#AskTheGhosts Episode 2

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of ask the ghosts hopefully you've just watched ghosts and now you're watching ask the ghost but this week we're not asking ghosts we're ghosts asking non-ghosts we've got charlotte and we've got kyle and we've got some questions from you have you got one larry that you would like to kick us off with um i have i mean we've got some questions for individually but there's a lot of stuff that's come through uh which applies equally to both of you um one came in from someone called laura not the only laura if you had to choose one of the ghosts to haunt you in real life who would you choose and you can only see them talk to them i know it's me i mean none of them i mean none of them there's no good choices there's no choices i think there is i think pat i feel like that is less like plus doesn't want pat doesn't want as much yeah yeah i think the less needy the better probably so i might go for robin because i feel like robin wouldn't be interested in my life my actual life yeah charlotte lead it so he wouldn't be that involved with it i don't reckon he just let you get on with it be like having a cat yeah yeah and i try to nurture that as the as the dynamic that we had more than any other so yeah so that would be my choice very good answers it's hard i don't know about you larry but it's kind of hard to separate yourself from your character in a question like that it's hard not to feel like pleased or disappointed if you're always uh i don't know i feel a bit like that with humphrey with robin i'm always sort of really pleased to put quite a lot of distance yeah weird i mean i would be pleased with thomas i'd love to say that he's nothing like me oh yeah which leads me to the next question from big bad becky zero who is most who is most like their character and i think she means which of the ghosts do you think is most like which of the ghosts is most which are the actors is most likely yeah we couldn't be referencing alison because that she's it's the most method i've ever been it's a millionaire my personal i can't it can't be that who's the most like their ghost yeah i'm surprised you even answered to the name charlotte yeah have to i mean it wrong you've actually never met the real me constantly in character for the last two years the rat part the wrap party of the seventh series of ghosts is going to be a shock for you what to look forward to um who's most liked there well that's quite easy who are you gonna say yeah i was actually going to say sort of say pat but actually that's not really fair that's what i would have said i would think that because i mean they're not but the fact that he's just through amiable and you know upbeat and you know jim jimmy's that isn't he yeah so yeah yeah he's not northern so he does he has to work to make that character come to life yeah and he's also not a goat a ghost you know so yeah there's differences for sure i think the most problematic answer would have been simon yeah um i've never actually like seen simon outside of the workplace so that's true you very rarely can see simon outside of the workplace i've said it a lot but it took it was about i think i've been working with diamond for about three years before i had a pretty reasonable sense that maybe he liked me it took me three years of going does this guy even does he know my name it's just another year and a half for that too have you got another one larry well i have got another one this one is for kyle and so many people have asked this question um kate willis gainer thompson millie 16 ellie ruby win dead pigeons loads of people there's probably uh more people have asked this than anything else which is how hard is it to play mike who can't see ghosts when they're filming right in front of you how difficult is it to pretend they're not there and secondary to that which ghost puts you off the most um i'd love to say it was easy to do but it's actually the hardest thing i've ever done yeah and i don't know i remember this the the scene in the first series where we are in the car um as alison wants to go back to the hospital and when matt puts his head thomas puts his head through the through the car window i was sure that like whatever i did would be wrong i was like there's no way i can do this you did it yeah and so if someone's like that the natural instinct to interact with them in some way yeah it's really hard and and when we came back to it the second time um it was sort of like i had to remember because not only like it had been quite what i've been like a few months since i've done any acting anyway so remembering how to act and then remembering yeah they say acting is reacting and we've given you a job where you're not meant to react to 90 percent of the cast in any given scene with you unbelievable also my favorite thing i noticed you when which i started realizing you're doing is that you the mike thinks the ghosts are sort of floating so often it's addressing them up there we literally jim and i are writing a draft of an episode at the moment we just literally just put a line in where thomas goes why does he think we're floating i love it i didn't realize that it's so good one of my favorite things to do when we're watching back through stuff is to look at kyle during just during scenes and only look at kyle and try and work now what right with his motivation to feel those moments where he's like i can't speak here because ghosts are speaking but i don't know they're speaking it's a little mini game such skill to do that endlessly big house there's loads of things to look at yeah that's what we've got in there i'll ask one two that came just for charlotte from at german counter sorry how did you manage to shoot the moon stone ritual dance without having a mental breakdown he's also put in brackets also i would die for robin oh um uh well i i think in it yeah i guess it was quite good dipping into kyle's world in terms of ignoring like large amounts of people around you all the time so actually in a way it was a sort of acting out of what you have to do every scene coyote but um i it was just just i had to learn my lines really well that