#AskTheGhosts Episode 3

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hi [Music] uh welcome to ask the ghost where we ask ghost things uh and as you'll see we have been joined by katie and lolly who play mary and kitty in ghosts and hopefully you've all just watched uh episode five and hugely enjoyed it um so yeah one of the big questions that we were asked last time we did one of these is uh could you do a q a with kate and lolly so we've already asked your first question which is yes here they are so we'll now answer some ask them some questions um and well the first one we just started to cover before i press record um but naomi cp1 wanted to know how did you keep yourself occupied during lockdown during the last few months it's going to turn my phone off loud very proud i slept with painting painting a little bit of painting yeah not the house not the house actual paintings actual paintings yes i've seen i've seen some of them they're very good thank you thank you so much um bit baking very wholesome and um some um eating the baking as well my favorite bit of it yeah okay so you've been making it you're done yeah you go now katy i i finished writing my book oh yeah um i slept a lot yeah um i i i worried a lot yeah worried and uh i also did a bit of painting dabbled in a bit of painting um what else did i do just yeah i kind of rested mainly i think got quite into yoga cool i like the fact that worried was on your list because a lot of people the kind of the list seems to be wholly positive and i feel like i haven't done it properly like i've done locked down wrong but i think just fretting it's a good yeah some elements i've really enjoyed that i'm gonna try and you know maintain i think my quality of life went up in some ways um but well you went from being on set with us for like three so i mean and it was going to be up from that point anyway weren't you guys quite exhausted when filming ended anyway yes yeah i mean i think everyone was looking great for holiday but it's weird to have this prolonged enforced holiday this government enforces i went from um i went from uh sort of happy-go-lucky light comic actor to teacher of two small wow won't be taught anything boys yeah overnight it was it was terrifying it was like um uh fractions i um i mainly in my i was delighted to see spend some time with my son um but then now he's got this weird sort of connection to me that like because he was having a lovely time and you know going out and seeing his mates and then the day we finished was the beginning of lockdown so now he thinks i'm the man who stops him going out and seeing his friends and he's not allowed to go anywhere in mind i must be this weird disciplinarian where when i do not have to go anywhere do anything or see anyone yeah you'll never forget um what'd you say um okay questions ben you've got a uh yeah i've got some questions um this is a question for lolly from sadiecat876 on twitter and they ask would you be friends with kitty in real life um kitty the ghost yes i would i think if casey was haunting me um i wouldn't mind too much as ghosts go um if she was a real person i don't think we would be friends i don't think we have similar enough interests um and she wears a corset every day right i have no interest in doing that so yeah yeah it's longer than we last did actually i was expecting that of course it would come up sooner it's i know we all have uh varying degrees of costume and makeup that we've put through but the one thing i'm really thankful for is i don't have to wear them yeah i i can't work out who's got it worse you or me i mean it's definitely you i mean once robin stuff's on it's kind of really comfortable yeah you're actually very comfortable yeah yeah for the first time but then it's fine so yeah i want to say you but i don't want you to stop doing the show so i'm going to say but i think it feels better when people tell me how hard it must be being me yeah that makes that big more valuable speak with that it must be you yeah not generally it must be great but which leads on to another question jeremiah jimmy oh my ma i think that's right uh since kitty's always smiling and generally being happy do you get away with laughing a lot during filming um i don't know if i get away with that i don't think i'll do it yeah i think i actually caught more corpse more when i'm not kitty i think i corpse more when i'm like a plague victim that's the times i can remember corpsing more yeah um he's like laughing and joking a lot of time but she's also just more kind of like wide-eyed yeah and like wouldn't really understand a lot of the jokes that i'm corpsing about i think actually it's actually a lot harder jeremy once again really put through the ringer yeah because i've got enough exact right moments yeah so yeah i think i think because we tend to do the plague victim stuff the last couple of days everyone gets a bit dmob happy you go to a bit of a strange place but i mean when you go to the basement but also psychologically yeah yeah yeah um i have a question for uh katie from uh somebody called notes from the funder ground do you do you think mary