Why? Why? Why?

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well tonight we're going to be ending what we've embarked upon uh some time ago uh regarding the y series it's been fun i think the y series has been um i think a direct but casual time of us getting together here in wednesday nights and taking on some of the things that are very personal it doesn't mean that we're not going to do that in the future just the nature of this work that god has been doing here for 30 years is personal that way we'd rather listen we'd rather be doers of the word and not hearers only we would rather be disciples than just um in some ivory tower type theologian right we'd be rather on the streets with the gospel uh than read about it somewhere and so we're going to continue to do that and that's why we came to you with the y series that some of your questions may be answered but i want to let the cat so to speak out of the bag right now regarding the end of this i'm going to try to go through what we have briefly written down this evening by design that tonight after all of these wednesday nights together and i saw the hands that you raised about attending um sunday service and that's great but it would be remiss on my part that if we ended tonight and did not give opportunity for you to get up out of your seat and to come forward publicly for anyone or you all whoever that might be that would tonight say this is the night that i'm going public with jesus i'm going to proclaim him tonight as my lord and my savior and i'm going to walk with god i'm going to give him my life tonight so listen maybe for the next 45 minutes you won't hear a word i'm saying because i just said that and if that happens that's good because that means god's got your attention and he's like to you and he's shaking you up because i'd rather have you battle with him all the way through and so by the end of this message you would find great relief and running forward and saying what do i do that i might be saved but some of you need to go public with jesus you've been undercover if you were to die at your work or maybe if you were to die your family some of your extended family god forbid your immediate family would find out what he was a christian that'd be pretty sad no listen tonight you need to go public so listen as we do this this evening here's what here's what we're going to be looking at tonight we're going to be looking at seven things that i want to bring up to you and we'll go through them very briefly but it's all with that end in mind so tonight we're going to be looking at our final installment and i just thought it'd be appropriate in the y series that we would have the title for tonight the closing why why why sounds jewish right why why why but why the question why listen when when we are both raising children and when we are children ourselves kids have mastered two key words why and because and both are great things to deal with and the question why is absolutely powerful and essential for us and so these seven things number one we're looking at the question why and it is this number one why why the question why is something that i firmly believe and i hope you do too that god has placed within you as one who has been created in the image of god we ask the question why and i want you to think about where that comes from why it demands an answer the question why when someone asks why we need to start by the way when we hear someone's claim we need to ask them why can i say this carefully i mean nothing other than love by it we need to stop being so polite when we are sharing with others about jesus what i mean by that is this with respect yes with proper tone of course kindness absolutely but when somebody says oh i believe in god i'm good you don't have to talk to me about jesus we need to get to that place to say well wait a minute before i move on why can can i ask you this why do you say why do you say that you're right with jesus let them explain themselves because it is so important that you and i see people including ourselves think again to think again the question why makes you think when moses was standing at the edge of the red sea and the egyptian forces and pharaoh were in route to destroy the children of israel having just been delivered out of egypt by god they get right to the edge of the red sea and it's it's it's the egyptian army or it's they're going to drown and moses must have it doesn't say that he had doubts at that moment it doesn't say that he grew weak in faith or doubted at the moment it doesn't say it but it's it kind of implies that that's what's happening they get right to the water and moses gets up and he starts shouting to the people that god has brought us out here and we've come this far and pharaoh's coming and and uh and and and stand still and see the salvation of the lord i wonder what he sounded like when he did it he's like he's he's looking at the people he's got the ocean behind them and he can probably see a cloud of dust coming and uh and stand still and see the salvation of the lord and god said moses why stand ye here talking to me go it's great it's god he got there going you can see god watching them on on gps he's got you know it's like they're they're going look at that little blue dot move look at all of them all right watch this gabriel michael watch they're getting so close to the red sea it's watch this and they stop i think god's intent was i want to see moses and the whole group of kids just keep going right out on the water i'm wondering i don't know i'm just wondering if moses wouldn't have stopped would they have ran across the red sea i don't know it would have been that would have been a great now both are great he parks the red sea that's fantastic but it would have been awesome too because you know there's there's precedent for this our god walks on water that