The Ultimate Paladin Leveling Guide for Season of Discovery

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what's up guys my name is sfan and I'm making this video today to talk to you guys about Paladin leveling in Phase One of wow classic season of Discovery my goal with this guide is to make a concise but informative video for new players to either the class or to Wild classic in general from the perspective of somebody who's spent more than an acceptable amount of time playing a video game from 2004 this is uh this is a bit of a passion project for me with season of Discovery coming out I used to do guides and stuff like this on my streams years ago whenever I first started on private servers back in 2017 so if the feedback for this video is good people like it I really would like to keep making more of it so uh like the video leave a comment any of that and uh let's get started so the first things first let's talk about important skills and the levels in which you get them whenever you're starting on your Paladin you're going to have two skills primarily that's seal of righteousness at level one and holy light at level one uh Holy Light is your uh your big heel single Target that you use uh to to be able to heal yourself up whenever you take damage and then seal of righteousness is your main damage seal what a seal is it is a is a 30second buff that you put on your character that has some sort of effect based on your weapon attacks in the case of seala righteousness it is a flat holy damage ad every single time that you attack so you want to make sure that your seal of righteousness is up for every single Auto attack that you have a few levels later what you're going to get is you're going to get judgment judgment takes that seal that you buff yourself with and it expels that energy out into a direct attack on your target different seals have different effects the effect of seal of righteousness is just a flat damage attack it's a it's a direct damage attack so you cast seal of righteousness on yourself and then after seal of righteousness is cast on yourself you use judgment to expel that holy energy into your enemy and it does a very significant amount of damage at at the level in which you get it at level four and this damage will go up with the different ranks of seal of righteousness down the road you get other seals with different effects that will debuff the target with effects that typically will help the Paladin or your teammates whenever you attack that Target the other thing you get at level four is Blessing of Might blessing of Might is a flat attack power increase it is very very powerful a lot of people ask why Paladin Buffs are only 5 minutes it's because they're very powerful and they're for a short period of time you can cast it on yourself you can cast it on other player and you can get improved blessings at level 60 at higher levels very strong buff at the early levels it's not that great and doesn't scale super well but as you get higher level it's really really good the next thing that you get is the bubble at level six you get Divine protection this is a very iconic spell for paladins this is going to make you completely immune to damage on a 5minute cooldown for 6 seconds so during that time with Divine protection specifically you cannot attack or use any physical abilities you can however cast so a lot of times what people will do they'll bubble and then they'll heal themselves really really simple the next thing you get at level six is Seal of the Crusader what seal the Crusader does is it increases your attack power and it increases your attack speed so you're Auto attacking faster with more attack power but not necessarily more damage because it reduces the amount of damage you do with the with the speed increase whenever you judge seal of the Crusader it increases the holy damage taken by the Target by up to 20 what that means is it basically takes whatever attack you're using on your Target and treats it as if you have a plus 20 holy damage stat just added to your character on all on all spells the next spell you get is Hammer of Justice Hammer of justice is a one minute cooldown stun that you get at level eight this is great for keeping yourself alive for reducing the amount of damage you do the next spell that you get is purify that'll remove a disease or a poison effect at level 8 at level 10 the key spells you'll get blessing of protection you can cast this on your teammates as well if it works very similarly to Divine protection in that you cannot use physical abilities or attack it's on a 5minute cool down by default and then also gives you that forbearance debuff for one minute to where if you cast one bubble on somebody you can't cast another bubble so let's say You cast Divine protection on yourself earlier you can't cast blessing of protection on yourself within a minute both on separate 5-minute coold downs but within a minute you can't cast them both on yourself the next key ability is lay on hands lay on hands basically burns your entire Mana pool and it gives you a full heal so it burns your entire Mana pool and then it heals your target which could be you or a teammate for the entirety of what your health pool is so the more Health you have the bigger your lay on hands uh at higher levels lay on hands also gives you a little bit of Mana at level 14 you get your next blessing blessing of wisdom blessing of wisdom is fantastic for leveling and this gives you 10 Mana every 5 seconds for 5 minutes level 16 is another huge level for paladins while they're leveling because you get two key spells one you get retribution Aura retribution Aura is a damage return aura that is always active uh as long as you have it active for the entirety of your group this is very very powerful while you're leveling it doesn't scale with any stats