Daredevils of Dining!! Central Asia’s Extreme Street Food!!

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in this video you're gonna witness some of central asia's most death-defying dishes with chefs who put their lives on the line literally shoving their entire bodies into hot fiery ovens just to feed you this oven is so big that he's inside of it he's actually cooking momentarily today i'm on a mission to reveal uzbekistan's most satisfying street food made by the daredevils of dining from heat resistant tandoor divers i've seen 10 doors that are so hot they burn all your arm hairs off to giant fish wranglers who catch your dinner by hand this thing is like a snake all the action starts right here we've just come to the bread district this is a patch of the highway with tons of different bread shops making bread absolutely fresh like most bakeries a day at pad tier 13 starts with loads of dough and that is where the similarities end for extra richness the dough here is made with only flour and butter it starts with the portioning the balling the rolling it out and then they put the print they make a special design you'll see that every bread here has an identity [Music] then the dough is glazed with more butter and sent to the walk-in oven i've seen a multitude of fiery tandoor designs around this country and the world so big you could fit like six human bodies in here but these tan doors stand apart it's the size of a freaking walk-in closet inside the dough islamijamma to the wall in one quick swift motion so the baker doesn't spontaneously combust after 15 minutes it's ready to take out this is some heavy dense beautiful bread they press in the phone number something we saw already at a previous market that's a business card brother the name of a guy and his phone number this one comes with the address name phone number and the location but i think they have to take to the next level i suggest them to do the qr code you have to be careful though if it bakes the wrong way you're gonna send them to north korea yeah exactly then with 20 years of experience hat tier 13 now churns out 4 000 flatbreads every day and they haven't had a worker burned to death in over 230 days it's super hot i don't know if you guys could tell oh almost 50 50. yeah there you go [Music] oh some parts doughy some parts kind of crackery and crispy hot steamy and satisfying it's more like pie than regular bread taste-wise yeah it's very like pie crust you just need to fill it with meringue or apple jam uzbekistan is such an intersection of so many different types of food like yes people love rice but people equally love bread i don't think you could call this either a rice nation or a bread nation yeah way in between my man that is nice if you think bread sticking is impressive then check this out the top level tandoor daredevils of tandir samsa markazi going face deep into fire pits to stick giant samsung of all kinds to the walls oh should i try it well okay hold on but what is an uzbek samsa well it all starts with the dough what is in here water eggs and the floor they prepared it one day before so in the morning it's all good so they can start a perfect samsa casing requires a thicker middle section and a thinner rim creating that perfect balance requires a special rolling pin this is the cutest rolling pin i've ever seen in my life i want to take one of these home with me here every man uses his own pin in his own way he really rolls it so hard it makes a sound and every time he does it it gives me extreme anxiety i'm not sure why it's like somebody trying to knock down my door and break in and do bad things to me how come he whacks it in such an intense loud way and you're so gentle name of the gin it depends on the rolling pin it says i have a thinner one so i can whack it i press it and make it steam with our wrappers ready it's time for the stuffing which includes some protein you might not be prepared for [Music] what is the secret behind a good samsung obviously fresh ingredients but more important is the balance it's the master's eye which can tell that i should put more meat or i should put less meat over 16 years of samsara r d and this restaurant has come up with a loaded menu of 16 different types of samsung one yeah try it's cooked it's a horse meat by the way horse meat that's right bojack horse meat it's a delicacy not only here but in other parts of asia and europe too tastes great to me saltiness pepperonis cold fatty and delicious the horse samsung is stuffed with chopped beef a quail and a generous portion of horse sausage how come the horse meat here is always in the form of a sausage and not like a steak that's a good question i have to think about it is it more palatable because you can't see any horse body parts you grind it into a sausage and i have no emotional attachment to this sausage other than my absolute love for sausages [Music] after stuffing and wrapping it's time to head to the ovens [Music] this tandoor is being loaded up with six types of samsa and kabob everything is gonna take a different amount of time it takes a true master to really figure out what he's doing and to know when to put it in but more importantly one to take it out the entire wall's real estate is put to use he's sticking it to the walls to the ceiling oh should i try it here [Music] boom it stayed in there that's nice they spray in some water and close the lid turning the oven into a steam room to seal the heat inside top it with heavy stacks of ceramic dishes it's actually going to take about 40 minutes and then we're gonna see this come out and we're gonna try it hot fresh and juicy outside the restaurant and inside the dining hall the atmosphere is also heating up with customers flooding in waiting to get their hands on the first batch of the day on an