Superbook - Job - Season 2 Episode 8 Full Episode (Official HD Version)

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it's good to be back doesn't look like much has changed it's the accuser what's he doing here he is presenting himself before God where have you come from I've been patrolling the earth watching everything that's going on what does he want what do you think of my servant job no one on earth is like him he is a truly good person who respects me and refuses to do evil yes but Joe has good reason to fear God you've always put a wall of protection around him in his home and his property you've made him prosper in everything he does look how rich he is but reach out and take away everything he has and he will surely curse - no nice all right you may test him do whatever you want with everything he possesses but do not harm him physically [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm so sorry Phoebe Phoebe's father was a great man we'll miss him terribly please come in professor quantum house Chris losing his grandpa has been very hard for him they meant the world to each other Chris is out back why don't you go see him joy please everybody come in [Music] here Ikki where are you come on boy come on oh joy thank goodness you are back from vacation it is terrible oh I heard about Chris's grandpa joy this has been the worst week of Chris's life it all started when he took the classrooms petiguana home for vacation and it ran away No then the storm of the year hit Valley View Wednesday night and a tree crashed her Christmas roof breaking his arm then you know how the money Chris had been saving from his paper route it got stolen from him when he was on his way to put it in the bank everything that could possibly go wrong is going wrong joy now the worst thing of all his grandpa died [Music] sorry about your grandpa why are all these bad things happening to me when I try so hard to be good Chris sometimes I'm just gonna stop trying my grandpa died Chris I have searched everywhere Rhydian [Music] I am taking you to meet a man who lost everything he had while his faith in God was put to the test ah [Music] watch it I bet one really bad week mister and you do not wanna mess with me jokes 500 yoke of oxen stolen too bad and now the outlook is Cloudy with a Chance of fire man my weekend getting worse than this [Music] now let me think my deal with God was not to harm Joe but he never said anything about his sons and daughters what is happening the oxen were plowing and the donkeys feeding beside them when the sabaeans raided them and took them away indeed they have killed the servants with the edge of the sword and I alone have escaped to tell you master my master the fire of God fell from heaven and burned up the sheep and the servants and consumed them and I alone have escaped to tell you gangs of Chaldeans attacked and stole your camels all of your other servants were killed and I'm the only one who escaped it our sons and daughters were fishing in their oldest brother's home and suddenly the powerful wind swept in from the wilderness and hit the house on all sides the most collapsed and all of your children are dead the only one who escaped to tell you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the Lord gave and the Lord has taken away blessed be the name of the Lord he should be angry with God for what has happened but instead he praises him broken battered and beleaguered sorry God I'm about to win our challenge what the master of the house have anything to spare a weary traveler sadly my master is in mourning and has lost everything he had there was barely enough for the members of the household is this true he lost everything in one day his family his fortune I mean I have stuff that's happened to me really bad stuff that God is allowed to happen how can God do that job must surely hate God now that's the amazing part with everything that's happened he still praises God this cannot be no one loses their fortune their family everything in this world it does not turn to God to blame or ask why god so we'll yet deny you [Music] from where do you come from going to and fro on the earth and from walking back and forth have you considered my servant job that there is none like him on the earth a blameless and upright man and he holds fast to his integrity skin for skin yes all that a man has he would give for his life there's no pain like your people will do anything to stay alive try striking job's own body with pain and he will curse to your face to this behold he is in your hand but spare his life Joe will feel so much pain he will curse God for giving him the very breath of life what is that such a pleasing cell do you still hold fast to your integrity curse God and die you talk like a foolish woman should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad [Music] what'll it take to break this man's faith [Music] just plants trouble and cultivate evil consider the joys of those corrected by God do not despise the discipline of the Almighty when you sin it was sure nice of job's friends to come and see him yes but with friends like that who needs enemies stop assuming my guilt for I have done no wrong do you think I am lying don't I know the difference between right and wrong he made your children pay for their sins so why don't you turn to Him and start living right we know God doesn't reject an innocent person or help a sinner surrender your heart to God turn to Him in prayer and give up your sins you simply must repent you see that's why those bad things were happening to mute your life because I did something wrong I know as much as you do you are no better than I am as for me I would speak directly to the Almighty I want to argue my tastes with God himself that's for you smear me with lies absurd we tried to speak to you it and make sense to transitions you are worthless quacks if only you can be silent that's the wisest thing you can go what are you talking about job is not listening we should not even have come oh god grant me these two things and then I will be able to face you remove your heavy hand from me and don't terrify me with your awesome presence now summon me and I will answer or let me speak to you and you reply tell me what [Music] job with all the bad things that are happening do you still believe there is a God he was looking out for you [Music] I wish that my words could be written down or chiseled into a rock for I know that my redeemer lives and he will stand upon the earth at last my flesh may be destroyed yet from this body I will see God yes I will see him with my own eyes and I am overwhelmed at the thought you remind me a lot of my grandfather he believed like you do it's clear he must have sinned well he should have asked forgiveness from God aren't you going to say goodbye to Joe say goodbye for us if I were joke I would defriend Zam so fast what's up looks like job's friends are leaving yeah they kept saying that job was guilty and God was punishing him but he kept claiming he was innocent and now oh no given jokes brother misfortune he's now going he still might like me for sure [Music] only someone would listen to me why do you talk so much when you know so little now get ready to face me can you answer the questions I asked how did I lay the foundation for the earth were you there doubtless you know who decided its length and width what supports the foundation who placed the cornerstone while the morning stars sang and Angels rejoiced [Music] when the ocean was born I set its boundaries and wrapped it in blankets of thickest fog then I built a wall around it locked the gates and said your powerful waves stop here they go no further I am the Lord all-powerful but you have argued that I am wrong now you must answer me I know that you can do anything and no one can stop you you asked who is this that questions my wisdom was such ignorance in his eye and I was talking about things I knew nothing about things far too wonderful for me I had only heard about you before but now I have seen you with my own eyes I take back everything I said and I sit in dust and ashes to show my repentance the world war see on that so far what is it what my servant job has said about me is true but I am angry at you and your two friends for not telling the truth so I want you to go over to job and offer seven bulls and seven goats on an altar as a sacrifice to please me after this job will pray and I will agree not to punish you for your foolishness job never lost his faith in God [Music] here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows but take heart because I have overcome the world [Music] Chris it's Iggy tell them jizz all right looks like things are starting to get better already yeah maybe I need to start working on a little of jobs faith in God when things go bad for me and that's not all what do you mean there's a little something else job taught me I know that my redeemer lives and he will stand upon the earth at last my flesh may be destroyed yet from this body I will see God yes I will see him with my own eyes and I am overwhelmed at the thought [Music] after job prayed for his friends the Lord restored his fortunes in fact the Lord gave him twice as much as before he also gave job seven more sons and three more daughters in all the land no women were as lovely as the daughters of Joel and job lived one hundred forty years after that living to see four generations of his children and grandchildren then he died an old man who had lived a long full life [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] forgive me [Music] Jesus cross and rose [Music] [Music] change my life and make can you help me Lord to live for you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Superbook
Views: 1,135,356
Rating: 4.7934937 out of 5
Id: QhPLGMMz7yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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