Veggietales | Larry Boy and The Rumor Weed | Full Episode | Cartoons For Children

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[Music] you're telling me that monster looked like a chicken in a wig [Music] hey do you remember what we saw the last thing we were here hey kids good yes ferronickel supposed to talk to strangers no I don't have any extra money oh really well how about good dollar and 28 cents what how did you know I've been watching you kid every Monday morning your mom gives you a dollar and 28 cents and I see ya later boys I hope you like water we do lunches to a boy I [Music] are you I'm Larry boy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] not me [Music] [Music] I ain't feeling so good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we've been looking for months [Music] Thank You of it it was pretty good sign though trying to remember there is a criminal from your super suction here turn your head left and snap your neck down yeah you know anymore aliens wanna fall in the burg I'm ready for you too [Applause] [Music] [Music] guys [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] I know so I repaired the chafing dish then sent the chef out to get another jar of pickled herring and the dinner party was saved well thank you mr. Alfred wasn't that a great story kids well we've still got more to do today mr. Alfred would you like to stay and watch oh that sounds like fun but I'm a bit winded for my storytelling so I think I'd better go home and recharge my batteries well okay let's all thank mr. Alfred for coming today remember tomorrow we're gonna learn about rumors little stories that can hurt [Music] did you hear what mr. Alfred said yeah Santa go home and recharge his batteries why would he say this I don't know I got a toy with rechargeable batteries it's my robot do you think mr. Alfred is uh I don't know he talks funny anybody know we may have keep it to ourselves take what to yourselves hey over here the we'd keep what to yourselves you are a talking we are talking carrot yeah point was so come on tell me what it is you're keeping to your films mr. healthy let me tell you anymore listen sprout did your parents ever teach you to share then share with me I'm a good friend of Albert's alpha-alpha I ask because I care we learned something about mr. Alfred today yeah what is it well we think mr. Alfred yeah even from bad no he looks so natural is a good robot you weren't telling me buddy will you hey I'm not like you guys I got roots I'm not going anywhere your secret stays right here [Music] did you hear about mr. Alfred what mr. Alfred the Claudio Teja class today yeah hey robots robots No did you hear that yes I think I did so then I'll pretty the dangerous robots oh my whoa thanks for the tip did you hear about Alfred [Music] but did you hear about Alfred Alfred it turns out he's really dangerous robots everybody's talking about it [Music] today the library tomorrow [Music] nothing lifts the spirits more than an afternoon dabbling in the whole cultural arts I couldn't agree more of it these grassy hills [Music] hey yo e that's right what did you hear about our friend Oh flowerbed yeah did you hear about how friends you can't get out of here before Alfred comes back you're not listening to me in your flowerbed I told her to leave oh wait till you hear the mayor has to say hello mayor this is Larry yes hello Debbie listen I need you to get Larry boy yeah sure but why don't you call him with the Larry signal because it's dead time you can't sit in the daytime outfit I don't believe them but some of our citizens are getting worried what's next though they are burning the nuns and gardens about their City yeah he is lucky boy cannot stop him how poverty values plummets our homes will be worth nothing can you [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I am executing plan Hey [Music] [Music] it's hard to [Music] [Music] all right I think we have a problem what's your super section here down by the weed I've installed sensors in your plungers that will tell us about the weeds genetic structure oh my well you dog hello hello testing 1 2 3 Alfred if it were game yes yes perfect all right that's enough master lady you can come back to the lady cave now [Music] [Music] [Music] it's like no plant I've ever seen it doesn't photosynthesize why do we care if it takes pictures no no photosynthesize plants turn sunlight into energy it's how they grow except these weeds don't do that they don't need energy to grow Oh No they need lots of energy but they don't get it from sunlight well where do they get it I can't figure it out they're feeding off something but I don't know what look I fed the data about the weed into the ladies satellite in geosynchronous orbit over Bumblyburg now wherever new grows we can see it yeah see mumbly berg has a needle no those all the weeds what they're everywhere yes and at the rate they're growing if we can't find a way to stop them bubbly bird will be really weenie uh-oh it's worse than that these