Asia’s RAREST Street Food Made Once a Year!! Navruz in Uzbekistan!!

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[Music] in this video you're gonna witness one of central asia's most rarely seen food big reveal it's still hot it's steaming this is this dish is only prepared once a year for the uzbek navru's holiday and this year they're making a lot well over a thousand pounds how are you doing over there on that side i feel like the wind's only coming towards me i'm feeling pretty good once you see how it's made you'll understand why it's not so common what they're doing right now seems easy except for it's freezing outside the making from beginning to end takes over 24 hours people hear tough as actual nails with this painfully long and difficult process this is the final product all starts with one simple task well good morning everybody it is 5 a.m here in uzbekistan we are in the city of namangan and we are up very early for a special reason is to come here and see this but the crews perhaps you could tell me what i'm looking at what you're looking at is the sweet sprout this wheat is not milled for flour instead we're after the natural sweet juice inside to get the sprouts ready for this moment they've been watered four times a day for the last three days right here in their home how much has this pile grown since it started we grew 100 if you would invest early ipo you would get hundred percent roy bro so you missed it roy you call it roy i like that simple weed sprouts are the main ingredient for sumilac but there's nothing simple about the food making process we're about to witness a lot of the sumalac is going to be made today over a ton is this enough this is decentralized way of doing it you have to expect 30 more of that different houses after collecting the weed sprouts they must be brought to a grinder to help release the juices inside we've come to our next location this is the grinding place with the grinding lady hi how you doing [Music] so what i'm curious about is that this is a dessert but you don't add any sugar to it later on no that means all the sweetness has to be coming from this so i'm dying to try out the actual rough raw ingredients right now so at first it tastes like something that would go on a salad next to the croutons and the diced tomatoes yeah and then there's like a little bit of a sweetness to it almost a little vanilla too so we are here at the final site where all the cooking and all the fun is going to happen i really admire the commitment of the people here because it is just a few degrees above freezing and some people are just wearing like slippers i'm freezing my ass off i don't know how they do it right here the wheat sprouts have been ground they've been soaking water for about half an hour and they put it through this net this mesh cloth is gonna allow all the liquid to filter through and then they kind of give it a squeeze this is what we want right here this liquid oh confusion confusion they don't have a place for the refuse ah solution getting ready everyone is pitching in in different ways some people are bringing these big hazans or setting them up getting them ready putting the mud around them to seal them some people are starting fires cleaning so it's a huge group community effort and by tomorrow morning we're going to see over a ton of this stuff be made and given out for free to the public so that is the big moment we're building up to [Music] before the hazan even heats up the ingredients are added first cottonseed oil is spread around the pan then they add rocks that's right river rocks are crucial to the process and you'll find out why soon now we're ready for that precious weed sprout juice filtered and drained into the kazan as the contents of the pan continue to blend we're now ready for the last ingredient right here wheat flour so they have wheat flour they pour that into and then they kind of whisk it about mix it in and get all the clumps out of there so this is going to get a lot more full and when it is they're going to finally start the fire and get this to boiling a bit this is miss inobot and her family helping her to mix in the wheat flour though everyone has a slight twist to their strategy as i said it is not just the women that we came with today there are 10 different cousins and so many people from the community pitching in to make this event happen some people have a stick some people have a whisk and this lady has an electrical mixer it's plugged into an extension cord does this go all the way to your house we're in a park what is this even plugged into it's brilliant i love it so this is how you work smart not hard very nice oh i was gonna give her a fist bump but she's actually holding the electrical in the other hand at this point there are no more ingredients to add we're just gonna need a little bit of heat as the fire begins to roar more attention and care is required at each vessel ensuring this liquid keeps moving and doesn't burn potentially wasting hours of effort remember those rocks as they shift around they help create even more motion so the liquid doesn't stick because yes it's wild to see the progress that has happened in just a couple hours i would be standing here there's a reason i'm not