Friday Evening Worship With The Phillips

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happy sabbath everyone thank you for joining us tonight on family worship call a neighbor call a friend because family worship begins now tonight we sit down with the phillips family brother london and sister janelle forbes phillip they attend the good news sda church sister janelle is the woman's ministry leader dear and brother london is an elderly they were baptized a couple years ago in the claudius morgan crusade and their conversion story always is an eye opening and an air listening one so we ask you to listen with us and stay with us as we have a sit down with the phillips family a heart like yours is [Music] is what i'm searching for full of compassion nothing wrong within please hear me lord give me a heart like yours we want to welcome this lovely couple and thank them for joining us tonight on family worship tonight we're gonna do a sit down and an interview style which i know many of you love and enjoy and tonight we have a very beautiful and transparent couple as i mentioned before and at this time i'll just open the floor so that you can introduce yourselves okay good evening all ladies first so good evening i am janelle forbes phillips i am married to this handsome guy on my right which will be your left lying on phillips right so i'll say the am langdon phillips the husband of this lady janelle forbes phillips okay i love that introduction we're gonna just get straight into it describe your childhood for me please did you guys attend church while in childhood and if yes which church and how was your experience there all right well i spent the earlier part of my childhood in trinidad so i i was a catholic and um at the age of nine i came to tobago and i was surrounded by a whole host of adventists concerns aunties neighbors so i automatically started to go to the sandy river sda church so yes i grew up in church okay on my path i can't say that i grew up in church um i didn't do this sunday school also like my um sisters would have but christian principles and knowing of god was very present at home at that stage you know in my early childhood years but i didn't um attend church as a youngster okay so um janelle how was your experience at church going up from catholic church and then the transition into adventism or going to adventist church all right the the catholic church um thoughts taught us um you know healed mary full of grace that kind of thing so the catholic church this is just missing focus more on on jesus mom right right whereby when i came to tobago i was you know introduced to the adventist faith we learned so much more and um i tend to understand more you know going to the adventist church and that kind of thing so i would say that my experience you know and the adventist should it it was a little bit more fulfilling for me and for you brother london how did your parents um give you that christian upbringing as you mentioned before well okay both of them unlike me would have from early years been solid parts of of um church growing up right i know that my mom would have gone to the moravian church i believe in bethel as a young son my father and his younger days and got um gospel hall church in glen road and which which i know that's what that's where my mom is in fellowship there so on i believe on special occasions we would have gone there probably like for new year's or different events or so but it wasn't regular but as i said they always ensure that we knew of those christian principles and so forth so we always have conversations and and the like but uh to say that i went regularly me personally no okay i understand so based on your childhood you know we know that um and even based on mine and many persons looking on whether we grew up in church or whether we weren't um grown up in church at around late adolescence into adulthood you tend to feel such a strong pull into the world right they the attraction some say the attraction and the bright lights it is around that age 17 18 you come into a little bit of independence and so and and choices therefore and for a lot of persons they don't always choose christ has that been your experience did you exp did you experience that pull into the world yes certainly so a very strong pull like a shove i'll push everything into the world um you see in growing up from small coming up into the teenage years even like you think about it as a youngster growing up you're looking at television and so forth you want to be this star on tv or even cartoons you want to be this hero so you always have idolizing people to in when you get back to your will and so as a teenager either in school whether it is a classmates um one of um somebody in an older class or people on the street that they hear would society has heroes the people they put as the popular ones as the heroes and it was easy to see why they were um chosen to be deemed as such as heroes the heroes in my time that i know about to be men who are favored by the ladies somebody with a fancy cartoon they dress nicely and so forth so i always recall even like even the closing up in school and so forth when you start when you people come like the bossa mark and you are the i'm telling you this one doing xyz this one with this one and then you know when you you you went beyond school now as i always told people when i was closing off in school and my friends the boys when they heard questions because i had a girlfriend in sixth form and so forth so when they're asking questions going wrong and talking and then they get to lean on a sandwich you are what it was a big joke everybody had a big laugh at me okay and i felt really rotten about that and when they started to give their little stories and so i realized like i i felt like i was missing out i was like me laughing stuck