TikToks Only A Doctor Can Explain

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- Show me your statistic, before you make wild statistics! "Day 33 of kicking trees, 'till I get shins of steel." Oh, my God, no way. (pained groan) I'm all for training your shins. But, why hit such a sharp object that's gonna break your skin? Bacteria's gonna set in, create a septic arthritis. Whoa, so cool. Not medical at all, but I love the break. Oh, oh, oh! No! "Just in case anyone wanted to know what my fingerprint looks like." Aw, it's a heart. I love it. Probably makes the best Valentines Day cards. Okay, we have a big trampoline and... I don't know what that is bouncing. Ope, it's gonna fly, it's gonna fall... Ooh. Honestly, that's concussion. Neck spasm, whiplash injury, contrecoup injury, lots of problem. You've gotta be careful with head injuries, man. This is bad, because not only did he get hit in the head, and his neck snapped. But then, he landed and he hit his head again. Me too. No way that's a real world. Okay, that's... This is not real. Wait, what is that stethoscope that he's got on? That looks like it's from the 1910s. Okay, we've got a basketball, bouncing. He's dodging it. Dude, that was close. Oh! You gotta be careful with that testicular injury, there. You could have a serious problem. "The hospital wondering why nobody use that." "Push for help." There's a spider. Oh, yeah, you don't want to push for help. - [TikToker] I don't need that much help. - Yeah, the hospital's got to do a better job at cleaning that up. 'Kay, what's happening here? It's a rodeo, they're pulling her. Oh, no. These things are terrible. Okay, I don't like this at all. Aw, the centripetal force on your brain is just so bad, like... It's just really unnecessary, she's gonna feel horribly dizzy. The endolymph fluid that's within your semicircular canals, and the little crystals that are in there, that help you gauge position, and have your equilibrium going. They keep going, through inertia, and as a result, you start spinning, and feeling like you're continuing to move. So... I don't envy her. - I just woke up, but I'm about to eat three cloves of garlic. - Okay. - For like, a natural antibiotic. - Okay, I mean... Dude. Dude, why can't you just stop and say, "I like three cloves of garlic." "And I think, overall, it's probably a healthy thing to do." 'Cause, I'd be with it. - Then I have a few spoonfuls of probiotic coconut yogurt. I normally add a little bit of cinnamon for good luck. - Good luck? At least that one's not medically inaccurate. Fine, add cinnamon to your yogurt for good luck. I'm with that clip. - This is a powder to help with your gut. - No, it's not. - It's immunoglobulin concentrate, I don't really know. - Yeah, exactly. Repeat that again. - I'm going to try chlorophyll again. I think I want to get a cleaner brand. But, to detox the body and the liver. - Detox the body? We all need to detox the body. How have we been alive for generations without detoxing our bodies? It's incredible, it's incredible what these supplement stores sell to people. And, my curiosity and questions to individuals like this, is when you walk into a supplement store and you see a hundred-thousand items, that have ridiculous claims about cleaner skin, and this and that. And yet, all those problems still exist in the people going to the store... Aren't you skeptical? If I prescribed a patient, who has acid-reflux, a prescription drug, and it never helped them. You don't think I'll ask some questions? Something bad's about to happen, I feel it. Medically, I'm concerned. Ope, nope, he just went straight for the butt drop. See, that's not going to feel great on his sacrum. "7 seconds to detect stroke, Alzheimer's, brain problems." I love it, because none of these things are related to one another at all. Except, they happen up here. "Overlap index and middle finger." "Touch your thumb and ring finger." "If the little finger can move freely, the brain is healthy." My pinky finger's moving, but after reading that and listening to that, my brain is no longer healthy. Oh! There's gonna be a mean skin burn, there. - I love helmets, I love helmets! - I love helmets too, man. They protect our brain. Why don't you just control the amount of caffeine you take in? Or, the amount of salt you take in? Why do you need to taste it? "The Universe telling me signs I don't want to hear." - Running all over my For You page lately, has been, "eat papaya seeds to get rid of parasites." "I did this parasite cleanse, and I've been pooping worms." I'm a holistic nutritionist. And, I haven't done a parasite cleanse in ages. So, I'm thinking, is this what the universe is trying to tell me? - No, it's what you were searching. So, the universe just gave it back to you 'cause that's how the algorithm works. It's not predictive. - 80% of people have parasites. - 80% of people have parasites? Show me your statistic before you make wild statistics! "3 steps to get glowing skin without touching your face." Sleep well, hydrate well, eat nice, enriched foods. Like, beets. "Glide up and down your neck to your ears." You mean, get a massage? "They stimulate the nerve endings that lead to the release of endorphins." Cool, so... Yeah, if you get a massage, you'll feel good. And, I don't know if that's considered medical advice or not. Oh, I love the 20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, for 20 seconds, look 20 feet away. I did not expect that. No, actually watching anime for 20 continuous hours, not good for the eyes. - Oh, my God. - I have the best advice for women in business. Get your (censored) ass up, and work. - What's happening right now with her eyes... I feel is manufactured. 