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[Music] do [Music] have you ever wondered where god came from or how do you forgive others well this easter we've got answers from a funny little red robot who just happens to hop around bible stories happy easter i'm tina and welcome to ask gizmo where your favorite robot from superbook answers all of the questions you've always wanted to ask gizmo whoa hello everyone hi gizmo hi miss tina it is great to see you again it's great to see you too you know last time we were here i answered a bunch of interesting questions from lots of boys and girls do you remember yes i do and i learned a lot about you like your favorite color red your favorite ice cream rocky robot yum you also helped others with trouble not knowing how to act in certain situations i am glad i could help and you answered every one of their questions that were sent in it was quite a challenge thank goodness for my upgrade to the seven nanometer processor with low latency six-time high efficiency multi-threaded data core wow it made answering all those questions a snap well that's great because we're back here to do it again huh gizmo there are so many out there who want to know more about you and your bible adventures with chris and joy plus with your knowledge a little advice to help strengthen their faith wouldn't hurt more questions that's right giz especially just in time for the easter season easter jesus's resurrection yep that's right and bunnies i love bunnies they are so cute yes they are and easter is not only the time to remember what happened to jesus on his last days on earth but more importantly to celebrate him rising after being dead yes easter is the most important time for christians to celebrate so are you ready to rise to the occasion and answer some online questions i am ready cool here's how it works with your parents permission go to ask gizmo follow the instructions type in your question and gizmo will follow up with an answer that sounds excellent what a cute easter joke gizmo i saw it on my app notification oh speaking of which make sure you get the superbook bible app it's filled with online stuff you and your family will love let me show you and when we return we'll ask gizmo your questions it's the new super book bible app it's packed with games activities and super book episodes that you can watch for free [Music] there's trivia a fun daily devotional and answers to your bible questions plus an easy to understand bible the whole family will enjoy you can even create your own super book character it's the new super book bible app free downloads on itunes google play and amazon gizmo was it hard to jump in and out of all of those devices oh not for a hopping robot like me another easter joke get it oh giz but everyone should know once you get the superbook bible app you'll be able to watch more episodes of superbook play games and have daily bible quests the whole family will enjoy i find that the app is programmed to be familiar and easy to use it sure is speaking of easy how about we start off with an easy question for you to answer let's do it anya wants to know what do you do when you're not on an adventure oh i keep myself busy whether it is helping professor quantum around the laboratory studying bible verses or binge watching superbook most of the time i just love to help my friends chris enjoy just like jesus helps us all that's very nice of you thank you taylor asks do you have any pets like a dog a cat or how about a rooster a while ago when i was first created i had a pet mouse but then i learned it was part of a computer currently i do not have any pets but i do love bunnies god has made them so soft and so cute and they make my sensors so warm and fuzzy how can they be so unbelievably soft i love bunnies jay's question is if my friend made me sad or angry do i still have to forgive him forgiving others is a choice that you make regardless of your feelings you choose to let go of any bitterness ill will grudge or desire for revenge against others that's right and if you're having a hard time forgiving ask god for forgiveness first he'll understand and help you have peace in your heart once that happens you'll find it easier to forgive others here's one from chloe if god created everything who created god god has always existed so he was not created he is the creator of all things and he created all things through jesus jesus was always with the father even before anything was created jesus said that god is spirit as spirit god existed before he created material things like people and the world jolene asks what do you like to eat i can go a long time without refueling sometimes weeks but when i do need to get recharged i like to have 1200 glazed kilowatts and a side of green energy before a quick hibernation you can say it is my most important meal of the day speaking of the most important meal of the day one of your super book adventures dealt with the most important meal in christian history really which adventure it was the last supper of course you can watch it now on the free super book bible app check it out gather your family together to see superbug come explore with chris oh i'm jumping and gizmo but do you have a backstage pass as they journey back in time there'll be action fun and plenty of adventure do this in remembrance of me one of you will betray me superbook watch the last supper and other free superbook episodes on the free superbook bible app and remember you can watch the entire episode of the last supper and other neat adventures when you log on to the free superbook bible app so ask your parents permission and download it today shall we continue yes indeed mateo wants to know have you ever been to outer space unfortunately my rocket boosters do not allow me to fly at such a high altitude plus at that height my sensors do not operate properly and would make me feel dizzy i think i'd feel dizzy too at that height so although i have not been to outer space i did accompany chris and joy to space camp olivia's question is how is it that you can transform into something bigger than yourself professor quantum has applied nano technology to my armor so i can alter my molecular structure and quickly change my shape thanks to him i am equipped with many useful modes that enable me to fly submerge and to transform depending on the task wow that's so cool watch this oops um next question caden asks sometimes i don't know what god wants me to do am i a bad christian god wants us to be in a loving relationship with him through faith in jesus and he wants us to tell others about jesus a really good way to know what to do is to read your bible for direction it is filled with helpful information to help us know how to live and what god wants us to do in addition he has given each person gifts and abilities to do good things to benefit other people and to give him glory and remember you can always ask god to give you wisdom and help you understand what he wants you to do that's right everyone has something they're really good at once you find your natural talent you can use that talent to tell others about the love of jesus christ whether through drawings music or even math math yes math is used by builders to create churches