so it's just a it's a flat damage return usually it's the most powerful when you get it at that level and also at level 16 you get something called righteous Fury righteous Fury is a 30 minute buff that increases the amount of threat that you generate with your holy spells on a Target so let's say you're grouped with somebody you're doing a quest you're doing a dungeon maybe you're the tank for the group as the Paladin and you want to make sure that your healers aren't getting attacked you would put righteous fury on yourself so that your holy spells generate a higher amount of threat that way you you you keep everybody else safe R of Fury is very good the next thing you get at level 18 the next key ability that you get is Blessing of Freedom blessing of freedom is a is a short-term blessing it's very powerful just like blessing of protection that'll replace whatever blessing you currently have active and what it'll do is it'll actually clear you of any sort of snare root slow anything like that as long as it's not a hard CC like a uh like a stun or an incapacitate blessing of freedom is is going to help keep you alive at level 20 you get exorcism exorcism is uh is a direct damage holy attack so against Undead and demons you can use exorcism and you can do a significant amount of holy damage and you get it right at level 20 a lot of paladins will go and they'll start leveling in duskwood around this time this is one of the reasons why duskwood becomes one of the more fun leveling zones in my opinion uh you you get basically a brand new ability that you can use there with a lot of the zombies and stuff like that the next key ability that you get at level 20 is Flash of light flash of light is a short quick heal doesn't cost a lot of Mana uh that you can spam on yourself to to keep yourself up has a one and a half second cast time unlike Holy Light but this is a this is a great ability just tick tick tick be able to heal yourself up real quick either after a fight or uh during a fight in between your your enemy swings while you're leveling at level 22 you get seal of Justice seal of Justice doesn't have much use while you're leveling as a seal but as a judgment that you can put on the target it's actually very very useful because a lot of times while you're leveling you'll notice that you're attacking mobs you're attacking enemies get scared at low health and they run away and they try and find other other mobs to ask for help from and then they will both come at you what Judgment of Justice does is it makes it to where they can no longer flee so if you're fighting mobs that have have uh that that have that feature where they run away at low Health you can cast just Judgment of Justice on them and you can keep them from running away this actually can also be cast while they're running away and it'll uh it'll stop them from running also at level 22 you'll get concentration Aura so concentration Aura is nice to give you a 35% chance to not have your spells push back while you're casting this is great in a group if like a Healer is attack is being attacked or if you're being attacked you want to have concentration or up so you can reliably be able to heal yourself anything like that concentration or is really really powerful the last key ability that you'll get on your way to level 25 in phase one of season of Discovery is turn Undead turn Undead is nice because again you'll be in duskwood probably doing some leveling here you'll get it at level 24 turn Undead if you pull extra zombies or whatever if you need to get away in a bind you can turn Undead one of the zombies you can run away or heal or anything else that you need to do this does not work against Undead players and the same thing goes for exorcism earlier they're purely dve abilities by default okay so that is it for all the key spells that you get as a paladin and what exactly they do so in original vanilla wow uh a lot of people will talk about paladins as a just all they do is auto attack but you'll see very quickly as you play the class uh it has a very robust kit with a lot of tools your support class is what you are whe whether it's the different blessings whether it's you know you can stun you can heal you can do damage you can do good burst and you you start notice in as you're leveling how how many useful spells and useful abilities you actually have but let's get into the talents so I would say there's two ways as far as leveling talents go and I don't necessarily think these are the same sort of talent builds that you should go with while you're sitting at a quote max level it's not it's not true max level but it's going to be max level for phase one of season of discovery which is level 25 uh I think these are the talents that you should get on your way to level 25 while you're leveling and then you can resp once you get there and enjoy the game however you want but I would say there's primarily two different builds that I would go while leveling as a paladin in season of Discovery so paladins have three talent trees holy protection and retribution the first Paladin leveling build that I want to talk about the first P leveling talent build that I want to talk about uh is what I call the tank leveling build uh or holy leveling build now you're saying okay you have points in holy why why is this the tank build the reason being is is because like I said you play the class not the spec a tank Paladin a protection Paladin one of their primary abilities is actually the 11-point talent in holy consecration consecration does a ground targeted Point Blank AOE damage over time that is it it ticks on the ground it doesn't tick on the enemies for 8 seconds this is the key spell that makes Paladin such powerful AOE tanks arguably the best AOE tanks in wow throughout the different expansions if you want to do the tank leveling