'Cause there's some kind of split screen effect on her face, that's copying with one side of her face is doing. As an experienced medical professional, I see the arteries going within her eyes and they're following the same trajectories on both sides, and I don't find that to be feasible. By the way, I'm not paying attention to what she's saying. Right? No, that's fake. "POV, you unplug the beeping things at the hospital and all the patients start sleeping better." Okay, you know what? You shouldn't do this. But, alarm fatigue is real. If you have alarms going off for no reason, and you start ignoring them. Because, you know they're for no reason, that's really dangerous. Because then, you can tune out alarms that actually matter. So, please, if you feel an alarm is going off constantly, and you're not responding to it 'cause you don't need to, turn it off. So, that when you do hear an alarm, you react. And, by the way, there should be quiet times at night, so patients can rest. 'Cause they need to rest and recover! We don't fix patients, patients fix themselves! - Please, help me. - Why? - My eyes hurt so bad. - It looks like you just have a subconjunctival hemorrhage. I mean, I don't know for sure. - Please, I'm not joking, they burn, bro. - Well, if they burn, that means you probably got something in the eye. But, in most cases, the biggest thing about a subconjunctival hemorrhage, is patients worrying that something bad is going on. But, in reality, they come in, we rule out other issues. Like, a scratched cornea, brain lesions, by doing a neurologic exam, reflexes. We just make sure they're okay, and then we send them home and say, "You'll be fine." Wow. Not gonna lie, aesthetically, this product looks cool. I have a feeling, and I kind of wish I bought it for this video. It's probably garbage. Here's my concern. I think your skin gets caught in between the wheels. If anyone's used this product, leave me a comment down below. I'm worried about your skin getting caught in this. But, if it's good, let me know. - Holy smokes dude. - Oh, what's happening here? - My cut is insane, shout out to my barber, dog. - My assumption is, there's some kind of allergic reaction happening, there's edema. And then, it's pitting edema, so she pressed in that area, and while it's coming back, she made a video. Ah, that's a hyper extended knee, right there. Ope. Oh, does she have an artificial eye? Wait, what was that? I have no idea. - [Cameraman] To remove a contact lens? - I don't know, I don't know. That looked like a nerf gun bullet. Okay, this looks traumatic in nature. Or, it could be congenital. - [TikToker] You've got it. - Oh yeah, I feel like I've seen this guy's finger before. - [TikToker] You see my bone in there. - See, what I think is happening here, is injury to the middle layer of the skin, or the proteins that connect the epidermis to the dermis. And, as a result, there's edema in there, fluid in there, so that's just his finger moving. But, then... The nail should be moving too, so I don't know what's going on. Oh, what is this? This looks like a burn of some kind. There's an onychomycosis. So, there's some fungal infection of the nails, there. The feet are quite red, so there could be potentially signs of infection, whether fungal or bacterial. I mean, blisters caused usually by friction, or heat, or something happening damage wise. They're also autoimmune conditions, like Bullous pemphigoid. But, usually, those are all across the skin. Not just in a single location like this. Oh, man, I wonder what happened here. Maybe like, a heating pad was left on the skin and it burned the skin? 'Cause that's what it looks like happened. Wow, that's a big blister, lots of edema there. But also, looks like that person has swollen ankles as well. So, I'm having some kind of dependent edema. Or perhaps, congestive heart failure, leading to lower extremity edema. Some foot scraping? Ew! Some foot scraping transported into buttering bread. - No, God, please, no. No! - [TikToker] Have you heard about the old wives tale about the potato in the sock overnight, curing the flu? - I have seen this on five minute crafts, and it made me very angry. "It will clean your blood." - [TikToker] She had a pretty bad fever. So, she had the chills. - Okay, just so you're aware. The reason you get a fever, the reason you have chills, is because your body gives you chills, so you shiver. You raise your temperature of your body. Therefore, your immune cells actually start functioning at a better capacity. Viral cells have a tougher time replicating within your body. Don't know