then so i knew and i believe i had to change that i had to turn that around so it's there you felt that pull sister j do you have i call you jay because you know that's our little your faith so this sister janelle do you have a similar experience did you have a similar experience with that pull of course i felt the pull yeah when i was attending church i was never baptized so i i had friends who was out in the world doing a whole host of stuff and i i followed i i took part in cultural dances queen shows that kind of thing so i i indeed felt the pull right well i know i'm brother london you started to list out some of the things that really what these specific things i pulled you i know you started the story with the girls but do you want to list out these specific things that piqued your interest in the world i know you started with a good story there right um whenever as i said when you looked at the person's young men that were dealing heroes you can help what's um notice the flashy cars cars was like a main thing a person with a fancy car was known to be was popular so that's a big pull for me that sort of um that material um item there that car definitely because as i'm saying a house you can't everybody wouldn't see a home but your car drive around all over tobago which is on the streets is being seen just as with clothes you know so a lot of people know you people are saying that person dressed up like that even see the house you know those sort of things so the truth is that appeal to me because i know you could you know it's like if you're waving a banner your car you know and then you want your colleagues the boys they want everybody to give you a high five and bongs and look at it a certain way and i realized that the ones that were deemed to use the team again like heroes or popular or cool guys stand out persons but the ones that were very fond of females or the females were very fond of them right so i definitely wanted to be known and be popular with the females and and not just to appease that because i mean i could appreciate a beautiful lady when i look at one sister jay um do you have any specific things that would have pulled you well as i mentioned before i had friends who was you know in the world having a grand time and um they were into partying and you know going out for queen shows and all sorts of things so i don't really want to see my friends pull me but yeah i was sort of pulled into the world based on things that i would have seen them you know enjoying and you know having a good uh having a real good time with so yeah so um do you remember the particular age that you stopped fellowshipping with um with the church did that ever happen or did you continue to go throughout your adulthood i stopped um i believe when i was 16 i yeah i think that is the age that i can remember about 16 i stopped all entirely and i was just having a grand time all right so you both are out there and you're having a grand time as you just put it at what point in times did you guys meet and how did that happen wow us meeting is very queer in a sense that um she um i think when sometimes i remember if i remember the first time i saw her in life i saw this pretty young lady i was driving around scarborough i saw this pretty young lady and i asked my partner i said whoa look at that girl there and he said now don't even look at her because she's spoken for you the individual would she had a boyfriend and youtube would also even forget about that so i say okay yes passed by then i would have um what already made me strange enough a friend of mine from way back in the days when she i think um i probably was even working wasa at that time that's a show and i never left school um a friend from back in jose's i think she was she was living abroad and she came to tobago for the holidays and she rented a vehicle from you right and then she heard that my um girlfriend from balcony um that she knew me that she knew that i i was with for some years that we had ended and she was like really you're finished she said wow when i met a really wonderful young lady so i said who told me of this young lady here i was like okay yes okay that's really truly a nice young lady but my impression that i was like she's spoken for so i i don't want to be tangled with anything of that spot you know i mean she was telling me no she has too she has ended her relationship as well i was like um one plus one but you know it was song in fresh too like you know and i know oftentimes when relationships end and it's not the absolute long period of time how that could go you know and similar to me she um from her relationship she had a child she had a wonderful son and just like i just like i do you know so we both had um boys and everything like that um so i was you know skeptical because i know from a family standpoint too you know with the kids it could be a bit ticklish so i was actually refusing at first i i believe i think you told me you were reluctant at first probably i don't know if you're reluctant why were you reluctant you heard of my reputation oh my god yes and i i could you know i had always heard outstanding things about her yes and so at first when i was reluctant i remember i went home and i taught about it the entire night i slept on it and so and i told myself no something about this girl i i think i should really meet this young lady so i told my friend right um i want to meet her and she said okay good i'm gonna um set up a meeting and so for y'all to meet up and so and i think even when we look at the set of a meeting um there's some reluctance or hesitation on my part again you know because i'm in my thing is that i feel like if i didn't fully release the shackles of the world and i i honestly for myself i don't want to come around this precious young lady and he'll say anyway at all okay so i was