they would have just walked across the red sea just go on and then when pharaoh got there all that dust would just turn to mud they would just go under like a submarine and of course they got that anyway but god said stan he said stand still and god said why go now move many times you and i are asking the question why when god's already given the answer why it's great to ask the question why keep asking god why god why this i don't think listen i had a man tell me yesterday he said pastor judge i god hurt my feelings years ago and i walked out on god it's been 20 years 17 years 17 years he said i walked out on god and he said i came to the men's conference on saturday and he said god crushed me he crushed me because he said god spoke to my heart and he said why are you been treating me this way what have i done to you when you're the one that made the decision to do what you did 17 years ago you did what you did to you god said i didn't do that to you why and it crushed them what a powerful truth you can ask the question why that's fine do it god expects i think he put that in you but when god gives the answer respond that's where faith comes in many times you say why that's okay god can take it but when you calm down let him answer you this is terrible before we move on to the second thing don't tell anybody my mom was four eleven maybe five feet pure portuguese born and raised in hawaiian islands never wore shoes even when moved to san diego she didn't wear shoes but my brother and i would provoke her to no end that's what sons do and she would come it was great now i say it's great now she when she get mad at us you could hear the kitchen drawer open up and you could hear the silverware rattling and she would grab a knife and she would come chasing us in the house it was a great home oh it's fantastic look it's fine it didn't damage me in any way and i kid you not ask lisa if you doubt me but my window my window in my bedroom had no screen on it uh because we could go my brother could go out of his room and i could go out of my room when my mom was after us but if if she couldn't get a knife we would hold she would come after us and we would hold her forehead and she would be swinging at us and it just made her all the more and we we knew all of those portuguese and hawaiian words that you're not allowed to repeat and it just drove her it just drove her crazy but i remember when my mom when my mom had finally succumbed to cancer and she was on her deathbed she told my aunt betty she asked my aunt betty um making a statement she said uh where's jesus what's taken him so long listen why why is he taking so long to come get me that was her last words why she had the question he answered god is going to answer your questions even if it takes 17 years or my mom my mom's case in her 60s but don't stop asking the question until you get the answer from him that's very important deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 30 says when you are distressed when you are in distress and all things come upon you in the latter days when you turn to the lord your god obey his voice you got that everybody yeah all right number two is this why why not why now in life that's another thing why and then why now have you noticed friends that whenever you and i are going through a time of testing stretching difficulty it's never the right time like we can order it like to make an appointment next tuesday force learn some patience it's never going to happen you can count on it but you don't know when it's going to happen why now we ask in job chapter 23 verse 10 the bible there tells us but he knows the way that i take when he has tested me i shall come forth as gold everyone's been tested you've been hearing that for almost a year now what's interesting is not it not everyone's made it through but what's interesting is that those who have made it through are shining like gold being purified shines and that has led others who were no who were never walking with jesus to get on board the jesus train have you watched that happen i've watched that happen in almost every area of my life that i can point my finger the shaking hit life was challenged and people asked the question why god gave the answer and they didn't like it and you come now to this issue of testing in my life it's now upon me it's now happening or it's going to happen and the bible tells us god is telling us don't worry about it this is how gold is purified gold is made shiny by fire you got to heat it up weird thing about gold is that when you heat it up it it it's so fluid and it's kind of mesmerizing when you see it it's moving around it's liquid and and then up through the gold will pop up some something black and you'll see the artisan scrape that dross off the top of the gold and when it's heated at just the right temperature it goes remember if you've seen gold in museums and stuff it's not shiny it's just gold but when it's heated up it becomes brilliant you know why your wedding ring or your your ring your class ring whatever it is or whatever if it's gold for real if it's real gold uh it's gonna it's gonna reflect it's gonna be very very shiny and the interesting thing about gold is that it's very soft it can be imprinted upon is that not us have we not be been coming through storms of seeking god and trying to find out the answer to why and then god answers this is the answer now i've been doing it working you that's what's been going on all the way through i've been doing the work he's promised to never abandon his work i think it's psalm 138 somewhere around verses 6 7 or 8 i'm going by memory now which is dangerous at my age but he says somewhere there that i will not forsake the work of my hands i will perfect that which i have started in you it's the old testament answer to philippians 1 6 that says there that i will finish that which i've