Asmongold Captures a Boss in Palworld

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ooh should I try and capture the big Mammoth I have 6 36 big balls bro if I actually get it there's no way right good Lu you're getting one shot yeah I think I will you know what the king paca I think if anybody can handle it it's going to be him let's do it bro okay we're doing some damage that's not too bad okay this is pretty good oh he's stuck in a wall okay good he's half he's already half avoiding that dude the king alpaka is dude he's such a big dick okay he's getting really low I'm going to despawn him one more one more okay got him 2% three again three another one come on three another one okay two I got 30 more we're we're using all the balls all the balls all the balls it's not hopeless he's going in the ball another one I've got the big balls another one another one 15 balls 3% no 17 balls another one you piece of [ __ ] 14 balls left [ __ ] another one another one keep trying no he's going in a ball another one nine balls 20 no another one get in the ball another one six left another one another one another one no another one I got one ball I got one ball one ball no come on please I got I got I've got six big balls six big balls come on please please man oh my God I actually [ __ ] got him winners win you guys ready to see him you guys want to see the big boy dude bro so wait can I make him farm for me 15 bro you really think you that really the best you can do really you took 40 balls and you can do 15 damage really it's that's it that's crazy
Channel: Asmongold Clips
Views: 711,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold clips
Id: xmjNHY4iKmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 36sec (156 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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