your next turn you will have to make uh debt saving throws but asmin it is your turn [ __ ] them up asmin all right can i do another savage swing all right you can definitely use a savage swing okay um i don't think i mean there's no way that this would go badly there's no way i think i do another big savage swing right at this next guy i see him take out rich i say nah [ __ ] not today and i do the swing can i roll it yes go for it can i do a rage and then attack at the same time yes your rage is a bonus action you can first enter a raid and then choose your attack and remember you can combo savage swing with reckless attack what does that mean attacking savage swing that means you get to willingly choose advantage on your savage swing thus making it more likely to hit to offset the the drawback okay remember other people get extra hits on you that's fine i'll be fine mcconnell will just heal me it's okay um all right yeah that's just fine all right so it was i'm gonna use rage i'll pop her age i'm doing i'm doing big dick damage and so i want to hit him with my savage swing with advantage is that right that is correct savage swing with advantage come on all right give me a minute all right here we go i'm not gonna miss uh it's an 18. all right go ahead and roll your damage nice all right all right that's what i [ __ ] thought give me one second i'm gonna do all my damage all right here we go big numbers big damage let's go come on come on big numbers let's see it oh now you rolled low but remember that savage stream gives you a huge bonus to your attack you go all the way up to 17 plus two more from your rage up to 19 damage now i need to ask you an honest question are you trying to kill this guy or are you just trying to knock him out i'm trying to delete i'm trying to eat and delete him all right i'm gonna cut him in half it's murder what what do you mean murder that's murder what do you mean bro who says who says [ __ ] me because rich started this there this is literally self-defense from them we start with this don't put this on me shut up you're [ __ ] dead shut up don't put this [ __ ] on me you're dead you can't [ __ ] you need somebody they summoned the demon that rehearses more than everyone you're you think i'm gonna let this guy survive after he did a double attack on me for 14 damage he's done man like we'll let one of them survive maybe maybe we started this you can't just [ __ ] murder people yeah of course you can why not i don't know i don't feel good about it rich started this and there's it's self-defense from them why not it's fine do it all the time i mean technically mccall can say whatever he wants but it is asman's turn his character and his movie very true i mean look it the guy i you want to talk about self-defense the guy hit me twice i'm hitting him once okay i i healed you bro i know i didn't even have to do that i could have let you [ __ ] keel over bro i wouldn't have keeled over i wouldn't take it i would have been fine man yeah i'd have been i'd have been [ __ ] fine it's okay i [ __ ] hit him for 19. i do i i i'm going to kill all right now if he just took that first slash uh from mcconnell which hit pretty hard and he's still reeling he's still catching his balance uh from knocking down uh your homie rich as he glances back you can see his foot buckles not due to any leg injury but simply because he's starting to cough up blood and your axe has found its way home now asmin tell me how does this end i think that right as he's coughing up blood is he's like looking down to cough it up my ax catches his throat and just slices his [ __ ] head off and roll it does you actually deal more damage than his threshold for instantaneous death he does not get any death saves or any of that crap he is beheaded well done one enemy down and anything else you'd like to do with your turn i hold my hand out to mcconnell like this for a high five i ignore it i go like this i high-fived myself all right uh you can't really loot him at the exact moment after that attack but um he's well i mean you already got a glance of some of the stuff on him so but that's probably not good i'll do it perfect all right mcconnell it's on you i look over at the body of this dude and disgust i look at asmin with absolute disdain and i i don't like it at all but we're in the middle of combat and i gotta do what i gotta do so i rush to rich's side right over here okay and uh can i attack this this guy right here from from this uh square yes you certainly can all right i'll uh i'll attack him one more time with my uh great sword and uh see what i can do all right i guess uh not a lot okay you still tried good friend the sight of that head rolling uh the grief of this uh wants an action rolls heavily on your conscience and your great sword does not connect as his mace deflects it off to the side thanks a lot asmin your [ __ ] heinous axe what weighed so heavily on my mind that i missed my attack [ __ ] nice one look maybe you shouldn't be a [ __ ] then it'd be fine how am i the [ __ ] you just [ __ ] cut someone's head off for no reason if you gave him the high five and then leave him hanging you might have had an advantage man this is this is [ __ ] attractive okay you know what you wanna do this i just wanna play soccer i take the i take the decapitated head and i kick it over at mcconnell i'll let that happen out of combat sure you play a little bit soccer with the head it rolls to his feet just add a little bit of uh insult to insult at this point you're kicking around heads while i'm supposed to be your guy's best boy and i'm on the ground dead you're kicking heads i'm not kicking it i'm not kicking it he kicked it and i tried to save you don't get it [ __ ] twisted uh-huh man asmin you're like yeah mcconnell you did try to say me you're right i might be dead but i'm still keeping track now this other homie up here sees what just transpired and says holy [ __ ] those are not guards [ __ ] this he shoots one last firebolt at the barbarian good all right look come on brain bring it on bring it on it's not going to hit anyway i'm not worried about it it's up to a 17 which will hit with another nine damage he sinks a bolt of fire into your side as you finish yourself high five just right between your axes kind of hits you in the gut doesn't burn in still a pretty savage burn but you know nothing a little bit of r r can't fix and he starts to take off in the other direction my car will heal me oh now you want to heal yeah i need a heal i need to he heal me mcconnell i bet you do he and i i don't take half damage from that because it's a magic attack right uh it is magic it's fire damage yes uh yeah that will unfortunately get uh it will bypass uh your resistance from rage but this thug uh seems to be uh seeing what's going on he's he heard the word [ __ ] this uh and he's just like wait uh well i got one of the person lesson he sees that you're pretty injured he's going to move into the square of rich's unconscious body send you to back really fast just so i can actually see you but i'll do that after this and he will go ahead and swing wildly at asmin ten plus four to fourteen what is your ac asmin uh i think it's 15. so that does not hit and once again with this mace desperately uh trying to knock you down so it gets to and oh there that's definitely not gonna hit uh he misses both in his wild rage and says you killed timothy dude what the [ __ ] rich it is your turn you can go ahead and make a death save what do i roll you just uh click on the debt save thing in your character sheet uh just try not to roll a one you succeed you can feel your patron begging back to you not to bring you into the darkness but to expunge you forth from it you can feel your consciousness starting to come back you have one success [Music] the other one however notices very well that her ally is counting on her to jump in looks back at the wizard that is running away and looks down at her own wounds and says dude this has been a [ __ ] day i'm out peace 5 10 15 20 25 30. if she moves one set and then dashes again to move another 30 feet and maybe i shouldn't hit these guys she dashes deeper into the forest the summoner yeah she is uh she has dash off the map uh you cannot see her from your current position anymore but you know she may still be around uh the uh the summon uh just sits down uh for a little bit and laughs uh before deciding you know hey it may be time to go uh [ __ ] that guy anyway his head doesn't look too good and well we'll see if his homie uh he only survives and he starts to retreat into the shadows more at a casual pace seems like he's kind of bored of you what a capricious creature but you can tell he's not too far off all right asmin it is your turn okay all right so that guy he's upset that i killed his friend that is correct well good good i'm glad you just killed a norman i'm gonna do it again his name's timothy it was timothy now it's soccer ball savage swing again at this guy all right another reckless attack oh yeah oh yeah a hundred percent like no there's no no excuses i'm not stopping i'm going i'm going all in on this it's gonna miss you're no this one's like this you're too reckless i roll this one with advantage is that right that is correct about to get destroyed absolutely [ __ ] destroyed yep that definitely hits go ahead and roll your damage okay all right i'm rolling the damage now there's not gonna be enough damage oh yes it will that's a lot of [ __ ] damage a lot of damage that is a lot of damage all right you rear back with your axe now you're starting to get in the flow of things you've been mixing your range your reckless attack and your savage swings you're starting to feel the path of the barbarian man this is better than those test campaigns where you had