average day over one thousand samsa can be sold now the steaming is about finished he's taking off these plates he's gonna remove the lid we're gonna get a lot of steam and then see what the final result is for all these different thumbs up [Music] you can smell aroma man santa is in the air bro they are golden brown on the outside it is steamy it is beautiful it is something extracting the samsa is the easy part managing the crowds is another story it's harder to coordinate than i thought some people are saying right now hey i got my ticket i want to go so everyone wants it fresh out of the oven and it can't stay in here forever it's like a limited window of time so he has to really organize his cooking and his delivery it's just complete chaos the more happy patrons that grab their fresh steaming samsa the closer i am to tasting one for myself right here we have two of the kebabs usually kebabs it will just be put over a grill or sometimes leaned into a tan door here he stuffed the kebabs directly on the wall of this oven so this is the side that was on the wall it's a little bit more wet looking and then here there's kind of a crunchy crust that's developed on the outside that was facing the fire it's hot loaded with spices i'm like what does it care about man it tastes really different yeah so much seasoning on there it's interesting because it has a crust on it but essentially the meat has kind of steamed this is nice it's cold outside but it's warm in my belly since we are standing here i wonder if we could risk trying one more if you're feeling so hungry you could eat a horse sausage this next one is for you okay so that is like our little horse sausage burrito you can see how it was hanging on the wall because the gravity has kind of pulled it down it's golden brown a little bit of black stuff but that's fine and then here the crusty part that was stuck to the wall oh that's going to be hot af uh-huh man there's nowhere i'd rather be right now it's about 40 degrees outside just above freezing and this is like my hand warmer and my tummy warmer there's just so much heat moisture and hot meat in there epic reveal dude magical similar seasoning cumin salt you can taste the horse sausage is juicy and delicious the quail egg in there and then just big chunks of beef old macdonald had a farm and this whole farm is inside of this samsa there's a lot of things we haven't tried yet there's the bowl there's other giant samsa so we're gonna order some now head inside and try it out properly our central asian dumpling feast includes this restaurant's greatest hits let's start with samsa in a bowl [Music] [Applause] an entire clay vessel is filled with chopped beef and lamb skirt then wrapped inside the dough and slapped onto the tandoor wall once out of the oven the dough lid is cut open and topped with a scoop of maro soup we've got the beef we've got the horse we've got quail eggs basically everything we just tried outside but in bowl form that's a huge difference actually now i understand the purpose of the bowl it contains a liquid more so everything is extra juicier yeah [Music] oh nice man people might think that it is a lot of oil but it's on contrary it's like a very clean soup delicious very rich but i like it to top off the world's heaviest breakfast the deluxe samsa they put everything they could possibly found and maybe something more cow tongue chopped beef lamb sausage horse sausage lamb skirt quail egg pistachios and cheese all wrapped and baked oh yes the unveiling look at this they do not mess around with the meat so much meat you know how much this costs seven bucks that's a good deal dude it can feed the whole family right with the vegetables way different flavor yeah tastes almost like a stew it's like when you get grilled chilies and bell peppers and onions with potatoes it literally has its own soup it's wild it's like a liquid in here and it's not fat it's just the juice of the meat and the rest of the ingredients i'm blown away before i came to uzbekistan we had some on a much different scale there's like an independent guy doing his own thing he had a couple ten doors for here what they're doing here is very impressive to be able to do pretty complex food that has to be timed perfectly and to get it in people's hands at the perfect time while it's still hot sometimes should we call it a day no no man i need a nap after this the opposite of fire is water but at our next location i'm more concerned about what's in the water whoa this thing is like a snake whoa we're standing in front of on a restaurant offering fresh fish recently plucked from a nearby river in front of us a catfish weighing in at over 20 pounds this is a big boy they usually grow into like a human size this thing looks like a giant tadpole as far as i'm concerned it looks like it's going to become a big frog one day how much beer has this fish been drinking [Music] this little fatty will be cooked up two ways kebabs and stewed [Music] in this double landlocked country dining of fresh fish is a treat reserved for those who make the trip here near the cerdaria river if you want to know what's on the menu just look in the water when you go to tashkent can you see restaurants like this with the live fish in front very seldom yeah you got to keep them on life support you have to have a defibrillator all the way to taj can stay alive just with a huge tank with the water oh that's a better idea after the catfish is cleaned it hangs for a few minutes so the blood can drain besides catfish carp and whitefish are also familiar faces at this restaurant is this one napping it was freshly caught so it's like now decompressing but he will adjust now he's trying to pull it so he wants you to show that it's still alive quite unsuccessfully hey it just swam away you're right it was