was probably the way i did it without stressing out was just learning when i'm supposed to be referencing ghosts and when i'm supposed to be looking at living people um that was probably it just do it just do my job learn my life do you find that while you're doing because the way we usually shoot scenes with the ghosts with alison is that we shoot the ghost coverage first and then there'll be a pass towards the end of the coverage of that scene where all the ghosts leave and you have to do the scene again yeah are you sort of conscious while you're shooting with us of trying to log in your head of like like oh i looked at i looked at the captain then i must remember to do that when he's not there yeah i think so i think that's part of that's yeah definitely just you just have to remember how the scene looked and consciously kind of but you kind of have to do that continuity anyway really don't you like i really struggle with doing that when almost around me i'm still like what happened was i was i saying anything in this scene was i yeah whereas i think if you then change things i think i just have to go home well if you find at the end of the scene that your hands like that yeah because it's going to be and from that angle through there it's like that you have to make sure that you somehow get back there um but yeah it's it's really nice that we didn't do that so much in this in the filming of the second series because we actually just didn't have as much time did we so um like tom kingsley knew what which scenes which bits he was going to use with the ghosts or not and so there's more long meandering things of me pretending to go so that didn't happen so much but um yeah do you learn a bit got another one can i have a question from from me um so from atlas patron uh i'm breaking the rules here but that's sort of what i'm like um only because i was thinking update about the when you first started on ghosts and seeing the chemistry uh seeing that first chemistry read of you both together and sort of everyone having that moment of going well this is this is it surely this is it whether or not do you have any sort of memory of how you felt the first time you were put together and whether it sort of felt natural and that would work or how alien i don't know whether you've worked together before at that point but just how you found that first sort of moment of having to act together as a couple had you met we met we've met before before the chemistry read with men uh in er no no yeah maybe well i'd seen you in the show that we only actually we only found this out like three days ago that i'd seen you in a show yeah yeah memorable one oh i see oh my gosh i'm so slow i think it's the heat but it could be my brain um yeah it was called happy day is that right yeah yeah i saw you in that we only found out we on the weekend but on the weekend this weekend we were talking about it and then was like and i was like what but then i think i'd mentioned that to you before but maybe not um and i saw you in the panto yeah oh yeah in this in the very same venue main venue the new diorama theater which is an amazing theater in king's cross right it's so much better than the old diorama theater i bet there was there must have been an old diorama was that the panto with liam williams and was it sheep guys and people yes yes so it was him and um jono darren johnson wrote it yeah so um i'm sure that like we haven't had loads of mutual friends anyway like yeah yeah but you i think i don't really remember the first time we were like the first thing we did together either i'm glad you said that i don't know why but well i suppose it's the first day of a new job i do remember the read with you though i'm really enjoying that that was so much fun um because i've done the um so leading up to the audition i the second order the recall my recall i had done that scene with so many people yeah that i like blur it all together so i'm like oh that time in the park [Laughter] in the first series yes yes oh easy yeah because you've done it you've done it so many times yeah many times and we've also played with it a lot in rehearsal yeah and it was just like yeah it was just pretty much like just the actual things that i've been imagining the whole time since like months before when i first got a script for the first audition especially because obviously he's watching uh the first episode again last week week before last for the first time since it went out you know originally that scene does feel something when it's really really funny i do love that thing but also it just feels really natural and that was shot really early on yeah we had done so many rewrites on that scene as well i remember seeing i remember being so happy when we saw the rushes and how and how it worked because i think sometimes that happens with a because it's a pilot and you're trying to set up characters as as swiftly character and story like the whole of the premise of the show is happening in that scene alongside trying to set up who mike and arson are in a way that's both kind of real and funny and because it happened loads of times in the auditions we had tweaked it so many times and changed it so many times and then we played with it in rehearsal we had in the read-through and we i think we kept saying to you guys do you i mean if you want to make it funnier just do that because we were just really we got to point we just couldn't it'd just become like meaningless babble you know we've heard it so many times this is no disrespect to you guys but the scene is made by the crunch that kyle does [Laughter] there you go yeah i made it funny i was right written scene wonderful scripts now that sounds like i do actually obviously think that but i've got a question for both of you from i'm tired nine three five zero seven double five four oh my god that was my childhood telephone do you ever get costume envy oh good question no no i don't know sorry i i no especially especially as a woman i think all three of the women are wearing some kind of corset if not at least molly are wearing like ridiculously corsets which are like famously mad things to have to wear yeah and were obviously ended