by archaeologists to uncover the truths of the bible and even by scientists to create cool red robots that go on time traveling adventures yay for math here's one from avery sometimes my friends want me to do stuff i know might be bad do i always have to do what the bible says god has given everyone free will he does not control us he wants us to freely choose to do what is right he wants us to love him and follow him by our own decisions plus he does not want you to make decisions that could hurt yourself and others jayden wants to know gizmo did you go to school if you were asking if i went to a place to get my knowledge then yes at quantum labs i came pre-programmed with lots of information but there is lots of room in my hard drive to learn more well i've learned that there is so much to learn yes and to me going on superbook adventures is the best kind of school as a matter of fact you can find gizmo's adventures on the free superbook bible app it's also filled with games and lessons and brings the bible to life so if you haven't gotten the free app yet ask your parents permission to download it let me show you what the app is all about it's the new super book bible app it's packed with games activities and super book episodes that you can watch for free [Music] there's trivia a fun daily devotional and answers to your bible questions plus an easy to understand bible the whole family will enjoy you can even create your own super book character it's the new super book bible app free downloads on itunes google play and amazon one of my favorite games on the super book bible app is the daily quest based on the bible verse of the day whoa a daily quest that sounds like so much fun it is and i get to learn new bible verses too what's your favorite part of the app well there are so many things to do on the app but i have to admit i really do like watching the episodes of superbook it brings back so many memories i bet it dies you've been on so many adventures i'm sure you've got a lot to share yes i do and if you have a question about gizmo or about one of his adventures be sure to get your parents permission to log on to askgizmo kinsley wants to know what was your scariest adventure oh there were so many times when i was unsure about what to do especially when encountering goliath being on noah's ark as the flood came or even worse when getting swallowed by a giant fish wow that is scary yes it was but we trusted god to help us through all those scary moments yup you can rely on god when in scary situations i know i do miles is wondering do you take baths at night although i am weatherproof i do need to get washed off occasionally especially if an adventure takes me through sand and mud every now and then i will relax in a nice tub of a decontaminating solution to get rid of dust and particles that might interfere with my joints and circuits while enjoying my favorite gizmo alicia splentastic fruit smoothie oh that sounds wonderful eila's question is i like bible stories but my friends said that they are all made up like fairy tales what should i say it is important to know that the bible is called the word of god because god spoke through men called prophets who received god's word and wrote it down for us and since it is god's word we know everything in it is absolutely true the bible is living and powerful it is the most extraordinary book ever written the bible also contains promises and principles that can help us all throughout life plus archaeological discoveries have verified the truth of the bible in addition there are thousands of ancient copies of the bible showing that the bibles we have today are accurate here's one from caleb my grandma says i should pray to hear god's voice how do i get god to talk to me god often speaks to us by showing us truths from the bible this can happen as we read the bible and pray or perhaps when he reminds us of a verse we have read when you are going to read the bible ask god to help you understand it he can also speak to our hearts about different things during the day but he will never tell us to do something contrary to the bible leia asks are we supposed to get presents for easter although not as popular as the christmas tradition some people do like to celebrate easter by giving gifts easter baskets filled with candy seem to be the most popular and i got a basket filled with firmware updates but i think the best gift of easter is knowing that jesus was resurrected yes he was after dying on the cross his prophecy of rising from the dead on the third day came true it was quite an experience that's right that was one of your super book adventures with chris and joy you can watch this amazing episode right now on the free superbook bible app check it out gather the family together to see the greatest bible stories of all time in superbook come explore with chris awesome joy where are we and gizmo i am too scared to look as they journey back in time this way ma there'll be action it's time to go and plenty of adventure i've seen him he's alive superbook watch he has risen and other free super book episodes on the free superbook bible app you know jesus's resurrection story is definitely a major part of our faith as a matter of fact you can watch the whole episode if he has risen right now with your parents permission download the free superbook bible app log in and click videos breeland's question is i have to wear glasses do you ever wear glasses i do not wear traditional glasses i am outfitted with visual enhancers tri-beam scanners and other optical gadgets i use regularly they allow me to see objects very far away or in dark places and sometimes i activate them just so i can look smart well i think glasses are pretty neat what who said that tina grayson wonders did jesus do anything bad when he was little since jesus was god in human form we know that he lived a completely sinless life so we know that he didn't do anything sinful as a little kid he may have spilled milk by mistake just as any little kid would do but he did not ever sin zoe wants to know what are some of the ways you like to celebrate easter there are so many ways to celebrate easter but i do enjoy hunting for eggs i use lidar sonar and radar to find all the eggs oh and the bunnies oh i like the bunnies too but what i love most about easter is the celebration of jesus's resurrection giving everyone a chance at eternal life now that's the reason for the season wow gizmo there are so many questions coming in how are we gonna get through them no problem with my new upgrades i will be able to send a response for each and every question from everybody everybody it is an easter joke you love easter don't you does not everybody kiss well before you go answering all of those questions i want to thank you so much for coming by it is my pleasure and remember even though we didn't get to your question on this show gizmo will still respond to you online so if you have a question about him or about one of his adventures be sure to get your parents permission and log on to askgizmo happy easter bye you
Channel: Superbook
Views: 40,395
Rating: 4.9146247 out of 5
Id: j8W7MTNitFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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