decompressing it was like i've had quite a day i don't even know where i am now i suddenly have 57 roommates back to our giant catfish half of it is portioned then skewered and tossed on the grill [Applause] [Music] they season the fish with a blend of salt paprika parsley and pepper [Music] oh very beautiful from the sign the cross section looks very juicy let's try it out nice crispy skin a little bit of seasoning on there simple straightforward definitely catfish is known for the fat so you can feel it's not a lean it's like fatty and with this fish you can really taste the minerality you can taste the river right some people don't love that riveriness that minerality but guess what i do true fish cooked two incredible ways this is the snakehead fish whole thing scored and fried it looks glorious and then here the catfish i think we should start with this and end with this the snakehead fish is cleaned scored and marinated with salt they deep fry the whole thing until it looks like modern art you rip off a little fish steak this looks nice thin cut extra fried crispy on the outside feels juicy on the inside let's try it out [Music] tastes stinky at all really good i like it deep-fried little like salty it's like a really i'm saying like a snack food you know the trash is greasy this doesn't taste nearly as rivery as the catfish it doesn't have that um crazy kind of mineral taste to it catfish usually leaves in the bottom like a spongebob so it ends up eating everything would you eat spongebob if you could [Music] now this is an epic treat the catfish meat is deep fried along with the head [Music] in a hazan toss in butter and layer fried fish meat with herbs and veggies finish with the head as the cherry on top after about 20 minutes the alluring fragrance escaping the pan will let you know it's ready [Music] i don't even know where to start we have the head on top but all around it there's a ton of big pieces of fish i'm going to try to pull out this meat i like it a little spongy that's about spongebob spongy not that level but if it's spongy way different array of seasonings and spices here so what we had already that was grilled much more simple straightforward this has a much more depth of flavor to it you want to try soup yeah yeah that's really good beautiful delicious super thick broth it's starting to warm me up a little bit imagine putting some ramen that would be really like a hot pot yeah i'm going to give it a little bit of a haircut they put all the veggies on here they've kind of scored the head as well so it looks a bit gnarly like it got some prison scarf i'm going to grab just some cheek meat fish head is prized all over the world and the most sacred part is the cheeks i honestly i couldn't tell the difference it tastes like just other parts more soft not so spongy seasonings have worked their way into there all right let's open this mouth in here we're gonna see a tongue oh wow hi it's exhaling his final breath what note is this time to say goodbye so this is like this part the bottom jaw it looks warm plump juicy and overall just very nice completely different huh yeah and everything with that broth it's so buttery it's so flavorful it's so deep is this the tongue i want to say yes very gelatinous yeah i just crumbled and fell apart in my mouth it tastes like a bone marrow maybe your piece did your piece had a bit more fat than mine so we succeeded we did have tongue yeah so fish do speak because why they need tongue if they don't speak you know what i always think people are like oh if we mean aliens can we understand what they say we don't even know what dolphins are saying i don't even know what you're saying at the time [Laughter] best ever food review show is a small team of independent creators and everything we do here works because of you guys click the link in our description to join our patreon and receive exclusive benefits of peace what do you think is special about naming and what separates it from other places in uzbekistan mostly food is similar so it doesn't really help if you're just saying like oh it's kind of the same as everywhere else it's unlike any place in uzbekistan very unique the food is one of a kind you can find anything like this can you bring it up like 10 more it's fantastic being here this is your restaurant behind us in your live aquarium here i feel like i'm back in asia already and i quite literally yeah this is asia actually calls it whitefish this one yeah yeah oh my gosh i thought it'd be so cool if i just was like you mean this one and instead uh my jacket is completely soaked dude he made it so easy wait hold on oh he did it twice how do you judge a good samsung it should taste like a snack but at the same time it should have enough liquid to quench your thirst yes sir wait really like if you're running a marathon give me a thumbs up look if you guys have seen any videos about uzbekistan you have seen this guy that's because he is a freaking travel expert when it comes to this country uzbekistan gain the advantage of the cruises travel expertise and guidance by using fundstands.com to plan your central asian travel adventure so you've seen it in the videos now you can come see uzbekistan in real life thank you for cruise thank you very much guys that is it for this one thank you so much for watching i'll see you next time peace
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,735,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, uzbek people, uzbek cuisine, uzbekistan, middle east country, fat tail sheep, dumba, QUAIL EGGS WRAPPED IN CAUL FAT, cultural food, exotic food, uzbek traditional food, where to eat in uzbekistan, SOMSA MARKAZI, SAUSAGE SOMSA, CATFISH KEBAB, BUTTER FLATBREAD
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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