a sword in the shield this is feeling good and you well actually are you trying to subdue him or are you trying to kill him um okay how technical can i get with this you literally just choose which one you want okay all right how about i injure him with a mortal wound so we can still talk to him well i no it's fine i'll just syndrome we'll kill him later it's fine can i still loot him always alive though of course if he's subdued yeah all right all right yeah yeah sure is this corpse now on top of my body it's about to be uh because asmin uh just rotates his great axe so that the fight let me cut off one of his legs so we don't get away okay sure yes uh you you just straight lop off one of his legs legs leading him to a mortal wound he will fall to the ground he is out of combat uh but we'll say he can stabilize him uh as he's screaming and bleeding saying oh god timothy they got me flash wound it's okay it's uh he is out of combat mcconnell uh the guy is mortally wounded uh but it looks like combat is wrapping up uh how do you want to do the other guy's running away uh you're gonna try to attend to this dude's wound if he bleeds out he bleeds out and he dies uh yeah i guess i'll give him [ __ ] two two of the four left all right you're helping the enemy yes but it's the enemy we do you see how much loot he wasn't the enemy until you randomly decided to [ __ ] with them no it's because rich did it and then they attacked me i didn't do a [ __ ] thing and he's immediately going on me give him give him the two give him the two damn it why did you use it on me it's gonna be a waste you started this [ __ ] i'll i'll help you later all right you give him two hp and you stabilize his conscious uh consciousness and you can see your light just plug in uh the big gaping uh femoral artery this is currently hemorrhaging all over the thing and uh it's it's it's nice and compressed seems like he'll be stable for a bit as he screams in pain and his friend continues to run into the darkness and has disappeared from battle the battle has concluded you have triumphed uh with one fallen one severely injured it's on you guys we're out of combat not for long because i walk over immediately to asmin yeah i [ __ ] deck him right in the face go ahead and make an unarmed attack save me you literally have healed in every single combat you've healed npcs before oh my god [Music] okay i i see what you're trying to do and i reach down and i take my axe and i cut the guy's other leg a little bit this is not justice this is not [ __ ] cool [ __ ] justice is for losers loot is for winners i reached down by the guy that's underneath him timmy all right you start looting a timmy now there's um yeah go ahead and roll investigation for me first oh yeah absolutely [Music] you're learning the corpse that's on top of me yeah yeah yeah you don't even like shake me or put a potion in my mouth i mean you're all right yeah you go back immediately uh you rolled uh up to a six a seven down one uh to a six uh you remember those pop stones that you saw first and you're like oh first let me go get that uh it's a little bit latched in uh so it takes you a little bit while and as you're getting you know uh uh yelled out a little about the others and you can see uh which is groaning underneath it um you get a little bit distracted you get two potstones and you're able to pull out seven gold i put it in my pocket it's um the that is a which you get off him you look at his short sword doesn't look particularly great no probably not worth salvaging and holding holding stuff on uh but you do remember or i guess uh you did call it out you pointed out and shouted to everyone these people had a bunch of stuff in the bushes now when we're out of combat if you guys are are trying to just loot around we can do this with an overall um investigation check from all three we'll assume uh that uh the rich gets back to his feet uh because i'm assuming you're gonna help him stabilize a bit maybe give him like one hp or something are they i mean that's it otherwise he could he's unconscious or you give him one hp it's up to you mcconnell oh other healing potion that's now you're down three healing potions [Music] can i do that yes do you give him a healing potion uh you can use leon hands if you have any charges left or yeah that's a good one seven hp you are back up on your feet rich i the first thing i see when i open my eyes is mcconnell holding me like a baby can i take an opportunity can i take a looting of opportunity [Music] uh who are you trying to loot uh the bushes and pretty much anything but i mean like specifically the bushes when we do the camp wide search i'll let you go first how about that okay all right all right so if i can't do that right now that's fine can i just loot the guy while he did i cut his leg off of i guess there jason sure uh go ahead and make another um make another uh investigation check okay okay six minus one a two five uh in all his screaming uh and stuff you're you're having a you're having a little bit of trouble looting him uh but just just like let him let shot him to stay still a little bit uh you rough him up a little bit and you're able to receive another 14 gold and a small uh letter uh which it's written uh in common and uh it's uh it seems to be uh the start of uh some uh kind of uh maybe a poem or a song or some kind of lyrics and it reads uh a letter to my unborn i give it to rich i get i want to give it to rich that way he could give it to to his little next poop baby because i can't i can't read okay so no i can't read i as i come to and now the first thing i see is mcconnell feeding me like a mother bird um i and asmin handing me the letter i put the letter in my pocket before i read it with my left hand and in my right hand i'm still holding the blood the butt plug of undeath and i say to mcconnell i go you've shown me the way of the light and i will try not to stray as far as i have in the past but as i'm distracting him with that like and all of that mumbo jumbo i kind of like roll over and you can't see the butt plugs in my hand and i act like i'm just trying to get up and i stab the dead guy that's like right under me with the butt plug and like use it to prop myself up and get up uh does it do anything does it resurrect him it's a let's first have you make a slight of hand contested by mcconnell's perception [Applause] [Music] you are able to get it in uh you rolled up to eight i think was eleven plus two to thirteen and he rolled an eight down one two seven you are able so you're just gonna sync it directly into the chest just like you saw in that first episode where you looted this thing from yeah yeah but i'm making it look like i'm just doing everything in my power to get up but but i'm uh and are you doing this on the guy who got his leg cut off and is still alive or are you doing the guy that got beheaded i have a corpse on top of me right uh no that dude is uh is is now alive he was stabilized by mcconnell but there is one right next to you that you could roll over and do that same equip this one's been beheaded yeah i'll do the beheaded one okay gotcha so you roll over uh you're talking mcconnell who's a little bit distracted with everything that's going on you're able to sink it in and you can feel a little spurt of blood as it gets deep into his chest and it you can tell that it starts to vibrate a little bit and it seems to start working its way in very slowly and that's that's what you see happening at the current moment i let it go all right what happens now remember uh it he is face up which means if you break a line of sight for example to loot the camp you run the risk of your party members finding what you just did yeah yeah i i i i lit i whisper i go rise timmy rise all right i guess you'll be sitting there uh and yeah so now you guys wanted to loot uh the camp so now we're gonna do this as a passive kind of thing you guys can choose to take a short rest after this if you'd like so asmin we'll have you go first uh give me an investigation with advantage absolutely absolutely absolute right now here we go yep okay well that's a a nat 20 down one to a 19. all right so now we can do this a couple of ways mcconnell are you trying to loot along with asmin no all right uh you will uh i guess you will tend uh to these bodies and let him go off so this will be the only person because rich i'm assuming uh you're you're doing something that mcconnell or asthma may not approve of so you're going to be uh kind of that yeah i'm staying with headless timmy and i'm just going to wait to see what happens i'm acting like i'm just regaining my strength and i'm just saying random [ __ ] like oh my god you guys are the best friends ever thank you mcconnell thank you so much uh god you guys are the best all right so asmin you pointed to the bushes and called out like hell whose [ __ ] is that uh last session uh now you do the you do the same you don't actually do the same thing because you're trying to handle this yourself you go to the same places that you uh you uh you point to that and you start roughing through and you notice behind the bushes some somewhat half buried some kind of thrown a little bit haphazardly some that were thrown a little bit hastily seems like they when they noticed you guys were coming they hit some stuff back there uh you're able to do a very very good job searching this camp now you're noticing there is a lot of [ __ ] here because some of these uh bags uh are a little bit lopsided you open them up and find uh some miscellaneous beans uh not very high quality some of them may even be starting to rot and smell a little bit weird but you find a whole bunch of stuff a while mcconnell and rich speak and i'll read them out and remember this is your information okay