India’s Mega Street Food Factories!! Hyderabad Haleem & Biryani!!

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in this video you're going to see some of india's mega food factories when it comes to making food on mass nobody does it like india welcome to hyderabad a city of nearly 7 million and the fourth largest in india today i'm on a mission to show you how superstar chefs i took my breath away pick up your favorite indian food on a massive scale this is a monumental experience from hyderabad's world famous biryani i feel like i'm on a magic carpet ride all the way to whatever this is the mega food fun is about to start now look at this massive row of pots cooking right now where they are making haleem haleem is popular in india the middle east and central asia there are dozens of pots tons of fire it is hundreds of degrees in here so everywhere it's made a little bit differently here it's a congealed blend of lentils wheat protein and spices but those words aren't enough to convey the splendor of this dish you'll have to see it for yourself we're going to get into step one [Music] i'm dying step one the foundation boil mounds of mutton and loads of green chilies in a giant steel pot known as a kadai now the cooking process has oh god that is hot huh he did warm me about five seconds ago i like they have kind of a paper weight with these big logs on there and then they have a towel wrapped around the lid so they can get it off oh it smells so good take a look at that there are six goats in each one of these that's over 220 pounds in each pot multiplying that by all the pots here i mean this is a massacre of goats i mean uh that's one way to look at it it's also going to be extremely delicious boiling goes on for five hours so the meat reaches the desired degree of tenderness however if you know indian cuisine you know there's no such thing as a dish with two ingredients from here they'll continuously layer in more flavors combine ginger garlic paste coriander and soaked basmati rice then mix that with the mutton [Music] this halloween making is a multi-step process and now it is time for the wheat this is over a hundred pounds of wheat and water let's see it they're gonna do a little bit of a swing action get it up there and then they're going to pour the whole thing at the beginning and water inside they're going to mix it together these guys are shoeless just on top of this grass mat that's all that's protecting them from the intense heat of the food that's inside here it's amazing because we've got the meat in there fat the chilies all these different ingredients that are going to get kind of crushed and compressed and congealed together we're going to see how this texture completely transforms into something new different and beautiful my feet are on fire let's go after 30 minutes of bashing and mixing it's time for this a potent masala consisting of black peppercorns popcini cinnamon cardamom cumin rose petals almonds cloves and crystal meth i mean crystal salt this is all added along with an absolutely reckless portion of oil [Music] now remove the wood and any remaining burning embers from the furnace after dousing it with water they close the fireplace with the stone and seal it with mud all that's needed now is to maintain this heat while the stew finishes cooking this is pista house best halloween bakery restaurant one of the top heavyweight contenders in hauling production in this city or any other throughout the year they mostly sell pastries and sweets become ramadan and they dish out some serious halleen quantity guys the moment has finally come we are revealing the haleem and all its blended glory but there's more to do they've decided the time is right right now and they're about to jump up here and i'm not sure what to be honest all right here we go it has begun right here the final pounding mixing process they take these huge giant sledgehammers like thor's hammer but with a little bit of a handle extension constantly bashing all the meat and wheat and everything against the wall of the pot that is gonna mix it even more make it super congealed i mean these guys working together it is like the pistons of an engine the amount of physical labor and effort that goes into this dish is stunning i'm so hungry we've been here for hours now waiting for the final product and soon it's gonna be here after 25 minutes of hammering they add a three lentil paste and ghee pound it for five minutes more and this labor of love is ready to be invited into your haleem hole boom okay right here guys we finally have the end product it is a whole new material like you've never seen before there's a wheat there's a meat they're all intertwined and they can never be taken apart again like me and my marriage my wife is watching before serving they topped the haleem with their in-house chili oil dangerous amounts of ghee and crunchy fried onions this is a moment i've been waiting for since literally 10 a.m it's now in the afternoon and i've got my family pack of haleem this is very thick stringy like it has its own sinew inside of it that's keeping it all together like river moss the oil the ghee is dripping on my jeans it's time for the bite let's go for it oh my gosh whoa this is a monumental experience that is delicious there's like nothing to chew but it's sticky while you're eating it then it's super super rich with all that ghee beyond that the chili oil making it super spicy that is such an incredible mix of flavors this is remarkable it is a lot of calories but it's so addictive i've tried this dish oman i've tried it in iran and they made it in a little bit different way maybe it's because we're in india this really packs a powerful punch this is my absolute favorite halloween of all time so that was haldin and this is bread bread with a recipe that goes back century we have come to our next destination here a bread factory making a type of bread i've never seen before in india the most impressive part the bread ninja who reaches his hands inside a fiery inferno hundreds of times per day in india many of their breads are in an oval shape but today oh no today we're getting square this unusual card creation begins with a dough consisting of all-purpose flour water salt ghee and yeast they roll it out to exactly the right depth then they pass it to the next guy this is something called