begun in you i will finish that good work and complete it until the day of christ so when you might be in a in the time of crushing and difficulty if you might be a family trying to recover from this horrible tragedy that we prayed about tonight we don't understand why but we know this that the now of it is in the hands of sovereign almighty god and the proof is it's never the right time for us to go through something that stretches our faith to god's perspective it's it's perfectly appointed it's ordered by god amen well i think we might have made a mistake no did you pray did you seek his face did you consult him yes and from the best data possible that god gave you did you step out yeah well then here's the answer to where you're at right now is don't mismanage the direction god has given you because if you mismanage it and second guess it then you have a tendency to pull back and recoil and begin to have second thoughts about it then you begin to second-guess god that's a bad path right now friend in your life in that issue let him be god okay now number three why no not n-o k-n-o-w no why no because we have to know listen growing up there used to be this crazy knucklehead hollywood magazine the the inquirer and it said inquiring minds have to know well you know what they didn't invent that there's something within us about knowing we have to know in fact we get this thing sometimes wanting to know so out of out ahead of us that we wind up getting in trouble because again we try to fabricate something i need to know this i need to know this friends listen we need to take a deep breath and relax and understand something we don't need to know everything and i'm not too sure how good we're doing with wikipedia or google or whatever else you might use i just have to know some of the stuff maybe most of it who knows is it true we don't know you do know right i mentioned this a couple weeks ago because they're in the headlines fact finder you can take your fact finder app or dot com and throw it away because those guys were found out to be frauds are you kidding me that's where i've been getting all my information that explains the decisions you've been making no listen if you and i ca let's be honest control freaks have to know i'm just not going to stop until i know well then keep going right look because here's the thing god says to all of us at some moment in time quite often i think for most of us is i want you to do this i'm not going to tell you why i want you to do your step of faith in this god is good you know when you hear god is good why do we say that well because you're supposed to you're a christian no that would be wrong to say god is good and mean it is because he's come through and he's proven himself good our god is not some weird uh fickled deity he's not some capricious god in the universe playing marbles with universes he's good and he reveals his goodness to us in this thing called faith and so god will bring you so far and then he'll tell you he won't abuse you he'll tell you the next steps by faith the next step you got to go well can't you show me more i'm not going to show you more speak to me i already have show me a sign not going to do that god if i just had a word i gave you a gazillion of them just step but what if i fall silence no have you noticed silence from heaven what if i fail and hear crickets did you know when you're following god and you're pursuing him by the way he's so cool if you fail at what you're doing you know he does he picks you up and he says man you did that with all of your heart that's a lot of passion you poured into that and you sincerely thought you were following me but that was that's not what i said i said this oh no no that's very valuable because now you know number one he's very merciful and now you know how to hear his voice and the noise and now you know to never do that again right he's amazing he never he never looks jesus why are you here that's it i'm done talking to you remember elijah's whining oh there's no more prophets they're all gone i'm the only one left and god goes why are you here i've got seven thousand other prophets just like you stand up right joshua falls on his face crying because they lost the battle at ai and jo you can sense it that joshua was about to say god what's up with you and john he's crying he's flat on his face and god says to joshua stop crying and stand up like a man can you imagine god saying that he talked to job like that a lot a man in the crucible man listen you don't need to know that's where faith comes in god will take you to the point you have to have it you're going to have to step out in faith it's not blind it's not silly he'll give you enough intel on it and then you got to step and you got to put it out there and you know many times we'll say i don't know i don't know if god's working in my life listen walk with him like that and you'll see him move and then you'll have really your doubts dispelled they'll evaporate we need we need to be reckless more for god amen right i was reckless today i was at the dmv getting my license renewed and you know when you go there it's like going into like you would think that mr and mrs koved live inside you would thought i thought today that that was like the breeding ground of covet because when you pull up there's signs everywhere there's tents and there's people and there's there forehead please forehead forehead it's like hands up forehead and it's mask your mask is crooked okay so i got in i made it in i made it past i feel like you should get an award you got in there and so i had an appointment so i had to wait an hour and 10 minutes for real so i'm just leaning against the wall there's nobody around and i'm thinking what's the rules mask and six feet apart or is it six feet apart and or a mess which one is it fauci help what and i just went i just and