ever addresses the trauma of her witch trial um can i have the question again please yes you cut out a bit then do you say do you think mary ever addresses the trauma of her witch trial um no because i suppose then we wouldn't have the joke of um brilliant answer constantly um no because i guess it's the thing she's always got to react to isn't it um dan we need to do some rewrites yeah yes right now she says she's right um well like she she begins to open up about a little bit more doesn't she in this series without saying too much um i feel like it's not it's a i like the sort of mystery of it yeah but you don't know too much about it i think um but i think medieval people we didn't have a sense of like trauma and traumatic processes so i think pretty much everything was trauma wasn't it i mean you wouldn't know how to unpack her ptsd would be my guess anyway it's quite nice though that um the trauma victim doesn't feel the need to unpack her trauma for other people's yeah and she's quite merry about it yeah it's a very um astute point that we're making there no you want you're right you are both but in context like you say ben it would have seemed like she actually had it she had quite a good innings she lived to like her 30s yes she did all right you know yeah if you made it past seven everything else is a kind of a bonus really you know in the history yeah she was one of 25 or something and she she's the eldest it's a good point it's a good point though the the trauma she's not bothered about finding out about it it's just it's the other ghosts around her are interested yeah but she's kind of quite happy to sit there with them my trauma is not your entertainment that's what she said [Laughter] um get ready if you're a fan of hashtags i feel like i'm hosting one of those magazine shows where you have to really awkwardly jump between top topics now they're baking um but i'm gonna do one of those um elizabeth maloney had a food club related question for you both which is if you became a ghost what foods do you think you would miss the most what would be your food club item which is good i was gonna turn that one up for this bit um [Music] chocolate chocolate yeah i know i know it's it's an exciting answer but mine would probably be the same yeah if you if you want to instill it into one thing it's going to be chocolate i'd miss pasta really um mine would probably be crisps yeah i mean this will be one of these things we could do this for an hour and anything any of us said you'd go yeah do the ghosts express hunger yeah i think they have that kind of hunger that i have in real life which is like it's not hungry it's just i want to eat that thing that's nice yeah yeah actually hunger there's a bit here's another question for uh you both this is from at king of fools if you had to choose one ghost from the show to haunt your own houses which one would you choose oh that's good um that's me that's me fluffing my hair out i think i can i can like take off the ones that it wouldn't be right it wouldn't be ladybutton no um it wouldn't be the captain i'm really sorry well i think i would find pat quite creepy oh i think he's too nice and i would find it like i would almost prefer a scary ghost i think right lola um he's too sweet and like lovely that i'd be like what are you doing here um i it wouldn't be thomas because he's too sad um i think it probably mary there you go yeah yes you wouldn't get too like up in your business yeah in your grill take yourself off for hours at a time and just sort herself out she wouldn't be in your face all the time contained yeah yeah self-contained it's bit like a cat yeah self-contained or all flat flat from a practical point of view of thinking if i if i had i'd uh if i ever maybe they played victims because because of location yeah if i ever had enough money to have a a house be a house with a seller right and if i kind of i just never go to the seller it would be like you know it'd be manageable but like i'd a kid it would be yeah that's true it would be i feel like you could just like throw a ball or whatever or something shiny and she she'd be really you're not a menace quite needy though as well yeah i don't mind that i like it we did have a question asking whether or not we you thought kitty and mary would be friends but i think that's kind of answered that really yes i think racist out of the group yeah well i think that i think they understand what you mean if they were alive well yeah in real life oh i see yeah maybe yeah it's yeah i think you come from naturally we're sort of going through when we're writing i know it happens a little bit more in series two we started to naturally kind of pair you up in certain episodes i suppose because the two of you get on so well yeah whether or not that was conscious or not we were doing it but i know there's a couple of episodes where you're sort of sent off on your own i think they get on as a pair yeah the best out of the group yeah i think it's a really um easy dynamic when we are isn't it like they're both very understanding of each other same reaction to everything yeah yeah they're actually