there's a fire blazing under the hazan i was fine she's like please go out of the fire and also do some work but cruz you should help me too right so what is the technique here so what you do is that you have to make sure that it's not going to stick under the bottom yeah so you always have to scrap the bottom no it's okay my favorite part is this lady does not trust me at all i'm like no i insist i'll do it she's like no you won't because this is mine she will not let me destroy this under her watch this is bober park tomorrow is navruz the most important holiday in uzbekistan celebrating the start of the harvest season every march 21st folks celebrate with festivities and sumloc a painstaking sweet made just once a year on this day just in a short amount of time after putting in the flour after putting in all that wheat juice it's become really thick are people doing this overnight till 8 pm they're gonna keep doing that and then they're gonna close it for another 12 hours how many more can you do before you need to hand it to me okay only two people they're gonna stay for another 10 hours oh my gosh the commitment here is unreal this is you going to the extreme physically mentally emotionally spiritually what is pushing you right now to keep moving forward so the main driving force for her is a charity she's happy that a lot of people are gonna enjoy it and a lot of people gonna like it i wish i could help but she said absolutely not i'm gonna come back in five hours i'm gonna bring you a gatorade i'm gonna bring you a masseuse some salt tablets too and a banana yeah and in exchange you will get a zuma like you got a deal yeah right now we are in a nearby market because there is a lot of cooking to be done over at the park where they're making the simalaq so we picked up some samsung now i know you're thinking uh you guys have had some twice and that one place you had uh five different kinds oh yes these are small so it's different this guy is a mobile vendor behind us it looks like his oven probably weighs a ton yeah so inside he's built a fire he has a couple different types of stump side including this these here are the baby bite size version made with a flaky pastry dough and stuffed with juicy mutton they come in fours and you can tear it down to one and look how cute that is huh very nice salty fatty cuminy tons of onion juicy mutton and a beautiful joey wrapper golden brown on the top that is the mini samsung the food tour continues behind us something we actually have not tried yet these are kebabs is this you bakus yeah yes can you see me i feel like david blaine coming on stage right now you can find kebabs everywhere in uzbekistan minced lamb beef or chicken spiced wrapped around a skewer and roasted over charcoal until they're dripping with deliciousness not only is he cooking he's like organizing them according to where it's hottest where it's coolest rotating them can you order two now he's gonna hand it like out of nowhere we see like kebab levitating towards us oh there it is two kebabs fresh on the steak can you just eat it like this yeah all right beautifully seasoned minced right off of the grill got a little crispy on the outside but it's just nothing but juicy deliciousness on the inside this is one of my favorite things so far it's so simple but so delicious it's classic it's something most people know but not to be overlooked or under-appreciated we have found yet another very unique food something i've not seen in any market so far so this isn't the typical heavy hot oily food no this is something completely different although i gotta say actually it is fried yeah but it's not meat it's seafood essentially it comes from carp freshwater fish here we saw in the last episode how much people in this area love the freshwater fish how much beer has this fish been drinking look at that belly but here they're utilizing the egg sac so they chop it into pieces wrap it in batter fry it and then you get this i think it's unique bro i haven't seen in other markets it looks like hush puppies what's that fishy it smells like oil it's interesting because the eggs inside now have a bready texture to them but you can feel the individual eggs like popping in your mouth right this is like a bread it doesn't taste like a fish except the aftertaste back at the park the sumilac sisters continue on they've come too far to turn back now i promised you a gatorade have you been here this whole time mixing oh my gosh the only minor problem is that i don't think your country has gatorade so i brought you a fanta thank you oh you're welcome oh she gave it to someone else all right i thought it was a nice gift but yeah she's got to focus she's got to work up to this point we're only about halfway through the sumilac making process after 10 hours of continuous stirring the sumalac transforms in color and consistency we tell you this morning at your home it's been a long day how you doing no she's singing i'm fine people hear tough as actual nails the color of this it's completely transformed it's thick it's bubbling it's dark brown it looks like caramel or chocolaty she has her paddle here she's gonna give us a little bit this is like molotov cocktail it's very hot and sticky so you got to be careful