My Arthritis CURE | 4 years so far

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[Music] hey everybody its Brad and Krista with the big family homestead and I got to tell you what folks if you have arthritis or you know anybody with arthritis you're not gonna want to miss out on the information in this video because it's literally changed my world now Brad used to have a crippling arthritis pain one second what we got to tell them we're not doctors no you're right we're not we're conveying and I'm going to let you get right back to where you were what happened in our lives we're not we're not advocating you take a drug not drug nothing you do your own medical research you don't you check out with your doctor what works for you this is our story about how I honestly have no more arthritis and I'm not using what she's getting ready to tell you about so Brad used to have a crippling arthritis arthritis pain and he was on a monthly shot called symphony that was a $2,500 shot he would get this once a month yes to five zeros are you gonna do sign language again every month every month and then he would have some relief honestly it was not a hundred percent pain relief it was probably 80 or 90% most of the pain was reduced and then we found whoa you gotta have you gotta go further into it okay because I was on that shot for four years yes at least four or five years and it worked it didn't remove as mama said all of the pain but I could I could do my job I mean I was a praise and worship director to church so I got to use my fingers I got to be able to play guitar and then insurance changed and he wasn't allowed to get the insurer to get the medicine anymore and within a couple of weeks he couldn't raise his arms to put his t-shirt on I had to actually it was really I mean as a guy it's really really kind of embarrassing where you got to ask your wife aching I can't move my arms up can you put my shirt on can you help me put my shirt over my head and it was like she said in the so intense and and I gotta tell you what I know a lot of you guys out there who are watching this have arthritis and I'm telling you I understand it is horrible and well the insurance changed and I was no longer able to get this $2,500 a shot month thing and so we were in a panic mode yep and then how did we find out about this a friend of the channel said you need to look into what's called Moringa oleifera it's a plant that grows in the very hot regions of the world and they said missionaries are using it to cure everything from anti-inflammatory stuff to blindness and I was like you gotta be kidding me I'm not buying this at all but we were so desperate we tried it was like alright so as we did research on it this is what blew me away this plant is unlike any other plant on the globe mama Reed this is just a laundry list of a few things just a few things to do and this has more just start that side so there's seven times Maria has this Moringa has the one serving of Moringa has seven times more vitamin C than oranges four times more vitamin A than carrots four times more calcium than milk seven times potassium of bananas seven times the protein of yogurt that's two times did I see really see say seven you did sorry two times the routine of yogurt here food baby alright is this - or - 525 so I can't read his handwriting that's why I asked to look at it before we started it looks like 2 s anyway 25 times the amount of iron in spinach 3 times the amount of vitamin e of almonds and 7 no starter 350 times the vitamin b3 of peanuts but that is only the beginning I only wrote down like the big ones but the real thing it would just blows me away and scientists have not found another plant that does what I'm getting ready to tell you and it is that it has all of the essential amino acids that humans need not one or two like most plants all nine which are the essential ones and when I started taking this plant it's it's a powder that we'll show you in a second what it looks like they picked the leaves they dry them out and they grind them into a powder we buy them as a powder and then mama has this device that you scrape it into me yeah I put it into veg capsules and then put the caps on it and then that's how he takes it he could take it in a smoothie but having it it doesn't taste very really grass yeah it tastes like grass but having it in the pill form is a lot easier for him to take now even for grace grace takes this every day I have to mix it with a thick yogurt that we make and it blends really well with that thick yogurt and then I can put that yogurt into milk and dilute it that way so she can take it through her g-tube well for people who don't know I was just gonna say our daughter Grace is g-tube fed so it's literally a two that goes straight into her belly and so that's why that however yeah it tastes bad it's just literally like that if you like grass you'll love this but I gotta tell you here's the thing look I've been off this medication for or the symphony for how many years now for four years this is what I take every day and this is just my story once again not a doctor but I'll tell you what and this is the case guys every time we make one of these videos and I make sure that we do one at least every six months because it helps so many people we get email after email after email or people saying I used to not be able to get up and walk around and now I'm at the mall walking the mall or I'm now cutting vegetables I'm able to make dinner again I'm playing with my grandchildren oh my gosh dawn kills baby that one kills me because I know how bad it hurts anyway but it's also now this