Superbook - Rahab and the Walls of Jericho - Season 2 Episode 4 - Full Episode (HD Version)

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Oh [Music] Joshua Joshua Moses my servant is dead therefore the time has come for you to lead these people the Israelites across the Jordan River into the land I am giving them no one will be able to stand against you as long as you live for I will be with you as I was with Moses I will not fail you or abandon you by the walls around Jericho in three days we cross the Jordan River and take Jericho [Music] remember you're trying to build a reentry vehicle that will protect its payload one raw egg and you'll be dropping it off this scalpel to find out who's doesn't break hackie you enjoy seem to be working along the same lines would you like to team up no thank you she probably copied me anyway what line ever quantum what are you doing trying up the newest holo nine-game rip red line master spy it is designed for one player and works in real time and in real environments but I figured out how to be in it to say aren't you supposed to be out there working with Becky how do you know that hello we're spies don't you want to work with her more like she doesn't want to work with me fine I wouldn't work with her in a million years years [Music] I am taking you to a place where you will discover that when people live to please the Lord even their enemies are at peace with them [Music] plus the Jordan River like Jericho they have many men and weapons not to mention two enormous walls that protect them we must learn more about Jericho how thick are the city walls how plentiful of this applies how many soldiers they have this mission calls for our very best spies come on that's us spies reporting for duty sir aren't you a bit young to be spies that's what makes it so perfect for this we're slide we're stealthy [Music] very amusing children but this calls for real spies those are spies yes where are their spy gadgets yeah these guys are gonna be helpless without us yes we better shadow them if this mission is ever gonna succeed the line into Jericho is moving slowly tonight captain have your men fallen asleep I don't have time for jokes right happened you know I'm dependent on travelers and I'm concerned about not having guests in my boarding house tonight unless you can move things along you should be more concerned about the Israelites the Israelites what do you mean they've begun arriving and making camp on the east side of the Jordan River thousands of them really I have heard stories about their amazing God and the things he's done well if they try to attack their victories end here at Jericho because the Israelites and their God are no match for my men and our walls perhaps it is you captain who should have more concern tonight their God is very powerful and our walls are very strong of course captain good night captain I don't see those spies anywhere did you notice how that woman acted when that soldier talked about the Israelites yeah whatever now can we figure out how to sneak past those guards gizmo I need options well we could use a rocket pack to get over the wall hmm too obvious or perhaps use fireworks as a diversion yeah too dangerous or we could do this so easy hurry along we've got to shut the gates for the night not on my way homes in the name of the king [Music] [Music] that's what he said oh these are lovely did they just arrive yes they're beautiful and a great value [Music] are you some kind of spy Oh No that's odd because you've been following me ever since you came through the city gate and obviously you're not from around here you noticed you know you would look so much better in green let's see [Music] what do you think oh definitely nobody would think we would try to sneak in this way well my whip redline master spiral says my greatest weapon is a surprise okay let's go spy hunting rehab you seem to know everybody in Jericho not merely everybody but I like people who with a few exceptions I can relate to that there's this girl at home Becky we've hardly even spoken but she acts like I'm her worst enemy sometimes people judge one another too quickly even if you see people a certain way you should still give them a second chance to prove themselves I'm sure you and this other girl can find something in common after all look at us Joey we've been looking all over for you and we lost track of those spies can you not see that word so loud come on everybody inside oh the spies yes what that those are the spies in my home Rahab what are you going to do [Music] you wind you up to the roof go what's what you mean go let us have the men who are staying at your house they are spies spies oh wait you mean them don't play games with me Rahab the men were here but I didn't know where they were from and I don't know where they went if you hurry you can probably catch up with them take some men and go look for them at the jordan river where people cross we may be back you saved our lives rehab why I know that the Lord has given Israel this land everyone shakes with fear because of you we heard how the Lord dried up the Red Sea so that you could leave Egypt and we heard how you destroyed Sihon and OGG those two amirite kings east of the Jordan River no wonder our hearts have melted in fear no one has the courage to fight after hearing such things for the Lord your God is the supreme god of the heavens above and the earth below please promise me in the Lord's name since I have shown you kindness that you also will show kindness to my father's house and give me a true token and spare my father my mother my brothers my sisters and all that they have and deliver our lives from death we offer our own lives as a guarantee for your safety if you don't betray us we will keep our promise and be kind to you when the Lord gives us the land come we must hurry my house is built into the city wall use this rope to let yourselves down to the ground outside the city wall we will be bound by the oath we have taken only if you follow these instructions you must tie this red cord on your window when we attack it everyone in your family must be here with you we will take the blame if anyone who stays in this house gets hurt but anyone who leaves your house will be killed I understand now go before the captain returns [Music] hmm it appears Superbook has sent us forward in time according to my chrono spatial locator the Israelites have moved their camp to the west side of the Jordan River closer to Jericho and it looks like they're on the attack [Music] it looks like some kind of treasure my info scanner is registering that as the Ark of the Covenant a wooden chest covered in gold which contains the Ten Commandments God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai children Joshua did the spies help you figure out a plan for getting past Jericho's walls no God has given me a plan it was after Passover I came to study their mighty walls at this very place [Music] or you friend before neither I am the commander of the Lord's army I am your servant tell me what to do take off your sandals for the place where you are standing is holy he told me how I am to defeat Jericho how follow with the others behind the soldiers and remains silent do not speak a word while you march around the city [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] make way for the king the entire city is in a panic and all they're doing is marching around yes and look now they're just returning to their camp it must be some kind of trick no they've just seen the futility of their plan and our walls have kept us safe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is crazy we march up like you're going to attack we go around the city one time and then we go home for six days that's it that's the plan patience Chris tomorrow is going to be different huh what is happening today they circled the city seven times but still they're afraid to attack it's pathetic they'll be leaving soon shouts for the Lord has given you the city [Applause] [Music] [Applause] kept you safe when I sent you to Jericho we promise to protect her and her family and we will keep that promise now go into her house and bring them out [Applause] [Music] rahab gather your father your mother your brothers and all the other relatives who are with you what will you do with us for your help you may live in a safe place in the camp of Israel everyone go with these men you'll be safe with the Israelites we had their promise I got to know you and I you I hope things work out for you and your friend remember since the time I got to know the enemy we came to find we had common ground [Music] [Music] Chris could we take a break from the spy game what are you gonna do I'm going to have a chat with Becky hi that's a cute bracelet really really you know you look good in green my mom made it for me wow that's pretty cool what nothing it's just ever since I transferred here nobody's ever said anything nice to me nobody ever says anything at all yeah I know how hard it can be making friends in new places I'm not real good at making friends well you're pretty good at science projects maybe we can both work on one together only if you want to yeah I want to I definitely want to [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] changed my life and making you help me Lord to live for you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Superbook
Views: 3,880,349
Rating: 4.7237477 out of 5
Keywords: walls of jericho bible story, walls of jericho bible story video, joshua and the walls of jericho bible story, joshua jericho bible story, joshua jericho movie, joshua jericho and rahab, joshua jericho walls, joshua jericho cartoon, joshua jericho story, joshua jericho bible, rahab bible story, rahab and the spies, rahab and the walls of jericho superbook, rahab and the spies bible story, rahab superbook, bible story joshua and the walls of jericho
Id: F7sm4tSS7IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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