David and Goliath - Bible Stories For Kids - Little Big Heroes - Animated Cartoons

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[Music] the way that I love [Music] what a lovely day and look this mr. rooster waking up David with his beautiful song good morning David good morning wow what a great shot David [Music] [Music] [Music] well done David it's always good to start the day with good breakfast what are you gonna do today today I'm going to the field to see my brothers my dad asked me to take them food and see how they're doing it smells so good that's great being a beating and responsible is a characteristic of every great hero isn't that right yeah of course that's why I'm going to check on my sheep before heading out hmm don't be afraid little sheep I'll be back soon one of my brothers will take care of you don't worry you're in good hands I hope well I gotta go see you soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] what was that noise what's going on David could have something to do with that terrifying laugh it appears to be a great giant be careful David it's a terrible giant [Music] that's not the terrible giant that's my brother Eliab oh where are you doing here David shouldn't you be watching after dad's sheep isn't it fun watching us fight go home you're just being nosy is what alia is saying about his brother David true I suggest that you in the bushes go and face the giant hey didn't I tell you to go home I don't care that you came to oh food did you say food would you breathe Oh phew that was close what I don't get what you're also afraid of of the terrifying giant what you mean you haven't heard he's been intimidating us for 40 days his name is Goliath just hearing his name frightens me his footsteps makes the lunchroom his fist is very big as big as your head but his voice makes entire armies running here he is a fierce giant oh how scary actually the King promised to give a prize to the brave man who defeats him I don't know too much I think they will shower him with the riches in food him and all his family oh the princess as well but who cares no one can defeat him whoa all his family oh did someone say free food that's right but you must defeat the giant hearse well I guess smart well I'm not scared she's actually not that big besides I've already killed ferocious beasts like in previous episodes when a bear tried to steal one of my sheep huh do you really think you can defeat her giant ha ha ha guys this little boy says he's gonna defeat Goliath wow you guys are brave um excuse me aren't you the one who has defeated bears Oh No you but but you're very small and you look like you've never picked up a sore in your life well no but I always defeat them with my hands and my secret weapon Oh No the king could get angry hmm is there another volunteer [Music] look it's King Saul surely something exciting is gonna happen then who is the brave soldier [Music] wow you're really small are you sure you can do it okay dress him in my armor if it's perfect go on David fight for us besides when was the last time you wash this it stinks and it's making me now I can move Oh David but then you will need a weapon to defend yourself bring him a weapon I think I should use my own weapon oh I didn't know you had a weapon that's a great idea and what is your weapon I'll be right back [Music] nope not this one nope not even no way perfect I'll need four more but David why did it take so long and this is my weapon are you sure it'll be enough with its oh hey your little fearful people of Israel will no one come out to face me but I think it's time to face that giant ha David is so brave surely he's gonna win today we are on the battlefield witnessing the face-off between Goliath and little David in this corner we have the liars weighing in at a hundred and eighty kilograms of pure strange he is almost nine feet tall the tip of his spear weigh seven kilograms his armor is indestructible and he has defeated many armies and in this corner we have David well he's at 1.5 meters tall he weighs no more than 45 kilograms and well his Shepherds sheep and I've just been notified that David has previously defeated many lions and bears so maybe the little shepherd boy has a chance after all [Music] yeah you're so small and cute not destroying you will be so easy like killing a fly I will defeat you you defeat me hahahahaha I will squash you and the rest of you will be my slice for today your God will not be able to save you ha ha I don't believe that you come with weapons and strengths but I come against you in the name of the God of Israel because God gives me Oh No let's go that's how David defeated Goliath the Giant and feed the people of Israel from the Philistines winning the reward for himself and his family the king Saul had promised [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Little Big Heroes
Views: 1,664,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: David vs Goliath, Bible Stories For Kids, Children's Bible Story, Little Big Heroes, Children's Bible Stories, Popular Bible Stories, Holy Tales, jesuschrist, kids church, nursery rhymes, Noahs Ark, Adam and Eve, elevation kids, g12 animation, goliath, david from the bible
Id: r8sabC-CHVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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