the first thing that you find is 127 gold across these backs mixed between items beans and everything and it's you you just kind of separate them out you're humming as you work that's the first thing you find yeah you find an additional seven pot stones on top of the two you've already looted from timmy these are completely unspent they're ready to go you have you have some uh yes some cool stuff there you also find six potions but you're not really sure what they are because you know the color of a healing potion this doesn't match up all of them seem to be specifically around the same color maybe they're mystery potions but it's not like you need to worry about them right now they're still in small glass vials you find five gems you don't know too much uh you don't know too much of this but one of them you do realize is actually a small normal ruby one that would be used for jewelry and to be exchanged for with gold but not to be used for any magic stuff but you did find some stuff that you're a little bit suspicious may be used for magic and now you get some then something catches your eye among all of this because deeply hidden in uh in the bushes or partially covered and obscured is one thing that you find that you knew they were hitting and your eyes immediately light up because can you give me an arcana check please okay i'm gonna give it right now good that's a rock saw three down to uh two you go up to it but at the very least even you not knowing too much of magics having lived in the wilds you notice that this is a handy sack of holding now you've heard about loot goblins all over loving this item called a bag of holding but it has a weakness it's only about four feet deep and it can run out of capacity pretty fast and you can see inside it you have to organize it it's kind of a mess it's it's not really good you know there's this other loot goblin supremo item called a handy haversack where magically all the items always show up on top this device you don't know too much about it just about what you've been told by other adventures as you pass by combines both of these to give you a much bigger back and magically having it easy for you to find out what you put in this is the loot goblin's greatest item the handy sack of holding and that is all you find um as you uh rummage through the camp as the others rest hey that sounds great to me i'm happy about that sounds awesome well i'll just go back to the guys and uh see what's going on okay are you guys trying to take a short rest or anything uh that we can do during this time or are you guys just gonna chill with a bunch of hp i think that we should talk to the guy and then after that after we deal with him then we can take the short rest okay that's that's totally fair he's still really in pain uh he's definitely not having a good time of this but what you want to ask him what the [ __ ] are you guys doing here where'd all the gems come from where'd all this stuff come from dude dude what you just rummaged through all our [ __ ] after killing my friend here and chopping off my leg what is wrong with you people well well i i interject and i say i i i step to the side okay pass rich right here okay and i i say what do you mean you people i literally saved your life i saved you you you have a point you have the point i have considerably less blood loss right now thanks to at least you cleric paladin thing i'm not sure you at least have my my things but you two you guys are [ __ ] animals no i tell them i tell them look man well i i could have cut off anything else i could cut you in half could done anything but i didn't because i am actually a nice guy i think honestly the fact that i only cut off your leg should be a thank you like thank you asthman gold for not cutting off both legs or one of your arms or something else so really i feel like you got off pretty good i'm gonna grab him by the ears and i'm going to use my uh my tharmatargy to make my voice boom and and in a a very loud demon voice i'm gonna say tell us what we wanna know or you'll be our pet for the rest of your days go ahead enrolled intimidation with advantage as you're being aided by asmin get teamwork all right rich come on [Applause] okay that's a take the knight up to be 12 that is a that's that's that's good so he's very shaken up in the middle of all of this and his ear is ringing and he shouts out again uh as you guys are just assaulting him with both uh insult and just really really really really really loud words and he's like dude okay dude look this is what's happening i'll admit it yes i'm a thief but i'm out here you don't see thieves out here in the middle of the jungle because they want to [ __ ] camp any sauces and [ __ ] dude i left the guild i left the thieves guild we were trying to escape we were trying to run away from this life of crime and we just took whatever we could so we could survive once we left this island we were heading to deepmore but we can't travel on the streets i didn't want to get jumped by other people from the feeds go looking for me are you kidding that's of course why we're taking it easy in the forest we're gonna do this one step at a time we didn't know that some murderous hobo-like adventures would just come and hit us and cut off our limbs dude we smoked man yes i thought we were cool all right settle down timmy's friend let's just go ahead and talk about this for a minute here just over there we found out that you had 120 gold what do you need that for you're stealing for the thieves guild or you're working for the thieves guild on top of that you had an empty bag of holding so if you're going out there to run away from the thieves guild with all your stuff then why is the bag empty the that bag you're talking about the the big spooky one that looks dark when you look inside it oh yeah that was a that was a great crowd pleaser we want that because we were trying to sell it when we got back to the mainland that thing catches a huge price on the market and that goal was just to survive until we got there really how much i don't know like a couple thousand it's that's crazy really oh my god thank you man i had no idea what do you mean thank you you just took it from me are you welcome i mean you don't need it anymore oh clearly not yeah oh yeah it's fine don't worry about it okay i put my hand on his shoulder and i go it isn't always easy to start over and in the state you're currently in do you want us to just put you out of your misery [Music] he glances down at it he says okay well for trying to be rational here he says looking at the barbarian uh and the uh and the warlock uh with this uh uh clear paladin as our witness how about we just lay out my options here because it's very clear i don't have much negotiation power with one [ __ ] leg do you want to give him some options uh yeah we kill you or you shut the [ __ ] up and stop crying tell me tell me where tell me tell me where the other ones are going because we gotta get them too remember that that [ __ ] no rich he shot a fireball with you man you gonna let that happen you're gonna get played like a [ __ ] and eat that fireball like a dick that's not gonna happen we gotta go get him nah no dicks for me today that's right colonel you had something to say yeah do i still have a healing potion left uh you used uh one to get back uh rich and i think you got one more for the price i think you have one left let's check your inventory really fast on your character sheet see how much you started with and yeah i think you you initially bought one gave it so you had only one healing potion on you which was consumed to bring back rich uh but uh you did six uh hp for leah on lanahan's first asmin uh two more uh to uh to stabilize this dude which means uh you have two left uh for today and you have not used any of your spells and i think you prepared uh cure wounds actually so you have a couple of healing options yes i can see there's three red dots cured oh yep okay i'll cure his wounds can you heal me yeah i'll do that do i have to roll it uh no just uh uh you can just click uh cure wounds on your character sheet and that should be good oh very nice uh that's a that is a good roll you can see the light come out of your arms and start to wrap up uh this uh this poor injured man as uh he's still definitely grievously injured uh and he's he's lost limb uh but the uh the glow starts to subside around a bit and it's not like cooking or cauterizing but the the flesh itself seems to tighten up and almost start to cave in on itself as to prevent any more uh spurts of blood and now it's it's looking a lot more stable he's definitely not gonna be going anywhere uh he's uh but he's feeling a lot better thank you i guess thank you listen i don't know what my uh friends okay and when i say the word friends i i do the air quotes okay with the fingers i don't know what my friends were [ __ ] doing okay just randomly attacking you guys like that but that's not how i wanted it to go down and that's why you're not [ __ ] dead right now okay hey hey man you gotta remember the good times man you're focusing too much on the negative you're paladin you're supposed to remember the good times uh do you remember that time when about their good times what about when they had good times what about this guy when he had good times with timothy and and the other [ __ ] people he was with and then what about three good times are they just [ __ ] they're good times right what about the weed you guys smoked together does that mean anything obviously not no i didn't smoke anything so i'm not part of this they smoked the weed which is one of the reasons why they they committed a sin and honestly you should not be saving them they smoked they smoked the weed man i didn't even inhale yeah but guess