for a reason yeah so yeah but i think there's maybe maybe sometimes i quite like ben's army uniform i like the idea of that structure i mean it's great you don't want to pop pat's um shorts and scarf like getting your knees out right now today pat's costume is really appealing because it's just quite hairy julian's costume is really appealing today yeah i'm thinking that yeah yeah i don't at all i'm just i'm like i love just showing off of what i've got next yeah that's great you see that's what i get costume envy because you get to change god yeah although to be fair larry you get to change more than the rest of us uh yeah no that's true i suppose but when i say get changed humphrey is usually just you in a in jeans in a t-shirt spoiler yeah it's a bit weird that i find that more freaky than robin the fact that it's sort of period from the neck up and then it's like great that's just larry the costumes are absolutely incredible though they're they're becoming quite iconic in my head um you've got a great bit of costume kyle in one the red track suit yeah love it there are some you don't actually need this back there yeah take it up love it socks definitely make their way home with me sorry you asked me the costumes have you got another one larry yes gerena149 which was my fax number um who is your freak bass in real life obviously a reference to a plot point in uh first series there yeah that's a good one do people actually have this in real life i don't know i know people who say they don't train to say i i don't i simply don't have the imagination for it um that's when to play yeah i have to come back to you on that one it's okay you can email us later and we'll just i'll email you later yeah yeah just tweet the name just the name yeah like but in a month's time and people who have been really really watching and looking out yeah uh okay what oh uh ava harvari 22. what was your most memorable and funniest line to say and why um it sort of changes for me but the one like this is based on the sort of like when i watch it um but the one that has been the most memorable in the last few days is definitely west wing socks what west wing socks yeah sparkly through the the fuse when you're that show in the fuse box oh yeah [Laughter] um i think mine is actually well it's not one i say i think it's the scene with the with barkley actually as well where i say like do come in on i like saying that like saying that i really really like the sequence of events where kitty says can i see the bottle of wine i pass it to her smash it on the floor and then kyle says sorry excuse my wife she had an accident halfway through looked up at her pigeon yeah i just yeah i loved that kind of a couple of questions about that scene and one of them was just basically going how how did you do that one how did you get through that one because it is it is a beautifully timed bit of interplay yeah really i always liked how well it sort of demonstrated that difficult dynamic between someone who can see them but is concentrating on someone else other people in the scene who can only see one of the two people having the exchange and that's what the different reactions that you get from that it's a really it's a fun little interplay yes are now they're all running through my head all of the there's a few from there's a few from um from other characters as well for me well there was a question i was going to ask about whether you've got favorite episodes or favorite bits of scenes so um yeah it doesn't it doesn't have to be something removed or something that just sticks in your mind yeah i really like the the wow never had such a short word taken up so much duration of a shooting day oh yeah no and tom just going do one bigger do one bigger i couldn't believe that he wanted a bigger one i've spent so much of my career saying to myself do less do less yeah always do less just have a really massive one it's like that's already the biggest piece of acting i've done in my life to be fair to him i think it is is it the biggest one that is used i think i think he did yeah i mean got you to that point and go yeah that's the one for me it's a bit weird mate i'm waiting for that to um to become the go-to gif when question time is on i'll answer the question or prime minister's questions yeah i did get sent that as a gift the other day for the first time answer the questions it's out there on the internet um marta k 1974 wants to know if you like gooseberries some of these questions will make no sense if you haven't seen the first series of ghosts but you do wow yeah you were handling bag fulls of them yeah did you not just you worked at a gooseberry bar they weren't real though were they not they were yeah i think they were think it would be more expensive to get fake ones than it would be all of those yeah one of them yeah they were like well the fact that they were fake explains why you didn't have one which is fair enough but i don't know why at least one i think maybe i've had one once and are they really sour they can be yeah yeah ones that are sweeter okay i mean like so like so many berries they can be very you know that this is true they're pretty random i was hoping to be shocked there and that kyle was going to go yeah i love them because i mean there is a bit of a running joke about what coyote foods the coyote does and does not eat um never give this man a line why yeah not because you're afraid of them which is what i was trying to peddle he's honestly terrified of them i don't know what it is it must be texture he's just honestly don't don't put it near him please for his sake it's not true um i've got one from me julie's who i think managed to get a question in last time me julie's ten i presume that's the same one i know nine others if either of you were cast as one of the ghosts which would you be or if you could create your own ghosts who would that be well that's good oh if i was if i was one of the existing ghosts i would want to be hungry it's like walking around the house get to work have a look down um i'm free it's mainly trying to get your head into the weirdest position yeah so it doesn't look like you've got a body i like it i mean it's a fun