a lot more similar than you think yeah it's weird because kitties i think that's because we have stuck reactions though it's performance which is like one of five reactions that we [Laughter] one of us whispering anything to the other one and then the other one's screaming with laughter you're probably telling that most of the time when there's an an ad lib from either of you and it's kind of used in its entirety you know it's very natural about all of this stuff with um mary's wicker and milking the cow monologues i mean they were barely lines in the script every drop that we got is that ended up in the other minute yeah we had a question about that i'm trying to think uh who was it who asked well that was it me and chris no katie if you've ever actually made a wicked basket or milked a cow no no neither uh actually i woke up i although recently i was in um in garfurth in west yorkshire recording a podcast and uh that i was on a working farm but and they had a um it was like a sort of you know replica teat and and cow where you have a go at milking it was all kind of plastic but felt quite realistic ah the old replicates well it had liquid in it and there was a pump pumping the liquid back into the plastic cow's whoops so sorry i mean that's what happened you can only say what you saw um are you sure it was um are you sure it was a replica cow yeah because that's not how cows work that's not how milk you can it wouldn't only work did it the proper way because it's not something else the woman they're sort of saying that this is the technique have a go see if you can milk this this cow thing it was meant to be a fun thing for kids to do sure i was with liam williams funny enough okay yeah um that's that answer is better than i could possibly have hoped for an artificial county i mean i don't know who the manufacturers are of this but i'd like to think they're really in the money that they hit a rich theme um i have a good i have a good question for you okay uh for you both from you finally no no this isn't from me this is this is from anosh we know they've all seen friends but what do you think your ghost's favorite tv show would be and that goes to both of you not lolly first tricky is that any um what's what's kitty's i haven't actually seen it but i feel like she would really like drag race yes she would she would love the costumes the makeup the drama yeah um we um it's actually funny we started to play around with this a little bit in the writing of series three there's a couple of times it's come up doing a show well just just um just what what they've been watching on oh sure yeah it's quite obvious you know it's quite easy with certain characters like the captain would always watch war documentaries of course yeah um and probably things about mountaineering and lady button when you watch an abbey yeah it's quite difficult i feel like her i feel like she's quite eccentric like if she's just of anything she just like consider it yeah i think she should watch anything news yeah yeah i think a program that's lots of little programs about things that are happening yeah i think she'd enjoy things to do with when she was alive so like you know like botanical things or cooking um like i think she'd like bake off yeah she'd enjoy like uh anything to do with like herbs making stuff yeah yeah yeah those famous well done i think she'd like anything with monty don in it oh yeah she would like him hello everybody it's all going to be okay because i'm monty dumb outside your stuff she's like yeah i think she'd also missed impossible as well that program in france she's like that we found this but we start talking about it she's one of the characters if you say anything you kind of go yeah you know if you want reruns of crossroads you go yeah actually she probably would yeah i think she's like selling something [Music] you know when she's like when she becomes a director and she's like thanks to everyone yeah he's really into it i think she'd get into anything yeah she'd be like i wouldn't sell that house i think that house is overpriced [Music] [Laughter] actually we should probably explore i'd love to see mary reacting to adverts i think yeah yeah that'd be fun yeah she's not she's quite phased isn't she like seeing it through her filter yeah i love it um another uh magazine show link here anyway so molly not to be confused with other mollies uh ask have either of you ever seen a real ghost and do you believe in ghosts not seen one i don't i sort of believe in them and i sort of don't i'm not really sure i don't want to say no but i also have not seen one and um don't really believe the programs most of the programs i've seen about ghosts yeah but then i saw if someone told me that they'd seen one i think i believe them yeah similar i've never seen one i absolutely love hearing about people's experiences i love it when it's from someone really rational yeah yeah i i i because i completely believe them and i find it fascinating i really want to believe but i i think i'm insane i think they just probably do exist i mean i've read a really great book recently that was i had some really