reluctant but then i said let me step up to this thing be a man and we met and when we met it i saw it all right well as as i um i said to her and that night i remember telling a gentleman on our wedding day about that and it it's laughable to me because people will see they credit me without being a person of of words such elephant speech but i said the most corny thing to her that night i said to her when i look into my crystal ball i thought i see wedding bells in the future you know because i said on a wedding day when i think of it no my crystal ball my crystal ball spoke the truth i guess it was the holy spirit was speaking to me with that yes yes so janelle i know sometimes when um the guy gives his side of the hole we met it's like kind of different from the girls um what is your version of the how we met story well to be honest his side is is the truth okay you know yes um he had a friend and the friend did indeed rent a car from me and you know we were chit-chatting about life and relationships and that kind of thing and from the moment she heard that i was single she just started to connect the dots i have this friend and i know this friend will like you so you know i'll be on the basketball court you know let me introduce you guys and that kind of thing but i had i had already heard about london you know been in the world and yes he had a really terrible reputation when the girls are concerned so i was a little bit you know hesitant you know but you know we we met and the night we met um we exchanged numbers and that kind of thing and you know i was excited you know when i be exchanging numbers and i said um you know something will happen here you know but keep calling the phone and he never responded never written the call so you know i tell myself you know what okay let me just forget about this whole meet meet and greet that first night and um things just turned around and i guess here we are for today so brother london i would like to know why you did not answer the phone call honestly when i when i learned of janelle i knew her she seemed so precious and fragile i told myself unless i fully break off the shackles of this wheel i don't want to come close to that young lady because i do want to break her heart at all you know okay and i really had some you know some little ends i need to shake off okay okay okay i am tempted to say to ask any other couple out there that you know probably going through a similar thing would you have any advice for them who probably looking at the situation and and having cold feet would you have any advice would you tell them go forward what would you tell them it depends on on at what stage what stage you're speaking of like with our couple all day if you know you know a mature couple you saw a girl who is so precious who has all the the beautiful characteristics that you would have wanted in in someone would you tell them not to answer the phone or to go ahead and meet that person and see where it goes what the holy spirit is saying to you yes certainly meet people speak to persons finally do your homework and investigate you know but one thing i have learned and i always said and actually my son's mom often say um she said i agree with it that you understand when after you go through life and have some experiences you understand why you're supposed to follow these sequence of events as a bible as the word of the lord tells us oh yes yes when you go out of sync it's like you throw things out of sync yeah also you know because with a child we have wonderful children you know you you think about childhood and so forth but it's a tough thing for one person for a single parent is a tough thing when you have both persons in the family situation the relationship with our family is it's it's a whole lot more enjoyable and it's easier i can see so i was the person so you know following the the sequence of things as it as the word of god tells us sorry as it should be okay i would definitely say yeah um there's no harm in you know well there's no harm in meeting people getting to know them and see if you know if you all are compatible or what the case may be because you may never know look like us in a very tiny phone call and look at us for today give me that one call keep trying again you may never know well as we said we looked back a little bit and now it's a look even a little closer into the we're still looking back but we've gotten to the part of the interview where i would love to hear your conversion story um that that transition from out there to in here how was that experience where did it take place how do you know just give us a little give us the background on that you want to start you start well when i think about it it's quite queer and strange because i remember weekends almost like a day i i i woke up a day and something that was very familiar to me all of a sudden saw the song very ridiculous and i just couldn't see it anymore i was if anybody look at um social media i remember me from bachmany dsi obscene language was very much at home with me i used the curse a lot and so forth and just that it really finally sounded as it should obscene to me it was so filthy i didn't want to hear it i certainly wasn't going to see it anymore just woke up that day and everything that seemed filthy because you remember how i started beaver but littering you seen garbage anywhere was a serious problem for me and it's like everything was different i could appreciate i started to appreciate nature a whole in a whole different way so it's almost like it's like someone was just awakening me and so you know that you're getting these questions you're feeling this pull and this connection to everything with the world the arm when i'm saying the word i mean like the earth and the creation so everything was pointing in that direction to the creator and then i