what smoking weed is not a [ __ ] uh it's not worthy of dying i mean unless you what is the all right all right mcconnell what is the punishment for stealing you just take it away and find them and if necessary you put them in jail what about cutting off their what they'll just kill their arms what is this is this a 12th century like what the [ __ ] are you talking about you don't just go around [ __ ] killing people for smoking weed are you out of your [ __ ] mind understand they're gonna do it again they're just gonna do it again that's right so what you punish them you know you're not gonna smoke weed anymore if they get caught again then maybe you make the punishment harsher maybe but you don't [ __ ] kill someone for smoking weed well why why do you try to attack me then defending themselves against somebody never attacked them is that right are you [ __ ] stupid we rolled up with rich no it's not yeah but i didn't do it you remember the good times man like when we uh with the peppers and we saw that one guy pissed come on man you immediately that didn't happen it happened i must have happened in another life with somebody else but that didn't happen with me it happened in that life in that life we were we were best buds man [Music] not here and don't worry about timmy he's gonna be fine yeah he'll be fine it'll be great actually isn't that right timmy's friend and he looks very confused not knowing uh what he's uh what he's really listening to at this point just like it feels like a bunch of voices are just going over his head uh while he sits there uh recovering and he asks again so it's been a rough day as you guys can physically see uh pointing again at his uh decapitated or not decapitated his lost leg and i guess his decapitated friend so what what what are you what are you gonna do with me like i i literally can't run i can't really do anything i look down i look at him okay and he's pretty injured but i uh i'm gonna i'm gonna pick him up okay and i'm going to carry him over to the fire okay as he's walking as he's walking by his mcconnell's carrying him i go hey bud i know that we're still getting to know each other but do you think you could put a good word in for me with that demon chick i i know you've known her for a long do you think you put in a good word for me pal as he's uh helped up uh by uh by the paladin as he's they start to hobble together a back uh to rest he turns to you and says man [ __ ] you [ __ ] you all right and then i uh as we get to the campfire i i start i start the campfire so he's uh warm all right you guys uh start making camp so it seems like he got a first wave of information you know that he's not trying to run well he clearly can't he's not trying to fight you or do anything weird uh you've been able to take control of the camp you got a bunch of loot so if you guys would like uh to take this to a short rest while you guys figure out what to do we can go ahead and start rolling those uh uh those hp dies if you'd like oh my zombie doing by the way i'm gonna short rest yeah let me short rest in the middle of short rest i'll let you know rich okay yeah uh so i take my short rest i'm deciding if i want to kill this guy because he said [ __ ] you and i don't like that disrespect where do i roll my hp dice got it so if you go to your character sheet look at that there you go do i have to decide how many i roll before i roll it you can roll one at a time okay also so i had the one success do i take that off now yeah the success is gone okay cool how do i roll yes you go to character sheet and you click hit dice on your core uh main page okay and you can do it up to twice okay all right all right that's two oh okay there it is that's just that it's just that easy that is uh that is some uh self overheal if i've ever seen one yeah so you're definitely back at full health uh mcconnell is uh looking um nice and chill i didn't get hit oh you didn't get hit yeah you don't need to roll uh hit dice if you don't want to so uh we'll just pretend you didn't roll that uh and uh richard back at full hp as well and you roll twice as well so uh you have two hit dice left for the rest of the day of mcconnell uh and the rest have uh kind of patched their wounds over this fire now uh i'll we'll first narrate uh what some things that you see just passively as you talk to this guy because he's not calming down especially with the kindness that he's seen from the paladin he lets you know a couple of things now asmin while you were ruffling around you notice that some of these backs uh you notice that two spare boots off to the side not really in great condition which is why they've been you know tossed off to the side and replaced you notice a glint of gold but not like a gold coin but what seems to be gold thread almost like spider silk and you remember hearing that the day before right when he went to this mission that something was there and people were talking about golden spider silk you look around and you see there's other small provisions for you know generally speaking surviving and stuff but that is something uh that you guys can talk about together over the next hour a short rest takes about an hour he himself starts talking a little bit more about that last question you guys or the one of the questions we're asking at the end of that which is like hey where your homies going where they're going and he says and they ran off and panic deeper into the woods because the road is that way so i have no idea where they're going but i do know that there are some caches in the forest that the thieve the thieves guild have out from the city they're very well hidden and honestly i'm a little bit low on the rung uh but very very very low in the ladder i'm not going to be able to tell more about that but if they've been trying to find a small place to hide or some additional supplies they're probably heading to that but other than that i really don't know in fact i'm kind of pissed that it just kind of left me here in terms of the golden silk however he says nothing really conclusive about it but he himself did hear some things during the night time some stuff scuttling specifically through the trees breaking his watch when he looked out for the others as they you know got rest during the day on the travels nothing happened but it definitely wasn't the scurrying of a wolf he grew up on a farm a long time ago he knows the sounds of wolves approaching prey and this was not that but something was watching deeper in this woods putting too much together with the silver you know spider thread definitely seems like something was watching this party and you guys are now in their territory now uh before we can we resolve any other further conversations rich you have your little stealthy update from this guy you kind of push him off to the side uh so he's chilling there you just you know make an excuse to kind of go back and look at it as you notice that the spike has disappeared not like it hasn't gone invisible but it seems like it's dug itself deeper into its chest and with time through this short rest the flesh itself has kind of wrapped itself around it and then helping it pull deeper in the body remains unmoving but it's now hidden that's what you see uh through the short rest i'll leave it to you guys all right um i i think i should ask the guy about the spider silk thing i mean that's the main thing that we're there for and you guys forgot but we get 200 gold coins if we get that that's a lot of gold coins so i would ask him about that directly all right specifically what do you know about this yeah exactly yeah like what the [ __ ] is going on with the spider silk thing that's what we're here for how'd you get that it says that one in particular we got off that that boot as i mentioned uh we just kind of stepped on it not not a long while back uh we did scout up a little bit ahead just to see if there was better camping ground but it's uh started looking a little bit creepy we found that this clearing was a lot more easy to rest in one thing i will say is that we saw a little bit more of it but it's not the only type of silk you see there we saw some bigger webs of spiders and that felt kind of nasty we didn't feel really comfortable sleeping in a place that you know has uh insects that would be big enough to make webs that big if you understand what i'm saying but over here seems like not too much [Music] okay all right and he's gonna point up this path up that path i think that we go up there boys oh we got to go up there all right i'm gonna i'm gonna grab timothy and carry him along with me which part of him uh basically everything but his head okay you're gonna carry a [ __ ] pretty much an entire body into a forest and i'm not supposed to see that i don't think so no no no i am i i'm cat i mean there's nothing that you can really see with the body i mean i i'm just dude i wanted to have a proper burial you know we messed up we we killed this guy we probably shouldn't have done it and i'm gonna carry him through the park far so eventually we can give him a proper burial man oh okay i believe that okay sure let's go yeah yeah so i got timothy because uh i just want to make spiritually i i just want to make good you know mcconnell after he rezzed me things really changed my perspective really changed this is obviously uh there's no way i just fall for this right i have to make some sort of check it's i think i mean your character is already suspicious definitely but i'll let you go ahead and make an insight versus rich's deception how about that all right i saw you i deceive yes you you wrote deception and he will roll inside [Applause] oh that's pretty good [Applause] that's pretty good it's uh you rolled an 18 down to 17 which is a very high roll for inside