build which is what I personally think is the safer build or if you want to tank dungeons at level 25 or you want to tank dungeons while leveling whether it's Wailing Caverns whether it's deadmines whether it's Shadow fan keep whatever it is this is what you want to do you want to rush consecration in holy how you would get there is you would want to put five points in Divine intellect which increases your total intellect by 10% you can go divine strength strength increases your block value and increases the amount of damage that you do with your one-handed weapon but the reason why I say you should go intellect for this build is because intellect is primarily more valuable um for a paladin at especially at low levels because it's harder to keep your Mana up the amount of strength that you'll have on your gear is going to be so little that it's not going to scale particularly well unless you're playing at end game and playing retribution or something like that so you probably want to go Divine intellect and this is this is the idea behind this is this is the quote safer build uh you'll have more Mana to use to be able to heal yourself while you're leveling you'll have more Mana to use to be able to use your spells uh higher intellect also increases your spell Critical Strike chance which is uh what your judgment of righteousness is based off of So Divine intellect is a is a good pick for the first talent in the second tier of the Holy tree for this build if you're going for safety W leveling I would recommend going spiritual Focus we talked about spell push back with concentration Aura earlier spiritual Focus gives your flash of light and Holy Light spells a 70% chance always without the aura or anything 70% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage if you're in a bind and you're getting attacked you can heal yourself more reliably you still might get pushed back while they hit you but you can heal yourself more reliably uh and you'll have more Mana to do so because of your Divine intellect at level 20 you finally get consecrate that we talked about consecrate like I said uh it's it's great for killing multiple things at a time uh your healers are going to love you because you cast righteous fury on yourself you put cons consecration down you're going to generate a ton of threat and be able to tank a bunch of stuff at the same time so consecration good and that is the last point that you would want to get in holy for the tank leveling build next now that you're level 20 we're going to go with the next five points all the way up to level 25 you want to go with readout readout is a talent that increases your chance to block attacks with your Shields by 30% after being the victim of a Critical Strike so if you get crit for 10 seconds or five blocks whichever comes first um you have a 30% increased block chance this will help mitigate damage when you're AOE tanking when you're tanking a bunch of stuff at the same time especially when you're fighting one target it's unlikely that you're going to burn all five blocks in 10 seconds but if you're fighting you know two three four things at a time then uh readout is really useful and and you can probably get the full effect out of it to uh to get all five of those blocks but this is a uh fantastic talent to mitigate damage while you're tanking for your groups all the way to level 25 or to mitigate damage for yourself while you're leveling so that's what I call the tank leveling build some people call it holy uh or consecrate or whatever so that's the that's the safe leveling build now let's talk about what I prefer to do typically whenever level retribution I like just going straight retribution for leveling and there's uh there's a few different things that you can do here and and you might hear of people doing where they might want to go and get Divine strength and holy or do some do some other stuff with their talents and unfortunately at level 25 it's I don't think it's as wise to do that um however uh this is the build that I would like to go with for Retribution first things first you have improved blessing of Might and you have benediction as your options uh at level 10 I think the place you should put your first five points into is benediction uh to help reduce the Mana cost of your judgments and your seals by 15% this is good while leveling the next thing that you want to do at higher levels you might want to look at improve seal of the Crusader you might want to look at improve judgment but while you're leveling Perry is the god stat Perry is amazing Five Points in deflection increases your per Parry by 5% the reason why Parry is so valuable is that is a 5% chance for whenever an enemy monster whenever an enemy is attacking you to not only completely negate the damage think about it this way it completely negates the damage but also there's a there's a uh concept called Parry haste and whenever you parry an attack you get Parry hasted meaning you will attack back faster on your next swing you will attack Back 40 % faster on the next swing after you parry so now Parry not only reduces the amount of damage that you take it also increases the amount of damage that you do because you're swinging back faster your class is based off of Auto attacks right with your seal and your your autos and your judgments and all that right not your judgments necessarily but yeah but you're also reducing your downtime because you are taking less damage you need to heal for Less you need to spend or sorry you need to heal less after fights you need to spend less Mana to kill your target so deflection Parry is is the the god stat for leveling in Villa wow as a r Paladin this is just a little bit of extra information we just talked about why Perry is so valuable I want to talk about specifically why improve judgment is not good while