saw i started to go church with my mom so i would go on a wednesday night you know because she goes she attends the gospel hall church um i've gone on wednesday night because that was the night was very suitable to me i didn't even want to wake up on a sunday morning to go because i find i have to go and watch how to watch football on a sunday morning too so i say wednesday night cool because i had nothing else to do you know so i'll go then and then that was going along i was leaning in here wonderful messages um then a number of friends of mine christian friends started to invite me to crusades a lot of pentecostal friends and then adventist friends and i went to a lot of adventist cruises and so forth and i was really amazed by is what i was hearing and but to tell you the truth from since when i was caught up in the world i had always shied away from the adventist feet because my favorite meat was um if anyone who knows me from back in the days i see what what day or night um london like to lime the most it'll be friday night i will stop people because i like to lie my friday because they don't wake up next year i have nothing to do on a saturday but you know i always felt like if you're lying saturday night sunday i'll wake up and get things ready for um you know so that's why the adventist fate wasn't appealing to me even though i was being led to christ but it's like i started to realize for myself that i was being completely selfish everything was about me i wanted like if i wanted scripture god the truth to suit me and on my time and not me conforming to the word of the lord okay you know so i was invited to this crusade under the tents at gulf city mall and i went to that crusade and that was it was so amazing that's why you really know when someone is a truly a servant of the daughter because pastor morgan his message and his approach it really touched me and it really gripped me there was no escaping his word the message and even though as i say even though i knew that this was it i need to be saved and so forth and to be baptized i remember they were saying that you'd be baptized the next day or two on the beach but i remember i was remembering stories of persons being baptized on these adventist feet and in our month or weeks time it's like if the person returned to the world right i was of the opinion i was like maybe they're doing nothing too fast but you know if you the word of god you see how much persons with jesus as disciples got baptized immediately when you get that you know so i i have realized and even afterwards you're gonna realize that the systems that the adventist faith puts in place amazing okay you know what i don't mean to preempt everything there but i was um docking a shower shine away from the beach baptism and then when i went back to to hear the word of god because i docked the beach baptism i was ashamed to go under the tent so i was listening to everything and listen to the message and i kind of car park but you know when you're feeling still feeling empty inside you'll know that i feel like you're not doing something correct right so the following night i went back under the tent you see i said i'm not shy i'm not shy i can't shy away from god i went back under the tent and as i said recently i remember giving a testimony when i went only to get to i got to realize that they were no longer baptizing under the beach i'm sorry there wasn't the one they would baptize on the beach anymore there's no baptizing under the tent that are massively cool under the tent and knowing myself my personality and everything and much less of my hair style then i could not see myself being baptized there and then in this massive crusade in front of all these people i didn't even have a change of clothing anything right but when god is speaking to you when he calls you you better answer and there was no doubt about it that he was speaking to me because i know my shy personality everything that's disappeared right it was how i would run from things before and shy away i r i ran to christ i fly about the first person flying up going up into that pool i went to get baptized on big heavy rats it was really a wonderful feeling something i'll i'll never ever regret that sister jay do you have a similar story well my story is that i have i have been to the altar three times for baptism in my teenage days okay and i remember the last one that stood out to me i remember my uncle's scene you always let them people come here and waste their time and people come here and waste their time you know what you're watching watching they're praying with you and you're looking to see who watch it you know so that stood out to me ever since that stood out to me and i remember in my 30s yes i'm old i stopped partying and that kind of thing so i would always listen to 98.1 you know always trying to get you know the word in somehow and i'm not always commenting if you can't see you always listen to something boring you know but i it's like you grow up knowing certain things and you say they say you would never depart from from the correct thing that you learned yes right so i already it was always embedded in me that you know do the writing go to church listen to god's um message try to live that good life so i always had that instill in me but um i remember clearly when london used to get invited to all these um crusades he would you know ask me to come along and that kind of thing and i will always make excuses you know or i have to do something or you know i have a hectic day the following day so you know being out late you know it's a no no but i remember you know he was at this point in time when he just before he got baptized he was you know always going to the crusades always said he would come back home and he would talk you know and tell me you know how good it was and i kind of think