Asking Michael Reeves About His Exploding Bladder & "Education"

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Isn't that the guy that went to a massive party on a yacht during covid despite working with vulnerable patients?

👍︎︎ 50 👤︎︎ u/Brownies_Ahoy 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Dr. Mike is a little sketch atm so why not support a smaller content creator

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/WasabiChimChim 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
- As a real doctor, I'm legitimately afraid for Michael Reeves and his health condition. You've probably heard of Michael Reeves. He builds interesting robots on YouTube. (Michael screams) - Oh, hell, yeah! - [Mikhail] In fact, last year he took inspiration from the life-saving da Vinci surgical robot and made his own. (robot crashing) Still pending FDA approval. Michael is funny, Michael is brilliant, Michael's bladder once exploded and his urine turned black. He's one of the most creative and entertaining YouTube, what? His urine did what? - My bladder had this weird thing where it like popped. As I was pissing, I was like, it was starting to go black. - [Mikhail] As a doctor and a medical detective, I had to solve this case. I called upon my team, invested my time, money and endless effort to track Michael down. - Do you just want the story of what happened? - I know you were getting like Chinese food, right, at the time. - Oh, yeah, yeah. I was at a Genki Sushi, which is probably not a nationwide chain. It's a sushi place. I was like, "Wow, I have to piss." And so I asked someone, "Is there a bathroom I can use at this establishment?" They're like, "No, because we're on Maui and every store sucks." I paid, I ran to the public bathroom at the mall. I was so sure I was gonna piss my pants, but I held it until I got to the urinal. You know when do the suck-in to undo-- - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Your belt buckle? - Yeah. - At the suck-in point, there was this popping feeling. (ballon pops) I don't know if it was audible but I felt it throughout my body. It was like a little pop at my bladder area. I got lightheaded and I was still piss, I managed to get the piss out, and my vision started having this, around when you get lightheaded. I left the bathroom, I sat on the floor for 15 minutes, and then I was fine. Never had an issue where it popped again. But I feel like I piss more after that, like I piss a lot. - Did that scare the (squeaking) out of you? I mean like you were scared-- - Yeah, I thought I had internal bleeding and I had to go to the hospital. - [Mikhail] After recovering on the floor of this Maui shopping mall, Michael Reeves had a decision to make. Should he visit his doctor or should he go home and build a robot that measures the volume and frequency of his urine, then upload that data live on his Twitch while streaming video? - It's like a flow meter sensor and a half a funnel cut around it and it goes to this little WiFi-enabled board and the little WiFi-enabled board runs to my computer. Rather like it transmits to my computer over WiFi the data of how fast liquid is going through it and then it displays on my OBS. And so that displays on my stream how much piss I'm pissing. - Did you get checked out after that? - No, I didn't have any health care service at that point, I didn't have insurance at this point. So I was like, "Ah, if I die, I die, whatever." - Okay (laughing), that's not advisable. Like I'm gonna go on record (Michael laughs) and just say that's not what I would recommend to do in that scenario. Now, you said after the fact, you were starting to use the bathroom more often. You were saying you're peeing like several times an hour. Is that still happening? - When I'm chugging water. - As a doctor, when I hear someone say, even if they're chugging water, that they're urinating several times an hour, that sounds excessive. Because, generally, and this is a rough estimate, I don't want anyone to think that this is a hard and fast rule, most adults urinate anywhere between four and eight times a day. - I don't feel like going to the doctors. There's this weird thing that happened recently. I don't know if you've heard of it. It's this thing called COVID-19 and it's like this, yeah, I don't wanna go. - Is that the viral thing? - Yeah, yeah the viral thing-- - (indistinct) Viral, right? And I don't wanna-- - I saw it on YouTube. - Go to a (squeaking) doctor's office right now. - Had this viral sensation, COVID-19, not become viral, would you have gone? - I can't say for sure, but maybe. - Getting ahead of problems and preventing problems is ideal. Are you a subscriber to that notion? - Yeah, as a do as I say, not as I do kinda thing. - (laughing) Wait a second. - It was starting to go black, starting to go black. - What about the black urine? In this instant, you didn't mention it, but on your stream, you did, and I think it got misunderstood, at least by my fans. You were saying something like you ran to the bathroom, you were trying to go to the bathroom, and when you did that, it went black. - [Michael] Yeah. My fans assumed that your urine turned black and they got really worried that you were in kidney failure. - That's (indistinct). - And I was like, oh no. Did Michael Reeves go into kidney failure and just throw his hands up and say he's good. (both laughing) - No, the piss was fine, the piss was fine. - So, the piss was a normal color? - Yes, the piss was a piss color. - [Mikhail] All of this makes sense as Michael doesn't have a urology degree. But despite his vast engineering understanding, he doesn't have one of those degrees either. - I didn't finished college. It's mostly just like taught off of