challenge but i thought it'd be a lot of lying down but it's like can you lie down upside down on this staircase you know there's a lot more of that than i thought i would be i'd be mary i think because she sort of exists slightly in her own world and um would have been around during the puritan that would just be a really interesting time to have witnessed so maybe maybe mary but in terms of fun creating our own ghosts i've got any ideas right now but watch this more seriously something something like a sportsman or a sports ghost yeah i mean someone who played a sport where they i mean most sports you have to touch stuff but you know if you were a tennis player and you died without your racket yeah would it be worth if you were a tennis player and you died with your racket but no ball no he got temptation well imagine humphrey's head would get yeah okay smacking annihilated you'd want to be a monk or something wouldn't you or like a like a buddhist monk someone that was totally unattached from anything and then you just absolutely love purgatory well we had not like it was an idea that we were going to have them i think i was going to play a monk and this is a really early idea there was a monk in the test tape we made yeah who was going that's who was playing chess with robin initially yeah we talked about a monk who was real or was it a nun that was really horrible and foul tempered because by coming back they proved that there was no afterlife there was no heaven for them and therefore their entire life was a lie they were hugely regretful about everything that they'd done and so were sort of furious the entire time really the idea that a monk had lived a life of silence and then had an increasing number of ghosts around them as time went by so they would never get silence again [Music] the nun thing's very bleak that would have been yeah i mean like sometimes we go bleak yeah right listen the show can go there if it wants to sorry [Music] i think we've got time for like maybe two more okay is it my turn to ask one yeah oh no which ghost is most this is from sarah marshman which ghost is most likely to make you mess up when filming a scene i mean i know the answer yeah it's probably jim everyone's seen the outtakes i mean i do think that matt is just as bad i think i'm a bad amazing about it is that it really varies it's quite hard i mean jim is definitely a sort of front runner but it can be quite unpredictable it can be a center phrase and then it's like you're lost for 10 minutes yeah i think simon got naughtier in series two there were quite a few moments where oh man he made some big choices i really yeah there's there's one line reading in particular that i can't wait for people to see yeah there are those scenes where you just know that that will be a scene that has lots of outtakes that you can just tell there's there's also something i wish we could talk about the stuff that's coming out but what something lolli does that just time slayed me we're looking at that today actually this sort of talking to you when you first popped up i honestly felt like a little bit fluttery of heart i was like i haven't even seen him in so long but equally we've been looking at you like every day for the last yeah yeah it's really yeah it's it's really strange you're kind of here or not here it's um i mean it's nice to see you as real people because you've been saying the same thing a lot over and over one last one larry um yes uh uh trudy meredith uh want to know uh can fans hope for merch soon uh like a cluedo game called pushy or no pushy or a pat doll that says uh he's put an egg on it so any ideas for uh ghost merch please and we'll take notes i think um okay just off the top of my head maybe like a merry thing that tells you when your food is ready oh yeah that's a good idea really yeah like an egg timer yeah there's things like this does water's all gone all the water um i think if there were a mic doll i'd like one that says why is that and doesn't finish it which has become a bit of a cool what about a ball game where you throw humphrey's head around or something yeah that's good yeah yeah you've got a humpy's head on the end of a swing ball and really big bat right yeah yeah yeah yeah or just humphrey's head pinatas come in on i mean do you come in andrew yeah yeah i mean these are all great ideas we're going to speak to the marketing department we're not going to go out like that we're not going to sell out do merchandise if we do yeah yeah yeah big range every garden center whatever because and one tiny uh last question because i probably said after and you have touched on it there but just to kyle to ask what your relationship was like with the pidgey um so i think people assume there's a natural affinity there um if i had a uh if i could tell a cast member how much i hated it i um there was a point in in the in the first one where we had to have the pigeon on the bed and i was honestly like can i do this because obviously you're not put in a situation every day where you have to deal with the pigeon on your chest you know yeah you were aware that you didn't like them anyway or was it where yeah yeah yeah i just i guess i just assumed that it would be oh it's not gonna be available [Applause] sorry we put you through that yeah you were lying on your side like catatonic it's actually not really good considering actually i think now i properly understand your fear of them it's actually i think the next film with it we didn't it wasn't there we have no idea birds in general are quite they sort of move quite creepily don't they yes they are a bit sort of yeah anyway i think we've probably stolen as much of your time as we can um thanks for letting us ask you some questions and hopefully we'll see you in the real world soon and not just on my computer every day yeah thanks guys thank you see you later bye
Channel: undefined
Views: 90,355
Rating: 4.9745455 out of 5
Keywords: Charlotte Ritchie, Larry Rickard, Kiell Smith-Bynoe, Mathew Baynton
Id: yGhGi6IHjz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 26sec (2066 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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