leveling and why improve seal of the Crusader is not good while leveling you're you don't really have the opportunity to judge off coold down while you're leveling because a lot of times while you're leveling you are managing your mana and you are going to Auto attack with a seal for for much longer than the 8 or 10c period before your judgment comes up because you're trying to uh just regen mana and not cast spells to trigger the 5-sec rule for your spirit regen this is a little bit more advanced and maybe I can talk about it a little bit later but uh improv judgment doesn't really increase your DPS that much by having two less second cool down on judgment in my opinion it effectively doesn't really increase it at all because you're not really judging a cool down often um and it also burns more Mana so it increases your downtime improv seal of the Crusader increases the melee attack power bonus of seal of the Crusader and the holy damage bonus of Judgment of the Crusader by 15% with three points in you don't really use seal of the Crusader often or Judgment of the Crusader often but I'm about to talk about that soon whenever we get into our different tips and stuff like that the next thing that you do now that you're level 20 you get seal of command CA command is the staple it is Iconic this is your big Dam this is you know you whenever you see the Paladin jump up in the air and just slam his sword down slam his mace down into his enemy that's the seala command animation and it is wonderful CA command does 70% of your weapon damage as holy damage what do this mean because it is Holy damage it cuts through their armor so there's no armor reduction from them being a a high armor Target so a lot of times you'll see that yellow seal of command HP that pops up be equal or higher than the white damage on the auto attack the reason why is because that 70% is calculated your character screen it's not calculated off of your hit uh the Judgment for seal of command uh does direct damage like seal of righteousness like Judgment of righteousness uh but it also will do double damage if the target is stunned or incapacitated if their Hammer of Justice or repentance we can talk about that later the next five points that I would place for Retribution while I'm leveling is I would go straight into conviction so at low levels tertiary stats green stat what whatever you want to call it they're kind of at a premium stuff like crit strike chance uh hit chance uh even spell power stuff like that it's at a premium so when you're able to get 5% Critical Strike chance with melee weapons uh conviction is is huge big damage uh you know some people might say go into Divine strength and get that strength that scaling attack power increase that you'll get by having 10% more strength is not really worth it because at low levels you have such little strength that uh the chance to do double damage with a crit is much more valuable with conviction so I would just go straight 16 points into retribution that's it for the two separate Talent builds that I would recommend for leveling the r leveling build and the tank leveling build the holy leveling build where one you get consecration one you get seal of command now this is what I would recommend again this is for leveling in season of Discovery the base of what season of Discovery is is very similar to Classic wow but now is when things start to get different let's talk about the runes the runes are the things that they're adding into this game to uh basically expand on what the classes already have not everything here I think is going to be definitive and and final forever but this is what they've shown pre-launch for phase one at level 25 so you have runes currently on three different slots you have glove runes you have leg runes and you have chest runes and we are going to start by talking about the chest runes the chest runes that you have are seal of martyrdom which is uh it's kind of a combination between seal of command and seal of righteousness you will do 30% weapon damage as holy damage every single attack but you lose Health equal to 10% of the damage that you do with that 30% attack also while this seal is active your party members within 40 yards will gain Mana equal to 10% of the damage that you take from this seal whenever I first read this I thought this was going to be insanely overpowered it's actually not that good because it's the damage that you take not the damage that you inflict so it's just a little bit a little bit of extra juice right it's a little bit of salt so seal the martydom is uh individually going to be your highest DPS seal and if you want to go with that gameplay and SE going to Discovery as a rat Paladin a seal of martyrdom is is probably going to be the play if you judge this seal it instantly causes 70% of weapon damage at the cost of Health equal to 10% of the damage inflicted so that's equal to like a seal of command proc the next Rune is divine storm Divine storm is an ability that pal actually gotten Wrath of the Lich King it is a cleave it is a whirlwind AOE attack does 110% of your weapon damage it's a physical attack to up to four enemies within eight yards uh Divine storm gameplay is uh kind of the alternative to seal of martyrdom gameplay which is more the wrath of Lich King Paladin style uh this also will heal up to three party raid members for 25% of the damage that you caused pretty cool so uh typically what you're going to be doing is you'll probably be choosing as a as a rat Paladin uh you'll be choosing between one of these two runes uh either Divine storm or Cam marom there's two remaining chest runes to talk about one is AIS Aegis increases your block value by 30% and damaging melee and range attacks against you have a 10% chance to increase your chance to block by 30% this last 10 seconds or five blocks it's