ARTHRITIS: Is Your Diet Causing It? [Or Making It Worse?]

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hey this is dr. Barry let's discuss for a few minutes is your diet causing your joint pain your arthritis your djd your osteoarthritis is that possible that your diet could be causing it or making it worse or damaging your joints permanently that's a great question we need to talk about this so let's dive right in there are absolutely millions of people in the United States and other parts of the world who suffer from severe debilitating arthritis in their joints and arthritis is just a word that means inflammation inside the joint okay now so many people think that they it's from wear-and-tear they've learned their joints out I just I've worked so hard I've stood on my feet I've wore my joints out that's completely inaccurate that's a myth that's not true at all and we're gonna talk about this in this video now if you know someone who suffers from arthritis or joint pain chronically please share this video with them share it on Twitter share it on LinkedIn share it on Facebook you're welcome to share this video because it helps me to help so many other people now let's talk about this first of all let's let's just completely destroy this wear and tear myth okay your joints are not like rocks they are constantly being regenerated renewed new cells are coming old cells are dying cartilage is being replaced all the time now many orthopedic surgeons would love for you to believe that once your joints formed and you're an adult that's it it never gets any better it just only gets worse with time because you you wear it out right and so if you have a very physically exertional job you're you're a factory worker you've worked a lot of menial or hard labor you feel like oh I've just worked so hard I have worn my joints out your body is not like a car the more you drive your body it doesn't wear out okay you shouldn't keep your body in the garage that doesn't work for the human body the human body the human joints are constantly rejuvenating and repairing and renewing if you're feeding your body to correct diets and if you're using your joints appropriate okay so do not believe the wear and tear myth that is a lie that doctors tell patients especially doctors who get paid very well to chop out joints and put in new artificial joints not true at all there's absolutely zero research that backs up the wear and tear myth that is not true whatsoever okay and I'm going to tell you about my personal experience in my clinic with people improving their joints with diets now let's talk about this of course you know I recommend the ketogenic way of eating or a low carb high healthy fat or even a carnivore diet for different people these diets are ideal for them and I have had numerous patients at the berry clinic some who are on the knee replacement surgery list like on the waiting list getting ready to have a knee replaced I said you know what before you do that please just eat keto for three months for me and I'm going to tell you the foods to remove completely out of your diet and see if we can't get these joints better and many of those patients have left the surgeon waiting they call it and cancel that appointment because their joints were so much better that they wouldn't even dream of having knee or hip replacement surgery so let's talk about the foods when you eat a ketogenic way that you're going to completely remove from your diet and I'm gonna try to list these in order of most important to lesser importance by far and away the most important thing to do is to slash your carbohydrate intake because when you do that you keep your blood sugar and your serum insulin levels both very low normal and that's where they need to be when your blood sugars are chronically high that absolutely inflames and damages the lining of your joints when your insulin levels are chronically high that absolutely damages and in flames the lining of your joints and so you want to eat as low carb as you possibly can and that's gonna decrease your blood sugar and decrease your serum insulin level both of which will calm down the inflammation in your entire body but also in all of your joints another thing that you've got to get out of your diet is grains of any type now a lot of people already have caught on to the fact that wheat can be very inflammatory process wheat foods can really inflame all part your body from your gut to your brain to your joints and so definitely the wheat has got to go wheat is not a food for human beings you can't eat wheat products to keep from starving to death but they don't really help you in many other ways whatsoever cut the wheat out of your diet cut the rice out of your diet cut the corn out of your diet and cut the oats out of your diet all of these grains have defense proteins built into them to try to keep animals from eating them and those proteins inflame different parts of your body and for many many of my patients it's been their joints they get the inflammation and for many people stopping the grains makes a noticeable difference in their joint stiffness and pain and swelling so please try that the next thing is vegetable oils canola safflower soybean corn oil peanut oil any of these oils are inflammatory they have a terrible omega-6 to omega-3 ratio which can really really wreak havoc on all your body parts especially your joints and so you've got to get the vegetable oils you got to get the Crisco the parquet the Country Crock I can't believe it's not butter all that crap needs to go in the garbage you need to use real butter bacon grease avocado oil olive oil those types of things the next thing is liquid dairy and this comes from a reformed milk baby I used to drink a gallon of milk a day when I played football in high school thinking it was good for me good for my bones good for my joints now I know looking back that when I was in my mid-30s my joints were killing me and part of the reason was all the dairy I