you should have seen what happened you should have been there there's nobody 20 feet from me and all of a sudden oh sir sir you've got to put your mask on and it was so it was so crazy it was so crazy and the the the grip and the thought of my mind is this comes from not knowing what you need to know but watch and not trusting who you need to trust [Applause] should you wash your hands yes if you're sick stay home we get all that but here's the thing we don't take risk listen we don't take risk in our faith anymore right we are so terrified that we don't take risk with our faith we should in life we used to i don't know if we'll ever do it again because of all the fear factor but we used to be a people who said things like let's storm that beach we can liberate europe apparently now all europe if listen if it was all over again all hitler would have to do is put up a big balloon that looks like covet on the beach and we never would have liberated europe [Music] would we have liberated europe if there was a chance of getting a virus no they'd all be speaking german tonight no it's true those guys to liberate people took a chance in the face of death and did something radical christians tiptoe around afraid we're going to offend somebody jesus died for the sins of the world because the world is lost in its sin and it's on its way to hell it's like a it's going down can you imagine the plane is going down and people are serving dinner watching a movie in the planes like that and somebody jumps up and says we're gonna hit unless we do something repent and turn this plane around right but we don't do that because we couldn't make someone feel uncomfortable trust god if you have to know it you have to work it out you have to have a plan like that it's never going to get done number four why doubt why doubt in luke 24 38 the bible says and jesus said to them why are you troubled and why do doubts arise in your hearts there's three three things there class i want i wonder if you can see uh how they're correlating together see the word hearts your heart just think of your heart singular have you ever tried have you have you ever been troubled seismos have you ever had an earthquake in your emotions in your heart you know why because of doubt why are you troubled why is your heart about ready to fail you because doubts have arisen in your heart listen doubts are always to be taken care of you don't you don't be in denial about doubts you need to get doubts taken care of doubts are fine you understand that oh but i doubt so much that can be overcome the bible says in romans 10 17 faith comes by hearing hearing by the word of god so you're taking more bible you are you prone to doubt yes taken more bible right when you listen when you run and when you live your day without water you don't feel good you get sluggish your blood starts to thicken up you start to get a headache around the temples the back of the neck begins to tighten your mouth is dry your heart rate will go up why what's going on you need water and when that happens to us in the spiritual life we need to ingest the word and the word generates faith and the doubts go down when faith goes up and if we don't do that then we're going to be a troubled people our hearts are going to be very very emotionally ravaged frankly and why doubt doubt's never gotten you in a good place ever has it we could take that word doubt out and put in the word worry why worry well somebody's got to do something okay you're a control freak you need to go over to another point about having to know everything why that's point number one number five why fear in first john 4 18 the bible tells us there's no fear in love but perfect or complete love casts out fear because fear involves torment boy does it not but he who fears has not been made perfect or complete in love so what does that mean the person that fears as a believer i'm just talk by the way first john's written to christians only if you're not a christian you should worry big time you should be in total gut-wrenching fear right now tonight if you're not a christian you are one heartbeat away from hell right now i just have my heart checked that's fine it's strong don't slip on any bananas watch out you know what i'm saying you are you are walking on a bridge of thread over a raging fire and you don't even know it william booth the founder of the salvation army said if i could take all of my soldiers and show them hell they would never backslide imagine listen first john's written to the christian we are not to fear because fear always generates torment we are to be an aw of god you see the bible say fear god yeah it does say fear god in english the word some maybe some translations i haven't seen it yet but maybe some translations would put it right it's be an awe it's reverential aw of god right like you go to grand canyon you stand on the edge it's like what that's how you approach god this is amazing this is too big fear satan loves fear he loves to rip people off with fear and the bible says why fear you don't need to fear perfect love meaning god's love realized for you remo's fear paul knew this you know this when when they said okay we're gonna we're gonna kill you paul i'm sure this is how it came about we're gonna kill you okay you can kill me that'd be good i'll go straight to heaven so go go for it oh wait a minute then then we're gonna let you live okay that's fantastic too because to i'll just keep living for jesus so wait a minute can you imagine these guys they don't know if they're going to give him 20 bucks to catch a cab or an axe to cut his head off they don't know what to do with this guy because paul the apostle said to live is christ to die is gain i'm sure it came out of a situation where rome said you know what we're going to kill you you've taken your little mouth all around the empire talking about