not cumulative with readout it does not stack with readout how Aegis will work with readout is if you get crit you have a guaranteed chance you have 100% chance you'll have 30% block bonus uh for 10 seconds or five blocks what Aegis will do Aegis on every single attack against you have a 10% chance to procet even if you don't get crit Aegis is really nice because getting crit is antithetical really to what you want to have happen as a tank to begin with Aegis is going to be your tank Rune Aegis will overwrite readout if it procs over readout and readout will will overwrite Aegis it's still worth to be specked into redout if you're tanking because it'll just give you more opportunities to have that block bonus up the last chest Rune is horn of lordon this is probably what you're going to be using as a Holy Paladin this increases the total strength and Agility of all party members within 30 yards it's it's a two-minute buff 20 second cool down uh so it's it's like a it's essentially like a battle shout and it's an additional buff that does not stack with blessing of might this is something that's really only useful if you are the only Paladin in a group let's say you're the Holy Paladin and you want to uh you want to have wisdom up on somebody and you want to have a strength and Agility buff on somebody or if you want to give them a strength buff while giving them blessing of Salvation which you do not have until level 26 so it will not be in phase one of season of Discovery next up we have our leg runes there's four leg runes to choose from uh the first of which is divine sacrifice Divine sacrifice takes 30% of all damage taken by your party members within 30 yards and redirects it to the Paladin for 10 seconds if your Paladin's Health drops below 20% it will actually break the effect but it'll give you a 10% increased damage and healing buff for 10 seconds so if everybody in your group's taking a lot of damage you can use this two-minute cool down this could be something that's nice and you kind of just let your your health go down below 20% and then you get a 10% healing buff uh for a little bit because you're not getting hit so you're not really worried about dying as a tank you could also do this for threat generation but it's really risky and you probably don't need to uh this is something that's also very powerful in PvP but again this guide's not about PVP P um we're just going over the runes as well and what you'll be able to discover leading up to level 25 the next leg Rune is inspiration Exemplar your inspiring presence periodically dispels fear and sleep effects on nearby party members if this can be cast on yourself if this can proc on yourself let's say you're not even in a group with anybody and you're you're one V one with somebody and you can get your fear randomly dispelled this could actually be incredibly incredibly powerful the next leg Rune is Avengers shield Avengers shield is a classic palon spell Captain America you throw your Shield out and it jumps to uh three total targets so you throw your Shield at something and then it bounces to two additional targets and then you know your Shield comes back to you or whatever right you always have the shield but for the RP it's like Captain America throw out Avenger Shield uh this will do uh damage based on your spell power and your attack power actually uh as of right as of before season of Discovery launch it'll be based both on spell power and attack power it'll da targets for 10 seconds so really good opener arranged pull for protection Paladin for a tank Paladin the next Rune is going to be Exorcist the next leg Rune we talked about how exorcism could only be cast on Undead Baseline this is actually changed exorcism can now be cast on any Target regardless of Undead humanoid Dragon Kin Beast doesn't matter it can be cast on anything meaning theoretically this should also be able to be used against player targets and it has a 100% chance to crit against Undead and Demon now so this is probably what you're going to be using in most cases a rep Paladin there's one more leg Rune here so there's five leg runes that they've shown us so far the other one is rebuke rebuke interrupts spell casting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for two seconds some people call this a kick or a counter spell it is a spell interrupt it is a kick that they get in cataclysm it's actually not entirely a PVP thing because there's times where you can kick mobs and PVE uh while you're leveling but in most cases rebuke is is associated with PVP next up you you have your glove runes there's a few glove runes that have been shown to us so far there's Beacon of light Beacon of light is a is a healing rune for Holy paladins if you're if you're primarily A Healer you're going to be using this thing to set a Target as the beacon of light and any heal that you cast on anybody in your raid in your party uh it'll also redirect 100% of that healing to the beacon of light so what you can do is you could theoretically you take Beacon of light let's say you're healing a dungeon you put it on the tank and then you go and heal a DPS or yourself or somebody else that's taking damage and uh you don't have to worry about not healing the tank so now you're healing two Targets your your throughput is 200% essentially um very powerful Beacon of light is very very powerful and uh you can only have one target beaconed at a time and it's a one minute buff the next Rune is going to be hand of Reckoning hand of Reckoning is going to be a taunt yes in season of Discovery paladins are finally going to be getting a taunt this is one of the primary complaints about protection paladins about tank paladins is the fact that they don't have a taunt uh it's a little bit overstated but uh still very valid that without a taunt it makes tanking as a paladin very