you're already suspicious and you're like yo man really real what's good rich was definitely talking things through and he was trying he's like i'm just trying to get this thing uh this is this dude a burial you know we did [ __ ] up and uh he he does plead with you uh and you're not able to get a good read on the situation i guess maybe maybe your homie really did turn any leaf maybe he just wants to uh to bury this guy uh with the forest um somewhere away from the trail arnold i just really when you when you filled me with that holy light my eyes i feel like they're just i already already bought it i already bought i already bought your story dude i already bought it the dice can be cool sometimes the here we are cool so you guys finish your short rest got your hp back you got some additional information uh this guy you're gonna leave him by the fireplace just uh just chill with himself leave his weapon so he can fend for himself anything you're doing special for me no i'm chilling dude i'm doing whatever right we will just leave him there and we will proceed on uh the path so you guys continue to walk north like upwards on this map we're deeper into the forest now he was not lying for sure when he says this place is getting creepier and creepier and creepier the trees are taller more wild the canopy blocking off not all the light but a lot of the light coming from the skies because it is uh it's still you know pretty pretty early in the day you start to notice that yeah they were very very very very well oriented in terms of coming back at the camp can you guys give me a perception check please each and every one of you separately all right i'm gonna percept first okay never mind okay that's 19. i like that all right percepting as well 19. seven sir cool all right so as you walk through this forest asmin you notice something isn't right something bad you rolled a nat 20 minus one down to a 19. it's uh it's uh just like uh asman's uh looney looty rolls rooted you crit uh your perception which is why you will get the juiciest information last now asmin yeah you see some of these spider webs now what this uh this uh this thug guy uh said was definitely true but very ill informed because you are a man of nature something's not right with this forest because a little past the trail kind of up in one of the hills you notice that that tree is dead but it's still growing the vines are still green from some of these plants while they still rot and this feels worse and worse as you guys step deeper and deeper into the forest it's at first it's just a couple of small trees some shrubs but now you start to see some of these leaves on the tree are turning into an early autumn but a very pallid brown instead of a bright red it's quite odd something is wrong with the hell of the forest these trees trees are dead but they are still growing now mcconnell as you guys are just walking kind of talking through this you start to remember that you heard some words from the proprietors uh last night uh when you guys left and those start to ring in your ears as you venture deeper and deeper into this forest small tracks some of them very light as if specifically moving trying not to leave a trace and you also remember this one myth back from the liverian theocracy where a lot of paladins hail of a boy that ran into the forest one day and was whisked away by a spider beast four legs two arms and mandibles it was a story told always to keep people away from playing in the woods after dark you know that if you are not at a good camping ground by the time night falls you feel it's going to be really really bad and to make it worse you feel like you're being watched oh my god now rich you're seeing your partners get a little bit uncomfortable and you are leaning completely into it being as open as you can you two feel like you're being watched but something is pulsing in your pocket and of course it's not the it's not the undead butt plug as you would say you remember that very first mission when you guys found that gem collector in the woods in session one you picked off an amulet from him which you were supposed to return back to a member of the heroes guild like ozzy in exchange for gold but whether it was purposeful or just a slip of the mind it seems to have come very fortunate because it is pulsing now you remember the reason why these are used as dog tags is because they have all kinds of information relative to the particular gem collector's field of study and they can tune it to very specific types of magic whatever type of gem that he was looking for and died for even though this is not the main land anymore is still in this forest it's pulsing which means you're somewhat nearby but you also notice one more thing that everyone else missed small smoke-like fog peering between two trees in the distance revealing itself you see the eyes of an imp unbeknownst to both of these they can't see him but he looks directly at you and it whispers something in infernal loud enough for all of you to barely hear but you speak this language and you can fully understand what it's saying and it says spider come spider surround dawn dawn come dead surround and the shadows cover it one more time as it stealthily walks back into the shadows and that's the result of your perceptions check you guys seem to be in quite a scary area but you don't notice what else is here and we're now going to swap maps later come all right um i'm gonna move up a little bit i think that seems like the best idea perfect and i'm rich did you share that information um totally openly um let me think i'm trying to think uh how much this spider actually has to i tell mcconnell everything because he's the smartest i basically tell mcconnell i was like do you think that this spider and don reaver may have some sort of connection uh i hear you guys talking i come back i said what is y'all talking about i said oh there's gonna be a big there's gonna be a big bug to smash shut up i move up shh keep your voices down [Music] mcconnell what do you think though i don't know i don't know what's going on i just know that this [ __ ] is [ __ ] i'm very [ __ ] scared right now we gotta be extremely careful not [ __ ] barge in like we did last time dumbass your hair off to the side some eyes pure from behind some rocks and bushes and you can see a very large spider its entire thorax is almost the size of your chest and its legs are gigantic and with that hiss you can see it leap back into the shadows oh he afraid you know we're going to get him what do you guys do uh i'm going to get a little bit closer see can i get in through there i can't is there a way is this a path up here right here there is a path up there okay you guys want to go up here yeah let me go first that way i'll protect you mcconnell it's okay i could i am pretty stealthy slow down slow down slow down slow down just just take a chill pill all right okay all right all right we'll let rich get up here rich to get timmy up here let's go come on [Music] all right remember rich you're carrying a body and you're not the youngest person so yeah i'm kind of lagging behind yep okay now sorry let me move up a little bit let me move up a little bit okay we'll call him chill out everything's gonna be fine you chill out what you're just randomly moving no i'm not i'm literally looking around the rock down i'm looking around the rock what's wrong with walking around the rock [Music] can i go can i go to here oh yeah you can um you hear that hissing sound again okay and you can see it once again peer out from a rock uh okay so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna cast a minor illusion of a big titty spider can you describe how a big titty spider uh would look like well basically you have the thorax and then at the apex of the thorax there are two apexes uh and the the chitin is very shiny and as the reflection hits the titan you think of you think of not only summers but of beaches and how water glistens in the summer sun but it's a spider with the with hairy legs and stuff that's a that's quite a colorful description uh sure and you're casting about like 30 feet from you somewhere like around that tree maybe yes yes okay sure it's gonna go ahead and [Music] okay you heard hiss again [Music] as far as as far as you guys know it looked directly at it it hits again and leaped backwards you saw it jump again and then maybe screw it away it's out of your vision maybe it's heading somewhere else okay i got a plan i got a plan okay let's go let's go over this way okay let's go i'll go back this way actually we don't have to follow but i mean it's whatever okay i'll follow you i'll follow i'll go this way all right i'm gonna keep going up a little bit all right a little bit more just i'm very extremely slowly okay i'm not like you know prancing through the woods here yeah yeah skipping okay i'm very delicately trudging along okay right here okay take another step here you should want me to go ahead all right just stop right there okay okay can you guys give me a perception check one last time okay all right all right i'm gonna percept right now oh god that's a nine that's a nine i got plus two uh it's uh and uh we have one more from rich oh my god hey you two are glancing around you can feel your heart starting to race that spider was uh uh was uh was doing something uh over there it seems maybe he was even following you hissing very far away it's not as loud and aggressive as it was before but you can hear it kind of moving off to the side there's something over here something's there and you're facing it and rich the last moment you realize something [Music] ease no spider behaves like that every spider you've ever encountered in your life you know when you're like you know taking uh