interesting theories about it but it was really great it was like a uh a journalist i come over his name but he decides to kind of you know just look if he kind of decides this really rational way to investigate whether he thinks ghosts are real or not but kind of treat it like it's a very serious subject he's a complete skeptic and it's really great because everything is but then this one thing happens that's so terrifying and he can't explain it and that really that was quite scary it depends he's telling the story i think yeah yeah i think i'm the same i sort of in writing this as soon as you try and investigate the the reality and the physics and all of that it completely falls apart so i don't think it can be true but like you say every now and then you just have a really normal rational sensible person tell you a story that just completely transfixes you and you go wow explain that yeah you've got one just remembered yeah but i'm not so rational or sane okay so it's probably again i was i was pulled over not off i was pulled over in a toilet um in in a bristol hotel by an unseen thing but i still i don't i'm a ghost well i don't i i was pulled i was physically pulled over oh i thought you meant in the car no no no no i was i was washing my hands in the toilet and i was wearing about a rupt second it was like you know the little handles on the back of the rucksack it was like someone grabbed that and pulled me off my feet oh yeah yeah yeah yeah in the room so um spooky yeah but but don't think of that as a ghost story so i think it's really common after someone dies to see someone and i feel like you're just so used to seeing them and the emotion is so intense that it's like a hallucination yeah i think that's quite common um yeah it feels like you're conjuring it with the with your mind because you're so used to seeing it's like an imprint in the air like oh i see that person all the time i think i'm writing the thing my nan used to think that she saw my grandad's underpants on the line which is kind of silly and really sweet but she was convinced of it there's loads of stuff that like really sticks in your brain that you don't even realize is happening because i remember in the beginning of lockdown i had a dream and in my dream there was no coronavirus and i was like insuring that my brain is still in the past and then i tweeted about it someone replied to my tweet saying that they had a mole removed they had like a really big mole when they were 13 and they had it removed but whenever they dream they still have the mole uh why not so it's like some things just like are really important to your brain i guess or too subconscious even on irl so the underpants are probably quite important i knew someone who who was a uh a twin but the other twin had never survived childbirth but and i don't i think it was she didn't actually know that that was the case initially but she used to have dreams where she was always twin wow yeah you know so that was something that through her life she'd never experienced but weirdly in this sort of dream state i just read it i read a novel which and that was the the plot funnily enough oh okay maybe i just read a book i mean it doesn't sound like me you're pretty original guy yeah but you know equally i'll just read a book and just nick it yeah well either i know someone wants to copy and paste away from a lawsuit myself um ben do you have unquestion oh um i won my we had one moment i'd like to see the bench taking an important call from his agent uh whatever reason there's a guy on my road just revving a motorbike oh i muted myself that is me and i apologize for that here's a good question from chief powell or chief powell i'm not sure how you pronounce it so i apologize as there is a large crossover between ghosts and staff staff let's flats which character from staff would be best suited to an appearance in ghosts and vice versa i mean and just we've got nine minutes left i mean i think any of them uh what's um stuffed dad's name again um bass vatos the character yeah i think this would be good yeah he's gonna be very much he'd definitely be able to see them as well well there is of course a potential further crossover from that universe oh yeah like making its way to us in series two isn't there oh yeah i don't know whether or not allowed to talk about but i mean you know there you go there's a there's a small there's something another person yeah absolutely right i mean i mean i auditioned for staff but i mean for the part of staff yeah i just found out that you didn't get the point i just found out i didn't get it for my part no that was the first time i met um my lovely director tom it was a lovely audition with amy and it was one of the um people in the house just one of the other estate agents and about but i think i don't know i just really enjoyed um hanging out with jamie and improvising with jamie i couldn't stop laughing and that's probably why i didn't get the job i got the part yeah yeah sorry yeah sorry ben well done to me no it's um it's a glorious show that came from various people uh gerina sarah hogan i think there were others