jesus we're going to take you out and i'm certain you just said yeah which way how do you want to i'm good with it well then if you're good with it because we're trying to destroy you if you're good with it we're going to let you live all right that's good too you can't stop someone like that you understand that that's the christian life the only reason why you and i are not like that if we are not like that is because of fear that's what the bible says don't fear what man can do to you now let's be honest we can only die so long so what are they going to torture me what are these all these star star craving crazies are going to chop our heads off that would be pretty quick right think about it you can only die so long and then there's eternal life we don't need to fear i'm going to give you something though to make you fear no i'm kidding it just dawned on me i shared this with some people this week and the people that responded back to me said oh this is scary and i have the complete opposite of reaction of what i would expect i saw this on the news both two different things and i thought oh any day now jesus here we go and then on my friends that i text them they said oh my goodness so first thing look at the screen watch this and no i guess i should say the context the bible says that we are in the last days okay generations have waited for this time here we are you should be excited you should get popcorn front row here we go right so remember that in the next few moments this is zoe just like you she uses lots of different cards and ids to get through her day what if all zoe needed was herself introducing amazon one a free service that lets you use your palm to quickly pay for things gain access earn rewards and more let's say you're grabbing your favorite coffee beverage or heading into the office or checking out just hover your palm and you're on your way it's as easy as that sign up is free and takes less than a minute all you need is a credit card your phone number and your palm that's it since your palm is unique and can't be lost or misplaced you can get things done quickly and securely and with more experiences on the way amazon one will help you get even more done simply by being you now zoe has more time to do what she loves indoor skydiving enter identify and pay with amazon one that's for real in fact global markets are trying to figure out how to adapt this and roll with it in a global economic community that is split up because of currencies and amazon is driving that that's not a cartoon that's fake that's for real that's for real i think it's i think there's there's uh who's the one you talked to alexa and i think this is zoe this this system so look at this next clip if you would this is the mercedes vision avt-r we're gonna see it on the roads for the very first time there are so many cool features about this car but watch what the bat does what that was crazy guys what have you ever seen anything like that before in your life look at all of these individual kind of um i suppose hairs they could be described as hairs or scales it becomes a creature right when you're in driving mode these will all kind of face down like this and the lights will be blue but then as soon as you break you see what happened then it kind of acts as an air brake that all kind of goes up against the the airflow and it turns red and then when you're going around corners it will kind of move with the vehicle so all of this look at this look at this that's crazy so if depending on your mood i'm going to talk about this in just a sec but you connect with the car the car is speaking to you and you're speaking to the car and the car knows exactly what mood you're in what you're feeling so all of this will be reflected in the back here if you're feeling like really cool calm and collected it will just kind of like stay there it's actually got indicators on the tyre itself never seen that before what happens is this car connects to the driver through their breathing no seriously this is like the ultimate car of the future this is why they say that because when you put your hand here on the car it responds to your hand look at that and look it starts recognizing your heartbeat it will actually pulsate with you and it will project onto your hand scan your veins and your heart and know exactly which person is sitting in in this i suppose you call it the driver's seat but it's not really there's no like traditional functions here there's no steering wheel there's no kind of like display right in front of you telling you all the stats etc so it pops out and then now you can actually control the car with this you just turn it right you turn the wheel with this you see that palm palm palm remember what we learned on sunday revelation 13. when you see these things happening you're not to fear you are to use stuff like that as an evangelistic tool for people think about it the conditioning is for the world to surrender their hand to the system and of course the book of revelation says that economically and you learned about that on sunday that there's going to be the hand that you'll use you won't use but that generation those people during the tribulation period will use to deal with all economic trade but they're conditioning you to drive a vehicle that way mercedes-benz but amazon's already here with it underway in light of all these things because people will say i don't want to read the prophecy books of the bible because they scare me you have the wrong approach don't fear number six why me or you why me is a tendency jeremiah 31 3 says the lord has appeared of old to me saying yes i have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness i have drawn you the love of god draws in the midst of a world that has invented all kinds of things to rattle our minds or what many will think comfort them god says above everything