yeah let's try it up [Music] wow this is an incredible strange and very unique flavor that reminds me of odeng in korea yeah why does it remind me of like a fishy soup in korea at this point it's not incredibly sweet it's a little bit like savory so she says that the sweetness is like a 50 because it's gotta stay another 12 hours without fire in that time so it's gonna become really really sweet the hardest part is now finished from here the men remove the fires [Music] and the women create lids from fabric so the mixture can breathe without steaming up inside the ladies end their day with the prayer they hope for the best before returning back in the morning and discovering the final result [Music] it is the next day there is excitement in the air there's music there's festivities it's a very fun event it is now ruse all the similac is ready we're just waiting for the officials to come here and start the event officially but in the meantime they gave me a little bit of a peek of what's underneath this is the final product would you take a look at this all the work and effort and labor that went into making this it's ready and soon it's going to be scooped and dished out to hundreds if not thousands alas the vessel's covers are removed revealing the final product this rich dark brown viscous dish is ready and so is the [Music] a public day the women proudly serve the masses dishing out the hard-earned fruits of their labor to all who ask each person holding their own container some have small cups some have huge jars so they can take a portion home to share with their families dude this is wild total chaos man it's very festive everyone's here everyone's excited they're about to open this one up big reveal there we go oh it's still hot it's steaming it looks incredible it looks like a dark mocha the look has completely transformed since yesterday morning in the last 24 hours oh what does that smell like to you it smells like suma like for me we have our drink right here we're going to try it right now and cheers cheers we waited 24 hours for this moment it is hard to describe the texture is almost like a thick gravy you're downing that dude get another it has a little bit of like molasses caramel type flavor there's a little bit of earthiness to it because i think coming from the wheat for me it's like memory of the youth because as far as i can remember myself every year so my luck is going on and me small kid rushing with my own container just brings a lot of good childhood memories and it's a really rare instance when you have it so for me it's really good right so as much about the taste as it is the nostalgia and the feelings that go with it all right i feel like i'm also drinking your childhood that's it we did it guys this whole video over 24 hours waking up at 4 a.m all of it was just for this moment right here some things are you just gotta wait for it it's not just about the food it's about all this right here before we go i want to say thank you so much these ladies have been so hard at work it is so impressive to see their commitment to this festival and everything they've done here cheers [Music] is much more than a holiday food oh yeah it's a taste of nostalgia a symbol that represents selflessness and giving soon enough this 24-hour masterpiece is devoured within 24 minutes what remains is warm bellies happy faces and a sense of accomplishment [Applause] best ever food review show is a small team of independent creators and everything we do here works because of you guys click the link in our description to join our patreon and receive exclusive benefits a piece so from here they can put it into a grinder yeah that's sorry i thought you were saying something over the last few hours the color here is completely changed before it was kind of white because we had the corn uh but not corn hold on we we water i found out all the so so someone yes there's one chicken one there one guy ordered chicken the only guy who's pregnant who doesn't like lamb this is a lonely country if you don't like mutton you're kind of effed right ah i mean yeah yeah all right good good oh i like she's like hey don't give too much that's enough all right guys that brings us to the end of our uzbekistan adventure journey and my men the crew you crushed it you did a great job if you watched any videos about uzbekistan you have seen this guy's face because he is an expert when it comes to traveling here in uzbekistan gain the advantage of the cruises travel expertise and guidance by using to plan your central asian travel adventure go to fun stands dot com with my man the cruise thank you guys for watching we'll see you next time a piece all right plov i need more plov in my life plum is my new staple of my diet
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,517,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, uzbek people, uzbek cuisine, uzbekistan, middle east country, fat tail sheep, dumba, QUAIL EGGS WRAPPED IN CAUL FAT, cultural food, exotic food, uzbek traditional food, where to eat in uzbekistan, SOMSA MARKAZI, KEBAB, samosa, MINCED BEEF KEBABS, SUMALAK, FRIED CARP EGG
Id: 3xmi4vUwtlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2022
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