and um he invited me he invited after he got baptized he invited me to come along with him and of course yeah so what i did when he left home i said you know what let me go around and see what this morgan man is all about and i went to the crusade and i had no intention of sitting with london none whatsoever so i went and i was looking for seats and the i was in the back and our eyes made four and he called me up come come come sit here you know so i was like okay then went to the crew said and as i said i had no intentions of getting baptized at night but that message morgan delivered that night it's like it's like yeah you know you know the writing why you're not doing the right thing you know and he i remember he's here he's saying you know turn to the person next to you you know to pray and london held my hands and he was in one praying you know and you know he was talking to god and asking god you know to help me you know make the right decision right you know and he did pray and i was crying i was crying i couldn't stop because at the end of the day you know what is the right decision you know what is the right decision so when they made the altar call i think i was the last person to go up you know because it's like you're fighting this battle you know yeah and when i got up there and you know i was i okay it was my turn now you know to get into the pool and to be baptized i came up with my hands up in the air because i said thank you jesus christ you know for choosing this timing you know to bring me to you um i never wanted to you know to um to be sick or to get an accident to come to jesus no always not at all you know so the timing he was in london i would say he used london he was in london to speak to me right right for me to to do the correct thing and i must say i have no regrets whatsoever we are we were addicted to shrimp son i would have like wine in the house and i would sip on you know i would cook can whatever and wear earrings i had so many jewelry dads people calling me and say hey it's time to give up these things come give it to me you know because i had them pack away and just was waiting to dump them you know but i must say i have no regrets amen i have none whatsoever and people see a difference in me i'm not different in me you know um my staff you know see the difference in me when i got baptized you know and i thank god that you know he used this gentleman and he also used people that are wrong me to have i have a cousin who goes to the um mounts in george sda church and she will always talk to me and you know you know give your life to christ i have another friend who goes to open bible church you know and she was she was like you in the u.n baptizer yet what you waiting on you know i woke up in the morning already and also i always had people around me you know who was always encouraging me and that kind of thing but as i said he was london you know it's like as i said i i had it three times i went to the alternator three times without the name and everything they came home and they pray and whatever for some reason yeah never happened until until that time back in 2016. right i think a seed was always planted as well it was just time for it to be germinated and i always say the adventist church is a way of life religion so i know you touched on it a little bit before but i also wanted to ask was there anything that was particularly difficult for you to give up when you came to christ after you after you got baptized i it was i mean i i'm telling you truth here it was difficult for me to give up wearing jewelry i wasn't the the lord person the long type you know but the little earrings you know the little bracelets um food we we used to go to restaurants and you didn't even have to have to wonder what we want to eat when you see us in washington you know um as i said i used to drink wine in the house you know cooking and that kind of thing i'm sipping on my wine and that kind of thing so it was difficult to you know to give up that but i remember um after we got baptized we are we would have attended church this saturday under the tent he got baptized he sunday i got baptized with tuesday so he attended church under the tent and i remember we going um to dinner that night and when we get when we got to the restaurant we were like so we were like you know what if this is it this is it so we yeah we just you know put it in the back of our heads and say you know what we have to do the correct thing and today i must tell you i don't even drink shandy right i don't drink shandy if i see something say two percent alcohol one percent alcohol i stay away from it okay and um yeah we we eat fish and yeah chicken but along then do you have anything else particularly difficult to give up actually i would say it was a very smooth transition the reason being is that my transition started prior to that actual baptism is like was a pathway because as i said i started with the church of my mom and so forth and if you remember even in terms of balcony days as i say i was mr pork and dumpling but the last time i ate meat was in 2010 we were baptized in 2016. so i you know i stopped eating meat um i stopped going to parties i stopped drinking alcohol so these things had hap these things happened before now along my path we are like lord was speaking to me out working as i don't know if he told himself look i can't do everything was too sudden with his word with him get rid of this and then this you know because it i can't say that it was because when i when we when we got baptized it was just as you said it was just like the last thing was just shrimps of that and then you know um respecting the sabbath and so forth honoring the sabbath you know so we had little changes also there with your timing and appearing and so forth but it wasn't difficult for me at that point in time