in this world i love you my love is real my love can be experienced today i don't know where you were today but if you had a chance to be outside at all if you were driving maybe some of you working i don't know just even if you went from one office building to the other today today was perfect it was just perfect what and what did you think about that when the breeze the breeze coming off the ocean you're feeling on your skin what was amazing if you wanted to be warm if you're in the sun the sun was intense if you wanted to cool off in an instant you just step one foot over into the shade it seemed like nature was responding to today just the sound of it when you think about when you say or ask why me you're forgetting that god loves you absolutely we have to wake up to this because it doesn't come natural for us you might be here today and you're not a christian god loves you he hates what you're doing isn't it amazing you don't you enjoy it god hates it because he sees the outcome of it think about it if the god of the bible wasn't loving then he wouldn't be upset with you for doing wrong he'd say go kill yourself what do i care but because he loves you he doesn't want you to hurt yourself he loves you and then finally why wait i don't know maybe i'm blinded to this but it seems to me it's it should be harder to be an unbeliever nowadays i mean let's end with this why would you not believe in god i would like you to get your bible out or borrow somebody's bible and show someone or me where in why here in the it's over here it's this chapter in this verse this is why i can't be a believer oh oh that's why so it's not listen it's not because you don't believe in god have you noticed that i i'm convinced i've never met an atheist i'm convinced of it i have learned that people who claim that they're atheist they have the luxury to claim their atheist does that make sense because when life gets rough for the atheist almost all of them cry out for god and those who don't i was so sad the day that christopher hitchens died he was my favorite atheist i liked him a lot was he foul foul bad mouth bad mouth but you ever listen to his argument she's a genie brilliant man you know i can't recommend you listening to him because he cusses a lot in his debates but you know what his problem was he claimed to be the most famous atheist in the world you know his problem was he was an atheist because every time he gave a presentation all over the world when he was given it he attacked the god of the bible for the way god does things he was furious at god and he would say so and you listen to him and you fight you listen and you realize he is a he does believe it's twisted it's wrong but how can you be upset with someone who doesn't exist you don't yell at the fire hydrant for getting getting in your way right there are no atheists i'm convinced of it doesn't it doesn't happen everyone's pagan or christian well pastor i'm just i find that highly offensive it's because i gotcha that's why i got you i i did i made you think didn't i made you think because if if you claim to be an atheist it's because you have the luxury to complain about the god of the universe and by you saying so you're actually grumbling about the one you don't believe in you can't be you can't do that it's illogical in fact i think the puritans used to use the word insane the word insane meant a man who thinks without god if you think without god you're insane isn't that great i love that i don't believe in god you're nuts right so why wait because you know if you're not a believer tonight or you wouldn't want to be a believer many times i've heard people say well where was god when i was nine years old we grieve with you in that by the way but why don't you direct your anger at the right one jesus told you in this book satan has come to rob kill and destroy i have come to give you life well you know what i married this man or this woman and she was a christian and then she ran out on god yeah that's a heartbreak and that happens all the time god doesn't make robots he's not going to make you believe and he's not going to make somebody keep believing and the whole question comes down to was that individual really in the family of god or not that's right here's the deal tonight in every one of our lives tonight i don't care how young you are it's how it's expressed newborn baby to a man or a woman who's 99 years old we have to have we have to experience love two ways because we've been created the image of god we have to receive love we have to have it we'll die without it and we have to give it so what you were designed to do because you've been creating an image of god and tonight your life has been not all that healthy as a non-believer because you've not allowed the love of god to love you like you're supposed to be loved you're not going to find love in sex you understand that sex is one of the ingredients that god gave regarding love but sex is not love power is not love wealth is not love does that make sense why are some people poor as dirt and happy i was gonna say happy as a clam i don't know what that means but we you know what i'm saying why is what is that why listen 45 minutes at this time of the day we can be we could be in brentwood or bel air right in 45 minutes right here straight down the 60. some of the richest people in the world who are stoning themselves out of their minds right now sleeping around trying to figure out what the meaning of the life is and they're idols in our world and nobody if they knew would want to live like them it's all the show but every one of us want love they they they need the love of god and they need to give so we're gonna pray tonight no games we've come to end of this series you've had like a year to figure this out and tonight's the test i'll leave you with this illustration i've said it a zillion