10-Year Old Rheumatoid Arthritis Gone in 3 Months | Satvic Movement

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[Music] like i still feel so stiff i used to cry during my night [Music] i was not even able to walk properly [Music] if i wanted a glass of water i had to call my dad 10 years of my life i lived wondering if i will be able to live a normal lifestyle [Music] satwik lifestyle it was like completely new concept for me later on i was able to see that magic my body is healing slowly within three months of time i'm able to walk normally was able to reverse rheumatoid apparatus this was miracle for me and even doctors think like i am a living american [Music] my name is seema and i'm 31 years old and i'm from mumbai it all started way back in the year 2008. i was only 21 years old in my final year of engineering and the doctor told me that i have this disease called rheumatoid arthritis my world completely shattered because i whatever information that i got it told me that this disease is completely incurable and i will have to live with this disease for my entire lifetime i was not even able to walk properly i had to plan how i will brush my teeth i was not able to climb stairs i was not able to get down of these stairs my dad would also serve me food because my finger joints were affected every step i would take would be filled with pain as if pieces of glass has been kept under my foot as the disease progressed the pain increased in my body and my joints started to deform i just feel so stiff i used to cry during my night i was dependent on painkillers and steroids and lot of allopathic medicines in order to be able to walk normally all my pure group all my friends they would travel go to shopping i was not able to go to shopping also no travel nothing so most of the time i would spend my time inside my house my finger joints was very stiff i was not able to write properly because of which i was not able to clear my final year be exam because of that i was not motivated enough to pursue my dream pursue my career it not only affected my health but every aspect of my life my relationship my finance i was not able to do any activities that a normal individual would be able to do so 10 years of my life i lived every single moment in pain and wondering if i will be able to live a normal lifestyle there is no use of living this life in which i have to be a burden towards my family members then one day the pain level was so intense i decided that i need to do something on this so then i came across many people reversed their disease i saw videos how satwik lifestyle it was like completely new concept for me my perception towards healing completely changed and it increased the belief it increased the faith in my own healing system in the power of mother nature i started doing sun bathing my morning routine involved having a glass of cucumber and celery juice and i would feel so lively after having that juice then after that i make my green smoothie which is made up of spinach along with some favorite seasonal fruits my next meal would be my breakfast which would be fruits that i would have would be pomegranate papaya musk melon then i would have my lunch which include any one grain along with lot of vegetables like pumpkin i would have carrots beetroots beans or mutter so all these vegetables i would have with any one grain like millet or maybe brown rice or quinoa then i would have my last meal which would be stir fry vegetables it can be cauliflower along with mata beans along with mata or soup or some salad raw salad i stopped all processed food refined sugar oils then meat and egg which doctors normally recommend my doctor used to always tell me chicken cow mutton cow one time actually i had also one egg because doctor told me and my mom forced me and the other day i was not able to walk i was like oh my god they say that you need to have vitamin d supplement i left all supplements i decided to rely on natural source of vitamin d that is sunlight i was always recommended like you should do exercise in gym and i also did exercise for some period of time and it did not give me any result but when i switched to doing yoga and exercise in natural sunlight in open environment with fresh air like fills your body with oxygen and oxygen does not let any disease survive in your body [Music] the sun shines so bright every single day that itself says that the sunshine is for you like god is telling that this sunshine i'm giving you so that you are able to live a life that is free of disease later on i was able to see that magic that my body is healing slowly within three months of time i am able to walk normally i am also able to do up to 30 surya namaskar i saw that my hemoglobin level increased my inflammation level drop and it can be clearly seen in my blood reports as well like the major indicators of inflammation are crp and esr so my esr was 87 and it dropped within the normal range that is 11 and my hemoglobin was around 8 and it increased to 11 like it was completely normal and this was miracle for me and even doctors think like i am a living american what i would tear towards someone who is suffering from this diseases try to visualize a beautiful picture of your future now whatever you're seeing around you the pain that is in your body is temporary it is not going to last forever and when you start following this diet and lifestyle you will not depend on any allopathic medicine no pain killers no steroid like you will be living a life which you never imagine and there will be so much of gratitude for every single breath now that you have come to know that this disease can be reversed with this natural lifestyle don't procrastinate take action right now because the magic lies in now light illuminates as you walk down that road so start walking just don't think what will happen that's what i want to say pain is temporary it will pass once you follow this satwik lifestyle you
Channel: Satvic Movement
Views: 1,088,348
Rating: 4.9180007 out of 5
Keywords: rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis treatment, rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis diet in hindi, joint pain treatment, natural cure for arthritis pain, joint pain home remedies, जॉइंट पैन का घरेलू उपचार
Id: y79_9PSBFyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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