Heart Attack on a Plate! Next Level Street Food in Samarkand, Uzbekistan!

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the moment has finally come the biggest plate I've ever seen here in Uzbekistan are you ready I am let's do this [Music] today we're saying goodbye to Tashkent and hello to summer who's Becca Stan's second-largest city has been the crossroads of food and culture in this region for centuries when you leave this kind of food how does it make you feel it's like a ratatouille smackdown to his childhood the mother's food it's exactly the same after serving as a vital central point on the Silk Road people here adopted the best culinary secrets from around the world it is like a cheap hot spring oh my god you get even today but Cruz and I are on a foodie mission how would you define booze Beck food it's a really tough one from simple home food factories so every bread literally has her finger prints yes it's like bread CSI something like that to the heights of a lunch luxury cthis there's a layer of meat so park your sheep and grab a plate today we're eating local in summer cut good morning everybody and welcome to the bread neighborhood hidden throughout this residential area our little bread factories disguised as apartments summer cut bread can only be made in summer cuts where they say the crucial ingredient is the city's air sounds tasty bread is everything here we start with a bread every meal we eat with a bread and sometimes we'd bread with a bread so there's a lot of homes here residential areas with many bread factories inside how does this work yeah there are local communities we called Mahalo so like one Mahalo everyone makes bread another one they make another thing so all the bread from Samarkand is sourced from this neighborhood I saw it already inside they have a giant oven and let's go check it out right now right here doesn't come in sliced loaves wrapped in plastic the bread is hearty round and big whoa that was a big Brandon 1kg age really someone can bend on the contrary and I can't reason to other it's like very dense and heavy and it's very suitable we can put it and eat it in after three months that's pretty good it takes 30 minutes to prepare the dough then this formless blob is given its unique shape the Baker creates a volcanic form then uses a half stamp 1/2 punch device which stops the bread from bubbling up then a final touch of black cumin so every bread literally has her fingerprints it's like bread CSI something like that finally the dough is ready for the oven room guys this whole room is dedicated to being a flippin oven there are dozens and dozens of these bread circles inside in one take they're like a tea bread at the same time for safety visio bread and these are just piping hot it's super steamy the bread is here freshly done look at this he's holding it like a trophy does he mind oh my god you see that look how steamy this is wow that is heavy bread man super steamy warm bread all right do we just dig into it dig in all right here we go Cheers mmm super hot good and so hot check this out that is awesome take into consideration that it is like 1 kg you can actually see that gravity pulls it down later all right like it was hanging like this yeah are you is hanging like this and then it droop down a little bit while I was cooking my 2 favorite parts of this bread one the guts with pure darkness and then the super crispy edge yeah right here it's the ultimate in krispity krunch Adina's I know it's just bread but it's so good man to crunch hmm onto more cool stuff I would think we're Laughton I think so [Music] there's a window there okay let's go there from the bread we followed our noses to the next home food factory where this humble master is crafting with Becca Stan's finest samosas how do you say nice to me do you guys say that - can I learn some Spanish omelet son good job hey thank you we're making samosas today this is quite unique samosa we call it cat llama samosa he's saying so like 80 layers of paint though sheets every layer they put oil the dough oil dough oil 80 times whoa so that's gonna get super flaky yeah and the oven if you look here you can see there's an incredible amount of layers in the striations here bhakti or was perfecting his food making crafts from age 15 the same age I was perfecting my working at a gas station craft 46 years later and he still has a passion for bringing amazing flavors to the neighborhood he says I grab my phone I want to show you something this is my grandson Joshi and he's helping out here by passing the legacy oh yeah I was just with my grandpa to make the samosas we start with the shell first flatten the dough making sure the edges are super thin the meat inside is a combination of beef lamb and Dumba which is basically yummy sheep but fat oh also onion and other herbs and spices then with the grace of a seasoned expert he wraps it all up wow that is a beauty man oh you want to try yeah sure better than your three-year-old grandson whoa Oh I saying do you want a part-time job yeah I love it maybe in the summers our cooking vessel this tandoor oven is ready for action with coals burning at its base for over an hour this sweater just his tender winner yeah tenders for Oh what's your favorite part of the Samsung making process he's saying he gets really happy when this all mostly in the end comes out really nice as he wanted so the time when he gets the fresh thumbs out of it it's really good that makes me happy too do you want to yeah I do he's teaching you master class boom hit it in their heart with confidence okay here we go I'm going for it oh I hit it gentle they saying be gently smashing it okay good okay all right thank you [Music] 20 minutes has elapsed these are looking golden brown and he's gonna take it out oh my god I love his tool man he's got a pan that's just kind of bolted to a