when i was baptized to make any sort of transition because these things were already flushed all over my system along the path okay and i understand i know i asked um another kind of this question before and they said it took them actually one year post um baptism to give a pork because we think that it's always instant but some persons take a little bit longer so it's i i always find the question quite interesting okay so how long after baptism did you guys get married it's you know what this is so amazing yeah it's truly amazing when you a person think might think they know life they understand everything in life and they because they have eyes you have all their senses and tackles so but when you get baptized and everything is fully opened up you start to see everything differently you know i watch at this beautiful lady and it's like i fully could really appreciate every single so it's like i wanted to i because we always used to speak about marriage and so forth but it's like yo i was always planning that i wanted the perfect proposal i was planning something with a horse or i also was telling myself i probably um come and sing to her in a restaurant all these fantastic things you know but she'll tell you it was just a simple conversation then after and what we for the things yeah didn't have a ring anything because it wasn't planned wasn't a planned proposal or anything at that point in time but when the lord speaks to you and and then you until you speak i spoke to the woman that i love and you know there's no doubt about it you know because we would have been baptized in july and we got married in december okay you know it's almost like we really couldn't wait right we couldn't we thought we could waste at all it was it was truly amazing lord when the lord is present in your life like everything is your fully our way of everything knowing your feelings everything multiplies then amen this took place on a saturday after church we came back to my apartment and we were i think you had to go to ewy right and right so i was there we were just you know after lunch we were talking and i guess it's probably what he passed i would have said that the message yeah you know so we came back and we were just like you know just talking about life and you know that kind of thing and so he said do you want to get married and i was like what do you just say you know he was like you want to get married and i was like you for real and then you say yeah and then you say pinky swear i was like pink he swear i'm watching him watching him you know in his eyes and he said yeah pinky so and he said yeah we're gonna do this so i said when are we gonna do this and he said let me do it this year now i was like oh kieran you know so we started to put things in place and we got married in high school so as london would have said you know when you're baptized you see things different level yeah okay so you guys have the experience of um being together before marriage not before marriage sorry before baptism and after baptism right which is before you know you gave your life to christ and then after what are some of the differences that you've observed in your relationship before were there any differences but now we live together you know and um being baptized you know we we pray together i must say that we you know we pray together we try to you know pray about everything you know um we'll communicate more you know about the family and that kind of thing um we are we are involved in church a lot yeah we have a post in church um [Music] we we well some of our friends we lost friends along to me you know but um yeah we tend to to be more family oriented yeah and um yeah yeah what would you say the truth is just as you're saying it everything seems like it's a whole lot more intertwined no yeah because before previously when i met this young lady she was very spiritual and she as you will see when i jump in our vehicle she her vehicle she'll always be a 98.1 or so and you know and i actually with my um also play survivor says uh why don't you play music that everybody could enjoy so she's gonna have to change radio station on my behalf and so you know but i'm saying since we actually we got baptized and we have this life in christ together the conversations we'll have the plans we'll make for the boys um the plans we make together the things you know after we we go to church together and talk about this cinnamon you know every a lot of things and as you said she mentioned there's no wonderful it can't be that it really can't beat that when you pray together totally lower together everything is just bloody together together yeah so quickly tell me what are your favorite texts and him my favorite text is i can do all things to christ who strengthens me i live by that i i teach my son to live by that as well you know it's a powerful powerful text you know and my favorite him is um i serve a reason savior he's in the world today that's a that's an old classic i would have learned when i was 10 years old you know at um mason hall state church worshiping with my family and that kind of thing so that that that um that him for me is is powerful my savior lives he lives he lives i know he lives yes that is very powerful yes for the london but for me actually that's him he might love i love to hear that song um draw me close to you ah yeah that song that's a joker for me because it's it i can re-relate it because the lord is definitely all that i was searching for all my life oh yeah you know and um you remember it was a night when you told me you were so upset when you heard out with some you know persons that you know to be my colleagues or friends rather um speaking ill of me or you know having jokes or laughing the transition that i would have made right and i remember reading john 15 18 to 19. wait wait where where is wood