very difficult this also is going to increase the threat bonus from righteous Fury and it's also going to give you the opportunity to gain Mana back uh whenever you get healed so this is going to help your Mana pool this is going to help your threat and this is going to help your ability to uh get that aggro if it's also going to help your mitigation as well so uh while righteous Fury is active this reduces the amount of damage You Take by 20% if your health is below 35% hand of Reckoning is is the Rune that you pick if you're tanking it's it's very very very strong finally the one that the crowd went wild for at BlizzCon Crusader strike Crusader strike is going to be an instant strike that does 75% of weapon damage this is this is before season Discovery stuff might change stuff might get buffed and moved um but currently as as of this video it does 75% weapon damage and it's on a 6sec coold down uh and it also regenerates 2% of your maximum Mana so it doesn't cost any mana and it actually takes your Mana back up little by little every time you cast it every six seconds that's going to be your primary strike as a paladin paladins don't have any strikes in vanilla typically but in season of Discovery they're giving you Crusader strike it was the 41o talent in burning Crusade so people are very excited about this uh I I would actually hope to see that Crusader strike um gets a uh gets modified a little bit to be closer to the burning Crusade version um at some point where I will also refresh multiple judgments on the target I I hope that they do that but uh but we'll see what happens that's currently where we're at with our runes that is all the runes that we have seen so far prior to launch in season of Discovery for paladins and my recommendations for what you would pick also in this video I want to talk about a few different tips a few combos a few things that you can do while leveling as a paladin classic wow uh the first of which is Seal of the Crusader what a lot of people think the gameplay of this is while leveling is seal the Crusader judgment he's now debuffed and takes increased holy damage then I cast seal of righteousness if I judge righteousness it does a little bit more damage that is true that is factually true however in practice while you're leveling uh seal of the Crusader excuse me Judgment of the Crusader is something that is not really valuable because if you come out and you just judge if you go righteousness judge righteousness so seal the sorry seal of righteousness judgment seal of righteousness attack the overall amount of damage that you do from from Target to Target as you're leveling is is going to be much higher that Holy damage increase that you have you're it's it's going to be less than the amount of damage that you get from just judging right rightousness outright and hitting hitting a judgment for like 30 damage judging righteousness and then just doing a a a 20 or 20 or 30 holy damage bonus is going to be worth more damage than uh the amount of damage increase that you'll get from seal of the Crusader from Judgment of the Crusader sorry before the target dies now if if you're fighting something for a long time the value of that judgment is much higher because you're fighting it over time instantaneous damage is going to be worth more DP yes while you're leveling so uh I would not judge Crusader in most cases now seal the Crusader where it does have some value is if you're leveling up weapon skills and stuff let's say you're you know you start out with a mace as a human Paladin if uh if I gain axe skill or sword skill or something I would want to use seal of the Crusader to attack things more quickly to be able to get my skill up faster so that's that's the real use of seal of the Crusader uh while leveling another tip I want to talk about is and I and I touched on this earlier is the 5-sec rule for Mana regen uh sometimes it is actually better to just not cast anything let's say a Target is low on health right they're at like 10% health or something and you have seal of righteousness up you cast seal of righteousness 10 seconds ago your your judgment is now off cool down and you can just judge it and kill it if you want uh but if you're Mana let's say you're let's say you don't have water on you right which is another thing let's say you don't have any water on you just just wait it out and just Auto attack the next hit because whenever you cast that judgment it takes your spirit stat and it negates it so you need to not cast a spell for 5 seconds to get the value of what Spirit does as a paladin whenever you cast a spell your spirit isn't being used at all but if you don't cast a spell for 5 seconds your spirit regen Works your spirit regen kicks in so your Mana will start regening in combat and if you cast that judgment you're now expelling your seal you're casting judgment which cost mana and then uh you're killing your your Mana regen so sometimes it's better just to like hey I'm going to swing in like a second and a half I'll just wait out the swing and and I'll finish it right now let's say you miss or something like that whatever uh the the key thing is sometimes it is a good idea to just not cast anything and just to keep your Mana regen ticking some of you guys might have noticed this while while I'm playing sometimes where where I'll just sit there and I'll just wait it out because it reduces that downtime in between kills a little bit uh the next tip that I have is you know speaking of Mana region and stuff it is always wise to keep some water on you uh to keep some water on you to keep some food on you this is this is like this is kind of basic W knowledge but some of you guys might be uh might be new make sure to have some water on you to to be able to drink up between pulls so you have enough Mana to to be able to kill the Target