weeds are strong enough to break up sidewalks to smash through brick walls we can't stop them bubbly bug will be missed ride oh my goodness look I had the satellite looking at the surface of Bumblyburg see yeah when you bump the control you told the satellite and look under the ground now watch you're all connected Wow what that big green thing right under bubbly burn it could only be one thing the mother weed how do you kill a weed [Music] I don't know what it is don't worry I find out the entire mission will be right here giving you instructions [Music] this is great but I thought that we were under the ground [Music] [Music] Oh around the way of the view no not that kind of boring it's like drilling it's a boring machine oh hey now I've set coordinates take you to the source system about 50 feet from the weed once you break through the tunnel wall I'll give you all directions [Music] master lady are you in the tunnel master ready master lady can you hear me Alfred can you hear me the radio is working the sewer walls must be blocking the transmission that means I can't give him his direction [Music] [Applause] [Music] the way [Music] [Applause] okay I can do this I am after all a superhero oh look it's a little one so nervous about you've met your match weed I might take you [Music] yes I need your help is battling a giant weed in the sewer system the robot [Music] can I have it what do you house you're here that's right you're connected oh wait I knew you wouldn't let me down Filipino edy [Music] branding [Music] [Music] everyone [Music] [Applause] oh boy need our help he's super mayor it's like I told her it's a shiny just like a robot yup lights the best robot oh no that's my helmet it keeps my brain safe your robot brain know what [Music] [Applause] don't look at his eyes [Applause] [Music] I mind you I'm a super hero place it you can't stop this wave thank you friends [Music] so you can either what about Alfred [Music] [Applause] [Music] ready [Music] [Music] it's shaking me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and Jr what's going on what who said that it's true he's gonna take over the world now where did you hear that he told me did you make up this story what I'm a rumor weed I never make anything up I heard it from two very reliable sources right kids jr. Laura do you have something to tell me [Music] recharge his batteries oh yes that was a figure of speech Oh what sometimes grown-ups say things that really mean something else when mr. Alfred said he needed to recharge his batteries he really meant that he was tired and needed to go home and rest that's all Oh listen if you hear something about someone that sounds bad or even just weird you should ask them about it or ask your mom or dad but don't spread rumors even if it's true God doesn't want us to tell stories that can hurt he wants us to spread nice words no mr. Alfred is a very nice man you see yeah we can save mr. Alfred by spreading some nice words [Music] watch the scary robot a robot [Music] I remember when Alfred helped me out with my dinner by a scary robot wouldn't do that he helped me change a tire he carried my groceries for me help us with our bake sale [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] with Sookie be funky well Hobart we didn't even ask you if it was true oh I forgive you I forgive you all as anyone seem [Music] oh yeah Alfred somebody told me you were a robot [Music] they're a flower shell [Applause] [Music] hey there it is we really had an adventure today didn't we that was us nor anyone I mean what's that problem got going master laddie no puns can we please get on with this sorry we're back at the Larry King to wrap this one up and thank you home alright you suppose if I will have anything to say about what happened today coming up on the screen right now here take a little bit reckless words pierce like a sword but the tongue of the wise brings healing proverbs 12:18 hmm so the Bible says if you're not careful your words can hurt people just like a sword oh is that right junior Laura didn't mean to hurt Alfred but they weren't careful with what they said who they thought you and he caused big problems but that verse also says that if we use nice words we can make it all better oh we can make people feel good remember God didn't want us to tell stories that get hurt he wants us to spread nice words and if you can do that you'll be that hero [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Animated Cartoons for Children
Views: 3,583,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Casper, casper classics, woody woodpecker, veggietales, he man, postman pat, Olivia the pig, ghostbusters, cartoon for kids, cartoon, full episode, cartoons live, retro cartoons, old cartoons, casper the friendly ghost, Godzilla cartoon, mr Magoo, he man theme song, trap door
Id: fF03HKoSlF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 56sec (1976 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2017
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