is saying to us basically if you want the world the world will love its own but you are no um but because you're not of the will yeah because i chose you out of the world therefore you know the basically he's ultimately saying to you therefore the world will not love you you know so because you're not of the world it will only love its own choice you out of the world for the world will no longer not love you yeah also that scripture always you know made so much sense to me and i understood that because when i made this transition when i was baptized and so forth for a lot of persons other persons can accept that also so they i remember they'll say i was going through middle age crisis you know so i know that the world the world the world doesn't accept me and i'm very grateful for that i look at you both as a mighty man of god and a mighty woman of god i know janelle personally she's one of my friends and i know it's not a fake thing it's not a fake thing with you you are truly um have been called for a purpose and you are walking in that purpose what are some of the things some of the routines that you have developed to kind of cement yourself in god's kingdom as a child of god what are some of the routines that you have [Music] well to cement yourself and just like as it would be for a person to cement yourself in our relationship with a need to converse with that person oh yeah so definitely my uh my and our dialogue with the lord truly tremendous our prayers with the lord cement our relationship with him individually and collectively together so it is always such a wonderful thing to do together and individually have those conversations your prayer you know and then reading his word does so much for me individually and i know until it does so much for her and the wonderful thing with our faith like these studies um we have weekly the weekly studies when you do your readings daily or if you read it for for the week no matter what once you once you get it follow it and cover it and so it's always some wonderful teachings you know yeah you really can't avoid you shouldn't avoid these things and it's some always a solid message that's so relevant for us in these times no yes so that's why it's the beautiful thing is with with our church our faith it guides definitely you know is the julius become a christian you're left alone to wonder a day you're guided along the path you know so it's so easy to just follow you know direction and um instruction from the lord but when you're being guided gently guided or so by your peers your brothers and sisters in christ also wonderful i would say um when you have rules in church connect yourself when you're so you have your rules in church you surround yourself with you know persons in the church you know and [Music] you have you know your relationship with god you have the relationship like london said you know we pray together we study together that kind of thing those are the those are the key i would say the key points that that will cement you you know in in church yeah that relationship will go out there you have to surround yourself with positive people the persons that are alike sorry to say you know um persons in church like i have this friend valine you know you know you're surround yourself with people that are you know of the same religion like you and i kind of think i have persons in other religions too but yes it is that you know you must cement yourself surround yourself with people who are alike yeah you know and it's not as you mentioned in that day i definitely can't forget that um our church is filled with i refer them as power couples and miss you can't miss that they inspire you and they they speak you from moment one this other relationship you have with them you know it's truly inspiring for you as an individual with christ and as a couple you know you see them you see their relationship you can't miss it you see that unmistakable and the connection with them with the lord being the center of their home when you see that connection it's almost it's almost received like these people it's like a telepathic power like one person again you just see i don't know how they could just fill in for each other one time without even conversing or audibly so it's truly amazing and i'm seeing that since we would have had that growth spiritual growth how much our connection has intensified yeah and well communications better our love and trust amazing remember back in the days i would have always had to lock my phone but i don't have a lock on my phone you know the only time i'll think about to lock on my phone if i go out i'll think about it but certainly nothing around my wife my phone is unlocked all the time so i'll certainly say you know definitely they all say it's like how persons that tell people in the world to your peers you know so be careful but you know with when you come to the house of god and you're baptized and you we are surrounded by such a wonderful people that's it power couples um just the family and church families what do you feel is love that embrace from each other is wonderful you're on crack at all times okay and finally many persons will have heard of your childhood into adolescence how you met and even where you are right now so i want you to just take a moment and just give some advice i know a lot of persons are probably thinking about the times that we live in do you want to give any advice to the urgency in um just accepting god and how sweet it is and how it's just not a regrettable decision accepting god as your personal um savior any advice you have to give to any of the viewers out there [Music] all right um i have lived it all i've seen it all and there is no better decision to make at this point in time than to get it right with christ no better decision to make we've seen a lot of things taking place in