and be able to keep on moving this will reduce your downtime a lot again what do you want to do you want to reduce downtime you want to increase damage and you want to reduce the amount of damage that you take so those are like the three key things the next kind of combo or trick that I want to talk about is Judgment of command Judgment of command is a is a direct holy damage attack you have seal of command up direct damage you can get this at level 20 once you're 10 points in retribution right it's your 11 Point Talent if the target is stunned let's say you you cast Hammer of Justice on the target when the target is stunned Judgment of command does double damage also Judgment of command I talked about how Judgment of righteousness is based off of your spell Critical Strike chance Judgment of command is based off of your melee Critical Strike chance so uh it has a higher chance to crit as well so if your judgment of command crits while the target is stunned you're essentially doing four times the amount of damage that you would do if the target is not stunned and uh it's not a crit pretty cool Judgment of command is big big damage another thing to keep in mind with CA command is you want to have as slow of a weapon as possible because it is uh its proc chances determined by a a feature called proc per minute how proc per minute is calculated and in this case it's seven the amount of attacks that occur within 60 seconds with CA command and you want to take that number and you want to divide you want to take seven and you want to divide seven by that number that's your proc chance so the slower weapon that you have the uh higher the proc chance for seal of command and your seal of command DPS will go up the reason it goes up is not only will a higher percentage of your attacks have a chance to proc seal of command but your seal of command attacks will hit harder uh because it's based directly off your weapon damage slower weapons have higher weapon damage typically because it's you know if it's all the same DPS the slower the weapon the higher damage it'll be and slower weapons scale harder with strength because of how attack power attack power is calculated as a part of DPS big slow weapon is the ideal situation for CA command another tip that I want to talk about is uh the combo of hammer of Justice into holy line in vanilla wow you have a global cool down of 1 and 1 half seconds at low levels especially this apply this app appes at max level and it applies right whenever you get Hammer of justice but you should know this if you're a low level if I cast Hammer of Justice it is a 3sec stun with a 1 and a half second Global cooldown so if I Hodge somebody if I hammer somebody I cannot cast for a second and a half so what I would want to do let's say I'm really low on health I'm about to die I have some Mana left I don't have my bubble right or maybe I don't want to use my bubble something like that you want a hammer of Justice the Target and you want to move away either either full speed strength or turn and run don't back pedal because it's it's too slow but you want to you want to full speed move away during the duration of that Global cooldown for 1 and a half seconds CU you you want to separate a little bit why do you want to separate because if I stand there and I wait to cast my heal my Holy Light is a 2 and 1/2 second cast so if I have a 3se second stun with a 1 and 1 half second global that leaves 1 and2 seconds on the target where he's stunned and I'm casting which leaves a remaining 1 second that I can get hit having that one and a half second time running away buffer that's a really weird way of explaining that but having that time that I'm running away for one and a half seconds will allow me to get that additional uh second of of healing cast time without getting hit cuz realistically like you know there's there's leeway and there's some other weird mechanics but uh long story short if I'm running during that Global cooldown then I'll be able to get the heal off hopefully before they're able to hit me out of that stun so uh if you're trying to stun heal it's wise to keep moving and to to separate a little bit before you're Holy Light Before You cast Holy Light so next thing I want to talk about is Seal of Justice Judgment of Justice specifically I mentioned what it does a little bit earlier but uh if you have your judgment off cool down let's say you're fighting something let's say you're low on health you're neck and neck you're about to die and uh you're about to kill something but you're about to die too and you're standing in there and you're fighting strong right when it gets low on health it decides to run away and try and pull more if your judgment is off cool down and you have the Mana to do so you can take off whatever seal you currently have you can replace it with seal of justice so you cast seal of justice and then you judgment Justice whenever you judge seal of Justice it will keep him from fleeing it'll keep him from running away now you can cast this early on too but this will also apply if they're in the process of running away they will turn around they come back to attack you that's something that I think a lot of people don't know is that you don't actually have to have Judgment of Justice on the target from the beginning uh you can cast it as they start to run away and let's say you forget or you just you just don't want to right um if you have your judgment off cool down then boom you can hit it right then and and he won't run away and go pull more mobs and get you killed the next piece of advice that I have uh is purify I think some of these like support spells for for new players sometimes they they don't really pay attention to the support spells and and what they can really do while you're leveling in vanilla wow you're going to come across a