times i love it you think of god being merciful for 120 years while noah was proclaiming truth and building an ark in his front yard can you imagine and then god says get in the get in the boat and the family gets in the boat and the bible says god shut the door i'd like to have seen that can you imagine all the neighbors hey noah what are you doing and the door by itself just goes and did it rain like a week later yeah was it a long time it was like it like it door didn't shut and the art pulled away can you imagine the people outside hey noah where's the water that it had not the bible said it had not rained on the earth yet and then can you imagine a cloud comes what is that and it starts dropping on the rain at some point in time i bet you noah could hear them clawing on the ark just kidding open the door open the door open the door so lisa and i are on a cruise ship in alaska in a honeymoon couple we found out later they're a honeymoon couple they tell you you know the boat leaves at four but be on the boat at three don't be late if you're late here's the information for you to figure out how to get to the next stop for this ship don't be late and so before an hour before the ship's going uh [Music] it's letting you know man you can just be trying on something there and it's like come on let's go why because the ship's leaving and where everybody gets on board and the attendants are taking the gangway off the dock and you see this uber car pull up and this young couple with shopping bags and stuff and they're going and the ship just starts going like this and they're standing like this i'm serious we watched the whole thing happen we did we're just like this i'm sorry but we did we're just like this the whole time [Applause] there's nothing you can do hey look that's merciful because there's no second stop when that ship leaves when jesus comes it's over or when your heart stops it's over there's no second chance the bible says in the hebrews 9 27 it's appointed under man wants to die and then comes the judgment of god so we're going to pray now if you feel god tugging on your heart to go public with jesus i want you to run up here and just stand in the front we'll pray in a moment no messing around jesus is coming back if you're not ready that's on you but when your life stops it's over and you don't go to sleep my friend you go to your eternal destination father we pray right now in the name of jesus christ the eternal living holy righteous son of god who died on the cross for our sins and rose again from the dead that in the name of jesus lord that you would move across this sanctuary and lord you'd move upon those that are watching right now and even if they have to get up off the couch and go to the kitchen then so be it but i pray father god in this last late days in which we live in that those who have been toying with jesus would stop and today tonight decisions will be made i'm going to walk with jesus so as this worship team plays if god is speaking to you i am not going to plead with you i am not going to harangue to get up and move and if you're wearing a green shirt come forward no you know what if god's speaking to you you're going to feel very uncomfortable you're going to feel kind of panicky you're going to kind of feel like you're getting crushed you feel like there's a finger pointing at you like you're the only one in the room and i mentioned this 48 minutes ago and it bothered you then and it bothers you more now you want to know why that's god speaking the only way to get that satisfied is to receive him now before it's too late so those of you who are standing right now um how appropriate is this i didn't read my last verse for that last point regarding what you're doing right now listen to this this is what i was going to say ii corinthians 6 says we then that's us and them speaking to you we then as workers together with him also plead with you not to receive the grace of god in vain for he says in an acceptable time i have heard you [Music] and in the day of salvation i have helped you behold now is the acceptable time behold now is the day of salvation so those of you standing up here will you let this prayer come from your lips i'll lead you in the prayer you mean it even though we're all saying it make it personal god's personal he knows you he's a person he has personality he wants to relate to you one personality to the next and so when you pray this prayer even though it's a group together you're talking to him so let this fall from your lips out loud please if you would dear lord jesus i come to you now and i'm asking you to change my life wash me clean and put your holy spirit in me i choose tonight to give you my life take control of me become my salvation tonight as i believe in you the one who died for me and rose again from the dead i receive this new life in jesus name i pray amen [Music] [Applause] well hey thanks for listening and we appreciate you and of course we do in this time and in this age us being together and linking up together to get the word of god out is actually ministry being fulfilled and in fact if you would like to subscribe please do so hit the subscribe button tell your friends about us and listen if you'd like to help us get this out on a broader scale you can support us by hitting on the give now button and look we're going to continue on with or without you we're inviting you to join us no pressure but if you'd like to link arms in this venture you'd be greatly appreciated so listen keep praying for us we're praying for you god bless you and we'll see you back here real soon
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 88,682
Rating: 4.9590764 out of 5
Id: foHS1mKevPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 10sec (3370 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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