the world right now and if you to die today you have to ask yourself did i get it right with christ so i'm appealing to persons who are viewing tonight get it right with christ drawing me time is drawing near get it right with hearts amen right um when you look in the world today and the fall of every lip everybody's speaking our cove kovalev 19. you know nothing that has taken place in the world today it should ever be a surprise anybody is written right there in the bible the bible speaks about jesus when the disciples asked jesus about his return and he spoke about pestilence what what greater example you could have of that than covert 19. you know he spoke about um earthquakes you saw just in haiti and you're seen all over the world all over the world people you know not all the time it might be any um before front of the papers or so but do i i try anyone check um just for this simply for the year it's over a hundred major earthquakes you know so all the signs are there that the return is certainly imminent um but above that i'll tell persons i got caught up in the world because you thought that was enjoying yourself you thought i was really enjoyment a lot of persons who shy away from children so they think that this life the life of a christian is boring but it is truly fulfilling because i didn't have an experience something nothing took place or hindered anything with me in the world for me to give it up and you know i gave it up was you know by free choice and there's no regrets there's no regret you know the only as i um as i would say the only thing i think of at times and it does it's not like i want to go back to the lines um in every i i miss friends some of my friends because i have concerns i am concerned about them spiritually i really want to see all my brothers and sisters to save i want because you know love is a selfless emotion just as jesus one of them and she telling cross for us all i can't know people and love them and have them at heart and just be satisfied with knowing that i am experiencing the kingdom of god and i know that i will live for eternity through christ and then my fellow men peers former peers and colleagues also friends people that i i value i love that they would not you know enter the kingdom of god that you know if this was a dietary or tomorrow they will not live you know they'll not they'll not live to see eternity you know so i'm saying the persons don't think of becoming a christian has given up this all that but see and understand what you will you truly are you truly gain a whole lot more there's no comparison because as you know when you speak of the world i have known it i i knew it i i lived it and i gave it all up free of choice free will and that's a beautiful thing about it even you know and that's it you know wonderful thing about with us too when um we got married we weren't compelled no one said listen or you better go and get married or anything like that you know on our own we made that decision so that's that's just said i tell my brothers and sisters all day out today you will try it you don't believe it you think try it make that step step the christ on a really understanding see and feel life feel love and know that there's no comparison to anything all day in the world and you feel like peace to her for some reason you have peace within you yeah yeah you have that peace the bible says great peace are they that love thy law and nothing shall offend thee so peace is promised to us once we accept the law of christ um london and janelle we would sit here and we could talk all night but a lot we must come to an end um so that the viewers can get some night rest on the sabbath night so we want to just thank you so much for taking the time out to be so transparent i know that someone would have looked on and learned something and and just be drawn closer to you because of your closeness to god so we want to thank you so much for taking the time out to be here with us at family worship you're most welcome thank you for having us thank you for staying with us until the end we want to thank the phillips family brother london and sister janelle for joining with us tonight and being so transparent um we just love to have them here and i'm sure that you at home enjoyed the interview at as well before we leave tonight we have a few announcements there will be no friday evening talks after this stream there'll be no friday evening talks after this stream tomorrow at 9 15 join us as we go into kingdom children lesson study and of course the breaking of the word and at 3 30 pm we have a y we want you to remember the 4w watch your distance wear your mask and watch asi media for all your very best of christian content thank you and happy but as long as you are here i know that i can make it every step along the way please hear my prayer a heart like yours is my desire a heart like yours is what i'm searching for full of compassion nothing wrong within please send me lord give me a heart like yours so much grace so much kindness [Music] so much pain [Music] forever true strong as the wind soft as a shadow if just once i could be like you [Music] a heart like yours is my desire a heart like yours is what i'm searching for full of nothing wrong with it please hear me lord give me your heart like yours please me lord give me a heart like yours a heart like yours is my desire [Music] [Music] wrong is it listen me lord give me your heart like yours please send me lord give me your heart like yours please hear me lord give me [Music] your a heart like yours you
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Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
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Length: 63min 33sec (3813 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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