lot of places where you're fighting you know spiders and and you know animals that bite you and give you a disease spiders that give you poison that kind of stuff um purify gets replaced by a spell way down the road called cleanse but uh which also red which also removes magic effects however purify on its own uh gets rid of poisons and diseases and if you get poisoned or diseased by by a monster that you're fighting uh you can just purify it off and you can reduce a lot of damage and uh you know you can keep yourself from you can keep yourself from getting killed or uh something like that this is just something to watch out for it's like okay it's it's some people might listen to that like some of you guys who are experienced veterans you're like okay yeah of course just purify poison but um the intent here is is for people that maybe are new to Paladin or uh new to the game and they kind of ignore things that don't do damage uh that's what I've noticed like I've I've been playing with a lot of streamers lately and uh I I'm getting to third party experience what like how a new player to the game might see things so I I've I've been watching a lot and being like okay it's funny because they might completely ignore something that's very valuable an ability that's very valuable just because they they can't think of a use case for it uh but it's just because they're new to the game and that's fine another thing I want to talk about is the efficacy of consecration as a damaging attack while you're leveling consecration is one of those abilities that it costs a lot of mana and it does it costs the same amount of Mana regardless of how many targets it's hitting so if you're hitting one target with your consecration it costs a lot of mana and in most cases it's not even going to be worth using while you're leveling solo uh you probably are not even going to want to use it single Target you can if you want but if you consecrate something solo then you're just burning a lot of Mana for very little damage if you want to increase the efficiency of of how much you're doing with uh how your Mana is being spent with consecrate uh ideally you might be killing two or three things at the same time that are slightly lower level than you and that way you have like three times the throughput with the same Mana cost this will allow you to basically get get more experience per hour just something to think about right obviously you can do whatever you want like I I think a lot of a lot of people whenever they talk about vanilla wow or you know this will happen with season of Discovery this this has happened for years with vanilla and and every version of wow everybody talks and absolutes like you have to do this this way you you cannot do this it's it's very it's very limiting and it and it kills a lot of discourse and it makes a lot of new players feel bad and and I think it's just kind of BS I don't like it what I'm talking about with a lot of these guides is just these are these are some things that uh I do or I think you should do that will will help a new player uh play the game a little bit better a little bit more efficiently if they want to so with all that being said like I said at the beginning of the video this is kind of a passion project for me to uh make these guide videos I I I used to make guide videos I I made private server content back in 2017 that's how my YouTube channel got started with me and and my friend Jova and doing doing a lot of like Theory crafting stuff on stream doing guide stuff talking about things and uh I I've kind of got that juice back I kind of got that fire back and uh this is this is definitely going to be more of a passion project for me but let me know what you guys think I wanted to make a a quick precise video uh a guide video for you guys who might be new to Paladin new to the game new to Classic uh maybe you play retail wow and you're new to Classic for season of Discovery specifically if people like this if people like this kind of content leave me some feedback put a put down a comment let me know what you think about it uh let me let me know what you think I should expand upon if I do more of these and uh like the video that helps me a lot share it around like I said it's it's a passion project it's important to me uh I like doing it I think I think it'd be fun to run it back again like we did back in 2017 a little bit so I hope you guys enjoyed make sure to uh make sure to like make sure to subscribe turn on your notification to the YouTube channel I do literally everything here just scroll through my videos I play all kinds of games uh classic wow is my passion it's it's it's the whether I'm playing it actively or not it really is at its core like what I love thank you guys for watching hope you guys enjoy the video hope you guys have fun in season of Discovery and uh let me know if if you guys like this maybe I'll make more guide videos talking about much more in-depth stuff with paladins or uh even doing some some more beginner guides for the other classes and whatnot so we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Esfand
Views: 149,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: esfand, esfandtv, season of discovery, sod, paladin, sod paladin, palading guide, sod paladin guide, wow classic paladin, paladin wow, wow paladin guide, guide, wow classic paladin guide, season of discover paladin gameplay, paladin guide, classic wow paladin, esfand paladin guide, paladin beginner guide, wow beginner guide, wow classic beginner guide, paladin guide for beginners, new player guide, how to play paladin, paladin guide for new players, ultimate paladin guide
Id: w79Mc6qWgcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 51sec (2571 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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