was drinking and so the only dairy that I use in the almond dairy I recommend you use is butter the full fat cheese's and maybe heavy whipping cream but anything less fat than that is just going to have too much lactose and too much of the potentially inflammatory milk proteins in it that could inflame your joints another thing that people find that inflamed in flames their joints is nightshades this is tomatoes potatoes peppers eggplants and several other little members of this species you you if you're still if you've done a lot of these things right still having joint information I would try two or three-month trial of eating no nightshades whatsoever and see if your joints don't get better and then one more thing isn't legumes beans and peas a lot of people think these are really healthy foods they're moderately carbohydrate on the only carb levels some people can eat them some people can't when it comes to just weight loss in carbon count but I've had people say you know my joints kept bugging me until I stopped the beans and peas and then my joints got so much better so if you're still having trouble with the joints I would stop all beans and all peas for two to three months and see what that does and so therefore the proper diet that's going to actually give your joints all the nutrition they need to rejuvenate and renew is the ketogenic Way or the low carb high healthy fat or even the carnivore diet any of these are gonna give you the nutrition you need to rebuild healthy joints and they're not going to cause inflammation in your body and in your joints that could lead to that severe arthritis now all the treatments that doctors have the bullets we have in our gun right the prescription pad and the scalpel all of those things are temporary fixes right if you take anti-inflammatories or if you take steroids those block your inflammatory cascade at certain points and inflammation chronic inflammation is a bad thing but to stop it with a pharmaceutical pill is not a victory okay you might have pain relief but you're damaging your kidneys and other organs by taking these medications chronically and you do not want to do that I've had patients who take ibuprofen or celebrex or or mobic for years and years it's oh yeah it really helps my arthritis doc just keep giving me refills of that only to come up a few years later with kidney damage and I'm like yeah remember I told you you don't need to be taking those every day but they did because it made the pain go away it was a quick fix it was a band-aid instead of trying to figure out the underlying cause they just wanted the quick fix and I would highly caution you not to look for the quick fix whether it's an anti-inflammatory whether it's a chronic steroid that you take whether it's an opiate a narcotic that you take we have a huge narcotic problem in the United States right now because people are trying to just mask the inflammation in pain instead of fixing the underlying problem and then we have a billion dollar surgery industry that will replace your knee or your thumb joint or your shoulder or your hip if the inflammation gets so bad that you just can't stand the pain almost none of those surgeries are truly necessary when you're eating the the appropriate human diet and you're using your joints you're moving them okay remember back to where I was talking about the car analogy you don't wear your joints out by using them basically you need to go by the mantra you either use them or you lose them that's how you need to think about your joints and so I'm not advocating skydiving or bull riding but you do need to be active you need to go for a daily walk you need to lift some weights those things will help you repair rejuvenate regenerate your your the cartilage lining of your joints I've had patients who were bone-on-bone in their knee and the orthopedic surgeon said there's no other choice except for a knee replacement nothing else will help you and I've seen these patients change their diet change your activity maybe get some Prolotherapy or PRP and within a year's time they've got beautiful cartilage in that joint again it's absolutely possible I've seen it happen it can't happen for you as well okay so please before you start taking on taking a narcotic or a stayer electronically or an anti-inflammatory chronically or have joint replacement surgery please try three months of a ketogenic diet and being more active and then at the end of that time if your joints are no better so be it go do what you're gonna do to start with but please give the proper way a three-month trial before you slap a bandaid on it okay now if you enjoyed this please click the subscribe button I think it's right down there and click the little bell beside it so that when I have a bright idea you'll be one of the very first to be notified about it also you may already have known this about me but I don't get a penny from big food or Big Pharma or a big medicine none of those guys really like me that much because I don't work for them I work for you right and if you'd like to help me have more time to make videos just like this click on my patreon link it's right down there you can sign up very quickly and you can throw a buck or two my way so that I have more time to make more videos just like this this is dr. Barry I'll see you next time
Channel: KenDBerryMD
Views: 871,932
Rating: 4.9075375 out of 5
Keywords: is your diet causing arthritis, does diet cause arthritis, does diet damage joints, which diet is best for arthritis, which diet is best for joints, what should I eat for my joints, how does diet affect joints, arthritis in hands, arthritis in knee, arthritis pain relief, arthritis in back, arthritis in neck, joint pain, joint pain causes, joint pain home remedies, arthritis home remedies, arthritis home remedy treatment, eat for your joints, joint health, arthritis, dr berry
Id: ePg3V4iOBI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2018
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