taking the bathroom break and you see a spider like oh [ __ ] that's a spider usually it's mining its own business kind of you know it goes away if you see one in your bedroom it usually tries to hide itself there's spider bros right they just want to eat insects they don't want to bother you but that was intelligent very intelligent and as you glance back you see two spiders ready to leap and we're going to roll initiative with your party surprised okay rolling initiative right here here we go um right okay let's go ahead and get this uh done as we start to we got a four uh from asthma gold and we got a 14 from mcconnell and we got a 17 17 from you as well perfect okay so you see there's multiple spiders there but not all of them are attacking they're watching they're waiting but the ones that are really close to you are definitely about to take advantage of their jump so now they're first gonna roll initiative [Music] okay i guess uh they are going to let's go ahead and add a turn for our little spooner friends was fixed so here's basically what's gonna happen they're currently in hiding and the only ones that really saw them was rich now these things know them so they're going to be jumping and attacking the ones that are underwears with advantage because they're jumping from stealth it's hard to block something you're not aware of but here's the problem uh with surprise you don't actually get your first turn because you're still trying to get your bearings together they're going to leap in and they're they're going to get one set of free attacks on you so rich talk you still are surprised just just barely just because the prior uh rules that happened there just want to give you a little bit of information that was just for narrative flavor so we're unfortunately skip both of your turns and go straight to be the scooter okay [Music] so one of them is going to leave out from this tree behind you let's chill right next to you just leaps off this cliff it's not scaring it's this is a [ __ ] jumping uh this is a big uh jumpy spider and it's gonna swing into asmin with advantage good i'ma block every attack and goes the second drive okay well that was a nat 20 the other one was in nine so i would have missed so the advantage unfortunately got it an extra hit and let's take a look at its damage these [ __ ] npc rules are ridiculous they're cheating man they're cheating oops onto you uh from uh the shadows behind the trees and sinks its bags into you and you can feel some kind of ooze just pump directly into your body i need you to make a constitution safe place oh [ __ ] man okay all right all right all right all right here we go oh kill cats that could be worse sinking into you you went on small gruff as you tripped pride off and you're you can feel it starting to pump into you you're not feeling too good but you're able to hold your own no throwing up no passing out none of that stuff but in total with the piercing uh damage as well as a poison pumping into you uh it was it was a critical hit take 13 damage jesus 13 damage 13 damage in total that is correct the day is about to get a little worse because another one leaps down and seeing the gaping wound up from its friend also makes another attack hidden from the shadows good good i'll i'll take it i'll take both of them man it's better it's better than it's me all right and i'm going to make another constitution safe again please [Applause] very well done yep these changes uh-huh i'm not gonna lose i i don't lose that's fine i'm fine it's okay it's taking advantage of the chaos caused by its other spider friend it lands another bite on you uh in in the frenzy and you can feel pump some more venom into you but you're able to rip it off one more time you're still not feeling anything super ill or super wrong but you're definitely feeling a little bit woozy you take another seven damage the spiders hold their position now unfortunately oh oh he's uh he's recovering after that attack you hear a garbled roar a very high-pitched roar with the sound of what it feels like vocal cords almost ripping and you see something very quickly dash behind you okay no way are you [ __ ] kidding me saw something you can see like its legs kind of uh showed up as it dashes into the tree and one more time as it suddenly leaps oh my god there's something dashing and repositioning the trees but it's not able to attack this turn you guys are still kind of waving off the surprise but now it's back on you rich rich don't you [ __ ] this up man [Music] [ __ ] um you create some space between me and the spider i i alright so [Music] basically the spider's like right on top of me right it's right next to you i want to basically [Music] i look at the spider and i see like as it's biting asmin that it really just it's so focused on that that i should be able to easily hit it and i i channel all of the power of my deity as i move my hands down touching the spider and i just let out an eldritch blast and push and slide back with that momentum 30 feet is what i'm gonna attempt to do uh as i launch an eldritch blast at this uh at the spider all right go ahead and make your electric blast is that 19r1 that is a 19 plus 5 up to 24. that definitely hits roll your damage pretty good that's pretty good that's not bad either that's uh oh cause we're definitely getting back into the momentum of things that is quite nice all right perfect that's good so good good five plus three up to an eight it lets altex again it can't really scream i mean it's a it's a spider that can make hissing noises and that's the best you're gonna get and you don't speak spider ease but it definitely seemed grievously injured with that and you're able to retreat back but in its frenzy it is going to swap at you to try to take an attack of opportunity but you know better than being right next to it when the time comes right yeah and that is definitely not going to hit you're able to move with impunity i said go ahead and move 30 feet wherever you want to nice i'll actually go right there yep perfect and uh we're just going to assume you dropped your uh your your friend timmy right here uh i just leave timmy like a sack of used potatoes he's chilling there without his head perfect all right mcconnell it's your turn uh okay can i uh can i cast another spell you used one spell for kirwan so i think you have one left for the day can i cast another cure wounds on asmin you can cast that as an action yes okay i'll do it man what a bro six hp back up to you asman uh up to 11 nice okay that is your action but you can still move remember if you do move you'll trigger one attack of opportunity but you know you got armor kind of don't want to be so close to whatever the [ __ ] is in the forest right now uh but i don't want to take damage i'll i'll just i'll chill right here i guess i need to help him again perfect you hold your ground thank you for the heal mcconnell i appreciate that awesome what no no you're welcome no all right okay do i get to attack now uh you will be moving right after these spiders [ __ ] rich as you retreated you notice at the last moment when it's way too late there was another spider lying in wait for you specifically it seems like if you were going to retreat the way you came it didn't do anything last time it stayed hidden and it leaps at you oh dude and attacks with advantage okay that is up to a 16 which does hit i'm gonna have you make a con save as well [ __ ] it sinks into you just pierces right through uh your cloth and any other arm that you kind of have it finds a perfectly spot and sinks it and you can feel venom pumping into you and this time you start to feel sick you are poisoned but you also take nine damage and it holds this position off the rest of the for uh for the rest of its turn the other two are right next to uh uh to asthma now the one that um that got hit by the eldritch blast it disengages now here's what this means when you take the disengage action on your turn enemies can take it and so can players it prevents people from getting attack of opportunities on you but you can't use any other real special uh actions it can still just move its normal movement can't do any of that special leaping stuff it seems but you notice that these spiders can climb up walls jesus as if they're nothing oh my god this is literally this is the trash there's a giant spider we got we gotta move back home we gotta move back dude we got to move back we're getting our ass beat man this is yeah it's over dude oh my god dude i lose the bugs i don't think i healed you for enough for it to matter ah yeah yeah he'll suck the second one okay okay it's looking at the uh wounded barbarian with its eyes but quite mysteriously it disengages as well runs into the shadows now it's going to both of them are going to try to do some a certain thing you guys i actually don't even have to roll because both of them are under your passive perceptions you can still see them in the trees they're not directly in line of sight right now to get you know very clear info on but you know they're there i'm not gonna get to jump on you a second time and remember you guys saw something scuttling uh the turn before it comes barreling at you from the trees up at the top oh no oh [Music] uh from the shadows letting out another war now this one's not really trying to be stealthy it's not it's not a it's not really uh uh swinging you guys already saw it coming you guys were kind of prepared for it coming so it's not gonna get advantage on these but it comes in swinging wild it's going to make let's take a look first you can see its mandibles open up burst and just rush at uh the paladin trying to sink into it maybe even pry off some of its armor god but you're able to move your great sword in the nick of time and