Google, and YouTube courses and all that. - I know you take things in stride and you make things funny, but you actually do inspire a lot of people to explore science and engineering. I've actually scoured Reddit. I've seen posts of people being like, "If I wanna do what Michael Reeves does, what do I study in school?" Do you ever think about your impact on people's education? - I try not to (chuckles), I really. I would like not to inspire people. I feel like that's, at least on the education standpoint. - I mean, education has changed, right? Like you mentioned-- - For sure. - That's a great example that you can learn off of YouTube and Google. You don't need to pay a huge sum of money to go to school. And that doesn't mean that everyone has to follow that. But dude, imagine you don't have the resources to go to a good school or that you didn't take education seriously earlier in your life, but now you want to. I can learn from how you've learned, right? - Yeah, exactly. - You are an inspiration. - I wouldn't recommend it if you wanna be a doctor, but so many other things. (Mikhail laughs) I think it's more about like learning how you learn best 'cause I hate classrooms so much. - True. How did you learn that, how did you figure that out? - By just sitting in school for the last 12 years or so. - But how did you know that YouTube and Google learning was for you? - I remembered it after I was teaching myself. Wouldn't remember it in the class. I just hate normal schools. I also learn way slower than most people. I'll watch every course twice. When I get halfway in, I'll have to reverse 'cause I didn't understand something and all that. So, reversing and being able to look through the content, it's super nice, just for me, personally. - [Mikhail] Since Michael likes learning from experts on YouTube, wink, wink, I offered to answer any medical questions he had. - Aneurysms, what's the deal with that? You just, what, you get brain bleed? - Okay, so-- - Randomly, and I die out of the blue? - Do you have an aneurysm? Is that why you're worried about? - No, I'm still here talkin'. - You could live with an aneurysm. - Really? - You have the plumbing that goes in your body, pretend like you have the PVC pipe, but the PVC pipe, let's say it's made of rubber instead, like a balloon material. It holds the pressure really well. But then imagine one part of the wall is thinner than the rest of the wall of the artery so it creates like an outpouching. So it has like a weakness in the wall-- - Oh, I see, like an alcove. - In one area. That's an aneurysm. And you could live and not know that you have an aneurysm and everything's fine, but then if you, let's say you have high blood pressure or something happens and that aneurysm ruptures 'cause it's already a thinner wall, you create a brain bleed, and that's sometimes can be fatal and it creates a hemorrhagic stroke. - Oh, it freaks me out that you can just die and you don't know why, and nothing's bad and then you're dead. - Not everyone dies of a brain bleed. You know who's actually someone famous that you'd probably know that had one and survived? The actress from "Game of Thrones". - [Emilia] I had just finished filming season one of "Game of Thrones". Then I was struck with the first of two aneurysms. - She had two aneurysms. - Dude, she tanked that, she's built different. - She said, Michael Reeves said you can't survive these, gimme two. - The brain and the heart freak me out. The idea that you could have something happening that's a permanent debuff that you don't know about. Maybe it's like, I'm a lot more slow because of some weird thing going on and I know it would be always undiagnosed. - Have you heard of Phineas Gage? - I have, the guy who got the rail spike in the head - [Mikhail] Yeah. - And then he was an (squeaking) forever 'cause it went to his hippopotamus. - His hippopotamus. - No, no, it wasn't the hippocampus, it was the amygdala. It was the amygdala, right? - I think with him, it went through his frontal cortex-- - [Michael] Oh, the whole thing (chuckles)? - Like the prefrontal cortex was damaged and that keeps your personality intact. So he was functioning off of that lizard brain component not being logical and reasoning, et cetera. And you know where we see this a lot, Michael? People who are elderly, they sometimes get what we call frontotemporal dementia. Start acting hyper-sexual, saying raunchy (squeaking) to their medical staff. - That sucks 'cause that's old people. That sucks, that sucks. - Yeah. - That sucks that that happens to old people, specifically. Don't wanna think about that. Never gonna think about that ever again (chuckles). - What is your last word, what is the imparting wisdom you'd like to set to the world? - Pay attention to, don't do what I do, pay attention to what doctors say (chuckles). If your bladder pops, go to the doctor. - Michael Reeves isn't the only gamer here. I actually take gaming quite seriously, myself, click here for that playlist, and as always, stay happy and healthy. Minecraft Surgeon Simulator play games, they're all here. Which one you gonna watch, though, in that playlist? ("Chase Cash" by A P O L L O)
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 4,249,711
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Keywords: michael reeves, michael reeves minecraft, michael reeves cup, michael reeves bladder, michael reeves out of context, michael reeves robot, dr mike, dr. mike, doctor mike, mike varshavski, mikhail varshavski, michael reeves surgery, michael reeves black, michael reeves school, michael reeves offlinetv, michael reeves reaction
Id: 3GhqYE98wAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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