stick as genius they don't sell it on eBay yeah I don't think so Wow those look incredible [Music] guys right here is the magic of Uzbekistan the way he rolled the layers and then the way they appear here it's gorgeous snow yeah fantastic absolutely you just eat it like an apple yeah all right let's go for it look yeah [Music] uh-huh whoa check out the inside here that is delicious meaty onion and just pure juiciness I wanna take another bite you just got a bite out like an apple mmm very strong mutton because we have that tumor inside that's what it is this is full of that doom bar it's giving it like that sheet butter taste it's rich strong mutton sheepy flavor in there but still very delicious yes sir but ah come on for me the best part is just getting to see all the hard work in like mastery that goes into it I hope I'm doing this also in 46 years well thank you so much Russ Mauch graphic [Music] we've come to an awesome lunch location in this place has everything open dining room near freezing temperatures they have a warm dining room too right yeah definitely cool we came here to try one of the best dishes that this city can offer it's called cloth this particular place is very famous because they cook in a little different manner they're gonna cook it in a linen oil linen oil and oil it's like really really dark and black near to like motor oil oh that sounds delicious let's go meet the chef yes assalamualaikum nice to meet you today we're getting this massive Club pattern with so much food on it what was his inspiration for creating this dish he's saying that his hobby is to surprise people when I was doing kind of improvisation it was really hard to give the new customers people are not receptive and for three or four years I kept doing it striving for excellence and right now I have so many clients and I will keep doing it that's awesome and you're a maverick I've tried the largest plov in Uzbekistan but this well people call this luxury plot more ingredients more texture more garnish I'm talking 10 quails kind of garnish this plum comes in layers the first rice layer is soaked in linen oil oh yeah that oil is super dark like a yummy motor oil not like actual motor oil yeah next keeping it healthy with some veggies a layer of carrots and then a raging storm of meat starting with 10 quails and quail eggs basically we have like the mom and it's baby together it's how nature wanted it a deeps of beef beef fat horse sausage and intricate garnish making it look as lavish as a plov can look here it is this is super heavy we're gonna bring it to the table and we're gonna eat yes thank you [Music] but this is ridiculous I love the heart of this man because I can relate to his story he did something unconventional like I did and then after a few years some people started paying attention he became a rock star yeah secondly we have a shot what's going on here these is a grape vinegar oh it's not a shot no no no don't do the show look at where's my mind dad time I'm gonna start with some of this meat super meaty meat are you ready mmm very lean though a little sticky even cuz it's just been boiling for so long it's got a little bit of spice to it maybe mine touch of these chilies I'm kind of becoming a blob pro here I've got some layers of fat rice carrot throw some a horse sausage on top Wow there's a rich hearty blogmutt it is good this is the best go I tried so far Oh a hundred percent and even just this rice alone it has soaked up these juices so amazingly well mmm whoa who jumped over it little sip of vinegar yep that is quite the palate cleanser bro damn start with a little bit of a quail egg and then what do you do with a quail this small they've tied the legs together did they think it was gonna run away huh it's not just a plain quail but stuff with beef yes inside it looks like some minced beef onion some of those herbs and spices let's go for it wow that's super aromatic it's like a superball season kind of hamburger meat or meatloaf inside unexpected wow I didn't know quails ate beef really quick how would you define who's back food it's a really tough one there is so many things here but to summarize I think generally the probe is the king this is the big true ultimate but doesn't matter what it is it's not about the food it's about who is your companion yeah because love friendship do business everything through the meal so it will be fair to say it was Bigfoot in generally it unites people so I think this is if it's not lame no I think that was beautiful okay good music behind like enormous yeah piano amen thank you so much for this whole experience here right here the face of tourism in Uzbekistan he reached out to me after seeing my videos and he was like I need this guy showing the world food in Uzbekistan and we've had a great time here we've seen so much and we eat even more it was my pleasure last meaty you know greasy handshake and for you guys this video was made possible by one trip Vietnam one trip is the highest rated tour company in Vietnam doing tours from north to south in all major cities including hanoi 'no chang Danang poem and saigon you can experience food tours adventure tours and more to learn more about one trip check out the links in the description down below i want to thank everyone here behind me my team and the local team here in uzbekistan I will see you next time get Kai saying peace - nice [Music] [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 3,421,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Uzbek food, Uzbekistan food, Uzbekistan street food, Central asia, Central asia food, Central asian food, Best ever food review show, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan travel, Samarkand, Tashkent, Samarkand street food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 16 2018
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