four corner bread the next man on this assembly line presses out a square shape that allows the dough to rest and rise for 30 minutes this is a nice break from that super rich oily crazy heavy food we just had this is the bakery signature branding using a steel tool that looks like a comb at his fingertips he transforms the look of the dough in seconds pretty soon that's gonna head into the oven and we're gonna see the final product my men how are you doing all right i am with the bread master right here before putting it in the oven this boss level baker wets the dough with jaggedy water to prevent slipping before laying it upon the bread pillow you guys have a bread pillow at home i doubt it now the most impressive part this fiery tandoor oven is hundreds of degrees but that doesn't stop this man from sticking his bare arm inside what i always love and respect about people who work with the tandoor is the way they just slap the bread on there with such confidence because it is very hot in this oven he not only bakes but also monitors up to 50 non at one time the tandoor's temperature is scientifically controlled by the occasional sprinkling of h2o once the bread hits the right shade of golden brown it's perfect and ready to eat i'm gonna take one out and try it out my man can i have one this is gonna be way too hot it's a bad idea he's gonna hand me one okay yep that's hot it's very warm here it is that looks gorgeous it's so much more doughy and pillowy than i expected are you hungry he's like i'm working and i eat this all the time oh yeah that is really delicious this texture is phenomenal soft pillowy this is something you would often eat with nihari remember nihari oh it's so spicy i'm not sure exactly what is behind the pattern my guess is that pattern stops it from ballooning up this is some of the best precious bread i've had in a long time these guys are doing great work everything they're timing is by heart and by sight it's not like a mcdonald's french fry fryer these are skills that have been accumulated over a long time and my gosh they're crushing it next my entire reason for traveling to the city of hyderabad guys welcome to the biryani factory this place is amazing everybody says you have to come to the city to see biryani it is the biryani that defines biryani in india and perhaps in the world welcome to shah ji house restaurant each day they make not 50 not 500 but over 1700 pots of biryani sent to seven restaurants across the city we're on the top floor right now of the restaurant and this is the very beginning of the process biryani is a mixed rice dish originating among muslim folks in the indian subcontinent its flavors are like fireworks and your first taste will embed a more visceral memory than your first kiss right now we're seeing huge handfuls of rock salt going in from here the flavors come in waves and layers ginger garlic paste green chili paste garam masala cloves red chili powder fried onions coriander fenugreek leaves ghee and then there's the meat boom we are in the mutton room they are taking whole animals here and they are kind of chipping it down into little bitty pieces like this bones and all it's kind of cut indiscriminately there is no sirloin there is no steak it's all just little bitty pieces of meat cubed up and all that is going to join the biryani so when you're eating you never know what you're going to get this mutant comes from little bitty goats they were playing in fields frolicking and now they're here after the meat is hacked up into bite-sized chunks each pot receives one goat's worth of protein on top of the mutton add saffron water curd and boiling water then mix everything together [Music] on the side this is basmati rice it's put in there with coriander with salt and then it's cooked for about 10 minutes but not cooked all the way through it's important that it finishes cooking in this pot when they steam it once our rice is medium rare we're ready for the next step so he's coming out of this giant rice cooker that would make any asian lady in korea jealous bring it over here and one by one layering it on top making sure it's nice and smooth we have most of the ingredients there after the steaming my friends then it's time to eat now they add another layer of rice saffron water cumin seeds and one more layer of rice more saffron water and the legally mandatory ghee with the pot literally bursting with flavor they seal the pot with a twisted cloth close the lid and let it steam after 30 minutes it's maximally delicious and ready for consumption check it out the biryani in its final form they got me a little personal pan biryani and i said absolutely not i need the family platter i have a feeling the eggs are just gonna taste like eggs but let's find out oh oh yeah that's your neck i'm gonna dig into this now every piece is gonna be a little bit different [Music] oh this is so good i feel like i'm on a magic carpet ride that is beautifully seasoned the flavors have really stuck and glommed onto that protein i'm gonna dig a little bit of a hole wow this is a deep oh yes all different colors of rice there's some that's been mixed with the saffron water some that's just been hit with all that chili powder let's try it out it hits you in waves it's like first the explosion and then the after shop the rice is so perfect fluffy and full of flavor i got some meat with the rice and that's when it starts to get really nice i cannot get over how tender that meat is and that's just the beginning you could add a spicy gravy it's so potent i probably put on a touch too much but wow i took my breath away and then you can cool yourself down with a little bit of curd oh yes that's a winner for me the yogurt gives me a little bit of balance a lot of people come to india to attain enlightenment and i think i just got one step closer this is 100 worth the trip here to hyderabad we do have one more location before we wrap up this video let's go there's no better way to end a good meal than with a dessert unless you can go to an entire dessert factory desserts in india are fascinating super sweet combinations bright colors and unexpected ingredients like silver cardamom and flowers here in this factory the options are endless [Music] this place has been around since 1989 they're an og the almond house making desserts on a massive scale like you have never seen