what roles potatoes have in this. - [TikToker] And in the morning, you just take them out and I'm always amazed at what it looks like. Look at that, look how black. - You know what's also black if you leave it out? Avocado. And, you don't even need a virus or a parasite for that. - [TikToker] It's just like the potato has sucked all the disease. - Oh, my God. The potato sucked all the disease. Or it oxidized, just like an apple does, or an avocado. - [TikToker] But, I like to leave the other pieces of the potato, cut up on the counter. So, I can compare it. - Yeah, do you know what the difference is? Your poor child sweating all over the potato. So, it's oxidizing faster. Oh, my God, man. What if it's just your face shape? What if it's that you didn't get a good night's sleep? No, they can't. Like, what if they have cancer? And, you're telling them it's because their kidneys are dehydrated? Yes, you could be dehydrated. When you're dehydrated, your kidney's suffer and they don't filter your blood as well. So, all that stuff could be true. But, the fact that you're so sure of it, is where you're wrong. No, your lungs are here, in your chest cavity. No, and your stomach is also in your abdomen. It has nothing to do with your cheek. No, it's not. In fact, besides the blood that goes in your liver during points of circulation, that also ends up here. There is no connection between your cheeks, or your face, or your temple and your liver. Oh, or, if there is some kind of jaundice condition and the area's turning yellow. But, whatever this person is saying, is horribly inaccurate, needs to be taken down. "Mouth taping." - Let's talk about why you should be taping your mouth shut, every single night before you go to bed. - I thought she was gonna say, "So you don't bother your partner." Or, some joke thing. - Breathing through your mouth contributes to a host of issues. Including, bad breath, gum disease, cavities, brain fog and weakened immune system. - Okay, some of these things, yes. Bad breath, gum disease, cavities, true. Brain frog, weakened immune system? Now, we're starting to get a little into the... Quack space, because that's not exactly true. Maybe, you can have a higher propensity for getting sick. But, that doesn't necessarily mean you have a weakened immune system. Brain fog, also very subjective here. - And most people, myself included. Breathe through their mouths at night. Taping your mouth shut before bed, completely prevents that. - Well, first of all, it doesn't completely prevent it. 'Cause that's a very small piece of tape. Number two, before doing this. You really should talk with your doctor, to see why it is that you're breathing through your mouth at night. Some people have obstructions in their nasal passageways, that could require treatment. Whether medical, or surgical, both are options. Some people have allergies, and a simple nasal steroid spray can help, and do wonders for them. Some people can just take over the counter oral medications. Others, might realize that they have a polyp obstructing their sinuses. And, as a result, they can have great results with surgical options. Or, you could have really bad obstructive sleep apnea. And, you'd benefit a lot from a CPAP device. So, this is where the TikTok, maybe some good advice, turns into drastically over hyped advice that can become potentially dangerous. - But, it is so easy, it doesn't come off overnight and you're gonna have the best sleep ever. - I hate when people make these claims. "You'll have the best sleep ever." I just, I can't say that to my patients who are suffering with insomnia. That's the difference between a random person making a video on TikTok, versus a doctor giving advice. I have patients who are truly suffering and having really bad times in their lives, 'cause they can't sleep. And, if I promised them great sleep, and the best sleep ever with this piece of tape, and they don't get it. That trust is completely broken. But, in general, breathing through the nose is best. So, whatever strategy you have to do, to do that, after speaking with your doctor, I'm all for trying different things. And, if you do breathe through your mouth, there are mouth sprays that you could use, to keep your mouth a little bit more lubricated. Like, dry mouth sprays. Check out this Draw My Life video, of me coming to America. I know you'll enjoy it, the animations are fire. As always, stay happy and healthy.
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 8,688,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doctor mike, dr mike, drmike, dr. mike, mikhail varshavski, doctor mikhail varshavski, mike varshavski, doctor reacts, shins, human pyramids, concussions, neck spasms, testicular injuries, spiders, Daniel Thrasher, dizziness, garlic, antibiotics, natural cures, alzheimer's, strokes, drinking urine, caffeine, salt, worms, cleanses, parasites, clean skin, massages, eye strain, Manon Mathews, Adin Ross, neck rollers, pitting edema, hyperextension, blisters, ayuverdic medicine, mouth taping
Id: FrbiPlT-rJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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