who were asking if you could choose a building that you could be stuck in as a ghost what building would you be oh that's good that's a good question actually good but also i think i know but you guys go first oh i don't know could it be a shopping center it might be anything you like this is a great joy of it is it if it's a shopping center can it be the whole thing oh i see what you mean yeah sure sure yeah but then you can't find like a west field frustrating taking it too literally because i can't eat or drink or buy anything like maybe just a nice view is all i'm interested in yeah that's a good one yeah maybe stonehenge so yeah you don't need to worry about the temperature or you know the rain or anything oh yeah yeah [Music] outside that'd be good maybe the colosseum oh yeah all right i'd like to be just stuck in a really nice library oh no oh yeah that's probably the winner just really quiet just quiet yeah yeah i'd love that a few books left open library would be amazing it'd be cool to be in like um like the roundhouse like a cool venue yeah that's true yeah yeah exactly that's a good like that's a good answer the royal albert hall the royal albert the ghost that stalks the horn yeah no i'm gonna steal yours i think libraries is excellent i would like to specifically the radcliffe camera in oxford nice it is the most beautiful library i think i enjoy the energy of sets so much i think i'd quite like the haunted films the energy set sense oh right sorry yes enjoy the energy of sex so much um i do enjoy the energy you know how much i love that that's going to be that's going to be the title of your autobiography i don't care where i am as long as there's sexual tension oh oh yeah i want to live on the island but is there someone else there because without someone else um no i remember when we did build one of the um essays the extras was uh it was really really good to the point that people were going you know that guy is fantastic and knows exactly where to look you know finding his light and everything and it turned out that he was like a focus puller a retired focus puller wow like ray harryhausen and kubrick and people like that and just loved being on set loved the energy of sex wow then when he got tired of having sa so that he could so you know so it's not it's a weird answer but it's not that weird no it's good it's good um if you could take an uh this is from ella's rhapsody uh if you could take anything from set home what would it be is there anything in the house that hmm quite a lot of nice furniture yeah thought you were going to say me me me what you're me and then i think it turned out that it was a possibility that i was sort of like oh wouldn't it be amazing to have this and they were like oh you had to buy this for the production so you could just buy it off the production and then i was like oh no it's suddenly become real and there's no way to put it no i just like the idea of being able to take it i don't want to i can't yeah you want to be honest um i take the writing desk in the in the library oh that's why i like that good answer really love that desk yeah um i'd probably take the catering caterers one more question one one more okay i'm gonna just i'm just gonna do a little random uh oh where is it oh here's a good one from izzy eve you could have the power of any ghost such as julian moving objects or robin with the lights what would it be well you've just mentioned that um this is the captain all the captain has this bossiness what would it be as a ghost your power the burning is quite good it is well just the smell of burning or to be able to get making other people smell burning okay yeah that's cool you could freak out so many people in the library yeah yeah i would i would freak out much more of that than a light flickering yeah like freaking flicker you know i i think i really did the number on you i reckon i can freak you out with it [Laughter] you could have an impact on someone's you could change events might be useful i'd like to be able to see be seen but only if i did a really weird thing like i could only be seen if i was hopping so that people would just be like wow guys there's a really really ridiculous ghost in there it's always on one leg i think i'd just like to be able to make somewhere really cold just to freak people out wow it's so cold in here isn't it yeah yeah i think on our time with these lovely people is up um thanks so much for coming and asking i know we were asking answering some questions and sorry about all the sets talk these are my knees by the way they're really good i'm glad you brought dogs or legs like i was flashing you all oh my god happened right well thank you nice to see you guys thank you thank you thank you so much lots of love bye everyone love you bye bye lovely to see everyone
Channel: ThemThere
Views: 38,365
Rating: 4.9808979 out of 5
Keywords: Larry Rickard, Laurence Rickard, Lolly Adefope, Katy Wix, Ben Willbond
Id: EO_fJm-UFzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 6sec (2106 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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