before it's crazy how much action there is sugar milk what else do you put in a dessert love instead of making a baking sheet of desserts how do you make enough desserts that could feed the freaking indian army that's what they're doing here and that's what we're going to witness right now first up moti laddu step one the chef concocts the sweet syrup by mixing water cardamom powder food coloring and plenty of sugar add gram flour that's been fried in ghee yes butter fried flour this ain't weight watchers this is candy coated crack for your taste buds after cooking let the mixture cool down allowing the syrup to set and fuse with the gram flour before entering the ballinator this is a laddu machine ado means ball and let me tell you you don't want to get your ladoo stuck in this this machine which is eerily quiet makes the balls so they don't have to make it by hand you can see each of these guys with a couple of ladies in their hands kind of juggling them about getting that final touch and sheen and shape but when it comes to portioning making them perfect and uniform this machine does it all it's going to hit the dining room floor people can order it and that is something we're going to try out pretty soon i'm going to go from least interesting looking to most interesting looking and now that i don't appreciate balls like just a really nice ball whoa i should have done the whole thing but i enjoyed it the mouth feel it's like equal part sticky and oily people try to mock the usa and the desserts we come up with oh you guys fry a whole snickers bar or a twinkie um have you been to india it still feels like the particles are loose so they're kind of falling apart in your mouth as you eat them super syrupy sweet deliciousness every bite has a little bit of a gush of sugar coming out of it here our next one the kaju honey roll let's see how that's made every time i come to this country i see some fanciful creation just that's brand new to me there's a little assembly line that has formed here five guys well i'm not doing anything four guys working together starting here on this side a huge hunk of dough it looks like dough but this is nothing made from flour it's made of cashew paste cardamom and sugar that's one hell of a combination from there they put in butterscotch that's been mixed with honey [Music] [Applause] he hits it with a little bit more honey so it can go on top of these almonds that have been crushed and stick onto there [Music] the last part that is my favorite they don't just want to make it into another ball another latto they make it into basically a little confectionary cigar [Music] it's candy you can eat it or you can smoke it and you can't smoke it actually i like the shape it's interesting it creates more surface area so more nuts can't get on there i know you're asking which nuts these nuts i'm going to split it in half inside you can see some of that butterscotch it is thick it's delicious let's give it a try [Music] delicious crunchy almonds on the outside inside crunchy butterscotch excellent flavor nice texture much more texture than the last one i love it that's quite delicious we've come to our last food right here this is malai gewar it's traditionally associated with the fifth hindu calendar month it will shortly be associated with my mouth first fry the batter in ghee shaping it in a guar mold this milky looking batter is made of all-purpose flour ghee and water once it reaches the point of critical crispiness drain the oil now completely submerge it into sugary syrup ensuring it's fully coated from bindi to toe eating it like this would make me happy but it turns out this is just the foundation [Music] next the inside is coated with sweet condensed milk then an actual silver lining you know for the optimists top this with droplets of saffron water actual saffron and chopped nuts now the final and most important step of all [Music] that is so rich it's crunchy like a funnel cake the condensed milk is so sweet and thick and syrupy people love saffron in india anything that suggests that it's luxurious or expensive saffron has a unique taste to it it's not usually a taste i would associate with desserts but here i kind of like it because it's a sharp contrast to the over sweet sugariness of this dessert in general the silver tastes like nothing super delicious very unique i've never seen that one i've never seen that one in india before very exciting my insulin is through the roof i need to do a quick blood test when it comes to making food on mass nobody does it like india there's over 1 billion people here i mean you better figure out how to make a lot of food real quick india you did it once again best ever food review show is a small team of independent creators and everything we do here works because of you guys click the link in our description to join our patreon and receive exclusive benefits well in india they might call this a salad i would tend to call that raw onions this place has been around since 1989. they're an og although i am a little bit older than that i will not tell you my exact age but i will tell you my social security number i'm nice like that you could have chicken but why would you have chicken when you could have mutton i feel like i'm in aladdin i could show you the biryani that was terrible editor don't include that oh this is so good guys that is the end of the video here in hyderabad indian cooking on a massive scale like you have never seen before at least i've never seen before amazing flavors and so much of it that is it for our little india two-parter it's not a whole series i just wanted to go to a couple of cities i wanted to go to for a long time for nazi in the last video hyderabad in this video i hope you enjoyed it i hope you guys see something new hey maybe wherever you are you should consider eating something delicious fun thought that is it for this one guys thank you so much for watching i will see you next time of peace all right i'm gonna catch a taxi going to the airport
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,607,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, sonny side, befrs team, india, middle east country, indian food, where to eat in india, NAAN, mutton, MALI GHEWAR
Id: usQ-NT0mH74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2022
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