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right you're a million miles away I don't see what could possibly let let's try a sentence okay try and stay with him laws please just one simple question okay so I say that with syllables [Applause] there's a huge pay rise and lots of wonder love or podia my calculations are correct this could be the only bar a woman need ever buy do you know what plate it for do to me look I'm drunk [Music] Willy's Willy's I like Willie's my lovelies I love Willie so can you keep it down lucky things not obtain any horse I haven't seen it yet then see it now I've seen it when he cross it in front of my desk at work or if he bent over to pick stuff up but I haven't seen up it because that website said you were going to dye it three didn't it did it but how could you forget wrong it clearly stated Oh is anyone of the right time you know he looks like he's one of those mental types a big bookworm he has boss fired nurses what is it again hey olive um can I get my jacket back that's why I remember I gave it to you before jacket it's mine it's mine forty a day perhaps are 146,000 and to a decade presume this to leap years when did you give up when did I give up oh how it doesn't I well how would help you say in the next line yeah some pips need philosophy and I'm the pit Mulder you did put something in that tea I resuscitate that accusation damn that sorry I've never seen a grandfather clock in a church before yes hello does someone have a problem with their laptop listen to me this is very important number one did I hear a phone was that me that in my head Cho Stephen fennel because it's easy to remember right except well you did say Stephen general earlier smoke mirrors [Music] oh good I think it's good let me see maybe it isn't everything no it's definitely everything I don't know J no no I don't think so I don't think that Kimberley would like it no and I don't want to make any wrong moves there Jen I I don't want to freak her out so I'm just gonna keep saying words until I get my lines right I could have brought it in tomorrow you know you didn't have to follow me home Oh Jan I know what it's like lending money you don't want it hanging over you it's just it's better I just get it back now before it becomes this big thing between us hey you want to come oh no you shouldn't go either no the new wind is blowing [Music] [Applause] can you to not use my email anymore please I've got a new one Jenny when he at friend face you not signed up a friend face have you yes I have actually why not it's great computers mas let me see maybe isn't everything no it's definitely everything [Music] [Laughter] do you know what the shareholders are going to do with us sorry if you were getting hysterical I can handle you've missed every single meeting with them in the last seven days where were you last week oh yes you're gonna hate me for this but I decided to take a day off I took some of the pension money out of them sorry I'll go do this laughs again as where I could get you're making it sound like we're some sort of ordinary copper but that's what we are can't you see it my wife you're my wife can't you see you're my wallet Froy you're my wife can't you see you're my wife you're my wife Roy Cohn you see can't you see you're my wife did you found the police thought you said you would I said I said I was listening to the police no you said you would phone the police because he saw a robbery oh I was telling master I saw a lost cast in a shrubbery no you didn't you said that you saw he specifically said I am going to phone the police on account of my witnessing of robbery no I said I had watched silent witness your pants are on fire Roy you are lying to me there's no lies here what this room oh come off it Roy you have you predicted milk yes he's been drinking you have to stop it you've just done I think it's fabulous every value of ever held has been questioned I think it's fabulous every value of ever held has been questioned I think it's fabulous every value have ever held has been questioned so I think it's I think it is fab every value have ever held has been questioned I think it is fabulous everywhere I think it is fabulous every value of ever I think it's fabulous every value have ever held as being questioned and I'm loving two grown men can't make a pervert happy for a few minutes to watch a film about zombies then maybe we should all just move to Iran so you back this up a bit I'm in an ethical pickle [Applause] it turns out that meeting new people it's a lot more common I'll come on now talk dastardly and muttley here I'm just saying this immoral see people on pneumatic drills for the less industry but then as Jen pointed out earlier being a cannibals little immoral - I'm in an ethical pickle [Music] that's that it's that done the hills I don't know Roy it does seem a little immoral to mislead him but then it's Jen pointed out earlier being a cannibals little oh come on it's berry we're doing this to a pillow I will sorry I'm gonna do it it's done nice fine no no
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,883,244
Rating: 4.9124689 out of 5
Keywords: best it crowd bloopers, it crowd, it crowd bloopers, bloopers, funny, comedy, outtakes, laugh, tv
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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