just have you can see just trying to clench try to bite through it just inches away from your face and you're able to push it back only to see its claw swiping cutting some of the foliage underneath it right at you and this one does find its mark [Music] it swings for 6 damage but remember you are uh what you you really know how to use this heavy armor you're able to turn the last moment and reduce it by three from six down to three damage you take three damage and you're still standing in there now it rears back up just shouting all kinds of just weird eldritch tones and if these are not animal noises this seems very intelligent it's speaking in a language that none of you can understand it now it's not like demonic it's it's uh completely does it sound like there's any hate that of to a language that we might recognize for the other two it doesn't but you feel something pulsing within you almost like shadows creeping into the side of your eyes you can hear the words echoing in your head ley line elf discover ley line elf else and you feel your hand burst not like not like into blood or anything but some kind of dark energy that is not the words of your patron you recognize those words when you guys looted that homunculus and you read that paper those are the only three words in infernal you were able to decipher but for some reason you're hanging them in your head right now and some kind of other magical part magical power has seemed starting to grip into you you still feel okay you feel poisoned for sure but you still feel like you're you're hanging in there but something else is wrong something about the word elf is just resonating in your hand and on that spider you can tell something is glowing blue inside of it and there's a deep wound in its chest that's all you really see at the moment all right it is going to be asmr's turn i [ __ ] go i pop rage i'm gonna pop rage again wait what you're on 11 hp don't you want to take it out of much i only got hit for six it's gonna be fine i'll be fine what do you mean i'll be fine all right good oh you just heal me again okay no i i'm out i can't heal anymore i'm fine oh my god i got two hp that's it all right that's great that's what we're working with boys we got two hp left that's it i'll be fine no i'll be fine good good okay i'm a proper age i'll pop rage oh i look at a spider and i look at that that crystal that that like emanating force inside of it and i look at it and i i do a savage swing directly at it are you gonna combine that with your reckless attack to get advantage [ __ ] it dude all right go ahead and make a savage swing with wreck with uh i would didn't go for it oh yeah oh yeah all right here we go big numbers boys big numbers come on come on that is a natural 20 on advantage roll for critical damage sure i'll do that dang dude big all right all right that's about crazy yeah you got your uh your 2d 12 so that goes all the way up 19 plus seven that's a that is a uh you do 26 plus two to 28 damage in a single swing uh which is a barbarian crit fishing builds are definitely uh everyone who's ever played it's probably uh rolling in the chairs right now uh because that is a lot of damage that's crazy isn't it mcconnell you don't play like a [ __ ] man you go in on keep talking [ __ ] dude we'll see if you go in on him all right what i do is spider you cut into its side just a one of its arms is kind of in the way when you shear off part of what seems to be its forearms and you can see it's got four legs two arms just like that little legend we were talking about just cleave off a bit of the meat and some green just foul smelling blood like liquids bounce from it as it lets out a horrifying screech now it's mandibles that it used to bite uh mcconnell are not opening or doing anything here when it screams instead where your chest would be because the top of the scene it's almost like a centaur in legend like uh the body of something with a human thing on top where your clavicle might be right at the top of your chest it opens into this massive mouth covered in teeth big enough to swallow you a hole and it lets out a thunderous roar but this does not deter your axe as it continues on a trajectory and cleaves into it and in that deep grievous wound pull it back out and the blood comes loose now you can see there's blue light emanating from within it and this thing is deeply wounded and it's extremely upset that's happening it is going to not take its turn yet i mean that that's your turn anything else in one dude that was a lot of damage i can't do a potion can i uh you cannot uh yet uh we actually didn't uh uh do any of those pot stones which is good because you would have had to make some additional checks uh uh may not have been you i don't know if you told your party members about that so actually that's a good thing i didn't i didn't perfect okay we'll leave it to rich then okay now you tell me if i can't do this i want to kind of like grab the spider that's in front of me and like let that dark energy pulse give and take ebb and flow into its mind and into my mind and use it as essentially a walkie-talkie to attempt to speak to the big spider and i want to say to the big spider leyline discover elf in its language and say if we continue to fight we will fail you mighty spider but i feel like we can become allies what has the dawn reaver put you up to for i may be suffering a similar fate so i like the creativity it's not gonna be that simple to do in terms of grabbing it but remember when we were creating your character we did give you a bonus uh feature as we were kind of modifying some of the rules you know a little bit of homebrew nothing too empowered we gave you the ability to send thoughts uh to a willing creature yeah yeah that i just wanted to use the other spider and like kind of like hijack its brain a little bit because i thought it would give me like special spider powers and would like enhance my power maybe i thought it would be cool flavor yeah i want to basically tap into that power gotcha so we're gonna go ahead and just extend it a little bit because this uh spider is extremely intelligent now you can send the thoughts it's uh it whether it listens is totally up to it because you're gonna have to be willing target now of course i think you know do i have do i have consent to give you my thoughts you you notice that it shifts a little bit just 45 degrees to the right 45 degrees to the left 45 degrees to the right and 45 degrees to the left and it stays still quite odd all right yeah yeah that's that's uh that's uh what's it called morris code for yes right oh wait nothing shaking his head no i don't know it's um it seems like it uh it took a it definitely took a physical reaction when you tried to uh uh to probe it but it wouldn't it would have it wouldn't have been able to hear it uh if it wasn't willing uh to talk which means these spiders may be extremely intelligent very very intelligent and i tried to thought thought him yeah you were you were definitely thinking is there anything else you want to add on to that message it's kind of it's basically speaking to it as if you're talking out loud yeah so so exactly what i said then i i say the words i say like the ed the outlay line discover elves and then um basically say if we continue to fight we will take you down but mighty spider i believe our missions may be lined what has the dawn reaver put you up to we may be suffering a similar fate 45 degrees right 45 degrees left 45 degrees right 45 degrees left now in the middle because i think your power has bi-directional communication but only in the constant of some weird vague words uh limited by the intelligence of uh these enemies it's uh it's kind of probably hybridized we took away one of your class features and kind of merged it with this one you're not able to get a very good read on what it means but it definitely seems not so much confused but this spider in particular maybe regrets attacking you a little bit you can't hear a response back though nice try talking to the spider rich but you still have your action wait the spider regrets attacking me do i kill the other spider then am i going to be able to talk to the spider um i offer this other spider piece and try to back away and see if he he like accepts my peace offering are you stepping facing him are you turning your back what are you doing i i face him i put my hands up and i like take a few steps back and see what this fighter does like if he tries to attack me or not you can see it instinctively tense as you start to move it's uh front mandibles perk up revealing revealing its uh its ability to bite but it does not take an attack of opportunity it stands still [Music] boys we might be able to talk to these spiders oh you talked to spider i i'm working on it i'm working on it i never talked to a spider before he's gonna talk to this axe it's uh anything else on your turn you've moved you haven't taken action yet i have a way to heal uh i don't think you have a way to heal on your character but you could take the dodge action uh uh if you don't want to attack it gives every attack on you disadvantage yeah i'll get close to this my my zombie guy and i will uh i will do a dodge okay perfect you're still a little bit confused what's going on but you're gonna keep thinking about it as you see this bigger spider uh start to twitch a little bit wait did it hear something when you were talking to the other spider or maybe it's just having a bad day you're not quite sure but it's a small thing you notice as you move closer and get ready to dodge any additional attacks that may come up mcconnell it's your turn [Music] uh [Music] [ __ ] do i know any of the information that just transpired uh from everything that happened back there other than