Doctor Reacts To PAINFUL Anime Scenes

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- Anime newbie here. But we're about to watch some anime medical scenes and I'm gonna react to them, tell you if they're legit or not, maybe make some nouveau medical diagnoses in these. Old, new anime, everything in between. Let's get started. - I'm going to teach you how to use all 10 water breathing forms. - Oh, I always thought there was 9. - [Urokodaki] Start by taking a long, deep breath so the oxygen flows into every cell of your body. - This guy sounds like Dr. Huberman. - [Urokodaki] Now breathe. (Tanjiro inhales) Wrong! - Yeah. If you hit someone in the solar plexus that's a game changer right there. That's why in boxing we always aim for that. A solar plexus is a gathering of nerves. If you hit in that area it can paralyze your ability to use the diaphragm normally and breathe properly. Oh, stop hitting him in the ribs. That's literally rib fractures right there. That's gonna hurt for at least 8 to 12 weeks. But you know, we don't usually do much about rib fractures unless they're incredibly displaced or they're causing problems with breathing, meaning that some individuals have a displaced rib fracture that can actually puncture a lung, obviously problematic, and we can hear that on a physical exam. And then also some patients because their ribs are broken and they're in so much pain, they actually splint their breathing meaning they don't breathe as deeply, and then they actually start losing a portion of their lungs at the basis through a process called Atelectasis. So what we do in those patients is try to get really good pain control and give them a tool called incentive spirometry, which encourages them to take those deep, powerful breaths. - Take a look at your hands! - What's wrong with my hands? - What's wrong with the hands? Oh! I don't know what that is. - You're poisoned. A spider bit you, didn't it? You're gonna turn into one before long. - Okay. Gotta fact check this one. You do not turn into a spider after being bitten by one. So many people are afraid of "lethal spiders". In North America, I think that's unheard of. In fact, it's almost unheard of across the world. I think we need to break this stigma that spiders are "deadly". In fact, most bites, even the bites that we see here in North America on the northeast coast, are usually from recluse spiders. They just cause a little inflammation. Sometimes in rare cases there are systemic effects. Yes, it's rare and it does happen. But if you get medical care, your chance of dying is really close to zero. - By the time this long hand goes around once, you'll become one of the spiders. When the hand arrives here, you'll feel tingling and pain in your limbs. When it's here, you'll feel dizzy and nauseous. - We do have some expectation as to when you'll start experiencing symptoms depending on the type of spider that bit you and what the rash might look like after the fact. In fact, here's what a rash might look like if a recluse spider bit you. (man speaking Japanese) Okay, so Mr. Olympia. He's doing some really weird exercises for someone who's trying to become the strongest man. He's doing weighted crunches and then internal rotation. Throw him on a compound lift. That's actually one of the biggest unfair things that I see in the gym. If someone's on gear, aka testosterone or other steroids, they don't have to lift as heavy and do all these things. Like they can go really lightweight, and as long as they're making use of their muscle, it is easier to build muscle. (people speaking Japanese) Oh no, don't do it. (people speaking Japanese) That's so bad. Oh, my God. He turned into the Incredible Hulk. By the way, most people, they don't drink their steroids, they inject their steroids. A lot of times the steroids that you do take by mouth can cause serious problems with your liver, like very quickly. So people like to bypass that and go directly into the blood. Do not use anabolic steroids for recreational purposes. It's not because they're just illegal. Yes, that's the wrong reason to use them, but there are also so many health complications past what you see in media, like a lot of people will talk about testicular shrinking, poor fertility, male pattern balding, female pattern balding. These are like superficial things. Look at this list from the NIH of things that can go wrong from using anabolic steroids. It's a true problem and I feel like the people that are these huge mega monsters with their muscles that lie to you about using it and their health complications from using it are doing a huge disservice to the public. Oh no. Did he kill him? Oh, why you so angry? (titan speaking Japanese) If he's so strong and he hits himself, doesn't he damage himself? (titan speaking Japanese) Oh, my God. He's like a prion. You can't kill him. Smack cow disease in anime form. - It's so cute, it's the best of all. - Oh, Pikachu and Ash. - Oh hi, Pikachu. - Pika-pika. Oh. Well see, as a doctor, I'm very concerned for Ash here. Because when I first watched this I didn't have a medical degree. But now that I know, voltage can be extremely deadly, even at low voltage, depending on the current, the milliamps. You know those huge tasers have 50,000 volts, but a socket has much less voltage and yet can still kill you because it depends on the current, how much you're exposed to it, where you're standing, the path of the electricity. All these factors matter. Don't listen to the people who say, "It's not the volts that kill you. It's the amps." It's both. See that? I just became microphysics on the spot. God, I hope that was accurate. God, do I remember these Pokémon? Gastly? This one, the bigger one is Ga- Gengabird? It's something big- - [Sam] You were really close. - Yeah. - [TV] Who's that Pokémon? - Gasenberger? - Wait a second! - Ooh. Oh, that chandelier's falling right on top of you guys. I mean, there's a lot of back trauma that's happening if you're getting a giant chandelier falling on your