Palworld is already getting cancelled..

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and so pow world could be a delight if it wasn't so invested in being awful or this guy played the same character kind of that I did huh pow world isn't really asking what if Pokemon had guns po world is asking what if you could mangle Pokemon beneath the inevitable crushing weight of Industry across the board po world is slanted towards getting me to abuse my pals as Pals work their sanity decreas is already a bad sign yeah that's why you have to build them beds man you're complaining about bad work conditions for these animals you don't even build them a bed and if their sanity's really going down just kill them what the hell is the problem what what's this guy's problem I don't get it what they need to do they need to add in a slaughter house for the pals you need to have a breeding facility where you can force breed them and then Force the babies into into into like a slaughterhouse and kill them for food and then then we'll really be playing a fun game right oh you can oh oh really am I not there yet oh hopefully that's the case and uh pal World draws out its progression just so I can terrorize my pals for a shortcut it's overc committing to bit except in this case well Abus of Labor conditions and animal cruelty maybe that's funny to somebody I don't know man I aged out of shock humor a decade or two ago you're talking about being an adult you're writing a [ __ ] article about a video game that's based off of Pokemon what the [ __ ] are you talking about being an adult for Jesus Christ take yourself L seriously this is pathetic
Channel: Asmongold Clips
Views: 497,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold clips
Id: 2kVB4HEweLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 28sec (88 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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