rich saying we may be able to talk to them i do not know anything else um i don't know if uh rich wants to share anything else uh i'll communicate with them that like what i perceived to have happened got it so that's uh he talks about a little bit i think moved a little bit seems like it's hearing something maybe we can get out of this somehow uh but that's uh that is what you hear the dawn reaver words yeah uh would it be possible for me to detect good and evil right or evil and uh whatever else it is uh certainly you can use either the vincent's you have a spell oh it finds sense yeah sorry yeah you can use defense yeah use both of your spells uh for the heels but you can pop a divine sense while the spider didn't attack rich he didn't take a attack of opportunity i guess all divine sense we'll see what happens i hope [ __ ] asmr doesn't die why would i die i don't know all right i'll i'll do to mine i wouldn't die i'm not gonna die that's a roll it uh just uh so you use your divine sense right yeah okay perfect so you let out your senses uh as an action radiates around you 60 feet into the forest the read is quite odd you're you're specifically looking for like some kind of fiendish stuff you remember you saw an imp back there it's no longer there anymore uh it's no longer within 60 uh feet it seems like it's retreated uh to another distance but you sense undead but then another heartbeat fiend another heartbeat nothing heartbeat undead heartbeat fiend heartbeat nothing for those six seconds it cycles and that chaotic swirling is coming from this creature right here and your divine sense can normally just tell you an undead celestial theme but it was picking up some kind of shifting happening on this animal you've never ever even heard of that being possible and that strikes you as very strange that's a very uh it's a very clutch defined sense [ __ ] all right boys i've never seen anything like this [ __ ] okay this thing is i don't know if it's undead or or what it's got a heartbeat but it doesn't have a heartbeat uh this is this is unlike anything i've ever encountered i'm not sure where to go with this i am i don't think okay on the advice of council i don't think we should attack i yeah i i think this is uh the dawn reaver's trying to take him over it has to be all right so i guess um you've used your action um i mean if you move you will trigger an attack of opportunity or just holding your position wait it will attack oh i mean like if you were to retreat away from it uh you risk taking an attack of opportunity all brisket i'll move back towards richard right here okay it slashes at you uh with its claw kill it sounds like a personal problem oh you want me to kill it now all right yes drop it i'll take care of it it bounces off your shoulder plaid letting out a metallic ring like a bell you don't take any damage it didn't hit me yet i'm good okay um yeah you can continue moving if you'd like i still trust it are you sure it's just trying to kill me was he trying to kill him or was it trying to talk to you no it just tried to [ __ ] poison me what the hell is this what is this crystal investigation what is this thing what is it what are you what are you carrying the guy are you are you insane right and then and then as i'm yelling at rich that's where that's where i end that's where it ends perfect all right this spider uh behind rich uh you take a look you take a look back uh you see it there you take another glance and you see it just retreat up toward the cliff on this side it moves a little bit and then it leaps into the shadow but this time it's not trying to hide you can see it you know where it got to and sitting there and watching from a distance and you hear some chittering because you remember some other spiders did leave there now first this [Music] uh this guy is going to look directly at asmin and you can tell it's bleeding and it's absolutely furious it's enraged and it is going to [Music] all right it is going to open its mouth and let out a spray of web [Music] and it is in there but there's also bad in there man its highest roll is up to a nine you see a spray of web just lunge at you but you're able to sidestep off to the side and you can see it coat the rocks behind you with this thick golden silk it's wrapped up but you aren't absolutely furious it moves to the side it moves to the side it dashes this way as if it's heading into a ridge okay all right i want to do another savage swing with reckless attack can i do that oh just take a normal attack on uh attack of opportunity how do i do that it's just great x uh yeah just great acts i'm not sure if you can actually use that ability on an attack of opportunity but i'll double check after the session okay okay can i reckless attack at least uh you should have give me a quick second actually that's a good question okay on is it for turn or for round because this one's actually pretty important because it's heading towards your injured ally until your next turn they'll have advantages against you and it's this turn yes you can this will be made with advantage automatically don't use a reckless attack okay go ahead and swing all right all right i'm going in i'm going and i'm going to take out the spider watch this boys yo all right that hits go ahead and roll your damage okay is it going to be big damage or like egg damage huge that's pretty good all right you take out a chunk of its back as it continues to rush forward at your allies but it's not stopping it anytime soon it doesn't even pay heat to the wound despite the gushing of blood from it now you can also see faint within that meat that you just exposed there's still some blue rushing in it moves one more time right next to rich it raises itself up almost already itself up for another attack but it seems frozen in motion for a quick moment and it starts to shudder and just write in itself you can see its legs buckling as something starts to pulse from within it the blue light is shining all around you emanating from its core and it lets out a scream as its mouths clavicle opens up one more time and it lets out a bright light coming from within it and you can see what seems to be a blade made of energy just cuts right through its abdomen and it gives way to what you see as a blue hand another cut cuts just arcs across his chest and something starts to crawl out the thing crumples this monstrosity is breathing its last and so it takes a huge gasp as its hair just rains down from its shoulders a very spilled very light figure gasping for air as those blades flicker on its hands seemingly as it's made of energy it turns around reaches back in and grab something and with the grunt of exertion squats pulls itself out of the body rolling to the ground right next to you coughing deeply injured and grasping right next to you rich as this enemy balls and dies he's holding something that seems very very familiar looks just like that undead spike that you looted in the first episode except larger and right at the very tip of it not the pointy end but a flat end it's a big crystal gem almost being wrapped up by the device and you can feel that emulate thrumming very quickly and i think that's where we're going to call the session all right all right okay yeah i think uh a little bit past time so i do i crushed that spider guys like that was crazy wasn't it i i did so much damage the thing the the girl just came out and destroyed the spider from the inside out no that's because i got i i i weakened it up it was beauty that killed the beast thank you i didn't know you felt that way about me excellent now it seems like a lot of stuff uh happened uh you guys got through two encounters today that's a lot of good experience that's a lot yeah yeah that's a lot of experience probably like level 15 20 by now you wish but you know you know just a major dropping you know you guys are maybe uh reaching a um a very specific point because it seems like you just uh cleared out a boss fight uh and you had a lot of great encounters from this and i do think you guys are ready to hit level three and i think next session we'll have you level up uh right at the um uh right uh we'll do it before we start you know we'll have some time to talk off stream about it but uh definitely i hope you guys are thinking forward to what you want your character to grow in i think level three is a huge level for basically every class yeah i i want to put more talent points in attacking oh yes oh yeah all right listen guys we had a great show we had an amazing show today thank you all so much for watching i really appreciate it we made a lot of progress we were able to defeat a giant spider well by we i mean i i was able to defeat the giant spider by myself and uh also uh we got a ton of stuff and by we i mean i got a ton of stuff from that one area i looted a bag i looted a bunch of gold uh rich mcdonald don't know that though which is a positive because i do plan on keeping those things so thank you guys all so much for watching i really [ __ ] appreciate it thank you guys all so much uh thank you rich thank you mcconnell and thank you riku most certainly all right boys so until next time so until next time boys [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 195,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, mcconnell, rich, asmongold mcconnell, asmongold rich, asmongold d&d, d&d, dungeons and dragons, dnd, dnd critical role, critical role d&d, roleplaying d&d, dungeon master, critical role, dnd campaign, Exandria Unlimited, spider's den, d&d episode 5, asmongold episode 5, mcconnell d&d, new d&d
Id: qy871NHH4Z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 58sec (8578 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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