lumbar or thoracic spine. And the reason, by the way, I would get a CAT scan on them right away is because of the mechanism of injury. Not just based on their symptoms, just the fact that this heavy chandelier fell on them. It's time. Let's go "Attack on Titan". Explosions are not good for health. Oh no. Evil creature and good townspeople. - That wall's 50 meters high. Oh God. - This is interesting. You do not see a dilated pupillary response here that you would see in someone who's truly afraid. - [Speaker] It's a titan. - I can't clarify what a titan is medically 'cause we do not have a definition for that. Great gluteus maximus. My man has been doing his squats. (suspenseful music) (person screaming) - Grab that end and push with everything you got. (suspenseful music continues) - What are these people? I feel like this is what happens when patients elope from their rooms in the hospitals and they just start wandering. Oh, but that's a creepy smile. Very joker esque. I see some mottling of the skin too, that was concerning. - Sweetie, listen to me. My legs have been crushed. Even if you could get me out of here, I can't run. - Yes, you can't run, number one. And number two, if you remove the thing that's been causing the crush injury, you could actually create a bigger problem like a fatty embolism. 'Cause if you have a broken bone, there's some fat tissue that can enter the bloodstream and be potentially deadly in addition to all the damaged muscle tissue, all the intracellular contents like the different electrolytes that can spill into your bloodstream causing a heart arrhythmia. Like very, very dangerous. - You hear me? Stay alive! - Good advice. Wow. That thing is huge. Do they eat them? What do they do? Oh, they are gonna eat them. I feel like this titan also has a misrepresentation of how many teeth a human should have. I love that there's red blood cells flying through the air, like it's not even splatter of blood. We need a blood splatter analysis expert in here to discuss this. They have jetpacks? Oh! That was a masseter attack. Oh, that's a skull fracture until proven otherwise for me. You wanna stabilize that C spine and get him to a hospital stat. Oh, is he being swallowed? Oh, my God. Is he rescuing him from the mouth of the titan? Oh, that's a dislocated shoulder. - I refuse to die like this. - Oh yeah. Fight. Don't let him bite you. By the way, the masseter is such a strong muscle in humans, let alone titans, there's no way he's fighting that. Sorry, bro. Yeah. Thought so. Oh, is it dislocated? (people speaking Japanese) If a patient is having extreme joint pain and starts having a fever, what I would be concerned for would be a septic arthritis which is an infection of the joint space. But if they're having shortness of breath and chest pain as well radiating to the left shoulder, I would think heart attack, especially of someone of advanced age. (people speaking Japanese) There's a doctor right here, Boruto. (people speaking Japanese) On YouTube. (people speaking Japanese) Oh no. Why is he blue like that? Blue color means that the blood is deoxygenated and the patient's not breathing. (people speaking Japanese) (Boruto screaming) Oh, my God, what kind of doctor is this? What in the SMM hell is going on? Can we help the person that's blue and stop squeezing hands? (people speaking Japanese) What is going on? See, like, I like to think I have healing hands, but that's not what I mean. I mean like, if your muscle hurts, I can manipulate it, massage it, help it get better range of motion, better circulation, but I can't actually heal by going like this. Oh, look at it. What is that? Just like a little metal fragment? (people speaking Japanese) What is it, and how'd you take it out of his body? If you have a foreign object that's a splinter stuck inside of your body, wood is one of the worst ones to have because it can actually create a really bad inflammatory response because of the oils and resonance that's found on the wood. But if you have plastic or glass or metal, that actually has a less chance of creating a reaction, keeping in mind if it was a clean piece of material. But also remember, if you have a splinter deep inside of you, that can cause scarring, encapsulation, inflammation, irritation. So we generally like to take them out. You know where the most interesting place to take out a splinter is? Underneath a nail. It's like, you can make a V-shaped incision in the nail, pull out the splinter. I've had some really interesting experiences with patients with a splinter in their nails. "Dragon Ball Z". I also watched a little bit of this. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Is this a beam of light through the body? I've heard of like, a photon emitting laser creating a devastating injury to a scientist. But I dunno what this was. (everyone screaming) Okay, so if you have a giant hole in your chest, that's a problem because there's organs that are in that area. And remember, as blood pools in the chest cavity, it makes it harder for the heart to beat. Because in order for the heart to beat, it needs to expand and then beat, expand and then beat. In order for it to expand, it needs space. And if blood starts pooling in this area creating pressure on the heart, it can't beat effectively. What we do in these situations is put on a chest tube to help the drainage of at least the blood and all the inflammatory liquids clear out of the body and reinflate the poor lung if we can. I actually did a couple of episode reviews of "Cells at Work!" Really cool anime about the human body. Click here to check that out. So, so interesting. As always, stay happy and healthy. (upbeat music)
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 4,266,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doctor mike, dr mike, drmike, dr. mike, mikhail varshavski, doctor mikhail varshavski, mike varshavski, doctor reacts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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