is all studies you know you can't don't shred on the FDA so this these are the studies have not been complete but they're finding out that it's an excellent anti-inflammatory it's an excellent antioxidant it normalizes blood sugar allegedly it normalizes blood pressure allegedly and tons and tons and tons more stuff guys it's literally a miracle plant and for me I'm gonna check it out yeah I I have no issue and I take this stuff every day that's the only difference well and he takes one teaspoon which in the veg caps that we use that are the zero zero and it's he takes four of those every day and you could split it up you could take two in the morning two at night if you don't want to take all four at once but for you it's four in the morning and you're good to go well now and there's gonna be links down below to the exact stuff that we buy but when we tell people about this this company generally can't keep up and so if you're interested I would get it sooner than later however I want to tell you two other things so you're not like well I can't get it because I'm not gonna be fast enough first of all if you can't get just this Moringa leaf powder they make it with Moringa and another superfood called chia seeds that'll be on the link down below however if you live where it's hot you can grow it you can grow it it grows crazy good but you've got to be where it's really really hot like Florida like southern Alabama arunya yeah yeah it's gotta be hot and you can get you can buy the seeds online if you want just the seeds however just be one if you're if you're a gardener it has a very low germination rate yep so get a lot of seeds and start a lot of seeds you know and then you'll have the right small amount a small amount plants yeah that the percentage of germination is very low it's low but there's some cool stuff that they're doing with this even like the the seed pods they will crush them up when they're dried and they actually will put them in a big container and it makes an incredibly good water filter that's awesome they'll also take the seeds themselves and they will squeeze it into an oil oh and the oil is super healing I mean our daughter Hope has she's got some kind of eczema on her hands but we have some Moringa oil and snore whatsit on her hands to keep it to heal it and it works out great it it really heals it it's gone so here's the thing guys we're sharing this mainly because I know how bad it hurts and and what you the limitations that arthritis puts on you and let me just tell you what I know that there's probably people going well I have osteo or I have rheumatoid the thing is this is that it doesn't for me it does not work on the osteo osteo is degenerative right right there's a difference this this helps with rheumatoid arthritis mainly in bread because rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease where osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease and he does have some severe osteoarthritis in his back and this is not what this enables me to play guitar this enables me to to get out in the homestead and be a normal guy and in I'll honestly say that when I got this it only took about two weeks to notice that oh my gosh this is working a huge difference yeah you know cuz there's a lot of those supplements and things out there that they'll say well you gotta take it for three months and then you'll know that is not me if I don't see something fast I'm like onto something else and so wanted to share this with you the links will tell them about what you need to look for oh this is important if you do buy some and it's not the OMG brand okay please please please make sure that it is a bright green if it is brown or dull color in any way send it back because it's bad it's not it's dead it's not gonna do any good this stuff has to stay in a dark container I love these containers because it's dark it's got a silver it's like a tin coating on the inside but it is a cardboard container and it stays dark you know if the bags are if you get it in a bag it's clear it's clear it's gonna be dead we actually had some from a company a long time ago and bro it was brown when we got it yeah and and it just so be forewarned that if it's not like a super bright green you probably got sold something that is not gonna work for you yeah it's garbage and you need to return but then again I'm not a doctor not recommending anything just tell me what works for us and what doesn't work for us here it is guys in all honesty do some research talk to your doctor but for me I can't you see our videos there's no way I could be doing this stuff if I had the arthritis that I had no he he couldn't Chuck wood he couldn't lift his arms up without excruciating so anyway wanted to share this with you guys because I noticed like it stinks so anyway do your own research check it out for yourself links below if you're interested in finding out more about what we use I guess that's probably it yep so I'm Brad and Krista you guys have an amazing day
Channel: Big Family Homestead
Views: 976,267
Rating: 4.8697748 out of 5
Keywords: Homestead, Homesteading, Urban Homesteading, self reliant, goats, freeze dried, chickens, backyard chickens, grow your own food, backyard farmer, canning, gardening, vlog, vlogger, preserving, Big Family, Big Family Homestead, health, homestyle, homeschool, modern homesteading, how to, frugal living, money saving, save money, moringa, moringa oleiferia, arthritis, RA cure, my arthritis cure, natural arthritis cure
Id: vYDnDq5nPcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 11 2018
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